What do you need to take to get to the draw? The stage of ticket sales for the FIFA World Cup through a random draw has ended

How much does it cost, how to pay and where to go - answers to the main questions.

To bookmarks

Friendly match between Russia and Argentina at Luzhniki. Photo by Alexey Filippov, RIA Novosti

On April 18 at 12:00 Moscow time, the last stage of ticket sales for the FIFA World Cup opens: tickets are distributed on the FIFA website first come, first served basis, so the sooner you apply, the more opportunities you have to purchase them.

How tickets were sold in the early stages

Until October 12, you could take part in the first ticket draw. The winners were chosen at random. Most applicants “flew” past this stage: although applications were submitted for 3.5 million tickets, FIFA distributed only 622 thousand of them.

From November 16 to 28, residents of Russia and other countries were able to buy tickets on a first-come, first-served basis for the first time. Already in the first minutes there was a stir, so in the first day FIFA sold out 98% of the quota available at this stage - that’s about 160 thousand tickets.

From December 5, 2017 to January 31, 2018, you could participate in the second draw. During this period, fans requested more than 4.9 million tickets. Since the demand turned out to be extremely high, and the quota was several times smaller, FIFA distributed the tickets randomly. Those lucky enough should have been notified no later than mid-March. In total, FIFA has already sold more than 1.6 million tickets.

What exactly will happen at the last stage

Starting April 18, FIFA is selling those tickets that remain after the first stages of sales. Tickets of all categories are available, including the fourth - the cheapest. To the tickets that no one has purchased yet are added those that no one paid for at the previous stages. FIFA also allowed the resale of tickets through its platform.

FIFA recommends buying tickets at the very beginning of the sales stage, but, probably, the organizers are only fueling demand in this way. Availability is shown in color - red, yellow or green, but no one knows the criteria for their appearance.

On April 18 at 14:00 local time, ticket centers will open in the host cities. For now you can get tickets purchased on the website, but from May 1 it will be possible to purchase new tickets there.

What about the results of the draw?

Along with the distribution of teams, it became clear who will play whom at the playoff stage. The website for fans has a complete tournament schedule, which will help when purchasing tickets.

If Russia leaves group A, then in the 1/8 finals it will meet someone from group B: A1 - B2, A2 - B1. Infographics Welcome2018.com

The match calendar is convenient when making plans, for example, in the case of moving between cities.

Infographics Welcome2018.com

How much do tickets cost and is it possible to buy the cheapest ones?

There are four categories of tickets - they differ in cost and distance from the seat to the edge of the field. The most expensive is the first, the cheapest is the fourth. The latter is intended only for residents of Russia - citizens of the Russian Federation and foreigners permanently residing here.

While the buyer is choosing a location, he sees the layout of each of the stadiums. These can be found in advance on the FIFA website.

From November 16 to 28, it was possible to buy tickets only of the first, second and third categories of tickets. The fourth category, 1280 rubles per ticket at the group stage, is available for applications from December 5.

Ticket prices are in rubles. Infographics Welcome2018.com

You can purchase a package of tickets for a specific stadium. This option is most suitable for those who do not intend to leave their city during the 2018 World Cup.

A fixed package of tickets for a specific team is also available - from three matches to seven (this is the maximum number of games for one team in the championship). If the selected team is eliminated before the final, the money will not be lost: it’s just that now the “selected” team will be the one that made it further.

What to do in advance

  • You need to create an account on the FIFA website - via email, Facebook or Google+ profile;
  • It is necessary to prepare your passport details and postal address with a zip code, because each ticket is personalized. If tickets are purchased not only for yourself, but also for your companions (“guests” can later be changed), you will need to provide similar information about them;
  • You should deposit the required amount on your card or bank account. When selling tickets in a live queue, the application is processed instantly;
  • You need to decide how it is more convenient to pay - with a card or by bank transfer. You will be asked to indicate this in your application.

Is it possible to buy many tickets

The customer has the right to purchase a maximum of four tickets for one match (he and three guests) and attend no more than seven games for the entire championship. That is, one person can buy a maximum of 28 tickets.

You can only attend one match per day. It is prohibited to submit multiple applications for the same game at once.

The personal data of the customer and his guests can then be changed in their personal account on the FIFA website. Thus, the guest’s ticket is allowed to be transferred to another person, for example, a friend or relative. The customer cannot transfer his ticket.

What is the main catch in payment?

It is better to prepare money in advance. When purchasing using a bank card in the first-come-first-serve mode, the cost of tickets will be charged almost immediately after completing the application. If you win by lot - after the winning application.

A resident of Russia will be able to pay for a ticket only using VISA and Mir cards, as well as by bank transfer. Foreigners can also pay via MasterCard.

If you choose to pay by bank transfer, you will have seven days to pay. The transfer on average takes about 2-3 days and is included within the specified period. Upon receipt of payment, FIFA will send a confirmation letter (save this document).

According to the rules, the name of the main customer of the tickets and the name on the bank card must match. Anyone who makes a purchase using the card of another person (for example, a relative or friend) risks a fine of 20% of the cost of the tickets.

Do I need a fan ID before purchasing?

A fan ID (FAN ID) is not required to purchase tickets. Along with a ticket, you will need it to enter the match and use public transport for free on game days.

After purchasing tickets, the fan should go to a special website and register. A current photograph is also required. You will be able to receive the document by mail or at a distribution center - there are such in all host cities.

What should I do if I want to go to football with my family?

The cost of tickets does not depend on the age of the child. For example, a ticket for a three-year-old and a 30-year-old will cost the same amount. A ticket for a child is a separate seat, just like for all other spectators.

If the child does not yet have a passport, then you need to enter the details of his birth certificate - it also proves his identity.

What about free travel between cities?

As during the Confederations Cup, during the 2018 World Cup, every spectator will be able to travel by train to the match venue for free. Special additional trains will be provided for fans.

You will need a fan ID and a ticket. You need to register on a special website, enter data, and then select a route and place. So far there are few flights and, mostly, only from Moscow. The final schedule will appear on December 15th.

When can I get tickets?

The courier will deliver tickets free of charge in April-May 2018. Those who made a purchase after April 3 will have to pick up their tickets themselves at the ticket centers of the host cities (addresses will be announced later).

You yourself need to pick up tickets for possible matches of a certain team and packages of tickets for any of the matches from the 1/8 finals to the finals. The reason is simple: the participating teams for each match will be determined after the start of the tournament.

the site publishes instructions for those who do not want to put off purchasing tickets until the last minute.

The best national teams in the world will come to Russia next summer for the 2018 FIFA World Cup. One of the main sporting events will gather hundreds of thousands of fans from all over the world, and billions of television viewers will watch the matches. Naturally, many football fans from Moscow will not want to miss the matches that will take place here. After all, the capital will become the main city of the championship. In order not to miss a unique chance and get to the 2018 World Cup games, you should take care of tickets in advance - their sale has already begun.

Please note that tickets can only be purchased at this stage on the FIFA website. Buyers should study the rules established by the International Football Federation and act according to the instructions.

What will Moscow see?

World Cup matches will be held from June 14 to July 15, 2018 in 11 cities: Moscow, St. Petersburg, Kazan, Sochi, Nizhny Novgorod, Samara, Volgograd, Rostov-on-Don, Kaliningrad, Yekaterinburg and Saransk. It is not for nothing that the capital is called the main city of the future championship. Organizers are preparing to host 12 games here, as well as the opening and closing ceremonies of the tournament.

The main events will take place at the Luzhniki Grand Sports Arena. Both ceremonies and seven matches will take place here: the opening match, three group stage matches, one-eighth finals, a semi-final and a final. Another five games of the tournament will be hosted by the Spartak stadium: four group stage matches and one eighth final.

Which teams will take to the Moscow fields will become known on December 1, when the final draw ceremony for the 2018 FIFA World Cup takes place. All participants will be divided into eight groups of four teams each. They will be assigned letter designations from A to H. It is known that the Russian team received the designation A1 and on June 14, 2018, the World Cup will open in Luzhniki with a match with its participation.

Where to start shopping?

How many tickets are given per person?

In addition to the fact that each person can buy no more than four tickets per game, there is a whole list of restrictions. According to the organizers, they must help fight resellers and offer fans as many options as possible.

According to the rules, one fan will not be able to purchase tickets for more than seven matches as part of his application and buy more than 28 tickets for himself and all his guests (four tickets for one match maximum). There is an exception only when purchasing non-fixed tickets: one application can include a package of tickets to attend up to eight matches.

Buyers can combine individual match tickets with stadium specific ticket packages. But one application should still contain no more than 28 tickets. If FIFA finds inconsistencies in the application, it may be cancelled.

In addition, it is not permitted to purchase tickets for different matches taking place on the same day. And one person - customer or guest - cannot buy more than one ticket for a match, leaving several applications.

You can only buy tickets of one category for a specific game. However, you can order different categories of tickets for different matches.

How to pay and receive tickets?

After the buyer selects a ticket, the site will prompt you to enter your bank card details. The money will be written off from her if, based on the results of the draw, the tickets go to him (only after the application receives the status of successful). To do this, you will not need to confirm the purchase or perform any other actions. Only foreign fans will need to return to the site to pay. Once payment has been made in full, FIFA will send an official confirmation of purchase by email.

FIFA warns that at the time of payment there must be sufficient funds on the card account, otherwise the application will not be satisfied and the tickets will be given to another buyer. Another payment option is a bank transfer, which must be made within seven days from the moment confirmation of ticket purchase is received. The choice of payment option is made when submitting an application.

When sales start on a first-come, first-served basis (again on fifa.com/bilet), money will be deducted at the time of purchase. And at the main FIFA ticket centers, cash will be accepted for payment at the last stage of sales.

Paid tickets purchased during the first and second stages of sales will be delivered free of charge to the specified address by courier. They will begin to be sent in April - May 2018. The recipient will need to present a passport and the card used to pay for the purchase. For special categories of fans, certificates and medical reports will also be required.

Tickets purchased after April 3, as well as those purchased at the last minute sales stage (from April 18), will not be delivered. In addition, delivery will not be available for packages for specific team games and loose tickets for any one-eighth, one-quarter final, semi-final, third place match and final game.

They will be available at ticket centers in all host cities of the championship before and during the tournament. The organizers recommend not to delay and pick them up as early as possible before the match day. They will not be issued at the stadiums themselves. From April 18, this will be possible by appointment, without wasting time in the general queue.

Why does a fan need a special passport?

Applications have been submitted, tickets have been purchased, but that's not all. Anyone who wants to see the strongest teams on the planet play will have to obtain an official document in advance - a fan passport, or FAN ID.

This is a personalized card of the viewer, which can be used to identify his personality. A fan ID will help ensure the safety of football fans and eliminate ticket scalping. The plastic card also gives you some privileges, for example the right to free travel on public transport on the day of the match and on special trains running between the host cities.

In Moscow, in addition to the metro, MCC, commuter trains and some ground transport routes, free travel was also provided on Aeroexpress trains. During the 2017 FIFA Confederations Cup, fans, volunteers and FIFA accredited persons used free transport over 320 thousand times.

In addition, for foreign tourists it is also a document for visa-free entry into the territory of Russia.

Registration and delivery of the passport is free. This can be done online or in special ones. You can only apply for a FAN ID once FIFA has approved your ticket application.

What is prohibited?

FIFA rules state that only one person, regardless of age, can enter the stadium per ticket. The ticket must be retained until the end of the match, and those who leave the stadium during the game will not be allowed back. In case of any violations, the ticket may be cancelled.

A fan may not be allowed to attend a match because he is prohibited: if he is under the influence of alcohol or drugs, expresses racist or xenophobic thoughts, engages in campaigning or charity work, disturbs other people or disrupts public order.

Prohibited items include weapons, fireworks, flares, smoke bombs and pyrotechnics, commercial materials or items that infringe FIFA rights, and items that could adversely affect public safety or bring the competition into disrepute.

Championship organizers may ask fans to move to another seat that must be at least of a similar category, cover or remove any materials, or leave the stadium altogether. Those who are going to matches with children and teenagers must take care of permission from their parents.

If a fan is unable to attend the game, the ticket must be returned 48 hours before the match day. In this case, the organizers will have to pay compensation in the amount of 20 percent of the price indicated on the ticket. If you do this later, you will have to compensate the entire amount, which means you will not be able to get back the money spent.

According to the rules, tickets cannot be resold or purchased for other people (not for your guests), including for those who are prohibited from attending football matches. You can only transfer a ticket to another person with special permission from FIFA.

On November 6, the final part of the first stage of ticket sales for the 2018 FIFA World Cup starts. It will be held at 12 stadiums in 11 Russian cities: Moscow, St. Petersburg, Volgograd, Kaliningrad, Kazan, Nizhny Novgorod, Samara, Saransk, Sochi, Rostov-on-Don and Yekaterinburg.

The first stage of sales, which ended on October 12, was a draw for tickets. The winners were chosen at random. Most applicants “flew” past this stage: although applications for 3.5 million tickets were submitted, FIFA distributed only 622 thousand of them.

WITH 12:00 November 16 For the first time, residents of Russia and other countries will be able to buy tickets on a first-come, first-served basis. Increased demand is expected, so the chances of making a purchase depend on speed. This stage will last until November 28.

The only official place where you can buy a ticket is the FIFA website.

How much do tickets cost and is it possible to buy the cheapest ones?

There are four categories of tickets - they differ in cost and distance from the seat to the edge of the field. The buyer will be given the opportunity to familiarize himself with the layouts of all stadiums while he chooses a location. You can also watch them in advance on the FIFA website.

From November 16, tickets of the first, second and third categories of tickets are available. The fourth category of tickets is the cheapest, it is intended only for residents of Russia (citizens of the Russian Federation and foreigners permanently residing here). Unfortunately, it is impossible to purchase such a ticket at this stage: they were all distributed at the first stage.

Ticket prices for Russian residents

You can purchase a package of tickets for a specific stadium. This option is most suitable for those who do not intend to leave their city during the 2018 World Cup.

A fixed package of tickets for a specific team is also available - from three matches to seven (this is the maximum number of matches for one team in the championship). If the selected team is eliminated before the final, the money will not be lost: it’s just that now the “selected” team will be the one that made it further.

What to do in advance

  • You need to create an account on the FIFA website - via email, Facebook or Google+ profile;
  • Each ticket will be personalized, so you will need to provide passport details and postal address with zip code. If you buy tickets not only for yourself, but also for friends (“guests” in FIFA’s words), you need to provide similar information about them;
  • The application will be reviewed instantly, so it is best to prepare the required amount immediately;
  • Deposit the entire required amount onto your card or bank account in advance.

Are there any nuances when purchasing?

Fans are still making plans for the championship based on specific dates, cities and stadiums. For example, on July 14, the match for third place will be held in St. Petersburg, and the final will take place in Moscow’s Luzhniki Stadium on July 15. The schedule in its current form is available on the World Cup website or in a more visual form on FIFA.

The calendar of the Russian national team in Group A is already known: on June 14, the team will open the 2018 World Cup in Luzhniki, on June 19 it will play in St. Petersburg, and on June 25 in Samara.

The main catch in payment

A Russian resident will only be able to pay for a ticket using a VISA card or bank transfer. Foreigners can also pay via MasterCard.

It is better to prepare the money in advance: the cost of tickets will be charged from the VISA card almost immediately after completing the application. If you choose the payment method by bank transfer, the buyer will have another 7 days to pay.

According to FIFA rules, the name of the main customer of the tickets and the name on the bank card must match. Anyone who makes a purchase using the card of another person (for example, a relative or friend) risks a fine of 20% of the cost of the tickets.

Do I need a fan ID before purchasing?

A fan ID (FAN ID) is not required to purchase tickets. Along with a ticket, you will need it to enter the match and use public transport for free on game days.

After purchasing tickets, the fan should go to a special website and register. You will be able to receive the document by mail or at a distribution center - there are such in all host cities.

What should I do if I want to go to football with my family?

It is worth knowing that the cost of tickets does not depend on the age of the child. For example, a ticket for a three-year-old and a 30-year-old will cost the same amount. A ticket for a child is a separate seat, just like for all other spectators.

If the child does not yet have a passport, then you need to enter the details of his birth certificate - it also proves his identity.

What about free travel between cities?

As during the Confederations Cup, during the 2018 World Cup, every spectator will be able to travel by train to the match venue for free. Special additional trains will be provided for fans.

You will need a fan ID and a ticket. You need to register on a special website, enter data, and then select a route and place.

Will it be possible to buy tickets later?

Tickets will also be available for purchase at the next stages, when the teams participating in the 2018 World Cup become known. The cost of tickets will be the same, but they are expected to remain fewer.

From December 5, 2017 to January 31, 2018: the first period of the second stage of sales. You need to apply for a ticket, after which a draw will take place.

From March 13 to April 3, 2018: the second period of the second stage of sales. There is a live queue on the FIFA website again, just like this time.

From April 18 to June 15, 2018: For the first time, tickets can be purchased not only on the Internet, but also at the box office.

The second stage of ticket sales for the World Cup, like the previous one, will take place in two phases. First application submission on the FIFA website and random draw after all applications have been received. It starts today at noon Moscow time and will last until the end of January. The time of application submission does not affect the result of the draw in any way.

The second phase, the so-called direct sales, will take place from March 15 to April 3. Tickets can be purchased in real time on the same website on a first-come, first-served basis.

Marina Vasilyeva, fan: “We have a real opportunity to attend matches at the stadium, cheer, and feel the game. But if I don’t get tickets, I’ll watch with pleasure on TV and root for our team.”

During the first stage, almost 750 thousand tickets were sold. At the same time, there were about 3.5 million applications from all over the world. Different matches have different demand. In some cases it was simply huge.

Alexey Sorokin, General Director of the 2018 World Cup Organizing Committee: “Tickets of all four categories were sold, and for some matches we saw a competition of 90 people for one ticket. That is, the sales pace and interest in the championship are quite high. Very wide geography. Somewhere around 53% of tickets were sold to Russians, 47% to foreigners.”

The ticket price directly depends on the importance of the game. The closer to the final, the higher. Exception: opening match. Although this is a group stage, it is a significant event for the championship. Therefore, tickets for it are even more expensive than for the quarter-finals. The second factor is the category of the ticket, which directly depends on the location of the seat in the stadium stands. There are four categories in total. The difference in price between the first and last is almost tenfold.

By the way, tickets in the most accessible category fourth can only be purchased by residents of Russia, that is, directly Russian citizens and foreigners working in our country legally. To avoid speculation and fraud, no more than four tickets for one match are sold per person.

On the initiative of the Russian authorities, in addition to a ticket, everyone who wants to attend the match must have a fan passport. Among other things, this is an additional system of protection against counterfeits, which can be easily avoided if you remember a simple rule: for now tickets are sold only on the FIFA website and nowhere else.

The opening match and the final will take place at the country's main football arena in Luzhniki. Every fan dreams of going to this stadium, regardless of whether his team reaches the final. But the closer the championship, the further the prospect of getting these most coveted tickets. True, the organizing committee asks fans not to despair. After all, for those who did not buy tickets at the first stage and will not make it in the second, there will also be “extra time”.

The third sales period will begin in April; tickets will no longer be sold online, but in ticket centers. There are such in all cities where matches of the main football tournament will be held, reports NTV correspondent Alexander Konevich.

1. Prepare and create an account

To buy a ticket to the championship, you will need a passport, Visa, Mir bank card or bank account number. Please note that tickets are personalized, so if you are purchasing a ticket not only for yourself, but also for friends (FIFA calls them guests), then ask them for their passport details and exact address, including postal code.

Have you prepared everything? Now you need to go to the FIFA website and create an account, you can use the social networks Facebook and Google+. Carefully look at what you agree to when registering in order to avoid unnecessary mailings or, conversely, subscribe to important news.

2. Select a match and category

  • Category 1 - the best seats in the stadium, but also the highest prices.
  • Categories 2 and 3 - all other places, except special ones.
  • Category 4 - those cheap seats behind the gates that only Russian citizens can get into for mere pennies.

To get a visual idea of ​​the categories, go to the FIFA website and check out the stadium diagrams. You will also see the diagram directly on the ticket selection screen.

You can purchase packages of tickets for matches that will be held at a specific stadium, and matches with the participation of a specific team - from 3 to 7. It is noteworthy that if the selected team is eliminated, then you will be able to go to the matches of the team that beat it.

3. Make a purchase

It's time to take the plunge and buy your chosen ticket! You indicate how to contact you, enter your first name, last name, patronymic, citizenship, passport number, date of birth. Then you will need to fill in the address.

Please note that personal information that relates to the main customer and not the guest cannot be changed. Also keep in mind that only the main customer can pay for the order. If you use a friend’s card, the tickets will be canceled, and 20% of their value will be deducted from the card, or even 100% if there are less than 48 hours left before the match.

4. Make a “Fan Passport”

To enter the stadiums of the 2018 FIFA World Cup in Russia, you will need not only a ticket, but also a personalized spectator card, also known as a “Fan Passport”, or Fan ID. The document gives the right to free travel on additional trains between the host cities of the championship and on public transport in these cities on match days. You can fill out the document on the website fan-id.ru, but only after FIFA confirms your application to purchase a ticket.

What to do if you missed the first stage of sales?

There is still a chance to get to the championship.

March 13 - April 3, 2018 - II period of the second stage of sales, when tickets can be purchased in real time on a first-come, first-served basis.

April 18 - June 15, 2018 - last minute sales. It will be possible to buy tickets not only on the website, but also at the box office for cash.

When can I expect tickets?

Tickets will be delivered to the address specified upon purchase within a few weeks before the start of the championship.