Diocletian baths. National Museum of Rome

Unfortunately, only ruins remain of many ancient sights of the capital of Italy, but even what has survived and been restored amazes tourists with its scale. The Baths of Diocletian are the name of the ancient Roman public baths. This is a whole complex of structures that have never been equal in size and technical equipment in the empire.

The history of the creation of the Baths of Diocletian in Rome

By order of Emperor Diocletian, the construction of baths in " eternal city"began in 298. Seven years later, the complex was completely finished and consecrated in honor of Caesar. The structures were located on a huge territory of 13 hectares and could simultaneously accommodate about three thousand visitors. The Roman Baths of Diocletian included three thousand baths and three large pools, the water of which was supplied from underground aqueducts.

It was no less luxurious interior decoration complex:

  • unique mosaic floors;
  • marble cladding;
  • babbling fountains;
  • statues of gods.

Termi Diocleziano were favorite place rest of the Romans. They performed not only the functions of baths, but also served as cozy place for communication, a hotbed of social and cultural life Rome. Entry was allowed to all free citizens. On the territory of Diocletian's baths, fountains, marble sculptures were built, and gardens with pavilions were laid out. There were also meeting rooms, a library, an amphitheater and a gymnasium.

The legend says that the Baths of Diocletian in Rome were built by Christians condemned to death and the construction of the complex took 10 years. During the Roman Empire, baths were open to men, women and children. The Romans came to the complex to relax, relax, chat with each other or take a walk. More active townspeople visited the Baths of Diocletian to play sports games and engage in wrestling.

The baths had several rooms for different types of procedures:

  • taking cold baths in a cool room (frigidarium);
  • hot, like modern saunas;
  • warm, to preheat the body.

In the mid-16th century, the Goths destroyed the Roman aqueduct, and the Baths of Diocletian fell into disrepair. Over time, the complex began to deteriorate, until in 1563, by order of Pontiff Pius IV, the famous Michelangelo transformed the building. The cozy monastery courtyard, designed by the architect, now houses more than 400 exhibits from the times of imperial Rome and many ancient sculptures.

Baths of Diocletian at present

At the end of the 19th century, part of the complex was reconstructed. Currently, this part of the Baths of Diocletian houses the National Museum of Rome. Its archaeological heritage is considered one of the richest in the entire world and consists of finds found in the baths, as well as various collections of Roman and Greek art. On the territory of the baths, Michelangelo harmoniously placed the Church of Santa Maria degli Angeli, built in the Renaissance style.

The Palazzo Altemps, in addition to the Baths of Diocletian, is one of the main objects of the National Museum of Rome. There are 104 sculptures from the ancient era, collections belonging to Cardinals Ludovisi, Altemps and the Princes of Mattei. The palace was built according to a design by Melozzo da Forli in the 15th century on the Campus Martius near Piazza Navona.

Another remarkable palace was erected by the architect Camilo Pistrucci in 1883-1887. On the ground floor there is a numismatic collection, on the other three there are antique paintings, sculptures and mosaics. Particularly memorable are the frescoes with painted birds, trees and flowers from the winter triclinium, which previously decorated the villa of Augustus’s wife, Livia. The pride of the national museum is considered to be works from the Villa Farnesina and sarcophagi. “Gal Ludovisi” is also a must-see at the Baths of Diocletian in Rome. This is a marble copy of a large triumphal monument, showing the scene of Gall killing his wife. The sculpture is filled with expression and is made with complete detail of what is happening.

How to get to the Baths of Diocletian

The complex is located on Via Enrico de Nicola (Enrico De Nicola). The most convenient way to get to the Baths of Diocletian is to use the metro. You should get off at one of the stations - Termini or Republic (Repubblica), and then walk a few hundred meters. Another option to get to the ancient Roman baths is to take a bus (there are several routes) to the Cernaia stop.

Tourists can visit the Baths of Diocletian in Rome on any day except Monday. Opening hours from 9.00 to 19.45. Please note that the ticket office closes half an hour before the complex closes. Not far from the ancient Roman baths is the Baroque church of Santa Maria della Vittoria, which will also be attractive to tourists.

National Museum Rome is one of the main centers of historical and artistic culture of united Italy. There is a stunning collection of ancient sculptures, mosaics, frescoes, and coins. The museum is not popular among tourists, but for good reason.

National Museum of Rome, photo Richard Mortel

The National Roman Museum (Museo Nazionale Romano) is a complex of four objects dedicated to Roman history:

  • Palazzo Massimo,
  • Balbi Crypt.

It is one of the best museums in terms of exhibition design, work organization, and convenience for visitors. The National Museum of Rome was created in 1889. It brought together numerous exhibits from the ancient period. The basis of the collection is the collection of the Kircheriano Museum, which received the collection of the Villa Ludovisi in 1901. At first, all the exhibits were located in the premises of the former monastery on the territory of the Baths of Diocletian. In 1990, the museum was reformed, and the collection was dispersed across 4 objects. Today the National Museum has one of the richest collections of ancient sculpture.

Palazzo Massimo

Balbi Crypt

Baths of Diocletian, photo HEN-Magonza

The Baths of Diocletian (Terme di Diocleziano) are the ruins of ancient Roman baths not far from. They were erected in 298 - 305. In 537, the Goths destroyed the aqueduct and the baths ceased to exist. In 1561, Pius IV commissioned Michelangelo to reconstruct the territory of the baths. The Caldarium was rebuilt into the church of Santa Maria degli Angeli e dei Martiri; the building of a Carthusian monastery appeared. Since 1889, some rooms of the Baths of Diocletian have been occupied by the historical part of the collection of the National Museum of Rome with a collection of Greek and Roman art. On three floors there are various artifacts telling about the development of the Roman state since ancient times. Collections of inscriptions and sculptures are exhibited in the halls.

Address of the Baths of Diocletian: Viale Enrico de Nicola, 76, 00185 Roma,
Website: www.coopculture.it.

Palace Massimo

Mosaic, photo David Morgan-Mar

Frescoes from the Villa of Livia, photo Devon D'Ewart

Palazzo Massimo alle Terme was built in 1883-1887. architect Camilo Pistrucci. The numismatic collection is located on the ground floor. Two floors of the palace are occupied by a collection of antique sculpture, and on the third – mosaics and antique paintings. I remember the frescoes on which trees, flowers and birds are painted, from the winter triclinium from the villa of Augustus’s wife, Livia. The pride of the museum is the frescoes of the Villa Farnesina. Sarcophagi are displayed in the halls.

Sitting boxer, photo @@@@@

“Sitting Boxer” is one of the masterpieces, a statue of the Hellenistic era of the 1st century. In addition to its artistic merits, it is an example of metalworking.

Address of the Massimo Palace: Largo di Villa Peretti, 2, 00185 Roma,
Website: www.museonazionaleromano.beniculturali.it.

Altemps Palace

Palazzo Altemps, photo mctl

Palazzo Altemps houses collections of art: the collection of Cardinal Ludovisi, consisting of 104 sculptures from the ancient period; the Egyptian collection, the collections of Prince Mattei and the Austrian Cardinal Altemps.

The Altemps Palace was built according to the design of Melozzo da Forli for Girolamo Riario in the 15th century. on the Champ de Mars, next to

Throne of Ludovisi, photo edk7

The throne from the Ludovisi collection is a masterpiece of Greek art from the 5th century. It was part of the altar of the temple of Aphrodite at Locrae. On the central bas-relief of the throne we see how Aphrodite is born from the foam of the sea.

Hall with Pergamon sculptural group“Suicide of a Gaul”, photo by M.Pardy

The Gallus Ludovisi is a marble copy of the bronze group of the great triumphal monument erected by Attalus I in the Pergamon temple of Athena c. 220-230 Gall kills himself and his wife. The sculpture is executed with detailed detail and expression.

Sarcophagus “Grande Ludovisi”, photo GianJames

Another masterpiece of the Ludovisi collection is the sarcophagus “Grande Ludovisi” (II-III centuries), its height is 1.5 m.

Altemps Palace address: Piazza di Sant’Apollinare, 46, 00186 Roma,
Website: www.museonazionaleromano.beniculturali.it.

Balbi Crypts, photo by Christopher Mendes

The exhibition of the Crypt of Balbi contains exhibits from archaeological excavations and is dedicated to the history of the development of Rome.

Address of the Balbi Crypt: Via delle Botteghe Oscure, 31, 00186 Roma,
Website: www.museonazionaleromano.beniculturali.it.

Working hours

Tue-Sun from 09:00 to 19:45;

Mon is a day off.


Entrance to one of the 4 museums - €10.00; preferential – €5.
If the museum is hosting an exhibition, the ticket costs €13.00; preferential – €8.

The combined ticket includes admission to all museums (The Baths of Diocletian, Massimo and Altemps palaces, Balbi Crypt) and is valid for 3 days.
The total cost of a combined ticket is €12.00; preferential – €6.
If exhibitions are held, the combined ticket costs €15.00; preferential – €9.

At the time of buying online tickets on the website the cost increases by €2.

Under 18 years of age admission is free.
Every first Sunday of the month - admission is free.

Buy tickets in advance online:

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Baths of Diocletian. About the popularity of terms in ancient world Evidenced by the fact that, for example, in the famous baths of Diocletian, about 3,500 people could bathe.

The use of thermal baths for hydrotherapy has been known in the Mediterranean since ancient times. In particular, thermal waters used by the Greeks. This is evidenced by a mass of archaeological finds, literary and scientific evidence. Bathing in hot waters was valued by the Greeks primarily because they believed in their divine origin. It is no coincidence that in the regions thermal springs temples were built, such as the Temple of Apollo at Delphi or the Temple of Olympus. Despite the fact that the ancient peoples were wrong about the origin of thermal springs, they were right about one thing: the water from them really has a positive effect on the human body. Advantages of hot springs and mineral waters Hippocrates praised it in his treatise “The Use of Liquids.”

The baths of Dioctetian have survived to this day in a fairly intact state, having, however, undergone reconstruction in 1566. One of the round halls was rebuilt into the Church of San Bernardo alle Terme

Human life is unthinkable without water. Water is a source of life-giving moisture, with its help we prepare food and, most importantly, after hard work we perform ablution, which brings us freshness, health and vitality to the body. It is difficult to say with certainty who, when and under what circumstances the first bathhouse was invented. A detailed written description of the baths was compiled by the ancient Greek historian Herodotus of Halicarnassus in the 5th century BC. e. He assumed that the first baths arose among different peoples almost simultaneously. One of the first to introduce the cult of baths were the Egyptians. These baths acted as medical institutions, since in Ancient Egypt Many diseases were treated with water. Egyptian papyri contain many recipes that helped women and men get rid of the signs of aging. Baths were the main means of rejuvenation and healing. The Greeks, in turn, adopted many designs for the construction of baths.

At the beginning of their existence, Greek baths were called “laconicums”, from the city of Lakonica, from where bathing procedures spread throughout Greece.

It is impossible not to mention in our story a great fan of the baths of Herod, the king of Judea. His most famous building was the Northern Palace built in Masada. The baths of Masada were decorated with mosaics and marble and amazed with their luxury. They consisted of a changing room, a room with a swimming pool (also called a cool room), a warm room and a hot steam room (caldarium) with a double floor. The structure of the caldarium itself was somewhat reminiscent of a modern Finnish sauna. The king also had a special room for anointing his body with healing oils and incense.

In ancient Rome, baths arose according to the Greek model of baths, they were called thermae (ancient baths in Greece, in large houses). The first Baths in Rome were built by Emperor Agrippa (25-19 BC) and handed them over to the Roman population for use.

And the Roman Emperor Andrian, in turn, made the culture of visiting thermal baths widespread. He was the founder not only of the mass construction of public baths, but also the founder of the standard construction of public buildings. The heating methods and systems in its thermal baths still evoke the admiration of modern specialists. Water supply systems of different temperatures for swimming pools are strikingly complex. The popularity of baths in the ancient world is evidenced by the fact that, for example, in the famous baths of Diocletian, about 3,500 people could bathe.

Ruins of the Baths of Diocletian

But if the Greeks were one of the first peoples to appreciate hot springs, then the Romans were the ones who glorified this means of relaxation and healing. The ancestors of modern Italians did this through the massive construction of public baths. Thus, in Rome alone the number of public and private baths exceeded 800. In general, the Romans tried to build themes wherever they discovered thermal springs.

Baths of Caracalla

The most famous thermal buildings that have survived to this day are the Baths of Caracalla and the Baths of Diocletian. Looking at these buildings, it is easy to imagine how famous personalities rested in the baths: Pliny the Elder, Catullus, Vitruvius, Tibullus, Titus Livius, Horace, Martial and other prominent figures. The latter, by the way, dedicated a number of his epigrams to the baths. It is noteworthy that despite the big names mentioned above, the cost of visiting the baths was not very high. So they were available to all inhabitants of the Roman Empire.

The Baths of Diocletian is a structure that architecturally follows the shape of the entire city. It was erected in Ancient Rome and served as a bathhouse. At one time, 3,200 people could fit there.

Diocletian, as one of the ancient Roman emperors, dreamed of delighting his guests with luxurious festivities. It was here, at the end of the 3rd century AD. entertainment events, rich feasts and absolutely any entertainment that one could imagine were concentrated. And for the curious, it was possible to chat in the libraries, which were located right there.

The Baths of Diocletian were built in such a way that on any day the water was heated by the warm rays of the sun, and where it was needed it remained cold. Until the 6th century, the legendary Roman aqueduct functioned here, until it was destroyed by the Goths.

Basilica of Santa Maria degli Angeli e dei Martiri, dedicated to the Virgin Mary, angels and martyrs in Rome. Located on Republic Square.

Later, the church of Santa Maria degli Angeli was founded on the ruins here. The baths were reconstructed in 1563 by order of the pope. All works were supervised by Michelangelo. By the way, he was 87 then.

The Catholic Church with its high morals at that time on the ruins of an ancient Roman bath, where people indulged in all possible sins, from drinking wine to love games - this is truly ironic.

Roman physicians, including Galen, Pliny and Celsus, also spoke about the healing effect of thermal springs. They tried to discover the connection between diseases and the chemical and physical properties of water from thermal springs.

After the fall of the Roman Empire, many of its structures began to decline. Naturally, this also affected the terma, since the growing Christianity had a negative attitude towards these places, considering them inappropriate.

In the Middle Ages, thermal springs were used only for medicinal purposes. And in the 13th century their scientific study began. Many scientists were interested in the properties and qualities of water: Michele Savonarola, Pietro d'Abano and Pietro da Eboli. The latter, in one of his treatises, described in detail the healing capabilities of 35 thermal springs in the vicinity of Pozzuoli. Gradually, from treatment centers, thermal springs began to again acquire the status of centers of recreation and social life, acquiring resort towns. Representatives of the upper classes of Italian society spent whole days at the thermal springs.

Nolly's plan showing Baths of Diocletian

The modern popularity of thermal springs began to gain momentum again in the post-war years. Recognition of the real health-improving effect of thermal baths made it possible to include them in the national sanitary system and thereby expand treatment methods for the entire population.


Baths of Diocletian ( Terme di Diocleziano) were built between 298 and 306, becoming the crowning achievement of the engineering thought of their time, and were a colossal thermal complex with an area of ​​more than 13,000 square meters. meters, the largest ever to exist in Rome. According to legend, their construction was carried out by Christians condemned to death.

The baths occupied the space between, Viminal and. Their size can be assessed by walking around the objects built in their place. This is the basilica, the National Roman Museum, the basilica. Main station Rome, Termini, is also named after the baths of Diocletian.

The thermal baths were located on a fenced artificial platform. They included fountains, pavilions, libraries, and meeting rooms. In the center of the complex were the baths themselves, built according to the standard plan that had become by that time - a central axis with symmetrically located rooms.

1 - Caldarium, 2 - Tepidarium, 3 - Frigidarium, 4 - Pool, 5 - Palaestra, 6 - Main entrance, 7 - Exedra

The simple facades of the baths, covered with marbled plaster, were enlivened by sparse mosaic panels at the entrances. Such simplicity of decorative decoration and a gradual increase in volume towards the central hall emphasized the grandeur of the complex and distinguished it from places of worship. The absence of curvilinear rooms, and therefore a variety of interior shapes, is the influence of the East.

The Baths of Diocletian accommodated more than 3,000 visitors at a time. There were 3,000 individual baths and three swimming pools with pure water. Cold baths were located in the frigidarium, warm baths in the tepidarium, and hot baths in the caldarium. The hottest room - the lakonik - was used mainly by the sick. The heat was generated by a fire under the floor maintained by slaves. Solar heat was also used to heat the water. Water came through a branch from the Aqueduct of Marcius.

The baths were open to all residents, including women and children, and were completely affordable. But even a modest entrance fee was often covered by the generosity of the emperor or some rich person, who took upon himself the cost of visiting the baths for citizens for a period of from one day to a year.

Visitors came to the thermal baths not only to wash themselves. All kinds of entertainment, feasts and other events were held within their walls. Here, for example, there was a library in which philosophical debates took place, and in the gymnasiums one could practice sports and physical exercises. In addition, here you could simply get warmth in winter and coolness in summer.

The complex functioned until the 6th century and began to fall into disrepair and collapse with the arrival of the Goths, who blocked the aqueducts to deprive the Romans of water. And only in the 16th century, under the leadership of the great 87-year-old sculptor and architect Michelangelo, a basilica was built on the ruins of the tepidarium, preserving its walls Santa Maria degli Angeli e dei Martiri,named after the Christian martyrs who died during the construction of the baths.

Basilica of Santa Maria degli Angeli e dei Martiri

A number of rooms in the baths became part of the museum, and one of the round lobbies was transformed into another basilica -San Bernardo alle Terme.The remains of another such vestibule can be seen between Via Viminale and Piazza dei Cinquecento.

Basilica of San Bernardo alle Terme

The decision to create the National Roman Museum was made in 1889. Its section in the Baths of Diocletian was designed to introduce the beginning of Roman history.The museum's exposition includes the walls of the baths themselves, ancient sculptures, household items, weapons of the ancient Romans, Etruscans and other peoples who inhabited the Apennine Peninsula. The rarest exhibits are the sarcophagi of ancient and Christian Rome. An extensive epigraphic section demonstrates the emergence and development of the Latin language in various media during the 8th century BC. - 4th century AD