Jade Mountain Temple. Lake of the Returned Sword in Hanoi - home of the sacred turtle

In the evenings, you can sit on a bench and watch the emerald expanse of Hoan Kiem, and also join in the evening exercises that almost all the locals do at the same time.

This is one of the most beautiful sights in Hanoi. The name Hoan Kiem translates as Lake of the Returned Sword. It is located in the very heart of Hanoi. In general, this part of the city is very popular among tourists, as most of the hotels, hostels and restaurants are concentrated here.

Many years ago, the lake was part of the local river, but over time it separated from it, becoming a unique, distinctive place.

Vietnamese legend of Hoan Kiem Lake

Hoan Kiem Lake is loved by absolutely all tourists, even those who didn’t like the city at all. When you arrive here, they will tell you an old local legend about it. All the residents of the city say that Hoan Kiem is home to a giant turtle that no one has ever seen. According to legend, during the war, she came out of a pond and gave a sword to the famous Vietnamese hero - Le Loy. It was then that the turtle saved the entire people, managing to help in the fight against the Chinese. After completely defeating the enemies, she reappeared from the lake and returned the sword.

Most people believe that the turtle is over 300 years old and is a soft-shell type. Some even say that five years ago she was caught, examined and released back into the wild.

It is surprising that the water in Hoan Kiem is always green. And this is not due to lush vegetation, since it is constantly cleared. But be that as it may, scientists have not been able to provide a clear explanation of this unusual effect. Because of its green color, the lake was previously even called Luke Tui, which translates as Green Water.

And in the very center of the lake there is a tower called the Turtle. It was erected back in the 19th century at the request of a rich mandarin in honor of that same mythical turtle. But there is a rumor that the ashes of the mandarin’s father are actually kept there. When this was proven, a big scandal broke out, but the building was not demolished, since it fit well into the surrounding landscape.

Temple on the Lake

There is a temple on a tiny island on the lake. You can get to it via a bridge laid from the shore. It was founded in honor of three outstanding personalities of that time: the keeper of literature, the hero of Vietnam and the architect of the temple. At the entrance you can see a beautiful gate painted with signs denoting happiness and prosperity.

A little further away there is a monument to a writing brush, erected in honor of the patron of literature. The inside of the temple is incredibly beautiful and decorated with drawings of animals that represent something special. You definitely won’t pass by the red horse, erected in honor of the personal horse of the main imperial military leader. By the way, the statue of the military leader was installed in the same temple.

Hoan Kiem Lake is the most pleasant and cozy place in the city. Numerous benches and gazebos were installed around the lake and all the lawns were planted with flowers. Every evening everyone gathers by the lake and does exercises to the accompaniment of beautiful melodic music. Vacationers, when they see this action, are very surprised, but join in with pleasure. Almost all over the city at the same time you can find people engaged in activities.

All streets of Hanoi lead to the lake

They are so beautiful that tourists love to wander around them in the evenings. During the day there are shops and shops here. The prices are quite low, but no one forbade haggling. By the way, it’s customary for them when tourists bargain, so you don’t have to be afraid and feel free to try to reduce the price.

In the shops you will be able to buy national clothes, shoes, souvenirs, dishes and much more. But you should watch your wallet, as there are quite a lot of thieves here.

Photos of the lake

What to see

There are two small islands in the north and south of Hoan Kiem Lake. According to legend, they symbolize the head and body of the sacred turtle. On one island rises the graceful tower of “Thuap Rua” or “Temple of the Turtle”, and on another piece of land there is the amazing “Den Ngoc Son” or “Temple of the Jade Mountain”.

There is a park near the reservoir and a cafe. This is a good place for leisurely walks, meditation and relaxation with friends. In addition, a water puppet theater shows performances on Hoan Kiem Lake.

Temple of the Turtle

The Tuap Jua tower is associated with a legend about the fearless hero Le Loy, who lived in the 15th century. In those days, the Vietnamese suffered greatly from the attacks of the Chinese invaders. When Le Loy was fishing in Lake Lukthuy, the sacred turtle gave him a magic sword. The hero fought with this weapon himself and led other Vietnamese into battle.

The revolt led by Le Loy ended in complete victory, and he organized a great celebration for his warriors. Le Loy wanted to celebrate the liberation from the Chinese and thank the gods for their help. At the height of the holiday, the golden turtle again appeared near the hero and asked him to give up his sword. The weapon ended up in the water, the turtle took it in its mouth and swam away.

Since the 15th century, the reservoir began to be called Hoan Kiemili, which means “lake of the returned sword.” And in 1886, the Vietnamese built a beautiful multi-tiered Tuap Rua pagoda. The last turtle that lived in this lake died of old age in 2016. She belonged to the rare species Rafetus vietnamensis and weighed 170 kg. Her death greatly upset the people of Hanoi, and many Vietnamese newspapers wrote about the event.

Jade Temple

The beautiful temple was built in the 19th century in honor of the military leader Tran Hung Dao. The fearless Vietnamese commander commanded the Vietnamese and defeated the Mongol army that sought to take over the country. Thanks to the merits of Tran Hung Dao, Vietnam managed to defend its independence.

The temple was rebuilt many times. The last time this happened was in the 19th century. In addition to Tran Hung Dao, people here pay tribute to the patron of all writing people, Van Suong, the patron of doctors, La To, and the famous martial arts master Kaung Vu.

You can get to the temple via Cau Thehuk or the Rising Sun Bridge. Today, a stuffed animal of a huge turtle, which was caught in 1968, is on display here. Her weight is 250 kg.

Access to Hoan Kiem Lake is free, but entry to Dan Ngoc Son is paid for foreigners. The ticket can be purchased at the kiosk located to the left of the bridge. It costs 20,000 dong. The temple is open to visitors daily from 8:00 to 17:00. To avoid crowds, it is better to come here in the morning or afternoon. You should also keep in mind that on weekdays there are not as many visitors as on weekends.

How to get there

Hoan Kiem Lake is easily accessible by any means of transport that runs around Hanoi, such as taxis or city buses. It is not difficult to walk from the Old Quarter to the historic reservoir. The city's main post office is located next to Hoan Kiem Lake and is difficult to miss.

Address: Lake of the Returned Sword, Hanoi, Vietnam. Entrance fee: for the lake - none, for the temple - 20 thousand dong. How to get there: the attractions are located near the tourist area of ​​the capital.

Lake of the Returned Sword, or Hoan Kiem, is a wonderful attraction of Hanoi, in demand among travelers and residents of the Vietnamese capital. It was formed in the central part of the Old City, in the place where the former bed of the Red River is located, flowing through the settlement. Very close by is the Turtle Temple, which is also interesting to tourists from various countries.

Mysterious Lake of the Returned Sword

There is a beautiful legend associated with this picturesque place, which the Vietnamese are happy to tell to the uninitiated. This story, if you believe the myths, took place at the beginning of the 15th century, when Chinese invaders invaded the country. The landowner Le Loi, who became the leader of a long-term national liberation war, came out to fight them.
One day, a huge golden turtle appeared from this lake, giving the warrior a magic sword, with the help of which Le Loi defeated the invaders. After the end of hostilities, when the national hero, who had already become an emperor, was celebrating his victory on this reservoir, that same turtle again appeared in front of him and took the sword, promising to return it in case of a new danger. Since then, the reservoir has been called the Lake of the Returned Sword.
Local residents claim that the turtle actually lives in the lake and is 300, or even 500 years old, that even it was examined and treated several years ago, and then released back. In general, four turtles lived here, but three of them died - now their stuffed ones are kept in the Temple located on the lake and in Hanoi. There are only four reptiles of this species left in the entire world, of which two live in China and two in Vietnam. The mystery of the lake is that the water in it is always green, although it is regularly cleaned by European specialists. Hence, it used to be called Luke Tui - Lake of Green Water.
At different ends of the reservoir there are two small islands - they are considered the body and head of that same turtle. In her honor, the Turtle Tower was built on one of the islands at the end of the 19th century. According to other sources, a rich man ordered it to be rebuilt in order to bury his father’s ashes in it. However, his plan was discovered, after which he had to resign, but the wonderful Turtle Tower remained, pleasing the eye with its beauty and grace. In the evenings, the lights turn on, in the light of which it seems like a fairy-tale castle growing straight out of the water.

The unique Jade Mountain Temple

On another islet, which is called the body of the turtle, is the Temple of the Jade Mountain, or Ngoc Son. It can be reached via a bright red bridge, built in classic Vietnamese style and spanning the lake. It is called the Bridge of the Rising Sun. This temple resembles a traditional Buddhist sacral complex, erected at the end of the 19th century in honor of the folk hero, the winner of the war against the Yuan invaders in the 13th century, Tran Hung Dao, the patron saint of literature Wenchang and the doctor La To.
The Rising Sun Bridge, or Kau Thekhun, is a graceful arched bridge that is very popular among tourists and local newlyweds who love to take photos on it. And the evening illumination makes it even more unusual. At the end of the wooden crossing there is a gate with hieroglyphs and images of animals. Taoist symbolism means "happiness and prosperity." A little further, at the entrance to the temple building, there is a large tower in honor of Wenchang in the form of a feather, where words of admiration for the creative genius are inscribed.
The temple houses a huge embalmed turtle - the Vietnamese say that this is the very patroness of the island. Here you can see a collection of beautiful sculptures, as well as ancient wooden cliches that were used in book printing. Inside the structure are altars with the usual offerings of flowers, fruits and sweets. There are always a lot of people there, townspeople come here to pray, and tourists come here to take photographs.
The pleasant smells of incense sticks waft throughout the area, and behind the temple there is a miniature bonsai-style garden. Here you can listen to performances by artists in national costumes. From the side of the sacred place there is a wonderful view of the lake, so artists and poets often come here in search of inspiration. The island and the temple are the most visited places in Hanoi, and the park around the pond is also an ideal corner for leisurely walks for city residents.

There are many different bodies of water in Hanoi, but the residents of the capital city call it unique Lake of the Returned Sword- it’s so popular. Truly this is a wonderful corner in the very center of a large metropolis, certainly deserving the closest tourist attention.

Like many attractions, Western Lake is shrouded in legends of its origin, and no one still has a clear question about this.

According to one legend, a fox with nine tails once lived on the site of the current lake. She harmed local residents in every possible way, ruining their farms and killing livestock. Lac Long Quan, the Dragon King, decided to stop what was happening and filled the pest’s hole. Litsa died, and in the place of her lair a beautiful lake appeared.

If you believe another legend, the golden buffalo, having heard the call of its mother, was so eager to reach her that it knocked out a huge hole with its hoof, in which a lake appeared.

Be that as it may, West Lake is one of the most beautiful places in Vietnam. And this can be appreciated not only by local residents and visiting tourists, but also by royalty who vacationed here with pleasure. Due to the fact that the reservoir was especially loved by kings and their families, many palaces, temples and pagodas were erected around the lake.

Today, West Lake is a favorite place for both locals and travelers. Hanoians call the lake "the place of rendezvous." This is probably because absolutely everything here puts you in a romantic mood: wonderful sunsets and sunrises, mirror-like surfaces of water, cozy restaurants in the surrounding area where you can taste traditional Vietnamese cuisine. And you can admire the lake not only from the shore, but also by taking a catamaran trip with your significant other.

Lake Trick Baja

The picturesque Truc Baha Lake is one of Hanoi's many attractions. It was formed in the 17th century as a result of the construction of a dam on the Western Lake, dividing it into two reservoirs. The eastern lake became known as Truc Baja. And the dam was converted into a street. The area of ​​the lake is about 9 hectares, the depth is about 15 meters.

There are many famous historical monuments on its banks, including several Buddhist temples. Due to the unusual topography of the lake, it seems that the water in some places is colored bright blue. According to legend, a giant dragon lives at the bottom of Truc Baja, guarding countless treasures that give the lake its interesting color.

A collection of legends reveals a rich and fascinating history of the lake, which is popular among tourists. Here you can take a boat trip, admiring the impressive scenery. On the shore of the lake there is a beautiful park with an unusual landscape design, including amazing exotic plants.

Lake of the Returned Sword (Hoan Kiem)

Hoan Kiem Lake is located in the very center of Hanoi. It is a significant historical and cultural landmark of Vietnam. The lake covers an area of ​​about 2000 square meters, its maximum depth is 2 meters.

The beautiful name Hoan Kiem is associated with the legend of Le Loy, a courageous peasant from Thanh Hoa province, who in the 15th century raised the Vietnamese people against the tyranny of the Chinese Ming dynasty. According to legend, he was helped by the Sea Dragon, who lent Le the Magic Sword, with the help of which the war was won. A year later, a large golden turtle swam up from the depths of the lake, carrying away the returned sword. Since then, the lake has been called “the lake of the returned sword.” The Turtle Tower, located on a small island in the center of the lake, is associated with a legend.

Near the northern shore of the lake is the Jade Island, on which a temple was built in the 18th century. It is connected to the shore by a red wooden bridge. From here you can enjoy a picturesque panorama of Hoan Kiem Lake and the surrounding park.

Hoan Kiem Lake

The name of Hoan Kiem Lake translated means “Lake of the Returned Sword”. It is located in the very center of Hanoi. The place is truly amazing. The water surface here is so transparent that right from the shore you can watch how life is in full swing at the bottom... You will not see this in any photograph!

In the center of the lake there is a low tower called the "Temple of the Turtle". An old legend is associated with it about a Vietnamese hero of the 15th century named Le Loi. He once fished on the lake, but instead of fish he found a magic sword, with which he led an uprising against the Chinese rulers.

When, after the victory, the hero came to the lake to thank the good spirits, the sword fell into the water, where it was picked up by a huge golden turtle. After some time, the “Temple of the Turtle” was erected here.

Nearby is the Jade Mountain Temple, home to a giant turtle captured in 1968. It honors the great commander Tran Hung Dao, who defeated the Mongol conquerors in the 13th century, as well as Van Suong, the patron saint of writers, La To, the patron saint of doctors, and martial arts master Quan Vu.

On the shore of the lake you can relax in a cozy cafe or watch a puppet show.

Lake Thu Le

Lake Thu Le is located in the business center of Hanoi, on the shore of which there is a recreation park of the same name. Also on the shore of the lake is the five-star Daewoo Hotel, where heads of state and famous politicians stay, such as the president of Russia, the USA and China, the king and queen of Sweden.

Sights of Hanoi

Hoan Kiem was first mentioned in a historical episode about Emperor Le Loi's rebellion against Chinese rule.

The wise turtle with a golden shell gave the ruler the sword Thuanthien. Loy defeated more than one Chinese army with his help and restored the Le dynasty to the throne. The long-awaited victory became the occasion for a celebration, during which the emperor and his subjects went to Hoan Kiem to pay homage to the turtle.

The donor of the sword appeared from the water and asked Loy to return her gift, since a strong weapon shows its strength only in the fight against conquerors. Le Loy complied with her request, and the turtle swam under the water, having received what she wanted. Since then, the Vietnamese have called this place “Lake of the Returned Sword.”

4 turtles lived here. The embalmed mummies of the three dead turtles are kept in the Hanoi Museum and the Jade Mountain Temple. The oldest inhabitant of Hoan Kiem was a turtle that weighed 169 kg. Its width was 1.6 m and its length was 0.8 m. Life in the reservoir was unsafe for the animal; in 2011 it was even treated. In 2016, the famous turtle died.

How long does it take to walk near Hoan Kiem?

The lake occupies a small area, so you can walk around it, admiring the surroundings, in half an hour. Let's add another 20-25 minutes for photo stops.

What tourists will see at Hoan Kiem Lake

A large turtle “lives” in the Jade Mountain Temple (Den Ngoc Son), built in the 14th century. Rebuilt more than once (the last alteration took place in the 19th century), it became a place of veneration for several prominent Vietnamese historical figures: Tran Hung Dao (commander), Van Suong (national patron of writers), La To (saint who protects doctors), Quan Vu (master martial arts).

To get to the temple, you need to go through the gates with the inscriptions “Happiness” and “Prosperity”. Next, tourists are greeted by a monument in the form of a writing brush. The monument is dedicated to Saint Van Suong.

The temple complex consists of the Dac Nghet Pavilion, which translates as “moon gazing,” the Wave Resistance Pavilion, and the Thap Bat Tower. On the territory of the temple you will see a sculpture of a Chinese military leader and the red horse on which he sat.

There is a park near the lake. And, of course, there is a cafe where you can sit and admire the surrounding beauty. You can check out the puppet theater on the water. The performance will be remembered for a long time to the sounds of folk music and unique singing. Don’t be surprised at the morning and evening jogging of the Vietnamese near the pond.

In Ly Thai Park, next to the lake, in the square you will see a statue of Emperor Le Loi. You can also see tai chi gymnastics sessions here. They are held free of charge for everyone.