You can make used balloons. Aeronautics - science, technology and art

In order for balloons to only bring joy at a holiday, decorate memorable moments and not create any troubles or problems, you need to follow a few simple safety rules.

The main rule: children under three years of age inclusive can play with inflated balloons (touch them) only under the constant supervision of adults. Children under three years of age should never be left alone with balloons (and helium balloons) if they have the opportunity to reach them.

Older children need to be explained the rules for safe handling of balloons and products (figures) made from balloons. It is recommended that children's behavior around balloons be monitored well into adolescence.

What to do with balloons is completely unacceptable

You cannot bite the inflated balloons and you must not put them in your mouth, under any circumstances. Besides the fact that it is unhygienic, the balls may simply burst in the mouth or near the face. In addition to being frightened, a child may receive a blow to the skin or eyes, or debris from a burst balloon may enter the child’s respiratory tract as he inhales, which can lead to even greater harm to the person. In general, inflated balls and mouths are completely incompatible things.

You should not pop balls near your face for the same reasons. It is especially not recommended to pop balloons for evil fun, wanting to jokingly scare another person (child). A person, especially a child, can really get scared and cry. Balloons should make you happy, but causing fear and children's crying is not the correct use of balloons.

It is completely unacceptable to pop inflated balloons with lit cigarettes. This, by the way, is very popular with tipsy guests who have decided to have fun (to misbehave) at the holiday. The fact is that when a balloon bursts, a powerful expansion of air occurs, which was previously compressed inside the balloon. This air takes with it and spreads the tobacco smoldering in the cigarette. You can set fire to curtains, hair, you can burn clothes, skin... In general, how lucky you are.

Balloons have very thin and highly stretched walls, consisting of either a very thin film or very thin latex. This is how they differ from other inflatable items: beach mattresses, balls, inflatable toys made of durable plastic. Therefore, it is strictly forbidden to sit on inflated balloons, or lie on them, jump and jump on them, or lean on balloons. The balloon will inevitably burst, and the person will receive either injury or a painful blow.

Case in point: a mother brings her child a foil figure inflated with helium. The child, in joyful excitement, taking advantage of the connivance of adults, begins to jump on this inflated figure on the floor, playing “horse” with it... The foil figure bursts with a roar, the child hits his butt on the hard floor with all his might and breaks his tailbone , For example.

Dear mothers, take care of the health of your children, do not allow them to jump and race on inflated balloons.

What to do with balloons with care

Young people at parties like to have fun by inhaling helium and then making a “funny voice.” Yes, the helium with which balloons are inflated has a low density, so the ligaments of the larynx, when trying to “speak with helium,” change their vibration frequency, and the person begins to speak a couple of octaves higher, in a cartoonish and “funny” voice.

We won’t discuss how fun or funny it is, let’s just note two points:

Helium gas is completely safe for humans; you can inhale it without the risk of poisoning or other harm to the body.

Man needs oxygen to live. By inhaling pure helium, we completely fill our lungs with it, in which there is no oxygen at this time. If a person's lungs are filled with non-air for a long time, he may suffocate. Therefore, if you want to talk in a “funny voice,” then you need to do this not constantly, with pauses so that the body can breathe the vital air it needs.

Take care of yourself, your children and your loved ones

After many decades of almost complete oblivion, balloons are gradually returning to our lives. And we are talking not only about entertainment and sports aircraft, but also about their industrial and scientific use. In this review we have collected 5 most obvious examples as V modern world are used Balloons, and in what ways they might be useful in the future.

A group of engineering students from Boston dream of private space exploration. Of course, they do not have billions of dollars that can be invested in the development of appropriate technologies, as businessmen Elon Musk and Richard Branson do, therefore, the scale of their activities is much more modest. However, they can already boast of several successful launches of aircraft to high altitudes.

For example, in 2014, students made several trips using balloons. They attached mobile phone with the camera turned on, to the balloons and released them. The balloons rose to a height of 29 kilometers, where they burst, torn apart from the inside by high pressure compared to the outside. They then found the dropped phone thanks to the turned on GPS sensor.

Of course, 29 kilometers is far from Space or even suborbital space. However, with each new launch, the altitude of such flights increases - students are constantly modifying their balloons. For now, their maximum goal is to reach the 50 km mark.

Ideologically connected with the manipulations of Boston students is a completely “serious” project called Bloostar from the Spanish company Zero2Infinity. It involves launching artificial Earth satellites into orbit using balloons.

Of course, the creators understand that due to the pressure difference inside and outside the balloon increasing with each subsequent kilometer of altitude, balloons cannot rise to 100 km and above. However, this is not necessary. The project involves the use of balloons to help spacecraft overcome gravity.

The balloons will lift them to a height of 20 kilometers, after which the devices will separate and fly further on their own, using a traditional stepped rocket system. This technology will significantly save resources when launching satellites into orbit, because most of the fuel is consumed by rockets at launch, at the moment of lifting off from the earth's surface.

Bloostar technology will make it possible to launch objects weighing up to 75 kilograms to an altitude of up to 600 kilometers.

Another promising project from the Spanish company Zero2Infinity. As part of this tech initiative, she plans to create balloons with pressurized capsules attached that can seat four people.

Bloon balloons will be able to rise to a height of up to 40 kilometers. This indicator, of course, is far from even the level of suborbital flights that take place around the 100 km mark. However, even this height will be enough for passengers to feel the closeness of Space, and to feel like almost real astronauts.

Climbing up maximum height, Zero2Infinity's balloons will be able to stay on it for three hours (compare with a few minutes when flying on shuttles from Virgin Galactic), and then smoothly descend to the Earth's surface for five to six hours. In this case, the ascent itself will take place in hot air balloon mode, and the descent – ​​in paraglider mode.

During the flight, passengers will be able to admire amazing beauty planet Earth, and these species cannot be observed even from airliners during transcontinental flights, because Bloon devices rise four times higher. Moreover, the cost of such a trip will be a couple of tens of thousands of American dollars. For comparison, prices for flights with Virgin Galactic start at 250 thousand.

At the end of 2014, a group of NASA scientists and engineers from McMurdo Station in Antarctica launched the first copy of a new generation of balloons, a scientific balloon with a maximum volume of 538 thousand cubic meters.

These kinds of balloons are expected to become the basis for scientific research in the coming decades. After all, they can lift a load weighing 2,300 kilograms to a height of up to 33 kilometers. This balloon can continuously remain in the sky for about a hundred days, despite the fact that the current record for maximum flight duration is 55 days.

First scientific balloon The new generation COSI gamma-ray telescope has been lifted to heights, which is capable of detecting areas in the sky that emit gamma rays, the study of which will help unravel a huge number of cosmic mysteries.

According to the famous designer Olivier Grossetette, the force of the balloons is quite enough to hold a small pedestrian bridge, stretching over a lake in one of the parks on an estate in northwestern England.

Pont de Singe or "Monkey Bridge" is one of the most unusual bridges in the whole world. After all, it stays above the water not with the help of massive bases, but only with the help of three large balloons attached to the structure. At the same time, to prevent the bridge from flying away, it is fixed to the ground with the help of several tied bags of sand.

True, Pont de Singe is just a decorative decoration of the park. It does not perform any practical function. The flimsy structure is not intended for people to walk on - it will immediately go under water under the weight of their bodies.

The Pont de Singe bridge is located in the so-called “Japanese” part of the English manor park. This design, according to the author, seeks to revive poetry and dreams in the turmoil modern life.

: Private Space: who and why spends money on personal rockets and space shuttles.

Holidays are something that both adults and children enjoy. We all love bright holidays that we remember for a long time. To make the holiday truly excellent, you should worry about more than just food and entertainment for the guests. You should also think about how you can decorate this holiday, what decorations you can use to make the holiday really look very stylish. A win-win way is to decorate the holiday with fresh flowers. You can also decorate the room with balloons, which can be purchased on the website Here they are inexpensive and always presented in a large assortment. A balloon has long been recognized as one of the best decorations for any holiday.

Bright, colorful, cheerful, airy, they will definitely bring a good mood and create an unforgettable experience. You can order them in any quantity. Balloons are light, floating in the clouds, they give real joy and a feeling of flight to both small children and adults.

Everyone likes decorating holidays with balloons because:

  • bright;
  • cheerful;
  • air;
  • takes adults back to childhood.

This combination of parameters turns helium balloons into the most unique way to highlight all the importance and solemnity. events. Decorating various holidays with such products is a real choice for those who are well versed in a good mood!

Exclusive balls

For those who want to convey a message or make an advertisement, products with a design printed according to your sketch will be useful. The cost of such products is small, but causes a strong reaction and response. Printing on balloons is a great opportunity to make your business recognizable and your holiday unforgettable.

Balloons with a company logo can be called a wonderful souvenir for promotions.

Decoration of street events

Today this service is in wide demand. All the people on the street saw a store decorated with balloons, the design of some kind of exhibition, or the designation of the location of an action. For such purposes, decorative techniques from:

  • garlands;
  • large figures of famous characters;
  • air-rubber molds of different colors and figures.

At the end of the celebration, such bundles are always unraveled, and the airy products are smoothly picked up by a light breeze.

    The first mentions of balloons can be called mythological... They relate to the legend of the ancient Karelians about flying in balloons made of whale and ox skin. They were used as a form of transport, carrying residents from village to village through swamps, forests and off-road terrain. There are tales of buffoons entertaining residents with painted bubbles made from animal intestines.

    The actual confirmed invention of the hot air balloon belongs to the great physicist and chemist Michael Faraday. The great scientist and inventor, famous for his discoveries of electromagnetic induction, the laws of electrolysis, who assembled a model of an electric motor and a transformer, drew attention to the sticky qualities of rubber resin. For experiments with hydrogen, he made a kind of bag out of rubber, which became the prototype of the modern flying ball.

    People have been talking about air bags used for fun since 1847. It was then that J. G. Ingram introduced the celestial flying ball.

    At first, hydrogen served as a filler. The light gas lifted the balloons high into the sky, delighting an audience unspoiled by the wonders of technology. Explosive canisters were used until an extreme prankster set the city's holiday decorations on fire in 1922. The explosion led to the use of safe helium as a filler.

    Balloons acquired their modern latex shell thanks to a patented invention by Neil Tylotson in 1931.

    Natural latex is obtained from the sap of rubber trees by dispersion of water in combination with salts and minerals. This is a durable, elastic and environmentally friendly material. Decomposes well in natural conditions.

There are varioustypes of balloons independing on the material they are made of, their purpose or how they look. Here are some interesting information about them.

History of hot air balloons

Many years have passed since the Montgolfier brothers sent their three animal passengers to see if humans could survive a hot air balloon ride. And we still fly hot air balloons because there is nothing like it.

Hot Air Balloon Facts

Balloons are simple, but there is a wide range of different balloons available for different purposes. They are used for sports, recreation, science, medicine, as decoration, in the military and for many more interesting things. By the way, if you need balloons with numbers, we recommend going to the website of the Vozdushny Store.


Balloons may look simple, but they have many years of research and experimentation (and human lives) behind them. Today, balloons made for human flight are carefully made.

History and facts about varioustypes of balloons

Balloons: one of the oldest types of balloons and the earliest aircrafts that carry people safely into the air. They first appeared in the 18th century and are still popular today. They work because they are launched into the air with heated air, which is lighter than cold air, and because of this it lifts the balloon up. Their ancestors are flying lanterns that first appeared in third century China.

Gas cylinders: appeared simultaneously with by air balls. It is filled with a gas that is lighter than air, usually hydrogen or helium. Hydrogen is cheaper and easier to obtain, but is dangerous because it can explode when mixed with oxygen in the air. Helium is more expensive, but safer because it is inert.

Toy balloons : Small balloons made of rubber, latex or aluminized plastic and mainly used for children's play, party decoration and advertising. Before this material and Michael Faraday who made the first rubber balloon, balloons were made from pig bladders.

Weather balloons : Large balloons made of highly flexible latex to carry instruments that measure barometric pressure, temperature, humidity and other weather characteristics. One of the first to use hot air balloons was Leoen Teisserin de Bort, a French meteorologist in 1896.

Solar ball: A balloon that rises in the air when the air inside it is heated by solar radiation. The first solar globe was invented by Dominic Michaelis, a British architect and inventor in 1972.