Walk along the bays from palamos to the botanical garden. Ecological and natural resources of the Samara region

In the summer, you really want to spend as much time with your children as possible. We love to walk, we have already explored the length and breadth of most of the city's parks and squares, we literally disappear in the playgrounds. It's fun to have fun actively, but to relax and calm down, sometimes you need a leisurely hiking, such as, for example, our truly magical walk along botanical garden with children for hours.

We calmly enjoyed the coolness among the trees in the heat, got real pleasure from communicating with the surrounding nature. Ours on the paths of the botanical garden passed unobtrusively, by the way. Emir first ran along the paths, and then calmed down, let him take his hand and listened to the birdsong. It was very easy to breathe, so a walk through the botanical garden along the paths around the building was surprisingly easy and peaceful for us.

With the children, we decided not to go inside the building, but to take a walk in the fresh air. Not far from the entrance there were signs and a stand with path plans, the information from which we used.

Walk along the ecological trail

We turned left and continued along the ecological path. The Emir's attention was immediately attracted by a fluffy spruce with green large cones. We looked at one such lump for a long time, and then plucked it as a souvenir.

Around there was a real mixed forest, tall pines and larch trees, slender birches and alders grew nearby, acacia and rosehip bushes stretched along the path.

For a long distance, wild strawberries grew on the ground, on which there were also flowers and small green berries.

Among the tall grass, there were wild forest irises, small, but immediately attracting attention.

Emir was also attracted by a stump covered with moss and tinder mushrooms. I told Emir that these mushrooms spoil trees, destroy them from the inside and showed me a rotten tree trunk lying nearby. The grandson got angry with the mushrooms and tried to kick them, but he failed, their base was too solid.

The walk along the ecological trail at the very end was overshadowed by the appearance of stray dogs, warning signs of the possible appearance of which are hung so that visitors to the botanical garden do not go deep into the thickets. We took the children in our arms and walked briskly to the building.

Walk in the flower garden

When we turned to the right from the entrance to the room, then real beauty appeared before us. In addition, real discoveries awaited us here. At the entrance, amusing little people with thick hair of green grass and curly flowers on their heads flaunted from flower pots and pots. The Emir enjoyed playing with funny freaks, after which our walk in the flower garden continued.

On the very first alley, we met a blue horse, which was made from plastic bottles of different sizes. Looks very original, I'll tell you.

Going down, you immediately pay attention to an unusual flower bed in the form of a boat with oars. Against the background of green grass around, a small place with small flowers on the ground looked like a small lake.

We walked among the flat alleys with lush and bright peonies, the large heads of which swayed in the wind.

Most of all I liked garden irises, variegated and delicate, from purple to white, striking in their huge size.

It was a real discovery for me, because I am used to seeing our Kazakhstani irises, small and monochromatic, as a rule.

Emir saw so many shades of flowers and bizarre patterns with his own eyes, and not in the picture. I think that he will remember this for a long time. And looking at the photographs where they are depicted always brings genuine joy to every person.

With what variety of shapes and colors of leaves on bushes and trees Emir met during a walk in the botanical garden. It is simply impossible to show all the photographs, but are they not surprised by the purple leaves in the middle of summer, which you can examine, touch and make sure that they are real.

For rest, we entered from a shady gazebo, in which climbing plants served as walls. Here you could relax, drink water and just sit to continue admiring the views of the flower garden.

Small ups and downs gave us their charm in the form of a variety of multi-tiered flower arrangements.

A walk through the botanical garden allowed everyone to have a great rest, to show Emir different trees that he had not met in the city's parks and with which he was already familiar.

He saw an acacia, which made a magical impression on him with its pods with peas inside and through which, it turns out, you can whistle. He also liked the alder with its little brown cones, which we collected for crafts.

I remember the slender cypress and the pyramidal poplars, which stood like guards along the outer paths of the flower garden. And the small and short-cropped cypress amused the grandson, who ran around him on low stumps and dry cones scattered nearby.

Such a walk through the botanical garden perfectly develops the child's aesthetic perception, awakens his imagination, not to mention his intellectual and physical health, which walks always strengthen.

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Today we will walk along the sea from Palamos to the botanical garden. The walk will take a whole day. Bring something to eat with you, there is no restaurant on the way. Only pines, sea, turquoise bays.

When we left the house, the city was still asleep. Runners ran along the embankment, walked the dogs, workers cleaned up the garbage.

When we got to the port, I saw long, multi-colored stripes. It turns out they were fishing nets. After the night catch, the fishermen dried their nets right on the embankment.

V information center we were given a map of the city. It turns out next to us Old city... We decided to drop by, see the old streets and the city cathedral. The streets of the city were also empty. The shops were just opening. The sellers were laying out their wares. The waiters in the cafe set the tables.

I am enclosing a map of our current route. We start the route in the city of Palamos. We move along the coast, look at the bays. At the end of the route we visit the botanical garden.

We left the old town. The ruins of a Roman building with arches remained on the embankment. The embankment is well decorated. Mowed lawns. Pedestrian paths have been laid.

Check out the drone video that we will see today:

We turn off the road a little to the right. We reach the first observation deck Mirador Del Cap Gros. From here we see the Cala de la Fosca bay and the ruins of the castle.

The path is laid through a pine forest. The purest pine air, like in the Crimea or Montenegro.

Cala de la Fosca

The path drives straight to the cliff. The bay of Cala de la Fosca appeared.

In the bay I noticed a white boat with people. At first I thought they were fishermen. But I didn’t find any fishing rods. Instead of fishing, the team had fun, jumping into the water and drinking wine. Probably having a birthday.

Castell De Sant Esteve

Still at home, preparing for the route, I noticed the Castell De Sant Esteve castle. On the spot, it turned out that only the walls remained of the castle. The entrance was closed. And these ruins cannot be called a castle any more.

I'll tell you an idea of ​​what you can eat while walking. The shops sell tortilla. This is a large round pie made from potatoes, eggs and onions. It tastes like mashed potatoes with scrambled eggs. This is a very convenient snack, especially if you are bringing cherry tomatoes with you as a snack. We buy a tortilla from a Lidl or Mercadona store for € 1.75.

After snacking, I launched the drone. See photos of the surrounding bays.

There are a lot of divers in the bay. We got to a group swim of schoolchildren. The water is cold in May, so everyone swam in wetsuits. In a nearby bay, several groups of schoolchildren were kayaking and canoeing. And after swimming we basked in the sun.

And we again leave the beach and dive into the forest. The ruins of the fortress were found quite by accident. Some vandals covered the walls. The workers had to clear the walls of inscriptions. Judging by the sad faces, they were not very good at it.

It may seem to you that one bay is similar to another. But this is not the case. The walk is not boring at all. On the way, you never stop admiring the beauty of nature. We went out to the lookout, where you can see the Cala Canyers bay.

Cala estreta

The path took us to a beach with 4 bays. The bays are very beautiful. I think it is very good to swim here in the summer. The beaches have nice sand. Entry into the sea is rocky in places. It is good to snorkel here.

Upon entering the beach, we noticed a strange barn. Either this is a beach restaurant, or homeless people live here. Two men were cooking something in their barn. Black smoke poured from the chimney. There were many chairs and old toys around on the beach. Two girls took coffee from the men and sipped it sitting on chairs.

Cala Bona and Cap d'en Planes

We passed all four or three bays. At the end, I launched the drone. On the road we met two barefoot men. They walked and cursed all over the area. It turns out they were Russians. Their indignation was caused by the fact that they walked barefoot over the stones. Then two hefty men got into a small one-seater inflatable boat and returned to the yacht, which was waiting for them 100 meters from the shore.

In the distance you can see the city and the bay - these are Calella de Palafrugell and Llafranc, we will go there the day after tomorrow.

Cap roig

As a reward for long journey we took a walk in the botanical garden. This entire hill is occupied by the Cap Roig botanical garden.

The walk through the garden really enjoyed it. In addition to flowers, there are many palms and cacti in the park.

Castell-cap roig

In the center of the park is the Castell-Cap Roig. But during our trip there was a renovation. We were unable to see the interiors of the castle.

King's Camping

There are many campgrounds scattered along the coast. We decided to have dinner in one of them. It was King's Camping. Here .

We took two menus of the day for € 8. Most of all I liked the plate with anchovies. I snapped them like seeds. I didn't feel like eating the fish heads, this left a whole pile of heads on the plate. This amused the waiter.

On this day, we found about 18 km. If you want to walk along this route, but 18 km is a lot for you, then you can only walk one way and go back by bus. Just find out the schedule in advance. In our time, there were no buses.

We liked the route very much. If you are in these parts, be sure to take a walk along the sea. This sea path stretches for 42 km along the coast.

Other reports from the trip:

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At the beginning of the twentieth century, fruit trees grew on the northwestern outskirts of the city and sang watermelons planted by the Samara people. Where multi-storey buildings stand today, butterflies fluttered among the thick grass and grasshoppers jumped. And the merchant dachas, which were also located here, in the area of ​​the present Botanical Garden, had their own life - unhurried, calm, without fuss and hustle and bustle. Among others, there was also the dacha of the merchant Borshchov, who liked to relax here from the city dust and hubbub, to drink tea on a summer evening, and in the fall - to wander among the trees and listen to the rustling of fallen leaves.

They say that the merchant was a passionate traveler and lover of exotic things. Once from one of his travels, he brought and dropped off on his summer cottage seeds of plants of rare breeds. The seeds sprouted, and this was the beginning of a long hobby and a large collection. From all over the world, Borshchov brought or subscribed to seeds and seedlings of the most exotic trees, grasses and shrubs. There were even three blue spruces here, brought from North America, which cost colossal money at that time - 300 rubles for each tree.

Among all this vegetable luxury stood big house merchant, from whom not a trace remains today. Here the merchant family enjoyed their suburban life, they brought here seedlings of rare trees and delivered special literature on plant growing, which Borshchov carefully studied and tried to apply much of what he read in practice. A little further, away from the house, there was a stable, which in the early 1930s was converted into an administrative building and transferred to the disposal of the Botanical Garden organized in Samara.

The decision to organize a Botanical Garden and a nursery of ornamental plants in the city was made by the City Council in June 1930. And the official date of foundation of the garden and nursery is considered to be August 1, 32nd. It's only been a few years since graduation civil war, the consequences of the terrible famine have not yet been forgotten, and in Samara they have already begun collecting and growing rare tropical and subtropical plants.

The work was in full swing, as they say, day and night. Garden staff cut down and uprooted old fruit trees, planted new ones, converted summer cottages into administrative and office space... From the very moment of its foundation, ponds have been a real decoration of the Botanical Garden, the creation of which is also attributed to the early 20s. They say that once upon a time there were beautiful gazebos near these ponds, in which summer residents enjoyed contemplating the sunrises and sunsets. Later, the pavilions disappeared - most likely, they were broken and burned during the civil war. But the ponds themselves did not disappear, and, looking at them, Samara residents continued to dream of the future and enjoy harmony with nature.

Dreams in the Botanical Gardens accompanied by birdsong in the spring and the rustle of fallen leaves in the fall were interrupted by the Great Patriotic War. In the winter of 1941, the city began to freeze, the residents had nothing to heat the stoves with, and they reached out with axes and saws here, to the Botanical Garden. As a result, the entire forest grove growing on the territory of the garden was used for firewood, and the garden itself was divided into vegetable gardens, where the Samara people grew cucumbers, beets and potatoes. And now they dreamed of only one thing - the end of the war.

The restoration of the garden began in 1947. Naturally, not immediately, not in one day, but over the course of many years, what was lost was returned. We planted trees, cleaned ponds. Gradually, the garden was surrounded by a wooden fence, a water supply and a power line were built. And in the mid-1970s, the Botanical Garden was transferred to the State University and became its structural unit.

Today is Saturday, and the last weeks have meant nothing to me. At any time of the day and on any day of the week, I do the same, or rather different - either Word or Excel. Finally, this Saturday turned out to be unusual, given some free time.

I have long wanted to meet Yulia, but either at home or in a cafe, my brain could no longer come up with options. However, Julia turned out to be more creative and suggested a botanical garden. Of course, with my life concept that you need to travel a lot, but while you are in St. Petersburg, it’s better with “ Ryona»Not to leave, this option initially did not suit my taste. Moreover, the Petrogradskaya station, which was closed for a year, added fuel to the fire.

But! As I say all the time, plans are good because they can be changed. Seeing the morning sun in the window, I understood - we must go! And no scheduled metro repairs will be able to interfere with us!

So, what is a botanical garden now. The main interest is undoubtedly the greenhouses, for the street part is white and cold.

Surprisingly, the botanical garden is sold out! Arriving at 16 o'clock, it turned out that the last session of visiting the greenhouse was 16-40. And we miraculously got the last two tickets. The price of the issue is 220 rubles.

It all started not too optimistic, the elderly woman either wanted to get in without a ticket, or she wanted to warm up, but in general, a stern guard took her out of the room. Rather, he practically pushed him out. Well, our guards are noble amateurs to show their nonexistent power. It became insulting for my grandmother, for the people, and for the botanical garden at the same time. Humanity adorns people, doesn't make them vulnerable, but the tough guard probably never thought of that.

Julia told about Viennese gardens, where everything is liberal and calm, the atmosphere is friendly and conducive to contemplation. This is in Vienna, and we will not forget where we are.

The excursion lasts an hour, the story is interesting, but here either take pictures or listen. Almost every plant is accompanied by a legend featuring characters from mythology.

Lovers of Latin will be especially pleased with the walk, since there are many names there.

Everything is green and beautiful, and sometimes even fragrant. Different greenhouses belong to different regions - Australia, Asia, America, the Caucasus. And it's especially great in the last halls with blooming azaleas. Wow, what a beauty.

Many flowers and fruits of an unclear shape. I was very pleased with the huge peony! We also met citrus trees with lemons and pomelos, figs (which I remember from terrible days in) and even a nostalgic (from my Latin American) woody tomato. In Spanish it seems to be called tomate del arbol.

The jasmine smelled delicious, the palms grew, and all that was missing was the multi-colored toucans, red ibises and bright hummingbirds, which I had seen enough in For emphaza, so to speak.

In general, the excursion is worthy and interesting. Of course, I would like them to give and free time, since everything goes very quickly. But, nevertheless, we joined the world flora. Recommend!

Thank you, Julia, for pulling it out! And judging by today's walk - Spring is approaching and will soon be finally approaching! We wait!