Hotel service infrastructure. Hotel enterprise infrastructure (engineering and organizational)

Traditionally, there are two seasons on the Black Sea coast:
high season - from June to September;
low season (off-season) – from October to May.

According to 2011 data, the average annual occupancy of all accommodation facilities Black Sea coast was at the level of 59%. During the high season, 4-5 star facilities are usually 70-80% occupied. In the off-season, the average occupancy of such facilities along the coast is 30-35%.

The main difference between the occupancy of facilities with and without infrastructure occurs in the off-season. Many hotels that do not have infrastructure close during the low season. Therefore, hotel market specialists distinguish two large categories of objects:
Seasonal (working period from May to October)

The average annual occupancy of year-round facilities is at the level of 50%, seasonal - at the level of 30%. Market experts note that the relatively high occupancy of hotels operating all year round is formed due to social and, as a rule, budget orders.

Vouchers to quality facilities (sanatoriums, boarding houses, large hotel complexes), especially those located on the first line, are purchased in advance. Ultimately, during the high season, almost all objects on the Black Sea coast are “packed” to capacity. In this case, the availability of infrastructure affects, first of all, the speed of sales of hotel rooms.


If in the high season almost all hotels on the coast are full, then in the off-season they have to enter into fierce competition for their clients. The most popular ways to attract tourists are discounts on accommodation and the inclusion of a set of additional services in the package. It is obvious that in the off-season, in the absence of summer entertainment, tourists place higher demands on the internal infrastructure of hotels. The most popular queries are shown in Table 1.

Table 1 The most popular requirements of tourists for accommodation facilities on the Black Sea coast.

The first basic element of infrastructure for Russian resorts is food. Most hotels (even small ones) have their own cafes or mini-canteens that serve a custom menu. In large boarding houses or hotels, in addition to the main restaurant, there are usually other cafes, lobbies, and restaurants (where show programs and discos are also held). It is worth noting that in summer it is easier for tourists to solve the problem of food, since at this time there are many cafes and restaurants operating at the resorts. In the low season, this issue is approached more selectively, so the availability organized system food will be an advantage for the hotel and will help attract customers.

Next in the popularity ranking are swimming pools and water entertainment complexes. In mini-hotels on the coast, the use of a swimming pool (usually open, small in size, in the absence of large territory). In hotels with developed infrastructure, tourists are offered a choice of both indoor water complex, and outdoor, with several water slides, usually including Children's swimming pool. Along with this, almost all large complexes have spas and medical centers. At the same time, sometimes small hotels that operate in the off-season offer vacationers the use of spas, medical and other services on the basis of large boarding houses, if they are located nearby.

The infrastructure for children's entertainment occupies a special place. The supply and demand for services for children are highly seasonal and usually depend on school holidays. In summer it is three months, in autumn and spring – a week, in winter – two. The high season for children's tourism is in the summer, when supply and demand are equally high.
Almost every hotel has Additional services or entertainment for children. Mini-hotels often have small children's playgrounds or rooms; a less common service is a children's menu. Large resort complexes are often focused on family holiday, therefore, they offer young tourists a variety of entertainment: children’s playgrounds, waterslides, children's rooms, nanny services. Some boarding houses host creative workshops and host various thematic game programs, vocal and choreography master classes, quest games, sports competitions and other entertainment.

For example, in the year-round boarding house "Aqualoo" in Sochi, in the summer the All-Russian chess competition "White Lady" is held, and in recent years - the Russian chess championships among children 10-18 years old. In Anapa, the Open Film Festival of the CIS countries, Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia “Kinoshok” is held annually at the Fairy-2 boarding house. The program includes the KinoBabyShok children's feature and animated film competition. Note that such events not only affect the current occupancy, but are a contribution to the future, since after 10-15 years, grown-up children will happily return to these boarding houses. Therefore, the larger the complex, the more attention should be paid to the infrastructure of children's entertainment.
After children's infrastructure, business services are the most popular. The main demand occurs in the off-season. Most often they are presented in hotels with developed infrastructure and include: a conference room, a meeting room, a congress hall, as well as all the necessary technical equipment for holding business events.

Business services are followed by sports infrastructure, which is mandatory in every large sanatorium and resort complex. In the off-season, the emphasis is on the services of fitness centers and gyms, and in the high season, outdoor tennis courts, volleyball, football and other sports grounds, and the services of wellness centers are popular. In addition, the expansion of the sports infrastructure can be used in the off-season to attract professional athletes and clubs, as the complex becomes convenient for organizing sports camps.

The above services are basic and are most often found in hotels on the Black Sea coast. Less often in large complexes you can find your own cinemas, summer stage, bowling alley or ice skating rink.


Let's take a closer look at how the presence of certain infrastructure elements can affect the average annual occupancy of hotels. As an initial indicator, let's take the average annual occupancy of hotels on the Black Sea coast without infrastructure, which is about 28%. This indicator was calculated by experts, based on the fact that most hotels without infrastructure operate from May to October.

Table 2 How the availability of infrastructure can affect the average annual occupancy of accommodation facilities on the Black Sea coast.

Source: GVA Sawyer, experts who participated in the survey.

Table 2 shows the average indicators of infrastructure elements that can increase the occupancy of accommodation facilities. Based on these data, the average annual hotel occupancy level can increase to 60-65%.
At the same time, hotel industry experts surveyed note that for each individual facility, indicators may be different, depending on its location, positioning, as well as the time of year, which affects the popularity of certain services.
For example, business services are in demand in hotels, as a rule, in the autumn and spring periods and can help increase occupancy in some cases by 10-15%. At the same time, the impact of a particular infrastructure facility will be different for different target audiences, experts note.

A number of large resort complexes on the Black Sea coast with developed infrastructure have an average annual occupancy of 60%. These include the Aqualoo boarding house, where the only year-round water park operates in the Kuban. In addition, the boarding house has its own medical facilities and business infrastructure. There are several periods when the load is at a high level. Firstly, in the summer during the high season - 98%. Secondly, in winter during school holidays and New Year's holidays(January-December) - 70%. In the off-season, the average annual occupancy is at 45%. At this time, a large number of vacationers come for treatment, and the presence of a water park encourages tourists to take the whole family on vacation.

Many other accommodation facilities have also found their niche and have high occupancy levels in the off-season (see Table 3). For example, in the resort complex “Nadezhda. SPA&Sea Paradise" hosts a ballroom dancing cup, beauty contests are held at the Kempinski Grand Hotel Gelendzhik, the annual congress of cosmetologists of Russia, the Beauty New exhibition-congress, and the All-Russian Agrochemical Forum are held at the Primorye Hotel in Gelendzhik. Medical forums and seminars are held at the Krasnaya Talka sanatorium.
However, hotels that do not have their own infrastructure can also count on off-season occupancy, but only if the hotel is located near an object or area that is attractive to the target audience. An example would be a hotel
"Henry I", located in Dagomys. The village has two football fields, thanks to which in the off-season there is a flow of athletes who check into the hotel. There is convenient road infrastructure near the hotel, which attracts groups of cyclists. At the same time, the absence of an aqua-thermal zone in the hotel (planned to be commissioned at the end of 2012) significantly reduces the attractiveness of the hotel. According to the calculations of the owners, the Undersun group of companies, its presence will increase occupancy in the off-season by 10-25%.

The key aspects of management in hotel enterprises include infrastructure management as a system for ensuring their functioning.
Objects of infrastructure services include material, technical and labor resources involved in the process of providing hotel services. Material and technical resources include buildings, structures, engineering systems, equipment, raw materials and energy resources, vehicles etc., creating material conditions for the implementation of all types of activities of hotel enterprises.
The relevance of hotel infrastructure management is associated with the importance of such factors as:
¦¦¦ significant dependence on the results of the functioning of hotel enterprises, in particular the quality of the services provided
their services, on the level of infrastructure support for their production activities; ¦¦¦ large, and often decisive, specific gravity expenses for
infrastructure in the total costs of hotel enterprises; ¦¦¦ the need to determine a policy for updating or restoring engineering systems and equipment of hotels in order to improve the quality of service as part of the strategy to ensure their competitiveness, etc. The set of functions for managing the infrastructure of hotel enterprises reflects the following types of activities:
Activities related to material objects.
Management of repair work.
Maintenance management of engineering infrastructure.
Maintenance of the power supply system.
Maintenance of the water supply system.
Maintenance of elevators, ventilation, air conditioning and lighting systems.
Cleaning management.
Information network management.
Waste disposal management.
Management of maintenance of parking lots and surrounding areas.
Personnel related activities.
Planning and creation of the interior of premises.
Organization of the workplace.
Organization of medical care and recreation for personnel.
Activities to reduce the operating costs of the organization.
Office of Energy Supply.
Water and heat supply metering system.
System for reducing energy costs.
Comprehensive automation of energy metering.
Property management.
The features of hotel enterprises, in particular resort hotels, determined by their purpose or specificity, are correspondingly reflected in the formation and functioning of the system of infrastructure support for hotel activities.
An important area of ​​activity of hotel enterprises in conditions that require appropriate infrastructure support is the development and widespread use of modern information technologies. The information system is designed to provide a full technological cycle of hotel production activities, starting from initial transactions with the consumer to receiving the full range of hotel services. Along with this, this system is designed to provide services and departments of hotel enterprises with relevant information and provides its resources for carrying out relevant operations at each workplace.
The characteristics of infrastructure service facilities and the requirements for their individual elements, which affect the category of hotels within their classification, are contained in the relevant regulatory documents (“Certification tourist services and hotel services").
One of the main factors for increasing the efficiency of hotel enterprises is reducing costs in primary and service industries. This can be facilitated by the involvement of third-party organizations to perform certain functions of infrastructure support, associated with the concept of “outsourcing”. However, when choosing a service option (by own infrastructure units or third-party business entities), the cost minimization criterion must be combined with established requirements for the guarantee of receiving infrastructure services, quality of service and other characteristics that determine the level of efficiency of infrastructure support for hotel activities.

hotel industry market service

Sphere hotel business is an industry that is called “the goose that lays the golden eggs.” This is explained by the fact that the hospitality sector is a leading factor and basis of tourism, including international tourism.

International tourism is an important source of revenue for the treasury of any state; it plays the role of a stimulator of domestic and world trade. Our country has enormous tourism potential, however, it receives only a few million tourists from abroad per year.

Every year, tourists take over $20 billion from Russia abroad, while they earn just over $1 billion a year from inbound tourism. At one time the ratio was four to one in favor of tourists from abroad.

One of the main reasons for this state of affairs is the lack of a sufficient hotel base capable of receiving foreign tourists at a global level.

IN major cities In Russia today, 4- and 5-star hotels are being built that meet international standards, but in the country as a whole the picture remains the same. The hotel industry in the regions is characterized by a high degree of moral and physical wear and tear: low level comfort of rooms, technological backwardness and a narrow range of services provided.

Today there are more than 30 thousand hotels of various levels in the world. The total number of rooms in these hotels exceeds 12 million. 11 Kvartalnov V.A. Foreign tourism. - M.: Finance and Statistics, 2001 - P.37. The supply of hotel rooms by region is shown in Appendix 1.

The European region has the largest number of rooms. America is in second place, followed by East Asia. Hotel construction continues to pick up pace. In the United States alone, approximately 82,000 new hotel rooms were added in 1995, despite the fact that the rate of growth in new hotel construction outpaced the growth in demand for hotel rooms.

Active construction of new world-class hotels is underway in places that are most popular with tourists around the world. These are the islands of Southeast Asia, for example, the islands of Bali (Indonesia) and Phuket (Thailand), which rank first in the popularity rating among winter destinations among European tourists. Increased interest from large hotel chains is observed in the construction of new hotels in Republic of Maldives and some African countries.

The largest hotel in the world is the Ambassador City Jomtien, located in Thailand, in the city of Pattaya. It has 5,100 rooms and covers an area of ​​approximately 40 acres.

Of the 20 largest hotels in the world, 13 are located in Las Vegas. Modern Las Vegas has a special predilection for gigantomania. Hotels that were recently considered the largest (for example, Caesars Palace, which has 1,515 rooms), today are not even included in the top twenty most spacious hotels.

Las Vegas is a universally recognized world leader in the entertainment industry. There are over 50 casinos in the city, most of which are located on the territory of specially built hotels. Many of the hotel rooms with casinos are kept vacant especially for wealthy clients. Their cost can range from $1,000 to $25,000 per night, but casino visitors sometimes leave more than the cost of the most expensive room. Therefore, the main task of the staff of such hotels is to satisfy the desires and needs of their clients first and foremost. Although the occupancy of such hotels is not an end in itself, it often reaches 80-90% year-round, with the norm being 60-70%. Rooms can be provided at a very large discount or even free of charge, the main thing is to please the client.

A hundred years ago, there were only two types of accommodation businesses: luxury hotels for wealthy clients, members of the upper classes, and inns for everyone else. Today, the hotel services market offers a wide variety of forms and types of accommodation enterprises. Moreover, every traveler can find for himself what he likes and can afford.

Domestic tourism in Russia has been developing more and more successfully in recent years. Its annual growth is about ten percent; even despite such intensive development, Russian domestic tourism still lags behind world indicators.

Currently, there are five leading regions regarding travel within Russian territory: Krasnodar region, Moscow, Moscow region, St. Petersburg and Caucasus Mineral water. First place in domestic tourist market Russia is occupied by the Krasnodar region. In 2006, it was visited by about 12 million holidaymakers. Interest in St. Petersburg continues to grow. The number of tourists is also increasing in the regions - in the Stavropol region, the Baikal region, Karelia, Kaliningrad, Altai, and the Novgorod region (today, 80 percent of guests coming to Veliky Novgorod are Russian tourists, and only 20 percent are foreigners). 11 Tourism in Russia: a view from the inside//Hotel. - 2007.- No. 4.- P.44. And in general, Russia is rich in historical places, health resorts, nature reserves and other “resort areas” of the country, but its unique resources are still used to a very small extent.

Today there is great potential for internal Russian tourism does not go unnoticed by both the highest authorities and the heads of local regional administrations. Not long ago, it was decided to create special tourist and recreational zones in Russia, within which regions could attract funding for the development of the resort sector, and with the help of this improve the tourism infrastructure, improve the quality of services and accessibility of recreation, and establish transport system. Foreign investors are showing their interest in the development of these zones, the construction of small hotels is developing, not only in megacities, but also in relatively small towns- Murom, Tver, Tula, Ples, etc.

The average cost of a trip to Russia today is slightly higher than a trip abroad, but despite this, every year the number of people wishing to vacation in the Russian Federation is increasing, and, as researchers note, the pace of this growth will only increase in the future. According to forecasts, domestic tourism will actively gain momentum in the next five years, the number of hotels will increase, and the cruise tourism along Russian rivers and the Black Sea, agricultural tourism, etc.

According to hotel market indicators at the beginning of 2006, the number of hotels in Russia is 4.5 thousand, the monetary capacity of the hotel market is $1.7-2 billion, the growth rate is 20-25% per year. Russia's share in world tourist arrivals is no more than 3%. In 2004, the tourist flow decreased by 9.2% compared to 2003. In 2005, the tourist flow decreased by 16.6% 11 Current trends in the development of hotel complexes in Moscow // Hotel. - 2006.- No. 7.- P.46.. The table in Appendix 2 shows the results of a survey and analysis of the situation in the inbound tourism market for hotel services, and the figure in Appendix 2 shows the change in the number of hotels and similar accommodation facilities in the period 1993-2004 .

By 2010, the number of rooms in Moscow is expected to increase 3 times. Only during 2007-2008. In Moscow, it is planned to launch about 40 hotels, and then implement about 370 more projects. Of these, the specified volume of new construction is 211 objects, and 158 additional proposals and applications from investors. Taking into account the preserved fund, the number of hotels should be by 2010. 554 objects. In a relatively short period, more will be built than in the last 100 years. Today there are 203 hotels in the capital with a capacity of 68.4 thousand beds. 11 The Moscow hotel market is a very “sweet” segment // Hotel business. - 2007. - No. 7. - P. 11.

A special place in development hotel industry received the fact that the resort city of Sochi was officially announced as the host of the 2014 Olympic Games. Preparation and holding of the Olympics means an increase in the number of accommodation facilities from the highest to the lowest price segment. According to the Russian application, by 2014 the number of rooms will be 6.3 thousand rooms at the five-star level, 17.5 thousand at the four-star level, 24 thousand at the three-star level, 9.5 thousand at the two-star level. stars". Of these, 19 thousand are in new accommodation facilities. On the territory of Krasnaya Polyana, the number of rooms will exceed 4.2 thousand rooms. Today in the city and within a radius of 50 km from international airport- 94 thousand rooms, of which 97 rooms are “five stars”, 2.5 thousand are “four stars”, more than 67 thousand. - “three stars” and more than 24 thousand - “two stars”. The world will also come to the region hotel chains, which will lead to the introduction of new world-class technologies with a new level of service and personnel qualifications. 22 Sochi-2014: seven years of waiting ahead // Tourism. - 2007. - No. 7. - P.10.

Factors constraining the incoming tourist flow are:

discrepancy between price and quality of services provided;

low level of budget funding for the promotion of national tourism products;

lack of a sufficient number of affordable 3-4 star hotels in Russia;

unsatisfactory quality of service, etc.

The development of the hotel business requires solving problems:

creating favorable conditions for attracting additional sources of investment;

resolving a number of legislative issues and establishing a regulatory framework that takes into account the specifics of the industry;

development of a concept for financial and economic support of industry enterprises from federal and local authorities;

development of mechanisms to promote increased hotel occupancy at the state level and development of advertising of Russian tourism products abroad.

Hotel service includes a whole range of services for tourists and is a key factor determining the prospects for the development of inbound tourism and the domestic market of tourism services, the competitiveness of domestic tourism in the world market. A modern tourist and hotel complex is a complex enterprise that employs hundreds of people and represents dozens of professions that provide services to tourists.

Today, in attracting tourists to a hotel, in addition to the qualifications of staff and service, the material and technical equipment of hotels plays an important role. This is explained by the fact that the accommodation facility must meet global characteristics and be attractive to tourists. A modern manager must not only master the technology of customer service, but also have a clear understanding of the material and technical base of the hotel, its technical equipment, requirements and methods of designing the residential and public premises of the hotel, have an excellent understanding of issues related to labor protection and ensuring the safety of those in hotel people.

The service sector is one of the promising sectors of the economy. Each hotel enterprise has its own infrastructure. It is necessary to carry out a set of preliminary studies and take into account factors that will allow the hotel to function for decades without major reconstructions. A huge role is played by indicators such as class, location, format and scale, as well as services necessary for customer needs.

At the initial stage of project implementation, take into account all possible factors that will allow the hotel to function for decades without major reconstructions associated with changes in the building’s design.

The location factor has a significant impact on the content of the project. But the most important factor is the positioning of the hotel and what services are needed to satisfy the requirements of the target audience.

Special attention is paid to the analysis of third-party users, since the main elements of the hotel infrastructure (F&B establishments, conference or business area, less often SPA and fitness center) can not only serve the needs of guests, but also work for the external market. Therefore, an analysis of the hotel’s location will help determine the capacity and power of infrastructure facilities. Organization of hotel business: Textbook for applied bachelor's degree / T. L. Timokhina. - M.: Yurayt Publishing House, 2014. - P. 180.

Let's consider the main factors that shape the composition of the infrastructure hotel complex, separately.

Hotel class

The first and one of the most basic factors is the class of the hotel. A hotel enterprise has its own specific class and requires the presence of certain infrastructure elements. The higher the class of the hotel, the more varied, original and higher quality the services provided should be. So, if for a 2-star hotel one catering establishment and individual elements of service are enough, then in a five-star hotel, in addition to several different food establishments, the infrastructure should include a business center and conference areas, fitness, SPA and much more.

The hotel must have a restaurant with a certain number of seats, working all day. For a 4-5 star hotel, these are establishments with pan-European cuisine and a gourmet restaurant suitable for an evening out. Such requirements are the minimum that a developer must provide in high-level hotels. There may also be small bars and cafes that cater not only to the hotel crowd. However, it is important not to overdo it, since this is not the most profitable element of the project.

The area for sports is also allocated depending on the level of the hotel: it can be a separate room with exercise equipment and a shower, and in hotels of a higher class a swimming pool and an instructor are required. Organization of hotel business: Textbook for applied bachelor's degree / T. L. Timokhina. - M.: Yurayt Publishing House, 2014. - P. 183.

All other infrastructure elements (shops, bars on the upper floors, etc.) are optional and depend on where the hotel is located and what audience it is intended for.

Infrastructure Standards

There are no specific requirements for the composition of the infrastructure depending on the category of the hotel and world standards in this regard, just as there is no single international classification of hotels. As for other elements, such as banking services, a business center and a conference room, these are usually an integral part of high-class hotels.

The remaining infrastructure elements (shops, parking, children's room, etc.) are optional and depend on where the hotel is located and what audience it is intended for. Obviously, the higher the class of the hotel, the larger the area occupied by infrastructure facilities.

All hotel operators have their own developed standards regarding infrastructure, which, on the one hand, are clear and quite strict, on the other hand, they imply a certain flexibility due to the individuality of each hotel in the chain and its location. Moreover, within the same brand, the operator can vary and expand standards. Yes, hotels Park Inn may correspond to both 3 and 4 stars, Radisson - 4-5 stars, but at the same time the operator positions the hotel not as a specific set of “stars”, but as a brand that implies full compliance with the quality of services expected by its target audience. Organization of hotel business: Textbook for applied bachelor's degree / T. L. Timokhina. - M.: Yurayt Publishing House, 2014. - P. 193.

There are many specific requirements for the composition of the infrastructure depending on the category of the hotel. All hotels have their own developed standards for infrastructure, which are clear and quite strict and require the individuality of each hotel in the chain and its location.

Location and concept

The location and type of hotel business is the main factor of a hotel. Depending on whether it is a resort hotel or a business hotel, they will differ in the composition and capacity of infrastructure facilities. For example, a resort hotel for tourists and vacationers should provide more services that provide a comfortable stay for guests. The task of the tourism infrastructure in this case is to create all the conditions so that clients do not have the need to leave the hotel and do not have a desire to have breakfast or dinner elsewhere. In a non-resort city, hotels are designed mainly for businessmen, and therefore the main emphasis in them can be placed on the conference component and banquet area.

One of the important conditions for successful hotel project is the correspondence of the concept of each element of infrastructure to the surroundings of the hotel. Based on the location of the site, it is determined what capacity and power the amount of infrastructure is required for a particular project. If the site is located in the center of a large area, and there are no restaurants around or there are not enough of them, for a 3-4 star hotel with 250 rooms it is necessary to provide restaurants with a total number of seats of at least 200 (and the places in the restaurant and cafe cannot be combined). Organization of hotel business: Textbook for applied bachelor's degree / T. L. Timokhina. - M.: Yurayt Publishing House, 2014. - P. 184.

An important factor in determining the composition and capacity of the infrastructure is the size of the hotel project. The size of the area allocated for infrastructure elements must be proportional to the volume of the hotel: the larger the hotel, the more area will be occupied by service objects. Despite the lack of uniform standards for organizing infrastructure, there are recommendations regarding the ratio of the number of rooms and other areas. For high-class hotels this ratio can be 50x50%; for projects of a lower class, accordingly, it will be smaller in favor of rooms. Organization of hotel business: Textbook for applied bachelor's degree / T. L. Timokhina. - M.: Yurayt Publishing House, 2014. - P. 186.

The scale and number of hotel rooms directly affect the capacity of infrastructure facilities, and, first of all, F&B establishments. Obviously, the number of seats in a restaurant must correspond to the number of rooms.

Management of hotel infrastructure facilities

As a rule, all major infrastructure facilities in a hotel are managed by the owner or hotel operator. Considering the fact that the service component of a hotel includes a large number of different, specific and difficult to manage types of businesses - restaurant, fitness, SPA, etc., the management team and staff must have experience and appropriate qualifications.

Hotel operators have developed requirements and standards for managing infrastructure facilities, and also have significant experience and a staff of managers, which, in turn, allows them to successfully manage the entire hotel complex.

The intentions of the operator or owner to independently manage all infrastructure facilities are confirmed by practice and are explained, first of all, by the desire to keep under control everything that generates income, affects the attractiveness of the hotel and shapes its image

When forming a hotel infrastructure, it is important to understand that, depending on the positioning, location and scale, a certain composition of infrastructure elements can either confirm the correctness of the chosen niche or become a financial failure for the owner. It is necessary to correctly plan the economics of such a project, model and calculate the generation of cash flows, and also derive the optimal ratio of the number of rooms and infrastructure elements in order to meet the expectations of guests and work efficiently. Radionova N.S., Subbotina E.V., Glagoleva L.E. Organization of hotel business: Textbook. allowance. - St. Petersburg: Trinity Bridge, 2014. - P. 273.

Thus, a well-developed and professionally managed infrastructure component is the key to a hotel’s success, especially in a rapidly developing and competitive market, since it is one of the primary factors that determines its investment value.

The main elements that you must first pay attention to when creating a hotel infrastructure are the class of the hotel, its concept and location, as well as the volume of rooms. It depends on this how effectively the complex as a whole will work.

At the same time, there is no balanced approach to the formation of hotel networks across the territory, taking into account the capacity of inbound and domestic tourism and recreational potential. Currently, the problem of shortage of accommodation facilities, both comfortable 3-5 star hotels and tourist class hotels, remains relevant.

According to the requirements of the Regulations dated June 21, 2003, hotels and tourist complexes must be equipped with engineering and technical equipment that provides a high level of comfort and maximum convenience for residents.

Engineering equipment includes:

  • - engineering equipment;
  • - telecommunication systems;
  • - technological equipment.

Hotel engineering equipment means:

  • - sanitary systems (heating; cold and hot water supply; ventilation and air conditioning; sewerage);
  • - elevator facilities;
  • - energy management.

Telecommunication systems serve to transmit voice, data, video, allow you to automate the operation of a hotel and establish communication between all services and departments. The use of technological equipment ensures the necessary sanitary condition of the building, premises, equipment and inventory, as well as the operation of the service sector.

Hotel staff need to know the structure, operating principle and operating rules of the equipment, and be able to independently solve technical problems that arise during the work process.

Electrical equipment in hotels. Lighting of rooms and public areas in temporary hotels, as well as low-current devices, with the help of which it is possible to satisfy the ever-increasing needs of the clientele for comfort and contribute to the rationalization of service and management of the hotel enterprise, are of particular importance.

Artificial lighting of hotels is conventionally divided into three parts:

  • - a representative part of the hotel with public spaces (entrance lobbies, hotel documentation bureaus, various salons, restaurants, halls, etc., the lighting of which depends to a large extent on the interior architecture, determined by the taste of the architect and the traditions of the country (sometimes a specific region);
  • - hotel rooms and common corridors, occupying the largest part of the area (60-80%);
  • - area occupied by technical rooms, kitchens, laundries, etc., the lighting of which does not pose a problem if technical standards are observed.

When establishing the type of lighting (incandescent or fluorescent lamps), in addition to the extremely important aesthetic aspect, it is necessary to be guided by operating costs and GOST requirements. Switching on and off the lighting of public premises should be carried out centrally from special points or switchboards located outside evacuation routes. A network of sockets for powering household electrical appliances should be provided in corridors and public spaces.

Lighting of corridors, elevators, stairs. Usually, due to the specific layout of hotels, there is no daylight in elevators, so even during the day it is necessary to use artificial lighting at a level corresponding to the rooms with daylight, or those rooms from which these corridors are entered. It is accepted that during the day, illumination from 200 to 400 lux is sufficient. In the evening and at night it can be lowered. The lighting level should remain sufficient to read the room number.

As for stairs, they can be of two types: used by service personnel and only in case of danger by clients, and entrance stairs to halls and restaurants. For the former, utilitarian diffused light that does not cast shadows on the steps is sufficient. For the latter, lighting takes on decorative functions.

Room lighting. The starting points when designing lighting in a room are its area and equipment. The hotel room must be equipped with a sufficient number of light sources. Lamps and switches must be positioned so that it is clearly visible which lamp the switch lights. It is recommended that the lamp in the bedroom be turned on at the entrance to it from the hallway, as well as near the beds. The remaining lamps may have one individual switch.

In accordance with the arrangement of furniture in the room, the following light sources are designed: a reading lamp for each bed - standing on the bedside table or rigidly fixed at the head of the room, a table lamp on a desk or sideboard, a lamp at the dressing table and a floor lamp that can be rearranged as needed . The light at the head of the bed should provide illumination of a book or newspaper, approximately 300 lux. A good solution is to install an incandescent lamp above the bed to provide localized, diffused light without disturbing the reader's shadows. At any point in the room, light must be screened to avoid glare.

Hallway lighting. Since the hallway is the darkest part of the living cell, it should be well lit, especially when a mirror is installed in it.

Bathroom lighting. For good lighting in the bathroom, you need general light and an additional lamp near the mirror, which is mounted above it or on the side so that diffused light falls on the face. When the bathroom is small, you can refuse the light on the ceiling. For all bathrooms, it is recommended that a socket for an electric razor be designed to the right of the mirror.

Telecommunication devices.

Telephone. A telephone is one of the most necessary devices, both for clients and for administration. The type of hotel telephone exchange depends on the number of subscriber points, the purpose of the hotel and its location. When designing telephone installations, it is necessary to take into account the specific needs of the facility related to its capacity and category. Whatever category the hotel belongs to, it is necessary that any call to a client in the room is made only through the telephone operator, so as not to bother clients with erroneous calls.

In a modern hotel there should be a telephone in every room. In the rooms increased comfort(multi-room) in the bathroom, another telephone set without dialing is additionally installed, parallel to the telephone in the room.

Intercom devices. Intercom devices are an important factor in the efficiency of a hotel. Functionally, they complement the telephone network and serve for internal communication between the administration and services. Communication is established easily and quickly by simply pressing the button on the device corresponding to the point being called. Intercom devices make work easier and allow you not to be distracted from your main work.

The local computer network automates the operation of all hotel services and includes:

  • - personal computers and peripheral devices;
  • - network adapters for PCs and network cables;
  • - network hardware;
  • - network operating system.

Teletype (fax). A teletype is a written telecommunications system that serves both hotel management and customers. It offers a means of fast and cheaper communication than the telephone for the transmission of long texts or texts that must remain in written form.

Signaling. In modern hotels there is a need for control and information about the state of the room at any time: is it occupied or free, is it cleaned or not, and in which room is the maid. For this purpose, light signaling devices with displays are used, installed at the receptionist, cashier and in the hotel's housekeeping department.

Pneumatic mail. Although this device does not carry low currents, it belongs to one of the telecommunications systems and can be classified in this group of equipment. Pneumatic mail is used to transmit invoices for any type of service provided to the client to the central cash office.

Radio installation of hotels. This type of low-current equipment is centralized in a radio center and must ensure communication of various types of radio broadcasts both throughout the hotel and selectively in its individual premises.

Electrochasification of hotels. The hotel's electrical clock network is controlled by electrical impulses sent from the primary clock. Shape, size and appearance The clock must match the interior. Electric clocks of conventional form are installed in all technical rooms to facilitate time orientation for service personnel.

Fire alarm devices. Automatic fire alarms are provided in accordance with fire safety requirements.

For quick orientation relative to the place from which the alarm signal is given, it is recommended to install a board with a building plan, on which signal lamps mark the installation locations of the alarms. When one of them is activated, a lamp lights up, showing the location of the fire.

Elevator equipment. Among the problems that an architect must solve when designing a hotel are those associated with the use of efficient and economical elevator equipment. Experience shows that right choice the quantity and quality of elevators largely determines the cost-effectiveness of the design solution. In order to load each elevator as much as possible, they are blocked in the central communications hub.

The normal speed depends on the capacity of the elevator and the possible number of stops. For hotels with a height of over 10 floors, it is in the interests of fastest transportation passengers and economic equipment, it is recommended to provide two groups of elevators stopping on even or odd floors. In addition to passenger elevators, the hotel must be equipped with a freight elevator, as well as several elevators for food and drinks in accordance with the accepted service system.

Safety requirements for elevators are determined by the Rules for the Design and Safe Operation of Elevators.

Plumbing equipment

One of the main problems is supplying the hotel with water for drinking and household needs and, in connection with this, equipping the building with appropriate plumbing and sewerage equipment. Tap water in hotel properties must be potable regardless of the purpose for which it is used. Suitability is determined by sanitary and epidemiological surveillance laboratories. Tap water from the city network meets all the necessary conditions and does not use any means to improve its quality.

To compensate for interruptions in the hotel's water supply network, a reserve tank is required, providing a supply of water for at least 24 hours. The reserve tank - usually made of reinforced concrete - is located outside the building, underground. With a capacity of up to 50 m3, it can be located inside the building (in the basement or attic).

In providing hotels with cold and hot water, strict adherence to state standards and building codes is mandatory.

Sewage and sanitary equipment of hotel facilities are closely related to plumbing both from the point of view of design and operation. Sewage pipes remove polluted and atmospheric precipitation. Sewer pipes are divided into horizontal, vertical and branch pipes. When equipping hotel facilities with sanitary equipment, technical, economic and aesthetic factors should be taken into account. It should be planned, if possible, in groups by floor and along a vertical line. This results in cost savings and improved operating conditions. The dimensions of bathrooms, toilets, showers are provided for by building codes.

IN hotel industry The following equipment is used: sinks and sinks, washbasins, bathtubs, bidets, urinals, toilets.

The heating system in hotels must create a stable temperature regime during the heating season, the necessary hygienic conditions in accordance with the requirements of the Instructions for the sanitary maintenance of hotel premises. Skillful and thoughtful methods of operating the system contribute to the preservation of buildings, furniture, equipment, and interiors located in them. Throughout the heating season, the heating system must operate uninterruptedly and, with minimal heat consumption, ensure normal temperatures in all rooms. The most common defects are poor heating of heating devices and leaks in connections.

The following heating systems are used in hotels: water heating, low pressure steam heating, high pressure steam heating, air heating, radiant heating.

Ventilation and artificial climate creation

In a hotel, the microclimate must correspond to the following parameters: room temperature - 18-20 ° C, humidity 40-45%, air speed - 0.25 m/sec. Through ventilation, air is exchanged: polluted air containing excess amounts of carbon dioxide (C0 2), water vapor and dust is removed, and fresh air rich in oxygen is supplied.

Proper and rapid air exchange is ensured by natural ventilation, as well as mechanical ventilation using a fan.

In the production areas of the restaurant (kitchen, sink and cold food department), natural ventilation through exhaust ducts is insufficient. Selection large quantity heat, moisture, fumes from kitchen machines and devices requires the use of mechanical supply and exhaust. Ventilation hoods should be located above the source of steam generation and heat. A ventilation canopy is placed above the main kitchen stove, removing fumes and heat generated during cooking.

The trading floors of restaurants, cafes and cocktail bars, as well as wine cellars are equipped with independent mechanical ventilation. In such cases, the height of the premises plays an important role. Low trading floors create the need to equip them with expensive ventilation units.

Air conditioning is the process of creating and automatically maintaining in the residential and utility rooms of a hotel constant or changing according to a specific program air parameters: temperature, humidity, cleanliness of the composition and speed of movement, the most favorable for the well-being of people.

Hotels with 100 beds or more in buildings with more than 3 floors are equipped with garbage chutes. They are located in stairwells or separate rooms. In the rest areas of service personnel, the installation of a garbage chute is not allowed for sanitary and hygienic reasons. The ventilation of the garbage chute must ensure constant removal of air from the shaft through the exhaust shaft.

Modern information technologies make it possible to create an integrated intelligent building security system that uses all traditional systems. The intellectual element of such a system is a special software product that collects information from all systems connected to a single control room. Several windows are simultaneously displayed on the monitor screen, which display information about events occurring within the systems. When one or another occurs emergency situation The dispatcher immediately receives an alarm signal. An employee notification system can also be included in the integrated system, allowing, if necessary, the immediate transmission of alarm signals in the building, taking into account exactly where the accident occurred and what happened.

The safety of the hotel building is ensured, firstly, by security systems (system burglar alarm, a video surveillance system and an access control system), secondly, a fire alarm system.

An access control system is any equipment designed to restrict or prohibit access to any premises or to a certain territory. This includes a whole range of devices - from the simplest mechanical combination locks to complex biometric systems that identify a person based on various biological and physiological characteristics. The more complex the system, the higher the cost, but also the lower the likelihood of unauthorized access to what it protects.

The “golden mean” are devices that read personal identification codes recorded on various storage media. Cards with a magnetic strip on which information is recorded have become widespread. Information carriers can also be radio cards, the reading of which does not require direct contact with the reader. The reading distance ranges from 5 to 120 cm.

The access control system can also monitor the use of minibars and mini-safes. The minibar key is given to the guest along with the room key. Any opening of the minibar is recorded automatically. Mini-safes are used to ensure the safety of guests' money and jewelry. Mini safes, like minibars, are connected to a single automated system hotel management. Every time a safe is opened, information about this is immediately sent to the central computer or to the security service, where each case is analyzed and, if necessary, urgent measures are taken.