The Bermuda Triangle is the most mysterious place on earth. The mysterious Pacific triangle The most mysterious triangle

This place is located in the vast Canadian expanses of Nahanni National Park. It received its terrible name because of a series of tragic incidents that stretched over more than 100 years. At the end of the 19th century, gold was discovered here and fortune hunters from all over the country flocked to the valley. The first disaster occurred in 1898, when a group of six gold miners disappeared without a trace. They tried to find them, but could not. Seven years later, two MacLeod brothers and their friend Robert Vere disappeared in the same valley. Just like the first group, they simply disappeared without a trace. Only three years later, nine headless corpses were accidentally discovered, which could only be identified by miraculously preserved talismans.

The mysterious disappearances of people continued later. It got to the point that in 1962-1965, two expeditions were sent to the valley to clarify the circumstances. However, these scientists were also soon found without their heads. In 1978, another, much more prepared and equipped expedition gathered. It was headed by the famous American paranormal investigator Hank Mortimer. The scientists had with them a full set of tools that might be needed in emergency situations, as well as the necessary equipment to maintain constant communication with the camp. However, already in the evening of the first day of the expedition, the operator in the camp heard on the radio the terrible screams of the expedition members and the words of radio operator Ray Wilson: “There is emptiness coming out of the rock... This is terrible!” A helicopter with armed soldiers on board was immediately raised on alarm, but at the place where, according to the members of the expedition, their tent should have stood, nothing was found at all, no traces of the presence of people. And only after five days of continuous searches, rescuers still managed to find the headless corpse of one of the scientists.

Deaths and mysterious disappearances in the Valley of the Headless continue to this day. But there is not even the slightest hint of what is really happening there. People put forward many versions. Of course, the first thing that comes to mind is a gang of thugs operating in the valley who are hunting for gold miners and their prey. However, local police do not confirm this guess. According to the sheriff, no one had ever noticed any strange strangers in this place. But the local residents themselves are sure that all the deaths are the work of soskvachs. Creatures similar to hairy giant men were often seen here, and traces of him were found even more often. Whether Bigfoot could have dealt so cruelly with uninvited guests of his domain is unknown.

The Bermuda Triangle is a mystical area of ​​the Atlantic Ocean located between Miami, Bermuda and Puerto Rico, where a huge number of ships and planes have disappeared. Many aircraft and watercraft simply disappeared from radar coverage, despite good weather and no reports of any breakdowns. Despite numerous rumors of shipwrecks in this area, the number of shipwrecks is little greater than in other parts of the world. In fact, most daily flights and trips end safely.

Reports of the crew's disappearances in the press did not attract public attention until the 20th century. A very sad incident occurred in March 1918, when the huge American freighter Cyclops, carrying 300 people and 10,000 tons of manganese ore, sank between Barbados and the Chesapeake Bay. The Cyclops did not send signals about an emergency situation, although it had all the necessary technical equipment for this. In addition, the search for the ship did not even lead to the discovery of its wreckage.

American President Woodrow Wilson commented on what happened: “Only the sea and God know what happened to this heavy ship.” In 1941, two similar ships disappeared. They also left no traces and swam along the same route. Soon rumors arose about the negative energy of this place.

In December 1945, naval bomber exercises were planned. The group leader had problems with navigation and then disappeared without a trace. The remaining five bombers flew nearby aimlessly until they ran out of fuel and were forced to splash down. On the same day, a rescue plane with a crew of 13 people disappeared. After a lengthy search, in the hope of finding at least some debris, military representatives were forced to say: “It feels like they all flew to Mars!”

In addition to everything, by this time 3 more passenger vehicles had disappeared. Since then, many lovers of paranormal phenomena began to blame this zone, attributing to it an alien base, a time hole, a sunken Atlantis, sea monsters, and a distortion of gravity. Those who thought more logically stated about magnetic anomalies, tornadoes and the release of methane from the ocean basin.

Methane may well be the cause of the crashes. The least dense gas can cause control problems. Devices exposed to gas could fail. During night flights, pilots cannot see the ground and rely only on the numbers on the instrument panel, which incorrectly record the altitude gained. In addition, the entry of this substance into the engine can also cause a disaster.

The area called the Devil's or Bermuda Triangle covers an area of ​​about 500,000 square miles. Christopher Columbus, on his first voyage to a new land, reported that a bright flash of fire (possibly a meteorite) illuminated the ocean at night and continued to glow for several weeks. He also described erratic, changing compass readings.

Extremely powerful hurricanes and storms that form in the Atlantic near the equator have caused the deaths of thousands of people and millions of losses. Some researchers blame the Gulf Stream, which originates in the Gulf of Mexico, for what happened. Any current is an internal river, which can affect the route and movement of transport, especially if it splashes down. A similar event happened to the cruiser Witchcraft in December 1967. Unusually large waves can appear even in calm seas. One of these was the Ocean Ranger, which capsized the world's largest offshore platform in 1982.

In all likelihood, it is stupid to put forward a specific factor that caused so many crashes and casualties. It's like trying to come up with a single cause of traffic accidents in a single city. One way or another, this mystical place will attract the attention of people around the world for a long time.

Perhaps the most mysterious place on Earth is the Bermuda Triangle - a section of the Atlantic Ocean over one million square kilometers located between Bermuda, Puerto Rico and the southern cape of the Florida Peninsula. It is there, according to some researchers, that the flow of time is disrupted, space is curved, and planes and ships that find themselves in the “triangle” zone disappear without a trace. Christopher Columbus also wrote about the strange behavior of compass needles, pillars of flame rising from the water, strange lights moving on the waves... Scientists are making more and more attempts to uncover the mystery of this anomalous zone.

The tragic list of victims of the Bermuda Triangle opens with the French ship Rosalie, which disappeared in August 1840. He was discovered near the Bahamas, drifting with his sails raised. The only living creature on board was a canary in a cage. The deck and cabins looked as if crew members had been here just a few hours ago. No one knows what tragic circumstances forced him to abandon the ship and what his subsequent fate was.

On November 7, 1872, the brigantine Mary Celeste with a cargo of alcoholic beverages left New York and headed for Gibraltar. A month later she was discovered by the crew of the ship Den Gratia. The brigantine moved in strange zigzags, its sails filled with wind. Several sailors from the Den Gratia lowered a boat and moored aboard the Mary Celeste. It turned out that the ship was empty, although there was no damage. There were cups of unfinished coffee on the table in the wardroom, bread and eggs were scattered about, and the tablecloth was stained with melted butter. The cargo in the holds was untouched. However, no navigational instruments were found on board. There was enough water and food on the ship. Some documents mention that on the same table lay a saber with traces of blood on the blade. The same traces were found on other objects. The last entry in the logbook, dated November 24, reported that the Mary Celeste was 150 miles west of the Azores. Eleven days later, the ship was discovered 700 miles from the place mentioned in the log.

However, the most famous story of the Devil's Triangle came from the disappearance of an American torpedo bomber flight consisting of five Avenger-class aircraft. The 19th flight, which comprised these aircraft, took off at 2:10 p.m. on December 5, 1945, from the Naval Air Station at Fort Lauderdale, Florida. The bombers were to fly 160 miles east, then 40 miles north and return to base. During the flight, a training bombing mission was planned.

At 15:45, the command and control tower received a message from flight commander Lieutenant Taylor:

Emergency condition! We can't see the ground!

Tell us your coordinates,” the command post demanded.

“We don’t know where we are,” came the response.

Head west! And then Lieutenant Taylor uttered strange words:

We don't know which way is west. The ocean looks different than usual.

At 16.00, a panic-stricken Taylor handed over command of the flight to another officer.

We are located about two hundred miles northeast of the base. Most likely we... - the officer’s voice became increasingly muffled and finally disappeared completely.

A rescue plane, equipped with everything that might be needed in an emergency, and capable of landing on the surface of the sea even with very high waves, hastened to the rescue of the bombers. They tried to inform the 19th link about this, but there was no communication. The rescue plane transmitted several messages to the control center and confirmed that it was approaching the desired square, and then there was silence on the air...

On a general alert, planes took off from all bases on the Florida Peninsula, and search ships left ports. At 19:04 the command post dispatcher received the weak call signs of the 19th flight. This happened two hours after the planes were supposed to run out of fuel. For several weeks, 21 search vessels plied the waters of the Atlantic Ocean and the Gulf of Mexico, and 300 aircraft monitored the ocean surface from the air. Everything turned out to be unsuccessful. The flight of torpedo bombers and the rescue plane disappeared without a trace.

The list of 50 ships and planes missing in the Bermuda Triangle is completed by the cargo ship Anita, which left the port of Norfolk in March 1973, but never reached its destination - Hamburg.

In 1999, new mysterious incidents occurred, which, fortunately, did not end tragically, but raised new unanswerable questions for scientists. A participant in one of these incidents was Shannon Bracey from New Zealand, who decided to cross the Pacific Ocean on a yacht alone, around South America and get to the Bahamas. The brave woman’s plans also included crossing the Devil’s Triangle. Here's what she told reporters:

I have dreamed of long-term solo sailing all my life. And so, when I turned forty-two years old, the opportunity arose to hit the road. It all happened when I was already approaching Bermuda. At noon, when I was in the wheelhouse, the sea surface became hazy. It seemed like I was caught in a band of fog. Soon a real storm began, and the haze thickened so much that visibility became zero. And suddenly... ghosts appeared around me! These were people in sailor uniforms, some women with mournful faces and crying children. I understood that they had all been dead for a long time and this made me feel chilling horror. Some force took me into a terrible, unknown world. And suddenly I saw my dead husband, who stretched out his hands to me, as if wanting to hug me. At that moment I lost consciousness.

When Shannon woke up, the sky above her head was strewn with stars. The clock in the control room showed 12. The woman was unconscious for twelve whole hours!

There are already many known cases like the one that happened with Shannon Bracey. But none of them reveals the secrets of the Bermuda Triangle. Moreover, observations of people who find themselves in this anomalous zone further confuse the already strange history of this amazing corner of planet Earth.

The Boeing 707 pilot was flying from Puerto Rico to New York on April 11, 1963. 20 minutes after takeoff, he suddenly saw how the surface of the ocean began to swell and finally rose into a huge dome, reaching several hundred meters in diameter! For thirty seconds, he, along with the aircraft commander and flight engineer, watched in amazement at the unprecedented natural phenomenon.

It turns out that astronauts also witnessed such cataclysms. “There can be no doubt about different water levels in the ocean,” Vladimir Kovalenok said after the flight at the Salyut-6 orbital station. The astronaut repeatedly saw giant water domes rising on the surface of the sea, around which cumulus clouds swirled. Cosmonauts Valery Ryumin and Vladimir Lyakhov saw a multi-kilometer swell in the Indian Ocean. What makes water swell, no one still knows. But maybe the strange events in the Bermuda Triangle are somehow connected with the secret life of the sea element? Scientists still have to look for answers to this and many other questions.

edited news Sneaky - 8-09-2011, 19:17

The abode of Satan himself, the sea cemetery, the horror of the Atlantic - all these terrible epithets are used to describe the mystical zone in the Atlantic Ocean. Every year, ships and planes mysteriously disappear in the Bermuda Triangle. What is this - the sick imagination of journalists or a truly dangerous and mystical zone, shrouded in mystery and enigma?

The first mention of the devil's zone

The Bermuda Triangle in the ocean is a sensation that has been exciting humanity for half a century. This anomalous zone was first mentioned in 1950. An American researcher named E. Jones wrote a short article, formatting the material in the form of a brochure in which he placed several photographs. But at that time almost no one paid attention to this. Until, in 1964, another American researcher named V. Gaddis wrote about the Bermuda Triangle. He told about the real danger that this mystical area conceals. But the real fear for the average person was brought about by a book called “The Bermuda Triangle,” written by Charles Berlitz. Since then, this topic has not ceased to be relevant throughout the world.

Where is the Bermuda Triangle

Conventionally, the symbolic peaks of this mystical zone are the following areas: Bermuda, the southern cape of Florida, Puerto Rico. The marked points are unofficial, since the boundaries of the Bermuda Triangle are constantly being adjusted, moving them, for example, closer to the Gulf of Mexico or joining the Caribbean Sea. Many researchers also attribute part of the Azores Islands to the anomalous zone, near which many incredible events took place. Therefore, it is still impossible to get a definite answer to the question “where is the Bermuda Triangle?”

The most common theories regarding the phenomena occurring

There are several dozen versions as to what is actually happening in the Bermuda Triangle. Some of them are incredible and defy logic, while others, on the contrary, are more rational and almost scientifically based. We will consider a few assumptions below.

Mysterious gas bubbles

For the first time in 2000, several physicists in laboratory conditions decided to find out what was happening to an object located on the surface of boiling water.

After conducting a series of experiments, they came to the following conclusion: when bubbles appear in the water, its density decreases significantly and the level rises, while the lifting force exerted by the water on the ship is minimized. Therefore, if there are enough bubbles, then the ship may well sink.

The description of this experiment, carried out in laboratory conditions, and its results have long been published. But can bubbles actually sink a large vessel? This is still unknown, because such studies have not yet been carried out under so-called field conditions, that is, directly in the Bermuda Triangle area.

Insidious algae

There is a version that ships supposedly “suck” huge algae into the water column. This opinion is as implausible as the idea that the devil himself lives here. This is explained by the fact that the water area of ​​the Bermuda Triangle is comparable to the Sargasso Sea, the flora of which is rich in various algae. Sailors who are not accustomed to such a sight are simply frightened and use their developed imagination.

Lonely waves

In 1984, a competition between sailboats was held in Spain. The route ran from Puerto Rico through Bermuda. A 40-meter ship called the Marquez, built in 1917 in Spain, led the race, ahead of ships leaving Bermuda. This is where the trouble happened. A strong squall hit, which tilted the ship, and at that moment, out of nowhere, a gigantic wave arose and hit the ship on the port side. This case is one of the few that has excited the public.

Such waves can reach 30 meters in height. They appear unexpectedly and can instantly sink a large ship. The wave that hit the side of the Marquez covered it with a wall of water, and soon a second one followed - deadly. It was she who decided the fate of the ship. 19 people died.

In the Bermuda Triangles, such waves are caused by the Gulf Stream, which lies near the United States. The reasons for their formation are simple: the waters of the Gulf Stream, flowing from south to north, meet a storm front moving from north to south.

Waves form behind the storm front and travel in the same direction. The waves formed by the Gulf Stream are moving towards them, to the north. After their collision, a huge mass of water rises up. And when there seems to be no sign of danger, waves 3-5 meters high suddenly turn into 25-meter “monsters”.

Unfortunately, today there is no device that would monitor or predict the occurrence of such a destructive phenomenon.

Alien Invasion

Some claim that this territory is controlled by aliens who are trying to study our planet. They allegedly destroy ships and planes so that no one will ever know about their visit.


This version is the most common and quite plausible. Constant weather changes, unexpected storms, storms, and hurricanes become dangerous for any type of transport.

Clouds with mysterious charges

This version has also been considered by scientists. Many pilots flying over the Bermuda Triangle area claimed that they found themselves in the center of a black cloud, inside of which lightning discharges and bright flashes sparkled.

Thus, the missing “link 19” before its crash transmitted a message that they were enveloped in a certain dark cloud, due to which visibility was significantly impaired.


There is a version that in these areas a sound appears that terrifies all passengers and forces them to leave the vehicle.

During underwater earthquakes or landslides, powerful infrasonic vibrations occur on the ocean floor, but scientists have proven that they cannot in any way be associated with a danger to life.

Relief features

Most researchers are inclined to believe that the complex terrain of this anomalous zone is to blame. This is explained by the fact that under the Bermuda Triangle there is a deep-sea trench, mountains that reach a height of 150-200 meters, and cone-shaped hills with a diameter of tens of kilometers. Therefore, finding shipwrecks in this area is almost impossible.

If you look under the water, Bermuda resembles a huge dormant volcano. A depression extends from it to the north, the maximum depth of which reaches 8 km. It is in this area that most of the terrible incidents occur.

It should be noted that Puerto Rico (deep sea trench) is the deepest part of the entire Atlantic (8742 km). Therefore, finding a sunken ship or a crashed plane here, again, is simply unrealistic.

The Bermuda Triangle, whose secrets have not yet been revealed, has the Blake Escarpment in the west - these are the steepest cliffs in the entire mystical Atlantic region. Some of them reach a height of two kilometers. And the continental plume is divided in two by the most active current in the world - the Gulf Stream.

But even such unusual features of the relief cannot fully answer the questions that arise among pundits and ordinary people and shed at least a little light on these mysterious phenomena. The mysteries of the Bermuda Triangle still remain beyond the bounds of reason.

Mysticism at the bottom of the mysterious triangle

The well-known legend about a city that disappeared along with its inhabitants is no longer a legend at all. So say Canadian scientists who found a sunken settlement at the bottom of the Atlantic. This city is located off the eastern coast of Cuba, 700 meters from the most mystical zone in the whole world. The Bermuda Triangle was explored underwater by a robot that dived to depth and photographed the surrounding area. The images were subsequently studied by Canadian researchers who made an incredible discovery. What does the Bermuda Triangle hide from people's eyes? Photos showed that at its bottom there are buildings, pyramids and figures, on the walls of which there are unfamiliar writings. According to experts, the discovered buildings are very reminiscent of ancient architecture. The city at the bottom was discovered by a Canadian scientist couple. In fact, they encountered the pyramids lying at the bottom of the triangle 10 years ago. At that time, the couple worked for the government, studying the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean and searching for sunken ships and missing treasures.

At the end of the Ice Age, the water level rose significantly, which is why many cities, islands and even continents found themselves at the bottom of the ocean. The discovered settlement, according to scientists, is one of these.

There is an opinion that American researchers noticed this city back in the late 50s, but did not tell anyone about the find.

It is also known that the bottom of the Bermuda Triangle has not yet been studied by scientists themselves, so we will wait for new discoveries.

Mysterious disappearance in the Bermuda Triangle

Over the past 50 years, the Bermuda Triangle has acquired a terrible reputation, which is why many are afraid to travel in these parts. They try to bypass the anomalous zone using the tenth road. The sad story of “link 19” has become widely known. Shortly after the disappearance of the 5 Navy bombers, observers began to notice something strange. But first things first.

On December 5, 1945, 5 torpedo bombers, crewed by 14 people, were preparing for a routine flight from a Florida airfield. In accordance with the plan, the bombers were supposed to fly to the Bahamas and conduct target practice there - the remains of a sunken ship. They flew over the ship several times and turned north towards the Bahamas. The detachment acted in accordance with the plan. Soon, the crew of one of the planes, led by pilot Taylor, reported that they had lost their route. All his navigation devices have simply failed, and he cannot find a landmark. Meanwhile, the weather began to suddenly change. The wind changed its direction and began to blow from the north.

The control tower tried its best to send them along the right route - towards Florida, but Taylor was completely confused and refused to listen to the controller. The pilots circled over the water in despair, trying to find at least something resembling land. But the weather got even worse. Later the radio connection was completely cut off. The last thing they heard from one of the pilots was the words “white wall” and “strange water”.

The next day, the search for the missing planes began. Several helicopters went on this dangerous mission. But something strange happened here too. One of them disappeared in the same mysterious way. But later, rescuers still managed to find out what happened to him. The sailors of a ship passing very close said that they heard a strong explosion high in the sky.

But neither the wreckage of the missing bombers nor any remains of the “search engine” were found. What happened to the planes? Where does the Bermuda Triangle hide its victims? No one knows the answers to these questions yet.

Have the planes of “link 19” been found?

In 1991, British scientist Graham Hawkes made a real discovery. He claimed to have found five planes from “flight 19.” Quite by accident, while searching for a Spanish galleon, he, along with other members of the research group, allegedly came across the wreckage of fighters. Observations were recorded.

This story made the headlines of all newspapers and magazines, and also created a stir among journalists and ordinary citizens. Graham promised to sort out this curious story within 2 weeks. Since submarines were incredibly expensive, the scientist decided to use an underwater camera, which was controlled by a special wire. After viewing the resulting images, the researchers concluded that the planes did not belong to “link 19”, and became even more confused.

After some time, Graham decides to go to this mysterious place himself to understand what kind of planes they are. One of the relatives of the missing Flight 19 pilot follows him on the search.

Having descended to the bottom of the ocean (to a depth of 220 meters), they notice an object similar to the disappeared fighter.

The discovered plane was broken into 2 parts, the wing and tail were completely torn off. Researchers found out that this fighter took off from Fort Lauderdale (from where “flight 19” also departed), and they determined this by the first letters (FT 23). But such meager information was clearly not enough to fully identify the aircraft.

After some time, Graham and his team descend to the bottom again to find some more evidence and discover the remaining 4 planes. On one of them, the researchers noticed the inscription “FT 87” and saw an open cabin, which means that the team could get out. Near the window, the researchers find a number on the wall of the plane (23990). At that time, similar numbers were assigned to each fighter, so with its help it was easy to find out what kind of object lay at the bottom of the Bermuda Triangle.

Later, researchers came to the conclusion that 4 aircraft definitely belonged to “link 19”. What about the first find? Perhaps this is the same missing search engine.

But many questions still remain. How did the Bermuda Triangle, the photo of which evokes terrible thoughts, “absorb” all 5 planes at the same time? And why did such an experienced pilot as Taylor make a fatal mistake, because the radars of neighboring aircraft were still working, and it was possible to contact the dispatchers? What was going on in his head, what was he thinking about at that moment, why did he turn in the opposite direction if there were only 20 km left to his destination? All these mysteries still remain unsolved.

Having examined the situation from all sides, psychologists concluded that Taylor was influenced by some psychological factor, for example, spatial disorientation, which did not give him the opportunity to save himself and his crew.


In 1918, an American ship called the Cyclops disappeared. This is the most significant loss, because along with him 309 people disappeared without a trace.

This ship was a cargo ship that carried fuel during the First World War. The length of the ship was 165 meters. Therefore, everyone is still perplexed, how could such a colossus disappear without a trace in the depths of the ocean?

In 1918, the loaded ship set sail for the United States, but never returned. Cyclops was last seen in Barbados. No one sent any messages from the ship, therefore, everything went according to plan. But the connection was suddenly interrupted and... the end.

The Navy later organized a major search operation, but neither the wreckage nor the remains of the crew were ever found. Researchers believe that the wave is to blame, completely engulfing the ship and sending it to the bottom. But why have no traces been found yet? The answer, again, remains a mystery.

What is the Bermuda Triangle? Is the mystery solved or not? What does this anomalous zone contain? Are the events taking place in this place really mystical? Or can there be a logical explanation for everything? Who knows whether humanity will find answers to all these questions... And whether the future will throw up other mysteries?

Today, like 50 years ago, the secrets of the Bermuda Triangle excite the minds of the public. Will we ever be able to solve this mystery, will we be able to predict the natural anomalies occurring in this territory? Let's hope we find out about this in the near future.

In the Atlantic Ocean, or rather in its western part (near the southeastern shores of the United States), there is a mysterious place - Bermuda Triangle. In this area, planes and ships disappear more often than usual. More than 400 cases of unexplained disappearances of people, aircraft and ships have been recorded.

The first known evidence was recorded by Columbus. On October 11, 1492, from the ship Santa Maria, he and his crew observed a certain glow over the water. Also in this area, the navigator repeatedly saw “fiery arrows” that burst out of the water and flew into the sky.

This glow is still observed today. Scientists are trying to explain this mysterious phenomenon. Perhaps these are schools of unexplored fish or some tectonic processes on the ocean floor. But no one can give a definite answer.

The same Columbus noticed that the compass in the area of ​​​​the mysterious Bermuda Triangle behaves very strangely, showing the wrong direction.

In the 19th – early 20th centuries. Ships were actively disappearing in the territory of the “triangle”. In 1921, a ship was discovered with sails raised and food ready to eat, but not a single person was on the ship! There are only two living cats left. And this is not the only such case.
A distinctive feature of the disappearances is the complete absence of the crew, without any signs of struggle or violence, while animals, if they were present on the ship, always remain intact.

In the 40s of the 20th century, planes began to actively disappear. As a rule, no distress messages are received, the planes follow their course, there is communication with them, everything is calm on board. But then the connection simply breaks down, the aircraft disappears from radar screens, and searches yield nothing.

There are many versions trying to explain the mysterious disappearances of people and equipment in the Bermuda Triangle. For example, underwater UFOs that have a “base” in this area, the pilots of these unidentified flying objects collect biological material from the Earth for their research; some kind of portal that bends space and time and leads to other dimensions or even Universes; disturbance of electromagnetic waves, due to which equipment fails. But these assumptions do not provide answers to many things, such as the complete safety of the ships and the absence of a crew.

Underwater diving specialist M. Fischer, while searching for sunken Spanish ships with gold, discovered a steam locomotive at the bottom of the ocean! How he got there remains a mystery.

A researcher of the mysterious Bermuda Triangle, A. Anderson, suggested that there are “12 devilish graves” on our planet. The scientist found that these are diamond-shaped areas between 30-40 parallels north and south of the equator.

Thus, a “network” emerges, as it were, including both poles (this network also includes the Bermuda Triangle). In these mysterious places, evidence of anomalous phenomena is most often found.

According to A. Anderson, “magnetic funnels” are formed in these areas, which can transport objects caught in them instantly over long distances, or even to another dimension or time!

His theory is confirmed by the so-called phenomenon of “late arrival of aircraft.” The bottom line is that without a strong tailwind the plane cannot arrive ahead of schedule, but usually no strong winds are recorded.

Such cases most often occur in the territory of the mysterious “triangle”. It was as if the planes flew into a “funnel” and successfully got out of it.

Be that as it may, the Bermuda Triangle remains one of the most mysterious places on Earth to this day. Scientists are struggling to unravel the mystery of this area of ​​the Atlantic Ocean. Ship captains and airplane pilots, if possible, do not cross the “triangle”. This mysterious place is fraught with many questions that remain to be answered.