Tour "Fortune": how to save on travel without sacrificing your vacation. Tour "Fortune": how to save on travel without compromising your vacation Judicial practice tourism using the fortune roulette system

It doesn’t matter where, as long as it’s cheaper and by the sea" - you often hear this phrase in travel agencies. Cheerful young people who have learned to save, white-collar workers and just outright cheapskates - many believe that the main thing in a vacation is a low price. Usually, when faced with such clientele, the travel agency manager opens a catalog page with an extremely cheap hotel and begins a monotonous narrative about its services, which, however, very quickly dries up, since there is, in fact, nothing to describe there. But did you know that every tourist has a chance to buy for the most modest money We emphasize: a chance, since buying a tour according to the “Fortune” system adopted in many countries is reminiscent of a landing force: only the approximate landing area and the conditions of the task are known.

Who is she? Why dont know?

The meaning of the Fortuna system is as follows: you buy a ticket without knowing the specific name of the hotel, but limiting yourself only to formal characteristics: category, type of food, in some cases, distance from the sea. And only a day or two before departure, or even right at the airport of arrival, will you find out exactly where you will live. Horrible, you say? Not at all, because in this way you can save from 10 to 20% of the cost of the tour.

The fact is that, just as not all yoghurts are equally healthy, not all hotels of the same category are alike. Let's say the N3* hotel is located on the seashore, has several swimming pools, tennis courts, a gym, a golf course and even a mini-zoo. And the other, 03*, is located on a city street and has nothing but proximity to shopping center, can’t boast. Of course, the price of accommodation in these hotels differs by a factor of one and a half, despite the equal number of stars on the façade.

Sales system "Fortuna"

Unites several hotels of the same level at once, and the client will be accommodated where this moment there will be free places. And the price of such a tour is calculated based on the CHEAPEST hotel in the category. That is, having paid for your stay at hotel D, you can get to N (if you’re lucky, of course) and happily spend your vacation.

The game is worth the candle: for example, last May, “Fortuna” Z* with full (!) board on the Costa Dorada cost the client $750, and tourists were accommodated in hotels whose price was at least $920. Moreover, it happens that the operator adds hotels of a higher category to the “lucky” list. But the seller has no right to lower the bar.

Having bought a “lucky” ticket to Western Europe, you are unlikely to end up in a hotel without a pool or shower in the room. And when purchasing a “blind” tour to former socialist countries, it is better to prepare for difficulties in advance.

Despite common name, “Fortune” can be of different origins.

The most common and attractive option is usually offered by large operators on a year-round basis. The fact is that serious companies buy out large blocks of hotel beds for the entire season in advance, but do not always have time to sell them: there are either a couple of rooms left in one hotel, or a dozen in another. You can, of course, reduce the price on them, but this is not always convenient. Firstly, it is quite difficult to quickly convey such a special offer to customers. Secondly, there may be too many applications for one hotel, and absolutely nothing for another. Thirdly, it happens that a hotel is too good for a “markdown”: it’s like selling a coat “from Cardin” for 500 rubles: then prove that it is a hundred times more expensive!

This system is often put into an “author’s form” by operators: for example, the TEZ TOUR Company calls it TEZ-Express, its competitor Pegas Touristik calls it Rulettka, the Deep Tour company calls it Deep-Garant, and the Russian Travel Company" - “A happy accident.” But no matter what proud name it bears, its essence is the same: the client pays for unknown reasons, but cheaply.

The good thing about the operator's "Fortuna" is that its range practically does not include frankly bad hotels - simply no one buys up blocks of places in them, which means you can "play" without much fear. The gain in this case may be significant: for example, one reputable company offered to meet New Year on the island of Phuket at the Z* hotel for $599!

There is another “Fortune”, no less pleasant to the heart and pocket - network.

It is offered by hotels of the same chain, that is, united by common owners and uniform service standards. True, world leaders - say, Mariott or Hilton - never spin roulette, but they are not the only ones in the world! And, for example, chains of elite Caribbean superclubs such as Grand Lido, Hedonism and Brises, where everything in the world is included in the price (even sprinkling pink petals on the bed), are combined into the SuperSurprise system, which allows you to pay $187 per night and live on $320. However, there are hundreds of other, more modest and cheaper chains consisting of 3-4* hotels, and they are almost never bad. Therefore, feel free to agree to go to any of the hotels united by a common brand.

Much riskier is the “Fortune” No Name option, in which even an approximate list of hotels is unknown. It is usually used by operators who need to fill seats on charter planes at any cost. They receive inexpensive offers from the owners of different hotels and combine them according to formal criteria: number of stars and type of food. Such a blind game is cheap for the client, it simply cannot be cheaper (for example, for $160 - a week-long tour to Bulgaria, and a 2* hotel with breakfast), however, the chances of ending up in a hole covered with flies are much greater.

How more expensive direction, the fewer offers there are on the “Fortuna” system and the more reliable they are.

The more cheap accommodation options there are in a country, in principle, the higher the chance of getting into a hotel without a hint of attractiveness. However, each country has its own system. In Turkey, for example, there are a huge number of accommodation facilities on the coasts, both high-quality and frankly inferior. If "Fortuna" is operator or network, you can use it without much fear. But the No Name options, especially in the 2-3* category, according to experts, are best avoided. Firstly, Turkey is the only country where holiday offers under such a system are not tied to the resort, and you can get to both Kusadasi and Llanya. Secondly, along with wonderful clubs and hotels, there are also real barns there, with poor service, located far from the coast. And even “lucky” money will be a pity for such a “gift of fate.” Thirdly, in Turkey, as the pros themselves reluctantly admit, it happens that the hotel where tourists will stay is unknown even at the time of arrival. Last summer, one large company drove a whole busload of “lucky people” along the coast all day, stopping at every hotel along the way and finding out if there were any free rooms!

The Turkish "Fortuna" 4* is much safer - the quality of hotels of this level is usually quite decent, but the distance to the sea can let us down. But there are practically no people dissatisfied with the five-star offers of the system: sometimes simply wonderful clubs get into it.

In Egypt the situation is similar: 2-3* hotels, as a rule, are extremely simple. True, almost all of them are located near the sea, since all the Red Sea resorts are stretched along the coast in a narrow strip, while the higher-class Fortuna is practically safe.

But Spain is truly a golden country! Hotels of the same category are very similar to each other, and it is unlikely that a luxury hotel and its shabby brother will be in the same “weight”. In fact, a tourist can only lose in distance from the sea, but, according to Svetlana Komarova, director of tourism at Alt-Voyage, distance is compensated additional service: say, enhanced nutrition, a free sauna or some other “enticement”. Moreover, the No Name option is a rather rare system for this destination; tourists are usually offered a specific resort and a list of hotels.

You can safely use this system in Thailand: hotels of the same level are approximately equivalent, all, even the most modest ones, are different good service and are usually not more than 500 meters from the sea.

But on expensive European destinations such as Cyprus, Greece and Italy, “Fortune” is quietly dying out

Fewer and fewer operators include it in their price lists, this is because a discerning “dear” client would rather overpay an extra hundred dollars than go to an unknown hotel. In fairness, we note that the chance of getting into openly bad hotel according to "Fortune" in these directions is small. You should be especially careful when spinning roulette with resorts of Eastern Europe. For example, in Croatia, hotels were built mostly 20-30 years ago, some of them have been reconstructed, and some still look like Soviet holiday homes. And two 3* hotels can differ from each other, like a young diva from her great-grandmother. The former are in great demand, and therefore they rarely end up in “Fortune”, therefore, the prospect of unsuccessful resettlement is quite real. There is also a high risk when buying a “disguised” hotel in Bulgaria: there “Fortune” usually applies only to the weakest 2-3* hotels.


Along with operators offering their own tours to Fortuna, dishonest companies also actively use the system. They negotiate with some modest hotel on exclusively low prices and put it up for sale under the motto “fortune”, putting the names of quite decent hotels next to it “for beauty’s sake.” Of course, in the end they settle all the tourists where they were going, earning good money at the same time, and in response to indignant questions they just shrug their shoulders: what can you do, you’re out of luck today!

And there was a company on the market (we will not mention its name, especially since it has already sunk into oblivion) ​​that earned even more money from thrifty tourists. She announced a “lucky” sale of No Name, and what does it have to do with such low prices that competitors could only groan and wonder who could give the company such golden conditions. When there were about thirty tourists, the managers called some simple hotel and literally squeezed the required price out of the owner, citing as the main argument the fact that they were ready to send a large group on vacation to this hotel at once. Next, managers looked for “last minute tours” and, at the very least, sent away unlucky clients. If any of the travel points were disrupted, they were explained that this was a nuisance, all the hotels were full, and therefore it was better for you to take the money back. It must be said that it was these “thimble holders” that discouraged many tourists from “Fortuna”.

Seize the day

In principle, "Fortune" can be found at any time and in any direction, but in high season- that is, in July August, as well as during holidays and vacations - the game becomes more risky. Quality hotels are selling out like Pepsi-Cola on a hot day, while simpler options remain “disguised.” And, conversely, in the low season you can “play fortune” with almost certainty of success.

Do you know what vacation according to the *FORTUNA* system means?

A VACATION THROUGH THE *FORTUNA* SYSTEM is a great opportunity to prepare a surprise for yourself, relax abroad and save money at the same time. The "Fortuna" system means that you select only the hotel class (star rating), type of food, tour duration and departure date, and you will find out a specific hotel only upon arrival at the airport of your chosen country.

If you choose a hotel, for example 4*, according to the “fortuna” system, then you will be accommodated in any of the 4* hotels participating in the “fortuna”; Accommodation in a hotel of a different category (higher or lower) is not expected. The price of tours with accommodation in hotels offered under the “fortuna” system is 15-20% lower than the regular cost of tours. This depends on the fact that a few days before the start of the tour there are still rooms available in hotels for which Special offers. At the same time, the group of hotels offered for each category includes several hotels of different service and price (under normal sales), and under the “fortuna” system the price for these hotels will be the same.

Thus, you always win, since the price of your hotel will be lower than the price of the cheapest hotel provided. “Fortuna” is your option if you “don’t care” where to go, the main thing is that it is cheaper, and there is not much time before the expected departure date. During the high season, there may be cases of relocation, i.e. when purchasing a tour, you booked one hotel, and when you arrive in the country, you are accommodated in another, explaining that there are no rooms in the hotel you chose (unfortunately, sometimes such cases happen). Or, even when purchasing a tour, hotels do not confirm to you for the same reason. In this case, the “fortuna” system comes in handy!

Quite often, last-minute offers from operators come across the “Fortuna” offer, sometimes indicating the type of food and hotel category - “Fortuna” 3*, 4*, 5*. Some tourists think that this is a popular hotel chain, but they are wrong.

The Fortuna offer is a tourist roulette: the hotel in which the vacationer will be accommodated remains a surprise until the moment of check-in.

The risk is small, since the tour operator guarantees that tourists will be accommodated in a hotel of at least the designated category and with the type of food indicated in the voucher. But the cost of tours using the “Fortuna” system is significantly lower than the prices of tours with a specific hotel.

How it works

For example, you buy a tour “Kemer Fortune 3* All inclusive" This means that you can be accommodated in any of more than 100 3* (more likely) or 4* (less likely) hotels in the Kemer region on the Antalya coast with all inclusive meals.

This system allows tour operators to reliably distribute tourists to hotel rooms purchased in advance. And thanks to this system, tourists can relax at a minimal price and then tell their friends how they flew to Greece for 18,000 for two. Another plus of the “Fortune” tour is that you can forget about the painful choice of the best hotel based on reviews and photographs and calmly wait for your vacation.

If you don’t believe in your luck and are afraid of ending up in a not-so-comfortable hotel or far from the sea, then use a life hack that allows you to guess which hotel you’ll end up in, or at least narrow down the range of possible options. After looking at them, you can make a conclusion whether it is worth taking advantage of this offer or whether it is better to book a specific hotel.

How to guess which hotel you will be accommodated in

1. Using the service, find the “Fortune” offer that interests you.

2. Look at which tour operator it is from. For example, this is Coral.

3. On the website of this operator, specify all the known parameters of the “Fortune” tour: departure city, destination country, date, tour duration, type of food and hotel star rating.

4. In the search results, the tour operator will show you all the hotels in this category and the same “Fortune” offer that you previously found on the Tourglobal service.

5. Carefully study the search results and find tours that are approximately in the same price category as the “Fortune” tour. This will be a list of the most likely settlement options. Pay special attention to hotels that have the “Instant Confirmation” label - most likely, you will end up in one of these hotels.

A nice bonus: tourists tell many stories when vacationers with a purchased 4* “Fortuna” tour were accommodated in 5* hotels, since the “four” hotels were full. So if you are always lucky, perhaps luck will smile on you this time too.

Examples of tours using the Fortuna system

Please note that tour prices and departure dates are valid at the time of publication of the article. However, this does not mean that they will become more expensive; perhaps you will find a cheaper and more convenient option. Be sure to follow the links and use the search on the website

1. Greece, Crete island

There are hotels of different star ratings: from 2* to 4*. Departures from Moscow on July 15, 16 and 17, for 6 or more nights. Breakfast may be included in the price of the tour.

2. Greece, Rhodes island

3. Greece, Rhodes island

  • Dodeca Sea Resort 5* (the cost of a tour to this hotel is 70,862 rubles).
  • Mistral Hotel 5* (the cost of a tour to this hotel is 75,417 rubles).
  • All Senses Nautica Blue Exclusive Resort (the cost of a tour to this hotel is 81,556 rubles).
  • Lindos Royal 5* (tour cost to this hotel is 87,884 rubles).
  • Akti Imperial Deluxe Resort (the cost of a tour to this hotel is 89,674 rubles).

4. Vietnam, Nha Trang, “Fortune 3*”

5. Vietnam, Nha Trang, “Fortune 4*”

  • Maritime Nha Trang Hotel 4* (the cost of a tour to this hotel is 67,406 rubles).
  • Red Sun Nha Trang Hotel 4* (69,951 rubles), Tri Giao Hotel 4* (70,970 rubles).
  • Muong Thanh Grand Nha Trang Hotel 4* (RUB 73,961).

6. Türkiye, “Fortuna 3*”, all inclusive

  • Alanya, departure from Moscow on July 16, for 6 nights - 32,189 rubles for two.
  • Kemer, departure from Moscow on July 21, for 7 nights - 37,454 rubles for two.
  • Marmaris, departure from Moscow on July 14, for 7 nights - 41,326 rubles for two.
  • Bodrum, departure from Moscow on July 14, for 8 nights - 44,311 rubles for two.

7. Türkiye, “Fortuna 4*”, all inclusive

  • Any of the regions of Antalya, departure from Moscow on July 14, for 6 nights - 32,926 rubles for two.
  • Alanya, departure from Moscow on July 14, for 6 nights - 36,443 rubles for two.
  • Marmaris, departure from Moscow on July 14, for 7 nights - 40,008 rubles for two.
  • Kemer, departure from Moscow on July 26, for 6 nights - 40,508 rubles for two.

8. Türkiye, “Fortuna 5*”, all inclusive

  • Any of the regions of Antalya, departure from Moscow on July 14, for 6 nights - 40,726 rubles for two.
  • Alanya, departure from Moscow on July 26, for 6 nights - 45,891 rubles for two.
  • Side, departure from Moscow on July 15, for 6 nights - 50,797 rubles for two.
  • Kemer, departure from Moscow on July 15, for 6 nights - 51,070 rubles for two.
  • Marmaris, departure from Moscow on July 16, for 6 nights - 60,859 rubles for two. Likely hotels: Marmaris Park Hotel 4* (76,224 rubles), Elegance Hotel 5* (92,946 rubles).
  • Kusadasi, departure from Moscow on July 20, for 7 nights - 62,140 rubles for two. Likely hotels: Blue Vista Hill Hotel 5* (76,333 rubles), Fantasia Hotel Deluxe 5* (93,582 rubles).

9. Türkiye, “Fortuna 5*”, ultra all inclusive

  • Any of the regions of Antalya, departure from Moscow on July 14, for 6 nights - 44,596 rubles for two.
  • Alanya, departure from Moscow on July 16, for 6 nights - 49,491 rubles for two.
  • Kemer, departure from Moscow on July 17, 18, 19, for 6 nights - 58,932 rubles for two. Likely hotels: Ozkaymak Marina Hotel 5* (70,300 rubles), Club Zigana 5* (77,110 rubles), Dosinia Luxury Resort 5* (82,300 rubles).
  • Belek, departure from Moscow on July 14, for 6 nights - 60,200 rubles for two. Likely hotels: Lykia World&Links Golf Hotel Antalya 5* (82,236 rubles), Siam Elegance Hotels 5* (81,536 rubles), Kirman Belazur Resort&Spa 5* (88,410 rubles).

“Fortune” is a system for selecting a tour when the name of the hotel is not known in advance. You can choose the region, type of food and star rating, and you will find out the rest upon arrival at the airport. The cost of a tour using the “Fortuna” system is lower than to any hotel in this category. Usually, “Fortuna” sends you to the cheapest hotels according to these parameters, but you may get lucky and get a better hotel. Even if you are assigned to the cheapest hotel, you will still benefit in price than if you booked this hotel yourself.

The Fortuna system operates in popular destinations in which tour operators purchase hotel rooms in advance - Türkiye, Italy, Greece, Tunisia, Thailand, Vietnam. If the main thing for you is the price (and not the number of steps to the beach and reviews about the hotel), then Fortuna will help you save money.

By the way, when booking a Fortuna tour, you can get an instant discount if you enter .

Tour system "Fortune"

The Fortuna system implies choice only the hotel region, number of stars, food concept. The name of the hotel remains unknown until check-in (usually upon arrival at the airport before transfer, or in documents for the “visa support” service). The Fortuna system has the following features:

  • Check-in at the same hotel of a company that books together is not guaranteed ( option "together").
  • Hotels may be within walking distance from the sea, or maybe a few kilometers away, you’ll have to take a transfer.

Once at the resort, you cannot choose another region, hotel and food concept. If you don’t like the proposed hotel, you can move to another hotel of the same concept for an additional fee. The cost of the copay is usually inhumane (from $200), and it is not worth it.

In fact, everything is not as scary as it seems. Tours using the Fortuna system are very cool. And profitable. But only if you are ready for adventures and quickly adapt to new conditions.

We went on Fortuna tours several times and did not regret it. But we are not picky, meticulous or spoiled tourists. We don’t roll our eyes and don’t get hysterical if the hotel is three steps further from the sea, the towels weren’t changed or something else “terrible.” We don't stay at the hotel at all, but ride around interesting places. And the hotel will never spoil our impressions of the country.

How to buy a tour “Fortune”

Firstly, Fortuna tours are not always available. They appear only at the moment when tour operators want to fill one or another pre-purchased hotel. Secondly, to see them, you need to sort by price in the search; Fortuna tours will be one of the cheapest on the list.

If you are looking only for “Fortuna”, then you can enter the word “Fortuna” in the search, for example, on the website, and the system will show possible options and countries. All you have to do is select a direction and click the “Search” button.

Search for Fortuna tours

In order not to go through all the websites of tour operators, it is better to search for Fortuna tours on so-called aggregators. For example, and. We recommend buying tours there. As a plus - the best support for tourists and discounts on.

Who is not suitable for the Fortuna tour system?

If you want to prepare in advance, read 100,500+ reviews about a specific hotel, calculate the number of meters to the sea and restaurant, then Fortuna tours are not for you. You will not have any specifics in advance, and you will not be able to calculate everything. Also, “Fortune” tours are not suitable for all picky tourists and travelers with small children. Firstly, distance from the sea is not regulated in any way: the hotel may be on the shore, or maybe 3 km from the beach. This is especially inconvenient with a child. Secondly, You will probably read the reviews after you check into the hotel.. There is no need to have high expectations so as not to be upset later. This common reason, why they write negative reviews about “Fortune” tours to Turkey, Italy, Cyprus.

How to recognize a hotel by “Fortune”

But Turkey, Thailand, Vietnam do not require a visa, so they will not tell you the hotel in advance. Most often, a hotel falls out of the first 5 cheapest in a given category from a given tour operator. But it is not exactly. So you can look at all 5 hotels in advance and decide for yourself whether you are ready to end up in one of them by fate.

In Turkey, we ended up in a hotel on the Fortuna tour, and it was not the cheapest in the search. More precisely, it was not in the search at all. But there was another trick - the hotel was closing in November, so we rested just before the closing and they lowered the prices so as not to waste the last week. But there was a minus here - before the closure, they didn’t worry too much, and it seemed that they even saved on food, since there weren’t many people, why work at full capacity.

Advantages of Fortuna tours

So, when buying a Fortuna tour, these advantages will definitely await you.

  • Low prices
  • Opportunity to get into a good hotel
  • You can select star rating, region, food in advance

Disadvantages of Fortuna tours

And of course the downsides.

Most of the Fortuna tours are to Turkey. But, in principle, there are more tours to Turkey. After all, this is the most popular country For Russian tourists(6 million of our tourists were there last year). People most often buy tours here to 4-5* hotels and always “all inclusive”. You can buy the same “Fortune”. For example, at "Anex Tour" there is “Fortuna Alanya 4*”, “Fortuna Alanya 5*”, “Fortuna Kemer 4*”, etc. All directions of "Fortune" from Anex Tour: Alanya, Antalya, Belek, Kemer, Side, Bodrum, Marmaris, Fethiye.

There are similar tours "Sunmar" and "Biblioglobus". Fortuna Antalya tours include all regions with arrival at Antalya airport, but in 90% of cases they go to Alanya, where the cheapest hotels are. There are also separate tours “Fortuna” Alanya, here you will also be accommodated in any hotel in Alanya, but the difference is that the arrival airport will be Gazipasa (you will save 1-1.5 hours on the transfer). Let me remind you that we took “Fortune” to Turkey from “Sunmar”, and ended up in a very cool hotel in . Although in general, “Fortuna” to Turkey from “Sunmar” does not have very good reviews. This is a photo of our hotel. He's cool, that's the truth.

Italy "Fortuna"

From the tour operator "Biblio Globus" There are Fortuna tours in Rimini. There are 3-4* hotels, meals are “breakfast” and “breakfast + dinner”. Prices are very low, and Schengen visa holders can buy a Fortuna tour to Rimini during the off-season (for example, February, March) for literally 12,000 rubles. with departure from Moscow for a week. Let me remind you that we took such a tour and ended up at a hotel in the Viserba area. According to “Fortune” the tour cost 2000 rubles. cheaper than if you book a tour at Hotel Sacramora. The hotel was on the first line across the road from the sea (all the hotels in Viserba are across the road, that is, it couldn’t be closer).

Rimini beach

Cyprus "Fortune"

From the tour operator "Biblio Globus" There is also a “Fortune” system for tours to Cyprus. They do not disclose hotels under this system and keep them in the strictest confidence. We didn't take it.

Greece "Fortune"

Fortuna also sells tours to Greece "Anex Tour". Among the destinations they only have Rhodes and Crete. These are the most popular islands among our tourists. They put it there during the season a large number of charters, hence there are a lot of cheap last-minute tours even in summer. In Rhodes and Crete there is “Fortune” from 2 to 5*.

Vietnam "Fortune"

From the tour operator "Anex Tour" There is a Fortuna tour system in Vietnam only in the Nha Trang resort. Hotels offer 2*, 3*, 4*.

Tunisia "Fortuna" system

"Anex Tour" also sells “Fortuna” tours to Tunisia. There are only 2 directions - Djerba and Enfidha. Moreover, by purchasing a “Fortune” tour to Djerba, you can get to the regions of Djerba and Zarzis. And when choosing Enfidha, any hotel in the regions of Enfidha, Hammamet, Mahdia, Monastir, Nabeul, Sousse, El Kantanui can be offered. There are 3* and 4* hotels.

Last minute tours

Sometimes it is more profitable to buy last-minute tours than to look for Fortune. You can view 1000+ last minute offers on the page.

These are tours where you do not know the name of the hotel in advance. There are various names for such tours: Fortune, Roulette, Express, Secret.

From time to time, such tours are organized by tour operators Pegasus Tourist, Anex Tour, Tez Tour, Biblio Globus, Coral and Sanmar, Intourist.

A tour using the fortune and roulette system, if there is no addition in its name, can include any hotel on the coast. But quite often operators come across clarifying terms for such tours.

  • Roulette Crete 2* - any hotel in any area of ​​the island of Crete (Greece), category 2* or higher.
  • Fortuna Kemer 3* - any 3* hotel in the Kemer region including the nearest villages of Beldibi, Goynuk, Tekirova.
  • Fortuna Kemer city 4* - any 4* hotel in Kemer
  • Fortuna Antalya 5* - any hotel in the Antalya region (operators in this definition cover the entire Antalya coast of Turkey: Kemer, Antalya, Belek, Side, Alanya)
  • Anex has its own names, for example HTOP SECRET COSTA BRAVA 3* - any hotel of the HTOP 3* category in the Spanish region of the Costa Brava, as well as the Costa de Barcelona (only the city of Calella, as a rule). In such tours, it is enough to look at all the hotels of the HTOP network with which the tour operator cooperates, filter out those that no longer have vacancies and look at the remaining ones. If you are satisfied with all of them, then feel free to book such a tour and save a lot.
  • Fortuna 2 hotels 3* - means that you will be accommodated in two 3* hotels (for example, for 5 nights in one and the rest in the other), such vouchers are quite rare, but they are the cheapest.

How to find out the name of a hotel using the Fortune, Roulette, Secret, Express system.

It is not possible to know exactly which hotel you will end up in; tour operators keep this information secret. After all, if you know in advance, then you can cheat and buy fortune (roulette), which is cheaper than a specific hotel.

A few weeks or months before your arrival, the operator himself does not know which hotel he will put you in. Closer to departure, the operator will already know where tourists will be accommodated using Roulette (Fortune), but will not say for obvious reasons.

However, if you buy a tour a few days before departure, then you can try to figure out which hotel the tour operator plans to put you in. You won’t be able to find out for sure, but you can try to select 2-3 options. How to do it?

  • On nutrition. Some hotels in Spain have unusual meals, such as FB SILVER (Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner Silver Category).

    Accordingly, the tour HTOP SECRET LLORET DE MAR 3* 3 *** (Lloret de Mar) with the tour operator Anex tour, with meals FB SILVER. According to which the operator undertakes to accommodate you in any hotel of the HTOP 3* chain in the city of Lloret de Mar. In order to try to find a hotel in this case, it is enough to simply find 3* hotels of the HTOP chain in Lloret de Mar, which operate on such a special diet. And there is only one such hotel - HTOP PALM BEACH 3 *. Accordingly, if you buy such a tour, with a 99.9% probability you will end up in this hotel. And the difference in price between a tour of such fortune and classic tour to this hotel more than 20,000 rubles for two. It's up to you to decide whether it's worth the risk or not.

  • For children, even if the tour is without children. Suppose you find a tour according to fortune from the 1st for 7 nights, write down 10 hotels of the same category that are offered by the same tour operator for these dates, according to fortune. And then in the search enter 2 adults and 3 children, since not all hotels accept this composition, you will see a different list of hotels.

    If there is fortune for 2 and for 2+3 children, then you need to calculate the hotel from those who accept 3 children, there are already fewer such hotels.

    But if there is no luck for 2+3 children, then hotels that accept children should, on the contrary, be excluded from the potential options where you can go as a couple.

    Perhaps by luck there are two hotels on fire, one that accepts children and one that does not, so this method does not provide a 100% guarantee. But it's much better than just guessing.

  • According to the importance of the hotel for the tour operator. Hotels recommended by the tour operator are indicated in the search engine with various icons. Do you think the operator cares about you? Of course not, this means that the operator has serious obligations to these hotels; as a rule, rooms have been purchased in advance (commitments for tourist language). Therefore, it is more profitable for the operator to sell tours and primarily load these hotels. Therefore, if we see a tour of fortune and see that the following list of hotels is “recommended”, and even marked in green as instantly confirmed. This means that with a high probability of luck you will be accommodated in this hotel.
  • Based on hotel availability. If a tour of fortune in the tour operator’s system is marked with “instant confirmation” (for Anex and Pegasus they are marked with a green background), then the hotels you will end up in will most likely have “instant confirmation”. Therefore, you can put a filter on hotels with instant confirmation and see possible check-in options. If the availability of seats according to the roulette is “upon request”, then the hotel, by chance, will be one of those availability of places in which the tour operator has upon request (at Pegasus and Anex on a white background).

Why do we need Roulette and Fortune tours?

Operators need such tours in order to sell a “pig in a poke.” Can sell as bad option, far from the sea, and even a sea with a terrible beach. They can also sell a completely normal hotel, which turned out to be underutilized for random reasons.

Why sell tours without specifying the hotel?

  • Imagine you bought an early booking tour, and for some random reason the hotel turned out to be underutilized, but only for 7 nights in the middle of the month, and then it was 100% occupied. If he lowers the price openly, then there will be talk about the feasibility early booking. It’s easier to drop prices “into the dark” by selling out of luck. Such situations are rare.
  • A tour operator wants to sell a certain hotel that is not selling well. If you just lower the price of it, people will think that the hotel is bad. The hotel may really be bad, but people who buy a fortune tour will hope for the best.
  • At the time of sale, the operator may not know which hotel he will put you in. But from experience, he knows that at this very time some hotel will definitely be on fire, so he sells such tours according to fortune, and closer to departure, which hotel will give a cheaper price there and accommodate tourists using roulette.

Is it worth buying tours using the Fortune, Roulette, Express system?

In my opinion, you can go to Spain by chance, since all the hotels are located on good beaches. Moreover, if the name of the tour indicates a region, for example Fortuna Blanes, in Blanes all hotels are located approximately the same from good beaches. If you are looking for discos, choose Fortuna Lloret de Mar. In such a situation, the name of the hotel will not greatly change your vacation.

The same can be said about Thailand, if your fortune is Phuket and Karon Beach, you can take it because a specific beach is indicated. But it’s just the luck of Phuket, you can be accommodated either in a hotel in party Patong with not so ideal beaches, or in secluded Karon. And vice versa: you planned to hang out in Patong, and you will be accommodated on Kata Beach and so on.

In Turkey, Greece and Cyprus, the quality of the beaches depends on where the hotel is located. Some hotels have beautiful beaches, while some hotels, although located in the same region, have disgusting beaches. For these reasons, tours to Turkey, Greece and Cyprus using the fortune system are not very attractive.

As luck would have it, as a rule, there are only last-minute tours, and the best last-minute tours can be found and bought on the online aggregator: (select countries, departure city, dates and composition of tourists)

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