Turgenevka Crimea lavender fields. Lavender field - the pride of France and the national symbol of Provence

I have been making this purple post for the fourth year in a row and every year I receive a lot of requests to tell me more about this place, how to get there and when exactly is the best time to do it next year to see everything with my own eyes...
Yes, yes, I’m talking about the Crimean Provence again, which is becoming more and more popular every year, so much so that during the lavender flowering period, whole strings of cars are drawn here with those who want to see the purple madness with their own eyes, feel this unforgettable powerful aroma and take such coveted photos.
This year, the local village council even took unprecedented measures to limit the access of cars directly to the fields. All the roads around the fields have been dug up, in addition, guard "patrols" have been posted at the entrances, preventing the possible passage of all-wheel drive vehicles and those wishing to fill up the ditches and drive to the fields. True, no one forbids walking.
Oh, and to preempt questions about the location of the field, at the end of the post I put a map with points of the most interesting locations to shoot, which I have never done before. Take, use)

2. Lavender fields, which are looked after and which have not turned into wastelands overgrown with weeds, are not so many left in Crimea. Two of them are quite large and the most beautiful, these are the ones I have been shooting for four years in a row, and this is where a lot of people are trying to get

3. Of course, they are not as well-groomed and beautiful as in Provence or Istria.
The main difference is the smaller row spacing, as a result of which the Crimean fields are almost a solid purple carpet, in contrast to the clearly divided rows in Provence.
The disadvantage of not having gaps is that it is difficult to control weeds. Therefore, our Crimean fields look a little untidy due to interspersed with foreign plants.

4. But this does not detract from the beauty and aroma of lavender ..


6. There will be lavender honey...

7. Workaholic


9. Rows of lavender stretching into the distance





Well, now the most important thing. Where to find these fields and when is the best time to go to catch the peak of lavender bloom?
Lavender in Crimea blooms from the first decade of June to the first decade of July, depending on how warm the spring and early summer were. So, for example, this year, due to the cold spring, flowering was delayed - I caught its peak on July 2. Last year, the peak fell on June 10-13, the year before last on the 20th, and in 2011, as well as this year, it was in the first days of July.
And this is a map of the location of lavender fields, access points and the most interesting points for shooting. Location - the village of Turgenevka, Bakhchisaray district.
The red lines on the map are the borders of the fields. The blue lines are the access routes. On the Sevastopol-Simferopol highway I will descend from the side of Sevastopol, from above - from the side of Simferopol to Zheleznodorozhny, from there turn to Turgenevka, through the railway line and to the T-shaped intersection. Then we go either straight along the dirt road to the lower corner of the field, from where we have to walk, or through the village above, and then behind the farm we turn onto the dirt road and along the field road until it stops until we hit a trench. It's about in the middle of the field. Why exactly here? The fact is that in the lower part of the field, near the village, the rows of lavender are rather nondescript and there are a lot of weeds. But above everything is much richer and more beautiful. Points of interest are marked with yellow crosses. There are several more such points on the second field, which is separated from the first by a beam. I do not recommend trying to overcome it by shooting on the first field. It is better to return to its lower part and drive along the road to the lower part of the second one and from there go on foot to the points I have marked.

My previous photo essays and photo stories:

Lavender fields in Crimea, write down where to find them. ..

Yes, yes, I’m talking about the Crimean Provence again, which is becoming more and more popular every year, so much so that during the lavender flowering period, whole strings of cars are drawn here with those who want to see the purple madness with their own eyes, feel this unforgettable powerful aroma and take such coveted photos. This year, the local village council even took unprecedented measures to limit the access of cars directly to the fields. All the roads around the fields have been dug up, in addition, guard "patrols" have been posted at the entrances, preventing the possible passage of all-wheel drive vehicles and those wishing to fill up the ditches and drive to the fields.

True, no one forbids walking. Oh, and to preempt questions about the location of the field, at the end of the post I put a map with points of the most interesting locations to shoot, which I have never done before. Take, use)

There are not so many lavender fields, which are looked after and which have not turned into wastelands overgrown with weeds, in Crimea. Two of them are quite large and the most beautiful, these are the ones I have been shooting for four years in a row, and this is where a lot of people are trying to get

Of course, they are not as well-groomed and beautiful as in Provence or Istria. The main difference is the smaller row spacing, as a result of which the Crimean fields are almost a solid purple carpet, in contrast to the clearly divided rows in Provence. The disadvantage of not having gaps is that it is difficult to control weeds. Therefore, our Crimean fields look a little untidy due to interspersed with foreign plants.

But this does not detract from the beauty and aroma of lavender.

Well, now the most important thing. Where to find these fields and when is the best time to go to catch the peak of lavender bloom? Lavender in Crimea blooms from the first decade of June to the first decade of July, depending on how warm the spring and early summer were. So, for example, this year, due to the cold spring, flowering was delayed - I caught its peak on July 2. Lavender in Crimea blooms from mid-June to late August. And if at this time you find yourself in the Crimea, plan a trip or hike to the fragrant lavender fields - the impressions will remain for a lifetime. And this is a map of the location of lavender fields, access points and the most interesting points for shooting. Location - the village of Turgenevka, Bakhchisaray district.

The red lines on the map are the borders of the fields. The blue lines are the access routes. On the Sevastopol-Simferopol highway I will descend from the side of Sevastopol, from above - from the side of Simferopol to Zheleznodorozhny, from there turn to Turgenevka, through the railway line and to the T-shaped intersection. Then we go either straight along the dirt road to the lower corner of the field, from where we have to walk, or through the village above, and then behind the farm we turn onto the dirt road and along the field road until it stops until we hit a trench. It's about in the middle of the field. Why exactly here? The fact is that in the lower part of the field, near the village, the rows of lavender are rather nondescript and there are a lot of weeds. But above everything is much richer and more beautiful. Points of interest are marked with yellow crosses. There are several more such points on the second field, which is separated from the first by a beam. I do not recommend trying to overcome it by shooting on the first field. It is better to return to its lower part and drive along the road to the lower part of the second one and from there go on foot to the points I have marked. enjoy)

The history of Crimean lavender In the Crimea, narrow-leaved lavender, or real lavender (Lavandula angustifolia), is grown. It is unpretentious, drought-resistant, grows even on stony soils. This plant is native to the French and Spanish coasts. mediterranean sea, first sown in Nikitsky botanical garden about 200 years ago. In 1928, it began to be grown commercially for the production of an essential oil used in perfumery and medicine. Its flowers contain 1.5-2% fragrant oil. Thirty years ago, lavender fields in the Crimea occupied about 2.5 thousand hectares, and oil from the Crimea was even supplied to perfumers in France. Now the plantations have shrunk, many fields are abandoned. There is not much wild lavender in the Crimea, it can be found in the foothills of Krasnolesye, on Chatyrdag and not far from Gurzuf.

What is made from lavender In any market or impromptu bazaar in the season there is a grandmother with lavender. A bunch of fragrant herbs costs from 40 to 100 rubles, depending on its thickness and place of sale. Sometimes they sell sachets filled with threshed lavender flowers. The sachet can be put in the closet - this will give the bed linen an exquisite aroma. It is believed that dried lavender repels moths, but in practice this did not help the author of these lines. Lavender is added to herbal teas to add flavor or sold separately (50 g from 60 rubles). This tea is drunk for colds, it soothes and relaxes. Another useful product worth buying is aromatic oil in small vials (120-180 rubles per 10 ml). It is believed that it relieves headaches, suppresses influenza, helps with insomnia and soothes neurasthenia. Use this oil in aroma lamps or add a few drops to the bath (preferably with salt under running water). A traditional Crimean souvenir is a postcard with a vial of lavender oil attached to it. Lavender honey is also highly valued. But although the markets and shops in the Crimea offer supposedly monofloral lavender honey, this is at best just herbs. This lavender quickly disperses among familiar and regular customers.

Some time ago, tourists going on vacation to the South had a new hobby. They found out about the lavender fields in the Crimea - where they are and when they bloom, now whole strings of cars are heading to such places. The newlyweds go for wedding photo, artists and just nature lovers, and, to be honest, petty swindlers who intend to "free" pick a sheaf of fragrant flowers.

Where are the lilac lands located?

It is not easy to unequivocally answer the question where are the lavender fields in Crimea, which are considered the best. There are quite a lot of them, and in different regions of the region. Earlier, even under the USSR, there were even more of them, and raw materials from Taurida were even supplied to France and were in demand among perfumers there.

But even now there are many plantations. You can see them while driving along the route "Simferopol - Sudak". You need to be especially careful after the village of Crimean Rose. There is even a village called Lavender (to go from the capital to) - of course, there are landings near it. In the area of ​​the main city of Crimea, lavender grows near the villages of Vodnoe, Mazanki, Medicinal.

In Belogorye, it is between the villages of Fragrant and Tsvetochnoye (appreciate the names!). Plantations are found in Uchkuevka, and on. But the Bakhchisarai region is the richest in lavender. Plantations are planted near the villages of Kudrino, Shelkovichnoe, Growing, Zavetnoe. The most famous and popular lavender field is located near the village of Turgenevka.

June is the time of flowering of the Crimean lavender. Once this essential oil plant was cultivated throughout the Crimea, but then the demand for our lavender, or rather, for the oil obtained from it, fell and the fields began to fall into disrepair and disappear. Previously, lavender fields were right under Sevastopol and there was no need to go somewhere far to shoot it. But now it's different. Today, all photographers go to Turgenevka, near Bakhchisaray, to the only two huge fields. By the way, this is the second field in Europe in terms of area (125 hectares)!
From time to time someone tries to charge a fee for passage to the field, but each time there is a fuss in the press and social networks and the "buying" stops. Instead, when approaching the field, the guards issue a reminder that being among the blooming lavender is deadly. Essential oils in such a concentration can easily kill an unprepared person! It also becomes clear from the memo that we are threatened by snakes, bees and bumblebees. So I'd think a hundred times over whether it's worth putting myself at that risk.
But every time, having thought a hundred and first time, I come to the lavender fields. Why? Because it's crazy, fantastically beautiful. And beauty requires sacrifice. Yes, and dying from an overdose of lavender aromas is much cooler than from poisoning with burnt vodka. So in my case it is a justified risk. Do you want to join?

2 This picture clearly shows these same fumes that can knock an elephant off its feet!

3 And this is what the rows of lavender itself look like


5 And this is a lavender bush. She grows like a ball

6 Behind the lavender field, a bright field of wheat and a lake

7 In the same place and Bakhchisaray



9 This airplane can even fly over lavender

10 Gorgeous place, right?



13 Sunset was approaching and the light began to change. Around that moment, I got a call from my friends with whom I had come here in their car and said it was time to go home. I was shocked: after all, it is for the sunset that most people come here. Of course, the "friends" left without me, and I'll show you what you and I could miss by agreeing to quit filming. True, because of this, I got home four hours later than planned: at first I walked for an hour to the highway, then for more than an hour and a half not a single bus or car stopped. As a result, some sledak gave me a lift on a service nine, and even then - only to Severnaya, where I barely managed to catch the last boat going to the city.

14 And meanwhile, the sunset began!




We are often asked where lavender fields are located in Crimea. Many people want to visit them during the flowering period. It became difficult for everyone to answer, and I decided to write this article so that everyone can make their own route, taking into account visiting at least one lavender field :)

Let's start with the fact that we denote the timing of flowering. Lavender does not bloom all year round, but only a couple of months of the year, from mid-June to mid-August, but you better come to the field before mid-July to have time to see all the lavender splendor BEFORE harvesting lavender.

There are also wild abandoned fields in the Crimea, which no one cleans industrially, they can be visited in August. However, now there are so many who, without planting lavender themselves, use it for commercial purposes, that even wild fields you may not find blooming. Lavender is harvested on an industrial scale: it has become very profitable due to the growth in demand and the open borders of Crimea.

So, You can meet lavender in Crimea in several places: near Sevastopol, in Simferopol, Belogorsk, Sudak and Bakhchisaray regions and near Alushta.

Bakhchisarai region. One of the most beautiful and largest fields is located near the village of Turgenevka, it is located 7 km from Bakhchisarai. You can get there by car and on your own.

If you are traveling by car, then it is most convenient to get along the Sevastopol-Simferopol highway to the village of Zheleznodorozhnoye, and after moving through the railway crossing, continue moving in the direction of the lilac fields. Bakhchisaray will remain on the left side. Upon reaching Turgenevka, turn left before the stop and go around the village around the edge.

If there is no car, then you can get to Turgenevka by regular bus, departing almost every hour from the Bakhchisarai bus station along the Bakhchisaray - Belokamennoye route. You have to walk a little to get to the village.

also in Bakhchisarai region there are lavender fields near the villages Growing, Cherished, Kudrino and Shelkovichnoye (behind the reservoir).

Simferopol region. Here lavender can be found in the villages of Opushki and Mazanka, the fields are abandoned and overgrown with weeds. More well-groomed fields are located in the villages of Medicinal and Harvest. And the most beautiful are the fragrant fields of the Lavender state farm on the road from Radiant to Northern Demerdzhi. You can get to them from Simferopol or Alushta by trolley bus. You need to get off at the bus stop near the village of Lavender. And from here to the fields about an hour on foot along the road leading towards Mount Demerdzhi.

Many lavender fields are located on both sides of the track Simferopol-Sudak. The fields begin 40 km from Simferopol near the village of Crimean Rose.

Sevastopol region. Here, small lavender fields have been preserved not far from the boarding house. Mokrousov (Uchkuevka) and in Uchkuevka itself near the post office and the beach, as well as on Mekenzian mountains and in Andreevka, although in the latter after the fire, they say, there was a very small area with lavender.

AT Belogorsky district lavender can be foundnear the villages of Fragrant and Flower.

But what about mountain lavender? You ask.

We answer: you can admire the lavender fields while traveling along the mountain road leading from Yalta to the Uchan-Su waterfall.

Here is our guide.

If you want to collect lavender and take it home with you. Remember that you will not bring it fresh. One option is to dry. In order for your lavender to stand for a long time and please you when you return home, it must be properly dried. To do this, collect the lavender in a small bunch, clasp the stems with your thumb and forefinger - this is a sufficient amount of the bunch, no more is needed. Tie the bundle with string and hang the flowers down in a shady and well-ventilated area. Flowers must be completely dry before shipping.

As for the purchase of dry and fresh bunches in markets, train stations and so on. Many locals earn extra money by selling lavender in bunches. But no one will give you a guarantee that they know how to pick and dry flowers. It may happen that purchased bundles fall off along the way. Well, even if they crumble, make yourself a sachet;)

In the markets of Crimea, you can also find lavender essential oil. Trust only factory production, artisanal oil production can be of poor quality.

I won’t talk about teas with lavender in particular. They are sold in bulk. There is a homemade from local residents, there are packed like in production. But you will not be able to check their quality, the sellers most likely will not have documents. To trust the quality of this product or not is a purely personal matter. Look, smell, taste.

With lavender honey, things are even more complicated. It will be offered often. But to know for sure whether it is lavender or not, it will not work: inside the jar there may be ordinary flower honey. The only way to somehow protect yourself from falsification is to ask the seller where the honey is collected, where are its apiaries? Above you see a list of places where lavender grows in Crimea. And if beekeepers sell honey from other places, then most likely you are being deceived. To collect lavender honey, you need very large plantations of lavender flowers.

In general, wherever you go - enjoy your holiday! And take care of yourself.

I hope that this material will be useful to you;)

Project Creator LAVANDA shop

Anastasia Danilova

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The article uses photos of Sergei Anashkevich

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