Attractions of the USSR - innocentia. Attractions of the USSR - innocentia Attraction in the form of a rotating dish

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True thrill-seekers are unlikely to be surprised by a parachute jump. They are ready to travel even to the other side of the world to tickle their nerves.

We are in website We have selected 12 of the most breathtaking attractions in the world, the mere sight of which will already get your adrenaline pumping!

Insanity, USA

The name of this carousel translates to "madness" and it is the tallest carousel on the planet. It is located at an altitude of about 300 meters and is mounted 20 meters from the edge of the roof of one of the skyscrapers. The carousel is a structure with open cabins for passengers, which rotates at a speed of 60 km/h at an angle of 70°. By the way, all passengers face down to the ground during rotation.

X-Scream, USA

The X-Scream attraction is located on the roof of the hotel, 350 meters high. It looks like a trailer into which passengers sit. Then he accelerates, drives 8 meters beyond the roof, stops abruptly and suddenly dives down. Screams and screams are guaranteed.

Big Shot, USA

The Big Shot ride is located in the same hotel and is considered the tallest ride in the world. A platform with seats around the entire perimeter is attached to the tower spire. The platform shoots upward with great speed, and then makes free fall. If you love the feeling of your heart jumping out of your chest, you'll love it here.

White Cyclone, Japan

The highlight of this attraction is that it is made of wood, and is also one of the longest roller coasters: the length of the path with dizzying climbs and spiral descents reaches 1.7 km. The height of the attraction is equal to the height of a 15-story building, and the speed of the wooden trolleys can exceed 100 km/h.

Giant Canyon Swing, USA

The attraction in the form of a giant swing is located on the slope of a cliff at an altitude of 400 meters above the Colorado River. The swing seats 4 passengers and swings 112° above the horizon at a speed of 80 km/h. Finding yourself in high point, extreme sports enthusiasts can gaze at the almost endless cliff opening below them. According to the creators of this attraction, none of the visitors decided to ride the swing a second time.

EdgeWalk, Canada

Those who think they are not afraid of heights have simply never been to Toronto. Here you can take a walk on the site, which is located on the 116th floor of the television tower. You can walk around the edge for 30 minutes observation deck without handrails or barriers. The only safety precaution is a safety harness with a cable.

Insano, Brazil

From one glance at this water slide I'm already holding my breath. After all, riding along it means descending from the height of a 14-story building at incredible speed, almost at a vertical angle. And all this in 5 seconds! The descent from the slide ends in a large pool, where extreme sports enthusiasts can catch their breath and come to their senses.

Takabisha, Japan

Takabisha are the coolest roller coaster in the world, on this moment They are also a record holder in size. 1,000 meters in 1 minute and 52 seconds and 7 sharp turns. And in some sections of turns, the cabin even breaks away from the rails and moves, sliding along a magnetic levitation.

Zip World at Penrhyn Quarry, UK

On the Zip World at Penrhyn Quarry rope ride, extreme sports enthusiasts accelerate to 161 km/h at an altitude of several hundred meters, and the flight itself lasts 2 minutes. I wonder if visitors have time to enjoy the beautiful view of majestic mountains and a mesmerizing emerald lake?

In the USSR, until 1959, the production of attractions was carried out by cooperative fishing cooperatives and small semi-handicraft enterprises.
Everything changed on May 9, 1959, when by order of the Local Industry Administration Krasnodar region on the basis of small semi-handicraft enterprises of the city industrial plant and cooperative industrial artels "Metallist" and "Red Kuznets" it was decided to found the first Yeisk mechanical plant "Attraction" in the USSR
. Despite the primitive base and the small number of workers for such a plant - a little over three hundred people - production was established here in an extremely short time, and within a year "Attraction" was given the status of an enterprise of union significance." (c)

"Yeysk Mechanical Plant "Attraction" - during the Soviet period it was a monopolist in the country in production park attractions, the plant's products could be seen in every city park Soviet Union. The plant reached its peak capacity in the late 80s, producing 1,500 amusement rides per year and employing more than 1,000 people. " (c) http://Soviet-factories.rf/srednee-mashinostroenie/yeisk_mechaincal_plant.html
According to data for 2009, the company produced more than 55 thousand attractions!!!.

JSC Attraction (formerly Yeisk Attraction Plant) August 2013

This summer we saw a report that the Open Joint Stock Company "Attraction" (Yeysk Mechanical Plant) is in a difficult situation.
"Current situation:
The plant is in dire straits, production areas are largely sold out. A significant part of the already relatively small revenue comes from renters. The team has shrunk significantly even in comparison with the pre-crisis 2007. The output volume is not comparable to the Soviet one, it has fallen tens of times." http://Soviet-factories.rf/countries_of_former_ussr/-2.html
This is very, very unfortunate! Many people love and remember these wonderful attractions, which meet a high degree of safety, are familiar from childhood and are unlike those from abroad.

At the same time, Attraction OJSC did not stop and continues to produce products
Delovaya Gazeta: "On April 11, 2013, Yeisk OJSC "Attraction" began producing new types of products - children's play complexes, towns and playgrounds, as well as street sports equipment and simulators"

It was at the Yeisk Attraction plant that wonderful attractions were developed and put into mass production, not inferior in complexity and equipment to those around the world.

From the official site:
"The event that occurred in Yeisk on May 9, 1959 went unnoticed by central means mass media, however, this in no way diminishes its significance on a national scale, because it was they who laid the foundation for the development and formation of the then Soviet entertainment industry.
On this day, the Yeisk mechanical plant "Attraction" was founded - the first and - today - one of the leading manufacturers of park attractions in Russia....
... The position of a monopolist obliged Attraction to do many things: the development and expansion of production capacity, increasing production output, the constant development of increasingly complex models of entertainment equipment, the selection and training of highly professional personnel, the creation of its own infrastructure became the main strategic directions of the activities of the team and the management of the enterprise. The plant is building not only new workshops, but also residential buildings and its own recreation center on the shore Sea of ​​Azov, kindergarten "Bell" for 280 places, a wonderful Sports House...
By the end of the 80s, the company already employed more than a thousand people, and the production of attractions of varying complexity reaches one and a half thousand products per year..."

"The history of the development of production of Soviet attractions at the Yeisk plant "Attraction."

1959 - the “Aerial Carousel” design is developed, which is considered one of the very first attractions. Based on this model, a number of other, more complex carousels have been created.

1959 Aerial Carousel
"Aerial carousel - a carousel, the seats of which are suspended on chains or metal rods to a rotating structure" Encyclopedic Dictionary

found on the net

In the photographs, the carousel looked unpresentable, but it was under the dome, a brightly colored attraction, beloved by young children and hooligans in middle school.
On May 9, a brass band plays on the dance floor and elderly couples dance to the sounds of a waltz, and you fly on a carousel and the blue sky, and your parents wave their hand - it was a little happiness from childhood.

Now, as far as we know, there is only one modern version of the aerial carousel left in the parks and it looks like this:
The base tower extends telescopically, and the umbrella with suspended double-row seats changes the angle of inclination.

If it were not for the tasteless combination of dirty pink-violet-yellow shades - it would be quite a cute attraction =)))

Sokolniki Park 2013

in Almaty park there is a slightly different option (source unknown)

1959 The first attraction with a lifting rotation, “Turning Airplanes,” was designed.
The legendary attraction consisted of two two-seater airplanes mounted on booms. Due to the traction force, the planes rotated in a circle around the column. And they not only rotated, but also changed height.
It was a thrilling ride and children under 14 were not allowed

Many never managed to fly on these planes - by the 80s, these attractions had disappeared virtually everywhere.

Jacques Dupaquier Attraction "Bending Airplanes" at the "Krasnoe" state farm in the village of Vodyanaya Balka, Krasnodar Territory, 1964

Turning airplanes in Pavlovsk, 1980

1959 The legendary swing “Dead Loop” or “Nesterov’s Loop” was developed rotating around a horizontal axis.
It is on them that in the film “I Walk Through Moscow” the heroine of actress Galina Polskikh, Alena, asks a swindler to ride in order to detain him until the police arrive

A counterweight is attached to one end of the axle, and a two-seater aircraft is attached to the other. A motor is installed in the nose of the aircraft, which accelerates the propeller and the aircraft begins to rotate around a horizontal axis.

Leningrad Primorsky Park, 1968

Izmailovsky Park 1962

These attractions also practically did not reach the 80s. Either there were not enough parts for shock absorption, or the attraction was considered not safe enough.

1959 - “View Wheel” designed- the first production model mastered by Soviet industry.

Mr. Eagle 1966 Mr. Wheel of Review

1960 - the “Children’s” carousel was developed designed specifically for preschool children.
This is everyone's favorite carousel with horses, elephants, lions and other animals.
Leningrad, Central Park of Culture and Culture

There is nothing left of our beloved carousel, which was covered in the park with a heavy tarpaulin for the winter; even the concrete platform has sunk into the ground. For a long time we looked for its analogue in the parks of different cities, and did not find it.
But this year in famous park Ivan Poddubny suddenly found this carousel in Yeisk! Children's carousel "Carnival"
Of course, this is a later version - in our time the animals were made of plywood and wood, or maybe from pressed sawdust, but that's all - even the bench in the center! former.

g Eagle Carousel Carnival

This carousel appears in cartoons (for example, the cartoon "Carousel Lion"), films and children's books.

1960 The “Wheel of Meetings” project was put into operation, which moves along two intersecting trajectories.
I can’t even imagine what it is =)))

1960 The “Chain” carousel was designed.
It is made in the form of an openwork umbrella with a diameter of 8 meters, from which 20 single seats are suspended on chains.

A. Grinberg Sokolniki 1964, Czechoslovak exhibition

Later - the famous and still popular attraction "Whirlwind"

carousel "Whirlwind" in the famous park of Ivan Poddubny, Yeisk 2013

1962 - the first mobile carousel for school-age children was produced.

such a carousel has been preserved in Yekaterinburg, PARK OF CULTURE AND RECREATION NAMED AFTER V.V MAYAKOVSKY. If anyone takes a photo and shares it, we will be glad! =))

1962 The Spiral attraction is developed(carousel of complex rotation). This attraction is a metal structure with which you can move along the turns of an ascending and descending spiral in a complex movement.

Perhaps this is an analogue of the "Turbo" attraction???

Attraction "Pendulum". Such attractions were often installed as imaginary “training for future pilots and sailors.” The unusual design is driven by a wooden counterweight, which is blocked by a special limiter if the swing is too strong. The photo was taken in 1937, at the Central Park of Culture and Culture named after. Gorky, Moscow.

One of the most popular attractions was, of course, the parachute tower. The metal structure with a spiral rise rose 40 meters above the ground. With an open parachute, like Mary Poppins on a large umbrella, the jumper sank to the ground. A metal cable was used for insurance. TsKPiO im. Gorky, Moscow, 1930.

"Turning Planes" is the first attraction with a lifting spin. It consisted of two two-seater “planes” mounted on booms. Thanks to the traction force, the planes rotated around the column, while changing their flight altitude. 1964, state farm “Krasnoye”, Krasnodar region.

Complex rotation carousel “Spiral”. The original design made it possible to move the rods with cabins along the turns of ascending and descending spirals in a complex trajectory. Izmailovsky Park, Moscow, 1971.

And of course, the highlight of the program is the Ferris Wheel. Everyone knows the attraction in the form of a large vertical wheel, to the rim of which cabins for passengers are attached. In the photo - the Small Ferris Wheel (and then simply “Ferris Wheel”) in the Central Park of Culture and Culture named after. Gorky, 1934.

Have you always wanted to jump from a parachute, but were afraid to do it? How about testing your courage (and vestibular system) by swinging above the ground on a huge pendulum? Such attractions required, first of all, a fair amount of courage and adventurism, which, however, the Soviet people had in abundance. Now you can evaluate the five best Soviet attractions according to Popular Mechanics!

Three attractions were installed in the “Mowgli in the Land of Dinosaurs” themed area. The most extreme in the park will be the “Temple of Fire” - a giant swing that can lift guests to a height of 20 meters.

The attraction from the German manufacturer Huss Rides Attractions will operate in several modes - from calm to extreme, which involves sudden changes in height and rapid circular rotation.

The swing will be located in the center of the “sanctuary”, stylized as ruins ancient city South American Indians. Visitors will ride over the water jets of light and music fountains and streams of artificial fire. The flame imitation will be created using special effects. Guests aged 11 years and older will be able to visit the Fire Temple, the press service of Dream Island reported.

The “Pterodactyls” attraction from the Italian manufacturer Preston & Barbieri is a classic carousel, stylized to resemble the flight of ancient pterosaurs. The attraction assumes a calm mode of movement, so children from two years old can use it. The style of the attraction will allow young visitors to immerse themselves in the atmosphere of the “Mowgli in the Land of Dinosaurs” zone.

Another attraction installed in this themed area is the rope fall tower. Manufacturer: Austrian company Sun Kid. The attraction has the shape of a tree: sitting on special chairs, users climb along rope cables along the trunk to a height of 8 meters. The attraction is designed for both children and adults.

A large chain carousel appeared in the “Snow Queen's Castle” themed area. This is one of the largest such carousels on the market. The diameter of the circle described by the seats with passengers during the ride is 18 meters.

Visitors will experience the sensation of real flight thanks to the soft wave effect that occurs due to the circular motion and tilt of the central column of the carousel.

The “Ice Carousel” will be decorated in the winter style of the Snow Queen themed area, developed by order of the Dream Island park. Manufacturer: Italian company Preston&Barbieri.