What is liquid in hand luggage? Rules and regulations for transporting liquids on an airplane: how many ml can you carry in hand luggage and luggage, why are some liquids not allowed? Food in hand luggage

Modern rules for transporting liquids on flights are almost the same in most countries of the world. Knowing them will allow you to easily transport the liquids you need from one point of travel to another.

Carriage of liquids in hand luggage

The main restrictions imposed on the transportation of liquids on an airplane relate specifically to their transportation as part of hand luggage. This is due to the potential danger of their use by a passenger in the aircraft cabin directly during the flight.

Current rules stipulate that all transported liquids must be packaged in bottles or other containers whose volume does not exceed 100 milliliters. Moreover, if the container in which the liquid was packaged was initially larger, for example, 200 milliliters, but less than half of the substance remains in it, such packaging will still not be allowed onto the plane. All transported vials must be additionally packed in a transparent bag, which you will have to present for inspection at the airport upon request. In this case, the total volume of liquids transported in such a package by one passenger should not exceed 1 liter.

An exception is made for medicines and infant formula: their transportation as part of hand luggage is allowed in containers exceeding 100 milliliters, and their quantity is not regulated by a strict figure, but must meet reasonable needs. Please remember that airport staff may ask you to present documents confirming the need to bring medications into the aircraft cabin.

Transportation of liquids from duty free

Liquids purchased in duty free, such as perfumes or alcoholic beverages, are not subject to the general restrictions that apply to the carriage of liquids in the aircraft cabin. However, it is worth keeping in mind that you have the right to bring them on and off the plane only in their original form, that is, in sealed packaging, which, in turn, is in a sealed bag issued by duty-free employees.

Carrying liquids in luggage

As a rule, there are no specific norms for the carriage of liquids in airline baggage; their volume is limited only by the total weight of the norm free luggage. At the same time, it is worth making sure that all liquids carried in luggage are securely packed to avoid leakage during the trip. Also, if you are carrying alcoholic beverages in your luggage, remember that customs authorities most often limit the amount of alcohol that one person can bring into the country: these restrictions become important when flying internationally. At the same time, the norms for importing alcohol differ in each country, so current rules should be read in advance.

Each category of baggage has its own rules for transportation on board the aircraft. In some cases, different airlines they may vary. This article will describe the rules for transporting liquids on an airplane.

  • Cosmetics (shampoo, gel, lotion, cosmetic oils and masks, mascara, lipstick, toothpaste, etc.).
  • Perfume products (perfumes and eau de toilette, air fresheners, deodorants, etc.)
  • Food and drinks (alcohol, honey, purees, jam, juices, soups, etc.)

Rules for transporting liquids in the aircraft cabin

You have the opportunity to take some liquid with you in your hand luggage. The volume of the container should be no more than 100 ml. In total, you can take with you a maximum of 1 liter of liquid. Containers must be placed in a transparent bag that must be securely closed. Liquids in the bag should not be overcrowded.

The total volume of liquid brought into the cabin should not exceed 1 liter.

But there are liquids that can be transported in the cabin of an aircraft without these restrictions. Namely:

  • Medicines and dietary supplements. You will be able to carry in your hand luggage only those medicines and biological supplements classified as medicines that you really need during the flight. This must be proven by a doctor’s report and a prescription for this drug. Also, when traveling by plane to the Schengen countries, you will have to fill out special form under Article 75.
  • Baby food. When flying on an airplane with a child, you can take with you as much baby food as your baby needs for the duration of the flight. Supplementary foods such as milkshakes, juices or purees are only allowed for children under three years of age. In addition, you need to be prepared for the fact that during inspection you may be asked to try the transported liquid if it raises doubts among airport employees.
  • Dietary products(eg diabetic nutrition).
  • Liquid for lenses.

In addition, you can take liquids purchased at Duty Free on board the plane. There are such stores at any airport. To carry liquids in your hand luggage, you will need to pack them in a clear plastic bag. You also need to take proof of purchase from the store. This confirmation must be placed in the bag along with the liquid, so that it is visible. This confirmation must indicate the airport where the purchase was made.

Carrying liquids in luggage

Liquids can be transported not only in the aircraft cabin, but also in luggage. There is no limitation on the volume of the container in which the liquid is located. But you need to remember that there are flammable liquids that are strictly prohibited from being taken on a plane at all. These include paints, gasoline, various solvents and other substances of this kind. If you want to transport various aerosols intended for household purposes in the luggage compartment, then you need to ensure that the valves of the cylinders are tightly closed with a lid. The capacity of such cylinders should be no more than 500 ml. One passenger can carry no more than 2 liters of aerosols.

In addition, some restrictions apply to the carriage of alcoholic beverages in luggage. Many airlines require that alcoholic liquids be packaged in a retail container, i.e. in a bottle with a label. You can check in any amount of alcohol, the strength of which does not exceed 24%, and no more than 5 liters. alcoholic products strength from 24% to 70%. Drinks with an alcohol content exceeding 70% are prohibited from being transported on an airplane. But there are also restrictions imposed on the import of alcohol by the country to which you are traveling.

Carrying liquids in the luggage compartment of an aircraft

Peculiarities of importing liquids containing alcohol into the territory of some countries

  • Russia. To the territory Russian Federation You can import 3 liters of alcohol duty free. Just one person can introduce no more than 5 liters of alcohol-containing products into the country.
  • EU countries and Cyprus. IN European states You can import 1 liter of alcohol with a strength of more than 22%, 2 liters with a strength of less than 22%, 4 liters of wine and no more than 16 liters of beer drinks. These rules also apply to the import of alcoholic beverages into the territory of Cyprus.
  • USA. Only persons over 21 years of age can bring alcoholic beverages here. You can take only 1 liter of alcohol with you without paying a fee. The maximum amount of alcohol imported into the territory of a given country is not limited.
  • Türkiye. You can bring no more than one liter of strong alcoholic drink or 2 bottles of wine (700 ml each) to Turkey by plane.
  • Egypt and Thailand– 1 liter of alcoholic liquids.

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If the lady from children's poem Marshaka was traveling by plane; it would not have been so easy for her to check in a painting, a basket and a piece of cardboard as luggage. A dog without a passport would not have been allowed on board at all. It is almost impossible to remember all the details, what, why, how and where you can transport it. But the main thing is to know where to turn. Start diving into amazing world rules for carrying everything on a plane from our article.

For navigation:

How much weight does a plane lift?

The weight of an aircraft is a variable quantity consisting of a bunch of interrelated variables. Maximum take-off weight the aircraft is laid down during production, but what it will be made of changes from flight to flight.

First, you need to remember that there are different types of aircraft: from small Embraer E-175 to wide-body Boeing 777, where there can be 10 seats in one row.

Secondly, the flight range matters: the amount of fuel required depends on it. That's why they fly long distances large planes: they have more wing lift and can carry more people and luggage that make up a commercial load. Fuel, by the way, is calculated before the flight depending on the cabin load - and who loaded it, a children's camp of skinny seven-year-olds or impressive men. And also from the weather, the distance of the alternate airfield, the built-in need to stop for refueling somewhere in the middle of the route... Oh, everything is complicated there.

In principle, airplanes have different passenger capacity, and it does not directly depend on its type. The same aircraft model may have different distances between seats, and may or may not have first and business classes. This is already the airline's entertainment field. For charter companies, for example, it is not profitable to offer privileged classes: the more passengers you can transport, the more trips you can sell, everything is in the black.

When loading the luggage compartment, not only tonnage matters, but also volume. Simply put: the load can be large but light (like a batch of duvets), or it can be small but weighty. If the load is heavy, there is a limit on the load on the floors. And dangerous goods require more space around them. A whole science.

So general permissible weight the luggage compartment, as well as the entire plane, with fuel and the corpulent Aunt Manya in the next seat, will always be different. That's why smart people came up with the average weight of luggage and carry-on luggage with the expectation that someone will take less, and someone will pay for the excess. Baggage can weigh 20, 23, 25 kg, hand luggage - 5, 7, 8, 10 kg, depending on the airline. And in 99% of cases, this will be written to you in detail on the itinerary receipt.


The rules for carry-on luggage are quite strict. In total, you can carry no more than 1 liter of liquid (rum from duty free does not count), but each bottle can be no more than 100 ml in volume. “On the bottom” will not work: this is the case when not only the amount of liquid matters, but also the size of the bottle. And in ideal world All bottles and vials must be placed in a resealable transparent bag.

In fact, not everyone makes sure that all liquids are packaged in the notorious 18x20 cm transparent bag. At Moscow airports, no one pays attention to this additional packaging. But at the airport of the same Marseille, if, God forbid, you put nail polishes or mini-shampoos in different places, you will be forced to collect them throughout your suitcase and put them in a bag, which they, careless people, will give you anyway . It’s easier to prepare in advance and not be that bad person who slows down the entire line for inspection.

Anything over 100 ml goes into luggage. It is prohibited to transport flammable liquids in any form, so you will have to look for something to light a fire on the spot. Radioactive, poisonous and toxic is also a no-no. Liquefied gases, oxidizing substances and organic peroxides, not including hydrogen peroxide, are also prohibited. Play chemists at home.

How to carry alcohol on a plane

The amount of alcohol per passenger is regulated by customs. For example, 3 liters of alcohol per person over 18 years of age can be imported duty-free into the Russian Federation, with a duty of up to 5 liters; V different countries the norms are different. You cannot drink alcohol you brought with you or bought in duty-free on board. Although your neighbor behind you may drink a dozen small bottles of whiskey, this is generally prohibited. This habit may come back to haunt him in the future, when airline blacklists become not the exception, but the rule.

Water on the plane

You can take water with you on the plane, but only that which you buy at exorbitant prices at the airport after going through security. Your bottle will be asked to throw away in advance because it is clearly over 100ml. Many airports have water fountains in the clean area. drinking water, which can be used to fill a stored bottle, but civilization has not yet reached everywhere.

How to carry perfume and eau de toilette on a plane

Eau de toilette is also water, but special. In hand luggage, it is subject to the general rules for transporting liquids (no more than 100 ml, but you can buy a large bottle in duty-free). But some countries have import restrictions. For example, you cannot import more than 50 ml of perfume and 250 ml of eau de toilette into Ireland. If you are not going to sell perfumes, this will be enough for you.

How to carry food on a plane

In the case of food, it is not so much the rules for transportation directly on the plane that are important, but the customs regulations of the countries between which you are flying. Moreover, they relate to both import and export. Well, sanctions, where would we be without it?

You can't officially bring food into the United States. This doesn’t stop some people who go to visit American friends from bringing a jar of caviar, so at the security check in the States they do stone faces. But in general, joking with American customs and border guards is very risky.

The French won't let you out with cheese in your hand luggage. They’ll take the tasty treat for themselves and won’t wince. If your soul requires a kilogram of brie or Roquefort, check it in your luggage. Or buy at duty-free, but the selection and prices there will not be the same as in a store in the city.

Is it possible to carry caviar, fish and other seafood on an airplane?

From the territory of Russia you can export up to 5 kg of fish and seafood and up to 250 g of sturgeon caviar in original packaging with store receipts. Beyond this, it is impossible to export sea wealth. And to import up to 5 kg of products of plant origin (except for seeds, seed material, planting material, potatoes) and up to 5 kg of products of animal origin. The latter can only be ready-made and in original packaging. We also periodically introduce bans and restrictions on the import of products from certain countries, which you also need to read about before your trip. The list of products prohibited for import into Russia can be found on the Rosselkhoznadzor website.

Meat, sausage, fruit

This applies to both meat and fruits, which simply cannot be imported from a number of countries. Most likely, you won’t be allowed on the plane with a whole watermelon, because it might burst. And with coconut, the peel of which cannot be cleared during inspection. Rules for exporting products from exotic countries like Thailand need to be clarified with the air carrier. You still won’t be able to import more than 5 kg, as we remember, but they will advise you on proper packaging.

Special rules may apply to anything with a strong smell. Even lemons from a customs-friendly country may not be allowed on board, because the strong smell of citrus fruits will displease other passengers. So those same French people who take away your cheese are just taking care of their seatmates, yes.

It's about the same story with sausage. They may prohibit you from taking it in hand luggage because of the aroma, and it is clearly not an essential product on a flight. Plus, you can’t import animal products into many countries: you never know, maybe you’ll introduce some kind of epidemic. The problem is the same with lard (if it’s in factory packaging, ok; if it’s in homemade packaging, then it’s out of bounds). So again: read the customs regulations of the destination country!

Honey, canned food, cakes

  • Honey and oils, unless otherwise stated customs regulations, can be carried in the same way as any liquids. Small containers will easily fly to their destination on the plane, great place in luggage.
  • Canned food It is worth checking in luggage and cans - depending on their volume. A small glass jar of jam or the same honey in hand luggage has never harmed anyone.
  • If the stars align in such a way that you need to be carried on a plane cake, then know: formally you can transport cakes. But, just in case, check with the airline. They might be a little surprised there. Or regard the cake as a liquid in some places, and then you yourself remember the rules.
  • What no one will prohibit are chocolates, candy bars, muesli, cookies and other sweets in factory packaging. Kilograms of all kinds of overseas sweets or a light snack for late flights are not taken away.

Baby food on the plane

Baby food is a special issue. It does not have to fit into the 100 ml standard; you can take it on board if you are flying with a child. This also includes dietary nutrition. At the same time, in the United States it is prohibited to carry powders and baby food with a volume of 12 ounces or 350 ml on board an aircraft.

Is it possible to carry hookahs, IQOS, vapes, lighters and cigarettes on a plane?

As for all sorts of things for smoking: you can carry them, you can’t use them. In terms of actual transportation, vapes, electronic cigarettes and IQOS most likely fall under the concept of electronics (more on that below). You need to take all this stuff into the cabin; you can’t charge it from sockets on the plane.

  • The vast majority of airlines do not allow smoking in the aircraft cabin, including electronic cigarettes. IQOS is a new thing, it is not yet mentioned in advertisements, but in essence it is almost the same device, except that there is no water in it. Therefore, you cannot use IQOS on board an airplane.
  • On some (especially American) airlines, it happens that people quietly smoke a vape right in the cabin, and flight attendants pass by. But this is the exception rather than the rule: smoke detectors have not been canceled. Then you will, like the poor Chinese, bask in Anadyr because emergency landing when these sensors are triggered.
  • Nothing prohibits taking a hookah with you, but in many southern countries, from where they are usually carried, all parts except the glass flask are asked to be checked in as luggage. Because the pipe can be used as a weapon.
  • Information for the conservative: the amount of imported tobacco products is regulated by the customs of each specific country. Usually this is 200 cigarettes per person (one block), or 50 cigarillos, or 250 g of tobacco. In a number eastern countries, where healthy lifestyle has not yet reached, more is allowed.
  • Well, another important thing for smokers is that a disposable lighter can almost always be carried in hand luggage (one piece per person). This does not apply to gasoline lighters like Zippos; they cannot be carried on most airlines.

Medicines and syringes

This also depends on the country. In the UAE, for example, this is terribly strict: the import of antipyretics, painkillers and many other drugs is severely limited. You cannot import even basic Corvalol or Pentalgin. It’s also difficult with codeine-containing drugs (although it’s easy for some), as with antidepressants. To travel to Australia, you need to get prescriptions for everything, because they are extremely careful when it comes to importing medications. Analgin cannot be imported into the USA. If you have any questions or needs, it is better to study the customs regulations of the destination country and drug components in advance or consult the embassy.

Usually they ask to carry medicines in original packaging, and not to pour all the pills in a row into one jar. It's logical. In fact, most customs officers don’t care, but to avoid unnecessary hassle, it’s better to do it according to science.

Prescription drugs require a prescription. And by this word we do not mean a sticker with an advertisement for a drug on which the local doctor practices writing illegibly, but a real document with stamps and other amenities.

You need to be prepared for the fact that every tablet in your carry-on luggage may raise a question. A case from practice: on the flight (!) from Tunisia, the inspection service, standing over a gutted bag, demanded a prescription for noshpa for half an hour.

In principle, this is usually not very scary: already on the flight home you will lose standard pills for your stomach or head. But if this happens on flights far from home or with expensive medications, it’s not so fun. Therefore, it is better to hide important pills in a suitcase, and take only the necessary minimum with you to the salon. Or, if you are flying without luggage, play it safe with prescriptions.

To transport syringes and needles, you must also secure medical documents, confirming the need to fly with them. This is especially true for people with insulin-dependent diabetes, so that no one has an absurd requirement to check insulin in their luggage - this drug must be handled with care, and the luggage compartment of an airplane does not require this. Hypodermic needles cannot be transported without medical justification.

Weapons and folding knives

According to the rules of the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation, you can carry in your luggage crossbows, spearguns, checkers, sabers, cleavers, scimitars, broadswords, swords, rapiers, bayonets, daggers, knives with ejectable blades, with locking locks, simulators of any type of weapon.

Other weapons (for example, air pistols) can also be transported if all the paperwork is present, unless there is a restriction, as is often imposed during international sporting events. When checking in for a flight, you must inform airline representatives that you are carrying a weapon. Aeroflot asks such passengers to arrive early and check in no later than an hour and a half before departure.

On domestic flights, the owner of the weapon must have the appropriate permit; when importing or exporting weapons, a permit must be issued from the authorized body of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Be prepared for the fact that upon departure the weapon will be taken away for “temporary storage” and will be issued only at the destination airport. It must be transported unloaded in proper packaging (holster, case, etc.), and ammunition must travel separately. The weight of this same ammunition should not exceed 5 kg per passenger. Cartridges for gas weapons are prohibited for transportation by air. In addition, the circulation of imported electroshock devices is prohibited, that is, you cannot buy a stun gun abroad and bring it to Russia.

Some countries have their own characteristics. For example, Vietnam and Belarus require that air pistols be handed over with the obligatory execution of a Transfer Certificate, and Spain has gone even further - they need any weapon, even fake ones, to be marked with special tags.

Important: you cannot even take imitation weapons into the salon. That is, we check toy pistols in luggage, despite the protests of five-year-old and thirty-five-year-old children.

Household knives and scissors can be carried in luggage. True, if you want to bring a cleaver, perhaps it will be sent for examination to see if it is a bladed weapon. But even folding (without a lock) travel or pocket knives with a blade length of less than 60 mm cannot be carried in hand luggage. Moreover, this rule is written in the section about booze from duty-free. So that they don’t open the package and bottle and get drunk. Corkscrews are also not allowed into the salon. And knitting needles. And then you never know.


As you understand, it is not the weight that is important here, but the quantity of currency (although a thousand bucks in one-cent coins will raise certain questions for any sane person). In general, declare and export millions, but without additional delays you are allowed to travel with the equivalent of 10,000 US dollars. Rarely do people need that much money in cash, but anything can happen.

Export from some countries is prohibited national currency. Such states include Egypt, Tunisia and many other countries with their own unique money. Amateur numismatists can only be advised to hide a small amount of local money among the rubles and be ready to part with them if something happens (then make surprised eyes and say that you forgot what to take from you, tourists).


  • Creams, gels and other similar cosmetics are regulated in the same way as all liquids. You can take tubes and cones with a volume of no more than 100 ml into the salon, in total no more than 1 liter, and so on, and so on. You can take larger containers into your luggage, but several identical cones can be regarded as a commercial lot for sale, which must be declared.
  • Paste (even toothpaste) belongs here, and it also needs to be placed in a bag of liquids. There is nothing illegal about carrying it in hand luggage, but you may not like it at security. For some reason, the Chinese are suspicious of it and love to open and sniff tubes of toothpaste while going through security. But maybe they just like it. We don't judge.
  • Aerosols, even if they are not completely liquid and under pressure, can be transported along with liquid. According to Russian rules, it is permissible in luggage to carry aerosols intended for use for sports or household purposes, the valves of the cans are protected by caps, in containers with a capacity of no more than 0.5 kg or 500 ml. No more than 2 kg or 2 liters per passenger. In hand luggage - the same 100 ml.

    Aerosols, including deodorants, marked “flammable” are prohibited from being carried in hand luggage, even if the canister has a volume of less than 100 ml.

  • We remember about small nail scissors: they, like a corkscrew, cannot be taken into the salon. An iron nail file can also be considered a weapon. So manicure items need to be checked in luggage. Or endure without them and fly with one soft file in your bag.


Household electronic devices such as phones, power banks, laptops in hand luggage do not raise any questions. It is also not prohibited to check them in (turned off!) as luggage, but for the integrity and safety of your equipment, it is still more logical to take them with you into the cabin. Exception - ppower banks. They cannot be checked in as checked baggage, only in hand luggage.

At one time, airlines warned that it was strictly prohibited to carry Samsung Galaxy Note 7 on board (these are the same phones that exploded more often than they worked). The hype around them has died down now, but keep this in mind.

Professional audio and video equipment usually requires an airline permit.

You can take with you a hairdryer, electric razor, straightener or curling iron (if it is not pointed). In general, if an electrical device fits into the parameters of hand luggage, you can carry it, but in each specific case, a specific employee may not like it. Especially if you have a waffle iron, electric grill or something else.

Regular batteries and large accumulators should be carried in hand luggage, making sure that they do not accidentally short circuit with each other. Carrying spare batteries (separately from equipment) in luggage is prohibited.

A special place is occupied by small-sized means of personal transportation, in Russian - unicycles, Segways, hoverboards, electric scooters and hoverboards. The reason is the large lithium batteries they run on. At Aeroflot (which follows the recommendations of IATA, the International Association air transport) they must be checked in as checked baggage, having first removed the battery and taken it into hand luggage. The battery must meet the power standard: 160 Wh. If the battery cannot be removed, such a device is processed through the airport cargo terminal as “dangerous cargo.”


This is where even more fun begins than before, balancing on the brink of customs legislation and common sense.

Corals cannot be exported from Egypt. From some African countries- crafts made of ebony. Of many maritime countries They won’t let you out with shells picked up on the beach. Keep receipts for souvenirs, as they say, until the end of the trip. Special rules apply to antiques and animal skins. According to Russian customs regulations, you cannot export (even on yourself) diamonds worth more than $75,000.

Many people do not check musical instruments in their luggage. Not because it’s impossible to do this (it’s just that the company is fighting with all its hands and feet for registering them as fragile oversized luggage), but out of love for the instrument. For large instruments, like the double bass or cello, it is customary to buy a ticket so that they “sit” in the next chair and nothing happens to them. Small instruments are accepted as carry-on luggage. If you are not a pro, but just want to take your father's guitar to play somewhere in the mountains, you can buy a reinforced concrete (figuratively speaking) case and put the instrument in the luggage compartment, making sure that it is marked as fragile.

Fragile luggage can be anything oversized: for example, a TV or your grandmother’s favorite floor vase that you are taking as a gift to a pen pal. It is advisable to inform the airline in advance that you are traveling and take care of the packaging. Remember: fragile in the understanding of movers does not mean over-delicacy. And in general, anything can happen. So ten layers of foam and a normal box are on your conscience. Well, yes, you will have to pay extra for such cargo. Sometimes, to calm down, you can use the life hack of musicians and arrange a place in the cabin for your cargo. However, this is also done in agreement with the airline, and not simply with the purchase of two tickets.

Another question is whether the vase is a work of art. Or is a painting purchased on flea market. If you are bringing something from abroad, keep your receipt. You can transport a framed painting in your hand luggage if it fits in size. And in a transparent film - so that it can be seen that you did not steal Kuindzhi again. To export even your own paintings from Russia, it is recommended to issue a certificate stating that the Ministry of Culture is not against it and the painting was painted in our time. It’s possible without this, but it depends on your luck. Well, if suddenly the truth is something incredibly valuable, good luck with the paperwork. Take care of the papers in advance.

If you bought a cabinet, a granite countertop, a giant refrigerator, or a car that doesn't run, you'll have to ship it to you via freight. And sometimes by sea: this is a quite common practice, and although containers with cargo take a long time to travel by sea, at least you can drag the entire contents of a two-story house this way.

For sports: skis, snowboards, bicycles, surfboards and diving equipment can be easily checked in as luggage. Sometimes companies even introduce free transportation of such things for the season, in addition to luggage. Transportation of large sports equipment(like a vaulting pole) occurs through agreement with the airline. Only paintball fans may have problems: a paintball gun, according to the law, is a product structurally similar to a weapon, so a permit must be issued for its export. It is difficult to import such equipment, but it is possible: you will have to work hard to prove that it is not a weapon, but a toy/sports equipment, and perhaps involve lawyers who are familiar with the product nomenclature used by customs officers and various acts. Think twice about whether you need it.

For the romantic ones: bouquets of flowers are allowed to be carried in the salon even at Pobeda, but live, uncut plants must undergo control and receive special documents stating that they do not pose any danger.

To travel with your favorite animal, you need to obtain a veterinary passport. Only cats and small dogs are allowed on board in carriers that can be placed in the cabin, but large animals must travel in luggage compartment. In the case of exotic creatures (snakes, lizards, many species of birds), permission will be required, that they can be exported or imported, they do not carry any infection and their relocation will not be an irreparable loss for the population.

Bottom line

There are general international rules regulating the transportation of one or another category of things. But remember this worldly wisdom: if, before transporting something non-trivial, you doubt whether it is worth applying for additional permits or whether goodies will be confiscated at the border, it is better to consult the embassy of the destination country, or at least just read the customs documents. It won't be redundant.

With the start of the summer holidays, tourists have become increasingly interested in the rules for carrying liquids in hand luggage on board an airliner. After all, travelers often do not have reliable information about what is allowed to take with them on an aircraft and what is strictly prohibited. Usually our compatriots, when packing their bags for a trip, rely on the advice of friends who fly often various airlines. However, even they may not have an idea of ​​all the intricacies of baggage transportation rules. Baggage rules also change regularly. Therefore to summer season Every major air carrier tries to publish an updated list on its official website, which contains everything passengers need to know. Most of those who travel large families with children of different ages, we are concerned about the rules for transporting liquids in hand luggage on an airplane. In today's article we will give you the most up-to-date information on this issue.

Hand luggage: description of the term

Anyone who has flown by plane at least once is well aware of the phrase “carry-on luggage.” It seems that this term should not raise questions, but, as practice shows, not every traveler correctly understands its meaning.

According to international terminology, hand luggage is understood as a bag with the passenger’s personal belongings, corresponding to the dimensions and weight established by the airline, and also marked with a special tag.

Each air carrier independently sets the dimensions of hand luggage, so you must carefully read the rules before flying. Quite often, when booking a ticket via the Internet, this data is displayed on the screen, which greatly facilitates preparation for the trip.

Many tourists classify as hand luggage everything that they take with them on board an aircraft, but this is not at all true. Each passenger is absolutely free to bring the following things onto the plane:

  • handbag;
  • laptop or tablet;
  • umbrella;
  • paper folders;
  • bouquet of flowers;
  • outerwear or suit in a case.

All of the above does not need to be weighed or marked, so these items cannot be classified as hand luggage. Remember this when planning a trip.

Liquids on an airplane

Just a few years ago, the rules and regulations for transporting liquids on an airplane were quite relaxed. They did not have strict restrictions, which made life much easier for passengers - they could take almost everything they wanted into the aircraft cabin. However, for last years In the face of increasing terrorist threats, airlines have significantly limited the carrying of liquids on planes.

Therefore, before the flight, each passenger should carefully study what and in what quantities he can take with him. Many travelers are interested in what baggage rules they need to follow on planes - Russian or international. This point usually raises numerous questions, because each country pays attention to its own specific nuances. How not to make mistakes when planning a trip?

In fact, everything is simple: in order to correctly calculate the amount of liquid that you are allowed to take on board, you should look not for the rules of the country you are flying to, but for the airline operating the flight. The carrier’s website will indicate all the nuances that meet the requirements of international transportation standards, and the air carrier’s own changes.

Since we can't cover everything famous airlines world, then in the article we will focus on international standards, and also consider the rules for transporting liquids in hand luggage of two Russian leaders air transport- Aeroflot and S7. After all, these are the companies most often used by Russians to fly within the country and abroad.

Rules for transporting liquids in airplane baggage

Many travelers flying to the sea take with them a lot of creams, as well as other cosmetics that are equivalent to liquids. Some tourists even manage to bring their own drinks on vacation - both alcoholic and non-alcoholic. When packing bags, questions often arise about whether all this can be carried in the luggage compartment and whether airline employees will force you to take these things out of the suitcase.

If you are also concerned about such issues, then you don’t have to worry - you can carry in your luggage any amount of liquids and substances that fall under this category in terms of consistency. The lack of restrictions is due to the fact that all bags and suitcases that fall into luggage compartment aircraft must undergo an X-ray inspection. Therefore, airline employees are confident that there can be nothing prohibited in your luggage, and liquids do not pose any danger at all.

The only thing a traveler may encounter is a restriction on the import of foreign alcohol into Russian territory. Of course, this nuance does not apply to air carriers, but concerns customs rules. However, this information cannot be superfluous. Please note that when returning to the country you should not have more than three liters of alcoholic liquid per person. Otherwise, customs will confiscate the excess alcohol.

Liquid purchased at duty free

Often our compatriots, having checked in their luggage and gone through all stages of personal search, head to duty-free shops to buy something interesting. Usually these purchases are alcoholic beverages and perfumes, which, of course, are liquids. And therefore, they will be subject to the rules for transporting liquids in hand luggage. How not to be left without your purchases and deliver them safe and sound?

On this score there is some deviation from general rules. According to it, passengers have the right to bring on board liquids purchased at a duty-free store. However, they must be packed in a sealed bag, which must be kept closed during air travel. In addition, you should not throw away the receipt confirming the purchase. Airline employees can request this document from you at any time to ensure that the purchase was made on the day of departure.

Rules for carrying liquids in hand luggage

If you plan to take on board any liquids that you cannot do without during the flight, then you should very carefully study the rules of the airline carrying you.

Keep in mind that liquids must be in a container not exceeding one hundred milliliters in volume. Russians often try to carry liter bottles of water with very little content left, and are very surprised when airline employees take them out of their hand luggage during security. Remember that the container itself should not exceed one hundred milliliters, but the amount of liquid in it no longer matters.

There may be several containers that comply with the rules, but they all must be packaged in a transparent plastic bag. It is in this form that all bottles and vials can be allowed to be placed in hand luggage. You can get a plastic bag free of charge at the baggage inspection point and, in the presence of an airport employee, place all available liquids in it.

The rules seem to be quite simple, but travelers are often confused about which liquids are allowed in carry-on luggage.

List of permitted liquids

To make it easier for you to prepare for your trip, we decided to publish a list of substances that you can take with you on board the plane:

  • water, juices, soups and other food products of appropriate consistency;
  • cream, oils and similar cosmetics;
  • perfumery (perfumes, Eau de Toilette and so on);
  • aerosols and containers in which the contents are under pressure (for example, deodorants);
  • any gels and pastes;
  • mascara.

It is also not forbidden to carry non-hazardous substances that resemble liquid in their consistency in hand luggage.


Tourists often doubt whether it is possible to take various medicines in liquid form on a plane. After all, it is quite difficult for many people to do without some medications during a flight. Given this nuance, airlines allow you to bring medications on board, but they reserve the right to require you to prove the need for these medications. This evidence can be an extract from the medical history, a certificate from a doctor or a pharmacy prescription.

Baby food

The issue of baby food is very pressing for young mothers planning an air flight. Many kids are quite biased in their choice of food and, in the absence of their favorite jar of puree, begin to loudly express dissatisfaction. Can I take it on board with me? baby food?

Airlines are unanimous on this point - you have the right to carry any number of jars and bottles of food for your child in your hand luggage. But just in case, before departure, review changes in your airline's liquid rules.

Russian airlines: carrying liquids on board

Since the largest and most famous Russian air carrier is Aeroflot, the rules for transporting liquids in hand luggage of this company are of interest to many travelers.

If you are also planning to fly on Aeroflot planes, then know that this company does not have any special requirements for liquids on board that contradict general international rules. Before boarding the flight, if necessary, you will be given a plastic container into which all liquids up to one hundred milliliters in volume that you decide to take on board will be sent. You have the right to transport any amount of liquid substances in the luggage compartment.

The S7 has the same clear rules for carrying hand luggage. This company allows liquids to be carried on board only in containers not exceeding one hundred milliliters in volume. This year, the airline has not made any changes to the list of liquids permitted for transportation on planes, as well as to the rules for their packaging.


Traveling is always pleasant chores and the anticipation of adventure. And so that the trip is not ruined at the very beginning, you should carefully prepare for it. We hope that our article will make your long road trips easier.

A traveler who is used to flying by plane knows the rules for carrying hand luggage, including how much liquid you can take on the plane. Of course, among the generally accepted rules there are exceptions, which everyone must familiarize themselves with. This is important to know, because the liquid contained in the package is larger in volume or is more than what is allowed by the air carrier’s rules will be confiscated at the airport. To avoid unpleasant incidents, it is best to prepare in advance.

Before dealing with volumes, you should find out what exactly the airline refers to as “liquid”. In addition to juice or water, the list includes: yogurt, baby food, alcohol, honey, rolls, jam, homemade compote, canned food, shampoo, gel, cream, soft cheese (feta, mozzarella). They also include deodorants, if they are not dangerous. If you are not sure that you have correctly determined the amount of liquid that you plan to take on board, then it is better not to risk it. For example, some passengers take with them canned food, the volume of which is 200 ml, and the packaging indicates that the product is 90% solid. But for the security service this point is clearly considered a violation, since canned food is a liquid.

How much liquid can you take on a plane? Transportation rules:

    You can carry no more than 1 liter of liquid in hand luggage. This is the total figure. But at the same time, one container should be no more than 100 milliliters. You cannot take with you, for example, a 200-milliliter tube of cream, even if there is only half left. Airport workers look at the denomination indicated on the packaging.

    For all tubes and jars with liquid there must be one common special transparent bag with a zipper. Its size is usually 20*20 cm. It is checked by the security service at the airport. Everyone's attitude towards containers with liquid is different. Some workers may let you through without even examining them, while at other airports they will force you to open a jar to make sure there are no prohibited substances.

    If you are traveling with a child and take baby food with you, then there is no need to put it in a separate bag. Firstly, it does not apply to hand luggage, but to personal belongings, and secondly, no questions will arise for you if you present it to the security service during the check. But here you also need to know when to stop. For example, the amount of food is strictly limited. It must be taken only for the duration of the flight; no one will allow you to transport 10-15 packages. If you are flying with a child under 2 years old, you can take baby food with a volume of more than 100 ml.

    To transport medications, you need to understand that not all of them are allowed in other countries. In addition, you must follow the same rule about 100 milliliters in one package, and they require a separate ziplock bag. You must present them at the counter. If they contain, for example, narcotic substances, then you need to have a certificate confirming that you need them, signed and stamped by a doctor. The certificate must indicate the date, and the last name must clearly coincide with yours. Sometimes, in order to fly to another country, it is necessary to translate this document into English language. If you do not follow all the necessary rules, the receiving party may detain you and open a criminal case.

In general, in order not to bother with such details, you can buy a special summer set. It is sold in transparent tubes and jars of 100 ml each. In this case, you will not have any unnecessary questions, and the verification will go faster.

A separate item is the transportation of alcohol. Some airlines have completely banned bringing it on board, but others are more tolerant of this issue. If you start drinking alcohol during the flight, you will be fined. And some don’t even allow drunk passengers on board.

Products purchased at DutyFree can be carried in packages larger than 100 ml, but they are included in the total weight of hand luggage, which should not exceed 10 kg. If it’s more, you’ll have to pay extra. Usually they buy perfume and alcohol. In addition, these items must be packed until the end of the flight. They must not be opened or used during flight.

Red and black caviar also belong to the concept of “liquid”. They also cannot be transported in hand luggage in packages larger than 100 ml. So if you are going to take a different volume with you, it is better to check it in your luggage.