Customs rules for the export and import of goods into Lithuania. Customs rules of Lithuania What cannot be transported through Lithuania in transit

Lithuania is original and colorful, its nature amazes with its richness. Lithuania is one of the few countries where ancient history, modern culture and picturesque nature are intertwined in amazing harmony. Lakes, rivers, the amber sea, sand, healing mineral springs and mud, as well as the stunning architecture of the cities attract many tourists from all over the world.

As in any country, in Lithuania there are a number of rules, compliance with which will make crossing the border quick and pleasant.

What can you import to Lithuania?

The import and export of currency is not limited.

Tourists from the EU can bring into Lithuania duty-free up to 800 cigarettes (200 cigars or 1 kg of tobacco), up to 10 liters of spirits (over 22%) of alcoholic beverages, up to 90 liters of wine, and up to 110 liters of beer. Tourists coming from countries that are not members of the EU can carry less of these goods, namely: up to 200 cigarettes (or up to 100 cigars or 250 g of tobacco), up to 1 liter of strong alcoholic drinks, up to 2 liters of wine or beer .

Sports equipment is imported into Lithuania per unit per person (that is, 1 kayak, 1 pair of skis, etc.). Permitted for import are stereos (no more than 1), typewriters (no more than 1), cameras (no more than 2) and photographic films (no more than 5 per camera). Items needed during a trip for personal use, such as video recorders and video cameras, computers, tape recorders, televisions, mobile phones, binoculars, strollers, etc., are also allowed to be imported in quantities of no more than 1 copy.

For the import of hunting and sporting weapons and ammunition, crossbows, spare parts for weapons, drugs and drug-containing medications, psychotropic substances, military and police ammunition, radio electronics and high-resolution copying equipment, flower plants, food products of plant origin in quantities of no more than 1 kg , fuel (in addition to fuel in the tank, which should be no more than 20 liters per vehicle), tires (additional, no more than 5 per vehicle), 1 gas pistol or pneumatics and other similar goods must obtain permission from Lithuanian government agencies in advance.

What is prohibited to import into Lithuania

Weapons, explosives, drugs, meat and meat products, as well as some medications are prohibited from being imported into Lithuania. The import of ethyl alcohol and home-made alcohol, pearls, precious stones, as well as semi-precious and precious metals, scrap ferrous metals, excise-free tobacco products, eggs, dairy products, mushrooms (in quantities over 10 kg fresh or over 5 kg dried) is prohibited.

Despite mutual sanctions, Lithuania continues to remain attractive to the majority of Russian tourists. The only thing that can overshadow your stay in this beautiful country is the many-kilometer queue at the border with Lithuania. You can significantly ease your situation if you find out about the queues online in a timely manner.

The Lithuanian border can be crossed at specialized checkpoints from both Russia and Belarus. However, regardless of the selected item, the order of intersection does not change and must be followed strictly.

  1. Having arrived at the checkpoint, you need to prepare the required documents.
  2. After the entrance barrier, you should decide which corridor to travel next: Red or Green.
  3. At the checkpoint, you need to turn off the car engine and provide the car for inspection by customs officials.
  4. All travelers must exit their vehicle and present their documents to a passport control officer to receive a border crossing stamp.
  5. Receive a note from the transport inspector about the presence of a Green Card for the car.

If the car is carrying goods that are subject to customs duties, you should use the Red Corridor. If travelers do not have such goods with them, they can follow the Green Corridor.

Traveling with children

If the child is accompanied by one of the parents and neither the child nor the parent are citizens of Lithuania, notarized consent from the other parent is not required. If a child is traveling accompanied by third parties, notarized consent from the parents is mandatory.

If the parent and child have different last names, the child's birth certificate is required.

Customs regulations

When going on a trip by car, you should remember that the laws of Lithuania allow you to transport into the country only a certain amount of products per person:

  • Two bottles of beer, wine or liquor.
  • A bottle of strong alcoholic drink.
  • 40 cigarettes.
  • No more than one kilogram of plant products.

It is prohibited to import:

  • Meat and dairy products.
  • Chicken eggs.
  • Canned food, sausages.
  • Milk chocolate.

Violators of the rules may be fined by border guards and goods found may be confiscated.

Necessary documents for traveling by car

To travel to Lithuania by car in 2019, you need to have a set of certain documents with you:

  • A foreign passport, which is valid for another three months after returning from a trip.
  • Permission to enter the territory of Lithuania of the appropriate type.
  • Medical insurance policy with a coverage amount of 30 thousand euros.

  • International driving license.
  • Documents for the car.
  • Green card is an international insurance certificate.
  • Documents for animals if they travel with their owners.

In some cases, border guards may request information about hotel reservations or documents confirming transit travel through the territory of Lithuania.


Residents of countries outside the European Union can only cross the border into Latvia through checkpoints. There are four such points on the border with Russia:

  1. Brunishevo-Pededze - suitable for travelers traveling from St. Petersburg.
  2. Burachki-Terekhovo is the busiest point, located on the Moscow-Riga highway.
  3. Ubylinka-Grebneva - Russians who travel from Pskov along the M9 highway pass through customs control.
  4. Ludonka-Vientuli - for those coming from Nosovo.

Waiting time

The minimum waiting time at customs is 40 minutes. But sometimes travelers wait in line for 12 hours. The passage of the border also depends on the choice of checkpoint. For example, the longest queues are at the Burachki-Terekhovo point. All cars traveling from Russia to Europe pass through it. At other points, queues are observed less frequently.

It is quite difficult to predict exactly how much time you will spend going through customs. Therefore, it is recommended to keep track of what days and times the border is busiest.

For this purpose, there is a special service on the customs website, where the number of trucks and cars that are in line and have already crossed the border in the last 24 hours is displayed online. The approximate waiting time is also indicated in a separate column.

Green card, where to buy it

A green card in Russia is a policy of international compulsory insurance of civil liability of car owners when traveling through the territories of foreign countries. 48 countries are parties to the Green Card recognition agreement.

In Russia, you can apply for a Green Card through the Russian Union of Auto Insurers. The official website of this organization contains an up-to-date list of addresses of all points of sale of insurance policies. Today, seven leading Russian insurance companies are participants in the Green Card program.

The minimum policy period is 15 days. The cost of a Green Card for a trip to Lithuania is 30 euros.

Basic traffic rules

Lithuanian traffic rules are not much different from Russian ones, with the exception of several features:

  • Drivers with less than two years of driving experience are not allowed to drive at speeds exceeding 70 km/h.
  • During the period from November 1 to April 1, only cars equipped with winter tires can be driven.
  • The driver is required to have a reflective vest in the car and wear it when leaving the car outside the city at night.
  • Road users have the opportunity to turn right at a red traffic light if it is equipped with a sign with an indicating arrow.
  • Tinting of the windshield and front side windows of a vehicle is not allowed.
  • The use of radar detectors is prohibited.

Lithuanian police are especially strict in enforcing speed limits and personal safety rules:

  • All car passengers must wear seat belts
  • Even in the daytime, the low beams in the car should be on.
  • Children under 135 cm tall must sit in a special chair.

Popular routes

The most popular routes among Russian tourists are trips to Jurmala and Riga. Jurmala is a popular resort with a mild climate and good infrastructure for a beach holiday.

From April until mid-autumn, tourists using personal transport are allowed into the city only if they pay for a pass. One day in Jurmala by car will cost about 2 euros. The whole month will cost less - 31 euros, and the whole season - 107 euros. When traveling to Riga, payment of the fee is not required.

How to get from Moscow

The most convenient way from the Russian capital to the border with Latvia is through Volokalamsk and Velikiye Luki to Rzhev. Further, the M9 highway will lead travelers to the border. True, you need to be prepared for the fact that the road will not be ideal everywhere.

To avoid areas in need of major repairs, you can choose to travel along the Minsk Highway. Before reaching Smolensk, you need to turn towards Velizh-Nevel.

How to get from St. Petersburg

A convenient option would be to travel through Estonia. To do this, you need to travel along the Kyiv highway towards Pskov and turn towards Izborsk. Next - to the customs point "Shumilkino" on the border with Estonia (approximate time to clear customs - 30-40 minutes).

30 km after entering Estonia you will see a sign “Welcome to Latvia”. There is no need to go through customs checkpoints here.

Refueling procedure, cost of gasoline

Gas stations in Lithuania sell the same brands of gasoline, as well as diesel fuel, as in Russia. The only exception is 92 gasoline, which recently disappeared from sale in Lithuania.

The cost of fuel can fluctuate at gas stations, even within a single network. Current gasoline prices can be found on the website.

However, given the difference in fuel costs in the European Union and Russia, experts advise filling the car’s tank before crossing the Lithuanian border. In addition, customs regulations allow the transportation of a canister with 10 liters of gasoline.

Payment for purchased fuel is made after completion of the operation, for the actual amount of gasoline poured into the tank. You can pay in cash and by credit card. At night, most gas stations operate on a prepaid basis.

Parking rules

The biggest problem for Russians is the paid parking rules. The vast majority of parking in Lithuania is paid. They can be divided into:

  • Municipal.
  • Private.

All parking lots are marked with appropriate signs and parking meters informing the driver about the zone, time and procedure for paying for parking. Payment can be made in cash or via SMS message. When paying for parking time using SMS, you should know that money will be debited from the phone until the operator receives a second message with the word “STOP”.

It is prohibited to park a car in spaces reserved for organizational cars. In parking lots they are marked with a sign “Rezervuota”.

Private parking lots are usually equipped with a barrier. To enter its territory, you must press a button on a special machine and receive a receipt indicating the time. To check out you need to make payment through a special terminal

Transit through Lithuania by car

Travelers traveling by car through the territory of Lithuania to Kaliningrad or other European countries do not need to obtain a Schengen or national Lithuanian visa. For such cases, the country's immigration legislation provides for the issuance of a simplified transit document - FTD.

FTD gives its owner the right to stay on the territory of Lithuania for no more than 24 hours. To obtain a document at the Lithuanian Embassy or visa center, you must provide:

  • International passport.
  • Original and copies of completed pages of the internal passport.
  • A completed application form indicating the intention to cross Lithuania by car.
  • Photograph.
  • Receipt of payment of the consular fee.
  • Documents confirming the transit purpose of the trip.

A trip around Lithuania by car can be an unforgettable experience for a traveler. However, experts recommend that in order to avoid misunderstandings and financial losses, study in advance all the information a traveler needs about the rules of crossing the border and staying in this beautiful country.

It is important to know!

Don't forget before traveling abroad:

1. Check the validity of the passport;

  • absence or impossibility of identification:
  • a color image of the owner corresponding to his age;
  • surname, first name, patronymic (if any) of the owner;
  • date, month, year of birth of the owner;
  • place of birth of the owner;
  • owner's gender;
  • identification number;
  • series and numbers;
  • document type;
  • state code;
  • date of issue;
  • name of the government agency that issued the passport;
  • validity period;
  • machine readable zone;
  • signature of the owner (except for cases of issuing a passport to a citizen under fourteen years of age);
  • signature of the official of the government body that issued the passport, sealed with the image of the State Emblem of the Republic of Belarus;
  • means of protecting the document form (unsuitability for use);
  • his forgeries;
  • expiration of its validity period;
  • the owner of this document submits a statement about its loss (theft) to the internal affairs body, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, to a diplomatic mission or consular office of the Republic of Belarus.

If a citizen presents an invalid passport during border control, it is subject to confiscation by a border service official.

2. If you have changed your last name, you must definitely change your passport (the passport is valid for a month from the date of changing your last name);

3. Check your passport for damage, stains and extraneous writing. They should not be in the passport. Keep your passport with you and do not leave it as collateral;

4. Contact the diplomatic mission or consular office of the foreign state that you plan to visit to obtain information about the procedure for entering this state (the need to obtain a visa, have medical insurance).

The Visa Code of the European Union stipulates that when a foreigner, including citizens of the Republic of Belarus, applies for a Schengen visa, the passport must be:

  • not older than 10 years;
  • valid for at least 3 months after your return;
  • it must have at least 2 blank pages for marking.

Please note that when traveling abroad, representatives of regulatory authorities of a foreign state have the right to control confirmation of the availability of sufficient funds for the trip.

5. You have the right to obtain information about the availability of information about yourself in the data bank about citizens whose right to leave the Republic of Belarus is temporarily limited by contacting the territorial internal affairs body;

Citizens of the Republic of Belarus can enter countries without visas.


Citizens at checkpoints are prohibited from:

1. Leave funds in the documents presented for verification;

2. Offer and (or) transfer to officials any material assets, offer and (or) provide benefits of a property nature;

3. Take photos, videos, talk on mobile phones;

4. Perform other actions that impede the implementation of border and other types of control.

On the territory between the state border and the corresponding checkpoint it is prohibited:

  • parking of vehicles;
  • boarding and disembarking passengers;
  • performing loading and unloading operations;
  • location of individuals not related to crossing the state border.

For violations by citizens of these requirements, administrative liability is provided (warning or imposition of a fine in the amount of up to fifty basic units (from January 1, 2019, the base unit is 24.5 BYN rubles) in accordance with Article 23.32 of the Code of the Republic of Belarus on Administrative Offenses of April 21, 2003 No. 194-Z).


24-hour hotline for issues related to crossing the state border +375 17 216-26-12

If unlawful actions have been committed against you by border guards, use the 24-hour helpline of the internal security service +375 17 265-90-08

If unlawful actions have been committed against you by customs officers, use the 24-hour helpline of your own security service +375 17 218-92-92

24-hour telephone numbers of the operational and situational services of military units of the border service of the Republic of Belarus:

  • Polotsk +375 214 45-20-75;
  • Smorgon +375 159 29-33-01;
  • Lida +375 154 55-10-20;
  • Grodno +375 152 75-04-08;
  • Brest;+375 162 21-08-04;
  • Pinsk +375 165 35-85-13;
  • Gomel +375 232 43-42-64;
  • Mozyr +375 236 34-17-60

You can also contact the leadership of the State Border Committee and territorial bodies of the border service of the Republic of Belarus.

Checks at the airport

When inspecting the belongings of passengers on flights departing from Lithuanian airports, the following requirement is imposed: each passenger is allowed to carry only one package of liquids up to 100 ml in hand luggage. In other words, all containers containing shampoo, toothpaste, perfumes, etc. must be packaged in one transparent bag.

If there are several packages, airport employees have the right to demand that the passenger throw away the “excess” or check them in as luggage - the latter can seriously affect the budget of passengers on flights of low-cost airlines, according to the rules of which an additional fee is charged for luggage.


Once on the Lithuanian side, it is important not to forget about the peculiarities of local traffic rules. So, the driver has every right to turn at a red light. The fine for traffic violations varies from 23 to 1,592 euros. The person who is driving while intoxicated is at risk of paying the highest amount.

For tourists older 17 years of age entering from countries not incoming to the Eurozone, you can import into Lithuania (your choice) 1 liter of strong alcohol (more than 22%), 2 liters of liquor, wine or beer. When entering from the European Union, you can import 10 liters of strong alcohol (more than 22%), 90 liters guilt, 110 liters of beer. It is prohibited to import homemade alcohol and ethyl alcohol.

In terms of tobacco products tourists over 17 years old, those entering not from EU countries, you can import duty-free (your choice) 200 cigarettes, 50 cigars or 250 grams tobacco When entering from the European Union zone, you can import (your choice) 800 cigarettes, 200 cigars or 1 kilogram of tobacco. It is prohibited to import tobacco products without excise stamps.

It is prohibited to import parrots, any fruits, fresh flowers, firearms and bladed weapons, drugs, and explosives into Lithuania.

To the territory Lithuania(and the European Union in general) it is prohibited to import meat and dairy products, including canned food, sausages, eggs and even lactic chocolate. The only exceptions are baby food and special medical food for people with various diseases. z kilograms. If at the border Lithuania If meat and dairy products are found, they will be confiscated, and the passenger will be fined. Eat limit for the import of edible mushrooms - you can import no more than 10 kilograms of fresh or no more than 5 kilograms of dried.

From sports equipment you can import only one item one view of a person (this applies to a surfboard, a bicycle, and a tent). You can also import no more than one piece of office equipment (from a laptop to a TV, from video cameras to a mobile phone). In two copies Only cameras can be imported. In addition, binoculars, a typewriter and a baby stroller can be imported in only one copy.

Hunting weapons and ammunition Can import only with a limit of no more than 1 copy of each item per person and only with permissions responsible authorities Lithuania.

Permits must also be obtained for the import of copying equipment with a high level of resolution, military ammunition, and narcotic medications. With mandatory declaration, you can import expensive fur items and jewelry into Lithuania.

From Lithuania forbidden export weapons, drugs, ethyl alcohol, homemade alcohol, precious and semi-precious stones, pearls, precious metals, tobacco products without excise stamps, meat and dairy products, eggs. Forbidden export more than 10 kilograms fresh or more than 5 kilograms of dried mushrooms.

Works of art are not older 50 years old can be exported from Lithuania only with a special permit issued by the Committee on Cultural Legacy Lithuania. Older works of art and antiques can be exported with the same permit and payment of a customs duty of 10-20% cost goods.

It is prohibited to export from Lithuania raw amber, but you can use various amber products.

Tourists from the EU duty free can bring to Lithuania up to 800 cigarettes (200 cigars or 1 kg of tobacco), up to 10 liters of strong (over 22%) alcoholic beverages, up to 90 liters of wine, up to 110 liters of beer. Tourists However, those arriving from countries not included in the EU may smuggle less, namely: up to 200 cigarettes (or up to 100 cigars or 250 g of tobacco), up to 1 liter of strong alcoholic drinks, up to 2 liters of wine or beer.

Sports equipment is imported into Lithuania per unit per person (that is, 1 kayak, 1 pair of skis, etc.). Allowed to import music centers (no more than 1), writing cars (no more than 1), cameras (no more than 2) and films (no more than 5 per camera).

Items needed during a trip for personal use, such as video recorders and video cameras, computers, tape recorders, televisions, mobile phones, binoculars, strollers, etc., are also allowed to be imported in quantities of no more than 1 copy.

For import hunting and sports weapons and ammunition for them, crossbows, spare parts for weapons, drugs and narcotic-containing medications, psychotropic substances, military and police ammunition, radio electronics and high-resolution copying equipment, floral plants, plant foods origin in an amount of no more than 1 kg of fuel (in addition to the fuel in the tank, which should be no more than 20 liters per vehicle unit), tires(additional, no more than 5 per car), 1 gas pistol or pneumatic gun and other similar goods must be obtained in advance with permission from Lithuanian government agencies.

2019 | 07 | 12 1571

The procedure for exporting and importing products into the territory of the Baltic country - Lithuania is regulated by the provisions of the Customs Code of the European Union. In particular, the process of moving currency across the border is regulated by Regulation No. 1889-2005.

How is the import of foreign currency regulated?

Any citizen arriving in the territory of the Republic of Lithuania from countries that are not members of the European Union must indicate in the customs declaration the amount of currency transported if it exceeds 10 thousand Euros. Also, according to the current EU Regulations, cash and credit documentation for a person crossing the border with Lithuania are subject to customs declaration. These include bank papers, payment documents, bonds, bills. Please note that not only English and Lithuanian, but also Russian can be used to fill out a customs declaration.

What categories of goods are subject to the import ban into the Republic of Lithuania?

It is not permitted to import dairy products, meat products, semi-finished poultry and animal products from third countries (which are not members of the European Union) into the said Baltic country. In addition, weapons cannot be imported into Lithuania, with the exception of shooting models for recreational hunting or sports competitions. This must be documented. It is also prohibited to import biologically active substances and chemicals that can be used to make homemade bombs, explosives, and other sources dangerous to human life and the environment.

How is the import of alcoholic beverages and tobacco products into Lithuania regulated?

The above goods can only be imported into the Baltic States by persons over 18 years of age. EU regulation allows the import of alcohol and tobacco in the following quantities:

  • two hundred cigarettes, fifty cigars or a quarter kilogram of dry tobacco;
  • 1 liter of alcohol, in which the alcohol content is 22%, 2 liters of dessert wine or four liters of any type of foamy drink - beer.

What goods are allowed to be imported into Lithuania with restrictions on weight and quantity?

Some categories of products can be imported into the territory of the European Union, including the Republic of Lithuania, but with minor restrictions:

  1. Baby food and milk formulas that do not require pre-cooling before use. When transported across the border, these goods must be in original packaging, which must indicate the manufacturer, brand, expiration date, and composition. The integrity of the packaging should not be compromised, except in cases where food products are consumed directly during customs control at the border with Lithuania.
  2. Narcotic substances and psychotropic drugs, the transportation of which is accompanied by a certificate or other document issued by a medical institution to the patient crossing the border. Medicines must have the manufacturer's original packaging.
  3. Weapons for sporting competitions and hunting, subject to a special import permit. In addition, the export of small arms must be registered in advance by its owner at the Police Department under the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Lithuania.
  4. Any type of fuel intended for use by personal vehicles. The liquid must be packaged in portable canisters. Moreover, the amount of fuel per vehicle should not exceed 10 liters.

What goods are prohibited from being exported from Lithuanian territory?

The following categories of products are prohibited for export from Lithuania:

  • raw amber;
  • works of art of cultural and historical significance: ancient paper money and metal coins, jewelry, paintings, figurines, ancient manuscripts, book editions;
  • any kind of precious stones in their raw form;
  • antique interior items created more than a century ago in Lithuania;
  • minerals, samples of flora and fauna, important archaeological finds.

A complete list of items of cultural and historical value can be found in the Department for the Protection of Cultural Heritage of the Republic of Lithuania under the Ministry of Culture of this country.

Here it is, the long-awaited vacation: summer, sea and, of course, shopping! How can you resist buying bright clothes, dishes, quality wines, aromatic oils and other tempting souvenirs?

You need to pay attention to customs rules when leaving the country.

If finances allow, then no one is stopping you from doing this - except, perhaps, customs. Finding a common language with a strict customs officer is quite simple, but it is better to prepare for this in advance, writes.


You need to pay attention to customs rules when leaving the country: there are things that must be declared.

Those subject to mandatory declaration include: all things not related to goods for personal use and others from the list (otherwise confiscation and fine):

  1. cash and/or traveler's checks, if their total amount for a one-time export exceeds the equivalent of $10,000;
  2. so-called monetary instruments: traveler's checks, bills of exchange, checks (bank checks), securities in documentary form;
  3. goods prohibited and restricted for export. By the way, starting from March 29, you cannot export from Belarus more than 200 cigarettes, or 50 cigars (cigarillos), or 250 g of tobacco, or assorted tobacco products with a total weight of no more than 250 g per adult;
  4. cultural values.


Probably everyone has encountered people at the border who ask when was the last time you traveled abroad and how many things you are currently carrying with you. All shopping lovers should take into account that those who leave Belarus more than once every three calendar months can bring goods worth up to 300 euros and weighing up to 20 kilograms across the border. If you travel less often, you can carry 50 kg of items worth the equivalent of 1,500 euros.

By the way, you can transport these things across the border in any way convenient for you - even on a dog sled or on your own two feet. The main thing here is that these must be goods for personal use. And this is determined by the customs officer, who may be interested not only in the weight and equivalent amount of the goods: even if everything is in order with this, the customs officer will take into account the nature and quantity of things, as well as the frequency of your crossing the border.

Problems may arise, for example, if you have a lot of the same type of product, which, moreover, is potentially difficult to use alone. By the way, import standards will soon also change, and not for the better for tourists:

  • from January 1, 2019, it will be necessary to declare goods worth more than 1,000 euros and/or weighing more than 50 kg;
  • and from January 1, 2020 – costing more than 750 euros and/or weighing more than 35 kg;
  • and after January 1, 2021, you will have to declare goods worth more than 500 euros and (or) weighing more than 25 kg.


If you plan to import expensive items, it is better to choose an airplane. When moving by air, goods (with the exception of ethyl alcohol, alcoholic beverages, beer, indivisible goods) whose value does not exceed the equivalent of 10,000 euros are imported without paying customs duties and taxes. But the weight should still be no more than 50 kg (including tobacco and tobacco products).


You will have to pay customs duties and taxes. The rate is 30% of the cost of items, but cannot be less than 4 euros per 1 kg. Thank God, you will only have to pay for the excess (that is, the “remainder” that did not fit into the required 50 or 20 kg, depending on your frequency of crossing the border), or if your things in total cost more than 1,500 euros (or 10,000 euros when crossing air borders).

It turns out that carrying things over the limit is an expensive pleasure. For example, when transporting 60 kg of things you will pay a minimum of 40 euros (4 euros per 1 kg over the norm of 50 kg). And only if you are allowed to import 50 kg, not 20, and if you are not importing expensive equipment, but, for example, clothes, toys and inexpensive dishes.


The answer is simple: 3 liters per person over 18 years of age. These 3 liters also include beer, despite the fact that it may be slightly stronger than kefir. If the norm is exceeded, you will have to pay 10 euros for each liter over the limit plus a fee for customs operations - 10 rubles.

Yes, and in total you can bring no more than 5 liters of alcohol into the territory of Belarus (even if you are willing to pay for 10 or 20). The standards for the import of tobacco are the same as for the export: 200 cigarettes, or 50 cigars (cigarillos), or 250 g of tobacco, or the specified products in an assortment with a total weight of no more than 250 g. And, of course, they apply only to adults: give A block of cigarettes for a small child to carry across the border is not allowed.



If for medical reasons you need to take medications containing narcotic drugs or psychotropic substances with you, they must be declared. You also need to indicate in the declaration and present to customs officers a document confirming the validity of using the medicine for medical purposes. This may be an extract from the medical record or a doctor’s prescription (certified by the doctor’s signature and seal).

The documents must indicate the daily requirement and dosage of the medicine. If medical documents are drawn up in a foreign language, they must be accompanied by a notarized translation into Russian or Belarusian. Such medicinal products are subject to customs declaration. It is allowed to import into Belarus and export from the country narcotic drugs in quantities not exceeding the three-day requirement, and psychotropic substances in quantities not exceeding 90 single doses.

Medicines sold in other countries without a prescription may contain substances restricted for import into the EAEU (for example, codeine, pseudoephedrine). To find out whether a medicine is subject to prohibitions and restrictions when moving across the border, study its composition by checking the content of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances specified in section 2.12. “Narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances and their precursors” is a list of goods permitted for import into the customs territory of the EAEU and (or) export from this territory.


Customs recommends that when exporting expensive goods (for example, a camera with related equipment, a laptop, expensive jewelry, etc.), they should be declared, as explained, “to avoid unplanned expenses.” You don’t have to do this if you take the relevant documents with you (product passport, warranty card, sales receipt, specification, invoice for the contract, proforma invoice for the contract, delivery note).

This way you will show that the goods were purchased on the territory of the Eurasian Economic Union. Why is all this needed? Then, when returning to Belarus, the weight and/or cost of such goods will not be included in the total weight and cost of the goods carried - that is, you can carry them duty free. To do this, when returning to Belarus, it is enough to submit the declaration that you filled out upon export. When declaring expensive goods, you need to fill out the declaration in two copies at once.

The declaration must indicate the serial number of the equipment - phone, laptop, camera, lens. Take one copy of the declaration with customs marks with you - you will show it when returning to Belarus.


Plants are subject to phytosanitary control when imported, and special phytosanitary certificates are required for the import of seeds and flowers in pots. Without a phytosanitary certificate, the import of vegetables, fruits, berries, nuts and other goods of plant origin with a total weight of no more than 5 kilograms is allowed. You can also import no more than 3 bouquets of flowers (no more than 15 flowers in a bouquet).


Also remember that the country of entry may also have its own rules regarding the import of vegetables, fruits and plants. For example, the story of an American woman who paid a fine of 500 euros for carrying an apple across the border, which ended up in her purse, recently became public.

Everything was aggravated by the fact that the girl was given the fruit on board the plane - it was part of the in-flight meal, which, it turns out, had to be declared when entering the United States.


Yes, but in small quantities: one person can import up to 5 kilograms of finished products of animal origin, if they are in the original packaging and provided, as customs officers indicate, “the welfare of the producing country and the country of export in the epizootic sense.”

Those who, on the contrary, export such products from Belarus should take into account that the country of entry may have its own rules, which are best studied in advance. Exceptions can usually be made for baby food and medical canned food.