Some facts about the island state. Why shouldn't you go to Australia? Some facts about the island state And it is impossible to throw garbage elsewhere! The fine is exorbitant

Australia is the leader in the number of deadly creatures per square meter of territory. Every year on this continent many people die from poisons, bites, or simply being eaten by the local fauna.

Arachnophobes should not go to Australia at all. They are extremely poisonous, unprincipled, and believe that they can live anywhere. The antidote was developed only in 1981. However, even with it, the chances of survival vary greatly. In addition, this spider is very aggressive and does not take into account the size of the animal it attacks.

Another handsome man who sends to death almost everyone who touches him. This octopus is extremely beautiful, but it produces a strong nerve poison. It stops the motor parts of the central nervous system, heart and lungs. Considering that it is found in the ocean, there is practically no chance for the victim to float to the surface. An antidote for the venom of the blue-ringed octopus has not yet been developed. Therefore, there is absolutely no need to touch with your hands everything bright and beautiful in Australia and the ocean near it.

McCoy's Taipan

Attention, the leader among poisonous ones. The poison in one serving of taipan is enough for 100 adults. Although an antidote has been developed, there is almost never time to administer it. The person bitten dies in about 5 minutes. This provided that the person was healthy and strong.

Many divers come to dive and look at the coral reefs. And some of them go to the hospital after meeting this fish. It looks ugly, so it’s unclear what thoughts push people to touch it. The most interesting thing is that, like puffer fish, when properly prepared, warts are eaten in sushi.


A slug in the sink never causes a feeling of danger in our person. If we are talking about a garden snail, then everything is correct. But in Australia, mollusks of the cone family take revenge on people for all the crushed slugs. They attack the victim with a special spike (harpoon), through which poison is injected. If a person is not taken to the hospital on time, then the chances of survival tend to zero. Therefore, collecting these shells for beads is highly not recommended.

This beautiful small spider sent many people to the next world. If you meet him in the house, it’s better to burn everything and run away (just kidding). The poison causes problems with the central nervous system and provokes severe pain throughout the body. An antidote exists, but it does not relieve pain. The antidote only prevents death.

Many tourists, having traveled extensively throughout all European and Asian countries, decide to travel globally. For example, visit another continent. And most often, many people choose Australia. After all, this is truly an amazing country. The lives of people there are closely intertwined with nature. But you shouldn’t immediately rush out and run to buy tickets for the first flight to Australia. It is better to first study some of the intricacies of a given country, which can significantly affect your desire to go there.

Since Australia has rich nature and rich wildlife, this will be the main unpleasant moment. A large number of unpleasant-looking and very dangerous insects can scare even an experienced tourist. Also in Australia there is a wide variety of wild and extremely dangerous animals, meeting with which can end very sadly.


Australia is home to the largest and most dangerous species of crocodiles. Moreover, the main danger comes from their habitats. They very often settle near large coastal tourist areas. Therefore, when vacationing in Australia, a tourist must always be on the alert.


Australia is considered to be the leader among all countries in the largest number of poisonous spiders. Meeting with many types of these unpleasant creatures, in most cases can end very sadly. Moreover, you can run into spiders almost everywhere; you are not protected from this even in your own home.


There are a lot of snakes in Australia. They crawl everywhere, just like spiders. But pythons are considered a particularly dangerous species. Such a snake can easily swallow a person without choking.

Marbled snail

In Australia, even in the water you will not be safe. Marbled snails may lie in wait for you there. If at first glance they may seem harmless and very beautiful, then upon contact with it, you may be stung by the most poisonous and ruthless aquatic predator. The bite of the marbled snail is very painful, and if the antidote is not administered in time, the person may die.


In addition to poisonous snails, there are also villages waiting for you in the water, who very much want to feast on you. You shouldn't swim too far from the shore.

In addition to the presented reasons not to visit Australia, there are many others that are no less dangerous for tourists. It’s better to think several times before buying plane tickets to this continent.

Australia is as familiar and accessible to most of us as the Moon. From a school geography course, we know that this is a country-continent, that kangaroos and... these, whatever they call them, snout ducks or platypuses live there.

And not everyone can name the capital. Which of the three cities is the capital of Australia (answer at the end of the article):

  • Victoria;
  • Canberra;
  • Sydney?

Some people dream of going to the other side of the world because it has one of the highest standards of living in the world. The state gladly accepts immigrants, especially educated ones, and helps them settle down.

1. Bats of Australia. They fly at night and can knock you down

2. In the morning there is a guest on the fence

3. These are the small fish in the streams

4. It’s not for nothing that this caterpillar is so scary - if you touch it, you can go to the next world prematurely

5. Do you still want to go fishing?

6. This old photo from the 60s is the same “tadpole”

7. Wild dogs, dingoes, are very tough!

8. Unexpected "buyer"

9. You stretch out your hand so sleepily... I wonder how it chewed the roll like that?!

10. Oh, what a cute lizard!

11. New Year in Australia

13. A familiar scene on the road

14. Well, shoo, you little pot-bellied little thing!

15. What do Australians care about sharks? It's like bears for Russians

16. Catches the wave. And surfers...

17. Local sparrows. They peck painfully, they are infectious!

18. Great start to the day for those with chronic constipation

19. It’s good that he knows the way

20. It’s impossible to throw garbage somewhere else! The fine is exorbitant

21. Bon voyage!

22. We should help the little animal, but it’s somehow dumb!

Incredible facts

Want to visit Australia? With the list provided, we will not dissuade you, but, at a minimum, we will warn you about dangers, which may lie in wait on the green continent.

Australia is known for its scorching sun, amazing beaches and surfers, making it easy for people to forget about sharks, spiders, various insects and octopuses, which can be extremely dangerous to humans.

Australia is home to the most dangerous creatures on our planet.

Shark attack

It is in Australia that shark attacks on people are most common.

Coasts of Queensland and New South Walesrecognized as the most dangerous, because the largest population of white sharks lives here. During the hot season, these marine predators become the most aggressive.

Over the past 300 years, 572 attacks and 153 deaths have been recorded.

The danger of scolopendra

On the green continent you can encounter poisonous centipedes.

The largest scolopendras of yellow, purple and red colors live here. They can reach a length 30 cm. A bite from an Australian scolopendra in a healthy adult causes severe swelling.

Known even death from a centipede bite in the Philippines, where the victim was a seven-year-old child who was bitten on the head by a centipede.

Danger of Spiders

The green continent is also inhabited by poisonous spiders, which are known for their uniqueness.

The most famous and dangerous of them is the Sydney leucoweb spider, found in the city of Sydney, the Australian state of Queensland and Fraser Island.

Several registered deaths among children bitten by this most dangerous spider in the world. True, it can kill a person I only male, whereas the female of this species of spider is not capable of causing significant harm to humans.

Poisonous octopus

The blue-ringed octopus, found in Australia, is one of the the most dangerous animals in the world. Moreover, it is found in coastal waters (including on the beaches). The annual number of victims from bites of this species of octopus is several people.

As a rule, people are unaware of the danger this cute animal poses. The bite of this octopus looks like small cut therefore, doctors often do not even understand what is the cause of a person’s illness.

Poisonous snakes

Australia is home to about 100 species of snakes, with 9 from below poisonous. Of these 9 poisonous reptiles, the most poisonous snake on the planet is ferocious snake(land taipan).

During winter, most snakes hibernate, but not Australian snakes, which continue to be aggressive.

Dangerous ticks

On the eastern coast of the green continent you can find both non-poisonous ticks and the dangerous poisonous tick - bush (paralytic) tick. Over the last century, people have died from the bites of this insect. 25 people.

In order to get on the victim, these mites climb onto the leaves of plants and wait for their owner.

Dangerous crocodiles

There are two species of crocodiles in Australia: fresh and salty(nautical). Crocodiles have a fairly wide diet, but their main product is meat.

It should be noted that every year worldwide dies about 2,500 people due to attack by crocodiles.

Mosquito bite

Australian mosquitoes are carriers of four diseases, which have killed about 20,000 people. When mosquitoes bite, they can infect humans with a deadly disease through their saliva.

Every Australian animal wants to kill you. Well, it doesn’t have to be you - any person will suit these creatures. The statement is no doubt loud, but true. This continent is only considered civilized. In fact, there is about as much civilization here as on the desert plains of Central Africa. In the same Africa, a traveler risks dying in the jaws of an understandable lion. Or a rhinoceros, or a spear that a Maasai warrior throws at him out of boredom. All this is a familiar, unpleasant, but still not the most frightening death.

Australia has a lot to play for. Here the unlucky tourist is met not by tigers and rhinoceroses, but by giant deadly birds, giant (this definition can be safely added to almost all the creatures living here) snakes, crabs that look like fiends of hell, and spiders that look like aliens from the planet of horrors. Sharks and deadly insects? Still would! In general, if you are planning a trip to the antipodes, we advise you to look at our selection and think again. No photoshop. A complete truth that scares any reasonable person to the point of gray hair!

Real footage from local television, SkyNews. The shark swam into a pond adjacent to a golf course. It was no coincidence that the film crew ended up there: the day before, the same shark had a great bite from a player who accidentally dropped a ball into the water.

Of course, it will be very interesting to see who wins. But not enough to risk your life for it!

A standard warning posted on a completely ordinary city beach. Especially for those bathers without fear or reproach, who are not only knee-deep in the sea, but also in their own lives.

Nothing interesting, the dog caught a shark. And he eats. And looks at the photographer. Maybe this is his last photo?