Actions of airport personnel upon receipt of information about the presence of an explosive device on board an aircraft on the ground. SAB employees accompany the aircraft during its towing at a safe distance

4.1. The aviation security service of the airline (operator) is headed by a chief who is appointed and dismissed by the General Director of the airline (operator), in agreement with the territorial bodies of the FAS Russia.

4.2. The deputy head of the air company's (operator's) security control system and other employees of the airline's (operator's) security control system are appointed and dismissed by the General Director of the airline (operator) upon the recommendation of the airline's (operator's) control system management.

4.3. The head of the air company's (operator's) security service is the direct superior to all employees of the airline's (operator's) security service.

The head of the air company's (operator's) security service is responsible for:

4.3.1. Development and implementation of measures to prevent acts of illegal interference in the activities of the airline (operator).

4.3.2. Organization of work to ensure the safety of life and health of passengers and crew members of the aircraft of the airline (operator).

4.3.3. Taking measures to ensure aviation security and prevent economic damage to the airline (operator).

4.3.4. The state of labor discipline in the airline's (operator's) safety and security system.

4.3.5. Recruitment, training and education of air company (operator) security service employees.

4.3.6. For organizing the activities of the airline's (operator's) security service, ensuring interaction with the home airport's security service in matters of access and internal control.

4.3.7. Implementation of the Aviation Security Program.

4.3.8. Organization of office work in the SAS of the airline (operator) and control of the timely execution of documents received by the SAS.

4.4. The head of the Aviation Security Service of the airline (operator) is obliged to:

4.4.1. Know the requirements of regulatory documents regulating aviation security issues and organize work to implement them

4.4.2. Prepare proposals to improve aviation safety of air transportation of the airline (operator) and make them for the development of effective technologies for serving passengers and baggage handling.

4.4.3. Take direct part in the preparation of orders and instructions General Director airline (operator), service instructions and other regulatory documents on aviation security issues.

4.4.4. Organize the interaction of the SAS with other divisions of the airline (operator) to improve aviation security.

4.4.5. Take part in educational work aimed at improving the level of special training and vigilance of crew members and ground personnel of the airline (operator) in ensuring aviation security.

4.4.6. Carry out preventive measures to ensure aviation safety and preserve the material assets of the airline (operator).

4.4.7. Prepare proposals for sending SAB employees on official business within Russia and abroad.

4.4.8. Prepare proposals and requests for logistical support of the SAB.

4.4.9. Coordinate and control the issuance to airline (operator) personnel of special passes for flight personnel (identification cards), passes for admission to controlled areas of the home airport.

4.4.10. Analyze the effectiveness of the system of measures to ensure aviation security of the airline (operator) and develop proposals for its improvement.

4.4.11. Conduct regular inspections of the performance of airline (operator) personnel and technical means ensuring aviation security.

4.4.12. Conduct briefings on operational conditions at airports civil aviation and the tasks of SAB employees to ensure aviation security.

4.4.13. Perform the functions of the head of the working group of the operational headquarters of the airline (operator) in the event of a threat of an act of illegal interference in the activities of the airline (operator).

4.5. The head of the Aviation Security Service of an airline (operator) has the right to:

4.5.1. Demand that the personnel of the airline (operator) strictly comply with the orders and instructions of the FAS Russia, the territorial body of the FAS Russia for aviation safety and the General Director of the airline (operator).

4.5.2. Check the status and organization of work to ensure aviation security, give instructions, within their competence, to eliminate identified deficiencies.

4.5.3. Conduct an internal investigation into violations of aviation security measures.

4.5.4. Make a decision to refuse to transport a passenger, baggage or cargo if this entails a violation of flight safety and aviation security requirements.

4.5.5. Bring disciplinary action to SAB employees for violations of labor and technological discipline, as well as temporarily suspend employees from official duties if their actions may harm aviation security or the prestige of the airline (operator).

Aviation Security Service (ASS) is a system of airport security bodies that, within the limits of its powers, carries out tasks to ensure aviation security

The main tasks of the aviation security service are:

Preventing and suppressing, together with security and air traffic control authorities, attempts to seize and hijack aircraft and other acts of illegal interference in the activities of the airport

Development and implementation of measures to counter acts of unlawful interference against aircraft, airport facilities, airline personnel and air passengers;

Carrying out, in accordance with the established procedure, inspection of crew members, service personnel, air passengers, hand luggage and baggage, mail, cargo and on-board supplies (flight catering) in order to prevent the delivery on board of the aircraft of weapons, ammunition, explosive devices, toxic, flammable and other substances that may be used to commit an act of unlawful interference. Allocation and equipment for these purposes of special control zones at the airport;

Implementation of access control and control over the implementation of intra-facility regime on the territory of the airport;

Providing security for the airport, aircraft, important facilities, including radio and lighting equipment, fuel and lubricants warehouse, commercial warehouse;

Training airline personnel in security measures and actions in the event of attempts to illegally interfere in the activities of the enterprise;

Supervising compliance with Aviation Safety Norms, Rules and Procedures by aircraft operators and organizations based at the airport or using its services;

Providing aircraft operators with additional aviation security services (aircraft security, additional aircraft inspection, etc.) on contractual terms.

1. Aviation security service according to the assigned tasks:

1.1. Provides an appropriate level of aviation security through the requirements of legislation, government regulations, rules and procedures, as well as the aviation security program of the aviation entity regarding the protection of civil aviation from acts of unlawful interference.

1.2. Conducts: control over the safety of aircraft crew members, passengers, their hand luggage, baggage, cargo, courier and postal shipments and on-board supplies, including in-flight meals, using technical means of safety control, physical inspection and personal control in order to identify items and substances prohibited from being transported by aircraft, in connection with the technology approved by the head of the aviation entity in accordance with the Instructions from and implementation of civil control over security at Ukrainian airports, approved by order of the State Aviation Service dated September 28, 2004 N 81 (z1555-04) and registered by the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine 07.12.2004 for N 1555/10154, the Vienna Convention on Consular Relations of 24.04.63 (995_047) (ratified on 23.03.89), as well as the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations N 1138 (ratified on 21.03.64); re-control of passengers, their hand luggage and baggage in the event of receipt of reliable information about the arrival of a transit aircraft at the airport from an airport where security control was improperly carried out.

1.3. Accompanies, together with an air transportation agent and an employee of the line department of the internal affairs bodies at the airport (if necessary), passengers from this sterile zone waiting area to the aircraft in connection with the technology developed from the Rules for escorting material assets and passengers approved by the general public in airside controlled areas by order of Ukraviatrans and the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine on 03/11/96 N 168/397 (z0334-96) and registered by the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine on 03/28/96 under N 334/1359.

Passengers and material assets on international flights are serviced in accordance with the requirements of the Standard Technological Scheme for the passage of automobile, water, rail, air and carrier vehicles and goods transported by them across the state border, approved by Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine on December 24, 2003 N 1989 (1989-2003-p ).

1.4. Ensures that passengers who have undergone security control are excluded from contact with persons who have not undergone such control, including aviation personnel who must be involved in servicing a given flight.

1.5. Organizes maintenance and repair of technical safety equipment.

1.3. Protects controlled, sterile and restricted areas by paramilitary security units using technical security equipment.

1.7. Protects aircraft with armed paramilitary security units, including general aviation aircraft, fuel and lubricant warehouses, and other important facilities and their property of the aviation entity.

1.8. Ensures security and protection from theft in the controlled area of ​​the aviation entity, restricted access areas, guarded areas, cargo, luggage, mail, on-board supplies, as well as property of legal and individuals that was accepted for transportation by aircraft or under security.

1.9. Organizes the storage, acceptance and transportation of weapons and ammunition in connection with the Instruction on the procedure for transporting weapons and ammunition on passenger air transport flights, approved by order of the State Aviation Service of March 18, 2005 N 199 (z0378-05) and registered with the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine on April 11, 2005 under N 378/ 10658.

1.10. Monitors the condition of the airfield perimeter fence, especially important facilities, the proper functioning of security alarm systems and lighting of security facilities.

1.11. Monitors the implementation by staff and visitors of the access system established by the head of the aviation entity of measures to put in order the access and internal facility regime, for the production, issuance, accounting and control over their use of passes for entry and in sectors of the controlled zone of the aviation entity.

At airports where there are open checkpoints across the state border, a system of measures to put the checkpoint and internal facility regime in order is introduced in sectors of the controlled zone, determined by order of the head of the aviation entity in agreement with the heads of border and customs control departments at the airport.

1.12. Provides authorized access to (from) the controlled zone of the aviation entity, aviation personnel, visitors, as well as vehicles.

1.13. Maintains control over access to aircraft, movement of vehicles, personnel and passengers on the apron and other places in the controlled area.

1.14. Participates in pre-flight, post-flight and special inspections of aircraft.

1.15. Participates in conducting official investigations into facts of committing, attempting to commit acts of unlawful interference, failure to comply with aviation security requirements by any individual or legal entity to draw up the relevant documents for the results of such investigations.

1.13. Prepares aviation security personnel for actions regarding the resolution of a crisis situation in connection with the developed plans by conducting appropriate training and implements these plans in the event of a crisis situation within the airside area.

1.17. Draft contracts (agreements) between the operator, customer, lessee of the aircraft on the compliance of the parties while maintaining aviation security regarding passengers, crew members of the aircraft, hand luggage, baggage, cargo, on-board supplies, courier and postal shipments, etc. are used.

1.18. Immediately inform the head of the aviation entity, the relevant body of the Security Service of Ukraine and the state management body of civil aviation about events that affect the growing level of threat to the safety of civil aviation, increase the risk of creating a crisis situation, as well as the commission of an act of unlawful interference.

1.19. Submits an annual and quarterly report to the state management body for civil aviation activities on the results of the service.

1.20. Responsible for access of persons to the controlled area of ​​the aviation entity.

1.21. Controls entry from the sterile area.

1.22. Organizes the education and training of aviation security personnel in accordance with the requirements of the Aviation Personnel Training Program in the field of aviation security, approved by order of the Ministry of Transport of Ukraine on February 17, 2003 N 109 (z0310-03) and registered by the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine on April 17, 2003 under N 310/7631.

2. The Aviation Security Service has the right to:

2.1. To freely enter into and into the premises of enterprises and organizations located on the territory of the aviation entity, in the buildings and structures that belong to it, as well as on board aircraft, regardless of their form of ownership, to conduct an inspection from the point of view of ensuring aviation security.

At airports where there are open checkpoints across the state border, in sensitive zones of border and customs control, in the premises where and where goods are located under customs control, measures to ensure aviation safety are carried out with the agreement of the heads of the relevant departments at the airport.

2.2. Require that the personnel of aviation entities, tenants, other individuals and legal entities in the airside area comply with the aviation safety rules provided for by the Aviation Security Program of the aviation entity, other regulations on aviation security, as well as agreements concluded between aviation entities, tenants, and other legal entities persons that are based in the same territory.

2.3. Realize:

Control over the safety of aircraft crew members, passengers, their hand luggage, baggage, cargo, courier and postal shipments, in-flight supplies and in-flight meals both using technical means and through physical inspection in connection with the technology approved by the head of the aviation entity;

Personal control over the safety of passengers, crew members (for conducting safety control), aviation personnel and citizens (at the entrance to the controlled area);

Security control of diplomatic mail and consular suitcases in accordance with the requirements provided for by the State Aviation Security Program for Civil Aviation (545-15), the Vienna Convention on Consular Relations of April 24, 1963 (995_047) (ratified on March 23, 1989), as well as the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations N 1138 (ratified 03/21/64);

Repeated control of the safety of passengers, their hand luggage, baggage, cargo in safe cases provided for by the State Aviation Security Program for Civil Aviation (545-15);

Inspection of vehicles for the purpose of seizing items prohibited for import to the controlled area of ​​the aviation entity;

Pre-flight, post-flight and special inspections of aircraft.

Use special equipment and means of ensuring aviation security when detecting weapons, explosives, items, devices prohibited for transportation by air transport, as well as prohibited for import to the controlled zone of the aviation entity.

2.4. Confiscate items prohibited for transportation by air or for import into the controlled area of ​​the aviation entity, personnel, citizens, crew members and passengers during the safety control festival.

2.5. Do not allow passengers and crew members to board the aircraft if they refuse security control or present this control of hand luggage and baggage.

2.3. Do not allow the aircraft to load luggage, cargo, courier, mail, in-flight supplies, in-flight meals if the sender refuses security control.

2.7. Require (in case of anything) identification documents from all persons during security control, at the entrance to the controlled area and within the controlled area of ​​the aviation entity.

2.8. Detain (subject to the requirements of personal safety and the Constitution (254k/96-BP):

Persons who illegally entered the controlled area of ​​the aviation entity, and transfer them in accordance with the established procedure to law enforcement agencies;

Motor transport at the entrance to (from) the controlled zone of the aviation entity in the absence of a pass for the vehicle or the persons who are in it, as well as in the absence of appropriate documents on the right to remove cargo or remove material assets beyond the controlled zone;

Carrying out flights by aircraft to carry out additional security measures in receiving from any sources a message about a threat to the safety of a flight - in the manner established by the management of the aviation entity;

Violators of aviation security requirements when forming a protocol on administrative offenses and the application of administrative penalties by the head of a detachment (separate team) of the paramilitary security of an aviation entity in accordance with the requirements of Art. 228 of the Code of Ukraine and Administrative Offenses (80732-10), as well as the Instructions for preparing materials for administrative offenses in air transport, approved by order of the Ministry of Transport of Ukraine on December 23, 2002 N 911 (z0039-03) and registered by the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine on January 17, 2003 under N 39 /7360.

2.9. Conduct a physical inspection of detained persons, things, baggage and baggage in their possession, inspection of vehicles, as well as seize items if they may pose a danger to civil aviation.

Unified qualification directory for positions of managers, specialists and other employees (UN), 2019
Section “Qualification characteristics of positions of managers and specialists of air transport organizations”
The section was approved by Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation dated January 29, 2009 N 32

Aviation security inspection shift supervisor

Job responsibilities. Manages the work of the aviation security screening shift. Organizes the inspection of aircraft, passengers, hand luggage, baggage, mail, cargo, on-board supplies, aircraft crew members and maintenance personnel of the aviation enterprise; monitors compliance with inspection technology. Analyzes work results and evaluates the actions of aviation security inspection shift workers. Carries out rational placement and loading of shift workers according to work areas. Coordinates the actions of aviation security inspection shift workers in the event of emergencies related to acts of illegal interference in the activities of civil aviation; participates in the investigation of acts of illegal interference in the activities of civil aviation, in activities to identify persons making anonymous threats about possible terrorist acts on aircraft and aviation enterprise facilities. Exercises control over the accounting, storage and transfer to another shift of weapons, ammunition, explosives and other items prohibited for transportation by air, seized during the inspection process.

Must know: laws and other regulatory legal acts Russian Federation in the field of aviation security; regulatory and methodological documents regulating the pre-flight inspection of passengers, crew members, service personnel, hand luggage, baggage, mail, cargo and on-board supplies; systems for ensuring the protection of the airport from acts of unlawful interference; aircraft pre-flight inspection technology; rules for the security of aircraft and airport facilities; instructions on the airport's access and intra-facility regimes; rules for personal search of passengers and hand luggage; the procedure for the use of firearms, special means and physical force; tactics for protecting airport facilities from illegal attacks under normal conditions and in the event of emergency situations related to acts of illegal interference in the activities of civil aviation; basics of labor legislation; labor protection and fire safety rules.

Qualification requirements. Higher professional (technical or military) education and work experience in the field of aviation security for at least 2 years or secondary vocational (technical or military) education and work experience in the field of aviation security for at least 3 years.


Chapter 1. General provisions

1.1. The Aviation Security Service (ASS) of a civil aviation airline (operator) is created and operates in accordance with the regulations (charter) of the airline (operator), approved in the manner established by the current legislation of the Russian Federation, as well as other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation on aviation security.

Under aviation enterprise is understood as a legal entity, regardless of its organizational and legal form and form of ownership, whose main goals are to carry out its activities for a fee air transport passengers, baggage, cargo, mail and (or) performance of aviation work.

An operator is understood as a citizen or legal entity that has an aircraft (Aircraft) under ownership, lease or other legal basis, uses the said Aircraft for flights and has an operator’s certificate (certificate).

1.2. SAB is an independent structural unit of the airline (operator) and reports to its General Director. The direct supervision of the Security Service is exercised by the head of the aviation security service.

1.3. The main purpose of the ASB's activities is to organize and implement, within its competence, measures to ensure aviation security, the safety of life and health of passengers, personnel of the airline (operator) during the performance of their official duties, and to prevent acts of unlawful interference (AI) in the activities of the airline (operator). ), as well as attempts to cause economic damage to him.

1.4. In its activities, the SAS of the airline (operator) is guided by:

Decrees and orders of the President of the Russian Federation;

Resolutions and orders of the Government of the Russian Federation;

Regulatory legal acts of the Federal aviation service(FAS) of Russia, as well as acts of territorial bodies of the FAS of Russia regulating aviation security issues;

Intergovernmental agreements in the field of air transportation;

International regulatory documents on the rules for the transportation of passengers and cargo, Standards and Recommended Practices of ICAO and IATA;

This Standard Provision;

Regulatory documents of the airline (operator).

1.5. The aviation security system of the airline (operator) develops an Aviation Security Program and implements it.

1.6. The activities of the airline's (operator's) security control system are carried out in cooperation with the airport's security control system, law enforcement and other executive authorities, as well as with the structural divisions of the airline (operator).

1.7. Responsibility for the organization and state of aviation security of the airline (operator) and the implementation of tasks assigned to the CAB (along with the General Director) rests with the head of the CAB of the airline (operator).

1.8. Logistical support and financing of aviation security measures is carried out by the management of the airline (operator) at the request of the air company (operator) CAB.

1.9. Airline (operator) security service employees must have uniforms and sleeve insignia of the established type.

Chapter 2. Main tasks of the aviation security service

2.1. The main tasks of the aviation security service of the airline (operator) are:

2.1.1. Prevention, together with the airport security service, law enforcement agencies and other federal executive authorities, of acts of illegal interference in the activities of the airline (operator).

2.1.2. Control of the safety of air passengers' luggage and cargo transported by the airline's (operator's) aircraft.

2.1.3. Organization of interaction with the airport security service, other airlines (operators), law enforcement and other federal executive authorities of the Russian Federation in the interests of ensuring aviation security of the airline (operator).

2.1.4. Organization of training for aircraft crew members and airline (operator) personnel on aviation security issues.

2.1.5. Monitoring compliance with Aviation Security Norms, Rules and Procedures.

2.2. The air security system of the airline (operator), in accordance with the tasks assigned to it and the agreement with the airport administration, performs the following functions:

2.2.1. Based on an agreement with the airport administration, it takes part in the inspection of aircraft, crew members, maintenance personnel of the airline (operator), passengers, their hand luggage and baggage, mail, cargo and on-board supplies in order to prevent the delivery of weapons, ammunition, explosives and others on board the aircraft items and substances prohibited for transportation on civil aircraft.

2.2.2. Based on an agreement with the airport administration, it carries out passport and visa control and special security procedures (profiling) at international flights airline (operator).

2.2.3. Develops and implements measures to ensure the safety of aircraft, crew members, airline (operator) maintenance personnel, passengers, baggage, mail, cargo and on-board supplies.

2.2.4. Develops and implements measures to prevent acts of illegal interference in the activities of the airline (operator).

2.2.5. For prompt adoption necessary measures organizes permanent shift duty.

2.2.6. Controls the loading into and unloading of baggage, mail, cargo and on-board supplies from the aircraft.

2.2.7. Conducts additional check documents (passes) and carries out inspection of airline (operator) employees and airport service personnel when boarding the aircraft.

2.2.8. Takes part in the search and identification of luggage of passengers who do not show up for boarding or are removed from the flight.

2.2.9. Monitors compliance with the requirements of regulatory legal acts of the Federal Antimonopoly Service of Russia for the transportation of weapons, ammunition and special equipment by passengers who have the right to store and carry them.

2.2.10. Carries out, at the direction of the management of the airline (operator), escorting the aircraft of the airline (operator) in order to ensure aviation security measures on board the aircraft in flight.

2.2.11. Takes part in deciding whether to refuse to transport passengers, baggage or cargo if this entails a violation of flight safety and aviation security requirements.

2.2.12. Interacts in work and exchanges information on aviation security issues with the aviation security services of airports, airlines and operators, as well as with border, customs and law enforcement agencies of Russia.

2.2.13. Provides security for terminals (warehouses) and other facilities of the airline (operator) if there is a certificate and license for this field of activity.

2.2.14. Fills out applications and keeps records of the issuance of passes to the personnel of the airline (operator) and to vehicles to the air company's (operator's) airport control zones.

2.2.15. Conducts classes with airline (operator) personnel on aviation security issues.

2.2.16. Takes additional measures to ensure aviation security during periods of increased threat or emergency.

2.2.17. Together with law enforcement agencies and the airport aviation security service, it participates in activities to identify the authors of anonymous threats against the airline (operator).

2.2.18. Organizes the practical use by airline (operator) personnel of technical inspection and security equipment.

2.2.19. Carries out access control at the facilities of the airline (operator), identifies and detains offenders, and transfers them to law enforcement agencies.

2.2.20. Analyzes the state of aviation security of the airline (operator), studies the work of the representative offices of the airline (operator) on aviation security issues and submits information to the management of the airline (operator) and to the territorial bodies of the FAS Russia.

2.2.21. Carry out instructions from the management of the airline (operator) to prevent violations of aviation security measures, suppress theft and other offenses when servicing flights of the airline (operator). Conducts official investigation.

Chapter 3. Structure and staffing of the aviation security service

3.1. The organizational and staffing structure of the airline's (operator's) security service, as well as the regulations on the aviation security service of the civil aviation airline (operator), are agreed upon with the territorial body of the FAS Russia and approved by the General Director of the airline (operator).

3.2. Job Descriptions SAS employees of the airline (operator) are approved by the head of the aviation security service of the airline (operator).

3.3. The number of SAS employees of the airline (operator) is determined depending on the volume and nature of the tasks performed, the number and types of aircraft, the volume of passenger and cargo transportation, as well as taking into account the capabilities of the base airport and services involved in the production process.

3.4. The staffing of the aviation enterprise's (operator's) security system with employees is carried out under an employment agreement (contract) for a period by agreement of the parties from among the citizens of the Russian Federation, mainly males who have served in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, the FSB, the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Federal Border Guard Service of Russia and are fit for health reasons to work in the SAS of the airline (operator). Candidates undergo a probationary period of at least 3 months in order to check their professional suitability.

3.5. When hired for a job at the aviation security service (operator), all candidates undergo a medical examination to determine fitness for duty. Candidates accepted for positions related to the use of weapons and special equipment are also tested (examined) by the internal affairs bodies to obtain the appropriate license.

3.6. Airline (operator) SAS employees undergo special training according to developed curricula and programs and must have appropriate certificates of compliance.

Chapter 4. Management of the aviation security service

4.1. The aviation security service of the airline (operator) is headed by a chief who is appointed and dismissed by the General Director of the airline (operator) in agreement with the territorial bodies of the FAS Russia.

4.2. The deputy head of the air company's (operator's) security control system and other employees of the airline's (operator's) security control system are appointed and dismissed by the General Director of the airline (operator) upon the recommendation of the airline's (operator's) control system management.

4.3. The head of the air company's (operator's) security service is the direct superior to all employees of the airline's (operator's) security service.

The head of the air company's (operator's) security service is responsible for:

4.3.1. Development and implementation of measures to prevent acts of illegal interference in the activities of the airline (operator).

4.3.2. Organization of work to ensure the safety of life and health of passengers and crew members of the aircraft of the airline (operator).

4.3.3. Taking measures to ensure aviation security and prevent economic damage to the airline (operator).

4.3.4. The state of labor discipline in the airline's (operator's) safety and security system.

4.3.5. Recruitment, training and education of air company (operator) security service employees.

4.3.6. Organizing the activities of the aviation security service (operator), ensuring interaction with the home airport security service in matters of access and internal control.

4.3.7. Implementation of the aviation security program.

4.3.8. Organization of office work in the SAS of the airline (operator) and control of the timely execution of documents received by the SAS.

4.4. The head of the aviation security service of the airline (operator) is obliged to:

4.4.1. Know the requirements of regulatory documents governing aviation security issues and organize work to implement them.

4.4.2. Prepare proposals to improve aviation safety of air transportation of the airline (operator) and make them for the development of effective technologies for serving passengers and baggage handling.

4.4.3. Take direct part in the preparation of orders and instructions from the General Director of the airline (operator), service instructions and other regulatory documents on aviation security issues.

4.4.4. Organize the interaction of the SAS with other divisions of the airline (operator) to improve aviation security.

4.4.5. Take part in educational work aimed at increasing the level of special training and vigilance of crew members and ground personnel of the airline (operator) in ensuring aviation security.

4.4.6. Carry out preventive measures to ensure aviation safety and preserve the material assets of the airline (operator).

4.4.7. Prepare proposals for sending SAB employees on official business within Russia and abroad.

4.4.8. Prepare proposals and requests for logistical support of the SAB.

4.4.9. Coordinate and control the issuance to airline (operator) personnel of special passes for flight personnel (identification cards), passes for admission to controlled areas of the home airport.

4.4.10. Analyze the effectiveness of the system of measures to ensure aviation security of the airline (operator) and develop proposals for its improvement.

4.4.11. Conduct regular inspections of the performance of airline (operator) personnel and technical means ensuring aviation security.

4.4.12. Conduct briefings on the operational situation at civil aviation airports and the tasks of SAB employees to ensure aviation security.

4.4.13. Perform the functions of the head of the working group of the operational headquarters of the airline (operator) in the event of a threat of an act of illegal interference in the activities of the airline (operator).

4.5. The head of the aviation security service of an airline (operator) has the right:

4.5.1. Demand that the personnel of the airline (operator) strictly comply with the orders and instructions of the FAS Russia, the territorial body of the FAS Russia for aviation safety and the General Director of the airline (operator).

4.5.2. Check the status and organization of work to ensure aviation security, give instructions, within their competence, to eliminate identified deficiencies.

4.5.3. Conduct an internal investigation into violations of aviation security measures.

4.5.4. Make a decision to refuse to transport a passenger, baggage or cargo if this entails a violation of flight safety and aviation security requirements.

4.5.5. Bring disciplinary action to SAB employees for violations of labor and technological discipline, as well as temporarily suspend employees from official duties if their actions may harm aviation security or the prestige of the airline (operator).

Chapter 5. Legal status of aviation security employees and their social protection

5.1. Employees of the aviation security service of the airline (operator) are obliged to:

5.1.1. Implement the Aviation Security Program of the airline (operator) and other regulations governing aviation security issues, implement them in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, regulations FAS Russia, as well as the ICAO Standards and Recommended Practices, the requirements of the laws of the states to which the aircraft of the airline (operator) operates.

5.1.2. Develop and implement, in cooperation with other divisions of the airline (operator), measures to prevent acts of illegal interference in the activities of the airline (operator).

5.1.3. Participate in preparing aircraft for flights, handling baggage and cargo, processing and transporting passengers in order to ensure aviation safety and the safety of the airline’s (operator’s) material assets. Promptly report to the management of the airline (operator) on identified facts of violation of the technological process when processing flights and other shortcomings affecting aviation safety, as well as your proposals for eliminating them.

5.1.4. Submit, within the competence of the airline's (operator's) CAB, proposals on issues related to ensuring aviation security of the airline (operator) for consideration by the management and board.

5.1.5. Create and operate an information data bank for the purpose of automated processing of information about the state of aviation security of the airline (operator), as well as production information characterizing the work of the airline (operator) in the field of aviation security.

5.1.6. Take measures provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation to prevent acts of illegal interference in the activities of civil aviation. If necessary, transfer violators of aviation security norms, rules and procedures to law enforcement agencies in the prescribed manner.

5.1.7. All information received by the airline's (operator's) security service employees in the course of their official activities is confidential and is not subject to disclosure.

5.2. When performing their official duties, employees of the airline's (operator's) security service have the right to:

5.2.1. Carry out, in the manner and within the limits established by the legislation of the Russian Federation and regulations of the Federal Antimonopoly Service of Russia, measures to ensure aviation security of the airline (operator).

Use technical and other means for these purposes that do not cause harm to the life, health of citizens and the environment.

5.2.2. Monitor (together with the legal service) the implementation by the personnel of the airline (operator) of legislative acts of the Russian Federation, orders and instructions of the FAS of Russia, the territorial body of the FAS of Russia, instructions of the airline (operator) and other regulations on aviation safety.

5.2.3. In accordance with the competence of the SAS of the airline (operator), to monitor the implementation by the structural divisions of the airline (operator) of the access and intra-facility regime at the home airport. Take measures to eliminate identified deficiencies.

5.2.4. In agreement with management, make a decision to refuse to transport passengers, baggage or cargo if this entails a violation of aviation security requirements and current rules transportation by air.

5.2.5. On the basis of an agreement with the airport administration, inspect passengers departing on flights of the airline (operator), their hand luggage and luggage. Do not allow passengers to fly if they refuse pre-flight inspection. Require that employees of the airline (operator) comply with the Norms, Rules and Procedures for Aviation Security, as well as mandatory compliance with instructions to eliminate violations of aviation security measures.

5.2.6. Monitor, within their competence, the activities of the representative offices of the airline (operator) in matters of ensuring aviation security, provide them with practical and methodological assistance. Participate in the selection and placement of personnel of airline (operator) representative offices involved in ensuring aviation security.

5.2.7. Conduct, on behalf of the General Director of the airline (operator) or the head of the security service, internal investigations into violations of aviation security requirements.

5.2.8. Establish, in agreement with the management of the airline (operator), in order to ensure aviation security, official contacts with law enforcement agencies and executive authorities, as well as with the airport security service.

5.2.9. Security guard employees of the airline (operator), while performing their official duties, are given the right to check documents permitting entry to the facilities of the airline (operator), as well as to inspect the personal belongings of the personnel of the airline (operator).

5.2.10. Security guard employees of the airline (operator) have the right to detain violators of aviation security measures for transfer to the airport aviation security service or law enforcement agencies.

The requirements of SAS employees of the airline (operator) during the performance of their official functions are mandatory for all personnel of the airline (operator) and passengers transported on the aircraft of the airline (operator).

5.3. Social protection of aviation security service employees of an airline (operator) is regulated by the current legislation of the Russian Federation:

5.3.1. The labor activities of the airline's (operator's) SAS employees are regulated by the current labor legislation of the Russian Federation.

By decision of the SAB management, depending on the current production situation, SAB employees can move to any area of ​​work in the aviation security service of the airline (operator).

5.3.2. The airline (operator) must guarantee the social protection of its employees. They are subject to compulsory insurance at the expense of the airline (operator) in the event of death, injury or other damage to health associated with the performance of official duties.

5.3.3. Compensation for harm caused to employees of the airline's (operator's) security service by injury, occupational disease or other damage to health associated with the performance of their work duties is regulated by the labor legislation of the Russian Federation.

Chapter 6. Logistics and financial support of the aviation security service

6.1. The administration of the airline (operator) is obliged to create the necessary conditions for the aviation security service to fulfill the tasks assigned to it to ensure aviation security. For this purpose, the following must be provided:

Equipped special parking lots in case of emergency;

Fences and engineering and technical means of security of the airline's (operator's) facilities and checkpoints for access to the territory of the airline's (operator's) facilities;

The necessary material and technical base for training and advanced training of aviation security officers, crew members and personnel of the airline (operator) on aviation security issues.

6.2. The administration of the airline (operator) provides logistical and financial support to the aviation security service.

6.3. The aviation security service of the airline (operator) must be provided with:

Office space, furniture and office equipment;

Motor transport to support the official activities of SAB employees;

By means of radio and telephone communications;

Uniform and special clothing;

Other material means.