Tax Free shopping in Italy. Tax free in Rome: complete guide Currency exchanges in Rome: best places

Tax Free in Rome – the opportunity to return the money spent. By applying for Tax Free, you can return up to 15% of the amount spent. If you are planning to get Tax Free, then keep in mind that the purchase amount is one mall should be from 155 euros.

You can return part of the amount at any Tax Free point of delivery in. Tax Free points are located near duty free or in the general area.

The sign by which you will find a store working with Tax Free in Rome is a very noticeable stand (color - white and blue) with the inscription Global Refund Tax Free Shopping, sometimes the color of the stand is yellow. Some small ones will help you avoid the Tax Free return procedure by making a discount on the VAT figure (in Italy IVA).

If you want to return funds using the Tax Free service in Rome, you need to make sure that the invoice is filled out correctly by the store cashier. The check must be attached to the issued Tax Free. Often stores use automatic invoice filling using your card details.

How can I get Tax Free back in Rome?

In order for the Tax Free return procedure to go through without any delays, it is better to take the items purchased for its return in your hand luggage. Once you have completed the pre-flight steps of check-in, receiving your boarding pass and baggage tags, you will proceed to customs (Dogana) to receive a stamp. This mark confirms that the product was purchased for export from the country.

Next, to apply for Tax Free, go to the duty free area, where, using the signs, you will find a collection point (Global Refund). What you need to have with you to receive money is a passport, an air ticket, a completed invoice or a long Tax Free check. Tax Free is transferred to a credit card or issued in cash.

Places where you can get Tax Free in Rome have their own opening hours. If suddenly your flight does not coincide with the Tax Free work schedule in Rome, you can contact Global Refund after landing in the country where you arrived. In this case, the documents for issuing Tax Free are standard: passport, check and invoice.

Currency exchanges in Rome: the best places

If necessary, you can use the services in Rome exchange offices. The best rates in Rome are offered in Piazza Spagna or Santa Maria Maggiore. The currency exchange option in Rome at the bank and at the Cassa di Risparmio has time restrictions; they close at four o'clock in the afternoon.

In Rome, a number of exchange offices exchange a specific amount for you instead of a commission; this is beneficial if you have a large amount for these purposes. According to reviews, the exchange at Rome airport is also profitable. But under no circumstances change funds in hotels and train stations, where you can lose up to ten percent of commissions. Most often, when exchanging currency, you will be asked for your passport, which is common when performing this procedure.

Our tips for Rome:

  • How to avoid queues at Rome attractions. Tickets to the Colosseum bypassing the queue.
  • How not to be deceived by local taxi drivers. Book a taxi in advance with fixed rates online. The most reliable service for ordering a taxi -

Italy is one of the most popular tourist destinations, including for shopping. The European tax free system allows tourists from Russia to return part of the cost of goods purchased in stores included in the TAX FREE SHOPPING system. The amount refunded depends on the rate of value added tax (VAT) included in the price of the purchased item. VAT rates are set independently by each country and may vary depending on the type of goods (groceries, books, household appliances, etc.).

In Italy the standard VAT rate is 22%. But this does not mean that you will receive a tax free refund of 22% of the purchase price. The VAT rate is set to the cost of goods without VAT. For example, the factory set the price for a dress at 100 euros. When selling, value added tax is added to this price at the rate set by the state, in this case 22 euros. If we calculate the share of VAT (22 euros) in the total price (122 euros), it will be 18%.

We must not forget that tax free operators (Global Blue and other intermediaries) withhold a commission from this amount to finance their activities. The larger the purchase amount, the lower the percentage of the commission charged. There may also be fees for returning tax free in cash, and if the issue is not in euros (for example, in dollars due to the lack of euros), then also for currency conversion.

The maximum tax free refund percentage that a tourist can receive is 15.5%. In addition, there are groups of goods for which VAT rates are significantly lower. For example, on food products the VAT rate is from 4% to 10%. For some goods, tax refunds are not provided at all (cars, gasoline).

The official Global Blue website has a calculator that will show the refund amount depending on the total cost of purchases.

The minimum amount for a tax free refund in Italy is purchases of at least €154.94 in one day in one store.

Registration of tax free in the store

Stores that are part of the tax free system can be identified by the corresponding signs with the tax free logo at the entrance (see photo above). To take advantage of the VAT refund, you need to ask the seller (cashier) to fill out a special tax free check (form) and present your passport. A sample of filling out the form is shown.

In large supermarkets, a separate office is usually created to process such checks (forms).

The form contains your passport number, name, credit card number if you plan to return by cashless transfer, and other necessary information (see sample).

Items purchased are indicated either on the form or on a separate invoice, which in this case is attached to the form. All cash receipts are also included with the form. Carefully check that the data is filled out correctly, as errors may cause problems when receiving a customs stamp and tax refund.

Registration and return of tax free at Rimini airport

A prerequisite for a tourist to receive a tax refund is the presence in the tax free forms of a customs stamp confirming the fact of export of goods outside of Italy. To receive a mark, the customs service must present:

· Fully completed tax free forms and all receipts for goods for which you want to receive a tax refund.

· Purchased goods in original packaging and without signs of use.

· Personal passport.

· Travel documents ( boarding pass or a printed ticket).

The sequence of actions depends on whether you are transporting the purchased purchases to hand luggage or in checked baggage

In case purchases are in checked baggage, before visiting the check-in counters for your flight, you must obtain customs stamps on tax free forms. The customs office is located on the ground floor of the airport to the left of the flight check-in counters (as viewed from the main entrance). You can recognize it by the sign: “Check-in tax-free” (pictured below).

Once cleared by customs, you can head to the check-in counter to drop off your luggage and check in for your flight, if you have not previously done so through online check-in.

Then you need to go to the inspection area following the “Security Check” sign (to the left of the main entrance), from where you get to passport control.

If purchases are in hand luggage, like all air passengers, you should first go to the check-in counters to receive your boarding pass and drop off your luggage, then to the security check area at the “Security Check” sign (to the left of the main entrance), and to passport control.

At passport control on the wall you can see an inconspicuous notice with the following content:

"TAX FREE is after passport control on the first floor. You first go up to the second floor and then go down again to the first along the stairs located near the bar. You go up the same stairs to the second floor for boarding.”

We explain the meaning of this announcement. After going up to the second floor after passport control by stairs or elevator, in the departure hall you need to go around the store located in the center of the hall on the left. Diagonally from the entrance to the hall there is the bar mentioned in the advertisement, and opposite it there are stairs and an escalator leading to the first floor (pictured below).

Going down to the first floor, to the right of the stairs you will see the customs office for passengers carrying purchases in hand luggage (pictured below).

Customs control at Rimini airport

For those who doubt it, there is a note attached to the glass: “Customs control. Passengers with hand luggage must be stamped to receive TAX FREE."

As in the case of purchases in luggage, customs officers are presented with tax free forms with original cash receipts, purchases in manufacturer's packaging, a personal passport and travel documents.

Only after receiving a customs stamp can you apply for a VAT refund.

VAT refund at Rimini airport

Receipt of reimbursement for tax free forms from the Global Blue operator (blue) is carried out in the office on the ground floor, located next to the customs control point for hand luggage (pictured below).

VAT refund at Rimini airport (1st floor)

Present the customs stamped form and indicate how you would like to receive your refund: cash or credit card.

When returning in cash, the amount should not exceed 3,000 EUR, and for each form, depending on the amount of the refund, an additional fee of 3 to 8 EUR is charged. For a refund amount of more than 800 EUR, the commission will be 1%.

When returning to a credit card, no such fee will be charged, and the maximum refund amount will increase to EUR 5,000.

If you don't have time to stand in line for a return, use the prepaid Global Blue envelope you received in store with your form. Enclose the form in an envelope and place it in the blue mailbox located near the Global Blue office (shown with a red arrow in the photo).

There are two more backup options for receiving a refund. IN major cities In Russia, VAT refunds for foreign purchases are issued by several banks, the addresses of which are given.

In addition, the tax free form can be sent by mail when you return home. In this case, do not forget to attach postage stamps, since the envelope is prepaid only for Italy, and the Russian Post will return your letter to you.

If there is no special envelope, the form is sealed in a regular envelope, onto which stamps are affixed and the address of the corresponding operator is indicated. For Global Blue, for example: Global Blue, P.O. BOX 363, 81000 Bratislava, Slovakia (Slovakia)

Please ensure that your credit card number, home address and name are entered correctly and legibly (in capital letters).

Another taxi return operator, TAX REFUND, is located on the second floor of the airport to the right of the entrance to the departure hall.

VAT refund at Rimini airport (2nd floor)

The procedure there is similar to that described above.

Another option to save money on purchases is to purchase goods in duty-free stores in the Republic of San Marino, the distance to the border with which is less than ten kilometers. In addition to economical shopping, very interesting sights and a medieval atmosphere await you there.

Read more about the attractions and how to get there in the articles:

If you are just planning your holiday in Rimini, we recommend choosing a hotel in the Marina Centro area, as the main attractions of this ancient city are within walking distance. You can view prices and hotel locations on the map below.

Tax Free allows shopaholics and ordinary tourists to save on purchases. Rules for receiving different countries may vary. Let's look at how to get savings at Tax Free at Fiumicino Airport in Rome and other Italian cities.

The principle of receiving Tax Free for passengers who travel

Tax Free is a system that allows travelers to save on their value added tax (VAT) refund. The tax included in the final price of the goods in each state is directed to the development of the social sphere.

The tourist will not be able to take advantage of the country’s various social programs, so he has the right to a deduction.

The store where the goods are purchased must be included in the Tax Free Shopping system. The tax refund is carried out not by the retail outlet, but by the operator.

Most often, the service is purchased through Global Blue, but if you can choose an operator, give preference to the last two. This way, when you receive your refund at the airport, you will avoid long lines and tedious waiting.

You can return VAT when purchasing clothes and shoes, watches and accessories, gadgets, and jewelry. If the item was purchased online, no tax refund is available.

You can return Tax Free in Italy if the check amount is 154 euros. In this case, several goods can be included in the receipt; only the total amount matters.

In stores, when making a purchase, sellers fill out a special form - Tax free shopping check. It reflects the total purchase price, buyer details and the amount that can be refunded. To prove that you are foreign citizen, the cashier needs to show your passport.

The procedure for obtaining Tax Free using the example of Fiumicino (Rome)

You can get your tax refund when leaving Italy. Purchase receipts are valid for 3 months, you must meet this deadline.

If you do not apply for a refund within this period of time, then the checks can be thrown away, since it will not be possible to reimburse part of the VAT on them.

Returning Tax Free at Rome airport is not always easy, you need to be patient. Long lines and large crowds of people will be a real test for the human nervous system.

There are two customs offices at Fiumicino Airport. The first customs office is intended for passengers who want to apply for Tax Free and then check in their luggage.

Customs officers check the goods indicated on the receipt with the real thing. Often they simply check the presence of things; in rare cases, they can check the name of the product on the tag with the list in the receipt.

The passenger will have to put up with a long line of similar tourists who want to apply for Tax Free.

The second customs office is suitable for passengers who do not plan to check their purchases in their luggage. The line moves faster, but things are searched more thoroughly.

You can get Tax Free at Fiumicino Airport in the following order:

  1. If purchases on which you would like a tax refund will be checked as luggage, please go to the check-in counter. Tell the employee that you want to apply for Tax Free. Get your boarding pass, but don't check your luggage yet.
  2. Together with your luggage you go to the customs point.
  3. The customs officer checks the correspondence of the list on the check with the real things. It is advisable to keep your purchases on the surface of your suitcase or bag so as not to waste time looking for them.
  4. If the check is successful, the customs officer will stamp the checks. Certified documents must be taken to the Tax Free operator.
  5. Present receipts at the operator's point. Money can be issued in cash immediately or transferred to a card. Transfer to card may take up to 5 days. If the issue is carried out on a card, save the document that the operator will issue. If for some reason the money is not received within the specified period, you need to contact the Tax Free operator by phone.

Important! Arrive at the airport in advance to have time to complete all the necessary procedures and catch your flight. Receiving Tax Free may take 1.5-2 hours. If you don’t check your purchases as luggage, you will be able to leave early.

Is the procedure different at other airports in Italy?

Receiving Tax Free at other airports is approximately the same as in Rome. Venice has a small airport, so the queue is not that long. You can pick up the money after passport control.

There are two customs offices in Bergamo. All passengers go through first customs, regardless of whether they check in luggage. Things are checked thoroughly. If the check is successful, you can collect the money before going through passport control.

In Bologna, customs is located in the arrivals area. First you need to check in for your flight, and then go through the entire airport to customs. You can get Tax Free at a currency exchange kiosk. The kiosk is open during the daytime, so if you get caught night flight, you will have to receive the money while in your home country.

You won't be able to get Tax Free cash at Naples Airport. Funds are transferred to the card. After registration and customs clearance, the passenger is directed to the cashier window, where an employee will affix the necessary stamps.

Are there any difficulties in obtaining Tax Free?

Although the procedure is simple, sometimes complications arise. You can't get a refund for all product categories. For example, when purchasing precious stones tax is not refundable. You can find out the list of things on which you can return VAT in stores or from Tax Free operators.

It is also important to respect the deadline during which part of the VAT can be refunded. Applications made later than 3 months will not be considered and you will not be able to receive money.

Many travelers know that when shopping, you can save a little and get back some Money spent on purchases abroad. Tax Free refund provides for VAT refund on goods exported outside the country where they were purchased. However, the procedure for registering and receiving money directly when leaving the country is associated with a cost of time, nerves and vitality. You can return tax on purchases before your departure and use the funds received again by contacting the office of one of three intermediary companies - Global Blue, Tax Refund S.p.a or Premier Tax Free, located in the very center of Rome.

Tax Refund S.p.a return points in Rome

Best and Fast

Via Nazionale,19
Opening days: daily, from 07.45 to 21.00

Korea Lottecard

Piazza di Spagna,80. Opening days: daily, from 09.30 to 20.00
Piazza di Spagna,38. Working days: Monday-Friday from 09.00 to 17.30, Saturday – until 12.30.
Via Lazio,10. Working days: Monday-Friday from 09.30 to 19.00, Saturday – until 13.00.

What else you need to know when returning Tax Free

1. The basic standard rate of Imposta sul Valore Aggiunto (IVA), that is, value added tax, in Italy is 22%. But for some product groups it may differ:

  • textiles, leather clothing, jewelry, sunglasses, glassware, wine and other alcohol – 22%;
  • meat products, cheeses and other food products – 10%;
  • various herbs such as basil, oregano or sage - 5%;
  • dairy products, bread, vegetables and fruits, prescription glasses – 4%.

2. Goods purchased in the countries of the European Union must be exported outside of the European Union no later than 3 months from the date of purchase recorded in the sales receipt of the store where it was purchased.

3. On the special form received along with the store receipt - fattura (Tax Free Shopping Check), the price of the product must be indicated, as well as the amount to be reimbursed. In addition, passport data must be entered in the appropriate fields - document number, full name. and the bearer's home address.

4. When going through customs control, you will need to present the purchased goods (in the original packaging, unused), a receipt from the store and a completed invoice form. The customs officer must put an appropriate stamp on it, thereby certifying that all formalities have been completed and the goods are properly processed for export.

5. It is important to note that the customs stamp on purchased goods must be affixed only before leaving the EU countries. In other words, if the journey continues in the EU zone or you are planning to have a transfer there, the customs clearance mark is affixed in the last country.

6. After passing through customs, it is recommended to immediately send the store receipt and stamped invoice by mail, placing the documents in a branded postal envelope issued in the store when registering Tax Free. Mailboxes can be found easily by contacting the airport terminal staff. Documents can also be sent from your permanent place of residence, but in this case you will have to pay extra as for international mailing. It is worth considering that the tax form must be delivered to the company’s office within 21 days, counting from the date of affixing the customs stamp.

We hope that the above recommendations will greatly facilitate the return of Tax Free and make shopping in Rome much more profitable and enjoyable. At the very least, this way you can avoid long queues when refunding money at airports and save time. We will tell you how to get Tax Free directly at airports upon departure in our next article.

Global Blue Italia srl

Terminal 3, Boarding Area, Reception 326, Leonardo da Vinci, 00050 Fiumicino

Opening hours:


Sat: 07.00-22.00

Sun: 07.00-22.00


0 - 25.00 EUR - 3 EUR

25.01 - 80.00 EUR - 4 EUR

80.01 - 150.00 EUR – 5 EUR

150.01 - 800.00 EUR – 8 EUR

Note: Alipay box is available

Note: At Fiumicino Airport (Terminal 3), you can obtain an electronic customs stamp through the OTELLO system directly at the Global Blue Returns Office. To obtain an electronic customs stamp, you must provide Global Blue employees with the purchased goods, passport and plane ticket (boarding pass). Keep in mind that the electronic customs stamp can be obtained no earlier than 5 hours before the flight departs.

Note: The following payment methods are available: Alipay wallet, Wechat wallet and CUP wallet.

Global Blue Italia srl

Terminal 3, Departures, Terminal "E" - after passport control, Leonardo da Vinci, 00050 Fiumicino

Opening hours:

Mon-Fri: 07.00-22.00

Sat: 07.00-22.00

Sun: 07.00-22.00

Note: The maximum amount to receive a cash refund is 1500 EUR / Tax Free form.

Note: The maximum amount for receiving a refund on a credit card is 4999.50 EUR / Tax Free form

Note: Any Global Blue Tax Free forms are accepted for payment.

Note: If you receive a cash refund, there will be a charge per "form". There is no charge if you receive your refund on a credit card. The amount of the fee charged depends on the amount of compensation.

0 - 25.00 EUR - 3 EUR

25.01 - 80.00 EUR - 4 EUR

80.01 - 150.00 EUR – 5 EUR

150.01 - 800.00 EUR – 8 EUR

800.01 - 2999.50 EUR - 1% of the refund amount

Note: Alipay box is available.

Note: At Fiumicino Airport (Terminal 3), you can obtain an electronic customs stamp through the OTELLO system directly at the Global Blue Returns Office. To obtain an electronic customs stamp, you must provide Global Blue employees with the purchased goods, passport and plane ticket (boarding pass). Keep in mind that electronic customs stamps can be obtained no earlier than 5 hours before flight departure.

Note: Refunds may be paid on credit cards Alipay. Provide Alipay with the barcode to scan. Refunds will be transferred instantly.

The following payment methods are available: Alipay wallet, Wechat wallet and CUP wallet.