Map of Heviz in Russian. Thermal lake Heviz in Hungary

Heviz is one of the largest thermal lakes in Europe and the whole world. The lake is located in western Hungary, in a small town bearing the same name - Heviz.

The area of ​​this unique reservoir is 47,500 square meters. Moreover, the outflow of water is so strong that the lake is completely renewed in one day. The temperature here stays at 28 degrees Celsius all year round, and the water contains many dissolved salts and elements - potassium, sodium, calcium, magnesium, various sulfates and fluorides, many useful bioacids and minerals. The water from the lake is considered healing, and the entire city of Heviz is one huge health resort.

The list of diseases that can be helped by warming up in the lake is simply huge - here are diseases of the musculoskeletal system, problems with joints and bones, diseases associated with metabolic disorders, and other ailments. An excellent infrastructure has been created around the lake, and every tourist who wants to improve their health can use the services of numerous sanatoriums and hotels.

Coordinates: 46.78714600,17.19299900

Lake Heviz

Lake Heviz is the world's largest natural biologically active thermal lake. It is located among the hills of the southwestern Transdanubian intermountain region. The wonderful healing properties of local water were discovered by the Romans. Thermal water in combination with physiotherapeutic procedures contributes to the treatment of almost all diseases of the musculoskeletal system and rheumatic diseases.

The uniqueness of the lake is that the water in it is completely renewed within 28 hours - such a powerful underwater source feeds it. Even in winter, the water temperature does not drop below +26 degrees, so you can relax here at any time of the year. The composition of water includes many microelements, and in such a ratio that is most beneficial for humans. Millions of gas bubbles and particles of bottom silt in the water, nicknamed “Heviz dandruff”, create the effect of micro-massage of the skin.

By the way, the silt here also has pronounced medicinal properties, so it is used for medical and cosmetic procedures. Due to the high water temperature, there is practically no flora or fauna in the lake. And only a single plant decorates its water surface - the amazingly beautiful pink water lilies brought here from India.

A large number of medical and spa centers are concentrated around the lake. Excellent specialists work here who can create an individual health program taking into account your wishes.

Coordinates: 46.78685300,17.19292800

Lake Heviz is located in western Hungary in a small town of the same name. This popular holiday destination is open all year round and is the largest thermal lake in Europe.

Its area reaches 47,500 sq.m., and the water temperature ranges from +24 °C in winter to +36 °C in summer.

Despite its impressive size, the water in the lake is renewed within 48 hours.

The surface of the reservoir is covered with stunning lilies, brought specially from India in 1898 by the professor of the Keszthely Academy of Economics Sandor Lovassi. Lilies are the hallmark of the lake. Touching and tearing them is strictly prohibited.

History of Heviz

The first bath was built in the 18th century. In 1920, after the signing of the Treaty of Trianon, Hungary lost many bathing resorts and Heviz became the most significant of them. Construction work has been carried out here for several decades. In 1952, the Ministry of Health founded the Heviz State Spa Clinic here. In May 1992, Heviz received city status and became one of the most popular resort centers in Europe.

Holidays on Lake Heviz: prices in 2020

  • Ticket for 3 hours - 3200 forints;
  • Ticket for 4 hours - 3900 forints;
  • All day ticket - 5500 forints;
  • Additional ticket for 1 hour - 1100 forints;
  • Additional ticket for wellness services - 2200 forints;
  • “Hot & Cold” (includes visit to the lake and wellness services) for 2 hours - 3400 forints;
  • “Relax” (includes a visit to the lake and wellness services) for 4 hours - 5000 forints;
  • “Senior” entrance ticket from 60 years of age for 3 hours - 2700 forints;
  • Children under 6 years old - free;
  • Ticket for children 6-14 years old for 3 hours - 1800 forints;
  • Tickets for students for 3 hours - 2700 forints;
  • Ticket to visit the lake (without swimming) for 30 minutes - 1000 forints + 2000 deposit;
  • Group entrance ticket for more than 20 people for 3 hours - 3000 forints/person;
  • Additional payment for exceeding time - 30 forints per minute;
  • Subscription for 10 hours (valid for 10 days) - 9000 forints + 1500 deposit;
  • Subscription for 20 hours (valid for 20 days) - 17,000 forints + 1,500 deposit.

Some types of tickets are only available upon payment of a deposit, which is returned 72 hours after the ticket expires. If you stay on the lake longer than the paid time, the deposit will not be returned to you.

When purchasing discount tickets, you must present documents confirming the benefits (pension certificate, student ID, birth certificate).

Hotels near Lake Heviz

There are many hotels in the city to suit every taste and budget. Most of them are equipped with air conditioning and satellite TV, and have their own spa centers, swimming pools, and fitness rooms. Judging by the reviews of tourists, the following hotels have the most comfortable rooms and convenient location relative to the beach:

Weather on Lake Heviz

The weather on Lake Heviz allows swimming all year round. In winter, frosts rarely occur, the water in the lake does not freeze, and the air temperature does not fall below +2 °C. From April until late autumn the weather remains favorable for relaxation. The peak of summer heat occurs in August; during the day the air warms up to +29 °C.

Properties of thermal water

Since water is very active, doctors advise staying in it for no more than 30 minutes, and then taking a break for 10-15 minutes. The total duration of bathing should not exceed 1.5 hours. You should not actively swim, because in such water it will be a big strain on the heart.

Doctors advise you to relax, hang on the swimming ring and not make sudden movements. This regimen promotes maximum health and stress relief.

There is a separate pool and beach for children.

The healing water of the lake has a unique chemical composition:

  • Potassium - 6.8 mg/l;
  • Sodium - 27 mg/l;
  • Ammonium - 0.32 mg/l;
  • Calcium - 81 mg/l;
  • Magnesium - 36 mg/l;
  • Iron - 0.04 mg/l;
  • Chlorides - 23 mg/l;
  • Bromides - 0.11 mg/l;
  • Iodides - 0.021 mg/l;
  • Fluorides - 1.4 mg/l;
  • Sulfates - 64 mg/l;
  • Hydrocarbonate - 378 mg/l;
  • Sulfides - 3.2 mg/l;
  • Metaboric acid - 0.5 mg/l;
  • Metasilicic acid - 43 mg/l;
  • Free carbon dioxide - 86 mg/l;
  • Dissolved oxygen - 3.6 mg/l;
  • Radon content is 3.8-0.8 Bq/l.

Total water mineralization is 754 mg/l.

Indications: metabolic disorders, diseases of the musculoskeletal system, osteochondrosis, gout, gynecological diseases, inflammation of nerve endings, joint pain, polyarthritis, radiculitis.

Contraindications: malignant tumors, heart disease, lung disease, increased thyroid function, thrombosis, diabetes mellitus, pregnancy.

Before using water, you should consult your doctor!

Treatment in a sanatorium on Lake Heviz

At the bottom of the lake, thanks to the interaction of thermal waters and peat, healing mud is formed, which contains all the ingredients of healing water in concentrated form. The unique composition of the mud opens up wide possibilities for physiotherapy. At a local sanatorium you can take courses in mud applications (wraps). Mud therapy is indicated for skin diseases, hormonal disorders, and gynecological diseases.

In addition to mud wraps, the sanatorium offers a wide range of services:

  • electrotherapy (iontophoresis, diadynamics, myotest, interference, ultrasound treatment);
  • magnetic therapy;
  • mechanotherapy (physical therapy, massage);
  • phototherapy;
  • underwater extension;
  • hydrotherapy;
  • drinking course.

In reviews, tourists often note that the best time to visit is the off-season. Due to the fact that there are a lot of vacationers at the resort in summer, prices for hotel services and accommodation are noticeably higher. Therefore, if you want to save money, do not plan a vacation in the summer, during the Christmas and New Year holidays.

To purchase tickets, you must stock up on Hungarian forints, as the ticket office does not accept other currencies. After payment, visitors are given electronic bracelets, which must be applied to the turnstile at the entrance. There are three ways to enter the lake: through the Schulhof entrance, through the Festetics bathhouse and through the entrance from Deak Square. You can use any of them, but you should remember that you need to enter and exit through the same entrance where you bought your tickets.

For swimming, it is advisable to take a swimsuit, towel, slippers and a robe with you. The ticket price includes the service of storing things in a special locker. To use it, you need to attach an electronic bracelet to a special display in the locker room. Your locker number will be displayed on it. It also closes with a bracelet.

Tourists are advised not to take valuables with them, even if you intend to leave them in the storage room. If a locker is broken into, the administration is not responsible for lost items.

More useful information can be found in the best reviews about Lake Heviz on Turister.Ru:

  • Do your joints hurt, your back ache, are your nerves frayed and everything is irritating? You urgently need to go to Heviz!

How to get to Lake Heviz

The road to Heviz will not take much time and effort. Those wishing to visit the famous resort can choose the most suitable route and mode of transport.

Taxi, transfer to Lake Heviz

The most convenient way is to use the KiwiTaxi transfer. Unlike a regular taxi, the service allows you to pay for the trip in advance, rather than looking for a currency exchange office at the airport and worrying that the cost will be too high. The order must be placed in advance, then upon arrival, a driver with a sign will be waiting for you. This option eliminates the problem of the language barrier and long waits for a car.

To get to the city of Heviz from Budapest Liszt Ferenc Airport or Sarmellek Airport in Ballaton, you can use the transfer service by ordering it from the resort administrator. The journey from Budapest takes 2.5 hours. The ticket price includes meeting at the airport and waiting in case of flight delay. Cost from 39 euros per person one way.

If you want to get to the lake on your own, you can order a taxi through the Uber app, rent a car, or find travel companions. It is especially convenient for passengers with children and large groups to use the car.

Directions from Liszt Ferenc International Airport - Google Maps

Trains and buses

You can get to Heviz from Delhi and Keleti railway stations by train. Since there is no direct flight, you will have to make a transfer in the city of Keszthely, which is located 5 kilometers from Heviz. Travel time is 3-3.5 hours. You can find a suitable flight on the website

From Keszthely you can get to the lake by bus. The bus station is located next to the train station. Buses with the Hévíz sign leave almost every hour. The trip takes 15-20 minutes.

There are also buses from Budapest to Heviz. At the Nepliget bus station you can buy a ticket and be at your destination in 3 hours. Bus schedules can be found on the website

Heviz is one of the most famous resorts in Hungary. It gained its popularity thanks to the largest warm-water lake in Europe - Heviz. Heviz is very popular among foreigners. Hundreds of thousands of German, Austrian and rapidly growing numbers of Russian visitors come to Heviz. Heviz is the richest and most expensive city in Hungary, which is more similar to its neighbors in Western Europe than to other Hungarian cities. Property prices are even higher than in the best areas of Budapest.

Location of Heviz

Heviz is located in Western Hungary, in the county of Zala, 5 km from the western part of Lake Balaton.
Heviz's immediate neighbor is Keszthely, the center of Zala County and the second largest city of the Lake Balaton region. Heviz is located 195 km from Budapest, 199 km from Vienna. From Budapest and Vienna airports you can reach Heviz in 2-3 hours.
Due to the ever-increasing tourism, Heviz Balaton Sármellék Airport, which is located near Heviz, is constantly developing and regularly receives charter flights. You can find detailed information about the airport on our website.

Lake Heviz

Lake Heviz is the largest thermal healing lake in Europe. The area of ​​the lake is 4.4 hectares, 38 m deep. A warm source of water feeds the lake, the temperature in summer is 35C, in winter 25C, so you can swim in it throughout the year.
Heviz is not only a beach, and not just a resort, but also one of the wonders of the world. The lake's water is regularly renewed every three days from the lake's springs, as the source that feeds it discharges about 85,000,000 liters of hot water every day.
The lake has a very high mineral content, so the water is offered for the treatment of rheumatic diseases and for maintaining health.
The lake water is potable and also medicinal; it is recommended for the treatment of gastrointestinal diseases.
On the shore of Lake Heviz there is a modern sauna with a wellness department (sauna, steam bath, ice bath, cave, pools) and a department of modern treatment methods (hydrotherapy, massage, mud therapy, movement therapy). The level of service of a modern lake bathhouse is equivalent to four-star hotels.

Programs and attractions of Heviz

There are many high-quality hotels in Heviz, each of which has its own spa treatment department. Hotels offer full spa treatments to guests, which are supervised by medical specialists.
The most important attraction of Heviz is the lake, and the city itself also has several attractions. The city has several churches, parks and Roman artifacts.
In the immediate vicinity of Heviz is the city of Keszthely, we recommend seeing the beautiful castle there.
A few kilometers from Heviz is Sumeg, where medieval ruins await visitors.

Here is a detailed map of Heviz with street names in Russian and house numbers. You can easily get directions by moving the map in all directions with the mouse or clicking on the arrows in the upper left corner. You can change the scale using the scale with the “+” and “-” icons located on the map on the right. The easiest way to adjust the image size is by rotating the mouse wheel.

What country is the city of Heviz in?

Heviz is located in Hungary. This is a wonderful, beautiful city, with its own history and traditions. Heviz coordinates: north latitude and east longitude (show on big map).

Virtual walk

Interactive map of Heviz with sights and other tourist sites - an indispensable assistant in independent travel. For example, in the “Map” mode, the icon of which is in the upper left corner, you can see a city plan, as well as a detailed map of roads with route numbers. You can also see the city's railway stations and airports marked on the map. Nearby you see the “Satellite” button. By turning on satellite mode, you will examine the terrain, and by enlarging the image, you will be able to study the city in great detail (thanks to satellite maps from Google Maps).

Move the “little man” from the lower right corner of the map to any street in the city, and you can take a virtual walk around Heviz. Adjust the direction of movement using the arrows that appear in the center of the screen. By turning the mouse wheel, you can zoom in or out of the image.