City of love in Georgia Sighnaghi on the map. Sighnaghi, Georgia

If you visit Georgia, then be sure to visit the Alazani Valley- the very heart of the Kakheti region. It is very difficult to describe this colorful and worthy work of nature in words. However, we can say that those who see the Alazani Valley with their own eyes will never again remain indifferent to Georgia itself.

Here, the soils, grateful to human labor, produce magnificent grape harvests. Here, warm rainfalls carefully wash each berry, giving them a great taste, which will then be transformed into excellent wine by skillful human hands. There is a mild climate here, which allows all those who have connected their lives with wine production to live and work. And it’s simply impossible not to fall in love with the Alazani Valley!

And if you want to enjoy the most magnificent views of the valley of vineyards, then be sure to come to a small Sighnaghi town, which according to local custom is also called City of Love

A little history

Sighnaghi At its core, it is a small town inhabited by only 2 thousand people. The city residents themselves consider it simple and ordinary, well, maybe just a little beautiful. But Europeans, who love to visit Sighnaghi, speak of this place with great enthusiasm and love. Indeed, it is difficult to find something similar in Georgia. It is for this reason that Sighnaghi is the most popular town for tourists to visit.

But here's the paradox. There is practically no information about the city itself, about the date of its foundation, about who exactly founded it, and for what reason this city appeared here in the Alazani Valley. Someone calls Sighnaghi an ancient city, but at the same time it is noted that it was built only in the 18th century during the reign of Erekle II. There is no information about when exactly the construction itself began, who was the main architect and why such an unusual location was chosen for the construction of the new town - after all, Sighnaghi is located high in the mountains.

There are rumors, or these are just myths, that when the city was built, Armenians were resettled here, and they became the first residents of the new town. There is also a version that Sighnaghi was built to protect the country from Lezghin raids. There are also versions that the city withstood many raids throughout its existence, but remained safe and sound. However, where is the truth here and where is just fiction, we will never know.

Sighnahi fortress

Perhaps the first place to start when getting to know the town of Sighnaghi is to visit its fortress. This fortress is considered the most beautiful and most picturesque in all of Georgia. Tourists not only from Russia and neighboring countries, but also tourists from Europe and even America come here to look at what was once gigantic in size. After all, to live life and not see such beauty would be very disappointing.

The fortress itself once occupied an area of ​​40 hectares, and all the defensive structures were located in such a way that from any point it was possible to cross-fire at the enemies, who often dreamed of capturing the town. And even more often they tried to carry out their plans. But they never managed to defeat the proud residents of Sighnaghi.

The walls of the fortress exactly follow the contours of the mountain on which it was built. But the city itself appeared here after the fortress was completely rebuilt. However, excavations that were carried out here not so long ago showed that on the site of Sighnaghi, even before the founding of the city, there was once a settlement - a small village, the name of which, of course, no one remembers, and it was not preserved in any historical document of that time. time.

After the fortress was built and the first inhabitants appeared in the city, Sighnaghi began to develop rapidly and actively. It was a rich city inhabited by merchants and artisans. In addition, the city passed through a large number of trade routes, which helped Sighnaghi develop even stronger.

But let's return to the fortress itself.

Three sides of the fortress mainly stretch along the mountain ridges, and the fourth (northern side) is a fence, descending into a deep gorge on both sides.

The high walls of the fortress are two-tiered. The lower tier is solid, and the upper one is equipped with defensive elements. A wide battle path stretches in front of the upper tier.

The fortress's plan is an irregular polyhedron, with cylindrical towers of several floors erected at each corner. In addition to these, at certain intervals, there are also cylindrical towers between the corner towers.

The gates of the Sighnahi fortress are especially beautiful and picturesque. This building, despite its venerable age, has been perfectly preserved to this day and is the object of active tourist visits.

It is a great honor to touch the walls of this ancient gate with your hands. After all, once upon a time these walls, this masonry hands were also touched by the proud, freedom-loving inhabitants of the town, who did not want to surrender to their numerous enemies. These gates were the entrance to the fortress itself, and today they are located almost in the center of the old half of Sighnaghi.

Near the gate itself there is a high staircase. If desired, anyone can climb it and find themselves at the top of the fortress wall itself. In addition to the gates and walls of the fortress, 28 watchtowers, which are also the pride of Sighnaghi and are good place for photographing.

Sighnaghi today

When you first get into the city, you will immediately think that this is not Georgia at all. It feels like you are in a small but very cozy Italy. And indeed, the architects’ idea was to create a place here, high in the mountains, that would have a memorable flavor that would be simply impossible to confuse with something else.

The city center, and you should start your acquaintance with Sighnaghi from here - this is the 9th of April Park. Today in Georgia it is a holiday - the Day of Restoration of Independence.

Everyone should take a walk through the park. Tall and slender trees, green grass and beautiful flowers, and, of course, the indescribable smell of freshness and high mountain air! Here you can also try your favorite national delicacy - churchkhela- nuts that are literally shrouded in frozen grape juice on all sides...

The Park itself is surrounded by Solomon Dodashvili Square on one side and David the Builder Square on the other side. By the way, in the park itself there is a statue of the aforementioned Solomon Dodashvili, a Georgian writer, public figure and philosopher, whose life spanned 1805 - 1836.

Many will be surprised that such a small town as Sighnaghi has its own museum. But this is not just a museum. This is the house - Niko Pirosmani Museum, which opened in 1982. The real name of this man is Nikolai Aslanovich Pirosmanashvili, he was born in 1862 and died in 1918.

The museum in Sighnaghi presents 16 works by this Georgian artist. Among them, it is especially worth paying attention to the portrait of Queen Tamar, the doctor on a donkey, and the grape harvest. All the pictures are very simple and at the same time very difficult to tear yourself away from. And it is this simplicity that fascinates everyone who visits the museum.

And for those who came to Sighnaghi precisely to try real Georgian wine, a wine Vault, which has a very poetic name - "Tears of a Pheasant". Here you will always be served the best Georgian wines, the taste of which you will never be able to forget. And the dishes national cuisine- always fresh, always aromatic, always tasty - they will not leave anyone indifferent. And, of course, here you can appreciate all the charm and flavor of Georgian music.

The numerous sculptures in Sighnaghi also deserve special mention. No one knows how many of them there are exactly. However, they are all so cute and so fabulous that it seems that a couple of minutes will pass, and this doctor on a donkey will begin to move, and the lady with the dog will certainly lower her beautiful head in order to see what exactly her doggie is doing. It seems that the girl on the chair with a bouquet of flowers is about to come down to earth, and the toastmaster will certainly speak and say his most outstanding toast!

And, of course, it is simply impossible not to find among the decorative streets of the city Matrimonial Palace. He looks completely ordinary. But in reality, everything is not so simple. It turns out that you can get married here at any time of the day or night, on any day of the month or year. And there is no need to submit an application in advance and wait for the appointed day. This is what attracts young and not so young lovers here. That is why very often on the streets of the city you can meet many loving couples who have just consummated their marriage not only within the walls of the Sighnaghi registry office, but also in heaven.

And in the very center of the city there is another monument, which was erected in honor of Vano Sarajishvili, an opera singer and film artist. Many pass by this monument, only glancing briefly at the figure of a man. But this is a big mistake, because Vano Sarajishvili, whose real name is Ivan Petrovich Sarajishvili, is the real pride of the Georgian people. The best conservatory in Tbilisi is named after this man, where the country’s most talented singers and musicians study, ready to glorify their beloved homeland in their songs.

Life in Sighnaghi is slow and leisurely. It seems that no one is in a hurry here. Everyone strolls sedately through the bright streets and squares and seems to pay little attention to the unusual appearance of the city.

But those who visit here for the first time will retain a great many memories in their soul. These are beautiful houses that seemed to come straight out of a fairy tale with balconies filled with pots of bright flowers. These are the kind residents of the city who are always happy to help you and tell you where is the best place to stay and where to cook Tasty food and what you should definitely see in the city. This is the bright sun, which with such love sanctifies every centimeter of the city, which is located high in the mountains.

And all this attracts hundreds and hundreds of tourists here. And no one has remained disappointed or indifferent so far.

What to visit in the vicinity of Sighnaghi

After wandering through the fabulously beautiful streets of this small town, you should definitely visit the famous Georgian Bodby monastery, which is located just 2 km from the city. It is here that the relics of St. Nina rest. In addition, not far from Sighnaghi, just 7 kilometers away, is the village of Tibaani with Temple of Stefan Hirseli. A bit further - birthplace of the artist Niko Pirosmani- Mirzaani village.

Some people believe that Sighnaghi is a city in which there is simply nothing to do. But this is far from true. Sighnaghi is a great place to relax your soul and fill your heart with wonderful views of the Alazani Valley and the city itself. It’s hard to imagine that here, high, high in the mountains, there is such a place that simply cannot help but be called fabulous.

And sometimes it seems that here you can reach with your hands the very sky - so high there, below, but so close here, high, high in the mountains. And this sky is the patron saint of the town of Sighnaghi. And the clouds, which, like people, admire the beauty small town, are ready to express admiration for all those who live here and all those who came up with the idea of ​​​​creating a unique and such a cozy piece of Italy here. Italy in Georgian style.

And the people themselves who live in Sighnaghi are ready to treat you with great wine and delicious churchkhela, are ready to become your guides and show you the most hidden corners of the city, which is beyond Lately gained popularity all over the world. And now the word “Sighnaghi” has become known not only in Georgia, but throughout the world.

If you look at the city with curious eyes, you will notice many cute little things, some of which are simply impossible to pass by.

For example, a funny sculpture of a leisurely traveler.

Romantic and erotic fragments of fountain compositions.

Scatterings of fragrant flowers.

The inhabitants of Sighnaghi, large and small, are of particular interest.

Well, don’t forget to at least occasionally raise your head and admire the sky. The color blue is said to be a symbol of sensitivity and affection. So, everything fits: Sighnaghi is undoubtedly impressive, so much so that you become attached to it with all your soul.

By the way, oddly enough, there are very few dining places in the city. We managed to find an excellent khachapuri shop along the way, where we tasted delicious Imertinian khachapuri in the blazing heat.

But a great many hotels were noticed, judging by the facades, their prices were not humane. I don’t know if it makes sense to stay here for a long time; in a day you can easily see all the interesting things. Although I don’t rule out the tempting prospect of watching sunrises and sunsets while admiring the Alazani Valley...


I really liked the city. Everything is just how I like it: quiet, cozy, cute, sometimes even toy-like. Cobblestone streets, sometimes rising up, sometimes running down, are my weakness. Although, some tourists complain that Georgian flavor is difficult to find in Sighnaghi. Yes, the city is specific in this regard; now everything in it is done specifically “for tourists,” and mainly European ones.

Perhaps the main treasure of Sighnaghi is its landscapes. The Alazani Valley captivates with its open spaces, purity and grandeur. If you are lucky with the weather, you will see the snow-capped peaks of the Caucasus Range.

"Oh, Sighnaghi! City of love, it's wonderful there!" - the owner of the apartment in Tbilisi told me when I told him in the evening about our future plans. "You will definitely like it!" - he exclaimed. I had no doubt, because everywhere I read about Sighnaghi they wrote about how beautiful this city is. The next day I made one simple conclusion - they are all lying. Sighnaghi is the most boring and soulless place I have been to in Georgia.

2. Sighnaghi is located in the province of Kakheti; a fairly calm and lightly trafficked road leads here from Tbilisi. 110 kilometers flew by unnoticed and already at 10 am we passed the stele with the inscription “Sighnaghi”.

3. Sighnaghi has a reputation as the “city of lovers”. It was here, according to legend, that the artist Niko Pirosmani covered the square in front of the hotel with flowers, where his lover, the French actress Margarita de Sèvres, lived. A little later Alla Pugacheva will sing about this. There is no evidence of this legend, but it fits perfectly into the image created by the city.

From a distance, Sighnaghi looks very impressive. The city seems to float above the Alazani Valley and you are ready for long walks along its beautiful streets. I planned to walk around the city all day and spend the night here. I was already planning to book accommodation on, but decided to do it a little later, since there were plenty of options. It was the wisest decision.

4. Having arrived in Sighnaghi, I parked the car in the parking lot almost at the entrance (all parking here is free, if anything) and went for a walk. The city was suspiciously quiet.

5. “Hmm! Probably all the most interesting things are in the center,” I thought and went to the center. After 5 minutes, I realized that there is no center in Sighnaghi - the whole city is the same. The only thing that caught my eye was the large number of runaway carts from AvtoVAZ, which has not been typical for Georgia for a long time.

6. After half an hour of walking along almost identical, neat streets, I realized that I had been deceived. It feels like a neutron bomb was detonated in Sighnaghi and there is no one left here. The most interesting event that can happen on these streets is meeting a random passerby. Identical houses mix into a common mess and you want to fall asleep out of boredom.

7. It quickly becomes clear that this entire city is one big decoration that was created to attract tourists. Beautiful houses with orange roofs + a cute legend + a 24-hour registry office (yep, just like in Vegas) = ​​“the city of love.” Dead city of love. And even a million red roses can’t save you.

8. In some places, on the outskirts of the street, they haven’t yet had time to comb their hair. Apparently, tourists do not reach these places.

9. The whole city lives with excursions, selling wine and renting rooms.

10. The most interesting thing I met during the first hour of the walk was a dog that looked like a pig and a hen with chicks. Very nice.

11. Only an hour has passed since we arrived in Sighnaghi, and the city is almost completely covered. Life didn’t prepare me for this. It was decided to go to the preserved fortress walls to look at the Alazani Valley from above.
Along the way we finally met people: they were the ubiquitous Chinese with the obligatory tripod. Told them "Nihao!" and moved on.

12. On the wall it was just as deserted and uninteresting. There was an idea to go to the cafe on the wall to have a snack with a view of the valley, but it was closed. Klaaaas.

13. I had to force Ira to take pictures of me. I usually avoid this, but all means are good in the fight against boredom.

14. Where is everyone? Aw!

15. Someone even came here in a camper. I wonder if you liked it? Maybe it's just me who is such a snob and critic?

16. Pirosmani’s followers sell their works near the wall. There are some very good ones, I must say. Prices - from 40 to 200 GEL.

17. Then a dilemma arose. It was only 12, and there was absolutely nothing to do here. They walked around the whole city, smelled the roses, stroked the piggy dog ​​twice. It was decided to go to the neighboring monastery of St. Nino, we were assured that it was wonderful there. Okay, I'll believe it again.

18. We were met at the monastery great views and a lot of people.

19. And also the flattest dog and the kindest cat. Not bad already!

20. But in general, visiting the monastery extended our time of communication with Sighnaghi by only half an hour.

21. Already at 12-30 we were free as the wind and began to think through plans for the second half of the day. There were two options: return to Tbilisi or try to get to the David Gareji cave monastery, which is located on the border with Azerbaijan. We decided to take a chance and try the second option - and it was just bingo! But more on that next time.

Bye, Sighnaghi! We won't be bored.

Friends, hello everyone! The topic of this article is city Sighnaghi (Sighnaghi), the main attraction of the “granary of Georgia” Alazani Valley.

Sighnaghi is a new “tourist star” on the map of Georgia; it is also called the “city of love” and “Georgian San Marino”.

Due to its favorable location - almost on the top of the mountain - Sighnaghi was never captured by enemies, thanks to which it has been preserved to this day almost in its original form. This fact was appreciated during the presidency of Mikheil Saakashvili: then Sighnaghi was restored, several tourist legends were invented for it in addition to the existing ones, all the inscriptions were duplicated in English - and they turned the beautiful, but, in principle, little-known town at that time into another tourist destination landmark of Georgia. By the way, since then the city of Sighnaghi has had another name, unofficial: “Misha City”.

Already at the entrance to Sighnaghi from Tbilisi, you can see a bas-relief with a boyfriend and his lover on the balcony, designed to make the guests understand that they have come not just anywhere, but to the “city of love.”

The center of Sighnaghi is a small Erekle II Square (Erekle II), from which picturesque streets run in different directions. Here you can see a fountain in the form of a “qvevri” wine jug with a deer standing on it and the famous 24-hour registry office, where foreigners can sign; This, along with the general romantic atmosphere, explains the name “city of love.”

Fountain in the form of a “qvevri” jug

There is also a version that it was in the city of Sighnaghi that the artist Niko Pirosmani gave his beloved a million scarlet roses, which was later sung by Alla Pugacheva. Pirosmani literally sold his house and threw a sea of ​​flowers at the feet of a certain singer - and then lived in a tiny closet in Tbilisi, on the street that now bears his name. The broad gesture brought fame to the artist - especially among Georgians, who greatly value such spectacular gestures - but overall it did not do any good: Pirosmani died on May 5, 1918, sick, needy and almost forgotten. The singer did not appreciate the artist’s emotional impulse in principle - he was awarded a single kiss out of politeness.

How to get there: The house-museum of Niko Pirosmani is located in the village of Mirzaani, 10 kilometers southeast of Sighnaghi. You can get there either by passing minibus (Sighnaghi-Tibaani, Sighnaghi-Ozaani) - in this case you will have to walk through the entire village of Mirzaani, or by taxi.

Coordinates of the Pirosmani house-museum: N41.56151, E45.97888.

If you come to Sighnaghi by car, your own or rented, then it is better to leave it at the entrance to the city or on Kostava Street and walk around the city of Sighnaghi on foot. I recommend first climbing up to the ancient fortress

and from there you go down the cozy streets, exploring the surrounding landscapes along the way.

In Sighnaghi you really get a slight feeling that you are not in the Caucasus, but somewhere in Western Europe. Not San Marino, of course - Georgians prone to exaggeration got a little carried away here - but the city is definitely worth a visit. For example, if you come to Georgia to relax for a few days and want to go somewhere for half a day from Tbilisi: it takes about two hours by minibus to Sighnaghi from Tbilisi.

Sighnaghi city, Benjamin monument:

The monument was erected in honor of the main character of the film Georgy Danelia “Don’t Cry!” (some scenes of which were filmed on the streets of the city of Sighnaghi), where the role of doctor Benjamin was played by Vakhtang Kikabidze.

Near the monument there is one of observation platforms overlooking Alazani Valley. But the best views can be seen from above, from the fortress tower dominating Sighnaghi:

The walls of the Sighnahi fortress evoke strange associations with the Great Chinese wall(for all the appeal of this comparison):

The wall also follows the topography of the mountain and hills and encloses the void: there is practically nothing inside this huge space of 38 hectares. One can assume that everything inside was destroyed, but, according to historians, the city was not captured by anyone, and how did the walls survive then? Unclear.

The city of Sighnaghi, the monastery of St. Nino in Bodbe

One of the most important attractions of the city of Sighnaghi is Monastery of St. Nino- located in the town of Bodba, a few kilometers from Sighnaghi. This is another Orthodox shrine of Kakheti - along with the one located on the border with Azerbaijan.

Here lie the relics of the most revered saint in Georgia, who brought Christianity to the country - the same Nino who lived under a blackberry bush in the Samtavro monastery and placed the first cross on the mountain Jvari, made from a vine and woven with her own hair.

Saint Nino bequeathed to bury herself in Bodbe after her death, but King Mirian wanted to bury her in Mtskheta - where she baptized him and began her baptism of Georgia. However, as the legend says, two hundred people were unable to move Nino’s remains, and then the king was forced to resign himself and fulfill the will of the deceased.

On the day of her burial, Mirian founded a monastery in Bodbe, now bearing the name of St. Nino - his church is located exactly where Nino’s tent once stood. Despite its religious significance, in the Middle Ages the monastery was in desolation and decline - after the pogrom committed by the Persian Shah Abbas in 1601 - and was restored only in 1889 by personal order of the Russian Emperor Alexander III.

In spring and summer, the walls of the monastery offer an amazing view of the blooming Alazani Valley:

From the monastery there is a staircase down to the holy spring with a font; the descent down will take about twenty minutes:

We arrived at the monastery of St. Nino for the first time in the evening and immediately ran down to the font. There was a long line of people wanting to take a dip there, and we didn’t have time to get there before closing - but one Georgian kindly gave up his place in line for us as “dear guests.”

Recommendations: right next to the font you can buy a shirt for immersion in the water (10 GEL), it is advisable to take a towel with you (although the water is not completely icy, it cannot be called warm either). You can also get to the source directly by car, bypassing the monastery and the stone staircase: you need to take road S177 (it begins with a steep descent before reaching the parking lot in front of the monastery about two hundred meters) - along this road it’s about three kilometers to the lower parking lot in front of the source. Taxi drivers are on duty below; for these three kilometers of travel they ask for at least 8 lari.

Lower parking coordinates: N41°36.390 E45°55.964.

How to get to Sighnaghi

The city of Sighnaghi is located 110 km east of Tbilisi. Minibuses from Tbilisi depart every 2 hours from 7.00 to 18.00 from the bus station near the Samgori metro station, the journey takes about 2 hours, the ticket costs 13 GEL.

Transfer to Sighnaghi from the GoTrip online service

The most convenient way to get to Sighnaghi is to order a comfortable transfer on the Georgian website GoTrip. Prices there are often lower than those of street taxi drivers, and at the booking stage you have the opportunity to choose a specific driver and car brand, depending on the reviews of previous passengers. Considering the horseman driving style of Georgian street taxi drivers and their not always serviceable cars, this is a very useful option. The price on the website is final, you won’t have to bargain with anyone.

Where to eat in Sighnaghi

Restaurant "Burzhuy"(Chavchavadze, 9). Prices are above average, high quality, large portions, good Kakhetian wine and most importantly - gorgeous view to the Alazani Valley.

Shio's Restaurant(Agmashenebeli, 10). Family restaurant with very tasty dishes of Georgian cuisine: kharcho, khinkali, dolma, khachapuri.

If you don’t have a lot of time at your disposal and you can’t spare a few days to get to know Sighnaghi, I recommend going there closer to sunset to look at the city and the Alazani Valley in the soft rays of the evening sun and then wander around Sighnaghi at night - after dark its legendary romantic atmosphere is only getting stronger and thicker :-)

But it’s much better to spend the night in Sighnaghi and explore it without the fuss and rush - and also visit the surrounding attractions - for example, the already mentioned Monastery of St. Nino in Bodbe. For one or two nights in Sighnaghi I can recommend a guesthouse surrounded by flowers Maria with a very hospitable hostess (rating on Booking 9.5, price $20 per night).

If you don’t want to travel to the wine attractions of the Alazani Valley on your own, you can book an author’s excursion from Tbilisi - for example, or. Your guides will be local residents– photographers, journalists, historians – in love with their motherland and knowing almost everything about the subject of the excursion.

At the booking stage, you only need to pay 20% of the total cost, the rest is given to the guide before the start of the excursion.

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Enjoy your trip to Sighnaghi!
Your Roman Mironenko

The small town of Sighnaghi (Georgia) with a population of just over two thousand people will not leave any traveler indifferent. This is such a picturesque area that it evokes only delight, admiration and a desire to forever admire the splendor of nature and the creations of human hands.

Bodbe Monastery

The city of Sighnaghi (Georgia) is located high in the mountains, in the Alazani Valley. Its construction is attributed to the reign of Heraclius II, that is, to the eighteenth century.

Travelers will certainly be happy to visit Orthodox shrines. It is located two kilometers from the city convent Bodbe, built in the fourth century. It was built on the site of the grave that preached. She converted the then reigning king Mirian and his wife Nana, as well as many other residents, to the Christian faith. Therefore, Georgia is rightfully considered a country that was one of the first in the world to adopt Christianity. The monastery was founded by King Mirian. And several centuries later, in 1617, a school was opened under him.

It was one of the best educational institutions those times where the richest library was located. Unfortunately, with the advent of Soviet power, the monastery was closed. But, fortunately, it did not suffer the fate of many of the most magnificent ancient churches barbarously destroyed during the years of communist rule. And in 1995, the monastery reopened its doors.

Church of St. George

What should those who come to Sighnaghi (Georgia) see? Another Orthodox shrine is the Church of St. George. Local residents call it SurbGevorg. Initially, this church belonged to the Armenians who moved to this region by order of Irakli II. The stone temple is distinguished by its rugged beauty and durability. In the mid-nineteenth century, the cathedral was closed and gradually fell into disrepair. Only quite recently the ancient building was transferred to the Georgian Orthodox Church. Inside the temple there are not only icons, but also rare ancient books. They can be seen by those who visited Sighnaghi.

Georgia, Sighnaghi: attractions

The townspeople have the right to be proud of the perfectly preserved fortress. The construction of the most powerful citadel began during the reign of the legendary Queen Tamara, that is, in the twelfth century.

And the fortress was finally completed under King Heraclius II in the eighteenth century. The grandiose structure covers an area of ​​forty hectares. To this day, the two-tier walls of the fortress impress with their strength. The majestic gates and twenty-eight watchtowers are especially well preserved. The stone fortress framed by lush greenery looks luxurious and impressive. There are no words to describe this greatest creation of human hands and human genius against the backdrop of amazing nature.

Like many settlements in Georgia, this town is famous for its wine products. Tourists should definitely visit the Sighnaghi wine cellar under the poetic name “Pheasant Tears”. In addition to tasting the finest varieties of wine, live music, and a hospitable feast, visitors will be treated to fascinating stories about the history of the creation of this or that life-giving and ancient drink.

Not far from Sighnaghi is the village of Mirzaani, where the twentieth century artist Nikolo Pirosmani was born. There is a museum dedicated to his life and work here. It contains paintings by the great master of painting, a prominent representative of such artistic style like primitivism.

Particularly impressive is the portrait and painting dedicated to the grape harvest. The museum has an archaeological exhibition. In addition, exhibitions are constantly held here. About seven years ago, the country's first exhibition of works by Picasso was opened at the museum.

City Hall building

A magnificent example of architecture is the city hall building. The three-story building, built in the style of Italian classicism with elements of Georgian architecture, decorated with high arcades and a clock tower, is very beautiful and very original. Even ordinary ones look impressive, since they are beautifully executed openwork forgings. Built at the end of the twentieth century, the city hall building fits very organically into the architecture of the ancient town.

Park "9 April"

Those who come to Sighnaghi (Georgia) definitely need to take a photo in the city. Where is the best place to take good pictures? In the center of Sighnaghi there is the 9th of April Park. It is named after Georgian Independence Day, which is celebrated on this day. In addition to luxurious trees, picturesque shrubs, exquisite flowers, emerald grass, the park is unique for its purest and healing high-mountain air.

City of love

Are you looking for a city of love in Georgia? This is exactly what the locals call Sighnaghi. Perhaps because it’s impossible not to fall in love with this city. It is here that the famous Wedding Palace is located, the order in which is completely different from those that exist in other populated areas. A wide staircase surrounded by lanterns leads to a beautiful pinkish building with an open terrace and wide arches.

In this Wedding Palace you can get married at any time of the day, on any day. In addition, those wishing to marry will be married immediately, without any preliminary applications submitted several days in advance. This adds a unique charm to an already romantic event. Therefore, on the way to the unusual palace, you can often meet couples in love who have just completed the sacrament of marriage.


Separately, it is worth mentioning the many varied sculptures of the city of Sighnaghi. For example, a lady with a small child in her arms, an umbrella and a dog. Another interesting sculpture is a lanky doctor with an umbrella and a traveling bag riding on a donkey.


Now you know what is interesting about the town of Sighnaghi, Georgia. The attractions deserve the attention of every tourist. There are a lot of them in the city, so you need to think about your travel route.