Burj Khalifa is an iconic landmark of Dubai. Dubai, Burj Khalifa: description, history and interesting facts Burj Khalifa - a fairy-tale castle

Burj Khalifa (United Arab Emirates) is a building that is famous for its amazing height of 828 meters. Impressive? It has 163 floors. Tourists visiting this city must go up to a special observation deck to enjoy the beautiful scenery.


Record height of Burj Khalifa(Dubai) was planned by the developers long before its formation. This nuance was kept in the strictest confidence. By the time construction was completed, it was decided to tell in detail about the structure. Construction of the skyscraper started in 2004. To build 2 floors per week, 12 thousand labor was required. The height of the tower is several hundred meters higher than other analogues. The specially conceived asymmetrical shape of the architects allows the building to withstand even strong winds.

Since in this area, and throughout the UAE, the air temperature reaches +50 degrees Celsius, a special type of concrete was developed for the structure. Thanks to this, the room is not hot. Another plus of the skyscraper is these are windows with unique materials. They do not allow ultraviolet rays to pass through and protect against dust, however, they are washed every day. Construction ended in 2010 and the grand opening of the Burj Khalifa tower (Dubai) took place. It received its name in honor of the president - the Khalifa.

Detailed description

Dubai is equipped with its own electrical and air conditioning systems. Therefore, it is called an independent city in a metropolis. Thanks to a large array of solar panels, electricity is supplied to the building without any problems. Air conditioning is maintained using sea water. In this regard, in the Burj Khalifa skyscraper(Dubai) the air does not exceed +18 degrees Celsius, which, of course, is good for the hot climate in the UAE.

What's inside?

And this is not a complete list of everything built in the building. For convenience, 3 separate entrances were created. An Indian billionaire lives on the 100th floor. The 148th floor is occupied by the Burj Khalifa observation deck - 452 m. To climb it, visitors need to buy a ticket, the cost of which for an adult will be 125 dihrams. The facade of the skyscraper is decorated with an artificial lake, the area of ​​which is 12 hectares.

Burj Khalifa Restaurants

On the 122nd floor there is a cozy restaurant “Atmosphere”, which includes 80 seats. It is considered the tallest in the world due to its location. In order to get to the restaurant, a guest must book a table through the establishment’s website and provide a printed voucher (reservation) to the administrator. There is a very strict dress code here, so you should take care of your appearance.

Many restaurant goers like tables by the window, but you can’t book them in advance. Therefore, guests have no idea which table they will find. The cuisine of the Atmosphere restaurant is traditional, the approximate amount for breakfast or lunch is $100, dinner is $140. On the official website of the Burj Khalifa building there are many photographs, videos and reviews about the Atmosphere establishment, so everyone has the opportunity to view them.

How to get there?

In principle, seeing where the Burj Khalifa skyscraper is located is not difficult. It can be seen from anywhere in Dubai. There are 2 ways to get to it:

  1. To use an economical option, you can use the metro. To do this, you need to take the red line to Burj Khalifa station. The cost of the ticket will depend on the travel distance and class of carriage. On average the price will be around 2 or 5 dihrams.
  2. A more expensive option is to catch a taxi on the street. The cost of such a service is 20 dihrams.

Large oil fields were found, and the country's authorities did everything possible to develop the tourism business here. The largest number of amazing buildings and luxury hotels were erected in Dubai. Perhaps the most important attraction of the city is the Burj Khalifa ( Burj Khalifa).

The Burj Khalifa skyscraper is officially recognized as the tallest building in the world. Externally, the tower resembles a huge stalagmite. It has uneven lines, but this was not done for decoration, but to protect the building from the winds. It is also worth noting that the skyscraper is built from high-strength materials that are resistant to any weather conditions.

Initially, it was planned to build a building that would accommodate office space, residential apartments, shops, hotels, and restaurants. That is, we can say that Burj Khalifa is a whole city that has absolutely everything you need for life. In addition, the area around is completely landscaped. There is a magnificent park, a shady garden, and even a garden that deserves special attention.

History of skyscraper construction

Construction of the world's tallest tower lasted almost 6 years. Several countries participated in the design and construction. The main architect was the American Adrian Smith, who has repeatedly designed similar skyscrapers. And the general contractor was the South Korean company Samsung. Construction of the Burj Khalifa began in 2004. Information about the height of the building was carefully hidden, and its values ​​were constantly changing. The opening of the skyscraper was planned for 2009, but due to problems with financing it had to be postponed. As a result, the opening of the tower took place a year later, in early January.

photo: Around the tower during construction

Burj Khalifa on the map of Dubai

Address: 1 Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Blvd - Dubai - United Arab Emirates

How to get to Burj Khalifa

The skyscraper is located in the most prestigious area of ​​Dubai - Downtown. All roads lead to the main attraction of the city. Tourists can get to the tower by metro, or take a taxi. By metro you need to get to the Burj Khalifa station of the same name. Taxi is a more expensive means of transportation, but it is faster transport. Given the excellent road surface and the absence of traffic jams, a taxi ride will give you incredible pleasure. In addition, all taxis in the city are equipped with air conditioning, so you won’t have to worry about extreme heat during your trip.

photo: Burj Khalifa metro station from the observation deck

Rules for visiting the skyscraper

Any Dubai tour agency will offer tourists an unforgettable excursion to the tallest skyscraper in the world. There is a separate entrance for tourists. The tower is equipped with 57 elevators, but only one of them passes through all floors. Tourists, in order to get to the observation deck, for which they go to Burj Khalifa, need to make several transfers. Group excursions are conducted from 10.00 to 22.00 from Sunday to Wednesday, and from Thursday to Saturday the observation deck opening hours increase by 2 hours.

photo: All guests and tourists enter the building through this entrance

Video tour of the Burj Khalifa

The cost of the excursion depends on many factors. For example, if you don't want to stand in line, you can pay 400 AED for a ticket and skip the line to the observation deck. In other cases, an adult ticket costs 125 AED, a child ticket (4 - 12 years old) costs 95 AED, and children under three years old do not need to buy a ticket at all.

Technical equipment

The tower is equipped with the latest technology. Its technical equipment uses the most advanced technologies. First of all, we need to mention the unique air conditioning system. Thanks to special glazing, the building does not heat up and does not allow dust to pass through. The temperature in the tower is constantly kept at +18 degrees. At the same time, the air throughout the entire skyscraper is constantly refreshed using specially installed membranes. It is worth noting that Burj Khalifa had its own scent specially developed.

The tower provides itself with electricity. On the facade of the building there are solar panels and a huge turbine rotating from gusts of wind. The length of this turbine is more than 60 meters.

photo: Inside the elevator to the Burj Khalifa observation deck

The ascent to the Burj Khalifa is provided by 57 elevators. Their speed of movement is 10 m/s. Interestingly, in emergency situations, people are evacuated in just 32 minutes, despite the impressive size of the building.

Burj Khalifa inside

The building has almost everything a person needs for life: shops, restaurants, swimming pools, nightclubs, observation decks, an observatory, and much more. The first 39 floors of the tower are occupied by rooms of a luxurious five-star hotel, which is considered one of the most prestigious hotels in the country. 35 floors of the tower are allocated for offices, and 59 for residential premises. The hundredth floor is owned by a billionaire from India. And on the 122nd floor there is a chic restaurant with the telling name “Atmosphere”, which can accommodate about 80 guests at a time. The main observation deck is located on the 148th floor. Its height amazes the imagination and brings a lot of unforgettable emotions.

photo: Interiors
photo: Interiors inside the tallest skyscraper in the world
photo: One of the apartments in Burj Khalifa. You can still buy)

Observation platforms

The tower has two observation platforms. One of them is located at the height of the 148th floor, and the other is at the 124th floor. Tickets can be purchased at the ticket office at the entrance to the tower, but this is often not possible, since absolutely all tourists want to see Dubai from a bird's eye view. That is why it is better to buy tickets to the observation deck on the Internet online. You can see the city through a huge window, which offers an incredibly beautiful view of Dubai and its main attractions.

Facts about the skyscraper

  • The height of the unique skyscraper is 828 meters
  • The building has 163 floors
  • Spire height – 180 meters
  • 1.5 billion dollars were spent on construction
  • The building contains 900 residential apartments
  • The height of the observation deck is 555 meters
  • Movement between floors is provided by 57 elevators
  • 12 thousand workers took part in the construction of the tower.

One of the most important and interesting attractions of Dubai is the Burj Khalifa Tower. In some ways, the structure is called a record holder. This title was obtained due to its height, because it is the tallest building in the world. Naturally, it surpasses all other buildings in the number of floors. Such a pompous building became one of the most expensive.

The Emirates is a fairly distant and surprisingly unknown country. Many travelers only dream of going there and seeing interesting things with their own eyes. After all, there are a huge number of them here - for example, the world's largest singing fountain or an amazing area with its own beach and canals. The curious tourist has something to see and admire. This article will be devoted to the tallest building in the whole world - the Burj Khalifa Tower (United Arab Emirates). Description, history of construction, interesting facts will be given below.

The skyscraper that was discussed earlier has more than 160 floors. Its height is 828 meters.

Controversial issue

If we take into account the cost of the structure, it is about one and a half billion US dollars. During the opening of the building itself, controversy raged about its height. Many believed that the maximum size could not exceed 705 m, some gave a verdict of 560 meters. The project managers themselves initially claimed that the height would be more than 700 meters. The goal was to complete construction as quickly as possible, but the building had to be the tallest on Earth. In 2006, rumors appeared that construction was planned to continue up to 916 m. But the rumors were not confirmed. And everyone today can admire the tallest building in the world, which the United Arab Emirates is proud of - the Burj Khalifa.

History of construction

The main architect of the project was Adrian Smith, a native of the USA, who has quite a lot of experience and has solved similar problems more than once. Many of his works can be seen on the streets of China. It was there that he began to build his first skyscrapers, the height of which was more than 400 meters. Samsung became the general contractor for the construction of the skyscraper. The amazing thing is that 12,000 people worked on the site every day. Among them were a large number of designers, engineers, and architects. The higher the number of storeys of the building became, the more new tasks appeared before architects and engineers. The main problem was the strong wind; it was impossible to design a building of a single structure. This explains the asymmetrical shape of the building, which ideally protects the building from the negative influence of the wind.

Construction Features

As for the construction of Burj Khalifa (United Arab Emirates), it proceeded quite quickly, and within 5 years all work was completed. Every week the building became taller and taller, on average it increased by 2 floors. Initially, concrete slabs were erected, and then a metal spire was assembled.

According to the project, as many as 180 floors were allocated for residential premises. There are 37 most diverse and luxurious hotels located here. Apartments were even built for city residents. It was difficult to supply such a huge building with electricity, but this issue was successfully resolved. Today, power is provided by a 61-meter turbine. In addition to it, numerous panels are installed that are powered by solar energy.

Despite its size and pomp, the Burj Khalifa tower in Dubai (UAE) looks quite beautiful and elegant. The naked eye can see that the building is properly designed. The engineers also took care of the safety of residents. There is a thorough evacuation plan in place in case of fire or any other disaster.

The Dubai landmark Burj Khalifa exists as a separate organism. The building is adjacent to roads, there are convenient parking spaces, its own boulevards and even parks. In addition, on the territory you can find a large number of entertainments, for any age. In addition, there are hotels here, you can buy an apartment and even find a job. All conditions for business, leisure and comfortable life have been created. More than one thousand tourists come every year to see this miracle, which is truly impressive.

The grandiose gardens and parks of Burj Khalifa

What surprises many is that even the smallest details were taken into account when designing the Burj Khalifa. There are amazing gardens here that are incredibly in harmony with the architecture. You can admire the picturesque views directly from the windows of the skyscraper. The creators of the project managed to fully bring their idea to life and create a truly wonderful building with incredible gardens.

Picturesque city within the city

More than 11 hectares are allocated for the park area. The territory is home to a huge number of plants and flowers that thrive in arid climates. A special place is given to hymenocallis. This is a plant with huge fragrant flowers, the smell of which spreads throughout the garden. The ideal geometric pattern can be observed from above. This is achieved thanks to paths located in a special way and a combination of plant colors. You can also observe interesting patterns from above.

Burj Khalifa - fairytale castle

Such a variety of plants and a specially selected landscape were not chosen by chance. The dimensions of the building are impressive in their size; all this has a slightly overwhelming effect on the human psyche. To soften this atmosphere and visually make the task a little smaller, this landscape was created. Now the Burj Khalifa Tower (United Arab Emirates) seems like a miracle castle from a fairy tale about a princess. There are lakes along the perimeter of the parks. They always have clean water, and all conditions for recreation are created around them.

Dancing fountains

It is probably difficult to find a person who has not heard of such a miracle as dancing fountains. They are located in the very center of Burj Khalifa Park.
The height of the fountains is 150 m, and their length is twice as high. The fountains are a whole complex. A special backlight has been created around them, but it does not distract from the bizarre pattern that the light creates on the water itself. During the performance, the lighting of 6 spotlights and 830 liters of water merges, thereby achieving an incredible effect that brings great aesthetic pleasure. You can watch this show every evening. The best observation deck is located inside the Burj Khalifa tower (United Arab Emirates), where you can admire such a beautiful and mysterious performance from above.

The fountain performs all its actions to music. The most popular classical works are used most often. This kind of show allows everyone to think about beauty. And of course, having seen this once, you will certainly want to come back here again. After all, you get the feeling that you are in a fairy tale.

The Burj Khalifa skyscraper is the tallest building in the world and one of the main attractions of the United Arab Emirates. The building, whose height is 828 meters, is made in the shape of a stalagmite and consists of 163 floors.

50 thousand people built this building over the course of four years, almost seven days a week; a special brand of concrete was even developed for the tower, which is not afraid of high temperatures. The total area of ​​the interior is 1 million square meters, and the area of ​​​​all the glass in the building is equal to five football fields (in order to wash them, it takes about three months of work). The glass of the skyscraper reflects the sun's rays, preventing heat from entering the building, and a unique air conditioning system using sea water drives cool air from bottom to top, simultaneously aromatizing it with a specially created aroma. Inside the tower there is a 62-meter wind turbine and several huge solar panels that fully provide electricity to the new “Tower of Babel.” The building has 57 elevators that reach speeds of up to 18 meters per second. The construction of the tower cost Dubai $1.5 billion.

The Burj Khalifa is considered the centerpiece of Dubai's business life. There are hundreds of offices and apartments, the Armani hotel and several shopping centers here. This is a real city within a city with its parks, boulevards, lawns, swimming pools, gyms and restaurants.

On the 124th floor of the Burj Khalifa, the world's highest observation deck, At the Top (height 472 meters), is located - it offers amazing views of the entire city. There are special telescopes with plasma screens installed here, thanks to which you can take a virtual walk around Dubai. It is advisable to book tickets to the site in advance, as there may not be free seats.

At the foot of the tower there are daily performances.

Initially, the high-rise was called "Burj Dubai", but immediately after its opening it was renamed in honor of the President of the UAE, Sheikh Khalifa bin Zayed al-Nahyan.

The Burj Khalifa skyscraper holds the title of the tallest in the world

Opening hours: the skyscraper is open 24 hours a day, the observation deck is from Sunday to Wednesday from 10.00 to 22.00, from Thursday to Saturday from 08.30 to 24.00. Ticket prices: by advance booking for adults - 125 dirhams, for children under 12 years old - 95 dirhams, for children under 3 years old - free. Express tickets are sold locally at AED 400 for children and adults. Tours run every 30 minutes. How to get there: take the metro to Burj Khalifa/Dubai Mall station. Address: 1 Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Boulevard, Dubai. Website.

If someone decided that we would talk here about a testing ground for launching space transport or about an intellectual breakthrough in terms of the created cure for all diseases - alas! Simply, the capital of the UAE has built a skyscraper that is distinguished by its height. This article is intended to talk about the pride of the United Arab Emirates, or, more precisely, the story will be about, who is the owner of this very peak.

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It was this city that got the honor of carrying the banner of the owner of the tallest building on the entire planet Earth. Plus, every guest of Dubai has the opportunity to visit a high-rise creation, which will allow see from the observation deck Burj Khalifa - Entire United Arab Emirates. Of course, many will be interested in knowing the number of floors and the height of the building. All that is required on the part of curious readers is a little patience, and all the details associated with this “lighthouse” will definitely be told.

Characteristics of the Burj Khalifa skyscraper

It's time to answer some questions from readers, namely:

It would be best to start answering the questions from the very beginning. Probably everyone is interested in knowing how high the Burj Khalifa is built, the answer to this question is: the height of the structure is calculated from the foundation to the end of the antenna, which resembles a spire and is 1 km minus 112 m.

Next question: yes, there is a website on it too information is presented in detail about the Burj Khalifa and even there is something about the tower. There are further floors, how many of them there are, that’s how we felt when going up to the observation deck. Although no!

The Burj Khalifa has a lifting device known to everyone as an elevator. So we got to the drinking establishment. “Mayak” has its own restaurant and you can eat there after enjoying the beauty of the United Arab Emirates from the height of the main unique tower.

We answered all the questions that interested the public the most. Now you can delve deeper into the study of the tower and examine other features of the pride of the United Arab Emirates. The main object worthy of attention is located in the largest city in the entire country. His external characteristics the shape resembles a cave formation, a stalagmite aimed at the heavenly expanses. The most interesting thing is that during the construction of this skyscraper, no one even thought about such similarities. Despite the fact that construction took about six years, during this time no one even thought of such a thought.

The city where the Burj Khalifa now stands held the opening ceremony of this high-rise building. Initially, it was planned to hold two presentations at once, and the metro was to be opened along with the tower. Unfortunately, the funds for two events at once there was not enough, and the ceremony dedicated to the highest world structure was postponed until next year. This means: instead of the fall of 2009, the citizens and guests of Dubai have the opportunity to climb this tower in January 2010.

In a fairly short period of existence, the Burj underwent an act of renaming. The name change happened not so long ago, and the vice president himself led this process. In fact, the tallest structure was dedicated to the President and instead of the Burj Dubai, it became the Burj Khalifa.

Amazing things to do with design and construction

Burj himself has seen several design projects. As a result, the builders decided to create something like a separate park near the skyscraper. Wherein half continued to build floor by floor making the monument higher and higher. The building project was entrusted to the American company Skidmore, Ownings and Merill, which already had several successful ones behind it, namely:

  • New York, World Trade Center;
  • , Willis Tower;
  • Jin Mao, Shanghai;
  • Ben Gurion, Israel.

This is not the entire list, you can also include the world's tallest creation in the city of Dubai. The most interesting thing is that all information about the characteristics of the tower was hidden during its construction. The reason for the conspiracy was fear of other countries, who could build something taller than the Burj Khalifa. The builders saw a way out of such an incident by increasing the number of floors, and accordingly the building would grow.

The tower itself is the main part of Dubai's new type of business center. The office inside the skyscraper is divided into entire structures, among which each will find individual apartments and a hotel. The interior also has the most authentic and progressive shopping centers. A to conduct business for the receipt or purchase and sale of housing, and for resolving issues related to trade, there are specialized office spaces that specialize in providing assistance with financial tasks.

Before arriving at their workplace, Burj Khalifa workers must enter the correct entrance, because there are 3 of them. Each door allows entry into one or another department, namely entrance to residential apartments, a door leading to office space and the entrance to the hotel. The design part of the hotel's appearance belongs to the famous fashion designer Armani. The total number of places for apartments is almost a thousand.

After visiting the floors equipped with gyms with swimming pools and jacuzzi, each guest is given the opportunity to have a meal at the local Atmosphere restaurant. You can also look at Dubai from above from a height of almost a kilometer. The billionaire bought the entire floor number 100 here. This guy is probably a regular at the Burj Khalifa restaurant.

The Burj Khalifa Dubai issue seems to have been sorted out, all that remains is to discuss the air conditioning method. After all, a skyscraper of this size needs not only to be ventilated and cooled, but also to choose a special method unique operation of the devices to ease breathing and maintain excellent health. A membrane system was developed for the Burj Khalifa tower. Fresh and aromatic air enters directly through the holes and grilles located in the floor.

In order to prevent the sun's rays from penetrating into the high-rise building, they organized construction to create glass that would not only reflect the rays, but also so that the temperature inside would not rise. Regarding windows shift cost wasn't even discussed. Their main features help maintain the most optimal microclimate inside. The surface is approximately the size of about 17 football fields. Of course, the Burj Khalifa tower periodically undergoes a cleaning ritual, but due to its overall size, this procedure takes not three days, but three months.

The height of the Burj Khalifa remains unsurpassed to this day. The great news is that there are elevators here, but the construction of them cost a special team has been appointed. It is not easy to construct a separate tunnel-shaped, and even a horizontal tunnel. The place where the cabins for transporting people run starts from the very bottom and ends on the observation deck floor.

A beautiful decorative fountain awaits everyone at the exit from the world's tallest building in Dubai. It is called musical for the simple reason that it is Dubai miracle equipped acoustic devices that reproduce both purely Arabic songs and hits of world stars. The landmark is illuminated by fifty multi-colored spotlights and 6,600 lighting fixtures providing the most ordinary light. The amazing device is located in a lake, artificially constructed on an area of ​​12 acres.

Burj Khalifa Restaurant and General Guest Experience

Summarizing almost all the reviews both about the skyscraper itself and, in particular, about the Atmosphere restaurant, one can come to a conclusion from oneself drinking establishment very good. The main thing is to place orders wisely, after consulting first.

Basically, we are more than delighted with the highest creation and would be glad to become a guest of Dubai again, to rise to the observation deck and take a bird's eye view of the city. To be convincing, some can be quoted:

  • The symbol and pride of the Emirate of Dubai. An incredible architectural masterpiece that quickly emerged among the desert sands!
  • Champion among skyscrapers.
  • Stairway to Heaven.
  • Incredibly mesmerizing!
  • It takes your breath away and amazes you with its grandeur.


I must admit that I wouldn't mind visiting Dubai and exploring the city from the Burj Khalifa.