Hyperborea is the cradle of humanity. Hyperborea - the northern cradle of humanity

Anton Tarasov, historian: “At that moment, when Stalin was informed that Tamerlane’s grave had been opened and there was such a curse, he immediately gave the order to restore the grave, allocated money - about a million rubles, which war time was equivalent to building several tanks or supplying a large division. He gave the order to restore the grave as it was. Moreover, simultaneously with miraculous icons“Tamerlane’s remains were carried by plane over all front lines, including over Stalingrad.”

Tamerlan found himself in his grave again on December 20, 1942. And two days later the news came about the beginning of the defeat of the Nazi troops at Stalingrad.

Near Veliky Novgorod rises a mysterious structure - Shum Mountain. It looks like a Slavic funeral hill - a mound in which princes were buried. But the hills have the shape of cones and are never found in the form of two-tier pyramids. Shum Mountain, according to legend, is considered the grave of Rurik, the founder of the first dynasty of Russian tsars. The name is associated with strange mournful sounds that sometimes come from its depths.

Tells Sergei Troyanovsky, head of the center for archaeological research: “It was believed that there was a temple inside Shum Mountain, and in the evening you could hear the ringing of bells coming from the ground.”

Geophysical research has shown that there are voids inside the mountain and underground passages. However, no one is in a hurry to excavate here. In 2003, a team of the St. Petersburg archaeological expedition found an amazing stone in the embankment. When cleared, it was marked with a trident, practically the same sign as on the seal of Rurik. Under the Tatar-Mongol yoke it was called tamga, that is, a kind of tribal sign. The stone was taken to St. Petersburg for research.

A report on the expedition's work was sent to Moscow. And a resolution came back: return the stone back, we don’t need a second Tamerlane... Official science considers the fact that the two-stage pyramid is related to Rurik unproven. But the famous artist Nicholas Roerich, whose family descends from the Rurikovichs, for some reason came to Shum Mountain and lived nearby for some time. And a strange thing is that excavations here are prohibited for the next hundred years.

Unfortunately, Russian chronicles earlier than the 9th century are almost all lost. But the Slavic cities had rich history. Archaeologist Sergei Troyanovsky, at excavations in the center of Veliky Novgorod, finds evidence every day that we know nothing about our ancestors. These lands were occupied by a developed civilization, and we don’t even remember the names of the ancient kings.

Sergei Troyanovsky convinced: “Someone was there before Rurik. We know that the Novgorodians, before recognizing Rurik, drove out the other Varangians and refused to enter into trade relations with them. We will never know the names of these Varangians.”

Hyperborea - the cradle of humanity

Legends of all peoples of the world say that before the Great Flood the world was different. The cradle of human civilization - the country of Hyperborea - was located at the North Pole. Authentic maps of Hyperborea are known. A 1595 map, copied by Gerhard Mercator from even earlier sources, shows a round continent divided by four rivers, crowned by the Earth's Axis - main pyramid planets. Hindus call it Meru. After a large-scale planetary cataclysm, part of the continent went under water, and the remaining land above the water moved. Now this point is 12 degrees southwest of the North Pole, in eternal ice Greenland Islands. Remains of Hyperborea can also be found in the White Sea archipelagos, Karelia and Kola Peninsula.

Scientists have found mysterious ancient structures - pyramids, labyrinths, megalithic buildings. Most of the traces were found on the islands of the Solovetsky and Kuzovsky archipelagos. For example, a mysterious stone throne 3.5 meters high. The one sitting on the throne faces south. This corresponds to the ancient tradition: the gods live in the north, where the axis of the world is, and the creature on the throne speaks on behalf of the gods...

Svetlana Zharnikova, ethnographer, candidate of historical sciences, believes: “It used to be believed that our entire territory was covered by a glacier. Today, any glaciologist will say that the border of the Valdai glacier did not go beyond the Mologo-Sheksninsky boundary. That is, the main territory of Eastern Europe at that time was optimal for human habitation, and the people who, according to anthropological data, came to the coast of the Arctic Ocean 70,000 years ago, did not leave here.”

Based on ancient documents, scientists today are drawing up a different map of the settlement of peoples. It will be able to explain many historical inconsistencies. After some global planetary cataclysm, Hyperborea went under water. The remaining lands froze. The surviving people headed south to look for territories with the favorable climate to which they were accustomed.

One branch went to India and remained there forever. It is known that in the ancient language of the Hindus - Sanskrit - there are many words in common with Old Church Slavonic. On the other hand, in geographical names There are many words from the Russian North that are preserved in Sanskrit. Previously, scientists could not explain this in any way.

Another branch lingered in Ukraine and the northern Balkans - this is the so-called Trypillian culture. Another part moved east, to Altai. Further, the route of exodus of these peoples lay to the south.

The inhabitants of Hyperborea called themselves Aryans. They were blond and blue-eyed. French thinkers of the 18th century, who were members of the secret brotherhood of Freemasons, wrote that it was these northern people who brought civilization to the world.

It all starts with the patriarchs of the North Pole. It was these tamers of the animal world, military engineers, irrigators, builders and wise priests, the likes of which mankind has never known, who gave people all their knowledge. European culture begins here.

And many centuries later, at the beginning of the 1st millennium AD, the capital of the empire of a mysterious people, whom contemporaries called the Huns, arose in the south of Russia. Today they are considered to be wild Asian barbarians who enslaved various tribes. But there are facts in favor of the fact that the Russian lands were never under the yoke of nomads. So who exactly were the Huns?

Exhibition of Huns' gold

There were legends about the enormous wealth of the Huns. Just think: the Romans themselves paid them tribute, giving them tons of gold every year! Why do nomadic savages, who supposedly did not need a developed economy and cultural life, need such wealth? Recently, the gold of the Huns was found in the very heart of Russia. A mound was excavated in Kursk where a wealthy Hunnic prince or commander was buried. Archaeologists saw gold and silver jewelry from precious stones, elements of clothing and harness.

Some of the things were not made of gold. The surprise of historians knew no bounds. The jewelry was made of copper and covered with gold foil, which is much more difficult to make! Scientists were shocked by the sword belt - on the outside it was richly embroidered with precious threads, and the part that was hidden under the cloak was made of ordinary bovine leather. But there were also real treasures in this burial - for example, weapons.

There were two blades in the burial, three fragments of one have survived. On one of the fragments the remains of a wooden scabbard were found, and on these scabbards there was preserved an imprint of the gold foil that decorated its outer side. The sword is made in the best traditions of ceremonial weapons. It is decorated with gold foil, mosaic inlay, and the handle is topped with an amber bead.

The question arises: if this Hun commander, who owned jewelry and weapons, was a passing nomad, how did he end up in these places? And why is there only one burial in the mound?

Olga Shcheglova, senior researcher at the Institute of the History of Material Culture of the Russian Academy of Sciences: “The first thought is that this is a visiting Hun who died there, in the depths of the forest. He was buried accordingly, with honors, with his weapons. And a set of his things related to the journey, and a rich weapon, were suddenly discovered in our Kursk region. Why so northern?

Since school we know that our ancestors were pagans, they worshiped stone idols, and had the vaguest idea about the forces of nature. And only Christianity, which came to our lands not so long ago, brought us to our senses and made us cultured and civilized people. However, is this so? There is almost no information left about the pre-Christian period; it was carefully destroyed, and in return we were offered a convenient fairy tale. The Magi - the bearers of spiritual knowledge - were cut out at the roots, and with them the traditions, culture, and the very history of our people disappeared.

As for the territory of the Russian North, it was always believed that this land was buried under ice, and it was impossible to live there. When the glaciers melted - and this happened about 8 thousand years ago - these territories were inhabited by Finno-Ugrians who came from beyond the Urals. They peacefully pursued their ancestral occupations of hunting, gathering and fishing. Their life, indeed, was quite simple, and their cultural knowledge fully corresponded to it. However, not everyone agrees with this official version.

The book “Paradise Found or the Life of Humanity at the North Pole,” written by the rector of Boston University in the mid-19th century, went through 10 editions, but was never translated into Russian. In his research, the author collected the myths of many peoples - up to Central America and equatorial Africa - and came to the conclusion that paradise in all mythological systems was in the north.

At the beginning of the 20th century, some scientists undertook to dispel the hypothesis that our ancestors were Finno-Ugrians. For example, linguists have always been puzzled why Finno-Ugric words are practically absent in the Russian language. Anthropologists were surprised why the faces of the Northern Russians were completely different from the faces of their “ancestors.” Finno-Ugrians and northerners built their houses using different technologies. Even their national ornaments differed radically. And the names of rivers, villages, and lakes had nothing in common in the languages ​​of both peoples.

Then paleoclimatologists got down to business. According to drilling data, they found that a hundred thousand years ago the northern territories were located in a fairly comfortable climate regime. There was no eternal ice, tundra vegetation, or even sub-zero temperatures. In those days the climate was the same as what we have now in the north of Spain or the south of France.

It seems that it was in such favorable conditions that the northern people were formed, who later became the progenitors of most nations. Indirect proof of this are the myths and legends of the Indo-Iranians and Aryans. This is what the ancient legends say.

“In the north, where there is a pure, beautiful, gentle and desirable world, in that part of the Earth that is the most beautiful and purest of all, live the great gods Kubena (the Kubena River flows through the Vologda region - ed.) - seven sages, the sons of the creator god Brahma , embodied in the seven stars of Ursa Major. And, finally, there is the ruler of the universe - Rudrahara, wearing light braids, with a light brown beard, the ancestor of all creatures.

To reach the world of the ancestral gods, one must overcome the great endless mountains that stretch from west to east. The sun makes its way around their golden peaks. Above them in the darkness shine the seven stars of the Big Dipper and the North Star, located motionless in the center of the universe. From these mountains all the great rivers of the earth flow down. Only one of them flows south to warm sea, and others to the north - to the white foam ocean. On the tops of these mountains the forests rustle, wonderful birds sing, wonderful animals live."

Ancient Greek authors also wrote about the great northern peoples. They often mentioned that great mountains stretched from east to west, representing the border of Scythia. The father of history, Herodotus, mentioned the distant mountains of the north. Into existence northern mountains Aristotle also believed, believing that all the rivers of Europe originate in them. Behind the northern mountains of Europe, ancient Roman and Greek geographers placed the Scythian and Great Northern Oceans.

In the language of the ancients, the cradle of civilization was called Hyperborea. And it was these mysterious mountains that confused scientists, not allowing them to determine its location. They could not be the Ural Mountains, since they stretch from south to north, and the ancient scriptures definitely say that the mountains resemble a curved bow and stretch from east to west.

Finally, a solution was found that seemed satisfactory to even the most persistent critics. The legends mention that the western point was Mount Ganghamadana. And such a mountain was found on the territory of modern Karelia, only the name changed slightly - Gandamadana. And the extreme eastern point They called Mount People, which is still called Narodnaya and is located in the Polar Urals. This means that ancient mountains have been found! Currently, little remains of their greatness; they represent only a chain of hills, which is called the Northern Ridges and is located on the East European Plain.

And once upon a time this ridge looked quite impressive and covered Hyperborea in a semi-ring, being a natural barrier and border. Now this place is located in Karelia, the Kola Peninsula, Vologda, Arhangelsk region and the Komi Republic. At the bottom of the Barents Sea rests Northern part Hyperboreans. The reality completely coincides with the stories from ancient legends!

There is another indirect evidence. Herodotus wrote about the absence of horns on the bulls that live near the Hyperborean mountains. He associated this fact with the very harsh climate of these places. So, hornless cattle, which have a high fat content in milk, are still common throughout the Russian North.

Having established the location of Hyperborea, the researchers decided to find out how the life of the people who inhabited this country turned out. Ancient Greece with its beautiful culture and deep philosophy is traditionally considered the beginning of Western civilization. Later the achievements of the Greeks were inherited Western Europe, and then they came to us. However, recent evidence suggests that the civilization of the ancient Greeks was “grown” by the Hyperborean, much more developed and ancient.

In the Russian North you can still find many patterns, which, according to experts, served as a kind of prototype for creating ornaments not only of Hindustan, but also of Ancient Greece. But what is most surprising is the similarity of the languages ​​of peoples who are currently separated by large distances.

Tatyana Yakovlevna Elizarenkova, a translator of Rigveda hymns, claims that Vedic Sanskrit and the Russian language are most consistent with each other. Let's compare languages ​​that seem so far from each other. “Uncle” - “dada”, “mother” - “matri”, “divo” - “divo”, “deva” - “devi”, “light” - “shveta”, “snow - snow”: here the first word is Russian , and the second is its analogue in Sanskrit. Examples can be given endlessly.

The territory of the former Hyperborea currently represents a huge “white spot”, devoid of settlements and expensive. But it is there that you can find the knowledge of an ancient civilization, which became the ancestor of most peoples. So the expression “all men are brothers” has a very real basis.

Natalya Pavlovna Pavlishcheva

Aryan Hyperborea. Cradle of the Russian World

© Pavlishcheva N.P., 2016

© Yauza Publishing House LLC, 2016

© Eksmo Publishing House LLC, 2016

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Dedicated to the blessed memory of a wonderful person, great scientist and most interesting interlocutor Svetlana Vasilievna Zharnikova


Stones cannot fall from the sky, because there are no stones in the sky!” - a short and succinct resolution of the French Academy of Sciences on the message about the fall of a meteorite in 1768.

And really, can there be something that cannot be?

Non-Freudian slip

In the text you will find the word “Russians”. This is not a designation of nationality. I will try to prove that we are all Khanty and Kamchadal, Pomors and Yakuts, Bashkirs and Chukchi, Tatars and Chechens, Don Cossacks and Karelians... including the Kyrgyz and Belarusians... and, of course, the Russians themselves are the descendants and heirs of the Great Hyperborea . In order not to write “descendants of the Hyperboreans” every other line, I will designate “Russians”.

This is not leavened patriotism, since the descendants of the Hyperboreans are not only Russians, but also all Indo-Aryans, and not only them. In our Hyperborean company, by the way, is the god Apollo himself. And Hercules. And Perseus cut off the head of the gorgon Medusa there. And Pythagoras was Hyperborean. And many, many more.

Are you not against such a company? Personally, not at all.

But first we need to find Hyperborea itself.

What are we looking for?

Remember the nimble parrot from the cartoon:

- Yes, not here! Not here either! What are we looking for?

The 20th century passed under the sign of Atlantis and space. Moreover, the second could not overshadow the first. Only the lazy did not look for Atlantis. Placed anywhere and any way, without worrying about dimensions and logic - from Atlantic Ocean to the Black Bays or Mediterranean seas, forgetting that these seas were at the time the size of a plate. Well, okay, not the size of a plate, but a small basin, where, let alone Atlantis, the Isle of If would hardly fit.

In the 21st century, they are looking for Hyperborea - “The Land Beyond the North Wind” in the middle of the Arctic Ocean. Main proof of location ancient continent- Mercator map.

Somewhere beyond the north wind Boreas there existed a fabulously beautiful country, in the center of which was the main mountain of the world - Meru. The subsequent Greek Olympus is just a mound with teenagers playing gods. Meru was a mountain to all mountains! And the gods there are corresponding.

How is it known? From the numerous written evidence left by ancient authors. Not everyone calls the mountain that way, but the essence doesn’t change - there was an abode of the gods at the North Pole, but not everyone managed to get there (also logical, otherwise all sorts of non-gods will start wandering around, saying, I’ll just take a look... and they’ll trample down the grass themselves , they will leave behind dirty feet or, even worse, they will steal something).

And, of course, evidence from ancient historians. Here is a quote from " Natural history"Pliny the Elder (IV, 26): "Behind these (Rhipaean) mountains, on the other side of Aquilon, a happy people (if you can believe this), which are called Hyperboreans, reach very advanced years and are glorified by wonderful legends. They believe that there are loops of the world and the extreme limits of the circulation of the luminaries. The sun shines there for six months, and this is only one day when the sun does not hide (as the ignorant would think) from the spring equinox to the autumn one, the luminaries there rise only once a year at the summer solstice, and set only at the winter solstice. This country is entirely sunny, has a favorable climate and is devoid of any harmful wind. The homes for these residents are groves and forests; the cult of the gods is carried out by individuals and the whole society; Discord and all sorts of diseases are unknown there. Death comes there only from satiety with life... One cannot doubt the existence of this people.”

Honestly speaking, the last phrase about the inadmissibility of doubts is what raises them. If such an authority is forced to demand unquestioning faith (but at the same time has many reservations), it means that there were doubters...

But in vain, by the way, because Hyperborea really did exist, but not there or not then.

By the way, why does Hyperborea mean “beyond the north wind”? Just because Boreas?

Why not behind the forest? Now this is not a forest, but guess what – a mixture of a wide variety of trees from oaks and pines to rowan and bird cherry, but previously in most of Eurasia there were all forests (pine forests, taiga) and oak groves. So why is Hyperborea behind the wind, and not behind the taiga, which was abundant in the North even when the rest of Europe was either subtropical or tundra?

The direction doesn’t change much, it’s still in the north, but at a distance this interpretation has a profound effect, it’s one thing - North wind, it’s completely different behind the taiga.

By the way, don’t be afraid of the taiga, these are the cleanest and richest forests. And not necessarily covered with snow to the tops of the pines.

The Mercator map was studied under a microscope and combined on computer screens with modern maps, not only physical, but also cards ocean depths, as a result, the bulk of researchers and simply curious people were divided into two camps.

One part believes that Mount Meru should be looked for at the current pole at the bottom of the Arctic, where the Lomonosov Ridge “bypasses” a neat gap, reminiscent of the caldera of an exploded volcano. At the same time, the former Hyperborea itself seems to be turned inside out (the greatest depths are in this area).

The second considers Greenland a quarter of Hyperborea and is ready to cede the honor of Mount Meru to a tiny mountain on the northwestern coast of the island.

But the truth, as usual, is somewhere in the middle.

Why are we looking?

Indeed, why do so many serious, busy people spend long months away from home, looking for some artifacts of the Hyperborean civilization, racking their brains over ancient maps or texts of ancient books, studying myths and ancient languages, arguing, and going on expeditions again?..

These people are looking for the truth, looking for traces of distant ancestors, trying to understand who we are and where we come from. And also to draw lessons from the fact of the death of ancient civilizations, so that the current one can learn something.

But there are completely different interests - those who need more than just traces ancient civilization and evidence of her achievements, and the achievements themselves are for very specific purposes. There are many more people who hope to obtain not just evidence of an ancient war using weapons unknown to us, but also to unravel the principle of operation of these weapons, and learn to influence the minds of people for their own purposes (not always humane and peace-loving). They are influential, well equipped and have sufficient funds for their quest. And there is no guarantee that they have not yet managed to find anything.

Perhaps this is why the heritage of the ancients is still closed to humanity, and why it is so difficult for expeditions to work?

The number of the first, those who have little interest in the technologies of ancient war and much stronger technologies of creation, is becoming more and more numerous in Russia every year. Every year expeditions are organized, scientific seminars and conferences are held, articles are written, books are published, films are made...

Who is looking and how are they looking?

It is impossible not only to talk about all those who care, but even to list them all, so I ask readers to be lenient if I don’t name someone, I don’t mention them either at the beginning or later in the text. The main thing is their discoveries and conclusions.

Ancient historians placed blessed Hyperborea in the subpolar region above 60 degrees north latitude. It seems clear - this is the north of Russia and a little bit of Norway.

Little explored region, complete mysterious places, where anything can be hidden.

Mercator's map even places the four islands of Hyperborea at the North Pole, and Mount Meru - main mountain world - at the point where the meridians converge.

It would seem that the issue has been resolved - “look, Shura, look.” But it's not that simple. Here geologists enter into a dispute and prove that in the center of the Arctic Ocean, instead of submerged land, there is a real depression with a bottom that has never been on the surface of the water (except for the Lomonosov and Mendeleev ridges, but the ridges are not a continent).

But geologists are able to suggest where (and when!) the land shown on Mercator’s map could have existed in the Northern Hemisphere. And where (and when) Arctida could exist in this form.

One of the geologists interested in this topic is Alexander Viktorovich Koltypin, to whose data I will refer.

But an existing advanced civilization must certainly leave traces. They are searched for, found, studied and talked about.

Unfortunately, an interesting person and passionate researcher, Valery Nikitich Demin, has passed away. But his work was continued, every year expeditions are organized not only to Karelia, the Kola Peninsula or Taimyr to search for new and new artifacts; traces of ancient civilizations have already been found throughout the country. Official science stubbornly ignores this, repeating only about antiquity Egyptian civilization. And, unfortunately, she’s not the only one. Even those who are ready to argue with official history about Egypt or the pyramids of the Indians do not want to recognize the prophets in their homeland, denying the man-made nature and antiquity of the same megaliths of Mountain Shoria.

Hyperborea - the cradle of humanity

Legends of all peoples of the world say that before the Great Flood the world was different. The cradle of human civilization - the country of Hyperborea - was located at the North Pole. Authentic maps of Hyperborea are known. The 1595 map, copied by Gerhard Mercator from even more ancient sources, depicts a round continent, divided by four rivers, which was crowned by the Earth's Axis - the main pyramid of the planet. Hindus call it Meru. After a large-scale planetary cataclysm, part of the continent went under water, and the remaining land above the water moved. Now this point is located 12 degrees southwest of the North Pole, in the eternal ice of the island of Greenland. Remains of Hyperborea can also be found in the White Sea archipelagos, Karelia and the Kola Peninsula.

Scientists have found mysterious ancient structures - pyramids, labyrinths, megalithic buildings. Most of the traces were found on the islands of the Solovetsky and Kuzovsky archipelagos. For example, a mysterious stone throne 3.5 meters high. The one sitting on the throne faces south. This corresponds to the ancient tradition: the gods live in the north, where the axis of the world is, and the creature on the throne speaks on behalf of the gods...

Svetlana Zharnikova, ethnographer, candidate of historical sciences, believes: “Previously it was believed that our entire territory was covered by a glacier. Today, any glaciologist will say that the border of the Valdai glacier did not go beyond the Mologo-Sheksninsky boundary. That is, the main territory of Eastern Europe at that time was optimal for human habitation, and the people who, according to anthropological data, came to the coast of the Arctic Ocean 70,000 years ago, did not leave here.”

Based on ancient documents, scientists today are drawing up a different map of the settlement of peoples. It will be able to explain many historical inconsistencies. After some global planetary cataclysm, Hyperborea went under water. The remaining lands froze. The surviving people headed south to look for territories with the favorable climate to which they were accustomed.

One branch went to India and remained there forever. It is known that in the ancient language of the Hindus - Sanskrit - there are many words in common with Old Church Slavonic. On the other hand, in the geographical names of the Russian North there are many words that have been preserved in Sanskrit. Previously, scientists could not explain this in any way.

Another branch lingered in Ukraine and the northern Balkans - this is the so-called Trypillian culture. Another part moved east, to Altai. Further, the route of exodus of these peoples lay to the south.

The inhabitants of Hyperborea called themselves Aryans. They were blond and blue-eyed. French thinkers of the 18th century, who were members of the secret brotherhood of Freemasons, wrote that it was these northern people who brought civilization to the world.

It all starts with the patriarchs of the North Pole. It was these tamers of the animal world, military engineers, irrigators, builders and wise priests, the likes of which mankind has never known, who gave people all their knowledge. European culture begins here.

And many centuries later, at the beginning of the 1st millennium AD, the capital of the empire of a mysterious people, whom contemporaries called the Huns, arose in the south of Russia. Today they are considered to be wild Asian barbarians who enslaved various tribes. But there are facts in favor of the fact that the Russian lands were never under the yoke of nomads. So who exactly were the Huns?

Exhibition of Huns' gold

There were legends about the enormous wealth of the Huns. Just think: the Romans themselves paid them tribute, giving them tons of gold every year! Why do nomadic savages, who supposedly did not need a developed economy and cultural life, need such wealth? Recently, the gold of the Huns was found in the very heart of Russia. A mound was excavated in Kursk where a wealthy Hunnic prince or commander was buried. Archaeologists saw gold and silver jewelry with precious stones, elements of clothing and harness.

Some of the things were not made of gold. The surprise of historians knew no bounds. The jewelry was made of copper and covered with gold foil, which is much more difficult to make! Scientists were shocked by the sword belt - on the outside it was richly embroidered with precious threads, and the part that was hidden under the cloak was made of ordinary bovine leather. But there were also real treasures in this burial - for example, weapons.

There were two blades in the burial, three fragments of one have survived. On one of the fragments the remains of a wooden scabbard were found, and on these scabbards there was preserved an imprint of the gold foil that decorated its outer side. The sword is made in the best traditions of ceremonial weapons. It is decorated with gold foil, mosaic inlay, and the handle is topped with an amber bead.

The question arises: if this Hun commander, who owned jewelry and weapons, was a passing nomad, how did he end up in these places? And why is there only one burial in the mound?

Olga Shcheglova, senior researcher at the Institute of the History of Material Culture of the Russian Academy of Sciences:“The first thought is that this is a visiting Hun who died there, in the depths of the forest. He was buried accordingly, with honors, with his weapons. And a set of his things related to the journey, and a wealth of weapons, were suddenly discovered in our Kursk region in a remarkable way. Why so northern?

Other finds, for example, in Lipetsk, showed that “this north,” to use the words of archaeologists, the Huns lived constantly. Several years ago, a whole chain of ancient settlements was discovered in the Lipetsk region.

Whether the Huns founded these cities or came here when other tribes were already living here - it’s hard to say now. But historians are sure: in these places the mysterious warriors who conquered half the world were frequent guests.

While some jewelry can still be made in nomadic camps at the site of a temporary settlement, pottery production cannot be established there: this requires a permanently operating kiln, a nearby clay deposit, and a potter’s place of work. The same goes for iron mining. Therefore, nomads have always existed in symbiosis with sedentary peoples.

Perhaps such cities were important industrial bases or intermediate points on the path of armies or trade caravans. Historians have yet to understand which of the sedentary peoples inhabited them.

Andrey Oblomsky, leading employee of the Institute of Archeology of the Russian Academy of Sciences:“We need to say a little about the nature of archeology itself as a science. The fact is that not a single shard, not a single thing says whether they are Slavic, Germanic, Finno-Ugric or anyone else. All this is the fruit of scientific reconstruction.”

It is the Huns, a mysterious people whose traces were lost in history 15 centuries ago, who can clarify many dark spots in Russian history.