Cancellation of tickets at s7 airline. How to return a non-refundable plane ticket? How do I find out what rate I have - refundable or non-refundable?

The ability to purchase air tickets online saves passengers time. In some situations it is necessary to return the ticket. This may happen at the initiative of the client or due to the fault of the airline. We’ll look at how to return a plane ticket purchased online from S7 Airlines in our article.

About the possibility of returning air tickets to S7 Airlines

The carrier's air tickets are offered at several tariffs. The client can view the flight schedule and pricing policy on the official website of S7 Airlines.

Return policies differ for different tariffs.

If the air ticket is refundable, then, if necessary, the client can cancel the service order at any time and receive his money:

  1. "Business Flexible" You can return your plane tickets without losing money. If a passenger missed his flight, he can use the exchange service and arrange a flight on another date.
  2. On the Business Basic tariff plan, if you are late for a flight or want to change the departure day, a fee will be charged. It will not be possible to return the ticket and receive a refund.
  3. Tariff "Economy Flexible". Ticket refund or change of departure date without fees. If the cost of a ticket for a new flight is higher than the previous one, you must pay the difference. If a passenger is late for a flight to change the departure date, a fee is also paid; air tickets at this rate are refundable.
  4. For the Economy Basic fare, changing the route and departure date is possible upon payment of a fee. Ticket return and refund are not provided for this fare.

Depending on the fare, the passenger can determine whether the amount of money will be returned to him in case of voluntary refusal. When purchasing an air ticket, the client needs to weigh the pros and cons. If circumstances may arise that interfere with the flight, it is better to buy a refundable ticket.

If the low cost of the flight is a priority and the passenger is confident that there will be no obstacles to the flight, you can save money and purchase a non-refundable ticket.

The amount that is reimbursed to the holder of a return ticket will depend on the period of application:

  • if no later than 24 hours before the end of registration, the full amount of the ticket is returned to the client. In this case, the airline will retain a commission related to the costs of providing the service;
  • if there are less than 24 hours left before check-in for a flight, a 25% commission is withheld, and a fee for airline expenses is also charged;
  • Once registration is completed, it is not possible to return the ticket.

A forced refund of an S7 air ticket can be made in the following cases:

  • the flight was canceled or the flight was rescheduled;
  • the flight route has changed;
  • there are no places according to class;
  • Passengers boarded at an airport not included in the original route.

Important! If the flight is partially completed, the passenger is forced to return part of the funds for the unused route.

When purchasing a non-refundable ticket, you can compensate the amount in case of illness or death of the passenger. Other reasons are not grounds for compensation for the cost of the flight.

As a supporting document, the air carrier must be provided with a certificate of illness or sick leave. If a passenger dies, a close relative can contact the company, providing all the necessary documents.

Procedure for returning tickets purchased online

Due to various circumstances, passengers are sometimes required to return their air tickets and cancel their planned flight. It is impossible to predict in advance what may become an obstacle to travel or a business trip.

You can return your S7 air ticket on the carrier’s website. To do this, in your personal account you need to go to the “My Bookings” tab and fill out an application. You can return plane tickets online if you have not taken a single flight included in your booking.

Another option is to contact the 24-hour customer support service at 8-800-700-07-07. The call is free, calls are accepted from all regions of Russia.

When making a call, the operator will request the personal data of the client who contacted him, the first and last digits bank card from which tickets were paid. The operator must give the reason why you want to cancel the flight.

The airline's website provides a feedback form. You can submit a return request through it. A company representative will contact the passenger via email. The client can track what stage of processing his application is at.

The money must be returned to the passenger within 20 days from the date of filing the cancellation request. This is exactly the period, according to the law, allotted to the air carrier to fulfill its obligations to return funds. Crediting occurs to the bank card account that was used to pay for services.

If the payment was made with miles, then they should be credited back to the client’s account. The passenger also has the right to issue a refund additional services– insurance, location selection, etc.

Will a commission be charged upon return?

If a ticket is returned one day before check-in is completed, the passenger will be refunded the full cost of the ticket. However, a fee related to the carrier's expenses in selling tickets is withheld. The amount of the additional fee can be found by " hotline» carrier.

If there is less than a day left before departure, you can only receive 75% of the paid amount. A passenger who decides to cancel a booking must contact the company as soon as possible and notify of his intention to cancel services.

You can notify the carrier by phone, online or at the airport.

Possible difficulties when returning tickets

According to reviews from passengers, returning is not always easy. Sometimes clients have to face a number of difficulties.

For example, difficulties arise if a passenger refuses to travel on a non-refundable ticket due to illness. The company may refuse to transfer money if the provided sickness certificate is filled out in illegible handwriting. In this case, you will have to contact the medical institution for a new form.

If for some reason the airline refuses to refund the cost of tickets, or the passenger is not satisfied with the terms of the refund, you need to carefully study the tariff.

If the client is confident that he is right, he can file a statement of claim in court and, in this manner, return the money spent.

The main thing is that if you intend to cancel your flight, you must notify the carrier as soon as possible. This way, you can save on additional costs and avoid disputes with the airline.

Since this is the most cheap tariff, the ticket is considered completely non-refundable. It is possible to change the date, flight number, route, but subject to additional payment.

  • If there are more than 40 minutes left before departure– 3,000 rub. for flights within Russia, 60 euros for international flights.
  • If less than 40 minutes– 5,000 rub. within Russia, 80 euros – abroad.

You can choose a fare in a higher class by paying the difference in price.

Economy Flexible (YF)

This tariff allows you to change the departure date without paying fines, but if the ticket price is higher, the difference must be reimbursed. If the passenger completely cancels the flight or is late for the flight and does not want to change the date, he will have to pay all the fees, and there are many of them:

  • airport taxes;
  • fees for unused sections of the route;
  • air ticket registration fee;
  • dachshund YR.

Only YQ tax is issued for returns.

When exchanging a ticket, it is possible to change the fare to a higher one by paying the difference.

Business Basic (CB)

The rate is completely non-refundable. To change a flight if a passenger misses the plane, you need to pay a fee.

  • If there are more than 40 minutes before departure, the penalty is 5,000 rubles. for flights within Russia, 80 euros for international flights.
  • If less than 40 minutes– 7,000 rub. in Russia, 110 euros abroad.

Business Flexible (CF)

Within this tariff, you can change your flight or departure date without paying any fees. You will have to pay extra if the selected option is more expensive in price. If it is impossible to make any air flight, only the YR tax will be issued for return.

Anyway full return money is possible if you cancel your flight no later than 24 hours before departure. Once check-in for a flight has been completed, the ticket cannot be returned.

If the flight was partially completed, the corresponding incomplete amount will be refunded.

When can I get my money back?

There are certain conditions under which the ticket price will be refunded in any case, regardless of the fare booked.

  1. the flight was canceled or rescheduled by the airline;
  2. the original flight route has changed;
  3. there was not enough space according to the class selected on the ticket;
  4. the plane returned to the airport without reaching its intended destination;
  5. the flight from the connecting airport was not organized;
  6. landing at an airport not included on the route.

In what cases will it be refused?

Money for a purchased ticket cannot be returned if the ticket was initially non-refundable and there were no serious reasons for this return. This applies, as a rule, to voluntary refusals of passengers to travel by air.

Passengers who show up for check-in while intoxicated may be left without monetary compensation.

Is it possible to return a non-refundable air ticket?

If the ticket is non-refundable, according to clause 2 of Art. 108 of the Air Code of the Russian Federation, a refund of the ticket price is possible only for the following reasons:

  • Serious illness, documented. The passenger must notify the airline in advance that he will not be able to fly.
  • Death of a passenger. In this case, his relatives will receive the refund.

Forced reimbursement of service costs

There are cases when the airline is forced to refund a passenger because it cannot provide properly paid services.

For example, you have to make a forced refund for the service of choosing a seat increased comfort in the event of a passenger being transferred during a flight to a seat of a lower class for safety reasons. This may also be the case in case of flight cancellation and aircraft replacement.

To get a refund you need to:

  1. You can fill out the application on the website or contact the nearest S7 Airlines office, presenting a copy of your boarding pass.
  2. When changing a seat on board, you must put the appropriate mark on boarding pass. This can be done by the flight attendant.

Refunds are not possible if the passenger's class has been upgraded.

If a passenger bought a ticket with miles, they must also be returned upon return.

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Usually plane tickets are purchased in advance. This is a reasonable decision, because in case of a return, you will be able to demand the money back and not face any difficulties. But even in such a situation, it is difficult to understand the airline rules on your own. In the case of a specific S7 company, a ticket should be returned after reading reliable information.

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Where to contact

To exchange or voluntarily refuse a purchased S7 ticket, you need to go to the company’s official website.

To return, use several methods:
  1. The site has a “My Bookings” service.
    You need to log in using the data received when ordering and purchasing. A Return button will appear. You should look for it on the right side of the monitor.
    The next step is to identify passengers whose tickets need to be returned back to the company. Before submitting your application, it is advisable to read the information provided on the page.
    Additionally, you need to check your data, contact information, and card details to which the money will be transferred after the transaction is completed.
    This method is relevant if the document was purchased using a plastic card.
  2. Call the contact center.
    There is a hotline number on the company's website. A call can also be made by pressing the company's call button. The service is free in the Russian Federation.
    The operator is provided with the data from the first page of the passport, date of birth, several digits of the card with which the ticket was paid earlier. The staff member will ask for your reservation number and itinerary.

If the passes were not purchased via the Internet, then you need to visit the carrier’s office and issue a refund. The money will be handed over personally to the passenger who will verify a valid passport.

Return nuances

The company refuses to return money to an outsider. But there is an exception - if there is an official power of attorney, the airline has the right to hand over the funds.

It is important to know:
  1. In case of successful consent, the funds will be transferred to the user’s account within 20 days.
  2. For services provided, the carrier charges a small percentage. To find out the exact amount, you need to call the contact center and indicate your region of location.
  3. An electronic ticket is a valid document, just like the printed version. Therefore, you can demand a refund for it without much difficulty.
  4. The amount is transferred to the same account from which the funds for payment were received. You can provide additional details so that the refund can be made to another account.

When purchasing from a third-party agency, you must call S7 for delivery. Applications for compensation are considered on an individual basis. Employees of the organization will study the reasons for the refusal and report a decision.

Return Policy

To return the money for the ticket and not violate official rules aviation, you need to follow the instructions.

According to tariff plan

Each airline sells tickets at different prices, depending on the class chosen.

Based on the purchased tariff, you need to find out about the return conditions:
  1. "Economy" or basic.
    Such documents are considered non-returnable. If a person misses a flight, but has a ticket in hand, then the citizen has the right to change the departure date, route and even the board number. But you will have to pay a fine for refusing services.
    Additionally, it is possible to deposit money to purchase a pass to a more comfortable class.
  2. S7 refund of economy-flexible ticket.
    According to the tariff, the user has the right to change the departure date, as well as change the flight number. You won't have to pay additional charges. You only need to pay extra for the ticket if it costs more expensive than the first. But this does not apply to situations where the number and day are changed after registration. In this case, you will have to pay a penalty.
    If you want to return your travel document without missing your flight, you can get a full refund.
  3. Basic business.
    You can change the departure date and flight number in advance. In this case, the passenger is not subject to additional fees. If a person does not make it before the departure of the flight, it is necessary to pay penalties in order to change the date of the flight.
    The tariff is non-refundable, and you won’t be able to get your money back for it, but you can make an exchange.
  4. Flexible business.
    The document is of a return type, so you will not have to pay a penalty for changing the date or flight, even if the passenger missed the plane.
    To avoid difficulties when returning tickets, you need to clarify the necessary questions with airline consultants in advance. S7 provides bonuses for every flight. To return them, you will need to be notified of the flight failure. If there is a delay in registration due to transport difficulties, then the bonuses will expire.

Full return

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Any passenger has the right to cancel the flight in advance. Advance notice of the decision and compensation will be required.

Size depends on failure time:
  1. If you return your travel document 24 hours in advance, you can expect a full refund.
  2. If the period is less than a day, then the amount will not exceed 75%.

It is important to understand that the decisive factor in this matter is the efficiency of the reported data.

Sample application

To return an S7 ticket, you need to fill out a correct application.

Contents of the standard form:
  1. First, complete passenger information is filled in.
  2. Next, you need to provide information from the first page of your passport.
  3. After this, they write a request for the opportunity to terminate the contract. The column indicates the direction in which the person was supposed to go - the flight number, the date of departure, the number of tickets to be returned, the names of the passengers.
  4. The next step is to ask for a refund. This section provides payment details.
  5. The last part of the document is agreement to withhold a certain percentage for the provision of services.
  6. At the bottom of the page they indicate mobile phone for communication, put a personal signature, the date of drawing up the paper.


To get a refund of the money spent on a ticket, you must indicate in your application compelling reasons why the person is unable to attend the flight.


Sometimes situations arise when a passenger is unable to come to the airport, even if he has purchased tickets in hand.

Such cases include:
  1. Illness of the main passenger or his relative with whom he was supposed to travel.
  2. If a circumstance arises such as the death of one of the family members who was supposed to fly on an airliner with the passenger. To confirm the fact of death, provide a document or certificate signed by the attending doctor and the seal of the clinic.

Not the passenger's fault

Every citizen has the right to demand money back from the airline. But provided that the impossibility of the flight was due to the fault of the air transportation company.

  1. The flight was canceled due to bad weather or aircraft breakdown.
  2. Sometimes companies change the route for certain reasons.
  3. The aircraft is not allowed into space, and the pilots have to turn the board back.
  4. The journey to the airport takes a certain time, and therefore in the harbors they provide a special bus to transport people. If it breaks down during the journey and the person misses the flight, then it is not his fault. The company is obliged to return the money or exchange the transport document for a suitable ticket.


Voluntary cancellation of a flight is a situation when a passenger has the opportunity to visit the airport on the appointed date, but does not want to do so. Then you should warn the company representatives.

The ticket is not refundable

There are unpleasant situations when a flight is canceled, but the operators refuse to return the money paid. The carrier's employees are guided by the internal rules for the return of S7 air tickets.

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These are illegal and false actions aimed at people who do not know the rules and regulations for the provision of services, as well as the law “On Protection of Consumer Rights”. The carrier does not have the right to withhold funds if the emergency occurred due to the fault of the airline.

When a preliminary refusal has been received, the passenger can file a complaint with the following authorities:
  1. Air Transport Agency.
  2. Russian aviation website.
  3. Rospotrebnadzor.

In 2020, anyone has the right to get a refund for an unused ticket. If the delay or complete cancellation was due to the fault of the airline, the passenger may demand not only a refund, but also an exchange of the ticket for a suitable option.

Flights are often delayed, rescheduled, or cancelled, but what should the unfortunate passengers do in this case? There is always a way out - refund or exchange of air tickets. True, airlines do not always meet customers halfway; we will tell you how to return S7 Airlines tickets and get your money back.

Ticket return conditions for all fares

The S7 ticket return process is a complex procedure that requires preparation. There is a list of conditions under which the airline allows refunds for tickets. They are less willing to return funds for air tickets purchased at a discount.

Reasons for returning S7 tickets:

  • If before boarding it turns out that there are not enough seats on the plane for the purchased class. This happens due to an incorrectly issued ticket;
  • When the plane returns to the airport; this happens due to an emergency breakdown or a ban on entry into airspace;
  • No transportation to another airport during a transfer;
  • Changing the original route;
  • When making a transfer in a city not specified in the route.

You can cancel a ticket using the service, on the S7 website or at the carrier’s office. Depending on the time of ticket return, the size of the fine and the possibility of obtaining compensation for a seat depend.

"Economy Basic"

The ticket for this tariff is non-refundable. The passenger can change the route and date by paying an additional ticket fee. Another option: pay an additional amount to purchase air tickets at a more expensive fare.

"Economy Flexible"

A ticket purchased at a flexible fare can be returned. It is allowed to return an air ticket without paying a ticket fee and change the flight date, but only the day before departure. If you miss your plane or change the date, you will have to pay a ticket fee.

"Business Basic"

The conditions are the same as the “Economy Basic” tariff, without the possibility of return.

Tariff "Business Flexible"

Allowed for a ticket (date, flight), without paying a ticket fee, even if you are late for the plane. YR is fully refunded, YQ is not.

Registration of return of S7 tickets in an emergency situation

TO emergency situations relate:

  • passenger illness,
  • death of close relatives,
  • flight cancellation, rescheduling.

To return funds, in the first two cases, you will need an official document confirming the person’s illness or death of a relative. It must be provided to the S7 representative at the airport.

If the flight is canceled before check-in begins, you need to contact an S7 employee at the airport to make a note about the flight cancellation. If you cancel your flight after checking in, you need to go to the airline counter and pick up your registration card.

Instructions for returning a paper S7 ticket

To return a paper ticket, you do not need to go to the central office; just call the call center or write a request in the feedback form on the airline’s official website. Contact center number: 8 800 700–0707. The call is free. The support representative should call:

  • reason for canceling the flight;
  • personal information about the passenger;
  • the first and last 2 digits of the bank card from which the payment was made.

When contacting via the contact form on the website, you must provide the same information. Feedback carried out using the email address specified when contacting support.

If the above methods are not suitable, you can contact the S7 office. Company employees accept applications from 9:00 to 13:00. You must provide a notarized power of attorney if a relative or a passenger who has purchased an air ticket contacts the office.

The full amount will be refunded if the passenger issues a refund no later than 24 hours before the flight.

Refund your e-ticket online in 2 clicks

Electronic tickets include air tickets purchased on the official S7 website or through mobile app. There is a special function for this in your personal account on the website Enter the data and go to the “My bookings” section.

This section displays all booked and paid flights. Select the desired flight and click on the “Make a refund” button. Processing may take some time.

We check your personal data and put a check mark next to the item “I agree to carry out refunds and withdrawals.” seat" Click on “Send application”, it will be accepted for processing. S7 employees can clarify some personal information.

Refunds are processed within 20 business days, excluding weekends and holidays. The money is transferred to the bank card with which the air ticket was purchased.

Returning a ticket through the S7 contact center

You can also return an electronic or paper ticket through the S7 contact center. Within Russia, a telephone call to 8 800 700 0707 will be free. From abroad, you can contact the Call service online through the form on the airline’s official website. At the very bottom of the main page there is a link button “Call online”.

After clicking on it, a window for a direct call to the call center opens. After connecting with the operator, you will need to provide your details (full name, phone number, email address, passport details, date of birth and details for refunding the ticket fee).

Non-refundable rates

The airline, according to the legislation of the Russian Federation, has the right to offer non-refundable tickets for sale. This is indicated when booking your place on the yard. For S7, “Economy basic” and “Business basic” are considered non-refundable. Cancellation of such tickets will not be possible unless the reason is related to the death or illness of the passenger or his relative.

It will also be difficult to get your money back for promotional tickets.

Terms and rules for refunding tickets

Usually, money transfer takes no longer than 20 days. These terms vary according to the rules of a particular bank. Return penalties vary from region to region. You can find out the final amount at the call center. Customer may claim a full refund for unused fees.

To return your insurance, booked car or checked baggage space, you will have to call the contact center. You can only cancel the entire ticket online.

Important! If the ticket for flight S7 was issued through a travel agency, then the refund must be made only through the agency.