Amazing architecture in China. House piano with violin

“Construction and Musical” Day was invented by the International Union of Architects, created immediately after the Second World War to restore houses in destroyed cities and villages. AiF has found for you 10 of the most original examples of these “restorations.”

Ark house in Kemerovo

We patriotically decided to start the hit parade of the most unusual houses with our Kemerovo highlight. Built it Nikolay Orekhov, having originally seen... in a dream. No drawings or markings! At first I just wanted to build an original bathhouse, and then it suddenly grew into a house. Fellow villagers (Kemerovo region, Borovoy village) call this miracle house Nikolaev's Ark.


An extremely original shopping center in the form of... a barcode was built in St. Petersburg. The strokes are tinted glass, the numbers for the scanner are also windows on the top floor. In terms of originality, it is consonant only with a megamarket in Astana, covered with the world's largest tent, a mall in Dubai with an artificial ski resort, and a shopping center in Fukuoka (Japan), through which... a canal flows!

This amazing house called Piano House was built in Huainan (Anhui Province, China) according to the project of students of the Faculty of Architecture of Hefey University of Technology, developed jointly with the company's designers Huainan Fangkai Decoration Project Co.

Piano House consists of two parts depicting two instruments - a transparent violin resting on a translucent piano.
The unique building was built for music lovers, but has nothing to do with music. In the violin there is an escalator, and in the piano there is an exhibition complex in which plans of streets and districts of the city are presented to the attention of visitors.

The facility was created at the suggestion of local authorities. The unusual building seeks to attract the attention of Chinese residents and numerous tourists to the new developing area, in which it is the most iconic object. Thanks to the continuous glazing of the facades (clear and tinted glass), the premises of the complex receive the maximum possible amount of natural light. And at night, the body of the object disappears in the darkness, leaving only the neon contours of the silhouettes of giant “tools” visible.

Despite its popularity, the building is often the object of criticism as a kind of postmodern kitsch and a typical student project, in which there is much more outrageousness than art and functionality.

This “musical” building in the shape of a piano and violin is a unique, amazing and beautiful architectural miracle. Located in Huainan city, China.

It was designed by Hefei University of Technology and built in 2007 to attract public attention to the newly developed area. The structure consists of two parts: the “violin” (entrance to the building, inside there is an escalator for ascending to the “grand piano”) and the “grand piano” (the exhibition center itself). The structure is made of transparent and black glass.

Few people consider this creation to be an architectural masterpiece, but its impressive uniqueness is simply undeniable. Although it may not have been included in the list of cultural heritage of mankind, the house-royal undoubtedly gained wide popularity.

This building was built primarily to attract attention to the city of Huainan. Inside there is an exhibition center where plans of streets and districts of the city are presented.
Construction of the piano house was completed in 2007. It was originally planned as a symbol of the development of the new area, while simultaneously serving as an exhibition center where people could get acquainted with the construction plan for the new area.
The project was carried out by students from the Architectural Design Department of Hefei University of Technology together with designers from Huainan Fangkai Decoration Project Co. The building serves as an exhibition complex where cultural meetings are held, where various ideas and prospects for the development of the new city are presented.

A unique structure in the form of a piano with a cello leaning against it was built in the Anhui province of China. This is an exhibition hall for urban planning and it is striking in its originality.

Both the piano and the cello play a role in the structure: the first houses the exhibition hall itself, while the second is a staircase and escalator - the only way to enter the building itself.

What exactly prompted the architects to build a building from this particular pair of musical instruments is difficult to say, but the project was developed at one of the prestigious universities in China - the University of Science and Technology, located in the city of Hefei. Perhaps symbolism played an important role here. After all, the building was built as an exhibition center, which presents various plans for the expansion of the city and virtual three-dimensional models showing the future of developing areas. Probably, the beautiful sight of a transparent glass cello and an elegant piano should make Chinese citizens think that the future of their country, like music, is beautiful and majestic.

The piano house was built using modern building materials, including glass, concrete and polyethylene pipes. Due to its amazing shape, the building is becoming a popular tourist spot. Who wouldn't want to have a photo of themselves in front of a huge piano, pressed against a glass cello? And local residents call the building the most romantic building in China. It's hard to argue with them, isn't it?