Rules for transporting a bicycle on a bus. Personal experience

Sometimes you go somewhere far from the city on a bike and feel that you can’t go back. Or you need to go to the suburbs on business. This is where electric trains help us! Is it possible to carry a bicycle on a train and how can this be done?


Take care of what you will transport the bike in. Russian Railways prohibit carrying dirty luggage, so you will attract a lot of attention to yourself. Prepare some kind of bag or large package.

Prepare luggage elastic bands: you will need them to compactly attach your bike to the wall or handles.

If you are traveling with friends, it is better to go into different carriages. Many bikes in one carriage will create a queue.

The travel rules state that the hand luggage of a train passenger can weigh less than 36 kg and take up no more than 180 cm, if the lengths in all dimensions are summed up. This is if you transport a folding bicycle folded.

It is convenient to hang the bike on the shelf for hand luggage, and it does not interfere with any of the passengers

As for an unassembled bike, the rules say that you can transport bicycles without a motor on an electric train. The transportation fee in this case is set by the railway.

That is, we have a choice: to carry a disassembled or folded bike as hand luggage or a whole bike for a fee.

In principle, the bike can be carried as hand luggage in any case: just remove the front wheel. After you go through the turnstiles, you can put the wheel back. Just take it off again when you leave.


On the trains of JSC Central PPK and JSC Moskovsko-Tverskaya PPK you can carry an assembled bike for free. This is possible every day from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. and at night from 9 p.m. to 6 a.m.

The only condition is that the beginning and end of the journey be in Moscow or Moscow Region. In the carriages of JSC Moskovsko-Tverskaya PPK, you can transport a bike for free only within the Moscow Region. Bringing a bicycle is only allowed if you have taken a free ticket. It is prohibited to enter the train with a bike without a ticket. You cannot buy a ticket in advance: it is issued only at the time indicated above.

To transport a bike on a train, remove at least one wheel and put the entire bike in a bag

You can issue a free ticket at the terminal. To do this, click “Carry-on baggage” or “Luggage” in the menu. If there are no such items, then click “Show other types of tickets” or scroll further. You must pay for the ticket either before the trip, or in the carriage itself to the controller.

When mass cycling events are held in Moscow, for example, “Bike to Work” or “Bike Parade”, transportation is free at any time of the day. Check the promotions at the information stands.

Outside the time of free transportation, payment is made according to tariffs. The cost in this case ranges from 40 to 120 rubles. It depends on the direction of travel and the distance traveled.

In general, the controllers themselves do not know how much to pay for traveling with a bicycle on the train. On this basis, conflicts constantly arise between Russian Railways employees and cyclists. Try not to conflict, but solve problems calmly and with a smile, then you will definitely be allowed into the carriage with the bike.

Where to put?

To prevent your bike from disturbing anyone, you can hang it by the saddle from the top luggage rack. Be sure to check if it hangs there securely. must be securely tightened! You can also secure the bike to the rack with a bike lock if you're worried about ruining the seat. Passengers and inspectors don’t complain about suspended bikes: it’s very convenient and you won’t disturb anyone.

Special places for bicycles on the Slovak Electric Train

Some trains have special places for oversized cargo. If there are any in your carriage, feel free to put the bike there. He won't bother anyone there. Look for such places in other carriages if yours does not have them, because this is the best transportation option.

The first two methods are the most convenient, but there is one more: you can put the Bike between the seats for passengers. You can even turn it over so it doesn't fall. This method can only be used in an empty carriage: with a large number of passengers, the bicycle will cause inconvenience to people.

It is better not to park a bike in the vestibule: you will disturb other passengers and make enemies for yourself. The only thing is that you can park the bike in the vestibule of the first or last car, because they are always less crowded.


  • Of course, you can't ride the train without a ticket. Even if this ticket is free. You always need a ticket.
  • You cannot transport a dirty bike; always wrap it in film, put it in a bag, and so on.

Another way to mount the bike on a shelf

On a long distance train

There is no way you can hang your bike on the rack on these trains. It turns out that the bike can only be transported disassembled. The shelves in the compartment and reserved seat are large, so even several disassembled bicycles can fit there. Conflicts with neighbors on the train should not arise, since there is plenty of space. You just need to secure the bike with luggage rubber bands so that under no circumstances does it fall off the shelf.

There is no need to buy a separate ticket to transport your bike on the train. Simply take it apart, put it in your bag, and place it in your carry-on rack. The most convenient way is to put the bike in a special one.

How to pack

Remove the front wheel, saddle (the pin can be pushed into the frame or removed along with the seat) and handlebars from the bike. To make it even more compact, sometimes the pedals and rear wheel are removed. Don't forget that the two pedals have different threads!

To avoid getting your bag dirty, it is better to pack a clean bike in it.

Arrive at the platform early to avoid any disputes with the conductors. If suddenly you are not allowed into the carriage with a packed bicycle, make sure that:

  • The weight of the bag does not exceed 35 kg.
  • The cover must be soft so that the bicycle in it does not injure other passengers or damage their belongings.
  • The bike must fit on the carry-on luggage rack; the dimensions of the bag with the bike (the sum of three dimensions) must not exceed 180 cm.

If these rules are followed, you have every right to transport your bicycle on the train.

Some people prefer to put the bike in a case in the luggage compartment. It must be submitted 12 hours before the departure of your train. The bicycle will not necessarily travel on your train, so you may have to wait for it upon arrival. The bike may arrive faulty and damaged in the luggage compartment, so this method is rarely used.

And most importantly: be extremely careful on the railway tracks! Not long ago, a train hit a cyclist crossing the tracks. It is very dangerous! You need to cross railway tracks only in places specially designated for this purpose. Make sure there is no train coming either to the left or to the right. Otherwise, wait until it passes, even if the train is still very far away. Walking or cycling along railroad tracks is prohibited. Take care of yourself!

Electric trains are perhaps the most common way to transport bicycles. It is not only convenient, but also quite cheap. What is the best way to transport a bicycle on trains and do you have to pay for it?

How convenient?

Cycling enthusiasts mostly deal with transporting bicycles on trains. Sometimes the train is the only way to get to a certain place.

Suburban connections are well developed in all major cities of Russia, so there is no need to buy tickets for electric trains in advance and guess the timing of the trip.

Electric trains have a number of advantages over other modes of transport in terms of:

  1. Cheap or completely free;
  2. Often there is no need to disassemble the bike;
  3. Fast.

The cost of tickets for commuter trains is quite low. In addition, in some cases you won’t have to pay at all for the space occupied by a bicycle.

Even if the regulations require the purchase of an additional ticket, this will not greatly impact the cyclist's pocket. But we will talk about this a little later.

There is enough space in the train carriages to transport an assembled bicycle. The cyclist will not need to waste time and disassembly. I got off the carriage and immediately drove off.

Electric trains do not make long stops at stations, which allows bicycle travelers to quickly get to their destination. In addition, electric trains run quite often, so planning your trip won’t take much effort either.

Bicycles and scooters

Every coin has a flip side, so there are also disadvantages to transporting bikes on electric trains. They are not critical, but the following points may cause some discomfort:

  1. Large flow of passengers at certain times;
  2. Sometimes there may not be room for the bike.

Electric trains are very popular not only among cyclists. During the summer season, a huge number of people travel by electric train to their gardens. There are times when there are not enough seats. It's very uncomfortable in such a crush.

Many carriages have space for luggage, but sometimes they may not be available or may be occupied. In such cases, you have to transport the bike in other, not the most convenient ways. And what they are will be discussed below.

Where can I transport my bike?

As already written above, the best place to transport bicycles is luggage space in carriages.

At the very beginning and end of the carriage there are small spaces in which there are no seats. They are designed for large luggage, which includes a bicycle. There will be no need to disassemble it.

In this place, the bikes will not interfere with anyone and will be under control.

Another place where bikes, even when assembled, will practically not get in the way is vestibules. You won't have to drag the bikes into the carriages themselves and back.

Almost always the carriage approaches all platforms on the same side. Therefore, if the bicycles are folded at the opposite door, they will not have to be moved from place to place. True, there are exceptions.

The main disadvantage is that bikes are left unattended in the vestibule. The likelihood that they are is small, but still there.

The following two methods of transportation should be used only in extreme cases, since they are quite inconvenient. The first is the transportation of bicycles between seats in the carriage itself.

It is extremely inconvenient to travel with them. Moreover, few will get into the situation, especially in high traffic, if the seating areas are occupied by bicycles.

The second way is to hang bikes on luggage racks. This way they take up a little less space, but this method of fastening is unreliable. When braking or, conversely, accelerating, bicycles may begin to “roll” on the rack or even fall off.

In some cases, it will be quite convenient to transport bicycles in. It is recommended to resort to this method when there is a long journey ahead, especially if many transfers are expected.

In this case, the bike can be placed on the luggage rack, it will not take up much space and will be safe.

To secure the bike for any method of transportation, it is best to use luggage bands or other elastic ties. They can be used to both secure bikes with each other and attach them to shelves, seat backs, etc.

How to fold a bike into a case

So, a case can be very useful and convenient in some cases. Stowing the bike in it is quite quick and easy.

To get started you will need . It will have to be postponed for now. To make it more compact, you will also need to remove it. Because when assembled they will stick out a lot and can tear the cover.

For convenience, it is best to turn the bicycle upside down. First, the rounded part of the cover is put on the rear wheel, then the cover is partially fastened. Next, the front wheel and pedals fit into it.

The cover should be selected based on the geometry of the frame so that the bike does not dangle in the bag.

Do I need to pay?

This is perhaps the main question for those who are going to board an electric train. If the bicycle is folded and in a case, it can be carried free of charge as hand luggage.

The main thing is that the sum of the three sides of the case does not exceed 180 cm, and the weight of the bag does not exceed 35 kg.

As for bicycles that have not been disassembled, it is impossible to give a single answer. In each region, Russian Railways management sets its own rules for the transportation of bicycles.

So, for example, in the Krasnoyarsk Territory, you can transport unassembled bikes only in vestibules, and then for an additional fee of 19 rubles.

In the Altai Territory, almost every summer there is a promotion “Buy a ticket - take a bike for free.” From May 10 to September 30, passengers are allowed to transport bicycles on electric trains completely free of charge.

In the Moscow region, transportation rules stipulate that you can transport a bicycle for free only at certain times: from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. and from 9 p.m. to 6 p.m. These are the hours when trains are at their lowest load.

Even to transport a bike for free, you will need to get a special ticket at the terminal. At other times, the cost will depend on the duration of the trip.

It is strictly forbidden to transport a dirty bicycle, as it can dirty both the carriage and other passengers. If ““ is expected and there is no possibility, then you can buy cling film and wrap the wheels and other dirty parts in it.

How to transport a bicycle on public transport.

How to transport a bicycle on public transport.

Many residents of large cities sometimes have to transport a bicycle on public transport. Some people want to ride away from the city, others need to bring their bike home from the store.

Let's say right away: carrying a bicycle on the subway is not the most pleasant experience. The rules for using the metro clearly state that the transportation of bicycles is prohibited (except for children's and folding bicycles). Because the overall dimensions of a regular bicycle are slightly larger than the maximum allowable dimensions for carry-on luggage.
There is a way out - you need to remove the front wheel before going to the station. Of course, you will have to pay for a disassembled bicycle, just like luggage. With the front wheel removed, the bicycle turns into hand luggage, which is perfectly acceptable for transportation on the subway.
Apparently, the person who drew up these rules (more precisely, the clause concerning bicycles) had never seen a bicycle in his life. Otherwise, he would have known that rolling a bicycle on two wheels is much more convenient and safer for others than carrying a bicycle in one hand and a wheel in the other.
The front wheel of modern bicycles can be removed quickly and easily, and put on just as quickly, so no one tries to carry a disassembled bicycle around stations.
After passing the turnstiles, the wheel must be immediately returned to its place and the bicycle can be safely rolled on. Many (but not all!) people on duty at the turnstiles understand the essence of the problem and do not force you to remove the wheel. But sometimes you can find an attendant who does not allow a passenger with a bicycle into the station at all, under any conditions, even with the wheel removed. You should also be prepared for such a meeting.
Everyone understands that you should not take a bicycle on the subway during rush hours. And ride around the stations too.
In general, you can only carry a bicycle on the subway if absolutely necessary, early in the morning or late in the evening. And it is often safer to ride a bicycle ten kilometers around the city under your own power than to conflict with the guards on duty at the turnstiles and with passengers in the carriage.

City ground transport.
Carrying a bicycle in urban ground transport is completely inconvenient. Yes, usually there is no need. The length of a city bus-trolleybus route rarely exceeds 5-10 km, and you can cover such a distance on a bicycle much faster than on the same bus.

Suburban electric train.
Unlike the metro, transporting bicycles on electric trains is not prohibited by the rules. You need to purchase a separate ticket for a bicycle and feel free to go with it into the carriage.
How to place a bicycle in a carriage so that it does not disturb anyone?
In some carriages, the first row of seats has been removed, and it is quite possible to put not one, but several bicycles in this place.
In carriages of other designs there are no places for bicycles, and they have to be placed between the seats. This is no longer so convenient: it is not very pleasant for other passengers to sit with their knees resting on your horse, especially if it is not very clean, and if there are a lot of people in the carriage, conflicts are possible.
Another option: leave the bike in the vestibule, but then you will have to stand in the vestibule the whole way. You can, of course, lock your bike to the handrails in the vestibule and go into the carriage yourself, but you still need to keep the bike in sight.
In general, it is quite recommended that cyclists, summer residents, and fishermen transport their bicycles on electric trains.

We will leave the issue of paying for travel on an electric train with a bicycle outside the scope of this article. Let me just note that the payment amount can be, to put it mildly, “optimized”, and everyone chooses the methods of this optimization for themselves, coordinating the requirements of Russian Railways, with their conscience and financial capabilities.

Long-distance trains.
Long-distance trains are often used by tourists planning a long trip.
It turns out that carrying a bicycle on a long-distance train is quite convenient, but for this you need to prepare it in advance.
According to the baggage transportation rules, any passenger has the right to carry hand luggage weighing up to 36 kg free of charge. That is, any bicycle, even with a backpack, easily fits into this limitation. And an ordinary bicycle slightly does not fit into the permissible overall dimensions. The bike will have to be disassembled a bit to become regular carry-on luggage.

To carry a bicycle on a train, you need to purchase (or sew yourself) a bicycle cover in advance, and prepare several ropes about a meter long.

To load the bike onto the train, you will also need to remove the pedals, and you may have to loosen the steering wheel. This requires some tools. When preparing for your trip, select the keys and screwdrivers that will be useful for loading your bike onto the train and keep them nearby.
Please also note that removing the pedal may require considerable effort. And if you don’t want to exercise two minutes before the train departs, don’t be too lazy to unscrew the pedals from the cranks at home in advance. Then apply a little grease to the threads and screw them back on. Just don't wrap it too tightly.

Immediately before loading onto the train you need to:

  • Remove the bike backpack and everything that can be easily removed from the bike (fenders, lights, bike computer). It is better to put small items in the pocket of a bicycle backpack, and large ones in a bicycle cover.
  • Remove the front wheel from the bike and tie it to the frame on the right side with ropes (there it will slightly protect the rear derailleur).
  • Turn the steering wheel 90°. This is easier to do if the front fender has already been removed. And if you can’t remove it without tools, then you first need to loosen the steering wheel mounting screw.
  • Lower the saddle until it touches the seat tube.
  • Unscrew the pedals from the connecting rods and screw them on the other side.
  • Pack the disassembled bike in a case.

Now your bicycle is quite suitable for loading into the carriage, and the conductors will not have any complaints about your luggage.
If you are going on a cycling trip, it is better to purchase tickets for a reserved seat carriage. A bicycle packed in a cover fits very well on the third shelf of an ordinary reserved seat carriage. If your fellow travelers start to worry that your bike will fall on their head at night, you can secure the cover with one or two more ropes to the ceiling of the car. It’s best when cyclists like you ride in the compartment with you. Therefore, if you are going on a hike not alone, but in a group, then try to purchase tickets in the same compartment or nearby.
It is quite possible to load four bicycles into one compartment of a reserved seat carriage if you place them on the third shelf not along, but across the compartment. Each bike lies on two shelves at the same time, everything is secure and safe.

True, recently new-style reserved seat carriages have begun to appear, the creators of which, it seems, did not suspect the existence of cyclists (as well as kayakers and skiers). There is a partition along the entire carriage, which turns the task of placing bicycles on the third shelf into a puzzle (however, solvable, albeit with some difficulty). But no one promised that it would be easy....

Intercity bus.
Preparing a bicycle for a ride on an intercity bus is not much different from preparing for a long-distance train. Modern intercity buses have large luggage compartments where you can put a bicycle packed in a cover.

Aviation transport.
If you are going on a bike trip in an area where trains do not go, or it takes a very long time to go there by train, then you will have to use an airplane. You need to pack your bike in a case, just like before loading it on the train. You just need to take into account that you will load your bicycle on the train yourself, but on the plane it will travel in the luggage compartment, and how carefully the loaders will handle it there is unknown. It is possible that they will walk on it and break something. Therefore, it doesn’t hurt to put sheets of cardboard from a large box in the bike case in advance.
Rules for transporting baggage may vary from airline to airline, so it would be a good idea to consult with an airline representative about transporting your bicycle before travelling. So that there are no unpleasant surprises at the airport.

View and join us.

Is transporting a bicycle on a long-distance train even realistic? This is exactly the question we asked ourselves before our next trip. We were planning our route to Abkhazia and decided to make it in the form of a family bike trip, where we planned to take the main route from Ufa to Abkhazia by train, and then travel on our own bicycles.

  1. Reasons why we decided to carry bicycles on a long-distance train
  2. How to carry a bicycle on the RJ train. How much does a bike ticket cost?
  3. Carrying a bicycle on a train without a front wheel
  4. How to bring a bicycle across the border with customs

1. The reasons why we decided to carry bicycles on a long-distance train

You may ask, why didn’t we rent (rent) the bikes already on site upon arrival in Abkhazia? For several reasons:

1. We didn’t know for sure whether there would be such a service at all in the city in which we would live.

2. We have already become accustomed to our tried-and-true mountain bikes, and we had no desire to ride others (and rentals usually rent out old or even antediluvian models of bikes).

3. Savings: for an hour of rental in tourist cities they usually ask for 500 rubles, can you imagine how big a sum this will add up in a week.

2. How to transport a bicycle on the RJ train. How much does a bike ticket cost?

We have been cyclists since 2015, and we have already had to deal with transporting a bicycle on a bus or train. This was my first article, which you can read. But then we did not yet have such experience as transporting a bicycle on a long-distance train, and I will tell you in detail what we ended up with in this article.

So, according to the baggage rules established for long-distance trains:

“Passengers are allowed to carry the following items on trains whose size in the sum of three dimensions exceeds 180 cm:

Bicycles without a motor, disassembled and packed, which are placed in hand luggage areas or together with the passengers carrying them in the carriage in such a way as not to disturb other passengers. For each bicycle carried on the train, a baggage fee of 10 kg will be charged."

According to this order of Russian Railways, in addition to our tickets, we must purchase a ticket for our bicycles, which will now be luggage. And so that our “mountain goats” do not disturb other passengers, we need to place them either in the baggage car (if there is one) or on the carry-on luggage rack.

The first thing we did upon arrival at the train station was to go get tickets for bicycles. As a result, this is the ticket we received at the Russian Railways ticket office, and each bicycle was issued separately for each passenger: the sender and recipient are your full names. From the ticket it is clear that for one transportation of a bicycle from Ufa to Adler we paid: 156 rubles and kopecks. This small amount saved us from problems with the conductor and passengers.

3. Carrying a bicycle on a train without a front wheel

Now we had to turn our bicycle monsters into beautifully packaged and transportable luggage, and in order to transport the bicycle on the train, we needed to disassemble it and preferably leave it without the front wheel. In order not to lose small parts from the bicycle, and in general to securely fasten the entire disassembled bicycle together, we used ordinary cling film. For reliability, you can tie the front wheel to the frame with twine or a strong cord.

The process of disassembling, assembling and packing took us a total of an hour.

It was in this form that we brought our bicycles to the platform where our train was already standing. The conductor didn’t even check tickets for bicycles (!), as it later turned out it was not necessary to buy them, but oh well - it’s a small expense for us - but we sleep peacefully on the road. This is what the bicycles looked like in the reserved seat carriage of the train before we lifted them to the third shelf.

And this is how they traveled all the way from Ufa to Adler on a carry-on luggage rack.

According to our first experience, when they didn’t ask us for a ticket for luggage for bicycles, we didn’t take tickets for bicycles when we returned, and we ended up carrying a bicycle for free - such a freebie from Russian Railways. But perhaps we just came across a loyal guide.

4. How to bring a bicycle across the border with customs

If you are wondering how to transport a bicycle across the border of Abkhazia, then I will answer that we did not have any difficulties with this. We crossed the border on the Adler-Gagra train and paid only for the passage of passengers. The only inconvenience is that Russian border guards force you to go through customs control along with all your luggage - so we had to carry bicycles from the train and back.

And finally, our photos from the bike trip through the “land of the soul.” By the way, in Abkhazia we never found a bicycle rental point, so it was the right decision to take our bikes with us; locals even stopped us on the street and asked where we got such bicycles. When we answered that we had come to see them from Ufa, they looked so dumbfounded) And one enterprising Abkhazian even offered to rent them out.

We never regretted taking our bikes with us. Our cycling trips around Abkhazia and Adler, where we were able to visit parks and ride along embankments, visit clean and deserted beaches, go to Krasnaya Polyana, conquer the highest mountain in Abkhazia - we will remember much longer than the promoted excursions to local attractions.

Gagra railway station, Abkhazia
Prince of Oldenburg Park, Gagra, Abkhazia
Mount Mamdzyshkha (Mamzyshka) - 1873 meters, Gagra, Abkhazia

Now you know how to transport a bicycle on a Russian Railways train, I wish you all pleasant cycling trips bye bye)

According to clause 2.10.4 of the Rules for Use of the Moscow Metro, bicycles cannot be transported in the subway, with the exception of folding bicycles and children's bicycles.

In practice, if you remove the front wheel, turn the handlebars on its side and place all the parts in a case, you can transport the bike as luggage, but this option is definitely not suitable for daily practice.

The size of luggage should not exceed 150 cm in length. In this case, it is carried free of charge.

At the same time, during rush hour, you should not enter the metro with a bicycle at all for reasons of convenience of other passengers.


On the Moscow Central Circle, in accordance with clause 2.7.5 of the Rules for Use of the Moscow Metro, a passenger can carry no more than one bicycle in an unassembled form, subject to conditions that exclude inconvenience for the passage of other passengers.

Places for transporting bicycles are usually located in the last carriage of the train. You should also enter the train with a bicycle through the doors with the corresponding icon.

The bicycle must be placed in the train carriage on the platform provided for this purpose and secured to bicycle racks. If a bicycle is moved around the carriage, this will already be a violation. There is no need to purchase an additional ticket for transportation.


You can carry a bicycle on buses, trams and trolleybuses of the State Unitary Enterprise Mosgortrans, provided that there is free space in the storage area in the cabin. At the same time, a two-wheeled vehicle should not create inconvenience for other passengers: you cannot take up too much space, move around the cabin, or transport a dirty bicycle.

Entry with a bicycle into a tram, trolleybus or bus equipped with turnstiles is permitted through the second door after all passengers have exited. Let everyone through, and only then come in with your bike.

Carriage of one bicycle is free for all categories of passengers.

It is also worth remembering the busiest routes and refraining from traveling with a bicycle during peak hours.


According to the rules of the State Unitary Enterprise Mostransavto, bicycles can be transported disassembled or folded in the luggage compartment of a bus. In this case, the total dimensions of the vehicle should not exceed 180 cm.

This is a paid service. To transport a bicycle up to 25 km, you need to pay from 30 to 60 rubles. A ticket for a bicycle for a distance of 25 to 50 km will cost from 60 rubles. Transportation over 50 km will cost 90 rubles and more.

You can also insure your bike in case something happens to it along the way.

According to Article 22 of Federal Law No. 259 “Charter of Motor Transport and Urban Ground Electric Transport”, you can carry free on buses items whose total length, width and height do not exceed 120 cm - this can be a folded scooter, a baby stroller or a skateboard.

Electric trains

For Moscow Railway passengers with bicycles, special CPPC tariffs apply.

On a regular train or Lastochka, free travel with a bicycle is provided in the morning before 06:00, from 11:00 to 16:00 and in the evening after 21:00. In this case, you must issue a free ticket at the box office.

The rest of the time, you can also transport bicycles, but for a fee: for a ticket for transporting a bicycle up to 100 km you need to pay 60 rubles, over 100 km the tariff increases to 120 rubles. The ticket can be purchased at the box office or in the terminal in the “Baggage” section. On OZhD trains departing from Leningradsky Station, the cost of transporting a bicycle is 25 rubles and 50 rubles, respectively.