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Details Category: North American countries Published 06/18/2014 16:23 Views: 2208

The official name of the country - Republic of Honduras. It is located in Central America and borders Nicaragua, El Salvador and Guatemala. It is washed by the Caribbean Sea in the north and the Pacific Ocean in the south.

State symbols

Flag– is a three-strip blue-white-blue panel with an aspect ratio of 1:2. In the center of the flag on a white stripe there are five five-pointed blue stars. The blue stripes symbolize the Caribbean Sea and the Pacific Ocean that surround Honduras. The five blue stars represent the five countries that were part of the Central American Federation and the hope for its revival. The flag was approved on February 9, 1866.

Coat of arms– in the center of the coat of arms is an equilateral triangle, at the base of which there is a volcano, surrounded by two castles on which there is a rainbow. The sun rises behind and below the volcano, scattering light. The triangle symbolizes the Pacific and Atlantic oceans that wash Honduras. They are surrounded by an oval, on which are engraved the letters in pure gold: “Republic of Honduras, Free, Sovereign and Independent. September 15, 1821."
A cornucopia and arrows complete the design, set between leafy trees and limestone cliffs with the Masonic Eye in the center. A quiver with arrows of multi-colored plumage is a symbol of the unity of the nation’s forces, as well as a reminder of the country’s Indian (Mayan) past. The final form of the coat of arms was issued in 1825.

National (unofficial) symbols of Honduras

Red Macaw

These birds have long been hunted by Indians. They used meat for food, and feathers for feathering arrows and decorations. The meat of these parrots has good taste and is comparable to beef. A bird's nest was considered wealth and was inherited from father to son, because the long and bright feathers of macaws were highly valued in ritual costumes.
These parrots are highly intelligent, amenable to training, and can learn to speak up to 100 words or more. But they are rarely kept at home due to their size (78-90 cm + tail 52-65 cm) and loud, sharp cry. They live 60-80 years.

Oviparous pine

White-tailed deer

White-tailed deer eat leaves, grasses, buds, berries and other wild fruits, as well as tree bark.

Orchid Rhyncholaelia digbyana

State structure

Form of government- presidential republic.
Head of State and Government– President, elected for a single term of 4 years. There is a position of vice president.
Capital and largest city- Tegucigalpa.
Official language– Spanish. Native American languages ​​are used.
Territory– 112,090 km².
Administrative division– 18 departments and 1 central district (forming the capital of the country, Tegucigalpa, and its suburb, Comayagüela).

Population– 8,448,465 people. The urban population is 48%. Ethnic composition: mestizos 90%, Indians 7%, blacks 2%, whites 1%.
Religion– 97% Catholics, 3% Protestants (Assemblies of God, Church of God, Adventists, Methodists, Baptists).
Currency– Lempira.
Economy is an economically underdeveloped country in Latin America, its economy is dependent on the US economy and on fluctuations in world prices for its main export goods (bananas and coffee). Half of the population lives below the officially established poverty line.
The basis of the economy of Honduras is made up of agro-industrial sectors specializing in the production of export goods: bananas, coffee, sugar, tropical fruits, palm oil, tobacco products, beef and frozen seafood (mainly shrimp), as well as enterprises for their processing. There are enterprises for timber harvesting, furniture production, household utensils, and building materials. Several enterprises produce lead and zinc concentrates.
Traditionally, two types of economies coexist in Honduras; one of them is characteristic of the areas of colonial settlement within the central highlands, the other of the Caribbean coast, where American banana companies created their own enclaves near export plantations. In the agricultural areas, the plantations of American companies use the most modern production methods, and a network of railways and highways has been built to service the plantations and export products. The country's highlands remain isolated and economically sluggish. The economy of the central highlands is based on mining and subsistence agriculture; The large estates that have existed here since the colonial era specialize mainly in cattle breeding. Export: coffee, shrimp, lobster, cigars, bananas, gold, palm oil, fruits and wood. Import: cars, various vehicles, chemical products, fuel and food products.

Education– political instability and lack of communications slowed the spread of education. Free and compulsory education has been introduced for children aged 7 to 12, but many are forced to drop out of school to earn a living. Attendance at school is not strictly compulsory. 31% of teenagers of the corresponding age group are enrolled in secondary schools.
Higher education: National Autonomous University of Honduras in Tegucigalpa (exists since 1847); The Pan American School of Agriculture (a higher educational institution training specialists in the field of tropical agriculture) was opened in Zamorano. In 1978, a private university was opened in Tegucigalpa.
Armed forces– consist of three branches of the military: ground forces (since 1825); air force (since 1931); naval forces (since August 1976).

Sport– The most popular sport is football. Athletes from Honduras took part in 9 Summer and 1 Winter Olympic Games (1992). They made their debut at the Summer Olympics in Mexico City (1968). Since then, she has participated in all summer games, except for the Games in Munich and Moscow. Participated in the Winter Olympics in Albertville. Honduran athletes have never won an Olympic medal.


The country also includes numerous islands in the Caribbean Sea and the Gulf of Fonseca, including the remote Swan Islands in the northeast. 80% of the territory of Honduras is covered by mountains, and lowlands are found mainly only along the coast. Along the Caribbean coast are the San Pedro Sula Plains and the Mosquito Coast (mostly marshy). There are banana plantations on the northern coast. There is also a flat zone on the Pacific coast. In the lowlands to the northeast are the La Mosquitia jungle and the Rio Platano National Park.

Climate tropical trade wind. Destructive tropical hurricanes are frequent. Hurricane Mitch in 1998 destroyed nearly 80 percent of crops, killed approximately 8,000 people, and left nearly 20 percent of the population homeless.

Landslide caused by Hurricane Mitch in Tegucigalpa


Currently, tropical rainforests have been partially destroyed. Higher in the mountains, where the temperature is lower, oak and pine forests grow. In the arid interior, including the Tegucigalpa region and areas to the south and east, the terrain is covered with grassy savanna and sparse low-growing forests. There are valuable tree species. There are especially many of them growing on the vast, almost impenetrable jungle plain of La Mosquitia (Rio Platano National Park) and on the slopes of the surrounding mountains.


There are a large number of wild animals that have survived due to sparse population.

Black Panther (Jaguar)
There are both common and rare species of animals found in Central America: bears, various types of deer, monkeys, wild pigs and peccaries, tapirs, badgers, coyotes, wolves, foxes, jaguars, pumas, lynxes, ocelots, rare black panthers and many others. , smaller cat species.

Significantly different from pigs and in a number of features they are closer to ruminant ungulates
Also inhabited are reptiles: alligators, crocodiles, iguanas and snakes, including poisonous ones (for example, the deadly kaisaka and kaskavela), as well as anteaters, koats, sloths, armadillos and kinkajous.

Kaisaka reaches a length of up to 2 m
The avifauna is rich: wild turkey, pheasant, parrots, including macaws, herons, toucans and a large number of other species.

Fish rain in Honduras

For more than 100 years, there have been reports of fish rain every year in the department of Yoro. Every year between May and July, eyewitnesses observe how a dark cloud appears in the sky, and then lightning flashes, thunder rumbles, strong winds blow and heavy rain pours for 2-3 hours. After its completion, hundreds of live fish remain on the ground, which people collect and take home to cook.

Since 1998, the city of Yoro has hosted the Festival de la Lluvia de Peces (Fish Rain Festival). Explanation? The generally accepted explanation is that strong winds and tornadoes lift fish into the air. The most likely source of fish is the Atlantic Ocean, 200 km from the coast. This explanation is implausible because it requires the unlikely coincidence of waterspouts collecting fish from the open sea each year in May-June and transporting the fish directly to Yoro.
Alternative explanations: 1) the fish is a river fish, swimming from a nearby river into an underground stream or cave system. Heavy rain overwhelms the stream and washes the fish out of its usual habitat and leaves it on the ground; 2) the phenomenon is due to Father José Manuel Subiran, a Spanish Catholic missionary considered a saint. He visited Honduras from 1856 to 1864. and met a lot of poor people for whom he prayed for 3 days and 3 nights, asking God for a miracle that would help the poor people survive. From then on, fish began to rain.


The cultural traditions of the indigenous people of Honduras date back to the ancient Mayans. This is clearly visible in many buildings and carvings; The most complete picture of this culture is given by the pyramids of Copan, an ancient Mayan city, where temples and carved stone steles have also been preserved (a story about it below). In the cities there are monuments of colonial architecture built in the Renaissance and Baroque styles.

The most popular musical instrument in Honduras is marimba(a type of wooden xylophone); There are many marimba orchestras in the country, complemented by other instruments. In 1952, a public music school was opened in Tegucigalpa.
The center of the country's artistic life is the School of Fine Arts, founded in the city of Comayagua. The most significant artists of the 20th century. are considered Arturo Lopez Rodenso (b.1906), founder of the National School of Arts and Crafts; primitivist Antonio Velazquez (1906-1983) and landscape painter Mauricio Garay (impressionism), a graduate of the National School of Fine Arts, whose paintings were shown at art exhibitions around the world.

M. Garay “Camino a la Iglecia”
In literature, the most famous are the poet, historian and essayist Rafael Eliodoro Valle (1891-1959), the novelist and short story writer Argentina Díaz Lozano (1912-1999) and the poets Clementina Suarez (1906-1991) and Roberto Sosa (b. 1930).

UNESCO World Heritage Sites in Honduras

Mayan city of Copan

Copan is one of the largest archaeological sites in Honduras. Located a few kilometers from the border with Guatemala. Existed from the first centuries BC. BC, in its heyday (VII-VIII centuries AD), was the center of the kingdom of Shukuup - an independent state of the ancient Mayans, covering the territory of modern southeastern Guatemala and southwestern Honduras. The decline of Copan is associated with the general crisis of the Mayan states in the 9th century. The palace complex on the banks of the Copan River, founded under the founder of the dynasty K"inich-Yash-K"uk"-Mo, who came from the family of rulers of Khushwitz, over time turned into a vast collection of dwellings, temples, and squares, now known as the Acropolis.

King Copana on the incense burner
Like many other Maya sites, Copan fell victim to a crisis in the 9th century, the causes of which are still unclear, although prolonged drought and political instability seem the most likely explanations.

Rio Platano Biosphere Reserve

Named after the Rio Platano River (Spanish: “Banana River”), which flows through the reserve and flows into the Caribbean Sea. Formed in 1982. Total area 5250 km². About 2,000 Mosquito people live on the territory of the reserve, leading a traditional way of life.

Gallery forests occur in narrow strips along rivers that flow through treeless spaces in arid areas of savannah, prairie, steppe and desert.
Most of the reserve consists of tropical rainforests, reaching a height of 130 m in places, pine savannas, gallery forests in river valleys, palm swamps and mangroves on the sea coast.

In Rio Platano there are 5 species of the cat family: jaguar, puma, ocelot, jaguarundi and long-tailed cat, 400 species of birds, including harpy, gokko, macaw parrots, etc.

Other attractions of Honduras

Pico Bonito National Park

Pico Bonito is a National Park of the FUPNAPIB Foundation (programs for forest protection, integrated resource management, environmental education and gender equality). The project aims to mitigate the negative impacts of climate change by providing local communities with training and employment in reforestation and agroforestry.
The area is very popular for bird watching, rafting, kayaking and hiking.

Selake National Park

It is located 45 km southeast of the city of Santa Rosa de Copan. The reserve is famous for the country's highest mountain peak and lush forest. Here, on the slope of the volcanic massif of Montaña de Selac and the Serra Las Minas (2849 m), there are the sources of 10 rivers and a majestic waterfall, as well as vertical cliffs accessible only to experienced climbers. The park has one of the largest tracts of virgin rain forest in Honduras and is home to about 500 species of animals and birds.

Cities of Honduras


Cathedral of San Miguel
Capital and largest city. It was founded in 1578 on the site of an existing Indian settlement. The city remained small and provincial until the 1960s. In the 1930s, the city of Comayagüela, on the other side of the Choluteca River, was incorporated into Tegucigalpa. The city is now booming, expanding beyond the boundaries of the colonial city and continuing to grow at a rapid but chaotic pace.
The main attraction of the city is the Iglesia de San Francisco church. Most of the modern church dates back to 1740, although construction began on the building in 1592. It has a majestic exterior and interior in a traditional Spanish style.
In front of the Parque Central parkland stands the Cathedral of San Miguel, which took almost 20 years to build, from 1765 to 1782. It has a gilded altar and a carved stone cross, which are objects of pilgrimage for tourists.
The premises of the old University of Antigua Paraninfo-Universitaria are currently used as an art museum. Parque La Concordia displays replicas of Mayan sculptures from the Copan culture, stored in museums across the country.

The second most important city in the country is San Pedro Sula(population 491 thousand people). It is considered the most dangerous populated area on Earth: for every 100 thousand population there are 169 murders per year.
The city was founded by Pedro de Alvarado in 1536. During the first few years of its history, San Pedro Sula was the mint of Spain, where gold bars were cast. Construction of the railway in the 20th century. led to the industrialization of the city.

Town Hall in La Ceiba
The third most important city in the country is La Ceiba. This city was founded in 1877 and is currently the main city of the Atlantis department. Like San Pedro Sula, La Ceiba owes its development to banana plantations at the end of the 19th century. Now this city is one of the most important tourist centers in the country.


In ancient times, the territory of modern Honduras was inhabited by Indian tribes who lived in a primitive communal system. Their main occupations were slash-and-burn agriculture, hunting and fishing.
In the 2nd century AD e. Mayan Indians pushed local Indian tribes onto less fertile mountain slopes. Unlike the indigenous Indian tribes, the Mayans had a written language, knew crafts, cultivated corn, created stone structures, built roads, and had a strong and mobile army. On the territory of Honduras there was one of the major centers of Mayan culture - the city of Copan. But in the 9th century. The Mayans, for unknown reasons, left this region for the Yucatan Peninsula (in the south of modern Mexico). The ruins of Copan were discovered by archaeologists in the forest thickets of Honduras only in 1839.

Colonial period

After Columbus discovered the northern coast of Honduras in 1502, only 22 years later did the full-scale conquest of the country begin. The conqueror of Mexico sent a detachment of conquistadors to Honduras in search of gold and silver, and he also established the power of the Spanish king in Honduras in 1524. In 1536, the Indians, led by the leader Lempira, launched a war against the Spanish colonialists. Lempira died as a result of a conspiracy, his detachment was soon defeated and scattered.
From the middle of the 16th century. Honduras was part of the Captaincy General of Guatemala. Feudal relations began to develop here. By the beginning of the 18th century. The basis of the economy was silver mining; the main mines were located in the area of ​​the future capital of the state, Tegucigalpa. The Indian population died out from labor on plantations, in gold and silver mines. Indian uprisings were brutally suppressed.
In the XVI-XVII centuries. English, French, and Dutch pirates were active in the Caribbean Sea. They repeatedly raided the northern coast of Honduras. There are suggestions that the famous Captain Kidd stored looted treasures on the islands near Honduras. At the same time, new white settlers appeared on the northern coast of Honduras - Englishmen from escaped convicts.

Honduras in the 19th century

At the beginning of the 19th century. Honduras was an arena of struggle in the all-American liberation movement of the Spanish colonies, and on September 15, 1821, it declared its independence from Spain. In 1821, Honduras was annexed to the Mexican Empire, and in 1823 it became part of the United Provinces of Central America. Shortly thereafter, a civil war began, in which the Honduran-born liberal played an important role Francisco Morazan who became a general. In 1829, the army under his command occupied Guatemala City. The federal constitution was restored, and in 1830 Morazan was elected president of the Central American federation.

Monument to Francisco Morazan in the Central Square of Tegucigalpa
The Federation disintegrated due to civil strife, in 1838 a declaration of independence of Honduras was proclaimed, and in January 1839 the first constitution was adopted.
General Morazan was captured by the Hondurans in 1842 and shot.
In subsequent decades, the history of Honduras is one of constant military conflicts with neighboring countries of Central America, internal civil wars (from 1845 to 1876 there were 12 civil wars in Honduras), constant military coups and counter-coups. This was all the result of a struggle between conservatives and liberals.
At the end of the 19th century. Great Britain and the USA began to invest in Honduras. Large banana plantations began to be created, railways and highways were built, and seaports expanded.

Honduras in the 20th century

A liberal won the 1954 presidential election R. Villeda Morales, but the election results were declared invalid, and Vice President J. Lozano Díaz became interim president. Unrest continued in the country. In October 1956, a military coup took place, and a military junta was in power for a year.
Villeda Morales won the elections in December 1957 again. His government nationalized one railway, introduced a Labor Code, and prepared a law on agrarian reform. But in October 1963, the Villeda government was overthrown as a result of a military coup led by the commander of the Honduran armed forces, Colonel Osvaldo Lopez Arellano.
In February 1965, the military junta held elections to the National Constitutional Assembly. The conservatives won. In March 1965, the assembly proclaimed López Arellano president. He carried out repressions against democratic organizations, banned the activities of political parties (with the exception of the ruling and Liberal ones), and introduced censorship of the press.
In July 1969, an armed conflict began between Honduras and El Salvador, known as the football war. The consequences of the conflict forced Arellano to somewhat liberalize the regime. In January 1971, the Liberal and Nationalist (Conservative) parties entered into an agreement under which the two-party system was maintained in the country. Honduras returned to civilian rule in November 1981, but the military's strong influence on the country's politics remains.

Porfirio Lobo Sosa- President of Honduras

In addition to picturesque cities, ancient ruins and colorful architectural monuments sights of Honduras include unique objects and events of intangible significance. Thus, the highlight of this amazing country is the Garifuna people, whose language, culture and dances are included in the World Intangible Heritage of Humanity.

Every year for a century, an unusual natural phenomenon occurs in the department of Yoro - a fish rain, leaving behind hundreds of living fish. Hondurans attribute this phenomenon to the miracle of Saint José Subiran, the patron saint of the poor.

Colorful national holidays and carnivals are widely known even outside the state. In February, you can visit the brightest event in the spiritual life of the country - the colorful procession of La Virgen de Suyapa. Popular among tourists are yachting, rafting and other exciting activities. entertainment in Honduras.

Centuries-old history of Honduras left a whole galaxy of remarkable monuments of cultural significance. The picturesque towns of Comoyagua and Choluteca, and the narrow cobbled streets of the town of Santa Rosa de Copan bear many evidences of the colonial past. are widely represented in the pearl of the country - the capital of Tegucigalpa: the quaint facades of the ancient churches of Iglesia de San Francisco, Iglesia de Nuestra Señora de Los Dolores amaze with their monumental grandeur and unique interior decoration.

Tourist routes offer travelers exciting excursions in Honduras in nearby and remote corners of the country. Under the guidance of experienced tour guides, vacationers can experience first-hand the wonders of the ancient Mayan city of Copan, visit the impenetrable tropical jungle of the Mosquito Coast, and take part in the traditional carnival procession of the island of Utila.

No less interesting for excursions are natural monuments of Honduras– picturesque and rich in natural diversity national parks of the country La Tigre and Rio Platano.

Museums of Honduras

If you arrived in Honduras, be sure to visit the National Museum in the capital of the country, Tegucigalpa, famous for its rich collection of archaeological and ethnographic exhibits. Very curious attractions La Ceiba Museum - this interesting museum has more than sixteen thousand different butterflies and insects from 139 countries.


A diamond in a rough setting is about Honduras, the second largest country in Central America, amazes tourists with its natural beauty and diversity of wildlife. Travelers can explore idyllic Caribbean beaches, bird-rich lakes and jungles, the pristine rainforest of La Mosquitia and the Mosquito Coast. But the country's gems are its beautiful islands. Shrouded in beautiful coral reefs—part of the world's second largest barrier reef, which stretches as far north as Mexico—these tropical islands are ideal for both beach and diving holidays. Honduras is also home to the archaeological treasures of Copán, one of the best sites of Mayan history in the world.

Below is our overview: the main attractions of Honduras

1. Roatan Island ( Roatan)

Roatan is the most popular place among tourists in Honduras; in a year alone, more than 300 thousand people visit it, which is a very large figure for a poor Central American country and a huge help to a poor budget. Roatan is the largest and most developed island in the Islas de la Bahia group of islands.

Amazingly beautiful coral reefs line its shores, offering excellent opportunities for diving and deep-sea fishing, the marine world around the island is extremely diverse (coral reefs and grottoes, hundreds of species, tropical fish, sea turtles, rays, moray eels, and in the spring months - whale sharks). One of the most favorite places among tourists is West Bay Beach, where the conditions for a beach holiday are paradise.

Attractions on this small Caribbean island include the Roatan Institute of Marine Sciences, the Roatan Museum, a marine park and a tropical arboretum.


Copan is a Mayan archaeological site located in the department of Copan in western Honduras, near the border with Guatemala. Copan was once a major classical kingdom from the 5th to the 9th centuries AD. The city was located in the extreme southeast of the Mesoamerican cultural region, bordering the Ixmo-Colombian cultural region. Copan in those centuries was a powerful city, ruling a vast kingdom in the southern part of Maya. The city suffered a major political and military disaster in 738 CE when Washaklahun-Ubah-K'avil, one of the greatest kings in Copan's dynastic history, was captured and executed by his former vassal, King Quirigua. This unexpected defeat led to the decline of the kingdom.

The archaeological site of Copan is the most studied Mayan city in the world and is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Travelers will find many attractions here. Copan is famous for the steles and altars that are scattered throughout the vast area, most of which were built during 711 and 736 AD. Other highlights include the ball court, a unique temple that has the longest known Mayan text, and the Acropolis with magnificent carved reliefs of the 16 kings of Copán. A significant part of the eastern part of the acropolis was washed away by the Copan River, the river was diverted to protect the site from further damage.

3. Mayan Sculpture Museum ( Museum of Mayan Sculpture)

The Copan archaeological site is home to the magnificent Mayan Sculpture Museum, which displays a series of original sculptures, steles and altars recovered from archaeological excavations at Copan. Undoubtedly, the main attraction of the museum is the richly decorated temple of Rosalila, which was discovered intact during excavations. This wonderful museum is an important stop on a tour of Copana.

4. Utila

32 kilometers from the west coast of Roatan is the paradise Caribbean island of Utila, which is famous for its magnificent waters, so ideal for diving. Tourists from all over the world flock to this 13-kilometer island to dive into the depths of the Caribbean Sea. In addition to the warm, crystal clear waters of the Caribbean Sea, Utila boasts two beaches perfect for family holidays under the scorching sun of the tropics.

5. Little French Key

Little French Key is a private island resort, located on the southern coastal windward side of the beautiful island of Roatan, in the chains of the Bay of Honduras. Picture hammocks strung between coconut palms, sparkling clear Caribbean waters with fantastic snorkeling opportunities and white-sand beaches lined with kayaks and sun loungers. This cozy paradise is home to a private zoo with exotic animals that are mostly rescued.

Little French Key, located next to the second largest coral reef in the world and surrounded by crystal clear, warm and turquoise water, here the sound of the sea and the coolness of the Caribbean breeze are harmoniously combined with an atmosphere of peace and tranquility.

6. Institute of Marine Sciences of Roatan ( Roatan Institute for Marine Sciences)

The Institute of Marine Sciences on the Honduran island of Roatan is famous for its bottlenose dolphins - bottlenose dolphins. It is located on the northwestern coast of the island, next to Anthony's Key Resort. The Roatan Institute of Marine Sciences educates locals and tourists about the Caribbean marine ecosystem and offers the opportunity to see dolphins in a natural lagoon. Lovers of their favorite animals can swim with dolphins, play simple games or enjoy the experience of diving with them.

7. La Tigra National Park

About 20 kilometers from Tegucigalpa, the capital of Honduras, is the country's first national park - La Tigra (Parque Nacional La Tigra). La Tigra is one of the most beautiful places in Honduras. Situated at an altitude of 2,270 meters, this pristine stretch of lush Central American tropical jungle is home to ocelots, pumas and monkeys. The park is also home to a variety of amazingly colorful and beautiful birds, with over 200 species living within its boundaries, including toucans and trogons. This is one of the most visited parks in Honduras and is worth a separate excursion.

8. Lake Yojoa (Lago de Yojoa)

Along the main road between Tegucigalpa and San Pedro Sula, there is a natural landmark of Honduras - Lake Yojoa. Yojoa is the largest natural lake in the country and a major habitat for birds in the Central American country. More than 480 species of birds have been found here, including whistling ducks, northern jacans and toucans. Two mountainous national parks border the lake, Santa Barbara National Park on the north shore and Cerro Azul Maybar National Park on the south.

9. Jeannette Cavas National Park ( Parque Nacional Jeanette Kawas)

Formerly known as Punta Sal National Park, this beautiful desert area is now named after environmental activist Jeannette Cavas, who passionately fought for conservation in Honduras. The park stretches along a peninsula at the western end of Tela Bay and is renowned for its biodiversity, featuring tropical jungles, mangrove wetlands, sparkling beaches and coral reefs. Wildlife is abundant and includes many rare species of birds and mammals. In the park you can find dolphins, howler monkeys and a large number of tropical birds, including toucans and quetzals.

10. Museum of National Identity ( Museum of National Identity)

The main museum of Honduras is the Museum of National Identity, which is housed in a historic 18th-century colonial building. The museum features an impressive collection of Honduran and international art. The museum's historical exhibits reveal the country's fascinating past, from pre-Hispanic times to the present day. The highlight of the museum is the virtual tour of the Mayan Acropolis in Copan.

A diamond in the rough is about Honduras, the second largest country in Central America, amazes tourists with its natural beauty and diversity of wildlife. Travelers can explore idyllic Caribbean beaches, bird-rich lakes and jungles, the pristine rainforest of La Mosquitia and the Mosquito Coast. But the country's gems are its beautiful islands. Shrouded in beautiful coral reefs - part of the world's second largest barrier reef, which stretches as far north as Mexico - these tropical islands are ideal for both beach and diving holidays. Honduras is also home to the archaeological treasures of Copan - one of the best sites of Mayan history in the world.

Sights of Honduras


Roatan is the most popular place among tourists in Honduras; in a year alone, more than 300 thousand people visit it, which is a very large figure for a poor Central American country and a huge help to a poor budget. Roatan is the largest and most developed island in a group of islands - Islas de la Bahia.

Amazingly beautiful coral reefs line its shores, offering excellent opportunities for diving and deep-sea fishing, the marine world around the island is extremely diverse (coral reefs and grottoes, hundreds of species, tropical fish, sea turtles, rays, moray eels, and in the spring months - whale sharks). One of the most favorite places among tourists is West Bay Beach, where the conditions for a beach holiday are paradise.

Attractions on this small Caribbean island include the Roatan Institute of Marine Sciences, the Roatan Museum, a marine park and a tropical arboretum.


Copan is a Mayan archaeological site located in the department of Copan in western Honduras, near the border with Guatemala. Copan was once a major classical kingdom from the 5th to the 9th centuries AD. The city was located in the extreme southeast of the Mesoamerican cultural region, bordering the Ixmo-Colombian cultural region. Copan in those centuries was a powerful city, ruling a vast kingdom in the southern part of Maya. The city suffered a major political and military disaster in 738 AD when Washaklahun-Ubah-K'avil, one of the greatest kings in the dynastic history of Copan, was captured and executed by his former vassal, King Quirigua. This unexpected defeat led to the decline of the kingdom.

The archaeological site of Copan is the most studied Mayan city in the world and is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Travelers will find many attractions here. Copan is famous for the steles and altars that are scattered throughout the vast area, most of which were built during 711 and 736 AD. Other highlights include the ball court, a unique temple that has the longest known Mayan text, and the Acropolis with magnificent carved reliefs of the 16 kings of Copán. A significant part of the eastern part of the acropolis was washed away by the Copan River, the river was diverted to protect the site from further damage.

Official website: copanruins.com

Museum of Mayan Sculpture)

The Copan archaeological site is home to the magnificent Mayan Sculpture Museum, which displays a series of original sculptures, steles and altars recovered from archaeological excavations at Copan. Undoubtedly, the main attraction of the museum is the richly decorated temple of Rosalila, which was discovered intact during excavations. This wonderful museum is an important stop on a tour of Copana.

4. Utila

32 kilometers from the west coast of Roatan is the paradise Caribbean island of Utila, which is famous for its magnificent waters, so ideal for diving. Tourists from all over the world flock to this 13-kilometer island to dive into the depths of the Caribbean Sea. In addition to the warm, crystal clear waters of the Caribbean Sea, Utila boasts two beaches perfect for family holidays under the scorching sun of the tropics.

5. Little French Key

Little French Key is a private island resort, itlocated on the southern coastal windward side of the beautiful island of Roatan, in the chains of the Gulf of Honduras. Picture hammocks strung between coconut palms, sparkling clear Caribbean waters with fantastic snorkeling opportunities and white-sand beaches lined with kayaks and sun loungers.This cozy paradise is home to a private zoo with exotic animals that are mostly rescued.

Little French Key, located next to the second largest coral reef in the world and surrounded by crystal clear, warm and turquoise water, is hereThe sound of the sea and the coolness of the Caribbean breeze are harmoniously combined with an atmosphere of peace and tranquility.

Official website: littlefrenchkey.com

Roatan Institute for Marine Sciences)

Institute of Marine Scienceson the Honduran island of Roatan is famous for its bottlenose dolphins - bottlenose dolphins. It is located on the northwestern coast of the island, next to the resort Anthony's Key Resort. The Roatan Institute of Marine Sciences educates locals and tourists about the Caribbean marine ecosystem and offers the opportunity to see dolphins in a natural lagoon. Lovers of their favorite animals can swim with dolphins, play simple games or enjoy the experience of diving with them.

7. La Tigra National Park

About 20 kilometers from Tegucigalpa, the capital of Honduras, is the country's first national park - La Tigra (Parque Nacional La Tigra). La Tigra is one of the most beautiful places in Honduras. Situated at an altitude of 2,270 meters, this pristine stretch of lush Central American tropical jungle is home to ocelots, pumas and monkeys. The park is also home to a variety of amazingly colorful and beautiful birds, with over 200 species living within its boundaries, including toucans and trogons. This is one of the most visited parks in Honduras and is worth a separate excursion.

8. Lago de Yojoa)

Along the main road between Tegucigalpa and San Pedro Sula, there is a natural landmark of Honduras - Lake Yojoa. Yojoa is the largest natural lake in the country and a major habitat for birds in the Central American country. More than 480 species of birds have been found here, including whistling ducks, northern jacans and toucans. Two mountainous national parks border the lake, Santa Barbara National Park on the north shore and Cerro Azul Maybar National Park on the south.

Parque Nacional Jeanette Kawas)

Formerly known as Punta Sal National Park, this beautiful desert area is now named after environmental activist Jeannette Cavas, who passionately fought for conservation in Honduras. The park stretches along a peninsula at the western end of Tela Bay and is renowned for its biodiversity, featuring tropical jungles, mangrove wetlands, sparkling beaches and coral reefs. Wildlife is abundant and includes many rare species of birds and mammals. In the park you can find dolphins, howler monkeys and a large number of tropical birds, including toucans and quetzals.

Museum of National Identity)

The main museum of Honduras is the Museum of National Identity, which is housed in a historic 18th-century colonial building. The museum features an impressive collection of Honduran and international art. The museum's historical exhibits reveal the country's fascinating past, from pre-Hispanic times to the present day. The highlight of the museum is the virtual tour of the Mayan Acropolis in Copan.

Official website: min.hn

A country not filled with tourists, which keeps many secrets and beauties. Without a wealthy population or developed cities, Honduras boasts white beaches, beautiful rainforests, lush coral reefs and excellent diving conditions. Connoisseurs of ancient cultures will find amazing ruins of Mayan cities here.

Some of the most popular islands in Honduras include Roatan, Utila and Guanaja. Diving prices here are incredibly low and the water is very clear. The underwater world of Honduras is very rich. It is not polluted by industries or garbage, the nature here is beautiful.

You can enjoy the fauna of Honduras in national parks and reserves. These include the Roatan Marine Science Institute, where you can swim with dolphins, La Tigra National Park, Rio Platano Nature Reserve, and Pico Bonito National Park. Their dense forests are home to many amazing animals. To see the Mayan cities, you must visit the city of Copan and Quirigua. Their ruins are of great importance in the history and study of the culture of ancient civilization.

Honduras is a country of pristine nature. Friendly and carefree people live on the islands, and the clear sea and coral reefs attract more and more tourists here. In big cities you can see beautiful colonial buildings, and on the way to the beach you can come across a tall, beautiful waterfall.

What to see in Honduras?

The most beautiful places and main attractions

The island is located in the Caribbean Sea and belongs to Honduras. Tourists flock here for excellent ecotourism and diving. The water here is very clean, and the reefs are not far from the shore. Therefore, Roatan is considered the best diving spot in the Caribbean. The coral reefs here are healthy and in good condition. Here you can see dolphins, sharks, turtles and stingrays.

This is the largest waterfall in Honudras, which is included in almost every excursion program. Its height is 140 meters. It is surrounded by jungle and is the most popular waterfall in Honduras, but it is quite easy to get to. Guides take tourists inside the waterfall, but it’s better not to do this alone.

Copan is one of the largest Mayan cities. It is believed that he is the embodiment of the highest development of art and culture of the people. The city began to exist at the turn of our era, its heyday was in the 7th-8th centuries, but after the 9th century it was abandoned. Until 1839, ancient buildings were destroyed by river waters and wild plants. Now the city has more than 100 buildings, amazing statues, columns, and burial places.

Comayagua was the capital of Honduras from 1537-1880. Beautiful colonial buildings have been preserved here. Among them are the Comayagua Cathedral, which has a clock that is one of the oldest in the world, and the oldest church in the city, the most beautiful La Merced Church. There are also the ruins of the convent of San Francisco and the residence of the bishop. There are four museums in the city.

The island is small, only 12 km long and 4 km wide. Utila is considered the cheapest island in Honduras. Off its coast you can see a whale shark and even swim next to it. There are many very cheap diving schools here. The people here are pleasant and the atmosphere is relaxed. There are two marine reserves near the island.

This is a 900 km long reef, the second largest in the world. It includes the Belize Barrier Reef, which is 280 km long. Its corals protrude above the water, creating small islands. The underwater world of the reef includes five thousand species of fish, manatees and sea turtles live here. Most of the reef has not been explored. Its most beautiful and deepest cave reaches 300 meters in diameter and resembles a dark blue abyss.

This is a private resort on the island of Roatan. Everything here is created for a perfect holiday. The territory includes snow-white beaches, where bars and restaurants are located. There are also water bars and a zoo with exotic animals. Tourists are offered spa treatments, sun loungers, hammocks, and water loungers. Here you can ride horses, eat fresh seafood and swim in the sea.

Comayagua street carpets can be seen during the week between Palm Sunday and Easter. They are made from natural materials: rice, colored sawdust, flower petals, flour, nuts, cereals. Huge carpets depict biblical motifs related to the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Local residents perform rituals and read the Holy Scriptures.

The institute was founded in 1989 to protect and study the marine world. Students and schoolchildren come there to gain new knowledge about nature. There are amazing entertainment options for tourists. Here you can swim with dolphins, who are not kept in captivity, they swim freely and do what they want. Visitors are helped to communicate with them. The staff is pleasant and helpful.

The river flows near the forests of Bonito Peak National Park. This is one of the most picturesque rivers in Central America. Its length is 25 km. The Cangrejal River provides some of the best rafting conditions in Central America. Extreme lovers will have to overcome numerous and difficult rapids. It is better to do this accompanied by professional instructors; it is unsafe to do this alone.

La Tigra is the oldest national park in Honduras. This is one of the most beautiful places in the country. The area of ​​the park is 7482 hectares. It is located at an altitude of 1800 to 2185 meters above sea level. There are virgin forests preserved there, home to more than 200 species of birds, ocelots, pumas, and monkeys. Also in the park grows erythrina, a sacred Mayan tree.

This is the largest lake in Honduras. Its area reaches 285 square meters. km. The average depth of the lake is 15 meters. It is of volcanic origin and is located at an altitude of 700 meters. The lake borders two national parks and has restaurants on its shores. More than 800 species of different plants grow near the water and 400 species of birds live.

The park was founded in 1994 on the Caribbean coast. Its area is 781 sq. km. The park contains white sandy and rocky beaches, swamps, forests, coral reefs, lagoons and rivers. Many animals live there. Among them are fish, birds, several species of dolphins, crocodiles, iguanas, snakes and monkeys.

Columbus discovered the island in 1502 and named it the Isle of Pines. It is located 76 km off the coast of Honduras. The length of the island is 18 km, width 6 km. Today, there are many rare Caribbean pine trees growing on the island. It also has a mountain 500 meters high. The locals are very friendly and there are not many tourists. The island has snow-white beaches and very clean water.

Pico Bonito was founded in 1987. It occupies 564 sq. km. and is located in the north of Honduras. The elevation difference in the park ranges from 60 to 2480 meters. The park includes the Nombre de Dios Pica Bonito mountain range, which is visible even from Roatan in good weather. The park's territory is filled with tropical forests that are crossed by rivers and streams. Representatives of the fauna include rare butterflies, birds, primates, and artiodactyls.

These islands are located 30 km away. from the large Honduran city of La Ceiba. They were declared a nature reserve, and tourists call them heaven on earth. A few fishermen live there, there is a hotel and a drive center. The sea here is clean, the local cuisine consists mainly of fish. People often go diving here because the water is calm and clear. You can rent a boat for a small fee.

The park was founded in 1926 by a railroad company. It is now the second largest botanical garden in the world. More than 350 species of amazing birds and various animals live on its territory. Visitors are guided through the largest orchard and bamboo forest. Next comes the Lancetilla River, where you can swim.

Tegucigalpa is the capital of Honduras, which lies in the mountain valley of the Choluteca River. The Museum of National Identity is one of the most visited museums in the city. It works from Tuesday to Sunday. It features exhibits related to the history and culture of Honduras, and also has a stage for public performances. You can also see a virtual tour of the ruins of the ancient Mayan city of Copan.

The reserve is located in the northeast of Honudras. It was founded in 1982, its area is 5250 sq. km. Included in the UNESCO heritage list. There are 2,000 Mosquito people living in the Rio Platano. The Rio Platano River flows through the reserve. Its tropical forests are rich in expensive mahogany, which is illegally exported from here. 400 species of birds, representatives of the cat family, live here.

El Cusuco is located 20 km from the city of San Pedro Sula. The park has a very rich flora. Mountain oaks here reach 40 meters in height. Broadleaf tobacco and coniferous trees also grow here. Thickets of grapes and orchids add to the picturesqueness. The national park is home to about a hundred exotic birds, salamanders, monkeys, and jaguars.

The gardens promote ecotourism. Here the jungle is decorated with wild orchids and fruit trees. There are many streams in the gardens, and various birds and animals live. Guides tell stories about nature and lead tourists to the mountain, which offers excellent views. The gardens also feature a popular chocolate tree.

These are caves located in the city of Comayagua. The studied area is 12 km. Tourists have access to only 400 meters deep into the caves. The caves themselves are very dry. There are paths inside that are illuminated in an interesting way. In addition, different corners of the caves are illuminated, creating amazing shadows.

Dynamic map of Honduras

Below is our overview: the main attractions of Honduras


Roatan is the most popular place among tourists in Honduras; in a year alone, more than 300 thousand people visit it, which is a very large figure for a poor Central American country and a huge help to a poor budget. Roatan is the largest and most developed island in the Islas de la Bahia group of islands.

Amazingly beautiful coral reefs line its shores, offering excellent opportunities for diving and deep-sea fishing, the marine world around the island is extremely diverse (coral reefs and grottoes, hundreds of species, tropical fish, sea turtles, rays, moray eels, and in the spring months - whale sharks). One of the most favorite places among tourists is West Bay Beach, where the conditions for a beach holiday are paradise.

Attractions on this small Caribbean island include the Roatan Institute of Marine Sciences, the Roatan Museum, a marine park and a tropical arboretum.


Copan is a Mayan archaeological site located in the department of Copan in western Honduras, near the border with Guatemala. Copan was once a major classical kingdom from the 5th to the 9th centuries AD. The city was located in the extreme southeast of the Mesoamerican cultural region, bordering the Ixmo-Colombian cultural region. Copan in those centuries was a powerful city, ruling a vast kingdom in the southern part of Maya. The city suffered a major political and military disaster in 738 CE when Washaklahun-Ubah-K'avil, one of the greatest kings in Copan's dynastic history, was captured and executed by his former vassal, King Quirigua. This unexpected defeat led to the decline of the kingdom.

The archaeological site of Copan is the most studied Mayan city in the world and is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Travelers will find many attractions here. Copan is famous for the steles and altars that are scattered throughout the vast area, most of which were built during 711 and 736 AD. Other highlights include the ball court, a unique temple that has the longest known Mayan text, and the Acropolis with magnificent carved reliefs of the 16 kings of Copán. A significant part of the eastern part of the acropolis was washed away by the Copan River, the river was diverted to protect the site from further damage.

3. Mayan Sculpture Museum ( Museum of Mayan Sculpture)

The Copan archaeological site is home to the magnificent Mayan Sculpture Museum, which displays a series of original sculptures, steles and altars recovered from archaeological excavations at Copan. Undoubtedly, the main attraction of the museum is the richly decorated temple of Rosalila, which was discovered intact during excavations. This wonderful museum is an important stop on a tour of Copana.

4. Utila

32 kilometers from the west coast of Roatan is the paradise Caribbean island of Utila, which is famous for its magnificent waters, so ideal for diving. Tourists from all over the world flock to this 13-kilometer island to dive into the depths of the Caribbean Sea. In addition to the warm, crystal clear waters of the Caribbean Sea, Utila boasts two beaches perfect for family holidays under the scorching sun of the tropics.

5. Little French Key

Little French Key is a private island resort, located on the southern coastal windward side of the beautiful island of Roatan, in the chains of the Bay of Honduras. Picture hammocks strung between coconut palms, sparkling clear Caribbean waters with fantastic snorkeling opportunities and white-sand beaches lined with kayaks and sun loungers. This cozy paradise is home to a private zoo with exotic animals that are mostly rescued.

Little French Key, located next to the second largest coral reef in the world and surrounded by crystal clear, warm and turquoise water, here the sound of the sea and the coolness of the Caribbean breeze are harmoniously combined with an atmosphere of peace and tranquility.

6. Institute of Marine Sciences of Roatan ( Roatan Institute for Marine Sciences)

The Institute of Marine Sciences on the Honduran island of Roatan is famous for its bottlenose dolphins - bottlenose dolphins. It is located on the northwestern coast of the island, next to Anthony's Key Resort. The Roatan Institute of Marine Sciences educates locals and tourists about the Caribbean marine ecosystem and offers the opportunity to see dolphins in a natural lagoon. Lovers of their favorite animals can swim with dolphins, play simple games or enjoy the experience of diving with them.

7. La Tigra National Park

About 20 kilometers from Tegucigalpa, the capital of Honduras, is the country's first national park - La Tigra (Parque Nacional La Tigra). La Tigra is one of the most beautiful places in Honduras. Situated at an altitude of 2,270 meters, this pristine stretch of lush Central American tropical jungle is home to ocelots, pumas and monkeys. The park is also home to a variety of amazingly colorful and beautiful birds, with over 200 species living within its boundaries, including toucans and trogons. This is one of the most visited parks in Honduras and is worth a separate excursion.

8. Lake Yojoa (Lago de Yojoa)

Along the main road between Tegucigalpa and San Pedro Sula, there is a natural landmark of Honduras - Lake Yojoa. Yojoa is the largest natural lake in the country and a major habitat for birds in the Central American country. More than 480 species of birds have been found here, including whistling ducks, northern jacans and toucans. Two mountainous national parks border the lake, Santa Barbara National Park on the north shore and Cerro Azul Maybar National Park on the south.

9. Jeannette Cavas National Park ( Parque Nacional Jeanette Kawas)

Formerly known as Punta Sal National Park, this beautiful desert area is now named after environmental activist Jeannette Cavas, who passionately fought for conservation in Honduras. The park stretches along a peninsula at the western end of Tela Bay and is renowned for its biodiversity, featuring tropical jungles, mangrove wetlands, sparkling beaches and coral reefs. Wildlife is abundant and includes many rare species of birds and mammals. In the park you can find dolphins, howler monkeys and a large number of tropical birds, including toucans and quetzals.

10. Museum of National Identity ( Museum of National Identity)

The main museum of Honduras is the Museum of National Identity, which is housed in a historic 18th-century colonial building. The museum features an impressive collection of Honduran and international art. The museum's historical exhibits reveal the country's fascinating past, from pre-Hispanic times to the present day. The highlight of the museum is the virtual tour of the Mayan Acropolis in Copan.