What to do during the summer holidays if you're bored. What to do during the summer holidays? Summer holidays - how to spend them fun and usefully

Already on September 1, children begin to wait for the autumn holidays at school to begin. And here it is, a week of long-awaited rest. It would be nice to get away with the whole family on a trip, forget about everyday life, and enjoy the newness - but this is not always possible.

However, this is not a reason to encourage your child to study textbooks or scold him for endlessly sitting with a tablet. Kidpassage offers new program autumn holidays, in which there is no place for boredom and idleness. Be careful: our ideas are exciting!

1. Week of quests

A mysterious story, adventure in search of a solution and a well-deserved prize - these are the three successful components of the quest. You can play the game right at home by coming up with an original scenario.

The quest “The Case of the Bedside Monster” will help dispel a child’s unreasonable fears, and during the game “The Journey of a Lonely Sock” you will also be able to put things in order in children’s things.

The fun can be transferred to the street or to the supermarket, but the route with tasks will have to be thought out in advance. Offer teenagers a trip to an quest room - professionals come up with tricky scenarios for them.

Tip: find out which museums offer quests for children.

2. Cooking school at home

When it’s gloomy and cold outside, it’s so nice to have tea at home with homemade cookies. All you need to do is find a simple recipe and organize a festive tea party in an hour.

Younger schoolchildren can be trusted to roll out the dough, cut out figures from it and decorate the finished gingerbread cookies. The older ones can handle kneading the dough and even icing if necessary.

Tip: Cooking school lessons can be devoted to healthy desserts or quick breakfast dishes.

3. Fashion show

Entrusting your child with cleaning the closet is not always successful. But offering to try on things and create fashionable looks is a much more promising option.

Several problems are solved at once: the child learns to combine things, select the right clothes for different occasions, dress in accordance with the weather; nothing interferes with imagination and creativity; it’s easier to notice what clothes you need to buy and what time to remove from the closet; order is restored by itself.

Tip: successful outfits can be photographed and used as a hint on what to wear.

4. Watch educational channels

Have you seen modern popular science videos? Short videos clearly and clearly explain anything: why zebras are striped, how to deceive a compass, where to get a lightsaber, why you need to sleep.

There are channels that help improve the school curriculum in various subjects.

Tip: You can get ideas for chemical and physical experiments from the video and organize an evening of magic tricks with your child for his friends.

5. New board games

If you don't associate board games with the words "laugh", "fantasize", "invent", "investigate", "hurry", then you are not familiar with the latest board games.

Games for endurance and logic, for developing strategic thinking and memory, for ingenuity and speed of reaction, for pampering and entertainment - all these are great ideas for the autumn holidays.

Advice: good board games are not cheap, so it is better to get acquainted with new types of games in specialized studios or anti-cafes.

6. Photo session in the autumn park

A traditional and very good idea for a holiday with a child in the fall. But this activity can also be played out in a new way. Let's say, leave a child on the other side of the lens - let him be a photographer and catch parents, yellow leaves, red rowan in the frame.

You can take a series of photographs about autumn emotions, about sadness and daydreaming, about joy and tranquility.

Advice: if by the end of October there is no trace of the golden autumn left, a bright piece of clothing - a hat, scarf, gloves - will add color to the photo.

7. Family trip to the cinema

Among the November premieres, there may well be a film that everyone will want to watch together. But if the ARVI season has already begun, it is better to set up a movie theater at home - stock up on popcorn if you are used to buying it at the cinema, turn off the lights and devote a couple of hours to a good movie.

Advice: younger schoolchildren will willingly draw tickets for a home movie show, and themselves, as a cinema employee, will watch the film for free.

8. Master classes

Perhaps the first weeks of school were so busy that there was not enough time for additional classes. But you can devote your vacation during the autumn holidays with your children to finding a new hobby by attending master classes or one-time classes in clubs and studios.

Tip: interesting master classes are held during city holidays. Sometimes museums, cafes and pizzerias, and art stores offer activities for children.

9. Children's camps for the autumn holidays

The programs of autumn children's camps are very intensive - holidays, hikes, master classes, quizzes, discos and many other things fit into one week. Sometimes during the autumn holidays there are school or city camps where children can spend several hours a day.

Tip: The idea of ​​how to spend the autumn holidays can be suggested by the child’s hobby. There are thematic, language, sports camps, which operate in the fall.

10. Travel book for holidays

Even vivid impressions are erased from memory. Therefore, it is worth creating more reliable storage for them. This could be a photo collage that reflects every day of the holidays, or an album with important signs - an autumn leaf, a paper muffin tin, a quest map, movie tickets and even inscriptions in invisible ink.

The child himself will be surprised how many interesting things can be done during a short vacation.

Tip: encourage your child to do short description every day or find one word that accurately conveys the mood.

A calm morning, a leisurely breakfast together and a day full of adventures - this is character traits not only successful holidays, but also successful travels. Winter is approaching, and you can already look for a good place for holidays with children. At your service - .

Autumn holidays last only a week, and that's far from best week per year. It’s slushy outside, my mood is so-so, I want to sleep until lunch, bury myself in the TV and watch cartoons.

But best vacation- change of activity, so don’t waste time and take the holidays into your own hands.

A few rules for a good holiday:

  • In the first two or three days, which fall on the weekend, allow your child to be lazy and do nothing at all. Sleep, eat, get stuck on your tablet, take a walk to the nearest cinema - that’s welcome. Autumn holidays are needed for a break. A few days of seal rest will be just right.
  • Then you need to do your homework to forget about them, like nightmare, until the end of the week and not remember every evening that the homework is not done, but time passes.
  • And only then get serious about having fun.

Where to go on vacation

Don't sit at home. If you can’t get away for a week and go to Russia, spend more time outdoors. When you get tired of collecting leaves and acorns for crafts, come up with something more exciting.

Museums, exhibition centers and theaters are preparing special programs for the autumn holidays. In just 10 minutes spent looking at posters, you will create a program for your entire vacation.

Allow your child to choose which events he wants to attend, so as not to drag him out of the house against his wishes.

2. Travel to another city


A good way to spend your holidays when... hometown everything has already been examined. The main thing is not to choose an excursion from a travel agency, but to go on your own.

Choose one of the nearby cities, find the attractions you want to visit, book a hotel for a couple of days and go.

Explain to your child how to use city maps, how to navigate unfamiliar streets, how to politely ask for directions and find out where the bus is going. These are even more interesting to study than new museums and exhibitions.

At the same time, you will show your children how to plan a trip, where and how to buy tickets, and what services to use to find a hotel. This will be useful for high school students, especially if they are going to study in another city.

3. Find the deepest puddle in the park

There is no use fighting bad weather, so use it. Fun for younger students: take rubber boots, a stick, a marker and a ruler. Apply markings to the stick and go measure the depth of the surrounding puddles. Write down the results in a special notebook. In this case, each puddle must be sketched.

If you take measurements every day for a week, you will get finished project, which will also be useful at school. This will help you look at the slush from a different angle and spur interest in research.

4. Lay out a leaf maze


On a walk in the park, take advantage of what nature has provided and make a labyrinth out of leaves. You'll do a great job at first to make an interesting path. Then the children will have a great time playing with it.

5. Ride a horse

We're not talking about a five-minute ride in the park, but about a full-fledged lesson in an equestrian club. Horseback riding is an active sport that will keep you warm in any weather. And getting to know the horses will lift your spirits: the horses are warm, huge, each with a unique character.

6. Take part in a charity event

With older students, volunteer: help organize a charity event, spend a day at an animal shelter, plant a tree, or help clean up the playground. Socially useful work ennobles and provides a lot of interesting experience.

What to do at home

When the rain and wind keep you outside, find activities to keep you warm and cozy. Some people like quiet activities, while others don’t want to sit at the table and assemble yet another craft from leaves and pine cones. For such people there are more interesting entertainments.

7. Organize a board game championship


Get a new one every night board game to keep the whole family busy. Record the results in a table so that at the end of the holidays you can summarize the results and distribute prizes.

Aerobatics is to come up with your own board game, draw cards and write down the rules.

8. Start doing exercises

During the autumn holidays, you shouldn’t go too far out of your routine. After the first days of unbridled rest, you need to return to the working rhythm so as not to go to school completely overwhelmed.

But try waking up your child early during the holidays. It's time to introduce a family routine with some fun music into the daily routine.

9. Have a pajama party

At school, children communicate a lot with classmates, so during the holidays there may not be enough of a team, especially towards the end of the week. Invite your child to invite friends to a pajama party with watching cartoons (or movies, depending on the age of the child), funny and not entirely healthy snacks, and horror stories.

10. Get a pet


If you wanted, then autumn holidays is the time. The child will have a lot of free time, which he will spend on a new friend, and the animal will be able to adapt to your home within a week.

During the holidays, the child will learn the basic rules of caring for an animal and will be able to integrate communication with it into his schedule.

11. Have a dress-up marathon

This requires a little more imagination than other activities, but the end result is more fun.

Think about what each new day will be dedicated to. For example, Monday - the sea, Tuesday - the sky, and so on. On Monday, put on vests or something striped, assign roles (who is the captain, who is the boatswain) and until the end of the day, communicate as if you were on sailing ship. During the day, have time to scrub the deck, load supplies into the hold (that is, go to the store and fill the refrigerator). At the same time, tell your child everything related to “sea” matters: why watches are needed, why a compass is needed, how to navigate by the stars, and so on.

This marathon can be combined with any other entertainment. Choose exhibitions, cartoons and games on a given topic.

Make costumes from scrap materials. Dressing up helps you quickly immerse yourself in the topic. Don't forget to take photos in your outfits.

12. Prepare new sweets every day

Cookies, pies and everything that will help you get more warmth and energy on autumn evenings. At the same time, teach your child to cook.

13. Make a feeder


It will soon become very cold, but you will have time to make a bird feeder from anything: wood, a tin can or a plastic bottle. Perhaps it will be useful not only for birds.

The long-awaited one has come New Year, with which I, dude, congratulate you! An impressive holiday is ahead, and this prospect warms the heart in the winter cold. And now you’ve eaten too much Olivier, gotten drunk on champagne, and you’re sitting at home and thinking: what am I going to do with a week of free time? Just don't try to waste it, dude! Enjoy your time. What to do this holiday week?

Complete a computer game

It so happened that I started the text with a topic in which I am an absolute noob. I've played so many games in my life... You can count them on the fingers of one hand. However, I really enjoyed them! I remember once, during my school days, I spent everything the winter vacation to complete the favorite game of that time - “Heroes of Might and Magic 3”. It was a delight! If you are determined to spend your time at home and not show your nose outside (it’s cold!), prepare a strategic supply of chips and quick cereals (when your stomach starts to hurt from chips, you will remember my words) - and go ahead!

Read one book - completely

Do you think it won't work out in a week? How will it work out! You underestimate yourself. Here is a living example of how people can read quickly: I once read an entire novel in a day. And not some empty detective story, but “The Collector” Fowles. It was during the winter session, an exam on foreign literature was approaching, and Fowles lay unread. The day before the exam, I pressed my butt to the couch and started reading. Then I lay down. Then he sat down again. Then I read in the kitchen. In short, I read all day. And I read it! Nobody demands such feats from you, but reading one book from cover to cover during the holidays is an honor.

View the filmography of one director or actor

Don’t follow the lead of the TV, which pushes “The Lord of the Rings” on you every New Year’s holiday. Who hasn't seen The Lord of the Rings? Or lazy, or someone who finds the fantasy genre unpleasant - there are also such people. Instead, come up with an alternative program for yourself. Have you always missed the work of a certain director? Do you want to fill the gap? Interested in how a particular actor has changed throughout his career? It's time to satisfy your curiosity and fill this gap in your horizons. I did this with several directors, and I’m happy with the result.

Sort things

Do you know what's hidden in your desk? Are you sure you know the contents of your wardrobe? Aren't you worried that the mezzanine is about to collapse on you under its own weight? You shouldn't be so confident in yourself. Practice shows that absolutely every house is teeming with a variety of rubbish. Old notebooks, books, clothes, small things of all kinds, newspapers, video cassettes, audio cassettes and disks, a broken Soviet-era camera, ski poles on the balcony - you are the owner of a huge pile of things you don’t need. The holidays are long, you are guaranteed to get tired of lounging around in the mysterious glow of the Christmas tree garland. To avoid getting bored, you can allocate one day for each separate area of ​​the apartment or piece of furniture. Two hours of excavation - and you're free! Get down to business and rid your home of the remains of the past year. He has already gone!

Organize correspondence

I am more than sure that you have friends and relatives with whom you have not been in touch for a long time. Some traditionally moved to St. Petersburg, others to Goa, my grandmother has been living in the village since time immemorial, and a classmate has been in Germany for a year. And you're probably wondering how they're doing there. At least a little bit. Well, satisfy your curiosity, and then discuss it with a friend. Yes? And in general, it’s human to keep in touch. Previously, you made excuses by saying that you don’t have time, that you’re busy, that your mouth is full of worries - but now what kind of mouth do you have when you’ve been sitting on your bed for a whole week? Get to the computer and start writing a letter!

View photos

This advice is only for those who have not yet left their parents' nest. The activity is sentimental, tearful, but painfully pleasant. Every home has a special place where photographs are kept. There are photographs of young mothers and fathers in which you “were not yet in the project”, there are photographs where they themselves are still children: mother in tights gathered at the knees and with bows sticking out, father with a youthful mustache and in sports uniform - and that's not all. There you can find photo cards with images of grandparents, yourself as a newborn, polaroid photos of a funny format where you are at an exhibition wax figures or at the zoo. There are photographs of your school childhood, you are against the background of wallpaper on which posters of The Prodigy and Scooter hang, you are devouring a cake for your birthday, but here is the end of albums and the beginning of the digital era. If you like to be nostalgic, go for it.

Get back into the old ways of playing board games

On New Year holidays everyone is always at home, and from time to time guests drop by - fertile ground for long-forgotten entertainment. Our first lot is lotto! When was the last time you played lotto? This is a very funny event, especially when the guy taking the kegs out of the bag knows all the jokes. The next lot is cards. My family game is “Thousand”, it is played by three people. This is for those evenings when you don't have guests. Or they will. In short, when there are three people who are not averse to it. “I Believe It or Not” and fools of all stripes also go well. The mirror one makes everyone especially happy. Why are you all with these fashionable ones, the old thing is charming in its simplicity!

Get some sleep

This item joins any other item you choose by default. Getting enough sleep during the holidays is a sacred thing. I urge you not to interfere with this in any way. Don't lie down every day at three o'clock in the morning, staring at TV. This will prevent you from getting proper rest. Don’t exhaust yourself with endless and, moreover, unproductive sitting on social networks. Sleep abundantly and with pleasure! Next time you will have this opportunity only in May, and there are still a good six months before them.

When school holidays approach, parents fall into a slight panic. It’s not always possible to leave a child with grandparents, and everyone’s vacation has already taken place a long time ago. That is why many parents are interested in the question: what should a schoolchild do at home during the holidays?

Activities for children during the holidays

If the student is of primary school age, then parents should mainly take care of his interest in some activity. Children are not always, especially first-graders, able to concentrate on one specific activity for a long time, so activities need to be alternated, for example: drawing, modeling, watching educational cartoons, going for a walk.

For primary school children, during the holidays the school must plan different activities. They are developed by experienced methodologists and teachers, since not all parents can be with their child for a week. Caring mothers and fathers bring their student to school, where he will be under supervision. Methodists are completely distracted during the holidays children's attention from the school curriculum and direct all their efforts to the comprehensive development of children. During the week of vacation, children can master sand drawing, sculpting, and painting. Teachers try to make every day as varied as possible so that children do not get bored. Sedentary activities must be alternated with physical education or dancing.

If the student is of middle school age, then you can let him plunge into reading. Everyone knows that it is during the holidays that teachers ask to read part of the literature program. Reading can be alternated with walks in the nearest park or bike rides around the city. In this case, the child will have a break from classes and teachers, but at the same time will spend the holidays with benefit for the further educational process.

What should a teenager do on vacation?

When a child is in high school, he is no longer interested in activities such as modeling or drawing. Parents should choose more active and active types of entertainment for their child. It’s better to think through everything in advance so that during the autumn holidays you are already fully prepared and know that your child will not sit in front of a computer game or TV all week. Teenagers love to rebel against their parents and their proposals, but if you choose activities that really interest them, then there will be no problems in communication. Let's look at what can be offered for girls and boys of high school age.

Activities that are ideal for girls during the autumn holidays:

  • horse riding courses.

    Every girl quickly learns to ride a horse, moreover, it brings a lot of pleasure and energy. Schoolgirls can ride around on their favorite horse for hours and never get bored.

  • try yourself as a writer.

    Literature lessons have a positive effect on almost all girls. Why not write a beautiful essay or mini-novel?

  • master beading or scrapbooking.

    Students with a creative nature can attend express courses where they will learn to weave beaded bracelets, animal figures, etc., or learn the basics of scrapbooking in order to further develop themselves at home.

What can a boy do during the autumn holidays:

  • study active species sports: football, basketball, volleyball

    This can be professional training or just yard games.

  • participate in a special camp

    Today at big cities There are many development centers. Each of them specially prepares a program for the autumn holidays that would be of interest to a teenage student. For example, in the cinema camp, schoolchildren are grouped into groups of 5 people and provided with a curator. Children themselves come up with a script, shoot a video, edit a film, which will eventually be shown to both their parents and competitors from other groups.

  • learn something new, for example, roller skating or skateboarding

    Boys love to ride, including rollerblading. Today, parents have the opportunity to hire a special person who will share their secrets in literally a day or two, and your son can practice roller skating in a city park for a whole week of autumn holidays.

As you can see, today there are many activities that you can engage your child in at home. Feel free to start planning your fall holidays!

Vacations are time that needs to be spent wisely. Sometimes it feels like you still have weeks or months ahead of you. But they are known to fly very fast. You can't waste precious time. We definitely need to come up with something. Let's think together about what we can do during the holidays. So:

What to do on vacation?

The most important thing about any vacation is that it allows you to change the environment and some aspects of our daily life. During the holidays there is a certain freedom, unless, of course, you are going to work. But working during the holidays is also a vacation. Rest from educational activities. It has long been proven that the most good way rest means completely changing your usual life pattern. Therefore, psychologists advise going somewhere on vacation.

The farther you go, the better. We do not mean places where the air temperature is higher than the temperature in your region. It is not at all necessary to go to the sea. You can go to some Big city and devote your time to sightseeing and shopping.

The choice is yours, dear reader. The main thing, remember, you need to rest. You can't help but rest.