Brief edition for amateur and sport fishing. Spawning ban

Restrictions on recreational fishing will be established in the Astrakhan region. No more than 5 kg of fish per day per fisherman. Such measures should help protect the already very impoverished resources of the Volga and teach tourists to be more careful about natural resources.

Such a proposal was put forward by the scientific council of the FSUE "CaspNIRKh" at a meeting with the Russian Minister of Agriculture Nikolai Fedorov during his visit to Astrakhan. The minister approved the idea and promised assistance. It should be noted that Astrakhan deputies had previously come up with a similar initiative, but due to a sharply negative reaction from the population, the draft law had to be curtailed.

Today there is simply a destruction of all the resources that we have. They catch tons of fish. This is a huge load on the Volga, which it cannot cope with. Fishing restrictions existed in Soviet times, and, I think, it was thanks to them that it was possible to preserve fish stocks in at least some quantity to this day. You can catch for yourself, for food, but when fish are caught in such quantities, I don’t know what kind of family it must be to eat a ton of fish. Of course, they are caught for sale.

Astrakhan residents themselves are sure: tourists are to blame. Every year Astrakhan becomes a Mecca for fishermen: roach and pike lovers come here from all over the country and not always with the most honest intentions. According to the governor of the Astrakhan region, Alexander Zhilkin, up to 3 million tourists visit the region every year.

Since April, almost all the banks have been occupied by cars and tents. Moreover, the so-called amateur fishing in this case is very similar to industrial fishing: tourists harvest half a ton or more of fish. This is a huge anthropogenic load.

Just a few days ago, as if to confirm this statement, the chairman of the regional government received an appeal on Twitter from the user Onliandrey, who drew public attention to a photograph of a fisherman against the backdrop of his “trophies” - a dozen large fish allegedly caught in the restricted area.

It is assumed that the photo was taken at one of the recreation centers in the Astrakhan region, and the fish itself was caught in hollows - spawning areas where fishing is strictly prohibited. However, it is not possible to prove this, as well as to find the fisherman. Most likely, by the time of publication he had already gone home with his catch. But the environmental prosecutor’s office is in no hurry to blame the visitors. Judging by the lists of lawbreakers prosecuted, Astrakhan residents themselves are setting a bad example for tourists.

As a rule, it is Astrakhan residents who break the law, not tourists. They set nets and engage in illegal fishing. This is a question for both fisheries protection and the police. They must constantly be on the water and constantly monitor the situation. The integrated work of all law enforcement agencies must be established.

For now, we clearly don’t have enough strength. In Soviet times, we had a thousand inspectors who traveled around the region and kept order. And now there are 50 of us doing everything about everything. At the same time, the number of fishermen has increased many times. Of course, the law is needed, but along with the adoption of the law, we also need to increase our forces to monitor its implementation.

The environmental prosecutor's office is confident that even these 50 people are not using their energy very effectively. And residents of the region even believe that there are too many inspectors.

We mainly oversee the performance of executive bodies. They catch lawbreakers, and we monitor and punish inspectors if they do not fulfill their duties. For example, recently I was in the Enotaevsky district. I drove by and immediately seized 2 fishing nets. I made a request to Rosrybolovstvo - how many nets did they seize in a week? It turned out - not one. They work ineffectively. So our task is to identify weak points in their work and point them out.

Rules for amateur and sport fishing in the Astrakhan region These Rules were approved by the head of the basin department "Sevkasprybvod" on September 29, 1983 on the basis of order of the Ministry of Fisheries of the USSR dated April 13, 1983 No. 187. (in the years after 1983, appropriate changes and additions were made to the rules) . Publication Astrakhan 2000.

Rules for amateur and sport fishing in reservoirs of the Astrakhan region


Article 1. Recreational and sport fishing, harvesting of other aquatic animals and plants for personal consumption is permitted to all citizens free of charge in all bodies of water, with the exception of nature reserves, fish hatcheries, ponds and other cultural commercial fisheries, in compliance with the established Rules of fishing and water use. These reservoirs are referred to hereinafter as “public reservoirs” in these Rules.

In reservoirs and areas of reservoirs where amateur and sport fishing is organized by societies of hunters and fishermen, fishing is permitted to members of these societies.

Recreational and sport fishing in cultural fish farms of hunters and fishermen's societies is carried out under permits issued by these societies, free of charge or for a fee. The amount of this fee and the category of persons exempted from it are determined in accordance with the established procedure.

Article 2. Protection of fish stocks, other aquatic animals and plants, control over the implementation of measures for the reproduction of fish stocks and reclamation in fishery reservoirs, issuance of permits for the right to fish and other water bodies for research purposes, acclimatization, stocking, fish breeding and control fishing, supervision over compliance with these Rules and other regulatory acts of fisheries legislation is carried out by fisheries protection authorities.

Article 3. Fishery protection bodies, in agreement with fishery organizations, determine water bodies or areas of water bodies in which, in accordance with the procedure established by the regulations on recreational and sport fishing, approved by order of the Ministry of Fisheries of the USSR of April 7, 1982 No. 139, organizes amateur and sport fishing or cultural fish farms societies of hunters and fishermen.

The conditions for the use of reservoirs or sections of reservoirs are determined by agreements concluded by societies with fisheries protection authorities. In case of systematic failure to comply with the terms of the agreement on the organization of cultural fisheries of the society of hunters and fishermen, or the agreement on the organization of recreational and sport fishing and work on the protection and reproduction of fish stocks in a reservoir (section of a reservoir), these agreements may be terminated by fisheries protection authorities .

Article 4. In certain reservoirs or their sections, on the recommendation of scientific institutions, amateur and sport fishing of valuable species (catch of which citizens are prohibited by the Fishery Rules) may be carried out in the prescribed manner under licenses issued by fisheries protection authorities.

Article 5. Sports competitions in fishing are held in the manner established by republican, regional and district (inter-district) societies of hunters and fishermen, primary hunting teams, as well as fishing sections of other voluntary sports societies.

The places and dates of competitions are agreed with the fisheries authorities.

Article 6. Societies of hunters and fishermen that have entered into relevant agreements with fisheries protection authorities are obliged to:

6.1. strictly observe the Rules for Fisheries and the Protection of Fish Resources, the Regulations on Amateur and Sports Fishing and the rules for water use;

6.2. fulfill obligations under agreements concluded with fisheries authorities;

6.3. carry out fish farming and reclamation measures coordinated with fisheries conservation authorities;

6.4. carry out systematic accounting of funds used by societies for measures to protect and reproduce fish stocks;

6.5. create favorable conditions for amateur fishermen visiting water bodies (points for purchasing fishing permits, boat stations, berths, places to stay overnight, parking lots, centralized places for collecting and disposing of garbage and household waste, other types of services);

6.6. keep regular records of the attendance of water bodies by amateur fishermen and the fish they catch by weight, quantity and type;

6.7. carry out the protection of fish stocks in the reservoirs used, as well as monitor the sanitary condition of these reservoirs and ensure the elimination of sources of clogging and pollution of the coastal zone, areas and report all violations to the fisheries protection authorities.

Note. Huntsmen of hunting and fishing societies, directors and ichthyologists of cultural fish farms for recreational and sport fishing, with their consent, at the request of the relevant society, may be granted the rights of public fisheries inspectors.

6.8. take part in the certification of reservoirs;

6.9. in fulfillment of contractual obligations, enter into agreements with scientific and design organizations on the development of recommendations and implementation of work aimed at improving the ichthyofauna and increasing the fish productivity of designated reservoirs;

6.10. organize on a voluntary basis groups to assist fisheries protection authorities to combat poaching, other violations of these Rules and pollution of water bodies with industrial wastewater, pesticides, chemical fertilizers used in coastal areas adjacent to water bodies, take direct part in identifying the causes of fish death, sources of infection and pollution bodies of water; Immediately report all cases of fish death or the appearance of conditions that could lead to mass death of fish to the fisheries protection authorities;

6.11. provide fisheries protection authorities with information on the use of reservoirs, as well as on the expenditure of funds for fish farming and reclamation work in the forms and within the time limits agreed with the fisheries protection authorities;

6.12. provide employees of fisheries protection authorities with overnight accommodation and the opportunity to use passing vehicles during the performance of their official duties;

6.13. carry out work among the population and members of society to explain the Rules of fishing and the protection of fish stocks;

6.15. mark the boundaries of used areas of reservoirs with special signs according to the model established by the basin department for the protection and reproduction of fish stocks and regulation of fisheries.

Article 7. Citizens engaged in recreational and sport fishing are obliged to:

7.1. comply with these Rules and the fishing regime established in the visited water body (section of the water body);

7.2. maintain proper sanitary conditions in water bodies, do not leave garbage and other waste on the ice and banks of the water body, and prevent pollution and clogging of water bodies;

7.3. have with you identification documents of a member of the society of hunters and fishermen, a membership card, in cases where fishing in a reservoir or part of a reservoir is carried out under permits, have a permit with you;

7.4. not to disturb public order on reservoirs and fishing and sports bases, to assist state fisheries inspectors in detaining violators of these Rules and suppressing violations;

7.5. take care of the preservation of green spaces along the banks of water bodies;

7.6. do not damage or damage signs, billboards, notices and other signs installed on the reservoir and shore.

Article 8. The Basin Administration for the protection and reproduction of fish stocks and regulation of fisheries grants the right in the prescribed manner:

8.1. in agreement with scientific fishery organizations, postpone the ban period by 10 days in one direction or another, depending on hydrometeorological conditions, without changing the total duration of the ban period. The terms of the fishing ban established by these Rules apply to the first and last date of the ban, inclusive;

8.2. allow societies of hunters and fishermen, in necessary cases, to catch fish from overseas reservoirs under the control of fisheries protection authorities using commercial fishing gear, using the caught fish for stocking other reservoirs with fish or selling them to the trading network; in necessary cases, in order to catch fish from reservoirs used by societies, in agreement with the latter, involve fishing organizations;

8.3. allow amateur and sport fishing during prohibited periods with a limited number of gear permitted for these purposes outside spawning, wintering and mass concentrations of fish in areas determined by fisheries protection authorities, in agreement with local authorities and fishery organizations;

8.4. establish a complete or partial ban on fishing in water bodies or areas of water bodies where cultural fish farms of hunters’ and fishermen’s societies are organized;

8.5. in agreement with scientific fishery organizations, determine the boundaries of spawning areas and wintering pits, as well as the dates of freeze-up and melting of ice based on materials from the hydro-meteorological service,

Article 9. PROHIBITED:

9.1. amateur and sport hunting for any sea animal everywhere and all year round;

9.2. carry out acclimatization, stocking and breeding of new species of fish without agreement with the Advisory Council on Acclimatization under the Ichthyological Commission and permission from fisheries protection authorities;

9.3. use new gear and fishing methods that are not provided for by these Rules without permission from the fisheries protection authorities;

9.4. hold fishing competitions during the spawning season;

9.5. be on a reservoir or in its immediate vicinity with fishing gear, the use of which is currently prohibited, as well as with explosives and toxic substances;

9.6. sale of net materials, fishing gear and accessories, the use of which is prohibited by these Rules;

9.7. wash vehicles (cars, motorcycles, etc.) in reservoirs, as well as carry out work that negatively affects the hydrochemical regime of reservoirs;

9.8. stopping watercraft within areas prohibited for fishing, with the exception of stops near villages, in cases of extreme necessity (storm, fog, accident, etc.).

Article 10. Underwater fishing for fish using harpoons and harpoon guns is permitted without the use of scuba gear and other self-contained breathing devices in areas determined by fisheries protection authorities.

Article 11. Fishing is PROHIBITED:

11.1. with the use of explosives and toxic substances, electric current, piercing fishing gear, firearms and pneumatic weapons (except for shotguns and pistols for underwater hunting), methods of scarring and prying;

11.2. in the inlet main canals and outlets of fishery reclamation systems, as well as in sluice canals; (specify)

11.3. until further notice in newly formed reservoirs;

11.4. from unregistered watercraft, as well as those without a clear number on the hull;

11.5. in fishing areas (sinking, floating, areas where fixed fishing gear is installed, etc.);

11.6. enterprises and organizations of the fishing industry, fishing and other fish procurement organizations on water bodies or areas of water bodies where societies of hunters and fishermen organize cultural fish farms for amateur and sport fishing, except for cases when it is carried out at the suggestion or with the consent of the relevant society.

Article 12. Small fleet vessels owned by citizens that are not subject to the supervision of the Register of the Russian Federation are registered in the manner established by the Subjects of the Federation.

The movement of small fleet vessels may be temporarily prohibited or limited in accordance with the established procedure upon the proposal of fisheries protection authorities.

Article 13. The selection from the water of fishing gear used in violation of these Rules and the delivery of the selected fishing gear, watercraft and fish catches to the delivery sites is carried out by the violator at the request of the fisheries protection authorities.

Note. Detained vehicles and fishing gear permitted for use are returned to the owners after payment of a fine when the case is reviewed by the fisheries protection authorities in an administrative manner; Prohibited fishing gear will not be returned to the violator. If the case is transferred to the judicial investigative authorities, then the fate of the selected fishing gear and watercraft is decided by these authorities; fish caught in violation of these Rules will be confiscated from the violator.

Article 14. Persons guilty of violating the Rules for Fisheries and the Protection of Fish Stocks are liable in accordance with the Code of Administrative Offences. If necessary, materials about violations are sent to the prosecutor's office or internal affairs bodies to bring the perpetrators to criminal liability.

Damage caused by citizens through illegal fishing or destruction of aquatic biological resources is compensated by violators in accordance with established rates.

Area of ​​application of the rules

Article 15. These Rules apply to the Volga River from the border with the Volgograd region with all branches, channels, volozhkas, oxbow lakes, ilmens, backwaters, hollows and other reservoirs of the Astrakhan region.

Recreational and sport fishing mode

Article 16. Free amateur and sport fishing and crayfish fishing is permitted:

16.1. in all fishery reservoirs of the Astrakhan region, with the exception of prohibited places (reserves, fish hatcheries, wintering fish pits, cultural fish farms, fields, etc.);

16.2. within the boundaries of populated areas (cities, villages, towns, farms and other places of permanent residence or work) located on forbidden bodies of water; Note. In delta areas outside the lower populated areas, recreational fishing is allowed in limited quantities on paid permits issued by fisheries protection authorities.

16.3. on reservoirs and in areas of reservoirs where amateur and sport fishing is organized by societies of hunters and fishermen, members of these societies (Appendix 1);

Article 17. on reservoirs designated by the Sevkasprybvod department for the organization of cultural fish farms of hunters and fishermen's societies, amateur and sport fishing in them is organized by hunters' and fishermen's societies with vouchers free of charge or for a fee

(Appendix No. 2).

Note. The fishing regime in cultural fisheries established in isolated reservoirs is determined by the relevant societies in agreement with the fisheries protection authorities.

Article 18. Amateur and sport fishing throughout the year is permitted using amateur fishing gear with a number of hooks of no more than 5 per fisherman, a hook size of no more than number 12 and a line diameter of up to 0.7 mm. Note. Anchors (double hooks, treble hooks, etc.) are counted as one hook.

18.1. Amateur fishing gear is:
- float rod;
- bottom fishing rod;
- bottom fishing rod with shock absorber;
- spinning tackle (spinning); girders;
- spinners of different shapes and colors, weighing up to 20 grams.
Note. Anchor hooks are used when fishing with spinning rods and lures; the hook size is no more than number 12.

Article 19. Fish catch by amateur and sport fishing gear per fisherman should not exceed 5 kg. regardless of the length of time spent on the reservoir; Export of fish from a reservoir is permitted no more than 5 kg, except in cases where the weight of one fish exceeds 5 kg.

Note. For the period from April 15 to May 31, the fish catch rate is set at 10 kg.

Article 20. Catching live bait from among low-value fish species (bleak, silver bream, white-eye, sop, etc.) is permitted with nets, circles with a diameter of 1 m and lifting nets 1x1 m from kilichny line with a mesh of 6-8 mm, with a slack line no more than 20 cm. The use of juveniles of valuable commercial fish species as bait is prohibited. Note. Valuable species of fish should be understood as those species of fish for the illegal catch or destruction of which damages are recovered from citizens at a tax rate.

Article 21. Amateur and sport fishing for crayfish is permitted in places permitted for recreational fishing, with the exception of the period of molting, mating and spawning from April 1 to June 30, using a string-line with bait, a slingshot and a crayfish catcher (no more than 3 crayfish per person). The permissible catch is no more than 50 pieces per person, regardless of the length of time spent on the reservoir; The export of crayfish is allowed no more than 50 pieces. Note. The Sevkasprybvod administration, in agreement with scientific organizations, has the right to establish a ban on crayfish fishing in certain reservoirs.

Article 22. PROHIBITED:

22.1. Amateur and sport fishing and crayfish on fields.

22.2. Fishing for sturgeon, whitefish, herring, newly acclimatized fish; Note. Anglers must immediately release sturgeon, whitefish, herring and newly acclimatized fish species accidentally caught by amateur and sport fishing gear back into the water alive.

22.3. Fishing with various types of nets, drag nets, drag nets, secrets, vents and other commercial fishing gear;

22.4. Fishing with poaching fishing gear: hooks, spears and other piercing means, as well as lifting nets.

22.5. Store poaching or commercial fishing gear prohibited for recreational fishing on or near water bodies;

22.6. Movement and presence of small amateur fleet in the Volga forbidden pre-estuary space, with the exception of the passage of hunters during the period of game hunting in self-propelled vehicles with a running engine with a power of no more than 30 hp. only to the established hunting bases of the fleet of hunters and fishermen's societies.

22.7. Parking at fishing grounds and harbors of private water and land transport;

22.8. Cutting down forests and shrubs along the banks of water bodies.

In accordance with Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of September 26, 2000 No. 724, to calculate the amount of damage caused by citizens, legal entities or stateless persons by the destruction, illegal fishing or extraction of aquatic biological resources of one specimen, regardless of weight and size, damages are recovered at the following rates:

Species of fish and other aquatic organisms Rubles
Beluga 12500
Russian sturgeon, stellate sturgeon, thorn, sturgeon hybrids 8350
Belorybitsa 4200
Sterlet 420
Blackback herring, pike perch, asp, shemaya,
kutum, carp, grass carp, silver carp,
catfish, pike, carp, lamprey
Roach, bream 25
Podust, perch 17
Sea herring 50
Caspian seal 2500
Cancers 42
For damage caused by illegal harvesting of 1 kg of caviar
an amount of
Beluga 8350
Other sturgeon species 5000
Other fish species 835
Feed organisms:
Bloodworms, gammarus, tubifex, brine shrimp and others 334


to Article 15 clause 15.9
Rules for fishing in the Caspian Sea with inflowing rivers
LIST of fish wintering pits in the Volga and Akhtuba rivers
in which fishing with any fishing gear is prohibited
and ways throughout the year

Name of pits Location


on the river South from the Zherebyachy Island market downstream to the river. Right Zyuidevaya, length 2450 m

Nizhnyaya Zyuidevaya

on the river Zyuidevaya from the Transverse-Zyuidevaya erik downstream to the Bi-ryukovsky islands, 850 m long.


on the river Gandurinskaya from the source of the Erik First Moryanny downstream to the source of the river. Right Gandurinskaya, 700 m long.


on the river Nikitinskaya, one kilometer below Erik Torgulovsky, downstream, 500 m long.


on the river The passage upstream from the Nizhny Khodovenok erik, 170 m long.


on the river Sumnitsa from the sinkhole "Damba" downstream, 850 m long.


on the rivers Timofeevskaya and Poperechnik from the tributary of the Proletarskaya toni downstream to the source of the Dolgaya and Igolkinskaya rivers, with a total length of 1500 m.

Mashkina Spit

Mashkina on the river Volga from the upper end of island No. 1 and the source of the erik Second Prolivina downstream to the southern tip of Baranovsky Island, with a length of 5200 m.

(Black Yar)

on the Dubovsky proran, starts from the upper end of the island. Dubovsky, downstream, 300 m long.


on the Dubovsky proran, starts from the lower border of the Bundino farm, downstream, with a length of 3200 meters.

(Kirovsky Bank)

on the Kirov Canal above the sea post (Bay) 1000 m, length 130 m.

Vyacheslav Mikhailov, lawyer, Kaluga

Changes to the Recreational Fishing Rules in the Astrakhan Region have come into force. On May 20, the Ministry of Justice of Russia registered Order of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation dated April 19, 2016 No. 153, which amended paragraph 30.14 of the Fishery Rules of the Volga-Caspian Fishery Basin (Order of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation No. 453 of November 18, 2014) (hereinafter referred to as the Rules) . This Order made changes, of course, not only in relation to fishing in the Astrakhan region, but in the publication I will only focus on this.

Changes have been made to a number of provisions of the Fishery Rules relating to recreational fishing in this region.

Thus, in subclause 30.14.1, the mention of the possibility of fishing at the control point of the “Volga forbidden pre-estuary space” was removed.

According to Article 17 of the Federal Law of December 20, 2004 No. 166-FZ “On Fisheries and Conservation of Aquatic Biological Resources” (as amended by additions) “water bodies of fishery significance include water bodies that are used or can be used for the extraction (catch) of aquatic biological resources" (clause 3), and "the categories of water bodies of fishery importance and the specifics of production (catch) of aquatic biological resources living in them are established by the federal executive body in the field of fisheries" (clause 4).

The rules for water bodies of fishery importance in the Astrakhan region, where recreational fishing is prohibited, include:

– Volga forbidden pre-estuary space;

– spawning grounds (Appendix No. 3 of the Rules);

– wintering pits (Appendix No. 5 of the Rules).

The Volga forbidden pre-estuarine space is defined in Appendix No. 2 and in a) subclause of the Rules. Relevant maps of the area are available online.

Note to readers. The Volga pre-estuarine restricted space is limited by straight lines passing through the following nodal points:

point 1 – the city of Lagan; point 2 – Erik Bezymyanka; point 2.1 – “Scientific” tone; point 3 – sinking “10th Ognevka”; point 4 – sinking “8th Ognevka”; point 5 – Dvuhbratinsky Island at the mouth of the Levaya Zyuidevaya channel; point 6 – western border of the Damchiksky section of the Astrakhan State Nature Reserve; point 7 – the eastern border of the Damchiksky section of the Astrakhan State Nature Reserve; point 8 – former Nikitinsky lighthouse; point 9 – northern tip of Egrashkin Island (fork of the Mitrichiv and Egrashkin channels); point 10 – source of the Sixth Small Channel; point 11 – western border of the Trekhizbinsky section of the Astrakhan State Nature Reserve; point 12 – the eastern border of the Trekhizbinsky section of the Astrakhan State Nature Reserve; point 13 – point southwest of the village of Tishkovo; point 14 – the right bank of the Belinsky Bank; point 15 – northeastern tip of the island of Verkhny Oseredok; point 16 - Tonya "7th Ognevka" of Belinsky Bank; point 17 – Kirsanovskaya channel; point 18 – Fomin Bank; point 19 – western border of the Obzhorovsky section of the Astrakhan State Nature Reserve; point 20 – the eastern border of the Obzhorovsky section of the Astrakhan State Nature Reserve; point 21 – Malenky Island; point 22 – Unnamed point; point 23 – the eastern border of the southern part of the Obzhorovsky section of the Astrakhan State Nature Reserve; point 24 – the western border of the southern part of the Obzhorovsky section of the Astrakhan State Nature Reserve; point 25 – the end of the Krasinskaya Spit; point 26 – Sukhonenok Island; point 27 – point south of Maly Zyudostinsky Island; point 28 – sinking “10th Ognevka” of Belinsky Bank; point 29 – Marine Pier of Verkhny Oseredok Island; point 30 – Karalatskaya channel; point 31 – Batkachny Island; point 32 – Kulaginsky fish passage channel; point 33 – Nikitinsky Bank; point 34 – the eastern border of the Damchiksky section of the Astrakhan State Nature Reserve; point 35 – western border of the Damchiksky section of the Astrakhan State Nature Reserve; point 36 – a point two kilometers below the “9th Ognevka” sinkhole; point 37 – a point three kilometers west of point 36; point 38 – point on Tumanka Poperechny Island; point 39 – village Vyshka; and then to the starting point - the city of Lagan.

Long-awaited changes have also been made to subclause 30.14.2 of the Rules. It was indicated here that the prohibited periods (periods) for the extraction (catch) of aquatic biological resources now begin not from April 20, but from May 16 and last until June 20. The rules, which will come into force in this part next year, establish that the spawning ban will be in effect from May 16 to June 20.

At this time, it is prohibited to everywhere extract (catch) aquatic biological resources, with the exception of water bodies of fishery significance within the administrative boundaries of populated areas, as well as in fishing grounds provided for the organization of recreational and sport fishing during this period.

And one last thing. The Rules also do not include fishing standards, which has been discussed a lot, linking this with changes or the abolition of the spawning ban. Let me remind you that the ban periods in force this year were introduced with the advent of the new Federal Law dated December 20, 2004 No. 166-FZ “On fishing and conservation of aquatic biological resources.” According to it, reservoirs in the regions were divided into plots, which were leased out.

A situation arose when, during the spawning ban, it was possible to fish only at those bases that had such areas or rented them. But not everyone rented RPUs, and therefore a number of tourist centers, according to the said law, cannot accept fishermen after the ban began, and those who have them can organize such fishing.

At the same time, as reported by regional media and fishermen’s forums on the Internet, such fishing for clients of such bases often took place without observing any fishing standards. You can still find information about this on the Internet, sometimes on the relevant websites of business organizations.

Now the owners of fishing bases are lobbying for the retention of the RPU in the draft Federal Law on recreational fishing, which is being finalized for a suspiciously long time after the first reading.

The daily catch rates in the Fishery Rules adopted after the said Federal Law came into force were abolished. Our readers probably remember that they were five kilograms per fisherman per day. But many understand that the decrease in fish in the Astrakhan region was not due to recreational fishing.

The fact that the ban begins in 2017 on May 16, when most fish have already spawned, with the exception of herring, will, of course, not lead to a further depletion of fish stocks in this region. As before, from mid-May and in June, amateurs will continue to catch predatory fish in permitted places - pike perch, pike and perch, which spawn earlier than white fish. Then they will start catching catfish and asps. Peaceful fish are caught almost everywhere.

FISHING ALL YEAR ROUND No. 12(338), 2016

Fishing rules in the Astrakhan region

Fishing rules of the Federal Fishery Agency for the Volga-Caspian fishery basin

RULES for fishing in the Volga-Caspian fishery basin

Approved by order of Rosrybolovstvo No. 1 of January 13, 2009.
Registered by the Russian Ministry of Justice on March 11, 2009.
Regulates both industrial fishing and
and recreational and sport fishing.

I. General provisions

1. The fishing rules for the Volga-Caspian fishery basin (hereinafter referred to as the Fishery Rules) regulate the activities of Russian legal entities, individual entrepreneurs and citizens engaged in fishing in the Caspian Sea and in the internal waters of the Russian Federation within the areas specified in paragraph 2 of the Fishery Rules, and also foreign legal entities and citizens engaged in fishing in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation and international treaties of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as users).

2. The Volga-Caspian fishery basin is divided into the Northern and Southern fishery areas, delimited by a conventional line running along the dam of the Volzhskaya Hydroelectric Power Station (Volgograd), with the exception of ponds and flooded quarries owned by constituent entities of the Russian Federation, municipal and private property.

2.1. The southern fishery region of the Volga-Caspian fishery basin includes the Caspian Sea, as well as water bodies of fishery importance in the territories of the Astrakhan region, the Republic of Dagestan, the Republic of Kalmykia (coast

  • the Caspian Sea in the territory of the Lagansky district, the Volga River in the territory of the Yustinsky district and the Sarpinsky lakes) and parts of the Volgograd region (the Volga River with channels, Volozhkas, branches and other water bodies of fishery importance below the dam of the Volzhskaya hydroelectric station, the reservoirs of the Volga-Don shipping canal with inflowing rivers ).
  • The southern fishery region is divided into 4 fishery subdistricts: Volga-Caspian, North-Western, North Caspian, Tersko-Caspian. Description and diagram of fishery subdistricts of the Southern Fishery Region
  • of the Volga-Caspian fishery basin are specified in Appendix No. 1 to the Fishery Rules “Description and diagram of fishery subdistricts of the Southern fishery region of the Volga-Caspian fishery basin.”

2.2. The northern fishery region of the Volga-Caspian fishery basin includes the Volga River from the upper reaches to the dam of the Volzhskaya Hydroelectric Power Station (the city of Volgograd) with the basins of the rivers flowing into it, including the reservoirs: Verkhnevolzhskoye, Ivankovskoye, Uglichskoye, Rybinskoye, Gorkovskoye, Cheboksary, Cherepetskoye, Votkinskoye , Kamskoye, Nizhne-Kamaskoye, Kuibyshevskoye, Surskoye, Saratovskoye, Volgogradskoye, as well as all water bodies of fishery importance located in the territories of the republics of Bashkortostan, Ingushetia, Kabardino-Balkaria, Mari El, Mordovia, North Ossetia - Alania, Tatarstan, Udmurtia, Chechnya , Chuvashia; Perm region, Belgorod, Bryansk, Vladimir, Volgograd (above the dam of the Volga hydroelectric station), Vologda (Rybinsk reservoir and other water bodies of fishery importance in the Cherepovets region), Ivanovo, Kaluga, Kirov, Kostroma, Kursk, Moscow, Nizhny Novgorod, Orenburg, Oryol , Penza, Ryazan, Samara, Saratov, Smolensk, Tambov, Tver, Tula (Oka River basin), Ulyanovsk, Yaroslavl regions and the city of Moscow.

3. Fishing rules regulate the extraction (catch) of aquatic biological resources for the purpose of industrial fishing, including coastal fishing, fishing for research and control purposes, fishing for educational and cultural purposes, fishing for fish farming, reproduction and acclimatization of aquatic biological resources, recreational and sport fishing.

4. Fishing rules establish:

4.1. types of permitted fishing;
4.2. standards, including standards for the yield of products from the processing of aquatic biological resources, including caviar, as well as parameters and terms of permitted fishing;
4.3. restrictions on fishing and other activities related to the use of aquatic biological resources classified as fishing objects, including:

  • prohibition of fishing in certain areas and in relation to certain types of aquatic biological resources;
  • the minimum size of extracted (caught) aquatic biological resources;
  • types of prohibited tools and methods of extraction (catch) of aquatic biological resources;
  • mesh size of fishing gear, size and design of gear for extracting (catching) aquatic biological resources;
  • permissible by-catch of some species when harvesting (catching) other types of aquatic biological resources;
  • periods of fishing in water bodies of fishery importance;
  • other restrictions established in accordance with federal laws.

4.4. requirements for the conservation of aquatic biological resources classified as fishing objects, including the responsibilities of users engaged in the extraction (catch) of aquatic biological resources, a list of documents necessary for users to carry out fishing, requirements for users engaged in the extraction (catch) of aquatic biological resources.

5. When carrying out fishing for research and control, educational purposes, as well as for the purposes of fish farming, reproduction and acclimatization of aquatic biological resources, areas of production (catch) prohibited for the extraction (catch) of aquatic biological resources, terms (periods) of production (catch), fishing gear and methods of production (catch), species, sex and size composition of catches are not established by the Fishing Rules. Fishing gear and methods, areas and timing of extraction (catch) of aquatic biological resources, species, sex and size composition of catches for these purposes are established by scientific programs, work plans for the extraction (catch) of aquatic biological resources for educational purposes, as well as work programs for artificial reproduction and acclimatization of aquatic biological resources, approved in accordance with the established procedure.

6. If international treaties of the Russian Federation in the field of fisheries and conservation of aquatic biological resources establish rules other than the Fishery Rules, the rules of these international treaties apply.

7. In order to preserve rare and endangered species of aquatic biological resources listed in the Red Book of the Russian Federation and/or the Red Book of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation, the extraction (catch) of such types of aquatic biological resources is prohibited.

8. In exceptional cases, the extraction (catch) of rare and endangered species of aquatic biological resources is permitted on the basis of permits for the extraction (catch) of aquatic biological resources in the manner prescribed by the Government of the Russian Federation (Federal Law of December 20, 2004 N 166-FZ “ On fishing and conservation of aquatic biological resources", Article 27 (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2004, N 52 (Part 1), Article 5270; 2006, N 1, Article 10; N 23, Article 2380; N 52 ( part 1), art. 5498; 2007, N 1 (part 1), art. 23; N 17, art. 1933; N 50, art. 6246; 2008, N 49, art. 5748)).

II. Requirements for the conservation of aquatic biological resources classified as fishery objects

9. The right to extract (catch) aquatic biological resources arises on the basis of agreements and decisions established by Federal Law of December 20, 2004 N 166-FZ “On Fisheries and Conservation of Aquatic Biological Resources” (Federal Law of December 20, 2004 N 166 - Federal Law “On Fisheries and Conservation of Aquatic Biological Resources”, Chapter 3.1)).

10. When carrying out the types of fishing specified in paragraph 3 of the Fishing Rules (except for recreational and sport fishing), users: (see full document)

11. The captain of the vessel or the person responsible for the extraction (catch) of aquatic biological resources when carrying out the extraction (catch) of aquatic biological resources in the Caspian Sea: (see full document)

12. For recreational and sport fishing:

12.1 in ponds and/or flooded quarries owned by citizens or legal entities - citizens must obtain the consent of the owners of these water bodies of fishery importance;

12.2. sporting events in the field of fishing are carried out in compliance with the Fishing Rules;

12.3. in fishing grounds:

a) not provided for the organization of recreational and sport fishing - citizens must obtain the consent of the user of the fishing area;

b) provided for the organization of recreational and sport fishing - citizens must conclude an agreement on the provision of services with a user who has an agreement on the provision of a fishing site for the organization of the specified type of fishing (hereinafter referred to as a permit for the extraction (catch) of aquatic biological resources). The voucher for the extraction (catch) of aquatic biological resources must indicate the volume of aquatic biological resources agreed upon for the extraction (catch), and the location of the extraction (catch) within the fishing area, its validity period, and other information.

13. When organizing recreational and sport fishing on the basis of an agreement on the provision of a fishing area for the extraction (catch) of aquatic biological resources, users:

  • issue vouchers to citizens for the extraction (catch) of aquatic biological resources within the established quotas for the specified fishing area;
  • provide separate accounting by types, volumes and places of production (catch) of aquatic biological resources in the fishing log;
  • submit to the territorial bodies of Rosrybolovstvo information on the production (catch) of aquatic biological resources by production (catch) areas no later than the 18th and 3rd of each month as of the 15th and last day of the month.

15. When carrying out recreational and sport fishing in the fishing grounds provided for these purposes, citizens must have with them:

  • voucher for the extraction (catch) of aquatic biological resources;
  • passport or other identification document.

16. Users of aquatic biological resources do not have the right to:

16.1. carry out extraction (catch) of aquatic biological resources:

  • without a permit for the extraction (catch) of aquatic biological resources and without an allocated quota for the extraction (catch) of aquatic biological resources, unless otherwise provided by the legislation of the Russian Federation;
  • exceeding the volumes of production (catch) quotas allocated to them by production (catch) areas, types of aquatic biological resources and volumes of permitted bycatch;
  • from ships and other watercraft that are not registered in accordance with the established procedure and do not have identification marks of the established type clearly marked on board;
  • using piercing fishing gear, with the exception of amateur and sport fishing carried out using special pistols and shotguns (hereinafter referred to as underwater hunting);
  • using firearms (with the exception of seal hunting), pneumatic weapons, as well as explosive, toxic, narcotic drugs, electric current and other fishing gear prohibited by the legislation of the Russian Federation;
  • rutting, by the method of purple, jamming, with the help of rattling and bogging;
  • by stopping the access of oxygen to a water body of fishery importance by destroying the sources of its water supply, and also does not have the right to discharge water bodies of fishery importance for the purpose of extracting (catching) aquatic biological resources;
  • at dams, bridges, locks and other hydraulic structures at a distance of less than 0.5 km, at waste collectors within a radius of less than 0.5 km, in the drainage canals of power plants (except for the extraction (catch) of aquatic biological resources for research and control purposes) ;
  • during prohibited periods and in areas (places) closed for extraction (catch) of aquatic biological resources;
  • without the consent of users of fishing areas when carrying out recreational and sport fishing in these areas;
  • at fish hatcheries, their workshops and points, cages for growing and keeping fish - at a distance of less than 0.5 km;
  • on reservoirs and watercourses of spawning and rearing farms, with the exception of fishing for the purposes of fish farming, reproduction and acclimatization of aquatic biological resources;
  • during periods of release of juvenile fish by fish hatcheries and from the end of these periods for 15 days in water bodies of fishery importance at a distance of less than 0.5 km in all directions from the release sites, with the exception of catching predatory and low-value fish species in order to prevent the consumption of valuable juveniles fish species;

16.2. accept (surrender), have on board a vessel or fishing area catches of aquatic biological resources (or products from them) of one species under the name of another species or without indicating the species composition; accept (hand over) catches without weighing and/or piece counting;

16.3. keep records and provide information on the production (catch) of aquatic biological resources with a distortion of the actual size of the catch, its species composition, fishing gear used, timing, types of use and methods of production (catch), as well as without indicating or indicating the incorrect name of the production (catch) area );

16.4. have aquatic biological resources (including their fragments (parts) and/or products from them) on board ships and other vehicles, in fishing grounds located in areas (places) of production (catch) of aquatic biological resources, as well as in places of processing of raw materials. , not included in the field log, technological log, acceptance documents (receipt, bill of lading);

16.5. have on the deck of the vessel, fishing grounds and in places of extraction (catching) of aquatic biological resources (when fishing outside fishing areas) in working condition fishing gear, the use of which in a given area and at a given period of time is prohibited;

16.6. carry out underwater hunting during the spawning period, in places of mass and organized recreation for citizens, as well as use underwater hunting means from the shore, from the side of floating craft and by wading; carry out underwater hunting using scuba gear and other self-contained breathing apparatus;

16.7. install:

  • fishing gear that overlaps more than 2/3 of the width of the channel of the watercourse and reservoir, and the free part should be in the deepest part of the channel (simultaneous sweeping of seines from opposite banks “into the castle” is also prohibited);
  • fixed fishing gear in a checkerboard pattern;

16.8. use:

16.9. throw away or release the extracted (caught) aquatic biological resources specified in the permit for the extraction (catch) of aquatic biological resources, with the exception of recreational and sport fishing carried out on the “catch-and-release” principle, as well as fishing for the purposes of fish farming, reproduction and acclimatization of aquatic biological resources, if the obtained (caught) water resources do not correspond in their biological characteristics to the purposes of this type of fishing.

In the case of production (catch) of prohibited species of aquatic biological resources, as well as species not named in the permit for production (catch) of aquatic biological resources, for which the total allowable catch (hereinafter - TAC) is established, they (including permitted bycatch) must, with the least damage, regardless of their condition, be released into their natural habitat.

In this case, the user is obliged, in cases of extraction (catch) of prohibited species of aquatic biological resources, or exceeding the permitted bycatch of aquatic biological resources not specified in the permit, for which the TAC is established:

  • change the fishing position (the route of the next trawling or the position of the next sweep, the placement of fishing gear must be at least 0.5 nautical miles (for sea areas) and at least 0.5 km (in inland waters, with the exception of inland sea waters) from any point of the previous trawling, sweeping or setting;
  • stop the extraction (catch) of aquatic biological resources in a given area or in a given fishing area and remove fishing gear or render it inoperative. Resumption of production (catch) of aquatic biological resources in a given place is possible only on the basis of permission from the authority that issued the permit for production (catch) of aquatic biological resources;
  • reflect your actions in the ship's documents and fishing log and send this information to the territorial bodies of Rosrybolovstvo;

16.10. use fishing gear that has a size and equipment, as well as a mesh size (pitch), that does not comply with the requirements of the Fishing Rules;

16.11. to produce (catch) aquatic biological resources in little-explored areas and in areas temporarily without commercial significance, with the exception of fishing in research and control, fishing for the purpose of fish farming, reproduction and acclimatization of aquatic biological resources;

16.12. carry out production (catch) of acclimatized species of aquatic biological resources until their TAC is established, with the exception of fishing for research and control, as well as educational purposes. The specified aquatic biological resources caught in fishing gear must be immediately released into their natural habitat with the least damage, and the fact of their capture must be recorded in the fishing log;

16.13. allow fixed nets to remain in the water (stagnation of nets) for more than 24 hours from April 16 to October 14 and 96 hours from October 15 to April 15, counting from the moment they are fully installed until they begin to be rebuilt or taken on board the vessel;

16.14. move along the beds of spawning rivers, lakes, reservoirs and their channels on all types of small motorized watercraft during the spawning run of fish, with the exception of the use of motorized watercraft for fishing under permits for the extraction (catch) of aquatic biological resources;

16.15. allow deterioration of the natural habitat conditions of aquatic biological resources.

III. Industrial fishing, including coastal fishing, fishing for cultural and educational purposes in the Southern fishing region of the Volga-Caspian fishing basin

IV. Industrial fishing, including coastal fishing, fishing for cultural and educational purposes in the Northern fishing region of the Volga-Caspian fishing basin

25. Types of prohibited tools and methods of extraction (catch) of aquatic biological resources.

26. Minimum size of extracted (caught) aquatic biological resources (commercial size).

27. By-catch of juveniles (or individuals of non-commercial size) of aquatic biological resources.

28. By-catch of some species when harvesting (catching) other types of aquatic biological resources.

V. Recreational and sport fishing

29. Types of prohibited tools and methods of extraction (catch) of aquatic biological resources in all water bodies of fishery importance in the Volga-Caspian fishery basin.

For amateur and sport fishing, the following is prohibited:

a) application:

  • networks of all types;
  • traps of all types and designs (merezh, venter, top, “muzzle”, “pins”, etc.), with the exception of crayfish traps;
  • passive fishing gear (“zakidushki”, “postavushki”, “pokes” and others) on rivers that are habitats for salmon species of fish;
  • pneumatic weapons (except for shotguns and pistols for underwater hunting);
  • fishing rods and spinning gear of all systems and names with a total number of hooks (hooks) of more than 10 pieces per citizen;
  • trawling fishing gear;
  • net straining and catching fishing gear and devices (drags, seines, drag nets, bastings, lifting nets, circles, “TVs”, “screens”, “grips”, “drills”, “shards”, “capes”, “kerchiefs”, “saks”, “kotsov”, “krylatok”, “Germans”, “vozmilok”, “rezhakov”, “okhanov” and others);
  • lifters (“spiders”) and scoops measuring more than 100x100 cm, and with a mesh size (pitch) of more than 10 mm;
  • piercing fishing gear (spears and others), with the exception of rifles and pistols for underwater hunting;
  • catfish;
  • traps;
  • hook fishing gear;

b) carry out extraction (catch) of aquatic biological resources:

  • method of purging (by hooking);
  • jamming method;
  • nets with a total number of hooks of more than 10 pieces on fishing gear for one citizen;
  • for lighting;
  • on the track (trolling) using a sail and a motor using more than two baits;
  • circles and girders with a total number of hooks of more than 10 pieces on fishing gear for one citizen;
  • by installing driveways, fences, pins, dams and other types of barriers that partially or completely block the bed of reservoirs and watercourses and impede the free movement of fish;
  • more than three crayfish traps per citizen, with a diameter of each crayfish trap of more than 80 cm and a mesh size (pitch) of less than 22 mm; using the “close” method;
  • by gill method (using “floss traps”, “harvesters”);
  • wade crayfish by hand or by diving;

c) draining reservoirs for the purpose of catching aquatic biological resources;

d) installation of huts and other stationary structures on the ice of water bodies of fishing significance, with the exception of portable windproof devices.

30. Places prohibited for the extraction (catch) of aquatic biological resources, terms (periods) of extraction (catch) of aquatic biological resources, types of aquatic biological resources, the minimum size of extracted (caught) aquatic biological resources (permissible size).

30.14. Water bodies of fishery importance in the Astrakhan region.

  • The Volga forbidden pre-estuary space, with the exception of fishing grounds provided for the organization of recreational and sport fishing;
  • spawning grounds specified in Appendix No. 3 to the Fishery Rules “List of spawning grounds for sturgeon species in the Volga River bed”;
  • wintering pits specified in Appendix No. 4 to the Fishery Rules “List of wintering pits located on water bodies of fishery significance in the Volga-Caspian fishery basin.”
  • from April 20 to June 20 - everywhere, with the exception of water bodies of fishery importance within the administrative boundaries of settlements, as well as in fishing grounds provided for the organization of recreational and sport fishing during this period;
  • from April 1 to June 30 - crayfish.
  • sturgeon species of fish, herring, kutum, white fish, vimbe, barbel, burbot, badyaga.

Amateur and sport hunting of the Caspian seal is prohibited.

30.14.4. The use of tools and methods of extraction (catch) of aquatic biological resources is prohibited, with the exception of the following:

  • float rod, consisting of a rod, fishing line, float, sinker, leash and hooks;
  • bottom fishing rod (donka), consisting of a rod or whip, fishing line, sinker, leash and hook;
  • bottom fishing rod with shock absorber;
  • clamshells, in the amount of no more than three pieces per citizen;
  • line fishing (trolling) using muscle power, a sail and a motor using no more than two artificial baits;
  • fishing "on kwok";
  • boats;
  • girders;
  • spinners, different in shape and color with anchors and hooks.

Spinning tackle (spinning) consists of a rod with guide rings and a handle on which a removable reel with fishing line is attached and is equipped with one bait with one double or tee anchor hook. Additionally, a sinker without hooks or anchor hooks can be placed in front of the spoon.

Anchor hooks are used only when fishing with spinning rods and girders. The number of hooks and hook-anchors used should be no more than five pieces on fishing gear for one citizen, size - no more than N 12 according to the Russian classification.

30.14.5. Minimum size of extracted (caught) aquatic biological resources (permissible size).

Name of aquatic biological resources size, cm

  • Asp 32
  • Sudak 40
  • Bream 24
  • Pike 32
  • Sazan 40
  • Freshwater catfish 60
  • Roach, roach 17
  • Rudd 17
  • Chekhon 22
  • Lin 22
  • Cancers 10

VI. Responsibility for violating fishing rules

31. Users engaged in the extraction (catch) of aquatic biological resources who are guilty of violating the Fishery Rules are liable in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

Book a base

Book a base

Check availability

Check availability

The majestic Volga flows in the Astrakhan region, and its branches spread across the vast territory of the region, forming tributaries, fresh and salt lakes, and rivers. In general, the Volga is the longest river in all of Europe.

Information about the river can be found even in the oldest records of many travelers. It must be said that the first mentions of it were as the River Ra in the 2nd century BC. Much later, in the 9th and 10th centuries AD, the River began to be called Edil, the second name Idil. Already by the end of the 14th century and the beginning of the 15th century, the river was the most important trade route. Products are transported from Europe to the countries of the Caucasus, Central Asia, India and even Persia.

Today, the Volga attracts many fishing enthusiasts, both summer and winter. Fishing competitions are often held here. As for recreational fishing, there are corresponding restrictions, for example, there is a ban on:

  1. Applications of networks of various types.
  2. The use of traps and all their varieties, tops, snouts, stabbing, hedging. As for crayfish traps, there are absolutely no restrictions.
  3. Passive gear, such as stands or throws, pokes and others. This is especially monitored in the habitats of salmon fish species.
  4. It is strictly forbidden to use pneumatic and firearms, as well as bows and crossbows.
  5. Even the float tackle and donk have restrictions. There should be no more than ten hooks per angler.
  6. Dredging and trawling gear is also prohibited.
  7. Net straining fishing gear cannot be used on the river, including such devices as a drag, a basting, a lift, a seine, a drag, a scarf, a sack, and so on. You need to know that there are exceptions, this is a spider, and a scoop, but for 1 fisherman there should be only one tackle of this type, its length should not exceed 100 centimeters in length, height and width, the cell is 1 centimeter.
  8. Piercing fishing gear is included in the list of restrictions, these are spears and similar devices. The exception is shotguns and pistols used by amateurs during underwater fishing.
  9. Traps.
  • Somovniki.
  • Self-propelled hook tackle.

Prohibitions are also imposed on methods of catching fish:

  1. Racking, jamming, rutting, and the use of rattles with botanies is not permitted.
  2. Slings are used only if there are no more than 10 hooks on the gear for one angler.
  3. Illumination, as well as the use of flashlights and other lighting devices from the coastline at night, is also prohibited. A flashlight or other lighting device is allowed to be used only in case of underwater hunting and fishing with spinning tackle from the shore of a reservoir. Flashlights are not prohibited when using crayfish traps.
  4. On the track using a boat or other rowing vessel, or a watercraft using more than a couple of baits.
  5. Trolling using a sail or motor using two lures per angler.
  6. Mugs and girders must be equipped with no more than ten hooks per fisherman.
  7. Fishing using fences, driveways, dams, and other methods of blocking the movement of fish through their natural habitat is prohibited. The bed of reservoirs and watercourses cannot be blocked even partially, much less completely.
  8. There should be no more than three shells per fisherman, and their size must comply with the rules. Typically, the length, height and width of the gear cannot exceed 80 centimeters.
  9. The gill method is completely excluded, and we also include the use of combines and bagasse traps with more than 2 hooks.
  10. You cannot catch crayfish by diving or wading by hand.

Under no circumstances is it permitted to launch fishery objects into the water for the purpose of catching aquatic biological resources.

During cold weather, the river never ceases to attract fishermen. But even in cold weather, every fisherman needs to know that huts or other permanent structures cannot be installed on the surface, only devices that protect from the wind.

Places where there is a fishing ban

  1. The Volga pre-estuary space is prohibited.
  2. The fishing rules contain instructions regarding fishing in spawning grounds, which say that it is not allowed to catch sturgeon in the riverbed.
  3. Wintering pits. There are clear instructions regarding such places in the Fishing Rules.

Duration of the ban

The ban period begins from May 16 and will last until June 20 everywhere. Also included in this category are fishing grounds provided for sport or recreational fishing organizations during a given period.

What fish are prohibited from catching?

  1. Sturgeon.
  2. Herring.
  3. Kutum.
  4. Rybets.
  5. Badyaga.
  6. Burbot.
  7. Barbel.

Minimum sizes of fish caught

Under no circumstances should fresh aquatic biological resources that have not reached a certain length be caught, received, transported, processed or transshipped.

For example, roach, roach, rudd must be seventeen centimeters or more. Tench, sabrefish from twenty-two centimeters. Freshwater catfish must reach at least sixty centimeters. Bream - twenty-four centimeters. For asp and pike the minimum size is thirty-two centimeters, for pike-perch thirty-seven. The carp must be at least forty centimeters in length. Cancer is at least ten sentiments.

How to correctly measure fresh aquatic resources? For fish, measurements are taken from the top of the snout, with the fish's mouth closed, to the beginning of the tail. The cancer is measured from the beginning of the eyes to the very end of the tail plates.

It is imperative that fish or crayfish be released into their natural environment, of course, only if their size is smaller than the permitted size.

In case of violation of the rules, it is recommended to immediately inform the relevant authorities. Aquatic biological resources must be released with minimal damage.

If you see violations, immediately call 112