Kamikaze taxi. No one guarantees the safety of passengers

If you witness an accident on railway transport, call 112.

General safety rules on the train:
From a safety point of view, the most best places in the train - central cars, compartments with an emergency exit window or located closer to the exit of the car, lower shelves. Once you are in the carriage, find out where the emergency exits and fire extinguishers.
Observe the following rules:

. choose seat place against the movement of the train, because if hooligans throw a stone at the window, you have a much greater chance that it will not hit you;
. when the train is moving, do not open the outer doors, do not stand on the steps or lean out of the windows;
. carefully stow luggage in overhead bins;

. do not remove the stop valve unless absolutely necessary;
. remember that even in the event of a fire, you cannot stop the train on a bridge, in a tunnel or in other places where evacuation would be difficult;
. smoke only in designated areas;
. do not carry flammable, chemical or explosive substances with you;
. do not connect household appliances to the car’s electrical network;
. If you smell burning rubber or see smoke, contact a conductor immediately;
. Sit down (especially at night) in those compartments where there is already someone;
. do not fall asleep if your fellow travelers distrust you;
. remember your fellow travelers: names, signs, final stations;
. do not get drunk or accept treats from fellow travelers;
. keep the lights on in your compartment, even if it interferes with your rest;
. do not leave the doors ajar, as this allows you to see from the corridor what is happening in the compartment;
. when you go to reserved seat carriage, keep your documents or wallet in a safe place, your briefcase close to the wall;
. take the most valuable things (money, keys, documents) with you even to the toilet - in a wallet, belt bag or shoulder bag;
. At intermediate stations when passengers get off, thieves can easily take advantage of the general commotion by quickly running through the carriage, so keep your bag, jacket and personal belongings close to you, and do not leave them on the next seat.

How to act in case of a railway accident.
In case of a crash or emergency braking, brace yourself so as not to fall. To do this, grab the handrails and press your feet against the wall or seat. The safest thing to do is to sit on the floor of the carriage. After the first blow, do not relax and keep all your muscles tense until it becomes completely clear that there will be no more movement.

Immediately after the accident, quickly get out of the car through the door or windows - emergency exits (depending on the situation), as there is a high probability of fire. If necessary, break the compartment window only with heavy available objects. When leaving the carriage through the emergency exit, go only to the field side (where there are no railway tracks) of the railway track, taking with you documents, money, clothes or blankets. If there is a fire in a carriage, close the windows to prevent the wind from fanning the flames, and move away from the fire to the front carriages. If this is not possible, go to the end of the train, tightly closing all the doors behind you. Before going out into the corridor, prepare breathing protection: hats, scarves, pieces of fabric moistened with water. Remember that in the event of a fire, the material with which the walls of the carriages are lined - malminite - releases toxic gas that is dangerous to life.

Once outside, immediately get involved in rescue efforts: if necessary, help passengers in other compartments break windows, pull out victims, etc.

If fuel spills during an accident, move away from the train safe distance, because fire and explosion are possible.

If a current-carrying wire is broken and touches the ground, move away from it by jumping or taking short steps to protect yourself from step voltage. The distance over which the electric current spreads along the ground can be from two (dry ground) to 30 m (wet).

Safety rules when staying at railway transport facilities.
Walking on tracks in undesignated places is the most common violation in railway transport. But it is known that the unexpected appearance of a person on the tracks or under a standing train can lead to an accident and traffic disruption. The drivers of the Moscow road have extensive experience and are carefully instructed in case of emergency. emergency situations, but even their professionalism and automatic reaction will not be able to make the multi-ton train stop in a split second.

The braking distance of the train varies from 33 to 1000 m, instantaneous stopping is impossible. Therefore, it is recommended to cross the tracks only in specially designated places, always at right angles to the direction of the tracks, without stepping on the rail head, so as not to slip and fall. A turnout is a prohibited place for crossing; it is impossible for an uninformed person to predict the mode of operation of the turnout. When crossing tracks, in no case should you move onto the railway track immediately after the train has passed: it is important to make sure that there is no oncoming train, which requires waiting until the tail car of the train moves out of sight.
A person caught between moving trains is doubly at risk: the force of the air flow created by the trains reaches 16 tons. It seems that no sane person would want to fall into such a vice.
Stationary carriages are stationary only at first glance. You cannot approach them closer than 5 meters - any carriage at the station is in operation, so it can start moving at any minute. It is strictly forbidden to be under standing or, especially, moving rolling stock. The railway workers themselves never do this.
According to statistics, it is not uncommon for people to walk in parallel railway tracks. If a person cannot avoid following the rail bed, then it is unacceptable to follow the track in the same direction: being distracted only by the oncoming train, the person may not hear the signals of the passing one catching up from behind.
There are certain rules of behavior on the station territory, the violation of which is extremely dangerous:
It is not allowed to step beyond the boundary line on the platform until boarding a stationary carriage, and jumping from the platform or climbing onto it from the tracks is very risky.

When boarding an electric train, the passenger must be aware that forced opening entrance doors, passing through the doors at the moment of their automatic opening or closing is unacceptable, because the compression pressure of the doors is equivalent to 8 atmospheres, and falling from a train moving at high speed is “incompatible with life.” It is just as dangerous and just as unacceptable to lean out of the car windows.

A special discussion concerns the contact network. The voltage in the wires is extremely high: from 3.5 to 27500 volts (for comparison: at home in the electrical wiring - 220 volts). Severe burns from the contact wire can occur at a distance of less than 2 meters.

In megacities it is extremely difficult to live without public transport. It is designed to transport people along predetermined routes with stops at specific locations. To such transport in major cities include: tram, bus, trolleybus, taxi, metro, trains and electric trains.

Ensuring safety in public transport, as a rule, falls on the passenger himself. To do this, you should know how to behave correctly when traveling in a particular type of transport and what to do if an extreme situation occurs (fire, hijacking, explosion or accident).

Ground urban transport

While waiting at a public transport stop, do not get too close to the roadway. Take your time. Don't run ahead and try to jump on the bus while it's moving. It’s better to wait for the next one than to end up in the emergency room with a fracture. You should also go out carefully, slowly and without pushing anyone. A person may slip on the running board and fall under the wheels or suffer a leg injury.

In the salon, be vigilant and watch your belongings. The bag should not be behind you or below you. Hang it on your shoulder and press it in front, clasping it with your hand. Be sure to use handrails. If you find an ownerless item, notify the conductor or driver.

No matter how much you would like to, you cannot sleep in transport. During a sudden stop or collision, you will not be able to react properly. Whenever dangerous situation listen to the driver's instructions.

While driving, talking to the driver or asking him questions is prohibited. Do not enter a bus or trolleybus with food or alcoholic beverages. In case of capture, according to the safety rules in public transport, you must comply with all the demands of the criminals, do not argue or contradict them.

At the beginning of the release operation, you should stay away from glass objects and windows. Lie on the floor, covering your head with your hands, and try not to move. Wait for the end of the assault. It would be a big mistake to take weapons abandoned by criminals. In this case, the capture group will easily mistake you for one of them.

Underground transport (metro)

The metro is one of the most convenient means of transportation in densely populated cities. However, dangers can lurk there too.

  • Before the train arrives, stay away from the edge of the platform. Approach the doors when the carriage has finally stopped.
  • If there is a crowd, use other metro lines to ensure your own safety.
  • If a person falls on the rails, do not rush to his aid. The correct thing to do would be to send several passengers to a metro employee to report the situation, and one person should stand at the edge of the platform and use a bright object to signal the driver to brake.
  • If the person who has fallen cannot quickly get out on his own, but is able to move, he should be told that the safest option is to lie straight, face down, between the rails. You should remain motionless until the train departs.
  • While on the escalator, do not be distracted, do not try to run along it or jump over the steps. You should hold on to the handrail tightly.

If an explosion or accident occurs in the tunnel, listen to the driver’s recommendations. Before leaving the car, you need to wait until the tension is removed from the contact rail. If there is smoke, cover your breathing organs with a handkerchief, napkin or scarf. Beware of the metal parts of the carriage; it is better not to touch them. The driver must indicate the direction in which to move to exit the tunnel. If there is no danger to life, then it is better to wait for help from rescuers.

Railway transport

When ensuring safety in public transport such as a train, you should adhere to the following recommendations:

  1. It is better to buy seats in cars located in the center of the train rather than in the “head” or “tail”. This is explained by the fact that the central part of the train will be least likely to be damaged in a collision.
  2. Give preference to places that are located opposite to the movement of the train.
  3. Find out in advance where emergency exits are located. Usually there are 2 of them per car.
  4. If your fellow travelers look suspicious or do not inspire confidence in you, it is better not to turn off the light in the compartment and try not to fall asleep.
  5. When traveling in a coupe, never leave the door half open. This will give other passengers unnecessary information.
  6. Keep all important documents and valuables close to you at all times. When you go to bed, place them under your pillow.
  7. Do not drink alcohol in the company of unfamiliar people. This dulls vigilance.
  1. It is prohibited while the vehicle is moving to try to open the doors of the carriage, stand on the steps or lean out of open windows.
  2. The stop valve should only be used in very serious situations. If this occurs, it is not recommended to stop the train in places where it will be difficult to evacuate people (tunnel, bridge).
  3. Your luggage should not contain flammable items, toxic or chemical substances.
  4. If you smell burning or strange smoke, you should immediately inform the conductor about it.

When braking sharply, firmly grasp the handrails and rest your feet on the seat or wall to stabilize your body. It is better to lie down on the floor of the cabin. After waiting out one blow, you should not change position; subsequent blows, stronger ones, are possible. Only when it becomes clear that the train has finally stopped can you get up.

It is necessary to immediately leave the train cabin, because there is a high risk of fire. If you decide to leave the car through the emergency window, then do it on the left side, i.e. where there are no railway tracks.

Fire safety rules

A fire in public transport is dangerous because a large number of people are in a closed small room. In addition, when parts of vehicles burn, rather toxic substances are released that pose a danger to humans.

If you feel smoke and a corresponding smell in the cabin, notify the driver and request a stop to clarify the circumstances. In vehicles that operate using electricity, in the event of an accident, the protective insulation may be damaged and metal elements may become energized.

Roof hatches or side windows are used for evacuation. In the event of an explosion or heavy smoke, be sure to cover your nose and mouth with clothing. There is minimal smoke accumulation at the bottom, so you should lie on the floor to avoid poisoning.

When you are able to get out of the vehicle, immediately go to a safe distance. There is a possibility of an explosion of fuel tanks or a short circuit in the electrical network.

In the event of a fire on railway transport, you need to act a little differently. The windows should be closed so that the wind entering the car does not further spray the flames. Try to escape through the neighboring cars. At the same time, close the doors tightly behind you. Protect your respiratory system and eyes.

Once you are relatively safe, get involved in rescue efforts. Help others as much as you can.

A car has long ceased to be a luxury. Using a convenient vehicle you can get to your destination as quickly as possible. But you should remember that a car is also a high-risk area. The safety of vehicles is ensured by both the driver and passengers. Therefore, in order for the trip to bring only pleasure, you should follow some rules.

We check the technical condition of the car

First of all, it is necessary to make a general assessment of the condition of the vehicle. The driver inspects the condition of removable parts (bumper, side mirrors, windshield wipers). Mirrors are a very important element of any car. Before setting off on a long journey, every driver must set them up correctly. Next you should pay attention to the headlights. They must be free of nicks and scratches. The vehicle windows must also be in good condition.

The safety of driving a vehicle largely depends on the serviceability of the basic systems. If the driver cannot make an assessment on his own, he should go to a service station. The presence of faults can also be judged by the place where the car was parked for a long time. A leak of technical fluids may indicate a serious malfunction. If antifreeze, fuel or brake fluid is found under the car, you should not go on a long journey. The vehicle must be in full working order.

Technical inspection

The safety of driving a vehicle in Russia is regulated by the state through mandatory technical inspection. Car owners must carry it out annually. If the driver does not have the appropriate ticket, he does not have the right to drive. Only cars that have a working engine, a working brake system, and safety may be allowed to participate in road traffic.

Unfortunately, there is corruption in the Russian Federation today. According to statistics, about 50% of car owners received a technical inspection ticket thanks to bribes. This only aggravates the situation on domestic roads. A huge number of accidents occur due to vehicle malfunctions. But serious problems can be avoided if you inspect the car honestly and in a timely manner. Moreover, this procedure does not take much time and does not require large financial costs.


The safety of vehicle passengers falls primarily on the shoulders of the driver. There are a number of responsibilities that a driver must perform when getting behind the wheel of a car. Only a person who has the right to do so can operate the machine. It is documented by a driver's license. This document is issued after completing appropriate training and passing exams. You must always have a valid driving license (driving license) when driving.

Only certain services (police, ambulance) have the right to install it on a vehicle. The driver must have permission for such a device. Violation with reference to a legally installed beacon will result in a serious fine. And if such actions resulted in human casualties, criminal liability is possible.


There are various means of ensuring transport security. One of them is insurance. Today, this document is required for registration. Traffic police officers have the right to ask the driver to provide information about his insurance policy. Why is it needed? This document allows the driver to be more protected on the road and not become hostage to an emergency situation. Insurance, of course, will not help you avoid an accident. It will protect you from unnecessary costs. After all, it often happens that a driver, having been involved in an accident through no fault of his own, simply does not have the funds to restore the car.

An insurance contract can be drawn up with any company. This point is not described by law. The cost of the service will depend on the make of the car, the territory of insurance coverage, and the terms of compensation in the event of an emergency. Before concluding a contract, a company employee assesses the vehicle’s compliance with safety requirements. If the car has not passed the technical inspection, the risk of an accident increases. In this case, the insurance company simply will not want to conclude a deal.

How is vehicle safety ensured?

When driving a car, the driver is obliged to carefully monitor the situation on the road and also respond to its changes in a timely manner. It is forbidden to be distracted from control or to talk on mobile phone. If there are transport safety equipment in the car, they must be used. These are various headrests and belts. Such means may not be used only by persons teaching driving if the speed is less than 40 km/h.

When driving along the roadway on a motorcycle, moped or any other open vehicle, you should wear a special helmet. Passengers must also be provided with the necessary safety equipment. It is prohibited to carry more than one passenger on a motorcycle or moped.

Any actions that violate the safety of vehicle passengers are punishable by law. It is prohibited to throw garbage onto the road while driving. Even the simplest candy wrapper can create serious obstacles for other road users. You should also not drive with the car doors open. If the vehicle is faulty, the driver is required to turn on the hazard lights and move along the roadway at a minimum speed.

Alcohol and driving

Everyone knows that driving a car after drinking alcohol is prohibited. But not everyone follows this rule. Meanwhile, the safety of vehicle passengers cannot be ensured if the driver has taken at least a few sips of wine. Alcohol instantly slows down a person's reaction. It is no longer possible to quickly react to the situation happening on the road.

The Vehicle Safety Regulations impose penalties for driving while intoxicated. In 2014, conditions became even more stringent. As soon as a driver gets caught by traffic cops a second time, he will face the loss of freedom for two years. The first time, you can get away with a fine, as well as deprivation of your license to drive a vehicle.

Tired? Don't drive!

According to statistics, 40% of road accidents occur due to poor driver health. Many people get so tired that they simply fall asleep while driving. It is worth remembering that the driver is responsible for the safety of vehicle passengers, as well as other road users. Therefore, under no circumstances should you drive if your body temperature is elevated or you have not been able to get enough sleep.

Some medications may also be a reason to stay home. There are medications that slow down the driver's reaction. Before taking any medicine, be sure to read the instructions. It usually indicates whether you can drive after taking the pills. The law, of course, does not stipulate the possibility of driving while ill. But everyone is responsible for their own condition and can assess how it will affect traffic safety.

Child in a car

Particular attention should be paid to transporting children. A child is not allowed to sit in the front seat until he reaches 14 years of age. Technical means of ensuring the transport safety of children are special car seats and belts. A person whose height does not reach 150 cm must be in a special seat. Children's car seats are sold today in any specialized store. They are easy to choose according to the age and height of the child.

Under no circumstances should you hold your baby in your arms while moving. If the passenger is not wearing a seat belt, a collision when driving 45-50 km/h is equivalent to falling from the second floor. One can only imagine the injuries the child will receive. But a high-quality chair will help preserve life and health. In the event of an accident, the baby faces at most a couple of abrasions and scratches.

An airbag can help save lives

In any emergency situation, passengers are most often injured due to impacts on seemingly soft elements of the vehicle. But even the front seat can't be as flexible as an airbag. Although this element is not mandatory, it significantly reduces the likelihood of injury as a result of an accident.

The safe operation of vehicles also largely depends on the installation of basic elements. The airbag is no exception. If you secure it incorrectly, it simply will not open. Therefore, it is better to entrust this matter to specialists at the service station.

Comfort is the key to safety

If you have a long trip ahead, you should definitely worry about the driver’s comfort. While driving a vehicle, your back and limbs should not become numb. To make it comfortable, you should adjust the seat and steering wheel position. It is definitely worth checking the condition. They should not restrict the driver’s movements. You should also think about the fact that while driving you will have to hold the steering wheel with both hands. This is the only way to control the vehicle. Therefore, it makes sense to prepare special armrests on which you can rest your hands so that they don’t get tired quickly.

No matter how long the path, it is necessary to take rest breaks. Ideally, there should be two drivers in the car. Every 8 hours they will change each other.

Let's sum it up

It is impossible to be completely sure of safety while driving. But every driver must do everything to preserve the life and health of his passengers. First of all, you need to obtain a vehicle safety certificate (MOT coupon). You should not drive if you are tired or feeling unwell. Alcohol intoxication and driving a car are categorically incompatible!

The safety of passengers in a vehicle is ensured using such means as pillows, belts and special seats. Before a long trip, all these elements should be inspected for malfunctions.

All urban ground transport moves according to established traffic rules. The driver, pedestrian and passenger - road users, that is, you and me, are responsible for compliance with these rules.

During the day, while on city roads, we can turn into different road users many times. The pedestrian got on a bicycle or in his car, and now he became a driver. If we are in the cabin of a bus, tram, trolleybus, then we are passengers.

You may think that a passenger is a person traveling on some type of transport. This is not entirely true. For example, when we enter or exit a bus, we are passengers and must follow the rules prescribed to us.

We wait for transport at the landing site, which can be on the sidewalk or on the side of the road. If it is located on the roadway at the same level as it, in this case its boundaries are marked on the road with a solid white line. The landing site may even be in the middle of the road, but in an area raised above the roadway - such as a tram stop. Basically, landing sites are equipped with a canopy, seating, and traffic route diagrams.

Landing at public transport must be carried out in an organized manner, when the tram, bus, trolleybus or minibus. The same applies to disembarking from a vehicle. There is no need to push and fuss while passengers pay their fare. It is strictly forbidden to jump into public transport while it is moving when it departs - you may find yourself pinched by the doors or run over by the wheels. It's better to wait for the next trolleybus or bus.

In a train or tram car, trolleybus or bus, look where the emergency exits are located, read the instructions on how to use them. To avoid injury and to avoid falling while driving and when vehicles suddenly brake, do not lean against the doors and be sure to hold on to the handrails. If you have to travel far, do not position yourself near the exit where there is a congestion of passengers.

While in transport, do not push, do not step on people’s feet, do not speak too loudly, and do not litter. In case of danger, contact others or the driver (driver). Prepare in advance to go out.

There is another danger on tram and trolleybus lines, which increases during heavy rains, thaws in winter - with high air humidity, strong wind. In these cases, the possibility of electric shock arises because both of these modes of transport run on electricity. Do not enter a trolleybus or tram if it turns out that someone has been electrocuted.

On any trip, monitor the situation in the cabin and on the road. This will help you notice the threat of a collision or fall in time, take the correct body position and firmly grasp the handrail or chair.

Fire in public transport

If you and I are in a public transport vehicle or a train carriage, we should be alerted by the appearance of a burning smell and smoke. We know that they are harbingers of fire. It is necessary to urgently inform the driver or driver about this.

To ensure safety, in addition to the primary fire extinguishing means - a fire extinguisher, in the cabins of buses and trolleybuses, in trains and trams there are emergency exits - these are windows. Information about which window openings (compartments) are equipped with additional exits is posted in prominent places.

Remember the procedure in case of fire:

    immediately report the appearance of smoke or fire to the driver (driver, conductor);

    notify passengers, wake up sleeping people;

    Protect your mouth and nose from smoke with a handkerchief, scarf, sleeve, or hollow jacket. If possible, wet the cloth with water. Bend down when getting out of the burning cabin. Do not touch metal parts in a trolleybus or tram - in the event of a fire they may become electrically live;

    On the train, get away from the fire into the front cars. If this is not possible, close all doors tightly - in compartments, vestibules and inter-car passages;

    if there is a threat to your life, do not try to save your luggage;

    jump out of the carriage only as a last resort, putting on a lot of clothes for shock absorption or along with a mattress.

Safety in a passenger car

A passenger car poses a greater danger to passengers and drivers than large public transport. It is more difficult to create all the safety systems and space in a small car than in a bus or carriage. Cars, as a rule, drive at higher speeds, which increases the likelihood of accidents. Inside the car, seat belts and airbags are responsible for safety.

Collision statistics show: the most dangerous place in a car - next to the driver. Therefore, children under 12 years old without special child restraint devices or seats are prohibited from sitting there.