Santa Maria del Fiore Arnolfo di Cambio. Santa Maria del Fiore - the main cathedral of Florence

The Cathedral of Santa Maria del Fiore in Florence is the city's most recognizable landmark. Superbly decorated, a striking example of Italian Gothic art, is a kind of symbol of Florence. Its reddish dome and towering bell tower can be seen from almost every corner of the city.

The construction of the cathedral took more than one century. Several architects managed to change. And not in vain - today the “flower of St. Mary”, as the name of the cathedral is translated, amazes with its royal grace and monumentality.

The history of the Cathedral of Santa Maria del Fiore

According to the architects, the cathedral in Florence was supposed to surpass the Pisa and Siena Cathedrals in its magnificence and scale. Thus, to become the main cathedral of Tuscany.

The cathedral was built on the site where the ancient Roman temple was previously located, and after it the Church of Santa Reparata.

Construction of the cathedral began in 1296 according to the design of Arnolfo di Cambio. Under the leadership of this architect, the main part of the building was built.

Bell tower of the architect Giotto

After Cambio's death in 1302, work on the construction of the cathedral was entrusted to the famous architect Giotto. He built a bell tower and developed sketches of the building's facades. Unfortunately, Giotto was unable to complete the construction work because... in 1337 he died.

It would seem that the cathedral was finally practically built. But the most important thing remained - the dome.

Dome of the Cathedral of Santa Maria del Fiore

The fact is that it was impossible to erect a dome at a great height for technical reasons, and raising the finished dome to the top is also not an easy task.

A unique method of raising the dome to the top of the cathedral was proposed by the architect Filippo Brunelleschi at that time. According to his calculations, for this it was enough to use a special console system consisting of 24 vertical and 6 horizontal belts. At the top of the dome, a turret-laterna was installed - the work of the architect Michelozzo.

In total, the work on creating and installing the dome on the cathedral took 16 years! And finally, the octagonal dome, admiring its size, became the main decoration of the beautiful cathedral.

To visit the observation deck of the dome, those who wish to do so need to climb 463 steps. Entrance from the north side of the cathedral.

However, the construction of the cathedral was not yet completed. After the suspension of work, the creation of the interior and decoration of the facade began only in the 19th century. The entire cathedral was built only in 1887.

Architecture of the Cathedral of Santa Maria del Fiore

The cathedral looks very bright and colorful, thanks to its richly decorated facade. A large number of sculptural elements, which can be seen from afar, give the temple a special memorable appearance.


The finishing of the facades was carried out by Emilio de Fabris. It was according to his plan that vertical and horizontal marble panels were used to decorate the facade. The main colors of the decoration were pink, white and green.

The shape of the cathedral resembles a Latin cathedral with two transepts and an apse in the shape of a semicircle, and has three naves. The building reaches 153 meters in length, 90 meters in width and height. The cathedral really amazes with its size!

main entrance

The central entrance to the cathedral itself is a stunning example of neo-Gothic art. The main gate is made of bronze and richly decorated with various relief compositions - scenes from the life of the Virgin Mary.

At the front of the central entrance is a bas-relief of the Virgin Mary enthroned, made by sculptor Tito Sarocchi.

The arch above the central entrance is decorated with a fresco of the Madonna holding a lily.


Inside the Florentine Cathedral of Santa Maria del Fiore, the rich interior attracts the eye: compositional elements in the Italian Gothic style predominate. These include various arches, pointed vaults, galleries, and numerous pilasters on the walls.

The interior space of the cathedral amazes the imagination with its size and simultaneous laconic decoration. There is not such a huge amount of decorative and sculptural elements as outside.

First of all, the colorful stained glass windows on the arches of the naves and transepts attract attention. 44 amazing stained glass windows depict scenes from the lives of saints, Christ and the Mother of God.

On the vaults of the cathedral there are unique frescoes from the 15th century. They portray famous Florentines: Giovanni Arcuto, Dante Alighieri, Nicolo da Tollentino. Also here you can see busts made by Arnolfo di Cambio, Brunneleschi, Giotto di Bondone.

And at the top, under the dome of the cathedral, a real miracle of painting opens - a delightful 16th-century painting by Federico Zuccari and Giorgio Vasari. The multi-tiered painting depicts scenes from the Last Judgment, starting with Hell and ending with the image of the Mother of God and the saints.

Photo: Renata Sedmakova /

The main religious treasure of the cathedral is the urn with the relics of St. Zenobius of Florence, which was discovered in the 14th century in the ruins of the ancient church of Santa Reparata.

Of particular interest are the original flyback clocks made in 1443 by Paolo Uccello.

The floor in the Cathedral of Santa Maria del Fiore deserves special attention. It was made in the 16th century by several sculptors.


The crypt of the cathedral contains the tombs of Florentine priests. Here is also the grave of the creator of the dome of the Cathedral of Santa Maria del Fiore - Filippo Brunelleschi, and the grave of another architect of the cathedral - Giotto.

Duomo Museum

Located near the cathedral, the Duomo Museum (Museo dell’Opera di Santa Maria del Fiore) deserves special attention. This is the former studio of the architect of the Cathedral of Santa Maria del Fiore, Brunelleschi, opened as a museum in 1891.

The museum exhibits numerous models and a design drawing of the dome of the Cathedral of Santa Maria del Fiore, made by Brunelleschi.

It also houses many of the decorations and famous Florentine sculptures from the 15th century, transferred here from the cathedral. These include Donatello's Habakkuk, the Penitent Mary Magdalene, Arnolfo di Cambio's Pope Boniface VIII, and Michelangelo's unfinished Pietà.

How to get to the cathedral

The Cathedral of Santa Maria del Fiore is located in the central part of Florence at the Cathedral Square (Piazza del Duomo). There is also the Baptistery of San Giovanni, built in the 5th century, and Giotto's bell tower, which you can climb.

Finding the cathedral is very easy - it can be seen from afar and there are always a lot of tourists near it. If you go by bus, then any bus going to Cathedral Square will suit you.

Opening hours of the Cathedral of Santa Maria del Fiore

The cathedral is open to the public:

  • from Monday to Wednesday and Friday from 10.00 to 17.00;
  • on Thursday – from 10.00 to 15.30;
  • on Saturday – from 10.00 to 16.45;
  • on Sunday – from 13.30 to 17.00.

During special events, the times when the cathedral is open may change: you can check the information on the official website.

The museum is open:

  • from 9.00 to 20.00 daily, except Sunday;
  • on Sunday – until 13.45;
  • Closed every first Tuesday of the month.

You can go up to the observation deck of the cathedral dome every day from 8.30 to 20:00.

Cost of visit

Entrance to the Cathedral of Santa Maria del Fiore is free! So there is no need to buy a ticket if you only want to see the cathedral. Feel free to join the queue at the entrance, which moves quite quickly, and don't worry about tickets.

But to visit the Duomo Museum, the Baptistery of San Giovanni, the crypt of the ancient church of Santa Reparata, observation platforms on the dome and bell tower of Giotto, there is a single ticket costing 18 Euros as of 2019. The ticket is valid for 72 hours after first use. The ticket allows you to enter each attraction once.

On the official website of the Cathedral of Santa Maria del Fiore you can buy tickets and, accordingly, choose a convenient day for visiting. Be sure to print it out.

You can also buy a ticket on the spot - opposite the northern gate of the baptistery in the Centro Arte e Cultura.

Official website of Santa Maria del Fiore

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Hello Florence lovers. Today we will talk about a city that is impossible not to love and about the most famous building in it. Florence has an incredible number of beautiful buildings, but today’s story is about the main building of the Piazza del Duomo in Florence, or, in our language, the city’s cathedral. Santa Maria del Fiore is one of the five grandest cathedrals in the world.

Italy. Florence. Cathedral of Santa Maria del Fiore (La Cattedrale di Santa Maria del Fiore).

The Cathedral of Santa Maria del Fiore is shaped like a Latin cross. A particularly noteworthy detail here is the dome, designed by Filippo Brunelleschi, and the marble panels of different colors.

The dimensions of the cathedral are enormous - it was created with the expectation that, if necessary, the entire population of the city could easily fit here at the same time.

The total area of ​​the cathedral is 8300 square meters with a height of 45 meters.


The Duomo, as this cathedral is also called, was built on the site of the Cathedral of Santa Reparata, the latter had already begun to collapse by the 14th century. In addition, the previous temple was already too small for the city. Arnolfodi Cambio was commissioned to create the project for the new building of the Guild of Arts.

The building was erected for about six centuries. True, after the death of its designer, construction stopped for a short time. A new impetus for work on this building was the relics of Zenobius of Florence brought to Florence.


Compared to the magnificent exterior, the interior of the cathedral looks rather modest. Externally, it is a Gothic building with features of the architecture of the Quattrocento era.

Inside it is a laconic Catholic church.

The Dominican priest Girolamo Savonarola may be largely to blame here. He was famous for his strict views. And he tried to make the Duomo a stronghold of morality and modesty.

A striking detail of the cathedral's interior is the clock. Their arrow moves in the opposite direction than usual.

The vaults of the building are decorated with frescoes. They depict Florentines who contributed to the development of their city.

One cannot help but notice the stained glass windows of the temple. You will see them on the dome drum. They talk about the lives of the Mother of God and Christ.

The dome itself is also worthy of admiration. It was painted in the 16th century. Here you will see images of saints, angels, elders of the apocalypse and other characters.


Almost all the objects that previously decorated the cathedral have been moved to the Opera di Santa Maria del Fiore Museum, which is located on Cathedral Square.

This room was previously the workshop of Filippo Brunneleschi. Therefore, now you can familiarize yourself with the master’s drawings and layouts.

The cathedral's choirs are also located here and a collection of sculptures that decorated the cathedral's baptistery, bell tower and façade of the building is exhibited.


And since we mentioned the baptistery, a few words about it. The Baptistery of San Giovanni is a separate building located near the Duomo.

It is named after John the Baptist and is the oldest building in the square. Inside it are the faces of Christ and bas-reliefs.

Working hours

  • On weekdays except Thursday: 10:00 – 17:00
  • Saturday: 10:00 – 16:45
  • Sunday: 10:30 – 16:45

What is the price

  • Inspection of the building is free.
  • Climbing to the dome costs 6 euros.
  • Visit to the Duomo Museum – 6 euros.
  • Comprehensive ticket – 8 euros.

Of course, prices may change, so check the information on the official website.

Official site:

Where to stay in Florence

Now many housing options in Florence have appeared on the service AirBnb. We have written how to use this service. If you do not find a free hotel room, then look for accommodation through this booking site.

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We offer good hotel options in Florence

How to get there

You can get to it by any bus passing through Cathedral Square, for example, 6, 17, 37.

Don't forget to explore other famous buildings of the square: the Baptistery, Giotto's Campanile, and the museum.

Address: PiazzadelDuomo, 17

Cathedral on the map

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The Cathedral of Santa Maria del Fiore is a beautiful Florentine temple, a magnificent example of Quattrocento architecture. Its slender campanile and bright red-brown dome rise majestically above the rooftops of Florence.

Cathedral of Santa Maria del Fiore - “flower of St. Mary”, symbol of Florence, photo michael hamburg69

The Cathedral of Santa Maria del Fiore (Cattedrale di Santa Maria del Fiore) is a beautiful Florentine temple, a magnificent example of Quattrocento architecture. The cathedral is visible in the city from afar - its slender campanile and bright red-brown dome rise majestically above the roofs of the central part of Florence. The appearance of this building combines massiveness with lightness, grace with monumentality. “Flower of St. Mary” is how its name sounds in translation.

Stages of construction of the Cathedral of Santa Maria del Fiore

Construction began with the laying of the first stone in September 1296. The new temple was intended to outshine the grandiose Tuscan cathedrals of Siena and Pisa in its scale and beauty. According to the creators, the huge building could accommodate 90 thousand people at once.

Sculptural plastic of the cathedral, photo shebicycles

The original design of the cathedral belonged to Arnolfo di Cambio. The architect worked on the building until 1302. With his death, construction was suspended. Thirty years later, Giotto continued the work. He began the construction of the bell tower and created sketches for the decoration of the cathedral facades.

In 1337, the great Giotto died. Soon the plague broke out in Florence and construction was delayed again. Only by the beginning of the 15th century were the monumental walls completely erected. The question arose of installing the dome. There were no suitable engineering solutions for constructing such a structure at a height; fencing the building body with scaffolding required incredible costs.

Dome, photo oriana.italy

The architect Filippo Brunelleschi proposed his own version. He calculated the parameters of the structure and came up with the idea of ​​raising sections of the dome to a height using a unique system of consoles. For the stability of the structure, six horizontal chords and twenty-four vertical stiffening ribs were used. The dome was crowned with an elegant turret-later - it was installed by Brunelleschi's friend, the architect Michelozzo. Installation took 16 years, and all work on the complex structure was completed by 1461. Brunelleschi's dome became the embodiment of the coming era of the Italian Renaissance.

After this, construction was suspended again - the façade and interiors remained unfinished. Work resumed only in the 19th century and was completed in 1887. There is historical information that the Russian industrialist Demidov donated money to decorate the facades of the cathedral. The coat of arms of our compatriot can be seen to the right of the entrance to the temple.

The façade of the cathedral from the square, photo by Scott Dolman

The decoration of the facades of the cathedral was done by Emilio de Fabris. He suggested using horizontal and vertical panels of multi-colored marble for decoration. White, greenish and pink stone was brought from the quarries of Pratto, Siena, Carrara. The marble finish was in harmony with the cladding of the walls of the campanile and the previously existing baptistery. Fabrice created a magnificent openwork design of the facade. Some modern art historians consider his work too overloaded, but it is these stone “laces” that give the cathedral a bright, unique appearance. The theme of dedication to the Mother of God dominates the relief decoration.

Façade design, photo by Felix-Haslimeier

The three-nave cathedral is a Latin cross with a semicircular apse and two transepts. The length of the huge building is 153 m; maximum width - 90 meters. The top point of the lantern tower, topped with a copper ball, rises to a height of 90 m.


Cathedral of Santa Maria del Fiore, Campanile Giotto, Baptistery of San Giovanni, photo mio-idgm

The slender rectangular campanile, called “Giotto’s Tower,” is lined with white and green marble panels and mosaic inserts. Its outer walls are decorated with numerous narrative bas-reliefs, figures of the holy prophets and patriarchs of the church. The tower has an observation deck, which is reached by a staircase of 414 steps. Climbing up, you can get a close-up look at the main symbol of Tuscany – Brunelleschi’s dome. The site on the Campanile offers the best panoramic view of Florence.

main entrance

Central portal, photo oriana.italy

In the arch above the main portal of the cathedral you can see a polychrome fresco depicting the Madonna and the Lily. The bronze gates are decorated with many relief images from the life of the Mother of God. These doors are considered a significant work of neo-Gothic art. On the pediment of the central portal there is a bas-relief of the Virgin Mary sitting on a throne, by Tito Sarrocchi.

Interior of the cathedral

Interior of Santa Maria del Fiore, photo Exmam

Inside, the space of the cathedral seems huge. The stunning exterior decor contrasts with the sleek interior. The main element of the interior decoration is the stained glass windows of the 15th century, located in the arches of the naves and the drum of the dome. An unusual detail of the furnishings is a reverse clock, by Paolo Uccello (1443). The main sacred relic of the temple is the urn with the relics of St. Zenobius of Florence, by sculptor Lorenzo Ghiberti.

The interior decoration of the lower level of the building has an ascetic appearance, but the painting of the dome arches amazes with the brightness of the colors. The multi-tiered painting by Federico Zuccari and Giorgio Vasari depicts scenes from the Last Judgment.

Main nave, photo Exmam

Watch, photo Umberto Fedele


The underground premises of the cathedral were used for centuries as a tomb for Florentine priests. The tomb of the architect Brunelleschi is also located in the crypt - it is open for viewing.

Duomo complex

In Piazza Duomo near the cathedral there is the Baptistery of San Giovanni, built in the 5th century - this is the oldest building in Florence that has survived to this day. The Baptistery is part of the Duomo complex. The grandiose Florence Cathedral, its campanile and baptistery are included in the UNESCO register as an outstanding monument of world architecture.

Read about other attractions in Florence in my guide.

Working hours


Mon-Wed, Fri 10:00-17:00, Thu 10:00-15:30, Sat 10:00-16:45 (every first Saturday of the month until 15:30), Sun 13:30-16:45.

Cathedral dome

Every day 08:30-19:00, Sat 08:30-16:40 (first Saturday of the month until 15:20).


Every day 09:00-19:30, Sun 09:00-13:45

Ticket price 10 euros

Cathedral of Santa Maria del Fiore
Piazza del Duomo Firenze Italy

Take bus C2 to the Duomo stop.

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One of the oldest and most recognizable buildings in Florence is the Gothic Cathedral of Santa Maria del Fiore. This pearl of world architecture has been striking with its grace and grandeur for seven centuries and is a true decoration of the city.

A little history

The cathedral was erected on the site of the Church of Santa Reparata, which, in turn, was built on the ruins of an ancient Roman temple. Construction began in 1296, when work was carried out around the still functioning church, led by Arnolfo di Cambio. In 1375, the old church was demolished, and the main work on the construction of Santa Maria del Fiore was completed, although not completely completed (in particular, the façade of the building was created only in the 19th century).

The construction of the dome took almost fifteen years (1420-1434); the work was carried out using new technologies developed personally by Filippo Brunelleschi, which did not include the presence of scaffolding. As a result, a unique octagonal dome was created, hovering above the walls of the cathedral and topped with an original lantern.

According to the author's idea, the dome was a decoration of the cathedral in itself, and therefore did not require additional decoration, but more than a hundred years later it was decorated with frescoes. And for several years now, the idea has been under consideration to return the dome to its original appearance, that is, to remove the frescoes and cover it with snow-white paint.

Architecture and interior of the cathedral

No less impressive is the external facade of the building, made of multi-colored marble slabs with various sculptural compositions. It is complemented by a rectangular bell tower, decorated with numerous niches filled with statues and hexagon medallions - they depict various biblical scenes.

The luxurious interior of the cathedral is made in the best traditions of the so-called Italian Gothic - naves with pointed vaults, numerous arches, galleries, high walls decorated with pilasters, etc. The floor of the cathedral is made of marble; several famous sculptors worked on its creation in the 16th century .

Santa Maria del Fiore is one of the five most grandiose cathedrals in the world, its length exceeds one and a half hundred meters, and its width is almost one hundred meters; up to thirty thousand people can be here at the same time. In addition, the cathedral has a museum, a hall where the remains of an ancient church are preserved, as well as a luxurious observation deck.

Opening hours and cost of visiting

From Monday to Wednesday the cathedral is open from 10:30 to 17:00, on Thursday until 15:30, on Saturday until 16:45, and on Sunday from 13:30 to 18:00. Entrance to the cathedral is free. The observation deck is open daily from 10:30 to 19:00, on Saturday until 16:40. The museum operates on the same schedule. A single ticket to visit the museum, baptistery, observation decks on the bell tower and on the dome - 18 EUR. The ticket is valid 6 days after purchase and 24 hours after first use. Don’t be embarrassed by the queue at the main entrance, because they don’t charge a fee to visit the cathedral itself; feel free to join the tail of the long line of people wanting to get inside.

Prices on the page are as of September 2018.

Florence is famous not only for its rich history - the Duomo, which is an architectural monument and cultural heritage of the city, is proof of this. The historical building is the cathedral in Florence, which also has another name - Santa Maria del Fiore. This is one of the largest temples in the whole world, with a total area of ​​8.3 thousand square meters. m.

The architectural structure is located in the city center on the cathedral square.

Cathedral architecture

The structure is made in the form of a Latin cross and has three naves: a semicircular apse and two outer transepts.
The red dome of the temple is the work of the outstanding architect Filippo Brunelleschi and is a kind of symbol of the Italian city.

On the outside, the building's cladding consists of polychrome marble panels that have a different tint palette.
The design of the cathedral was designed in such a way that at the time of construction the Duomo could accommodate the entire population of Florence, which numbered 90 thousand inhabitants.

History of creation

At the end of the 13th century, the Cathedral of Santa Reparata, which had a nine-century history, gradually began to fall into disrepair and turn into ruins. Then representatives of the Catholic Church thought about building a new church on the site of the previous one.

At that time, Florence was considered a rapidly developing city. Local authorities were interested in building a new cathedral, which could surpass in its spaciousness and grandeur the churches of such large cities as Tuscany, Pisa and Siena.

At the time of completion, the Duomo became the largest cathedral not only in Italy, but throughout Europe.

Construction of the Duomo

It took six centuries to build Santa Maria del Fiore. Its construction took place under the direction of many architects, including Arnolfo di Cambio and Giotto di Bondone. The first of them managed to complete most of the work on the construction of the cathedral. After Arnolf's death, construction stopped for three decades. Then Giotto di Bondone, who at that time was the most popular Florentine architect, took over the construction. It was he who began designing the bell tower of the Campanile.

After di Bondone's death, construction work was again stopped for a long period. Francesco Talenti took over the further planning of the project 12 years later. After another decade, he was replaced by Giovanni di Lappo Ghini. The last two architects completed the construction of the bell tower and the formation of the architectural image of the temple.

In the 15th century, the issue of erecting a dome began to be resolved, which was fraught with some difficulties. Since its design had to have a huge area, there was a problem about stability.

The difficult situation was resolved with the help of the brilliant sculptor and architect of his time - Filippo Brunelleschi. According to his design, a frame was erected, which still reliably holds the entire dome structure, the total weight of which is about forty tons. It took workers about half a century to build the dome.

At the top of the structure is a lantern tower, which allows the weight of the dome to be evenly distributed.

The final stage related to the design of the temple was taken up by Emilio de Fabris. He originally decorated the facade of the building, using polychrome facing marble, which has the ability to shimmer in different colors.

Exterior of the cathedral

The facade of Santa Maria del Fiore is decorated with frescoes reflecting the life of Our Lady. Above the central bronze gate is a bas-relief sculpture of Christ as an infant and statues of the twelve preachers.

The bell tower, which is decorated with various sculptures and bas-reliefs of prophets and patriarchs, deserves special attention. Climbing to the top level of the tower, you can see not only a magnificent panoramic view of the city, but also study in detail the red dome that adorns the cathedral. To climb to the very top of the structure you will have to climb over four hundred steps.

Interior of the Duomo

The interior of the cathedral is decorated with works of the best sculptors and artists of the 15th-16th centuries.

The interior of the dome includes frescoes depicting scenes from the Day of Judgment. The dome was painted in the 16th century by outstanding artists of their time: Federico Zuccari and Giorgio Vasari.

The Duomo houses Uccello's clock, which remains in working order to this day. They are unique in that the arrows move in the opposite direction.

The main relic of the cathedral is the urn with the relics of Zenobius of Florence, found on the site of the former temple of Santa Reparta.
The arches of the naves are decorated with more than forty glass paintings, each of which is dedicated to the holy martyrs.

Duomo Museum: Florence

Next to the majestic cathedral is the Duomo Museum, which houses much of the interior that previously adorned the walls of Santa Maria del Fiore. Previously, Brunelleschi worked within the walls of this building, and only towards the end of the 19th century the architect’s workshop began to serve as a museum.

Now within its walls are stored the drawings of the dome, as well as some models made by the brilliant architect. There is a unique collection of sculptures that previously decorated the interior of the cathedral. Particularly noteworthy are statues such as “The Prophet Avaakum”, “Mary Magdalene” and “Pieta” by Michelangelo.

Baptistery of the Duomo: San Giovanni

Part of Santa Maria del Fiore is the Baptistery of San Giovanni, where baptisms are performed. It is a separate building located next to the temple.

The Baptistery was named after John the Baptist. It is the oldest building located on the cathedral square. The construction dates back to the 5th century AD. In the 12th century, San Giovanni was restored and received the appearance that it has now.

The gilded gates of the baptistery are decorated with bas-reliefs depicting John the Baptist and biblical scenes.

The inside of the building's dome is painted with paintings of saints and biblical scenes.

How to get there

The Duomo Cathedral in Florence is located at Piazza del Duomo, 17. You can get to it by any of the buses going to the main square of the city.

Opening hours and ticket prices

On weekdays the cathedral is open from 10 am to 5 pm. On Saturday, the doors of the Duomo open for parishioners at 10.00 and close at 16.45. On Sunday the temple is open to the public from 13.30 to 16.45.

You can visit the Duomo Museum from Monday to Saturday from 9 am to 7 pm. On Sunday it is open to the public until 2 pm.
Entrance to the cathedral is free. But for climbing to the dome and visiting the museum, a fee of about 6 euros is charged.
In addition, here you have the opportunity to look at the excavations discovered under the ruins of Santa Reparta. A visit to a local attraction will cost 3 euros.

To get acquainted in detail with one of the most majestic buildings not only in Florence, but also in the world, you need to set aside a whole day.