How to include a security deposit in a lease agreement. Apartment rental agreement with furniture and equipment

Lease and rental agreements for apartments (rooms) are property rental agreements, that is, contractual obligations under which residential premises are transferred for payment for temporary use. But premises that are rented are often furnished with furniture and household appliances. To correctly formalize the legal relationship between the parties to the transaction in this case, you need to carefully study the sample apartment rental agreement with a deposit.

Subjects of the agreement

When renting an apartment (room) to an individual, a rental agreement is concluded. The parties acquire the status of landlord and tenant. But if someone who wants to rent the same premises turns out to be an individual entrepreneur, a legal entity, a subject of the Russian Federation or a municipal body, then other subjects of legal relations arise - .

They do not have the right to accept an apartment (room) for use under a rental agreement, and the parties enter into a rental agreement (Article 671 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation). Moreover, the apartment (room) should be used only as housing. An example is: a company rents a room for its specialist to live in (Article 606, paragraph 2 of Article 671 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation).

Is it necessary to register the contract?

Agreements of this type require conclusion in writing (clause 1 of article 609, clause 1 of article 674 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation).
Housing rental agreements for a period of more than 12 months must be registered (clause 2 of Article 609 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation) in Rosreestr (Federal Service for State Registration, Cadastre and Cartography) no later than 30 days from the date of signing (clause 2 of Article 674 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation ; Article 51 of the Law of July 13, 2015 N 218-FZ).

Violation of the conditions for filing for registration entails an administrative fine of 1,500 - 5,000 rubles. (Part 1, 2 of Article 19.21 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation).

The contract is subject to mandatory registration for a rental period of more than one year.

His Majesty is a defender of interests

No matter what disagreements arise in our lives, the best solution is to provide facts. Before signing a rental agreement, be sure to do the following:

  • take photographs of all the items that you consider the most expensive;
  • take a video of your interior, record the results of the repairs, etc.

Add these photographs to the agreement. If mutual claims arise, this will serve as a good additional argument for resolving the dispute.

Furnished apartment for rent

Consider the following example. Rental agreement for an apartment with furniture, household appliances, etc. not much different from the standard agreement, it contains the following mandatory data:

  1. Date and place of the transaction.
  2. Identification data of the parties. It is advisable to provide several contact phone numbers.
  3. The subject of the agreement is an apartment (room), indicating the address and condition of the transferred premises. When renting a separate room, its square footage in the apartment is indicated. If a garage, fitness center, etc. are rented along with the apartment, the agreement specifies the right to use these additional facilities (with documentary confirmation of the owner’s rights).
  4. Purpose of the agreement: accommodation.
  5. Details of title documents on the right of ownership of property.
  6. Term. Hiring - no more than five years (Article 683 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation). The duration of the lease is at the discretion of the parties, and may not be limited (Article 610 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation). If there is a need for termination, it is necessary to notify the other party 30 days in advance (Article 610 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation).
  7. Rent: monthly, quarterly, etc.
  8. Landlord's responsibilities.
  9. Tenant's responsibilities. In addition to the main points: the desire to insure property is indicated by another agreement that clearly indicates all the nuances of mutual settlements in the event of an insured event.
  10. Settlement obligations determine on what dates and how the tenant will pay the agreed amount.
  11. Possible increase in fees: a specific time is provided, for example, at the end of the year.
  12. Payment of utilities: tariffication of telephone calls is possible, sometimes concierge services.
  13. Number of people living together. The possibility of the presence of animals is also clarified.
  14. Termination of legal relations.
  15. Consideration and resolution of disagreements.
  16. Other: all additional wishes and requirements. If there is nothing to supplement, a large letter Z is drawn and additional signatures are added.
  17. Signatures of the parties.

A properly executed tenancy agreement protects the rights of the tenant and the landlord.

Security deposit and security deposit

Often, apartment owners set conditions for making additional payment when signing the document. Let us clearly differentiate the concepts of possible options and their differences:

  • – the amount that is not used as payment for the last month of residence. A contribution equal to one month's rent. It is collected as a security payment in case of claims for damage to property, identified debts for payment for telecommunications services, etc., in the rented premises. Subject to or not subject to return after the return certificate of acceptance and transfer of the apartment.
  • Deposit in an apartment rental agreement or deposit- a sum of money contributed by the future tenant as a guarantee of his promise to rent the proposed apartment for a specified period - “reservation”. Considered an "outdated" concept.

However, now, when agreeing on the terms of hire and lease, landlords themselves confuse these names.
And increasingly, when concluding agreements, there is a substitution of concepts. Therefore, in order not to incur unexpected material losses in the future, when discussing the clauses of the contract, pay attention to this and clarify in writing who means what.

Features of termination of the contract

The legislator determined the termination of contractual lease obligations at the initiative of the parties through judicial proceedings, the reasons for which are specified in the contract (Articles 619, 620 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation).

The tenancy agreement can be terminated at any stage, upon agreement with all tenants living together, and written notice to the landlord 30 days in advance (Clause 1, Article 687 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation). But at the request of the apartment owner, the agreement can be terminated only through the court (clause 2 of article 687 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation). Here are some examples:

  • the rent is not paid for six months, unless the contractual obligations provide for a longer period of time, and for short-term rentals (up to 12 months) - the rent is not paid more than twice during the validity of the agreement (without documentary evidence causes);
  • damage to the apartment (room) by the tenant or other persons living together;
  • failure to comply with the intended use of the apartment, systematic violation of the rights and interests of neighbors;
  • force majeure – considered force majeure circumstances after the publication of an official letter in the press.

Possible options for resolving disagreements that arise must be specified in the contract

The emergence of disagreements

This paragraph should contain the phrase “the parties resolve any disagreements through negotiations or through the court at the location of the subject of the dispute. All costs associated with legal proceedings must be reimbursed by the losing party. Additionally, she bears the costs for the penalty under the contract.”

Often, the parties have controversial issues that are directly related to everyday life and the result of a showdown depends on the sanity of the disputants.

For example, equipment tends to break down. But, as a rule, it is impossible to find the culprit. Take the “subject of dispute” for examination. The specialist will repair and give an opinion: the guilty party will reimburse the costs and replace what is needed.

Or you want to monitor the fulfillment of contractual obligations, but, under various pretexts, you are not allowed into the apartment. In this case, come suddenly or call the local police officer for help. Of course, if you forgot to stipulate this condition in the contract! There are often cases when, endowed with experience, the parties, by mutual agreement, pack and seal a package with a set of keys to a rented premises. It is kept by the lessor.

An inventory of the property must be attached to the contract. . The inventory can be handwritten or printed. The document is drawn up by the owner of the apartment, where he himself determines what exactly to include in the list. However, upon approval, the tenant can add his comments to the inventory. Usually consists of two points: name (possibly with detailed description) subject and quantity. The cost is rarely indicated due to controversy. The remaining free space on the sheet is always outlined with the letter Z and additional signatures of the contract participants.

A prerequisite for drawing up a document must be: numbering and signing of all sheets by the parties.

If an inventory is not drawn up, the contract draws attention to this.

Citizen, passport (series, number, issued), residing at the address, hereinafter referred to as " Landlord", on the one hand, and the citizen, passport (series, number, issued), living at the address, hereinafter referred to as " Tenant", on the other hand, hereinafter referred to as " Parties", have entered into this agreement, hereinafter referred to as the "Agreement", as follows:

1.1. The Lessor provides for rent, and the Tenant rents, an apartment located at the address: hereinafter referred to as the Apartment.


2.1. Provide the Apartment to the Tenant in a condition suitable for habitation, with furniture and equipment in accordance with the inventory of the property.

2.2. Carry out maintenance of the Apartment and equipment not under the control of the housing and communal services authorities.

2.3. Pay for all utilities during the rental period, with the exception of non-local telephone connections and other services not included in the monthly subscription payment for MGTS.

2.4. Notify the Tenant about visiting the Apartment 24 hours in advance, while the Landlord has the right to visit the apartment no more than once a month.


3.1. Timely pay bills for non-local telephone connections and other services not included in the monthly MGTS subscription payment.

3.2. Use the Apartment for your own residence, not for sublease or as an office. The following will permanently reside with the Tenant in the Apartment: .

3.3. Bear full responsibility for damage to the Apartment, furniture or equipment, as well as adjacent premises caused by the fault or negligence of the Tenant, his family members or guests.

3.4. Leave guests responsible for the Apartment only after written permission from the Lessor, while the Tenant bears full responsibility for damage caused to the Apartment, furniture or equipment, as well as adjacent premises due to the fault or negligence of guests in the absence of the Tenant.

3.5. Have pets in the Apartment only with written permission from the Landlord, and the Tenant bears full responsibility for damage caused by his pets.

3.6. Carry out major repairs or make any significant changes to the Apartment only with written permission from the Landlord.

3.7. The Tenant is not responsible for natural depreciation of the Apartment, furniture and equipment.

3.8. Allow the Lessor to enter the Apartment (clause 2.4) to check compliance with the terms of the agreement.

3.9. Respect the peace of your neighbors at night.


4.1. The Lessor guarantees that the Apartment belongs to him by right, all necessary permissions from the co-owners, if any, have been obtained and the conditions for renting the Apartment have been agreed upon with them.

4.2. The Lessor guarantees that the Apartment is not under arrest, is not mortgaged and is not the subject of any claims from third parties.

4.3. The Lessor guarantees that he and others, if any, registered in the Apartment and moved from it for the purpose of renting it out were not infringed on their rights according to the living space standards per person, especially minors.

4.4. The tenant guarantees to pay the rent and other payments provided for by this agreement on time and without delay.

4.5. The Tenant guarantees that he will live in the Apartment for at least the agreed period (clause 6.1).


5.1. Monthly rent is set in rubles.

5.2. When signing the Agreement, the Tenant pays for the first months of rent of the Apartment, which is rubles, then payments will be made in advance for the period, no later than days from the beginning of the paid period.

5.3. Based on clause 3 of Article 614, Part 2 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, the amount of rent cannot be changed more than once a year and only by agreement of the parties.

5.3.1. The first change in the amount of rent cannot occur earlier than 6 months from the beginning of the established rental period (clause 6.1), all subsequent changes - no less than 12 months from the previous change.

5.3.2. The refusal of one of the parties to change the amount of rent proposed by the other party, if the parties cannot reach a compromise solution, is not grounds for immediate termination of the contract. In this case, the Tenant has the right to live in the Apartment for one more month after the already paid period, paying it at the rent rate specified in clause 5.1, and if the amount of rent has been changed - the last agreed and changed based on the conditions of this paragraph.

5.3.3. The amount of rent cannot be changed in any direction, only on the basis of the desire of one of the parties or on the basis of seasonal fluctuations in rental prices.

5.4. When signing the agreement, the Tenant leaves the Lessor a deposit for the safety of the property and compliance with the terms of the agreement by the Tenant, in the amount of rubles.

5.4.1. The landlord has no right to use the security deposit for personal purposes.

5.4.2. When the Tenant actually leaves the Apartment, moves out, the parties draw up an act of return of property. The agreement and signing by both parties of the Property Return Certificate is the basis for the return of the deposit.

5.4.3. The deposit can be used, by agreement of the parties, as payment for the rental period commensurate with it, but only before the Tenant immediately leaves the Apartment - move out.

5.4.4. By agreement of the parties, and only upon direct departure of the Tenant, the remaining payments due for the Tenant can be paid from the security deposit.

5.5. Electricity is paid by the Tenant/Landlord.


6.1. The lease term is set from "" year to "" year.

6.2. The terms of the agreement can be changed and the rental period extended subject to the written consent of both parties.

6.3. An agreement to extend the contract must be signed, and in the case of an extension with a change in conditions, agreed upon and signed no later than days before the expiration date of this contract or the last agreement on its extension.

6.4. If one of the parties refuses to extend the contract, it is obliged to notify the other party no less than days before the expiration date of the contract or the last agreement on its extension.


7.1. The agreement may be terminated by one of the parties if the other party does not comply with the terms of this agreement.

7.2. The Tenant retains the right to unilaterally terminate the contract by notifying the Lessor in writing days in advance, but if such termination occurred earlier than the year, the deposit is not refundable and cannot be used as payment for the rental period commensurate with it (clause 5.4.3), from it the remaining payments provided for the Tenant cannot be paid (clause 5.4.4), except for the cases provided for in clause 7.4 of this agreement.

7.3. The Lessor does not have the right to terminate the contract unilaterally before the end of the contract or the last agreement on its extension if the Tenant complies with all the terms of the contract, except for the reasons specified in clause 7.4.

7.4. If one of the parties is forced to terminate the agreement due to force majeure circumstances provided for by current legislation, or the introduction of a government ban on actions provided for by this agreement, it is obliged to notify the other party in writing at least days before the date of such termination.

7.5. In case of early termination of the contract at the initiative of third parties, in violation of the Lessor's guarantees (clause 4.1, clause 4.2 and clause 4.3), the Tenant has the right to live in the Apartment for days in excess of the paid period for free, and if such residence is impossible, the Lessor is obliged to pay a penalty to the Tenant.

7.5.1. The amount of the penalty is determined by the sum of the cost of each day of stay (monthly rent (clause 5.1) divided by thirty) multiplied by the number of remaining days in the overpaid period (clause 7.5) and twice the cost of each day of stay multiplied by the number of remaining paid days. The Lessor is obliged to pay the penalty no later than the day of actual abandonment of the Apartment – ​​agreed upon with the Tenant.

7.5.2. In case of voluntary abandonment of the Apartment by the Tenant, early termination of the contract (clause 7.5), or moving out on other terms agreed with the Lessor, the penalty is not paid.

7.6. A two-time violation by the Tenant of clause 5.2 of this agreement, without documented valid reasons (hospitalization, business trip, etc.) gives the Lessor the right to terminate the agreement unilaterally by notifying the Tenant no less than five days before the date of such termination. The deposit (clause 5.4.) in this case is not refundable.

7.7. In the event of early termination of the contract at the initiative of the Tenant after the conclusion of the contract, but before the date of provision of the Apartment by the Landlord (clause 2.1), the Landlord returns to the Tenant the paid rent (clause 5.2) and half of the deposit (clause 5.4), and from the returned portion expenses incurred by the Lessor related to the fulfillment of the Tenant's wishes to change the Apartment and/or its furnishings are deducted.

7.8. In the event of early termination of the contract at the initiative of the Tenant after the conclusion of the contract and the date of provision of the Apartment by the Landlord (clause 2.1), the deposit is not returned, even if the Tenant has not actually moved into the Apartment, and the paid rent is returned minus each day after the date of provision of the apartment and the cost of expenses incurred by the Lessor in connection with the fulfillment of the Tenant's wishes to change the Apartment and/or its furnishings.


8.1. All disagreements arising during the implementation of this agreement must be resolved in accordance with current Russian legislation.

8.2. This agreement has been drawn up in two copies having equal legal force: one each for the Tenant and the Lessor.

8.3. The agreement comes into force from the moment of signing.



  • Registration address:
  • Mailing address:
  • Phone fax:
  • Passport series, number:
  • Issued by:
  • When issued:
  • Signature:


  • Registration address:
  • Mailing address:
  • Phone fax:
  • Passport series, number:
  • Issued by:
  • When issued:
  • Signature:

____________ "__" _____________ 201__

_____________________________ , hereinafter referred to as Landlord, on the one hand, and ________________________________ , hereinafter referred to as Employer, on the other hand, have entered into this agreement as follows:

1. The Subject of the Agreement.

1.1. The Landlord transfers the apartment owned by him with the cadastral (or conditional) number ______________________ for temporary possession and use to the Tenant, and the Tenant accepts this premises and pays for the use of the apartment in accordance with the terms of this agreement.

Certificate of ownership of residential premises, series ____No. ____________ dated "__"_______________ 201__, issued by the Office of the Federal Registration Service for the Voronezh Region.

1.2. According to this agreement, the following premises (apartment) are transferred for rent:

  • Address: ______________________________________________________________
  • Apartment area:____ sq. m,
  • Number of rooms: ____
  • The condition of the specified premises at the time of transfer to the Tenant: not requiring repairs and suitable for use according to paragraphs. 1.4. actual agreement.

1.3. The premises are provided to the Tenant for residence of the Tenant and members of his family (see clause 6.2 of this agreement).

1.4. The premises are transferred according to the acceptance certificate (Appendix No. 1 to this agreement). At the same time, the Lessor transfers for use to the Tenant the property listed in the acceptance and transfer certificate.

2. Payment for the use of the premises and payment procedure.

2.1. The room fee is ________________ rubles per month.

2.2. Payment is made by the Employer monthly in Russian rubles.

2.3. Payments under this agreement are made in cash.

2.4. The first payment is ___________________________ rubles, which includes the first month’s payment and the amount of the guarantee fee equivalent to the monthly rental fee in the amount ____________________ rubles, recognized by the parties as a deposit paid as security for mutual obligations under the Agreement. The deposit is returned at the end of the rental period if the property is intact and the apartment is of good quality. Thereafter, payments are made monthly.

2.5. Payment for each subsequent month is made by the Tenant before the ___ day of the previous month by paying 100% of the monthly fee, unless otherwise provided by agreement of the parties.

2.6. By agreement of the parties, payment may be made by prepayment for a certain number of months.

2.7. The cost of utilities is paid by the Tenant and is not included in the payment for the premises.

2.8. The payment for residential premises under this agreement may be changed downward or upward with the consent of the parties. In this case, in order to reduce or increase the fee, the signing of a bilateral annex to this agreement is required.

2.9. Unilateral changes in fees for the use of premises are not permitted.

3. Responsibilities of the parties

3.1. The lessor undertakes:

3.1.1. Provide the premises specified in clause 1 of this agreement and the property located therein in good condition to the Tenant according to the acceptance certificate.

3.1.2. Do not interfere with the Tenant’s lawful use of the specified premises.

3.1.3. In the event of an accident that occurred through no fault of the Tenant, provide the necessary assistance to eliminate its consequences.

3.1.4. If necessary, carry out major repairs of the transferred premises, engineering and technical communications at the expense of the Landlord.

3.2. The employer undertakes:

3.2.1. Pay fees for the use of the premises on time.

3.2.2. Use the premises exclusively for the purpose specified in paragraphs. 1.3. actual agreement.

3.2.3. If necessary, carry out routine repairs of the occupied premises at your own expense.

4. Responsibility of the parties

4.1. The liability of the parties is determined in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation. The parties undertake to compensate for any losses associated with the fulfillment of obligations under this agreement, with the exception of force majeure circumstances.

4.2. Compensation for damages does not relieve the parties from fulfilling their obligations or eliminating violations.

4.3. In case of damage to furniture, accessories and household appliances due to the fault of the Tenant, the Tenant shall reimburse the cost of repairs or replacement with new ones. If the damaged elements cannot be repaired, furniture, accessories and household appliances are compensated by the Tenant at the current market prices of the manufacturers of this or similar equipment, or at the prices of service companies.

4.4. If the Tenant is overdue for rent by more than 14 days, the Lessor has the right to terminate this Agreement early.

5. Validity of the agreement

5.1. This agreement is concluded for the period from “__” ___________ 201__ to “__”____________ 201_.

5.2. This agreement may be terminated by agreement of the parties or in the manner prescribed by law, as well as in accordance with paragraphs. 4.4. actual agreement.

5.3. The Tenant has the right to terminate this agreement early unilaterally with a written warning to the Landlord at least 30 days in advance.

5.4. The Lessor has the right to terminate this agreement early unilaterally with a written warning to the Lessee at least 30 days in advance.

6. Other conditions

6.1. Changing the terms of this agreement is permitted only by agreement of the parties or in cases provided for by the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

6.2. Family members of the tenant living with him in the transferred premises:


6.3. This agreement and all annexes to it are drawn up in 2 copies having equal legal force, one for each of the parties

7. Information about the parties

Employer: ______________________________________________________________________________

Registration at: ______________________________________________________________________________

Contact phone numbers: _________________________

Landlord: _____________________________________________________________________________

Passport ________________, issued ____________________________________________________________

“___”______________ 20___, department code ____-____

Registration at: ___________________________________

Actually lives at the address: ______________________________________________________________

Contact phone numbers: __________________________

Signatures of the parties


_____________----_________ ___________________________

Appendix No. 1 to the lease agreement dated “__”______________201__.

Certificate of acceptance and transfer of apartment dated “__”______________201__.

The Lessor transfers to the Tenant, and the Tenant accepts from the Lessor in accordance with the agreement dated

"__"______________201__ apartment with a total area of ​​____ sq.m., located at: _______________________________________________________________________________________

Simultaneously with the transfer of the specified residential premises, the following property is transferred to the tenant for use:



Short description

By this act, the parties confirm that at the time of transfer, the specified premises and property are suitable for use according to paragraphs. 1.3. a rental agreement concluded between the parties dated “__”______________201__.

Employer Landlord

Appendix No. 2 to the rental agreement dated _______________


The Lessor ___________________________________ on the one hand, and the Tenant _______________________________________________ on the other hand, signed this Appendix No. 2 to the rental agreement dated _______________ as follows:



Payment Description

Amount deposited (RUB)


This application is compiled in 2 copies. one for each side


apartments Gr. , passport: series, No., issued, residing at: , hereinafter referred to as “ Landlord", on the one hand, and gr. , passport: series, No., issued, residing at: , hereinafter referred to as “ Tenant", on the other hand, hereinafter referred to as the "Parties", have entered into this agreement, hereinafter " Agreement”, about the following:


1.1. The Lessor provides for rent, and the Tenant rents, an apartment located at the address: hereinafter referred to as the Apartment.


2.1. Provide the Apartment to the Tenant from "" 2019 in a condition suitable for living, with furniture and equipment according to the property inventory.

2.2. Carry out maintenance of the Apartment and equipment not under the control of the housing and communal services authorities.

2.3. Pay for all utilities during the rental period, with the exception of non-local telephone connections and other services not included in the monthly subscription payment for MGTS.

2.4. Notify the Tenant about visiting the Apartment 24 hours in advance, while the Landlord has the right to visit the apartment no more than once a month.


3.1. Timely pay bills for non-local telephone connections and other services not included in the monthly MGTS subscription payment.

3.2. Use the Apartment for your own residence, not for sublease or as an office. The following will permanently reside with the Tenant in the Apartment: .

3.3. Bear full responsibility for damage to the Apartment, furniture or equipment, as well as adjacent premises caused by the fault or negligence of the Tenant, his family members or guests.

3.4. Leave guests responsible for the Apartment only after written permission from the Lessor, while the Tenant bears full responsibility for damage caused to the Apartment, furniture or equipment, as well as adjacent premises due to the fault or negligence of guests in the absence of the Tenant.

3.5. Have pets in the Apartment only with written permission from the Landlord, and the Tenant bears full responsibility for damage caused by his pets.

3.6. Carry out major repairs or make any significant changes to the Apartment only with written permission from the Landlord.

3.7. The Tenant is not responsible for natural depreciation of the Apartment, furniture and equipment.

3.8. Allow the Lessor to enter the Apartment (clause 2.4) to check compliance with the terms of the agreement.

3.9. Respect the peace of your neighbors at night.


4.1. The Lessor guarantees that the Apartment belongs to him by right, all necessary permissions from the co-owners, if any, have been obtained and the conditions for renting the Apartment have been agreed upon with them.

4.2. The Lessor guarantees that the Apartment is not under arrest, is not mortgaged and is not the subject of any claims from third parties.

4.3. The Lessor guarantees that he and others, if any, registered in the Apartment and moved from it for the purpose of renting it out were not infringed on their rights according to the living space standards per person, especially minors.

4.4. The tenant guarantees to pay the rent and other payments provided for by this agreement on time and without delay.

4.5. The Tenant guarantees that he will live in the Apartment for at least the agreed period (clause 6.1).


5.1. The monthly rent is set at rubles.

5.2. When signing the Agreement, the Tenant pays the first rental of the Apartment, which is rubles, then payments will be made in advance for the period, no later than days from the beginning of the paid period.

5.3. Based on clause 3 of Article 614, Part 2 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, the amount of rent cannot be changed more than once a year and only by agreement of the parties.

5.3.1. The first change in the amount of rent cannot occur earlier than 6 months from the beginning of the established rental period (clause 6.1), all subsequent changes - no less than 12 months from the previous change.

5.3.2. The refusal of one of the parties to change the amount of rent proposed by the other party, if the parties cannot reach a compromise solution, is not grounds for immediate termination of the contract. In this case, the Tenant has the right to live in the Apartment for one more month after the already paid period, paying it at the rent rate specified in clause 5.1, and if the amount of rent has been changed - the last agreed and changed based on the conditions of this paragraph.

5.3.3. The amount of rent cannot be changed in any direction, only on the basis of the desire of one of the parties or on the basis of seasonal fluctuations in rental prices.

5.4. When signing the agreement, the Tenant leaves the Lessor a deposit for the safety of the property and compliance with the terms of the agreement by the Tenant, in the amount of rubles.

5.4.1. The landlord has no right to use the security deposit for personal purposes.

5.4.2. When the Tenant actually leaves the Apartment, moves out, the parties draw up an act of return of property. The agreement and signing by both parties of the Property Return Certificate is the basis for the return of the deposit.

5.4.3. The deposit can be used, by agreement of the parties, as payment for the rental period commensurate with it, but only before the Tenant immediately leaves the Apartment - move out.

5.4.4. By agreement of the parties, and only upon direct departure of the Tenant, the remaining payments due for the Tenant can be paid from the security deposit.

5.5. Electricity is paid by the Tenant/Landlord.


6.1. The lease period is set from "" 2019 to "" 2019.

6.2. The terms of the agreement can be changed and the rental period extended subject to the written consent of both parties.

6.3. An agreement to extend the contract must be signed, and in the case of an extension with a change in conditions, agreed upon and signed no later than days before the expiration date of this contract or the last agreement on its extension.

6.4. If one of the parties refuses to extend the contract, it is obliged to notify the other party no less than days before the expiration date of the contract or the last agreement on its extension.


7.1. The agreement may be terminated by one of the parties if the other party does not comply with the terms of this agreement.

7.2. The Tenant retains the right to unilaterally terminate the contract by notifying the Lessor in writing days in advance, but if such termination occurred earlier than 2019, the deposit is not refundable and cannot be used as payment for the rental period commensurate with it (clause 5.4.3), from it cannot be paid the remaining payments provided for the Tenant (clause 5.4.4), except for the cases provided for in clause 7.4 of this agreement.

7.3. The Lessor does not have the right to terminate the contract unilaterally before the end of the contract or the last agreement on its extension if the Tenant complies with all the terms of the contract, except for the reasons specified in clause 7.4.

7.4. If one of the parties is forced to terminate the agreement due to force majeure circumstances provided for by current legislation, or the introduction of a government ban on actions provided for by this agreement, it is obliged to notify the other party in writing at least days before the date of such termination.

7.5. In case of early termination of the contract at the initiative of third parties, in violation of the Lessor's guarantees (clause 4.1, clause 4.2 and clause 4.3), the Tenant has the right to live in the Apartment for days in excess of the paid period for free, and if such residence is impossible, the Lessor is obliged to pay a penalty to the Tenant.

7.5.1. The amount of the penalty is determined by the sum of the cost of each day of stay (monthly rent (clause 5.1) divided by thirty) multiplied by the number of remaining days in the overpaid period (clause 7.5) and twice the cost of each day of stay multiplied by the number of remaining paid days. The Lessor is obliged to pay the penalty no later than the day of actual abandonment of the Apartment – ​​agreed upon with the Tenant.

7.5.2. In case of voluntary abandonment of the Apartment by the Tenant, early termination of the contract (clause 7.5), or moving out on other terms agreed with the Lessor, the penalty is not paid.

7.6. A two-time violation by the Tenant of clause 5.2 of this agreement, without documented valid reasons (hospitalization, business trip, etc.) gives the Lessor the right to terminate the agreement unilaterally by notifying the Tenant no less than five days before the date of such termination. The deposit (clause 5.4.) in this case is not refundable.

7.7. In the event of early termination of the contract at the initiative of the Tenant after the conclusion of the contract, but before the date of provision of the Apartment by the Landlord (clause 2.1), the Landlord returns to the Tenant the paid rent (clause 5.2) and half of the deposit (clause 5.4), and from the returned portion expenses incurred by the Lessor related to the fulfillment of the Tenant's wishes to change the Apartment and/or its furnishings are deducted.

7.8. In the event of early termination of the contract at the initiative of the Tenant after the conclusion of the contract and the date of provision of the Apartment by the Landlord (clause 2.1), the deposit is not returned, even if the Tenant has not actually moved into the Apartment, and the paid rent is returned minus each day after the date of provision of the apartment and the cost of expenses incurred by the Lessor in connection with the fulfillment of the Tenant's wishes to change the Apartment and/or its furnishings.


8.1. All disagreements arising during the implementation of this agreement must be resolved in accordance with current Russian legislation.

8.2. This agreement has been drawn up in two copies having equal legal force: one each for the Tenant and the Lessor.

8.3. The agreement comes into force from the moment of signing.


Lessor _________________

Tenant _________________

Please note that the lease agreement was drawn up and checked by lawyers and is approximate; it can be modified taking into account the specific conditions of the transaction. The Site Administration is not responsible for the validity of this agreement, as well as for its compliance with the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation.


renting an apartment with a deposit

____________ _____ _____________20

Gr. __________________________________________________________, passport: series_______, No. _________________, issued by __________________________________________, residing at: __________________________________________________________, hereinafter referred to as “ Landlord", on the one hand, and gr. ________________________________, passport: series______, No. _______________, issued by________________________________, residing at:__________________________________________________________, hereinafter referred to as “ Tenant", on the other hand, hereinafter referred to as the "Parties", have entered into this agreement, hereinafter " Agreement”, about the following:


1.1. The Lessor provides for rent, and the Tenant rents, an apartment located at the address: hereinafter referred to as the Apartment.


2.1. Provide the Apartment to the Tenant from "" 2016 in a condition suitable for living, with furniture and equipment according to the property inventory.

2.2. Carry out maintenance of the Apartment and equipment not under the control of the housing and communal services authorities.

2.3. Pay for all utilities during the rental period, with the exception of non-local telephone connections and other services not included in the monthly subscription payment for MGTS.

2.4. Notify the Tenant about visiting the Apartment 24 hours in advance, while the Landlord has the right to visit the apartment no more than once a month.


3.1. Timely pay bills for non-local telephone connections and other services not included in the monthly MGTS subscription payment.

3.2. Use the Apartment for your own residence, not for sublease or as an office. The following will permanently reside with the Tenant in the Apartment: .

3.3. Bear full responsibility for damage to the Apartment, furniture or equipment, as well as adjacent premises caused by the fault or negligence of the Tenant, his family members or guests.

3.4. Leave guests responsible for the Apartment only after written permission from the Lessor, while the Tenant bears full responsibility for damage caused to the Apartment, furniture or equipment, as well as adjacent premises due to the fault or negligence of guests in the absence of the Tenant.

3.5. Have pets in the Apartment only with written permission from the Landlord, and the Tenant bears full responsibility for damage caused by his pets.

3.6. Carry out major repairs or make any significant changes to the Apartment only with written permission from the Landlord.

3.7. The Tenant is not responsible for natural depreciation of the Apartment, furniture and equipment.

3.8. Allow the Lessor to enter the Apartment (clause 2.4) to check compliance with the terms of the agreement.

3.9. Respect the peace of your neighbors at night.


4.1. The Lessor guarantees that the Apartment belongs to him by right, all necessary permissions from the co-owners, if any, have been obtained and the conditions for leasing the Apartment have been agreed upon with them.

4.2. The Lessor guarantees that the Apartment is not under arrest, is not mortgaged and is not the subject of any claims from third parties.

4.3. The Lessor guarantees that he and others, if any, registered in the Apartment and moved from it for the purpose of renting it out were not infringed on their rights according to the living space standards per person, especially minors.

4.4. The tenant guarantees to pay the rent and other payments provided for by this agreement on time and without delay.

4.5. The Tenant guarantees that he will live in the Apartment for at least the agreed period (clause 6.1).


5.1. The monthly rent is set at rubles.

5.2. When signing the Agreement, the Tenant pays the first rent of the Apartment, which is rubles, then payments will be made in advance for the period, no later than days from the beginning of the paid period.

5.3. Based on clause 3 of Article 614, Part 2 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, the amount of rent cannot be changed more than once a year and only by agreement of the parties.

5.3.1. The first change in the amount of rent cannot occur earlier than 6 months from the beginning of the established rental period (clause 6.1), all subsequent changes - no less than 12 months from the previous change.

5.3.2. The refusal of one of the parties to change the amount of rent proposed by the other party, if the parties cannot reach a compromise solution, is not grounds for immediate termination of the contract. In this case, the Tenant has the right to live in the Apartment for one more month after the already paid period, paying it at the rent rate specified in clause 5.1, and if the amount of rent has been changed - the last agreed and changed based on the conditions of this paragraph.

5.3.3. The amount of rent cannot be changed in any direction, only on the basis of the desire of one of the parties or on the basis of seasonal fluctuations in rental prices.

5.4. When signing the agreement, the Tenant leaves the Lessor a deposit for the safety of the property and compliance with the terms of the agreement by the Tenant, in the amount of rubles.

5.4.1. The landlord has no right to use the security deposit for personal purposes.

5.4.2. When the Tenant actually leaves the Apartment, moves out, the parties draw up an act of return of property. The agreement and signing by both parties of the Property Return Certificate is the basis for the return of the deposit.

5.4.3. The deposit can be used, by agreement of the parties, as payment for the rental period commensurate with it, but only before the Tenant immediately leaves the Apartment - move out.

5.4.4. By agreement of the parties, and only upon direct departure of the Tenant, the remaining payments due for the Tenant can be paid from the security deposit.

5.5. Electricity is paid by the Tenant/Landlord.


6.1. The lease period is set from "" 2016 to "" 2016.

6.2. The terms of the agreement can be changed and the rental period extended subject to the written consent of both parties.

6.3. An agreement to extend the contract must be signed, and in the case of an extension with a change in conditions, agreed upon and signed no later than days before the expiration date of this contract or the last agreement on its extension.

6.4. If one of the parties refuses to extend the contract, it is obliged to notify the other party no less than days before the expiration date of the contract or the last agreement on its extension.


7.1. The agreement may be terminated by one of the parties if the other party does not comply with the terms of this agreement.

7.2. The Tenant retains the right to unilaterally terminate the contract by notifying the Lessor in writing days in advance, but if such termination occurred earlier than 2016, the deposit is not refundable and cannot be used as payment for the rental period commensurate with it (clause 5.4.3), from it cannot be paid the remaining payments provided for the Tenant (clause 5.4.4), except for the cases provided for in clause 7.4 of this agreement.

7.3. The Lessor does not have the right to terminate the contract unilaterally before the end of the contract or the last agreement on its extension if the Tenant complies with all the terms of the contract, except for the reasons specified in clause 7.4.

7.4. If one of the parties is forced to terminate the agreement due to force majeure circumstances provided for by current legislation, or the introduction of a government ban on actions provided for by this agreement, it is obliged to notify the other party in writing at least days before the date of such termination.

7.5. In case of early termination of the contract at the initiative of third parties, in violation of the Lessor's guarantees (clause 4.1, clause 4.2 and clause 4.3), the Tenant has the right to live in the Apartment for days in excess of the paid period for free, and if such residence is impossible, the Lessor is obliged to pay a penalty to the Tenant.

7.5.1. The amount of the penalty is determined by the sum of the cost of each day of stay (monthly rent (clause 5.1) divided by thirty) multiplied by the number of remaining days in the overpaid period (clause 7.5) and twice the cost of each day of stay multiplied by the number of remaining paid days. The Lessor is obliged to pay the penalty no later than the day of actual abandonment of the Apartment – ​​agreed upon with the Tenant.

7.5.2. In case of voluntary abandonment of the Apartment by the Tenant, early termination of the contract (clause 7.5), or moving out on other terms agreed with the Lessor, the penalty is not paid.

7.6. A two-time violation by the Tenant of clause 5.2 of this agreement, without documented valid reasons (hospitalization, business trip, etc.) gives the Lessor the right to terminate the agreement unilaterally by notifying the Tenant no less than five days before the date of such termination. The deposit (clause 5.4.) in this case is not refundable.

7.7. In the event of early termination of the contract at the initiative of the Tenant after the conclusion of the contract, but before the date of provision of the Apartment by the Landlord (clause 2.1), the Landlord returns to the Tenant the paid rent (clause 5.2) and half of the deposit (clause 5.4), and from the returned portion expenses incurred by the Lessor related to the fulfillment of the Tenant's wishes to change the Apartment and/or its furnishings are deducted.

7.8. In the event of early termination of the contract at the initiative of the Tenant after the conclusion of the contract and the date of provision of the Apartment by the Landlord (clause 2.1), the deposit is not returned, even if the Tenant has not actually moved into the Apartment, and the paid rent is returned minus each day after the date of provision of the apartment and the cost of expenses incurred by the Lessor in connection with the fulfillment of the Tenant's wishes to change the Apartment and/or its furnishings.


8.1. All disagreements arising during the implementation of this agreement must be resolved in accordance with current Russian legislation.

8.2. This agreement has been drawn up in two copies having equal legal force: one each for the Tenant and the Lessor.

8.3. The agreement comes into force from the moment of signing.