Where to buy Turkish lira. Where to exchange Turkish lira for rubles

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The question of the currency you need to take when traveling to Turkey depends on what currency you have set aside for your vacation. If it's dollars, take them., If you have euros, you can take them too, if the amount is in local currency - rubles, hryvnias and there is a Visa or MasterCard card - we top up the card. In Turkey, you can withdraw money from an ATM in the local currency - lira or pay directly in a store.

Lira exchange rate for October 2019 to some currencies:
100 dollars (USD) ≈ 534.47 TRY
100 dollars (EUR) ≈ 584.82 TRY
100 dollars (RUB) ≈ 7.8 TRY
100 dollars (UAN) ≈ 534.47 TRY

Please note that compared to 2018, the lira has fallen significantly against these currencies!

You can pay for goods and services not only in cash, but also with your bank cards. Before leaving for Turkey, check with your bank representative about the possibility of making payments abroad; at what rate will the automatic currency transfer be made; what will be the interest rate for servicing such a transaction (some banks charge a fee for such transactions). Sometimes it is more profitable to exchange currency on the spot, in the host country, than to pay for something with your card at an unfavorable exchange rate.

What currency should I take with me?

If you are not going to pay by card and you don't care what currency to buy, Then It is preferable to take dollars with you, they are accepted everywhere in banks, exchange offices and when paying in cash. The second most polar currency in Turkey is the euro. A resort area (for example: or) accepts both international currencies equally well. Although in Fethiye or more people like the euro.

Let's put it this way: Mediterranean resorts prefer dollars, while Aegean resorts prefer euros.

If you are planning a trip to the outback of the country, then it is more advisable to stock up on local
currency - lira. In some resort towns in Turkey (Antalya, Marmaris, Side, Kemer), local residents accept rubles or hryvnia as payment. However, the exchange rate for these currencies is not always favorable to you. It is preferable to change the currencies of other countries in banks or exchange offices.

The business part of the country (or Ankara) prefers to deal with the “native” currency. But in advance (in your country) it is not always profitable to exchange dollars for lira; often in such large and business cities as Istanbul, the exchange rate is more favorable for you.

In any case, whatever currency you have in your hands, make sure there are as many small bills as possible: leave a tip for someone, give change for someone, pay for coffee or transport fare, and so on. The smallest dollar bill is a $1 bill, and the smallest euro bill is €5. Accordingly, it is more profitable to have small dollars on hand.

The Turkish lira is not popular outside of your country, so exchange only as much money as you need in Turkey.

Keep in mind: in small shops or at the bazaar, do not show the seller that you have large amounts of money in dollars or euros. The seller will do his best, but will force you to buy more of everything. Or he will shamelessly lie that with $50 he has no change.

In addition to cash, we recommend taking one or two plastic cards with you. It is not always profitable to use them directly in Turkey, but having money on the card will help with unplanned expenses.

For information: in the southern part of Turkey in different cities there are ATMs of Sberbank of Russia, where you can freely withdraw the amount you need without extortionate interest from local “foreign” banks.

Also, we do not recommend that you carry out any transactions with your card at an ATM in the evening in Turkey. It often happens that the ATM “eats” the card and then it is almost impossible to return it. By the way, for this (among other things) you should take another plastic card with you.

The maximum amount that can be withdrawn at one time from an ATM is $400 or €350.

Where is the best place to exchange currency in Turkey?

The most common way to exchange currency is through local banks.. But banks in Turkey are open from 8:30 to 17:30 with lunch breaks from 13:00 to 14:00 and days off on Saturday and Sunday. If you don’t have time to run to the bank on time, then there are exchangers in every major city in Turkey. The exchange rate in them is higher than in the bank. They work (especially in the high season) almost around the clock. Often these exchangers have a “Chance Office” sign.

The most favorable currency exchange rate in the central part of the city: in banks, exchange offices or at the post office. The most unprofitable ones are on the outskirts of cities, at the airport, at the hotel reception.

Currency exchange at the airport is a completely different story. Remember: at all airports in Turkey the exchange rate here is unfavorable (extortionate). The best option is to exchange a small amount of money for Turkish lira at home, so that you can pay for some services on the spot immediately upon arrival in the country or simply take a taxi to the city where you will be vacationing.

If you haven't prepared in advance, it's okay. Ask the taxi driver to take you to the nearest normal exchange office (don’t forget, the inscription on it should be “Chance Office”). As a last resort, the taxi driver accepts payment for his services in dollars or euros.

How much money to take to Turkey?

The amount you plan to spend in Turkey depends entirely on you and what you plan to do in this country. If this is a fully paid vacation in a good All inclusive hotel, you may not need cash. The entire minimum set of entertainment, services and even excursions will already be paid for by you.

And if you decide to wander the streets of the city, go on several excursions and buy gifts for yourself and friends, then even $500 may not be enough.

How much currency can you take with you to Turkey?

When crossing the border into Turkey without declaration(along the green corridor) can be imported or exported in total up to 3000 dollars or their equivalent in other currencies per person. From 3000 to 10000 can be imported (with their declaration). There are no restrictions on carrying currency on the card.

Perfect: come with dollars, find a profitable exchanger, change them little by little into lira and pay in lira. Arrive with euros and change them as needed - also good. It is worth changing rubles or hryvnias to lira by looking for a good exchanger or bank and studying the exchange rate. You shouldn’t pay with them directly - they will take you at a not very favorable rate, or you are very good at haggling and will be able to achieve a favorable price. Other currencies of the CIS countries will most likely not be accepted.

What currency should you take with you to Turkey in 2019? What kind of money is there in Turkey and where is the best place to change currency? You can spend from 10 dollars to infinity in Turkey on vacation. Turkey is a paradise for relaxation both for those who like to save money and for lovers of active, expensive and high-quality recreation.
How much money to take on vacation to Turkey and other useful tips in today’s article.

What is the currency in Turkey?

In Turkey, the currency is the Turkish lira. The Turkish lira appeared in Turkey in 1923, replacing the Ottoman lira.

In Turkey there are banknotes with the following denominations:

5, 10, 20, 50, 100 and 200 liras.

Coins – 1, 5, 10, 25, 50 kurus and 1 lira coin.

The front of the Turkish liras depicts the President of Turkey, Mustafa Kemal Ataturk.
In exchange offices, the Turkish lira is referred to by the abbreviation - TRY

What currency to take to Turkey in 2019?

Many were happy when it became known that the Turkish coast had reopened to Russian tourists. Still would! No matter how attractive the resorts of Crimea or the Krasnodar Territory are, you can relax in Turkey much cheaper, of better quality and more interesting.

Turkish lira to dollar

The exchange rate of the Lira against the ruble, dollar and euro today is as follows:

1 Turkish lira – 16 rubles.
10 lira – 2.82 dollars
10 lira – 2.52 euros

There is no direct answer to the simple question - what currency to take to Turkey. For the simple reason that the answer depends on which resort in Turkey and which city you are going to.

Different regions of Turkey have their own nuances and preferences. For example, for a long time Side and Marmaris have been considered German resorts, and therefore it is more profitable and easier to take currency there in euros. American dollars in Turkey will be in use in any region, in any city and you don’t even need to change them
to Turkish lira. The only exceptions are the most remote and remote villages, to which the average tourist from Russia
it's not that easy to get in.

If you are flying on vacation to Turkey, to its resort part, to cities such as Antalya, Alanya, Marmaris, Kemer, Side, Dalaman, Bodrum, then it is better to take currency in euros and dollars with you, and upon arrival you can partially change them in lira, since not all stores with fixed prices allow you to pay in foreign currency.

If you are flying to Ankara or Istanbul on business, you should not exchange dollars for Turkish lira in your home country. The lira to dollar exchange rate upon arrival will be more favorable and you will most often have to pay in local currency, since dollars and euros are not always accepted in non-tourist Turkey.

Also, as insurance, it is worth taking currency to Turkey on a bank card.
There are hundreds of thousands of ATMs throughout Turkey that accept all popular types of bank cards.
So, even in a restaurant or in a store, it’s not a problem to pay with a Sberbank card, but you still shouldn’t do this, since you will be charged a large commission and conversion.
You need a bank card on holiday in Turkey in order to have a backup option for cash on holiday in Turkey.

By the way, in the southern resorts of Turkey there are Sberbank ATMs where you can withdraw money without commission or additional conversion.

What money should I take to Turkey?

Have you heard that they are going to introduce a simplified payment scheme for Russian tourists at Turkish resorts? So perhaps in the 2019 season you will be able to travel to Turkey with rubles and pay in rubles for purchases, excursions, and trips.

If it is better not to bring small bills in dollars or euros to some countries, since it is almost impossible to change them and you cannot pay (most Asian countries), then in Turkey it is quite the opposite.

All experienced travelers advise taking large amounts of small cash
in currency - euros or dollars, in order to use them in small shops, at the market or as tips for hotel staff.

It is worth remembering that if you get a large bill in euros or dollars at the market in Turkey, the seller will do everything possible to make you buy and pay as much as possible, or even inform you that he simply does not have change.

Whatever money you take to Turkey, the quantity and quality of your souvenirs depends on your bargaining ability.
Bargaining in Turkey needs to be done passionately, but without rudeness or insults. Young girls have the best chance of getting the price down, while Europeans and Americans have the worst chances.

If you are lively and brave, then it’s time to stock up on an empty suitcase. It’s easy to bring a lot of useful goods and souvenirs from Turkey at bargain prices if you bargain well and do it with a good-natured smile on your face.

Bargain, Turkish bazaars are created for this. Trading there is the art of communication and the winner is the one who named the minimum price and received the goods for it.
From Turkey you can bring a lot of interesting souvenirs, Turkish sweets, good knitwear, bed linen and high quality clothes.
It is worth remembering that in large chain stores in Turkey, bargaining is not accepted and is unsightly.
Prices there are fixed and in local Turkish lira.

How and where is it profitable to change money in Turkey?

It is better not to trust small money changers and change currency at official exchange offices or a branch of a Turkish bank. The Change Office labels will help you identify them.

Exchange offices in Turkey are open from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., except weekends.

Turkish banks have business interruptions. Usually from 13 to 14. In popular resorts such as Antalya or Side, banks are often open seven days a week.

The most favorable currency exchange rate in Turkey is usually located in the city center, at the post office, but in hotels and airports in Turkey - the dollar to lira, ruble to lira or euro to lira exchange rate is the most unfavorable.

Where should you not change money in Turkey?

Do not change currency at the hotel reception, do not change money upon arrival or departure at the airport, even if you are going to take a taxi from the Turkish airport, you can ask the taxi driver to drop you off at a good exchange office or take the required amount in dollars from home ahead of time (taxi drivers charge calmly in dollars).

Travel experience in Turkey says - do not withdraw money from the card in the evening, because if it is swallowed by an ATM (which is not uncommon), then no one will give it back to you. And also try not to withdraw currency in Turkey before departure. In case of any problems, you will have to stay late, since things don’t get done quickly in Turkey.

The limit for withdrawing money from an ATM in Turkey is usually 400 dollars or 350 euros.

What is the money in Turkey - Turkish lira

Thanks to the recent currency reform, it is easy to transfer currency from rubles to lira or from dollars to lira.
Many zeros at the end have disappeared and today for 1 lira they give 16 rubles, and for 10 lira – almost 3 dollars.

Turkish Lira is the national currency; In everyday use there are 5, 10, 20, 50, 100 and 200 liras. All liras depict the same person - the ruler of Turkey, Mustafa Kemal Ataturk.

One lira is 100 kurus, small coins.
In Turkey, there are coins in denominations of 1, 5, 10, 25, 50 kurus. They also depict Mustafa Ataturk.

Before leaving Turkey, do not forget to exchange local money for rubles or dollars, since outside of Turkey there will be no opportunity to spend or exchange them at a good rate.

Turkey is doing everything to make tourists from Russia comfortable, convenient and cheap on the coast. Many resorts have even introduced a payment system in Russian rubles, so taking rubles or hryvnia to Turkey will not be a bad idea.

Rubles as a currency in Turkey are accepted as payment for goods, services, and travel. This does not apply to the Turkish capital Ankara or Istanbul.
But in Marmaris, Side, Antalya, Alanya, Kemer - it’s easy. There is no need to buy Liras in advance.

How much money to take to Turkey for vacation 2019?

It all depends on your appetites and expected expenses. A holiday in Turkey can cost “0” rubles if you are traveling on an all-inclusive package to a good large hotel on the coast and are not going to go beyond it.
This is precisely why a holiday in Turkey will probably cost less than a holiday in Crimea or Sochi, simply because costs in Turkey can be calculated in advance.
Even with a zero budget, a holiday in Turkey will leave a warm and beautiful impression, as the all-inclusive hotel has everything you need: food, room, sea, free entertainment, sauna, water slides for children, and often even freshly squeezed pomegranate or orange juices are included in the price of the tour.

If you are not in the mood to stay in a hotel in Turkey all the time and are eager to see the surroundings, then take 200-1000 dollars with you to Turkey. This amount is quite enough for excursions with the whole family, as well as for the purchase of textiles, Turkish sweets and sightseeing.

How much money can you bring to Turkey?

Please note that you can bring into Turkey without declaring only $3,000 in cash. You can declare an amount equivalent to $10,000 per person.
There are no restrictions on importing money on a bank card.

How much money do you need in Turkey for 7 days?

Turkey is a country where you can easily get by without money. Especially if everything is already included in the package. Usually, for a family of 3 people, $200-300 is enough for a 7-day vacation. This money will be enough for excursions, gifts, souvenirs and trips to cafes.

Even if you don't plan to spend any money in Turkey, it's better to take a few hundred dollars for unexpected expenses. You may need money for snacks at the airport, for transfer to the airport, if you want to order a separate one.
Independent transfers are often ordered by mothers with children and groups. It is very profitable and fast. You don’t have to wait for tourists at the airport and take several hours to get to the hotel.
A comfortable minivan for 6-8 people will cost only 200-300 rubles per passenger.
You can place an order at KiwiTaxi. It is not necessary to pay immediately.

How much money to take to Turkey if all inclusive?

Pay attention to what is written on your travel package. If you travel under the “Ultra All Inclusive” mode, then the hotel will even include snacks at night, a 24-hour bar, pizza, ice cream, alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks around the clock.

In the all-inclusive mode, food and drinks will be available during the opening hours of the hotel restaurants.

The easiest way to figure out how much money to take to Turkey is to take $100-200 per person and some more on a bank card. You can even take rubles. This will make it easier to save money. After all, you will only change rubles on vacation in Turkey in case of extreme need and at a not very favorable rate.

But this method encourages you not to spend too much.

Do you need insurance for Turkey?

All tourists need insurance to Turkey. Many people do not know that insurance for a package tour does not protect against anything and always has a deductible of 50-100 euros.

Turkey is in first place among insurers in terms of visits to the doctor among Russian tourists. Prices for treatment in Turkey are high, and self-medication is not possible, because you cannot buy medicine without a doctor’s prescription.

Insurance to Turkey costs pennies. Good insurance will cost only 300-500 rubles for the entire vacation period, so it’s better not to take risks and go on vacation calmly, knowing that you have a medical policy with coverage of $50,000 - $100,000.

How to save on insurance?

Insurance abroad is required. Any appointment is very expensive and the only way to avoid paying out of pocket is to choose an insurance policy in advance. We have been applying for many years on the website, which gives the best prices for insurance and selection along with registration takes only a couple of minutes.

What currency to take to Turkey in 2019- an important question before going to the sea. And especially after the lira exchange rate collapsed. Traveling to Turkey has become even more profitable. Let's figure out what currency to go to Turkey with, where to change money in Turkey and what the exchange rate is in Turkey. I also recommend reading the information about and very useful sections of the site about and (about other regions still in the process of being written).

Türkiye does not stand still, and a lot has changed in it in recent years. Since I started traveling around Turkey in 2012, I have something to compare it with in 2019. The first thing that has changed in Turkey is the stamp in the international passport. If earlier they had their own national round stamp in blue and red, now they have a black rectangular one, close to the Schengen one. The currency also changed - basically, prices began to be indicated In Euro. Apparently, Türkiye really wants to join the European Union. But the occupied Northern part of Cyprus does not allow them to be accepted there.

However, Turkey is becoming European-friendly, at least in the tourist resorts.

Currency in Turkey

The official currency of Turkey is Turkish lira. Designation TRY. It is best to look for cafes and shops where prices are indicated in lira, because if they are written in dollars or euros, then this is a tourist place, and prices will definitely be rounded up.

What currency is accepted in Turkey 2019

Turkey can be roughly divided into two parts - tourist and non-tourist. In non-tourist Turkey you have to pay only in lira. Rubles, dollars and euros will not be accepted anywhere.

What currency should I take to popular resorts in Turkey in 2019? In tourist Turkey everyone is accepted - euros, dollars, lira, rubles and bank cards. Moreover dollars and euros are officially equal to the national currency, and the rest of the money is accepted “for company.” Here, anywhere you can find change in any currency, just pay. Dollars and euros are accepted in all hotels, cafes, shops and supermarkets, rubles are accepted in markets and in some stores, you can pay by card everywhere, and there may even be a bank terminal in the market. True, paying through a terminal on the market is risky - they can withdraw a larger amount, and since SMS notifications may arrive later when roaming, you will not immediately notice it.

Not everywhere, of course, it will be profitable to pay in foreign currency rather than in lira. Therefore, you need to figure out where and in what currency it is better to pay in Turkey.

What currency should tourists travel to Turkey with in 2019?

What money to take to Turkey 2019? It is more profitable to have different currencies with you, oddly enough. Take euros and dollars, exchange some of them for lira. If you take only one currency to Turkey, then still better than euro. For example, a bus fare costs 3 lira, or 1 dollar, or 1 euro. It is clear that it is more profitable to pay in lira. Or in the market they equate 100 liras and 30 dollars (although 100 liras are equal to 18 dollars). Liras are needed here.

But in the store I came across a different situation, when they say 40 euros, but they translate into lira and say 230 (although in fact 190). It is more profitable to pay in euros. So small amounts in different currencies will come in handy. In hammams and travel agencies, prices are immediately indicated in dollars and euros. On the beach, a sun lounger costs 2 dollars, or 1 euro. It is more profitable to pay in euros.

In general, you need to know the course and navigate it, otherwise you will be scammed. In many stores and markets, the course is always in favor of the seller, of course, and not the buyer. Sometimes it’s easier to go to an exchange office in Turkey than to pay an unfavorable rate. Do not hesitate to refuse if your purchase is recalculated at the wrong rate. Due to the fact that everyone agrees silently, they name the price “out of the blue.”

The lira has collapsed in Turkey. Now the official dollar exchange rate is 5.7, in exchange offices it is 5.5. The euro exchange rate is 6.3, in exchange offices it is 6.2. Last year, the dollar was 4.47 liras, the euro 5.26 liras. It has become much more profitable to pay in lira.

In 2019, the exchange rates in Turkey are as follows:

  • 1 dollar 5.5-5.7 liras
  • 1 euro 6-2-6.3 liras

That is, if they offer an exchange rate to the dollar in exchange offices of 5.5-5.7, this is a good rate. And in hotels 5.0 is a bad rate. Due to a sharp change in course, a general “hunt for the sucker” began in Turkey. When converting dollars into lira, they count at the new rate, and when converting change, they count at the old rate. You need to constantly recalculate and check. Today in my supermarket they wanted to convert the dollar into the lira as 6.0, although in fact it’s 5.5 everywhere. Personally, this situation is very annoying for me; it’s easier for me to go to a normal chain store and not deal with these representatives of “Turkish business.”

After you have decided which currency to take to Turkey in 2019, you need to start exchanging money for lira. A good option is to change money in banks and at the post office. But there are queues there, you need a passport. Banks are closed on weekends, and on weekdays they close at 17.30.

It is best to change money in Turkey at exchange offices called "Exchange Office" and are visible by yellow signs. There is a really good rate there, there is no commission, they can change any amount, all bills are at the same rate (unlike Asia), they do not require documents and they issue a receipt. But there are many exchangers only in the center of resorts, in large cities like Alanya, Antalya or Kemer. There aren’t any on the outskirts and in the villages; you’ll have to look for a very long time. After lunch, the rate at exchange offices changes, and maybe I was lucky, but after lunch the rate was always better than in the morning.

Not a bad option change money in supermarkets. That is, you need to buy something, pay in dollars or euros, and they will give you change in Turkish lira. The rate in supermarkets is close to the rate in exchange offices. Just use large networks like « Migros » , « Metro » , « Sok » . The amount received in lira will be written on the check, so you can recalculate and compare the exchange rate. I like the store in general « Migros » , there is a lot of stuff and good prices. And the most important thing is that all prices are written down and there is no need to haggle (which I don’t know how to do and generally hate). By the way, I have a full review, I recommend reading it.

Another option - withdraw money from a card in Turkey. Moreover, if in Russia a currency ATM is fantastic (I once looked at VTB and didn’t find one, it turns out they don’t exist at all), then in Turkey a regular ATM gives out money in lira, dollars, euros and rubles. Moreover, our Sberbank bought their Deniz Bank, so you can withdraw money from their ATMs without commission. In Asia one can only dream of this. What can I say, even in Crimea you can’t withdraw money from a card without a commission. And in Turkey - please.

Bad option change money at the airport in Turkey. As soon as you arrive, you will be greeted by local “money changers” offering exchanges. Maybe, of course, they work on behalf of banks, but their exchange rate is bad. And judging by how intrusive they are, fewer suckers are coming to Turkey and their clients have decreased.

The worst option is change money in hotels in Turkey. In addition to the fact that their exchange rate is completely blatantly underestimated, they also do not provide any documents about the exchange of money. When the rate at exchange offices for the dollar was 5.5, then in hotels they exchanged at the rate of 5.0. It’s better to pay in dollars or euros than to exchange at such a crazy rate.

It is profitable to go shopping to Turkey even now, with the dollar and euro exchange rates rising against the ruble. The fact is that the Turkish lira is greatly devalued, so prices in the country remain low, even taking into account the increase in exchange rates. Compare for yourself, in 2014 the lira to dollar exchange rate was 2.14, and in 2019 it was 5.60. That is, in 4 years the lira has depreciated by 2 times. But at the same time, the dollar exchange rate to the ruble has doubled, so it turns out that the lira was 14 rubles in 2014, and now it’s 11-12 rubles. in terms of rubles. And all other countries have become more expensive for us.

Now you know what currency to take to Turkey in 2019, dollars or euros, where tourists can change money in Turkey and what the current exchange rate is in Turkey. If you are interested in travel, subscribe to updates at the bottom of this article.

By the way, we have promotional codes for tours, use them when purchasing and get discounts.

      • 300 rub. for any tour, costing from 20,000 rubles.

How to change money in Turkey: dollars or euros to Turkish lira. Is it profitable to change currency at the airport, exchange offices in the centers of cities and resorts, and banks?

Exchange currency in Turkey is not a problem. The problem is to exchange currency at the most favorable rate and not lose a single hard-earned dollar. We’ll tell you where and how to change money in Turkey using the example of Marmamaris (this is the main part of the article, hot on the heels of tourist trips for the 2019 season). At the end, a couple of features of currency exchange at the airport. Ataturk.

Popular excursions in Turkey

The most popular excursions are routes from local residents to Tripster. You can start with (see Sultanahmet, walk along the Galata Bridge, the Bosphorus embankments, outline walking routes). The second most popular excursion in Turkey is (5-hour tour of the valleys of Love, Devrent, Pigeons, monasteries and caves).

Top 4 ways to exchange dollars for lira

Method number 1. At Dalaman airport

At Dalaman airport, where tourists arrive with a ticket to one of the resorts in Turkey, people are usually afraid to change currency (both dollars and euros). Experience has long taught travelers that the exchange rate at international airports in most cases is unfavorable. However, as we saw later, fears in the case of Marmaris (and, looking ahead, Istanbul as well) were in vain.

At the airport they gave 4.45 Turkish lira per dollar. At the transit stop, where the transfer bus later took us, at the exchange office they gave exactly the same amount.

Method number 2. In supermarkets of the Migros chain

The transfer guide suggested that the most favorable exchange rate was in Migros supermarkets, as well as in the city center (we were heading to Marmaris itself). As practice later showed, in Migros supermarkets the exchange rate between dollars and Turkish lira was indeed favorable. But in the center of Marmaris it’s the other way around: exchangers offered “extortionate” 4.27-4.29 liras per 1 dollar.

Exchange office in the center of Marmaris

What else should you pay attention to when exchanging money in? As a rule, most exchangers have a “no commission” sign. If there is no such sign, be sure to check whether an additional commission is charged when exchanging. Please note that in some cases the commission can reach 30%. This is legal, and you will not prove anything to anyone; ignorance of the language will not exempt you from responsibility.

Here you need to clarify what it means to exchange currency at the Migros supermarket. This is not exactly an exchange, but an ordinary purchase. You choose any goods (even just a single bottle of water) and can freely pay in a convenient currency - for example, dollars. You will receive change in Turkish lira. This is how you can “exchange” money at a favorable rate of 4.721 and 4.596(on different days).

Please note: in the receipt issued by the supermarket upon purchase, in addition to the cost of goods in Turkish lira, the exchange rate is displayed (more precisely, how many dollars you gave, how much it is in Turkish lira, what amount in lira is due as change).

Method No. 3. In a commercial bank in Turkey

Changing currency in Turkey: bank branch

As an experiment, we tried to exchange currency in one of the commercial banks in Marmaris. The method is popular among foreign tourists. Let's talk about the minus right away: exchange rates are not posted on the doors, so every vacationer will be forced to sit in line for some time, and then only find out from a bank employee at what rate they can exchange currency. But the course is more or less suitable - 4.50 lira/dollar. However, the bank undertakes to exchange an amount of no less than 50 US dollars.

The bank will also require a foreign passport (not a copy, but the original) to prove your identity. Regular exchange offices in Turkey do not require documents.

Method number 4. From the minibus driver

We found another original way to “exchange” currency in Turkey - with the minibus driver. If you don’t have Turkish lira for travel (or you need very little money), you can offer the driver 10 dollars in the hope that he will give change in lira. Ours agreed, but his course was quite peculiar - 4 liras for 1 dollar.

Liras, or what Turkish banknotes look like

From the memories of my travel companion: “I almost pulled out all my hair out of frustration. It would be better if I exchanged it on the beach with local money changers at the rate of 4.40 liras for 1 dollar.” What we mean here is that there are kiosks on the beach selling tickets for water activities and excursions, and there is also a “currency exchange” sign there.

By the way, at our hotel the exchange rate was also unfavorable - 4.30 liras for 1 dollar.

Currency exchange in Istanbul - where is it more profitable?

In Istanbul the situation is the same as in Marmaris and any other resort: the main thing is to pay attention to hidden commissions. And just don’t ignore the exchange rates in the different places you visit. Already on the second or third day you will understand them better than any Turk.

There is one “prayed” place in Istanbul - an exchange office at the Egyptian Market (Spice Market). If you find the “right” guide, he will definitely show you this place. The course is really enjoyable. But there is a chance to stumble upon it yourself: there are always a lot of people wanting to exchange money near his window.

As for the airport. Ataturk, the lira exchange rate there was surprisingly favorable. Therefore, you can safely change a certain amount upon arrival. So that you have enough for a taxi, dinner and transport / excursions / rest for the next day until you find a profitable exchanger. Happy foreign exchange transactions!

In Turkey, like any other tourist country, the host party tries to make the stay of guests more comfortable and interesting, trying in every possible way to ensure that guests return here again. Therefore often Sellers in stores or shops accept dollars and euros for payment. However, as you know, the devil is in the details and if you recalculate the price of a dinner at a restaurant or purchased ice cream, you will realize that the price in Turkish lira would be much more profitable. Accordingly, for those who have dollars, euros or any other currency with them, it makes sense to exchange part of it for Turkish lira. In this article, we will try to figure out how to exchange dollars, euros for liras in Turkey more profitably for ourselves, which bank cards are best to use, and also point out possible pitfalls in this seemingly simple process.

Imagine that when you arrived in the country, you of course wanted to have some local money with you. But don't rush. Usually, upon arrival, many people want to change money at airports or train stations. However exchangers at airports, if they do not belong to banks, set extortionate rates or may charge a very significant commission when exchanging. Therefore, we advise you to find out first upon arrival, since there is Internet at almost every airport, or to check it before departure, and then decide how profitable the exchange will be for you at the offered rate.

In general, it is worth noting that There are a lot of exchangers in Turkey and the rates they offer are generally quite good.. In addition, currency can be exchanged in banks or at the post office, although their working day is limited to approximately 17 hours. In addition, if you are going to change a significant amount, then it is best to do this at the bank, and then ask for a certificate of the operation, which you can later present during customs control.

Now regarding private exchangers. Since there is huge competition in this market, almost all private traders work at similar rates and try to stand out either with electronic displays or the speed of customer service. However, despite the high level of customer focus, we strongly advise you to pay attention to what is written at the bottom of the sign or display. Usually it may indicate whether there is a commission or not, as well as how much it is. There is also a trick: the rate shown on the sign of the exchanger is valid only when exchanging amounts starting from 1000 dollars or euros. This is completely legal and not prohibited, since information about the rules of exchange is often indicated under the sign, and of course in small letters. Therefore, we draw your attention - when you see a sign with a very favorable exchange rate, do not forget to read all the information from beginning to end, this will save you nerves and money.

If you urgently need Turkish lira, you can sometimes change them directly at the hotel reception or in a store. Again, as in the case of the airport, the course can be either very good or very bad, so we advise you to leave these methods as a backup option. And already We do not recommend changing money in person at all- there are no guarantees that you will be given lira and not Zimbabwean dollars, or the bills will not be counterfeit.

And further. It's okay if you changed too much money, especially if you are going on excursions to sparsely populated areas. As a rule, in such towns things are not going well with the exchange, and even if you manage to change something, the exchange rate is unlikely to please you. In any case, the remaining liras upon departure can be exchanged for dollars or euros at the same exchange offices.

If you are not a supporter of cash and prefer bank cards, then we want to please you - any bank card of any international payment system will be suitable for payments in Turkey. There is no commission charged for payments for purchases and services using a bank card., and the amount written off will depend only on the exchange rate of the currency in which the card was issued to the Turkish lira on the date of the transaction by the bank. But when withdrawing cash from a card, interest is always charged and its amount depends on the bank of the owner of the ATM. The difference can range from 2 to 10 percent of the withdrawn amount. Therefore, cashing out will be a less profitable option compared to regular card payments.

One more moment. Remember and pay attention to the fact that not all shops or pharmacies in Turkey accept cards for payment. When withdrawing money from ATMs, keep in mind that there is a daily limit on cash withdrawals, which can range from $300 to $500.

And another important point. Sometimes, when paying by card, you may be asked in what currency you will pay: in lira or in the currency in which the card was issued. In such cases, we recommend indicating the currency of the country where you are located, i.e. lira, because then the global conversion rate from your bank card operator is applied ( Visa, Mastercard). And if you want to pay in the currency in which the card was issued, the conversion will be made at the rate of the bank of the payment terminal operator that services the retail facility. This situation is typical not only for Turkey, but also for other countries.

We hope that these simple tips will help you solve financial issues and that your vacation in this wonderful country will become a real event for you and your loved ones, and will also give you a lot of positive emotions and unforgettable impressions!