Bajo Falls how to get there. Interesting Bajo waterfalls: details for tourists and travelers

One fine day we decided to go to Ba Ho waterfalls near Nha Trang. We have heard a lot about these waterfalls as the most beautiful and unusual in Nha Trang. The trip was combined with Zoklet (Doclet) beach. There is only one road, just first turn to the Ba Kho waterfalls, and you have to continue driving to Zoklet.

How to get to Ba Ho waterfalls in Nha Trang

We left early in the morning, it was still cool, and drove towards Hanoi. The road is normal, driving is good.

On the left side of the road you will see a sign for waterfalls. There is a stop nearby public transport. Buses go there from Nha Trang bus station.

After the turn, the road is also quite normal, you reach a Vietnamese village, you will see another sign for the Ba Ho waterfall, after which there will be a dirt road. Soon you will come to a parking lot.

Ba Ho waterfalls on the map of Nha Trang

Cost of a trip to Ba Ho waterfall

  • Tickets cost 15 thousand dong per person (23 rubles)
  • plus 2000 for parking the bike.
  • We paid 100 thousand VND to refuel the bike.

But then we still drove to Zoklet, and there is a decent distance there. If we had been content with only the waterfall that day, it would have cost no more than 50 thousand dong for gasoline.

Total for everything: 47 thousand VND (15*3 for tickets plus 2 for parking) plus 50 thousand VND for gasoline came out to 97 thousand VND - it's about 5 dollars . For three persons!

You can take a tour to Ba Ho - price from 60 to 80 dollars per person in Russian travel agencies. But you will get Russian speaking guide and drinks with fruit.

My advice: If you go to the waterfalls on your own, go as early as possible! We arrived first. We followed the path up past the lake and streams. There is silence all around, broken only by the singing of birds and the murmur of water. An extraordinary, mystical place.

But when we walked back, tourists were already stomping towards us, we could hear laughter, screams, and all the mystical charm of the Ba Ho waterfall suddenly disappeared somewhere.

The waterfall seems to be divided into three parts. It falls from a height of about 60 meters and, expanding, forms three lakes - Lake Nyat, Lake Ni and Lake Ba (somehow I remembered the fairy tale of the three little pigs!). They say that “Ba Ho” actually translates as "three lakes".

The road to waterfalls and lakes is not easy. The path is indicated by red arrows painted directly on the stones.

be careful : if you have small children or you are not a rock climber yourself, limit yourself to the first lake. Further the road will become more and more difficult and dangerous.

And be sure to wear comfortable shoes! Leave flip flops and sandals with thin straps for another occasion.
We reached the third lake. Or rather, Maxim and Diana arrived. I stayed on the second and flatly refused to go further. Well, it's a really scary road.

We even went swimming in the lakes of the BaHo waterfall. The water is terribly cold! But very transparent. The scenery around the lakes and waterfalls of Ba Ho is truly impressive.

Video sketch of Ba Ho waterfalls

My review: Ba Ho waterfalls - very unusual and a nice place. It is undoubtedly worth a visit if you are in Nha Trang. The nature is amazing, the views are unimaginable, and you will also get adrenaline rush. You can even jump into Mountain Lake from the cliff. A couple of daredevils dived in front of us.

You can get to the Ba Ho waterfall along the Hanoi highway, if you drive from Nha Trang to the north for about 25 kilometers. Seven kilometers away there is a boat station, from where excursions depart. Northern Isles Nyafu Bay.

Ba Ho translates to "three lakes". They are formed by a waterfall, falling from a height of 60 meters. The lakes are located at different levels and are connected by a descending waterfall. The water in them is clean, the views around are picturesque. People come here to enjoy the silence and singing of birds, admire the surrounding beauty and simply take a swim. Tourists often consider Ba Ho to be three separate waterfalls.

The journey from the highway to the first lake of the waterfall will take about half an hour. The path goes through the jungle, that is, in the shade, so it is not difficult to walk. Along the way you can meet some inhabitants of the tropical forest - iguanas, monkeys, etc. As well as enterprising local residents, selling water and other refreshing drinks. As you approach the waterfall, the jungle gives way to huge boulders. You will have to climb them, but it is not difficult - in sports shoes. Everywhere on the stones there are red arrows, pointing in the right direction.

The very first lake, Nhat, fascinates with its extraordinary beauty. The water is not as cold as you might expect from mountain lakes, but it is cool. Good refreshment after long journey. Swimming is safe, so tourists with children usually stay here. You can come across cleaner fish between the rocks in the water and get your heels treated for free.

The trek to the second lake Ni is more difficult, but the walk does not take as long as to the first. The water there is much colder, and the scenery is even more impressive. There are very few tourists here, so you can feel the bewitching mystical beauty of a secluded place where the only sound is the sound of water.

A trip to the third lake Ba is only available to trained tourists with rock climbing skills. The ascent into the gorge is along rocky slopes, into which brackets are driven into which you can hold on. But in some places only vines serve as supports.

An excursion to the Ba Ho waterfall will leave an unforgettable impression. You need to go there in dry weather and wear appropriate shoes.

About 15 kilometers from Nha Trang there is Bajo Falls. A great place for an independent outing, and according to the advice of experienced people - “take the grill and go to the barbecue.” BBQ at the waterfalls - great!

Bajo Falls

Bajo Falls is a unique natural attraction of Nha Trang. You can get to these picturesque places either independently or with a guided tour. Every travel agency in Nha Trang has such an offer. It is best to go to the waterfalls on your own, in comfortable shoes and under no circumstances during the rain (precautionary measures). But if you go in sunny weather, you can refresh yourself in one of the three lakes, taking a swim in the cool mountain water. The mountain stream that forms the waterfalls originates at the top of Hong Son Mountain and falls down, forming three levels of waterfalls and lakes along the way. First you will be greeted by Lake Nhat, a little higher there is Lake Ba, which was formed due to the fall of a piece of rock, and the third Lake Ni, but it is not so easy to get to. Bajo Falls the best place for walks with small children and for older people. If it is easy to get to the first level of waterfalls, then the further you go, the more difficult it is. Here you will find a real trek through the jungle, where you will climb rocks and jump from one stone to another. Red arrows painted directly on the stones lead to the Bajo Falls.

Morning adventures

We left early in the morning, around 6 am. On the way, we stopped at the Xom Moi market, where we bought a barbecue grill, herbs, fruit and sauce. The next important point on the route was the fishing market. It is located halfway to the Ba Ho waterfalls (if you drive north from Nha Trang along the sea (), you cannot miss it; it is located on the pier, and there is a gas station nearby) and begins its work at about five in the morning, when the fishermen return with their catch. At seven in the morning there is almost nothing to buy here. Indeed, the choice was already small, the shrimp had run out, but we were more focused on (or lobsters, lobsters, it’s all almost the same thing). Two handsome men with a total weight of 1.7 kg should have cost us 1 million dong. But it turned out that we had miscalculated the money. In total for four of us we had 843,000 dong. The lobsters went under the hammer for 800 thousand. Another 15,000 dong was paid for 1 liter of gasoline. Water and coals cost another 20,000.

We arrived at the waterfalls with 8,000 Vietnamese dong. And the entrance is paid. And parking for bikes too. If we just fit into the parking lot (one bike costs 4,000 dong), then there was no money left for entry. The “administrators” of the waterfalls did not want to accept dollars, and when they finally agreed, they offered a very low rate. At this time, a married couple from Russia approached and kindly lent us 100,000 dong. In the evening we returned the money and stuffed it under the door of their room. We hope that they reached the addressee.

The jungle is calling

The journey from the entrance to the beginning of the waterfalls themselves took about 7 minutes. The sounds of our steps frightened the local forest inhabitants, so everything around us rustled and “ran away”. There are snakes here, so there was every reason to worry. Bajo Falls has three main levels, but trekkers and jungle lovers say there are more waterfalls further down. We decided not to climb to the third waterfall; we liked the stone clearing on top of the second waterfall. Here we built our own mini-barbecue.


While all the preparations for a delicious dinner were underway, we managed to look around more carefully. Tet (Vietnamese) ended a couple of days ago New Year), but the traces of the festivities were still visible. There was trash all over the area, along with a bunch of beer cans and chip wrappers. It's a pity for nature. They clean here, it’s not for nothing that there is an entrance fee, but apparently not so often. An ordinary hand sanitizer helped us with the coals; it not only cleans our hands well, but also plays the role of a “kindle” perfectly. Tourists passing by kept looking at our kebab, and some even tried to buy it from us. But we ourselves were hungry. Unfortunately, only one of the two lobsters was edible. The second one had problems with freshness; when it was cut up, we were enveloped in a disgusting smell and a huge swarm of flies. Only they liked this smell. “Sea creatures”, be it lobsters, crabs or shrimps, are very tasty to eat with chili and lime sauce. Buying this sauce in Nha Trang will not be a problem; it is available everywhere.

Little advice : When you buy seafood or meat at the market, always smell. Although the advice is obvious, sometimes you forget the most obvious things.

It was very nice to get out there, climb the rocks and eat barbecue. Although this tracking tired us. It’s good that there are Ba Ho waterfalls near Nha Trang. And take care of nature!

Or its surroundings? Tired of the beach have a relaxing holiday and want to get the blood flowing through your veins by trying some extreme entertainment? Then welcome to Bajo Falls - amazing a natural phenomenon a, which is located near Nha Trang and is accessible to everyone both in terms of cost and distance from the resort.

general information

Bajo Falls are three separate waterfalls located in a fairly small area, but they are all different in appearance and the complexity of the path to them, so not everyone who goes through the jungle in search of new experiences will be able to reach the last one in this chain.

It is not recommended to visit the Bajo waterfalls for elderly people, children, as well as those who do not have much endurance, because along the route you will have to climb rocks, climb small mountains and descend from them, and also cover a fairly long distance on foot and not on a quiet asphalt road.

How to get there?

Getting to Ba Ho from Nha Trang is quite simple, since this extreme attraction is located on the road from Nha Trang to about 17 kilometers from the city. There are several ways to get here:

— rented bike or scooter;

public bus: bus No. 3 runs in this direction from Nha Trang, which stops some distance from the attraction, so you will have to walk part of the way from the main highway to the waterfalls through a local village;

— taxi or motorcycle taxi;

- included excursion group to Bajo Falls or Zoclet Beach.

Description of the waterfalls

As you know, there are only three waterfalls. Each of these waterfalls does not have separate names, since in fact they flow from each other, and all together from a small mountain river. Common name Ba Ho means "waterfall with three pools" in Vietnamese. If the first waterfall is visited by everyone who comes for extreme sensations, then only a few reach the last one. There are many reasons for this: someone does not understand the attraction and wants to leave this place, some find it difficult and impractical to climb over the rocks, like climbers, to see two more waterfalls, and some simply cannot find the way further. True, the last argument is becoming less and less credible, since several years ago some kind person painted red arrows on the stones, thereby showing the way up for those who were lost.

The road to the first waterfall is the easiest. She walks along an ordinary, unremarkable path through the jungle. True, sometimes tourists encounter natural obstacles and difficulties, but all of them can be overcome without much difficulty. The road to the waterfall stretches for about a kilometer from the bike parking lot. The first waterfall is the largest, quite beautiful and, as you might have guessed, the most crowded.

The next waterfalls are more difficult to reach, so your shoes should be comfortable and your arms and legs strong, because further you will have to climb up the rocks. For the convenience of tourists, the stone blocks have metal brackets, carefully driven in by enterprising Vietnamese.

The second waterfall is medium in size with a good pool for taking a swim and preparing for the further climb. The third level has the smallest waterfall, but this does not detract from its beauty. You can also take a dip here, but to do this, follow the signs that mark places that are allowed for swimming and those that are best not used for water fun.

If travelers do not want to stop there, then they can climb even higher, where there are no longer waterfalls, but very beautiful and virgin nature.

What is the price?

Visiting the waterfalls, either as part of an excursion from Nha Trang or on your own, will cost you money. Enterprising Vietnamese have long monetized all significant attractions and natural objects in the vicinity of major resort centers.

If you went to Bajo on your own, the entrance fee will cost 15,000 dong (about 43 rubles), which is considered a rather symbolic amount. Traveling by bike will reduce your budget by another 3,000 dong.

A trip as part of an excursion group, of course, will cost more, but here you will have a personal guide and a guide through the jungle along a rather extreme route.

  1. From Nha Trang it is best to go to the waterfalls early in the morning and always on a sunny, clear day.
  2. It is not recommended to visit this attraction after tropical downpours or at the height of the rainy season, as the road through the waterfalls is greatly washed out and becomes dangerous. (read also:);
  3. Take food and drinks with you, since there is nowhere to eat, and the food that local villagers offer is of rather dubious quality and appearance.
  4. It is best to use a travel backpack for storing things: this way your hands will be free to maneuver.
  5. Wear comfortable flat-soled shoes on your feet.
  6. Allow at least 3 hours for this excursion.

Sometimes this landmark of Vietnam is called Ba Ho Falls, sometimes just Ba Ho Falls. This is because this natural beauty is a collection of three waterfalls and lakes following each other. And not all tourists manage to see all three waterfalls, so there is still no clear definition of whether to call this miracle of nature in the singular or plural. But by and large this doesn’t matter; the name doesn’t affect the beauty of this place. By the way, translated from Vietnamese, “baho” means “waterfall with three lakes.”

Bajo Falls on the map

  • Geographic coordinates 12.388717, 109.136570
  • Distance from the capital of Vietnam Hanoi is approximately 1100 km
  • The nearest Cam Ranh Airport is about 45 km in a straight line

This is not to say that the waterfalls are gigantic in size. The total height of the cascade is about 60 meters. The waterfalls are located in the jungle at a distance of about 18 km from the famous Vietnamese city of Nha Trang. We put aside our carefree beach holiday and go ahead to conquer the virgin jungle, boulders and mountain streams of water.

You can get to Bajo Falls different ways
— use a rented moped or taxi
- take a regular public bus passing near the attraction
— the most expensive way is to take a guided tour as part of a group

As we have already said, Bajo consists of three lakes and waterfalls of different sizes and accessibility.

The first, largest, most famous, and therefore the most populous waterfall feeds Lake Nhat. The water is cool, but pleasant enough for swimming. The path to this waterfall is the simplest and most accessible - you only have to follow a small path trodden by tourists in the jungle. Sometimes you encounter obstacles on the way in the form of fallen trees, vines and other attributes of tropical forests. But don't worry, they are all easily overcome. The distance from the moped parking lot is about one kilometer. Usually, most travelers limit themselves to this waterfall.

The path to the second, medium-sized lake Ni is more difficult. You'll have to climb over boulders. But this little journey is worth it. There are significantly fewer tourists here, and accordingly the feeling of unity with nature is much higher. The water in the lake is colder, but still suitable for swimming. If you decide to swim in this lake, be sure to follow the tips indicating where you can swim and where it is extremely undesirable.

And finally, the third, most inaccessible and already sparsely populated (one might say almost deserted) waterfall flows into Lake Ba. The path to it requires that you have some mountaineering skills, since there is actually no road there, and you will have to climb rather dangerous slopes. Sometimes staples driven into rocks will serve as support for you, and sometimes just vines. The third waterfall, although the smallest, is very impressive. Few travelers have reached it, so such an ascent can rightfully be considered a victory. As a reward, you can plunge into the lake, but this is not recommended, since the water is already very cold and there are no beaches here.

To help travelers, the path to the lakes is indicated by red arrows, so you are unlikely to get lost.

When planning a trip to Bajo Falls, there are some recommendations to keep in mind.

  • be sure to use high-quality shoes that are most suitable for hiking (you probably realized that stilettos and an evening dress would be inappropriate here)
  • You should not hike in heavy rain or immediately after it. Paths will be washed out, and climbing wet rocks and hills will be much more difficult and dangerous
  • This trip is not recommended for children, old people and people who are not very hardy
  • Along the way you will not come across tents with food and souvenirs. The locals have adapted to selling water, beer and some food to tourists, but given the exotic nature local cuisine and the questionable quality of the prepared food, we still recommend that you stock up on food and water in trusted places
  • expect to spend at least 3-4 hours on this journey
  • in the first lake you can meet the famous cleaner fish (you have often seen them in aquariums resort towns coast of the Black Sea). In the lake you can get a peeling service absolutely free, if, of course, these fish pay attention to you
  • visiting Bajo Falls is paid, but inexpensive

Bajo waterfalls in photos