The largest Boeing 787. Cabin interior and seat map

Air travel has been used by travelers for quite some time and everyone is free to choose their own company and airliner. Wanting to fly with comfort and pleasure, people often choose Boeing 787 900 aircraft. This is an advanced airliner designed for the most enjoyable travel.

Passenger jet aircraft with two engines. In an effort to gain an advantage over competitors, representatives of the Boeing company have devoted large resources to the development and arrangement of the aircraft, which should become a comfortable place for a person to fly for several hours.

Boeing 787-900 Dreamliner

Knowing the placement of seats in the cabin, each passenger, when purchasing an air ticket, will be able to choose the ideal option in accordance with his preferences. This article is to learn about the interior layout of the Boeing 787 9 dreamliner.

Cabin capacity

If this is an airplane with seats in only one class, then it is designed for 250-300 seats for passengers. But as a rule, the cabin is divided into three classes, the sum of travelers in which is equal to 234 passengers. The cabin of the airliner is 5.5 m wide, due to which the creators have provided wide passages for the convenience of people. Each row of seats consists of 8-9 seats. In the Boeing 787 900, the interior layout can be: 3-3-3 or 2-4-2.

Interior layout

All passenger seats on the Boeing 787 Dreamliner are divided into three classes. These are business, economy class and premium economy. Each of the accommodation options has its pros and cons.

Business class cabin

Features of accommodation in business class

  • This class is assigned to the first 8 rows of the aircraft.
  • Large and wide legroom, which will be comfortable even for very tall passengers.
  • You can turn the seat into a “bed” by turning it 180 degrees.
  • The seats are arranged in accordance with the 2-2-2 plan, so if you want to go to the toilet, the passenger will not disturb anyone and will calmly pass.
  • The total passenger capacity in this class is 48.
  • The best places for have a relaxing holiday there will be rows 2 and 5.
  • Seats in business class are distinguished by the appearance of half-booths with monitors and multimedia systems.
  • Compared to seats in other classes, it offers wide choose dishes and drinks.
  • Passengers are provided with cozy socks, and if the flight is at night, then warm pajamas are provided.

Important! If you want to have a comfortable flight, you need to know about those places that are not the best in business class. These are seats 4L and 4A because they do not have a porthole. It is also not recommended to choose seats in the 1st, 6th and 5th rows. These rows are located near the toilet.

Economy premium class salon

Description of seats in premium economy class

  • Total capacity - 88 people.
  • There is additional legroom for a comfortable position.
  • High and wide seats will provide rest for your back and lower back.
  • The backrest is retractable and has 4 main positions, from which you can choose the most suitable one.
  • The 16th row is considered the best seat, since it is located near the business class wall - there will be additional legroom.
  • Row 16 on a Virgin Atlantic Boeing 787-900 is perfect for people with children, but for those who can’t stand fuss, this row is not suitable.
  • It is from the 16th row that they begin to serve food.
  • You should not purchase tickets for row 24 because there is a toilet.

Economy class cabin

Economy Class Features

  • In total, economy class accommodates 116 people.
  • The seats are slightly narrower and lower than in premium economy.
  • The backrest of the seats reclines and allows the passenger to choose one of 3 seating options.
  • Row 27 is your best bet, but rule out seats a and l as they lack a window (but do have extra legroom).
  • The back model is soft and comfortable.
  • Rows 41 and 40 are near the restrooms, so if you have a choice of seats, exclude these rows.
  • Luggage shelves are not wide enough.
  • Seats 38A and 38L should be avoided, because they are located against the wall of the cabin and are characterized by the absence of a porthole.

Additional Information. Information about the Boeing 787 9 dreamliner, the characteristics of which are presented above, is general, however, each airline makes its own adjustments. For example, the British Airways corporation, in addition to business, also sells first class tickets. And KLM also slightly changed the position of the seats in business class and economy class.


In the Boeing 900, the controls for pilots remained the same compared to the previous model. In this regard, the pilot can easily take the helm of another aircraft and will not require training.

A new feature in the design of the dream cabin is the device of indicators for projecting information onto the windshield. Pilots are provided with an electronic sample route displayed on two screens. Thus, each of the pilots receives from the computer the information necessary to control the aircraft.


Pilots also have real-time vessel diagnostic tools at their disposal. With the help of these sensors, information is sent to the ground.

Passenger comfort

Another distinctive feature of the aircraft, compared to previous models, is the improved climate control system. Air from the external environment is passed through special filters and only then enters the cabin. In the bow of the aircraft there are special sensors, which, when entering a turbulence zone, are responsible for reducing shaking and ensuring comfort for passengers.

Passengers in a Boeing 787-900 Dreamliner

The Boeing 787 9 dreamliner is excellent liner for travel both short and long distances. The well-designed cabin of each of the three comfort classes creates excellent conditions during the flight. Passengers do not need for anything and can relax peacefully while the plane travels through the heavenly miles. Knowing the parameters of the Boeing, the location of the seats and the most successful rows and seat positions, you can ensure yourself an amazing time.

Belongs to a new generation of technology. It was built to replace the already outdated 767 model.

The main difference between the Boeing 787 and its predecessor is its design. For the first time in the history of aircraft construction, fifty percent of composite lightweight materials are used in this model.


The start of a program to create a new aircraft model was forced by a drop in sales of such long-haul airliners as the 747-400 and 767. This happened in the nineties of the last century. Boeing has accepted two new models for consideration. One of them was a more fuel-efficient version of the 747-400. This is a 747X model. The second version of the project involved the development of an aircraft that would consume no more fuel than a Boeing 767, but at the same time be capable of reaching a speed of up to 0.98 M. However, airlines greeted these models coolly.

At the beginning of 2003, Boeing presented a project for a new twin-engine aircraft, the 7E7. The model was developed using Sonic Cruiser technologies. The company announced that this airliner belongs to the new Yellowstone family.

New program

Yellowstone is a Boeing project to replace its existing aircraft lineup. civil purpose series of high-tech type. The design of the liner uses lightweight composite materials. Electric systems are used instead of hydraulic ones. These models are equipped with economical turbojet engines.

The Yellowstone program consists of three sections. The first one is Y1. It involves replacing aircraft with a capacity of 100-200 passengers. The Y2 project is designed to introduce new models of long-haul airliners. To date, this program has been fully completed. Her brainchild was the Boeing 787 aircraft.

The company is also working on the Y3 project. Models are being developed to replace the ultra-long-range 747 and 777 aircraft, which have a passenger capacity of 300-600 people.


In 2003, the Boeing Company held a competition for the best name for the 787 model. Almost half a million people chose the Dreamliner option. Already in April 2004, the Boeing 787 found a launch customer. It became the carrier company All Nippon Airways. She immediately ordered fifty aircraft, which were to be delivered by the end of 2008.

The Boeing 787 (see photo below) is an innovative product in the field of aircraft construction. For the first time in its design, aluminum was replaced with lightweight ones. This decision made it possible to significantly reduce the weight of the liner, and therefore make it economically profitable.

Boeing developed the Boeing 787, specifications which allow the airliner to consume twenty percent less fuel than the 767 model and be forty percent more efficient. This became possible after installing modern engines and adopting modern aerodynamic solutions in combination with advanced designs. And already at the end of 2004, Boeing ordered 237 aircraft of the 787 model. In 2012, it agreed to supply four Boeing 787 aircraft to Transaero.


In December 2003, Boeing management decided that the Boeing 787 would be assembled in the city of Everett, at a plant that was built in the late sixties of the last century to produce the 747 model.

However, this time a slightly different solution was used. The company did not assemble aircraft from scratch. Some of the work was outsourced to subcontractors. This allowed us to significantly reduce production time. The final assembly should, according to the company's calculations, be completed in three to four days. Moreover, in this process it is necessary to involve from eight hundred to one thousand two hundred people. So, Japanese subcontractors produce wings, Italian ones - horizontal stabilizer, French - wiring, Indian develop software, etc. The parts are delivered to the plant by a Model 747 cargo airliner.

Boeing 787 aircraft were created with the participation of Japan. Companies from this country have worked to create almost thirty-five aircraft units. The Japanese government supported this project for an amount equal to two million dollars. Assembly of the first Boeing 787 began in May 2007.


The Boeing 787 first took off on December 15, 2009. The flight lasted about three hours. The company then developed a nine-month testing schedule. Six aircraft took part in flight testing. Four of them were powered by Rolls Royce Trent 1000 engines, and two were powered by GE GEnx-1B64 engines. In March 2007, it successfully passed the wing load test, which was increased by one hundred and fifty percent over the standard for three seconds. Subsequently, the liner underwent temperature tests and was slightly modified due to the identified shortcomings. The Boeing 787 was certified on August 13, 2011 by the American Federal Administration civil aviation. On October 26, 2011, the airliner made its first commercial flight.

Constructive decisions

Fifty percent of all the elements from which the Boeing 787 fuselage is made consist of materials containing Which is why this aircraft is much lighter and stronger than those airliners in the production of which aluminum is used. Composite materials are fifty percent carbon fiber, twenty percent aluminum, fifteen percent titanium, ten percent steel, and five percent other components.

When assembling the Boeing 787, they use ultra-efficient and low-noise engines GEnx-1B and Rolls Royce Trent 1000. In the first of them, the turbine blades and housing are made only of composite materials. That is why the engine is able to create working thrust at a lower temperature. As a result, there is a reduction in hydrocarbon emissions into the atmosphere.

The Boeing 787 has a longer wing length than other models. In addition, anti-icing equipment, flap mechanism and other systems are mounted as a single unit. This makes them easier to maintain and reduces the likelihood of breakdowns.

The company has developed three modifications of the Boeing 787. These are 3, 8, 9 and 10 models. Each of them has some differences in specific technical parameters. Only the fuselage diameter (5.77 m), height (16.9 m), maximum height flight (13100 m) and the highest speed (950 km/h).


For ease of control, the aircraft is equipped with multifunctional displays. They are in the cockpit. Control is carried out using a fly-by-wire system. It includes two screens that display the gate and taxi diagram, as well as a map of the area. Transparent indicators are installed in front of the cab windshield. They allow you to control device data without obstructing visibility.

The aircraft is equipped with an automatic diagnostic system. It sends real-time data to ground repair teams. In this case, a broadband radio communication channel is used. This system is designed to predict the occurrence of certain problems in aircraft mechanisms, which allows reducing the time for repairs and diagnostics.

Passenger cabin

The capacity of a Boeing 787 depends on its configuration. From 234 to 296 passengers can board the aircraft.

The cabin developed on the Boeing 787 is very comfortable for passengers. The usual plastic curtains are replaced here with electrochromic dimming in the smart window glass. The interior lighting has amazing features. Its intensity is adjusted by the crew depending on the phase of the flight.

The 787 model has increased the size of the toilets. Now they can be used by people in the cabin. The overhead luggage racks have more capacity in the cabin. Each of them can accommodate four suitcases. The pressure in the cabin is maintained at a level corresponding to an altitude of one thousand eight hundred meters. In a conventional aircraft made of aluminum, it corresponds to 2400 m. Such comfortable conditions are created thanks to the elastic composite body of the airliner.

Comfortable conditions for passengers are maintained by the smooth flight system, which is capable of suppressing vertical vibrations of the aircraft. The Boeing 787's pressurization system is organized in a new way. Its installation made it possible to supply air into the cabin directly from environment, and not from engines, as was the case in previous models.

The Boeing 787 Dreamliner development project was born in the early 2000s. There was a growing need for transportation large quantity passengers, spending less time. Boeing announced this. It was assumed that the plane would fly almost at sound speed, while saving fuel.

The ambitious statement was not destined to come true, and the project, called Sonic Cruiser, was discontinued. From now on, the emphasis was placed on more pressing fuel efficiency. The first takeoff took place in 2009.

In 2011 New Product aircraft manufacturers Boeing 787 Dreamliner made its first commercial flight. The twin-engine jet has a wide fuselage and seats up to 330 people in economy class.

The airliner was exhibited at the air show in Great Britain and at the Russian exhibition MAKS-2011, demonstrating its brilliant characteristics.

The Dreamliner was certified in 2011, and three years later the stretched version of the 787-9 received certification. Test tests and flights were carried out jointly with Japanese partners, they also received the first aircraft of this series.

The developers introduced a new shape for the engine nacelles, with a gear-shaped rear section. “Chevrons,” according to engineers, can reduce the external and internal noise of motors by 15 dB. Shields installed between the wheels can also help reduce noise.

The design of the liner consists of composite materials. Carbon fiber and other alloys are found in fuselage components, load-bearing surfaces, tail fittings, doors and interior decoration. Almost half of the structure consists of composites; aluminum, titanium and steel alloys are also used. This combination strengthens the structure, reduces its weight and improves fuel efficiency.

The wing is swept-shaped and has two turbojet engines underneath it on both sides of the fuselage. Engines manufactured by General Electric, brand GEnx-1B, are installed on some machines, on others they are supplied power plants from the Rolls-Royce concern (Trent-1000). Jet thrust 2*280.

The software is modern, with multifunctional LCD monitors. There are indicators on the windshield that display important flight parameters.

It is planned to equip the airliner with a thermal sensing system, allowing visibility in dense clouds. This is possible with high-tech infrared sensors and cameras.

Electric compressors supply air from the outside space directly inside, creating a comfortable humidifying environment.

Manufacturers are using all sorts of innovations to improve economic efficiency. The developers of the Boeing 787-8 Dreamliner made the fuselage not from separate panels, but from a single section. The savings amounted to one and a half thousand sheets of aluminum and up to 50,000 various fasteners.

There is a development to identify and mitigate turbulent effects, for smooth passage of such zones.

New technologies and revolutionary design made it possible to create a unique product in the form of the Boeing 787.


The Boeing 787-8 model is the base aircraft of the family. Its flight range is about 14,000 kilometers. In 2011, the price of the liner reached 230 million dollars. Capacity up to 250 passengers.

The Boeing 787-9 Dreamliner is a model designed to long-distance transportation(more than 14,200 kilometers). The cost of a copy in this variation accordingly increases to 270 million dollars. Commercial carriers took delivery of this airliner in 2014. Capacity 290-300 passengers.

Long version of the Boeing 787-10. The first sales will begin in 2018. The aircraft can accommodate up to 330 passengers and can also be operated on short-haul routes. The range is the same as the base model Dreamliners.

Flight parameters of the 787-8

  • Wing span – 60.17 meters
  • Machine height – 17 meters
  • Aircraft length - 56.69 meters
  • Crew – 2 pilots
  • Passenger capacity – 250 people in economy class
  • Fuselage: height 5.97 meters, width 5.77 meters
  • Interior size (width) – 5.49 meters
  • Take-off weight – 227932 kilograms
  • The largest weight of the aircraft without fuel is 161 tons.
  • Empty weight: 118 tons
  • Maximum speed – 956 km/h
  • Soaring speed – 902 km/h
  • Range, distance – 13620 kilometers
  • Take-off run length – from 2600 meters
  • Flight altitude (ceiling) – 13100 meters
  • Powerplant – 2 GEnx-1B or Trent-1000 motors
  • Fuel consumption – 4.8 tons per hour

Cabin interior and seating layout

The developers of the 787 family also worked in detail on the interior space of the cabin. The windows are exceptionally large, the pressure inside is comfortable (higher), clean, humidified air.

The luggage racks for hand luggage are spacious, there is LED lighting (interior and individual).

The cabin can accommodate up to 330 seats, depending on the model.

The first six rows are dedicated to business class and are arranged in a 2/2/2 pattern. It seats 36 passengers and is the most comfortable on the plane. The chairs here are soft, comfortable, fold out into beds and are located diagonally. Each seat is equipped with an LCD screen and multimedia entertainment is available. A varied individual menu can be ordered when booking tickets.

Improved conditions include sets of blankets, warm socks and pajamas. The glass does not have the usual curtains; the darkening occurs using innovative polarized glass.

The seats in the 3rd and 6th rows are not very good. After the third row there are toilets, and behind the 6th row there is a partition.

Economy class Boeing 787 Dreamliner has rows arranged in a 3/3/3 configuration. The seats are comfortable, with reclining backs and sufficient legroom. Each seat is equipped with a multimedia monitor. The menu is quite varied, designed for a long trip.

Favorable seats in economy class are located in rows 16 and 27. There are no reclining seat backs in front of them; you can easily stretch your legs. Food service starts from row 16, so the choice of food and drinks is quite wide.

Directly behind rows 25 and 38 there are toilets; these places are not very comfortable in terms of rest and a quiet flight.

Dreamliner News

A new modification of the wide-body Boeing 787-10 was certified by the US Federal Aviation Commission in January 2018. Delivery to the Singapore customer will be carried out in the first half of this year.

The UAE carrier has been opening a route to Morocco (Casablanca) since May 2018. The flagship ship from the Emirates has 8 cabins in first class, 28 cabins in business class and 199 economy category seats. By expanding the network of destinations, it is planned to cover Australian cities, Hong Kong and countries around Malaysia.

In March 2018, the first flight on the Hanoi-Moscow route is planned, which is being launched by a Vietnamese carrier. There will be direct flights three times a week.

A Boeing 787 Dreamliner flying from New York to London has broken a speed record. A favorable tailwind allowed us to reach a speed of 1248 km/h. On January 15 of this year, a flight lasting 5 hours and 13 minutes took place (in 2015, the duration of this flight was less than three minutes).


The Boeing 787 Dreamliner family offers revolutionary new, ultra-efficient passenger aircraft. Good flight speed over medium distances has made aircraft of this line popular among commercial carriers.

Dreamliners are economical and comfortable, which allows them to be used in the most passenger-intensive destinations. Since 2011, more than 150 routes have been opened worldwide.

Delivery plans include more than three thousand copies until 2030. The potential of the family is enormous, the number of commercial orders is constantly growing.

13.11.2017, 11:48 20013

The Boeing 787-9 passenger airliner is a successful modification of the original version of the Boeing 787 Dreamliner, and this is observed in absolutely all parameters of this aircraft.

The main feature of the Boeing 787-9 passenger aircraft is that, compared to other models of this family, it consumes 20% less fuel, and at the same time remains a more environmentally friendly mode of transport due to reduced emissions of harmful substances into the atmosphere. Also, the cabin of the aircraft is 40 cm wider than that of the predecessor Boeing 767, which made the seats more comfortable and the aisles clearer. The size of the toilets and luggage racks have increased.

The windows on the Boeing 787-9 are 46cm high, 30% larger than most aircraft of similar dimensions, are equipped with adjustable electrochromic dimming - their brightness is adjusted with buttons. The serrated edges of the engine nacelles reduce noise levels by 60% both inside and outside the cabin. There are monitors on the backs of the seats; entertainment programs. Passengers can use the Internet.

Aircraft developers designed the Boeing 787-9 aircraft to replace 5 obsolete ones at once. passenger airliner: Boeing 767-400ER, McDonnell Douglas MD-11, Lockheed L-1011, A330-300 and A340-200, and Lockheed L-1011.

The Boeing 787-9 made its first flight on September 17, 2013, was certified in mid-2014, and began commercial operation on August 7 of the same year. Currently, production of the aircraft continues. Today, 683 aircraft of this modification are used by more than 20 airlines - Air China, Air France-KLM, American Airlines, British Airways, Hainan Airlines, Japan Airlines, LATAM Airlines Group, Qatar Airways, Vietnam Airlines, Virgin Atlantic Airways, Xiamen Airlines, etc.

Location and numbering of seats in the cabin, seating diagram on the Boeing 787-9 aircraft. The best and least comfortable seats on the plane

Hainan Airlines has 13 Boeing 787-9 aircraft in its fleet.

Business Class:

Business class is traditionally located in the nose of the aircraft and occupies five rows in a 2-2-2 layout. Row numbering starts from row 11. All business class seats are quite comfortable. 11 row equipped with bassinets for babies.

The seat pitch in business class ranges from 185 to 203 cm. The seats fully recline into a bed for a more comfortable stay.

There is a 16-inch touchscreen entertainment system on board, equipped with a BOSE noise-cancelling head for a personalized viewing experience. During the flight, you can connect to the Internet via onboard Wi-Fi, making it easier to communicate with friends and family. Each seat has a charging port compatible with any plug, allowing you to charge your electronic devices at any time.

Economy class:

The seat configuration in economy class is 3-3-3 with a pitch between them from 78 to 81 cm. Unlike business class, economy class has a 9-inch touch screen equipped with an entertainment system with many new shows and music.
  • 31 row located behind the utility room area. It is equipped with baby bassinets. For parents and babies, of course it is comfortable places, but if you want to avoid unnecessary noise coming from children, then give preference to other rows.
  • 45 row located in front of the service area, so it can also be quite noisy.
  • 46 row with increased space at the front, which benefits passengers who like to stretch their legs. Since there is an emergency exit in front, nothing can be placed on the floor.
  • 58,59,60 rows with a reduced number of seats in a row due to the narrowing of the fuselage. The places are convenient because there are fewer neighbors and you can get up quietly without disturbing anyone. Row 60 is located very close to the toilet and dressing area. For some this fact is a plus, for others it is a minus, but the cost of a ticket to the last row is always lower.

Interior layout, best and less comfortable places on a Boeing 787-9 airline " British Airways»

FIRST (First Class):

First class takes two rows in the nose of the aircraft, it can seat only eight passengers. The first class cabin has additional luggage space. Equipped with a universal switch for the positions of the chair back, headrest, spinal support and lighting. The cabin features a larger screen on which you can watch the latest movies and TV shows, as well as a new touchscreen control panel. All seats are quite comfortable and spacious.

CLUB WORLD (World Business Class):

Business class includes 42 seats in a 2:3:2 configuration, it is divided into two sections: the first with 14 seats, and the second with 28. All seats fold out into a bed 183 cm long, it is possible to adjust the headrest and lumbar support. The Z position provides powerful support for your knees and back, so you can completely relax. Near each chair there is a power supply for electronic devices. It is recommended to take a power adapter with you, as they are not always available on board. All places are quite comfortable, with the exception of 7BDFJ and 10 BDFJ - they are located near toilets and galleries, so there will be extraneous noise and bright light from the included additional lighting even at night.

WORLD TRAVEL PLUS (Superior Economy Class):

The improved economy class is represented by six rows with a standard seat arrangement of 2:3:2, in the sixth row 2:0:2. All seats are quite comfortable, but row 21 can be noted - it is located close to the toilet, frequent walking of people can add to the inconvenience.

ECONOMY (Economy class):
Economy class can carry 127 passengers in 44 rows. Most seats in economy class have a 3:3:3 configuration, row 43 - 2:3:2, row 44 - 0:2:0.

  • 30 row has the advantage that it is located behind emergency exits, so passengers in these seats will benefit from extra legroom. However, the proximity of toilets may cause inconvenience. In addition, you cannot place in these places hand luggage on the floor.
  • Row 41 AK They don’t have a window, which can make you a little sad on a long flight.
  • Seats AB and HJ 43 rows, and DEF 44 rows - worst places on an airplane, since they have limitations in reclining the backrests, and during a long flight this is extremely inconvenient.

Cabin layout, the best and least comfortable seats on the KLM Boeing 787-9 »

WORLD BISINESS (World Business Class):

World Business Class occupies the first eight rows at the front of the aircraft. The seats are installed in a herringbone pattern, quite comfortable with a pitch of 107 cm. The seats in the first row are located behind the kitchen area and toilets, so additional noise and smell can be heard, and the lights are always on there at night.

ECONOMY COMFORT (Economy class with increased comfort):

Economy class with increased comfort is located from rows 10 to 15. There is nothing bad to say about them; the seats are quite comfortable with a distance between the seats - 89 cm. It can be noted that the seats in the 10th row are less comfortable due to the galley located in front - additional noise is possible, and the light may also disturb you at night.

ECONOMY (Economy class):

Economy class is divided into two cabins: the first from rows 16 to 25, the second from rows 30 to 44. Between them there is an emergency exit and four toilets. Average distance between seats

  • Row 30 is a comfortable seat, but has some drawbacks. Ahead of the 30th row there is a toilet, therefore, throughout the entire flight, it is accompanied by the frequent movement of passengers, the sound of slamming doors and the flush tank. But there is plenty of legroom.
  • Seats 25 rows and 43 ABC - with inconveniences in terms of the toilet located nearby. The backrests of the 25th row seats have limitations in reclining.
  • Seats DEG and HJK in row 43 are also not comfortable due to the kitchen area, and seats in row AK in 41 are also not comfortable due to the lack of portholes.

Flight performance

  • Maximum speed: 950 km/h
  • Cruising speed: 910 km/h
  • Flight range: 15370 km
  • Aircraft capacity: economy class - 290 passengers, economy/business - 250 passengers, economy/business/first class - 280 passengers
  • Unlike others passenger aircraft, where the air supplied to the cabin is taken from the engines (so-called bleed air) with a temperature of more than 600 degrees, passes through coolers and enters the cabin, in the Boeing 787 Dreamliner the air is supplied to the cabin by electric compressors directly from the external environment. This eliminates the problem of insufficient air humidity. More humid air inside the Dreamliner provides greater passenger comfort.
  • The 787 manufacturing plant is approximately 380,000 square feet in size.

Boeing 787 Dreamliner (dream plane) is a wide-body twin-engine passenger aircraft. It was originally planned to be created as a subsonic airliner, that is, flying at transonic speeds, however, it later became a conventional subsonic jet aircraft. The aircraft is a long-haul aircraft.

Named Sonic cruiser at the beginning of development, the aircraft received the code designation 7X7, and closer to the start of production - the existing name 787.

History of the development of the Boeing 787 Dreamliner passenger aircraft

Sonic Cruiser

By the beginning of the 21st century, the Boeing Corporation realized that the previous long-range model, the Boeing 767, was outdated. Competition with the Airbus concern, which produced models such as the 330 and 340, has intensified. To keep up with its competitor, Boeing decided to make a qualitative leap in aircraft production, and in 2001 announced the development of a new airliner - the Boeing Sonic Cruiser. According to the manufacturer's press release, the subsonic Boeing will maintain a speed close to sound, but at the same time consume less fuel than classmates. However, airlines said they were looking for efficiency and speed was not as important. Therefore, the development of such a complex aircraft was canceled.

Boeing 787

On April 26, 2004, Boeing held a presentation of its new project. The code name of the new aircraft is 7E7. This development was presented as the successor to Sonic Cruiser. Many ideas and technologies were borrowed from his predecessor. In the winter of 2005, Boeing announced the name of the new model - Boeing 787.

The rollout of the new aircraft took place in the summer of 2007, however, it was possible to put the aircraft on the wing only at the end of 2009.

In the summer of 2011, a Boeing 787 made its first flight from Seattle (USA) to Tokyo. Then, starting on July 4, 2011, the aircraft conducted test flights between Japanese cities for a week.

On August 26, 2011, the aircraft received aircraft type approval. The first commercial flight took place on October 26, 2011.

On June 16, 2014, the 787-9 was certified with a stretched fuselage and increased passenger capacity.

As of the end of 2018, more than 300 million passengers had flown on the 787. Due to the increased range, 210 new non-stop routes were opened.

Description of design and technical characteristics

The aircraft is a twin-engine turbofan low-wing aircraft with a swept wing and one fin (rudder).

The Boeing 787 was the first aircraft manufactured with big amount composite materials. Each aircraft contains about 35 tons of composite materials. Composites are used in the production of fuselage, wings and other parts of aircraft. Because of this, the manufacturer managed to greatly lighten the aircraft.

The wing plane is swept, the tips have variable camber, due to which the lift force has increased by 2 percent compared to the previous model.

The engine also uses a large number of composite parts, which reduces the amount of harmful emissions into the atmosphere and increases power.

The aircraft's "plastic" wings increase lift by 2% compared to previous models.

Thanks to new interior solutions, the volume luggage compartment increased by 45% compared to the Boeing 767.


The cockpit of the Boeing 787 is “glass”, that is, instead of dial instruments, screens are used on which the necessary information is displayed, including flight and approach diagrams. It is also worth noting that Boeing uses a classic steering wheel for control, and not a control stick, like Airbus.

The technical characteristics of the aircraft are given in the table:

Option 787-8 787-9 787-10
Crew Two people
Passenger capacity 242 (2 classes) 290 (2 classes) 330 (2 classes)
Length 56.69 m 63 m 68.27 m
Wingspan 60.17 m
Wing area 325 m2
Wing sweep angle 32,2
Height 17 m
Fuselage dimensions Width: 5.77 m

Height: 5.97 m

Cabin width 5.49 m
Cargo capacity 138.2 m³
28 LD3 containers
174.5 m³
36 LD3 containers
192.6 m³
40 containers type LD3
Maximum take-off weight 227,930 kg 254,011 kg
Maximum landing weight 172,365 kg 192,777 kg 201,849 kg
Maximum weight without fuel 161,025 kg 181,437 kg 192,777 kg
Empty weight 118,000 kg 126,000 kg N/A
Engines 2×General Electric GEnx-1B or

2×Rolls-Royce Trent 1000

Engine thrust 280 kN 320 kN 340 kN
Fuel consumption 4800 kg/hour 5400 kg/hour 5700 kg/hour

Flight characteristics of the Boeing 787

Interior layout and seating arrangement

When designing the Boeing 787, it was possible to increase the cabin by 40 cm compared to its predecessors. This made it possible to expand the space of the overhead luggage racks and toilets.

The height of the windows is also a record among all passenger aircraft - 46 cm.

At each seat in the back of the seat in front there is a monitor on which films, music and other content available in the on-board entertainment system can be shown.

Let's look at the layout of seats in a three-class cabin using the example of United Airlines.

Internal elements United PolarisSM business class United Economy Plus United Economy
Number of seats 48 88 116
Seat numbers 1A-8L 16A-24L, 27BCJK, 29DEF 27AL, 28A-L, 29ABCJKL, 30A-41F
exits In front of the salon, row 5 27 row Rear cabin
Seat configuration 2-2-2 3-3-3 3-3-3
Seat length 6’6″ (198 cm) converts into a sleeper 35″ (88 cm) 32″ (81 cm)
Seat width 20.6″ (52.3 cm) 17.3″ (43.9 cm) 16.3″ – 17.3″ (41.4 cm – 43.9 cm)
WiFi Yes Yes Yes
Sockets Yes Yes Yes
USB ports Yes Yes Yes
Possibility of attaching a cradle 6AB, 6KL 16ABC, 16DEF, 16JKL, 29DEF

Business Class

Business class provides excellent opportunities for a comfortable flight. The seats turn into a bed and allow you to get a great night's sleep on a long, transoceanic flight. Food from the world's best chefs and excellent amenity kits will make your flight unforgettable. Each seat has a separate passage so as not to disturb the neighboring passenger.

Premium class

Premium, otherwise known as premium economy, is a class that, of course, is inferior in comfort to business, but nevertheless provides comfortable seats for long-distance flights. The recline angle of the backrest, although it does not turn the seat into a bed, is still not bad.

Economy class

Economy class provides seats that are upgraded from its predecessor, the 767. With in-flight Wi-Fi and an integrated entertainment system, Economy Class is quite convenient for passengers who choose it for their flight.

Advantages and disadvantages of 787

The main advantage of the aircraft is the use of a large number of composite materials - the aircraft has become much lighter.

Thanks to the composite fuselage, it was possible to maintain the pressure in flight at a level of 1800 m, as opposed to the usual 2400 m. To improve the flight conditions on board, air is supplied by compressors directly from the environment, and not from the engines. This eliminates the problem of dry air at the flight level and increases the comfort of the flight. So, for example, the standard level of air humidity in flight is 4%, in the 787 the humidity is 15%.

Due to the use of a new shape of the rear cut of the engine nacelles (“teeth”), it was possible to reduce the noise of the aircraft by more than 15%.

Broadband data transmission (BDT) over a radio channel allows the board to report to ground services about flight parameters in real mode time.

The use of an automatic system that deflects the ailerons during shaking improved the aerodynamics of the aircraft and its behavior in turbulence.

However, it should be noted that the aviation authorities of the United States and the European Union stopped the aircraft from flying in January 2013 due to problems with the batteries. After the investigation, flights were resumed in April 2013.

Boeing 787 flight safety

To date, not a single accident or disaster has been recorded with this type of aircraft. One flight incident was recorded in December 2012, associated with the failure of a standard generator in flight. The plane made an emergency landing, no one was injured.

Boeing 787 modifications

Currently, Boeing offers its customers three modifications of the aircraft. A fourth was planned - the 787-300, with a shorter range (for Japanese domestic routes), but its production was canceled in 2010.

Boeing 787-8 (787-800)

Basic version. It was the first to enter the market and began to be supplied to customers. It was planned as a replacement for the Boeing 767-200ER and Boeing 767-300ER. The model is designed to carry 242 passengers over a distance of 13,600 km.

Boeing 787-9 (787-900)

This model has a fuselage extended by 6.1 m. The wings have not changed. Can transport up to 280 people over a distance of 14,140 km.

Boeing 787-10 (787-1000)

The development was presented on June 18, 2013 at the airshow in Le Bourget. Carrying 330 passengers over 11,000 km, the aircraft was planned to compete with models such as the Boeing 777-200, Airbus A330 and Airbus A340. To produce this aircraft, the wings had to be enlarged and shifted relative to the fuselage. The landing gear also had to be moved to reduce the likelihood of the extended tail hitting the runway.

The plane and its modifications ended up being very successful. A better microclimate during the flight, providing greater comfort to passengers. The plane seems to be pushing you to choose this plane on your next flight.

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