Where can a lonely girl relax? How to travel alone: ​​tips for girls

An extensive selection of where you can go on an inexpensive vacation at sea in the summer of 2020 thanks to low prices for tours and air tickets. Budget - up to 30,000 rubles per person.

Prices in the article are indicated in rubles for tours for two people for 7-14 nights with departure from Moscow(for tickets - for a round-trip flight departing from Moscow, taking into account all fees) and are current at the time of publication.

Summer holidays by your own sea. Tours and tickets

Cheap seaside tours in summer 2020

You can go to the Black Sea very inexpensively in the summer: in June 2020, tours to the resorts of the Russian south cost only 21 thousand rubles for two for 7 nights, from 38 thousand for 11 nights and from 43 thousand for 14 nights. In July, the cost of vouchers increases by 5-7 thousand rubles, in August - by 3-4 thousand. The choice of resorts is huge: this includes Crimea (Balaclava, Yalta, Olenevka, Saki, Kerch, Alushta) and cities Krasnodar region(Anapa, etc.).

Cheap sea tickets

Fly in the summer season Russian resorts The Black Sea (according to the current situation) is somewhat cheaper than to Europe. The picture will change closer to summer - last-minute cheap charters will appear for a number of European resorts. Well, for now...

Cheapest tickets in Crimea in summer can be found in June 2020 - from 5800 rubles. Regarding tickets to Adler (Sochi) for the summer of 2020, then prices start from 5,500 rubles for flights in June, from 7,000 rubles for flights in July and from 7,600 in August.

Flights to Anapa And Krasnodar in summer they cost between 4,000 and 6,000 rubles. From Krasnodar it is easy to get to any resort Black Sea coast by bus or train.

Lazarevskoye has a rocky bottom, so the water on calm days is clear to great depths (Photo © booking.com / Apartments on Odoevskogo, 87)

Where is the cheapest place to fly to the seaside in summer?

Below we provide a list of destinations where you can go inexpensively in the summer of 2020 to the sea - within 30,000 rubles per person. We indicate the cost of tours for two people when departing from Moscow (tours from other cities are usually more expensive).

Abkhazia: from 10,500 rubles/person.

Swimming pool at the hotel, Gudauta (Photo © booking.com / Hotel "Papa")

Bulgaria: from 12,500 rub./person.

Girl on the beach in Albena, Bulgaria. (Photo © Balcon del Mundo / flickr.com)

Türkiye: from 10,200 rub./person.

Cirali beach in Kemer, Türkiye (Photo © s_wh / flickr.com)

Greece: from 11,500 rub./person.

Beach in Nea Moudania, Chalkidiki (Photo © booking.com / Ikos Oceania)

Montenegro: from 14,000 rub./person.

Beach in Herceg Novi, Montenegro (Photo © travelata.ru / Riviera Resort Hotel)

Italy: from RUB 16,500/person.

Sardinia, Italy (Photo © emmequadro61 / flickr.com)

Cyprus: from RUB 20,500/person.

Cyprus is a great place to go on a seaside holiday in the summer: flights are quite cheap, accommodation, food and entertainment are not too expensive either, the visa issue can be resolved very simply online. Read.

Peyia is a small resort town in Cyprus (Photo © Tobiasvde / flickr.com)

Tunisia: from 17,500 rub./person.

Beach in Aryan, Tunisia (Photo © Mashhour Halawani / flickr.com)

Spain: from RUB 13,500/person.

Another great place where you can inexpensively fly for a seaside holiday this summer is sunny Spain. The cheapest tours are for June 2020: from 27 thousand rubles for two for a week, from 37 thousand for 11 nights and from 51 thousand for 14 nights. In July and August, vacations are usually more expensive. Find out more

If you like active holidays, then Turkey, Egypt, Greece, Spain are the countries you need. Exploring the sights, visiting noisy night discos, going to local markets, and of course, tanned, slender handsome men with a dazzling smile will not let you get bored. But don't lose your head.

If you prefer more relaxing holiday, it’s worth going to France, Austria, Italy or another European country. Here you can completely dissolve in the romance surrounding you. These countries have a centuries-old history, which you can learn on excursions. And evening visits to restaurants and cafes will give you the opportunity to find your other half. Some girls go on such trips precisely for the sake of dating.

Having thrown away thoughts about the warmth, you can go for a ride alpine skiing or snowboarding. For lovers of extreme sports, regular hiking or river rafting. Uniting with nature and testing your own strength will charge you with only positive emotions and show you life from the other side.

A lonely girl does not mean a loner. You can take your friends with you and then your vacation will be even better. Remember your childhood dreams and make them come true right now!

What to remember when traveling

The first point for you should be choosing a place to live. It could be a hotel, a hotel, a hostel, a rented apartment or even a house. It all depends on your preferences and financial capabilities. Important factors in this choice will be location, level of service, food if included, and

First of all, it is worth mentioning the standard exceptions. They are regulated not only by the insurance conditions of a particular company, but also insurance legislation. No auto insurer will compensate for damage resulting from the following events.

  1. Exposure to radiation.
  2. Popular unrest.
  3. Military events.
  4. Nuclear explosion.

In addition, you should not expect payment when the car was requisitioned or confiscated by a decision of one of the government agencies. If the state representative had sufficient authority and his actions do not contradict the law, the insurer will refuse to compensate for damage resulting from such actions.

In addition, no insurance company will compensate for moral damage.

This also includes cases of lost profits and commercial losses of the car owner, for example, due to the downtime of a damaged car.

Along with the events described, it is worth mentioning cases of damage to technically faulty vehicles. If the client violated the rules for operating the car or did not pass the mandatory technical inspection, he will be refused compensation for damage.

The same result will happen if the car is rented or rented without the knowledge of the insurance company. In addition, the car owner will not be compensated for damage when using the vehicle in competitions or tests, if such a possibility is not provided for by the terms of the contract.

What does CASCO cover and does not cover?

All risks under CASCO are divided into two categories: basic and additional. The main risks are specified in the guidelines for motor insurance of land transport. These are fire, spontaneous combustion, collision of two or more vehicles, collision with standing objects, falling objects on a car (including snow, ice), illegal actions of third parties and vandalism, natural disasters (lightning, storm, tornado, tsunami, hail, rainfall, flood, earthquake, landslide), etc. Having a CASCO policy and the occurrence of at least one of the above risks is an insured event under CASCO.

Additional risks are included in the terms and conditions of insurance individually according to the provided program and may differ from additional types of other insurance companies. For example, an insurance company may determine that under a certain type of program it will not cover damage such as scratches on the paintwork or theft from an unguarded parking lot.

Each insurance company individually can revise additional risks, accordingly including them in the terms of the policy or excluding them from the terms. Also, these changes affect the tariff rate and can ultimately change the cost of the CASCO policy. Conclusion - the cheaper the CASCO insurance, the fewer additional risks are included in the insurance conditions.

Therefore, in order to find out what CASCO covers directly under your policy, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with the terms of the insurance program offered to you and read the methodological recommendations on CASCO. You can also ask a number of questions to the insurance manager of your chosen insurance company and receive satisfactory answers.

You can directly ask the office manager about which risks are covered by this policy and which are not. Pay special attention to risks not foreseen. They will clearly show what you cannot count on. Since each insurance company must separately obtain a license to insure ground transport, having rules for CASCO and changing them is a labor-intensive matter. And accordingly, these rules are established and cannot be changed.

For example, your friend insured his car under a program that includes paint damage. You, in turn, may think that all insurance companies cover this damage and take out a CASCO policy from another company at a cheaper price, without asking questions about the terms of the contract. However, it may happen that your policy does not include this type of risk and you do not receive a payment for paint restoration.

This situation can arise for anyone: it seems that the vacation has been signed, and the money has been set aside, and plans have been made. But the only thing missing is a fellow traveler: the crush wasn’t released from work, the friend was caught up in family matters, and the relative simply doesn’t want to go... So he came...

Going on vacation alone: ​​pros and cons

Instructions for tourists, Beach holidays, Active holidays in Montenegro

This situation can arise for anyone: it seems that the vacation has been signed, and the money has been set aside, and plans have been made. But there’s not enough travel companion: your crush wasn’t released from work, your friend was caught up in family matters, and your relative just doesn’t want to go... So you have to decide: to go on vacation in splendid isolation or to postpone the trip until better times?

In this case, some resort to the help of the Internet: in the open spaces social networks and travel forums, it’s not so difficult to find a travel companion for a week or two of vacation. It turns out to be a convenient option for discounted hotel vouchers or for finding new friends. However, you will have to come to terms with the fact that a travel companion found via the Internet will remain a pig in a poke until your vacation, who will be able to show himself in the most unexpected ways.

Hemingway's saying, “Travel only with those you love,” can be understood in two ways.

Either you shouldn’t go on the road at all if you can’t take your loved one with you, or you still should – but in this case, completely alone.

There are even travelers who, on principle, do without travel companions - they have so experienced the taste of absolute freedom that overtakes when a person finds himself far from home, without anyone familiar nearby. They are opposed as eternal opponents by sociable people who cannot see a vacation without a crowd of family and friends, or without a life partner. Moreover, in the discussions of both, there are arguments for and against solo travel.

Pros: Freedom of choice and movement.

This point undoubtedly tops the list of advantages of solo travel. Instead of endless debates and discussions, you can simply expand the world map and select a point on it where you have long wanted to go. You can prescribe your route down to the smallest points, knowing that no one will challenge or disrupt it; On the contrary, you can not make any plan and, having arrived at the initial point, play “tumbleweeds”: do what your mood dictates. You can gather materials for an entire novel while wandering around Asia with just a backpack; you can lazily lie on the beach without any reproaches from your more active friends. Just you and the road - and no orders!

Opinion: Andrey, 29 years old:"Already throughout recent years I travel only alone for seven years. I love a rich adventure program that allows for improvisation; At the same time, coordinating plans with anyone is a problematic task. When two or more people go on vacation, everyone tries to pull the blanket over themselves. The exception is a truly beloved person with whom I would think in the same direction. But there is no such woman yet, so I enjoy absolute freedom. All other options seem unacceptable to me.”

Cons: Costs cannot be divided between two people.

A room in a restaurant, a taxi and a portion of pizza - all this costs much less money when two people pay. A single person will have to come to terms with the fact that a place in a single room will cost on average one and a half times more money than for a double room, last-minute travel offers rarely apply to single tourists, and all sorts of household expenses significantly chew up the budget when there is no money for them. someone to chip in with.

Pros: Lots of new acquaintances

Paradoxically, solo travelers often enjoy more social interaction during their holidays than those traveling with friends or a couple. Of course, it all depends on the openness of each individual person: some may not meet anyone in two weeks at a youth hotel, and some make new friends while walking around quiet national parks. However, in general, the trend is this: anyone who dares to travel to another country without company has every chance of making new friends.

The fact is that singles do not confine themselves to the company of their fellow travelers, and the relaxed atmosphere of a vacation, as a rule, contributes to making new acquaintances. And a simple solution to organizational and everyday issues requires more contacts with others - hence there are more reasons to start communication. In the end, it is much easier for single tourists who are not in a relationship to diversify their love life on vacation - however, you should come to terms with the fact that the new romance will most likely end where it began, leaving behind only pleasant memories.

Opinion - Veronica, 22 years old:“On my first solo trip, I suddenly broke down - and immediately for a month. Traveled to a bunch of places along Adriatic coast, lived in hostels and the private sector. It’s scary to count how many people I’ve met! I probably communicated with hundreds of people from all over the world. All of them, of course, have not sunk into my memory, but I still keep in touch with some of the guys (mostly from Serbia). In the summer I plan to host guests from the Balkans.”

Cons: Longing for loved ones

Opinion - Sergey, 24 years old:“I traveled a lot, mainly around Western Europe. Mostly with family or friends, but a couple of times I went on long trips alone. It wasn’t boring, but after some time after returning, it became sad that there was no one who would share the memories. It’s probably because I can’t slap my friend on the shoulder and say, “Do you remember how you and I were in Paris...”, I forget Paris faster than, say, Amsterdam, from which my friends and I brought oh what fun memories."

Pros: Opportunity to try on a new look

This plus perfectly complements the opportunity to make new friends and start an affair. Just as many people like to show off their plumage in front of random fellow travelers on a train or plane, so single travelers can show off new looks for their trip. After all, in a distant land, isolated from everyone who knows your character traits and weaknesses, it is much easier to instill in yourself unusual (but desirable!) qualities and appear before people in a completely different light. The main thing is not to get too carried away and not to exaggerate - and you will get an excellent training!

Opinion - Anna, 25 years old:“Last summer I was on holiday alone in Ibiza - a lucrative trip turned up. But there are youth parties, going to bars, dancing until the morning. “The very thing” for a girl raised in a warm home environment. Of course, I didn’t get carried away with drinking there, but, with a little effort of will, I turned myself from a home girl into a good soul of the party, making friends with my hotel neighbors (mostly English). It really helped me to relax - I returned home completely refreshed!

Do you want to go on vacation, but don’t have anyone to take with you? Everyone around is busy with their own affairs, while the soul demands new impressions and a change of scenery? There is no need to deny yourself travel. the site has prepared a list of places where you can have a great time alone without worrying about your safety.

In fact, all the arguments that the girl faces danger at every step are completely groundless. There are many places where it is better to go alone, without the company of a chatty girlfriend or a jealous boyfriend.

Rhodes Island: endless parties and club culture

Do you dream of meeting muscular guys in a club and then dancing with them all night? This is possible on greek island Rhodes. People who are bored with monotonous museums, ruins, and hills will have a great time here.

There are many free beaches here. From the west the island is washed by the Mediterranean, and from the east - Aegean seas. After swimming to your heart's content and getting a golden tan, you can go to Falikari - the center of youth club culture, where parties with great music and unbridled fun reign.

Those who like a quiet pastime should visit the Acropolis of Athena of Lindos, about 5,000 years old. The archaeological reserve is also of interest to many tourists. Here you can find a Dorian fountain, which was built in the 6th century BC, as well as monuments from the Dynasty and Byzantine times.

Barbados: an earthly paradise

Many people call it Barbados earthly paradise. A lonely girl can be accompanied here by tourists from Western Europe or the USA who like to visit the island. Barbados is one of the colonies of Great Britain, and therefore do not be surprised if you come across English traditions - strict morality (no nudists on the beach, etc.), cricket, tea drinking.

Swimming and sunbathers will appreciate the clear blue water and pink sand beaches. You can buy high-quality rum on the island. It has a milder taste than Jamaican. It is also worth tasting flying fish dishes.

Important: Russian residents do not need a visa to enter the island.

Forward to adventure

For those who are tired of the usual tourist routes, a perfect holiday in Halong (Vietnam). Here you can get a lot of unforgettable impressions, have a good rest and forget about the hustle and bustle. Prices in Vietnam are quite affordable. Therefore, for a reasonable fee you will be able to scuba dive and explore the depths of the sea. Taking a flashlight with you, you can go explore the mountain caves on your own. The best way to end a stormy day is with a trip to the Top Disco club, or dinner at one of the Ha Long restaurants.

Don't like Asia? Then feel free to go to Mexico. One of the world's best resorts is the city of Cancun. It is located between Nichupte Lagoon and Caribbean Sea. The water and beaches here are always clean and well-groomed. There are themed disco bars at every turn in Cancun. Chichen Itza is located nearby - ancient city on the planet, founded by the Indians over 3400 years ago. There are still pyramids, altars for sacrifices and temples here.

Shopping in Europe

It's hard to find a girl who wouldn't like to buy some fashionable items. EU countries are completely safe for single women. In summer and winter, boutiques organize pleasant sales. Is it interesting to go to such events with a guy? Hardly. Not every man can handle numerous shopping trips and long waits near fitting rooms. The situation with a friend is no better - you may like the same dress or handbag. Millions of women have tried shopping alone and were satisfied.

Excellent sales begin on the 20th of May in Munich (Germany). They end in mid-late August. The start of winter discounts should be expected at the end of November or beginning of March. At first, the markdown is about 30 percent; closer to the middle of sales, discounts often reach 50 percent (for some products 70-90 percent). In Germany you can buy women's, men's and children's clothing, as well as high quality shoes.

In the middle of summer and winter you can catch the sales season in Spain. In summer, discounts apply to “Spring-Summer” products, in the winter season - “Autumn-Winter”. The best places to shop are in Murcia, Catalonia, Castilla de Leon, Madrid, Andalusia and Extremadura. When visiting Spain, you cannot miss Barcelona. This magnificent city with unique architecture. Don't forget to stop by the legendary food market. Fresh fruits from all over the world, sweets and a variety of meat delicacies are sold here. Wealthy ladies can eat at the Ca L'Isidre restaurant, where the king often visits. Spanish cuisine is gentle on the female figure. All dishes are prepared from fresh ingredients and olive spices. Delicious.

Eat free time in July or January? Then Italy is waiting for you - the country that sets world fashion. Sales here last approximately 2 months. It's not uncommon to find brand name products at discounts of up to 70 percent. On the counter you can find leather goods, outerwear, scarves, hats, and jewelry. The best shopping is usually in Milan, Rome and Rimini. In provincial cities it is more difficult to find quality goods.

Tochka- mira. ru does not recommend going shopping at the end of the sales period. At this time, the discounts are the greatest, but there are very few goods left.

Time for excursions and beach holidays


Do you like novels about medieval knights? Now you can see their habitat with your own eyes. In Western Europe there are many castles and other objects that have come to us from the Middle Ages. Great place for recreation is Lake Garda, located in Italy. Around you can find many ancient buildings, surrounded by the Alps, clean and cozy towns. This area is always calm and peaceful. Also rests here a large number of English and Germans - an opportunity to meet interesting people.

You don't have to use it excursion programs. You can explore the sights on your own.


Israel is an ideal country for beach and excursion holiday, as well as pilgrimages. There are many natural and historical attractions here. Jerusalem contains a large number of holy places - the Church of the Holy Sepulchre, Dear, Western Wall, etc. Best beaches can be found in Netanya. The city where Jesus grew up and spent his youth is Nazareth. All of them are worthy of special attention and deserve a visit.

In Israel you can put your thoughts and feelings in order, recharge with unique energy and even find the purpose of life. And, of course, you cannot visit this country without swimming in the Dead Sea, where it is impossible to drown. Worth trying here and local cuisine, get to know the culture and Jewish traditions better.

Temporary loneliness and travel are an extra opportunity to be with yourself. It gives time to think carefully, unwind, forget about worries and take a break from society. You just need to choose the direction you like, and then go on an adventure.