Southern Federal District - autumn hunting dates.

The opening dates for autumn hunting in 2016 are determined by Order of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Ecology of the Russian Federation dated November 16, 2010 N 512 On approval of the Hunting Rules. The exact dates and parameters of the hunt are determined by a decree of the head of the Subject of the Federation for each region and may change from year to year depending on weather and other conditions. Links to orders and resolutions on the opening of hunting in various regions of the Russian Federation can be found on this page below.

Opening dates for autumn hunting 2016

According to the Hunting Rules, the following hunting periods are established:

Clause 41.1 of the Hunting Rules. For waterfowl, marsh-meadow, field, steppe and mountain game from the second Saturday of August to December 31 in the territories of the Khabarovsk Territory, the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), the Amur Region, the Kurgan Region, the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug, the Komi Republic, the Vologda Region , Leningrad region, Novgorod region, Republic of Karelia, Bryansk region, Kaliningrad region, Kaluga region, Moscow region, Nizhny Novgorod region, Oryol region, Penza region, Pskov region, Republic of Ingushetia, Kabardino-Balkarian Republic, Republic of Kalmykia, Karachay-Cherkess Republic, Chechen Republic, Stavropol Territory, Astrakhan Region;
41.2. For waterfowl, swamp-meadow, field, steppe and mountain game during the period from the third Saturday of August to December 31 in the territories of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation not specified in paragraph 41.1 of these Rules;
41.3.For upland game from the third Saturday of August to February 28 (29) in the territories of the Republic of Karelia, Kaliningrad region, Pskov region, Komi Republic, Novgorod region, Leningrad region, Arkhangelsk region, Vologda region, Murmansk region, Nenets Autonomous Okrug, Kostroma region, Tver region, Kirov region, Nizhny Novgorod region, Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug, Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug, Irkutsk region, Omsk region, Republic of Buryatia, Krasnoyarsk Territory, Tomsk region, Novosibirsk region, Trans-Baikal Territory, Kamchatka Territory, Magadan region, Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) ), Chukotka Autonomous Okrug, Primorsky Territory, Khabarovsk Territory, Jewish Autonomous Region, Amur Region;
41.4. for white and tundra partridge from the third Saturday of August to April 20 in the territories of the Krasnoyarsk Territory and the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia);
41.5. for scoters (humpbacked and common) from June 1 to June 4 on the territory of the Amginsky, Gorny, Kobyaisky, Megino-Kangalassky, Namsky, Tattinsky, Ust-Aldansky, Churapchinsky districts of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia);
41.6.for upland game from the third Saturday of August to December 31 on the territories of constituent entities of the Russian Federation not specified in paragraph 41.3 of these Rules.

Opening dates for hunting 2016 with hunting dogs and birds of prey

Hunting for game birds with island and continental pointing dogs, retrievers, spaniels (hereinafter referred to as gun dogs), and birds of prey is carried out during the following periods:

Hunting for game birds with one gun dog is carried out with the participation of no more than three hunters, each of whom must have the documents specified in paragraph 3.2 of the Hunting Rules, namely a hunting license, a valid permit to store and carry hunting weapons, a permit to extract hunting resources and a voucher issued in the prescribed manner. In the case of hunting with birds of prey, it is also necessary to have permission to keep and breed them in semi-free conditions and in an artificially created habitat, in accordance with Federal Law of April 24, 1995 N 52-FZ “On the Animal World”.

Opening dates for the 2016 bear hunt

Opening dates for hunting ungulates in 2016

European roe deer:
all age and gender groups
from May 20 to June 10

Siberian roe deer:
all age and gender groups
adult males from October 1 to December 31
from August 25 to 20

all age and gender groups
adult males from October 1 to January 15
from September 1 to 30

Red deer
all age and gender groups
adult males
from September 1 to September 30
from June 1 to July 15

Spotted deer:
all age and gender groups
adult males
adult males with unossified horns (antlers) from October 1 to December 31
from September 1 to September 30
from June 1 to July 15

all age and gender groups
adult males from October 1 to December 31
from September 1 to 30

all age and gender groups
adult males from August 1 to September 30
from January 1 to March 31

Siberian mountain goat:
all age and gender groups
from April 15 to May 31

all age and gender groups
adult males from August 1 to November 30
from April 15 to May 31

Hybrids of bison and bison, livestock:
all gender and age groups from October 1 to January 15

Opening dates for hunting for fur-bearing animals in 2016

Marmots (steppe, gray, Kamchatka), ground squirrels (large, small, Transbaikal, speckled, cross-cheeked, long-tailed, American, Caucasian, with the exception of the sandstone ground squirrel) from July 1 to September 30

Hare (hare, hare, tolai, Manchurian), wild rabbit, raccoon dog, fox, corsac dog from September 15 to February 28 (29)

Sable, mink (European, American), weasel, squirrels, flying squirrel, lynx, wolverine, marten, marten (forest, stone), ermine, polecat (forest, steppe), weasel, striped raccoon, solongoi, wild cats from October 1 to February 28 (29)

According to the Hunting Rules, it is established that:

upland game includes capercaillie, black grouse, hazel grouse, white and tundra partridge, woodcock;

swamp-meadow game include great snipe, snipe, horned snipe, turukhtan, herbalist, lapwing, tules, crystal, snails, godwit, curlew, morodunka, turnstone, corncrake, rail, common crake;

waterfowl include geese, geese, ducks, coot, moorhen;

steppe and field game include gray and bearded partridges, quails, sajja, pheasants, pigeons and turtle doves;

mountain game includes chukars and snowcocks;

belong to other game loons, cormorants, skuas, gulls, terns, auks, classified as game animals in order to ensure the traditional way of life and traditional economic activities of indigenous peoples of the North, Siberia and the Far East of the Russian Federation.

Information about the extraction of hunting resources and their quantity must be reported to the place where the permit for the extraction of hunting resources was obtained within the established time frame:

within 10 days after catching, wounding an animal or expiration of the permit when hunting ungulates and bears;

within 20 days after harvesting or expiration of the permit when hunting for other types of hunting resources.

We'll wait for the bird hunt now - let's let it grow

The details of the upcoming hunting season were discussed at a meeting with journalists at the Tatar-inform news agency by the Deputy Head of the Department for the Protection and Use of Wildlife Objects of the Republic of Tatarstan Yuri Matveev and the Head of the Department of Licensing, State Accounting, Cadastre and Regulation of the Use of Wildlife Objects of the Directorate for the Protection and Use of Objects animal world of the Republic of Tatarstan Rinat Chispiyakov.
So, in particular, the badger hunting season will begin on August 15, and the main waterfowl hunting season will start on September 3.

This year the timing of the hunting season has been slightly shifted. In Tatarstan, the waterfowl hunting season has been limited - now it will begin on the first Saturday of the first autumn month, which falls on September 3. And in previous years, this hunt began in the third week of August. The limitation is due to the fact that, based on the results of long-term monitoring studies, it was revealed that in Tatarstan by this time not all birds are ready for independent existence.
- We have many flightless chicks that cannot yet fly on their own, and they should not be hunted. They need to be given time to get stronger and take on the appearance of a real adult bird,” explained Rinat Chispiyakov.

White hare
don't touch

In addition, by decree of the President of the Republic of Tajikistan, additional restrictions on hunting were introduced. It is generally prohibited to hunt some species of animals and birds, and hunting periods are also limited.
- A restriction has been introduced until 2017 on hunting wood grouse, hazel grouse and gray partridge. And this year, black grouse have also been added to the list,” Chispiyakov noted. - Any restrictions are introduced in order to preserve and successfully reproduce animals and birds. There are also restrictions on hunting brown hare. And hunting for the white hare on the territory of the republic is completely closed, since the numbers of this species require serious restoration measures. As the specialist emphasized, after the introduction of restrictions last year, the number of some species of animals and birds, although slightly, increased.

In the lottery

For hunters, the main prize is a roe deer
By the way, as part of the draw for the right to hunt ungulates, for the first time in a long time in Tatarstan, a draw for permits to hunt roe deer will be held.
Through this drawing, the rights to harvest 49 wild boars and 18 moose in the new season will be distributed.
To participate in the draw, before 16.00 on August 12, you must submit an application to the department for participation in the lottery for the right to hunt wild ungulates. The drawing for the right to harvest ungulates will take place on August 24 at 14.00.
- Applications can be submitted for one of the types of resources. The right to hunt elk and wild boar will be up for grabs. Thus, an application can be submitted for one of the resources in one of the regions of the republic,” explained Yuri Matveev, deputy head of the Department for the Protection and Use of Wildlife Objects of the Republic of Tatarstan. At the same time, he emphasized that for the first time in a long time, two permits for roe deer hunting in the Alekseevsky district of the Republic of Tatarstan will be raffled off.

The drawing will be carried out using a lottery machine. Anyone can attend the procedure in person and draw their own ticket.

The list of prizes includes permission to shoot 49 wild boars in the Agryz, Aznakaevsky, Alekseevsky, Alkeevsky, Leninogorsk, Mamadysh and Nurlatsky districts of the Republic of Tatarstan, as well as to shoot 18 moose in the Agryz, Aznakaevsky, Alekseevsky, Almetyevsky, Leninogorsky, Mamadysh and Nurlatsky districts and two Roe deer in the Alekseevsky district of the Republic of Tatarstan.

Let's hunt
on the fox - we fight

with rage

But a permit for fox hunting is currently not required. The fact is that foxes are the main carrier of a fatal disease - rabies.
“We are obliged to regulate the number of foxes on the territory of the republic, because Tatarstan is one of the leaders in this disease,” explained Rinat Chispiyakov.
In the republic, compared to last year, it was possible to significantly reduce the number of foxes. If last year in Tatarstan the main population numbered more than 9 thousand individuals, then this season it is about 6 thousand.
Last year, only as part of amateur hunting, 3 thousand foxes were shot, and as part of population regulation, special teams killed more than 7 thousand individuals.

Today we have reduced the number of foxes very well, and there is no longer a threatening figure of 9 thousand foxes on the territory of the republic,” Chispiyakov said and expressed hope that the wave of rabies will bypass the republic.
By the way, the main source of food for foxes are mouse-like rodents. Therefore, it is necessary to pay attention to the fight against these rodents. It will be quite difficult to manage the number of foxes alone, the speaker added.
- Within the framework of amateur sport fox hunting, we do not limit any territory - there are no restrictions in any region of the Republic of Tatarstan. So, fox hunting is open everywhere and without restrictions,” summed up a specialist from the Department for the Protection and Use of Wildlife Objects of the Republic of Tatarstan.

...And here are the bears
in Tatarstan they are completely overwhelmed

If the fox, the heroine of numerous fairy tales, is affectionately called by the people as the little fox-sister, Fox Patrikeevna, then in relation to the bear a person jokes carefully and respectfully. This is no wonder. Recently, complaints about the aggressive behavior of brown bears have become more frequent in Tatarstan. Not only do local Winnie the Poohs shamelessly steal beehives from apiaries, they also scare the hell out of mushroom pickers in the forest.
For example, last year 36 complaints from beekeepers were received from the Mamadysh district of the Republic of Tatarstan. The completely overwhelmed bears began to take away 20 hives a day! In addition, in the Zelenodolsk region of the Republic of Tatarstan, a female bear with two cubs scared mushroom pickers, and in the territory of the Republic of Mari El, not far from the border with Tatarstan, an attack by this female on a person was even recorded.

Last year, we already sent a proposal to the Ministry of Forestry of the Republic of Tatarstan to exclude the brown bear from the Red Book. I think that due to the growth of its numbers, we will again be forced to insist on the removal of this powerful, dangerous beast from the Red Book,” concluded Yuri Matveev.

According to experts, the brown bear population in Tatarstan has indeed grown quite significantly.
“According to our calculations, there are now about 120 individuals in the republic,” said Yuri Matveev. In winter, bears migrate - they go to the colder, and therefore more comfortable for them, Republic of Mari El, Udmurtia, and the Kirov region. About 40 brown bears remain in Tatarstan for the winter, laying down in dens to sleep well until spring.

By the way, the main areas where animals live are Rybno-Slobodsky, Mamadyshsky, Sabinsky. It is in these areas that there is a fairly large population of the real owner of the forest - the brown bear.
Continuing the conversation about the situation in the hunting business, Yuri Matveev said that there are now 95 hunting farms in Tatarstan. This season, about 40 thousand hunting tickets have been issued in the republic.
In this regard, the following fact is noteworthy. According to experts, not everyone who has received a hunting license is a hunter. About 10 thousand of them simply decided to gain the right to carry traumatic weapons in this way. Therefore, the number of genuine, real hunters in Tatarstan is estimated at approximately 30 thousand people.

Continuing the topic of hunters, Yuri Matveev complained that the issue of poaching remains very pressing.
- We are fighting poachers. For this purpose, they created a group that collects information on the republic and quickly responds to signals from the regions,” he said.
After all, poaching greatly affects the population of some animal species.

Thanks to the “efforts” of poachers, we exceed the norms set for the season twice as much,” Matveev joked sadly.
In this regard, he recalled that poaching is punishable by a fine and confiscation of weapons.
In conclusion, we would like to add that the new hunting season in the Republic of Tatarstan will last until February 28 inclusive. Break a leg!

The opening of autumn-winter fur hunting in the Moscow region took place in August, when hunting for mink (American), squirrel, raccoon dog, marten (forest, stone), polecat (forest, steppe) was allowed. The hunting season for fur-bearing animals in the Moscow region continued with the opening of hunting for wolves, foxes, and hares (hare, hare) on September 15. The opening of hunting for muskrat, water vole, beaver and weasel in the Moscow region took place on October 1, 2016.

More details on the rules and terms of hunting in the Moscow region for 2016 - 2017 can be found below, where the orders of the Moscow Society of Hunters and Fishers are published.

“On the organization of hunting for fur-bearing animals during the 2016-2017 hunting season.”

In accordance with the Federal Law “On Hunting” No. 209-FZ dated July 24, 2009, Hunting Rules (as amended by Orders of the Ministry of Natural Resources of Russia dated April 10, 2012 No. 98, dated September 5, 2012 No. 262, dated September 4, 2014 No. 383)) and Order of the Ministry of Agriculture and Food of the Moscow Region No. 48 dated April 12, 2012 On approval of standards for permissible production of hunting resources for which a production limit and standards for the carrying capacity of hunting grounds in the Moscow Region are not established:

1. Organize hunting for fur-bearing animals in the hunting grounds of MSOO “MOOiR” within the following time frames:

  • for wolves, foxes, hares (hare, hare) - from September 15, 2016 to February 28, 2017;
  • for mink (American), squirrel, raccoon dog, marten (forest, stone), ferret (forest, steppe), from August 20, 2016 to February 28, 2017.
  • for muskrat, water vole - from October 1, 2016 to April 1, 2017.
  • for beaver, weasel from October 1, 2016 to February 28, 2017.

Due to the lack of approved limits for badger hunting in 2016, the procedure for organizing hunting for this type of hunting resource will be determined by a separate decree.

Registration and issuance of permits for the hunting of badgers, martens and beavers is carried out after payment of the tax fee (60 rubles/individual), indicating in the permit the norm for the harvest of individuals for the hunting season.

Make a note about the issuance of the permit (number, date) on the receipt for payment of the tax fee.

2. Based on Order of the Ministry of Agriculture and Food of the Moscow Region No. 48 dated April 12, 2012. establish standards for the production of hunting resources (individuals of each species) per hunter per day:

  • wolf, raccoon dog, fox - without restrictions;
  • marten (forest, stone), mink (American), polecat (forest, steppe) - 2;
  • muskrat - 5;
  • common squirrel; beaver - 3;
  • white hare, brown hare, weasel - 1.

Establish throughput standards for organizing and conducting hunting based on 100 hectares of hunting land per hunter.

3. Due to the unfavorable epizootic situation regarding rabies, do not limit the issuance of permits for foxes and raccoon dogs. Take measures to increase their production. When issuing permits for the extraction of hunting resources, staff members of hunting farms instruct hunters on the need to observe sanitary safety measures when working with harvested animals.

4. The head of hunting farms after the end of the hunting period, before March 20, 2017, provide the hunting department of the MSOO MOOiR with the following documented information: the number of issued and returned permits for the extraction of hunting resources and the number of animals caught; a report on the harvest of badgers; submit a report on provide muskrat harvesting until April 20, 2017.

When organizing a hunt, be guided by the price list for services approved by the Council of the MSOO “MOOiR, protocol No. 13 of March 23, 2016

5. Entrust control over the implementation of this order to the Deputy Chairman of the Board of MSOO MOOiR V. Zakharkin.

Chairman of the Board
MSOO MOOiR V. M. Kiryakulov

The opening of the new 2016 hunting season will take place this fall. In regional territories this event will take place at different times. In some cities, the opening occurred at the end of July 2016. According to the rules, hunting begins in swamps and meadows first. Game is caught with the help of dogs specially trained for such an event.

You can hunt game in a specially designated area. Three hunters with special permission to store and use weapons take part. They must have a hunting license, waybill, and permission to shoot game with them. When using specially trained birds of prey for hunting, you must have permission to keep such an animal outside its will. To hunt with a purebred dog, keep with you a permit to hunt with the animal, a veterinary passport for the animal and a record of the completed rabies vaccination. Retriever, greyhound and spaniel dogs are often used for hunting.

2016 waterfowl hunting dates

Hunters have prepared their weapons, uniforms and are wondering when the hunt will open in the fall of 2016?

  1. In regions, republics, cities: Bryansk, Vologda, Kaliningrad, Kaluga, St. Petersburg, Moscow, Novgorod, Nizhny Novgorod, Orel, Penza and Pskov The opening of the hunt in the fall of 2016 will take place from the thirteenth of August until the fifteenth of November 2016. You can hunt for swamp wild birds that live in meadows, steppes and fields.
  2. In regions, republics, cities: Bashkortostan, Tatarstan, Udmurtia, Perm, Arkhangelsk, Belgorod, Vladimir, Voronezh, Ivanovo, Kostroma, Kursk, Kirov, Lipetsk, Murmansk, Orenburg, Ryazan, Smolensk, Samara, Tambov, Tver, Ulyanov, Yaroslavl You can hunt wild birds from September 1, 2016 until November 16, 2016. You can hunt waterfowl, wild birds that live in swamps, meadows and steppes.
  3. In the territory of Ingushetia, Kabardino-Balkaria, Kalmykia, Karachaevo-Cherkessia, Yakutia, Chechnya, Stavropol, Khabarovsk, Amur, Astrakhan, Kurgan, Yamalo-German District, the opening of hunting in the fall of 2016 will take place from the thirteenth of August until the thirty-first of December 2016. Hunting will be carried out for waterfowl, steppe and mountain game.
  4. The opening dates for hunting in the fall of 2016 in Russia are from the twentieth of August to the thirty-first of December 2016. You can hunt all types of game that live on the territory.
  5. In the republics, cities and regions of Karelia, Pskov, Komi, Kaliningrad, Arkhangelsk, Vologda, Murmansk, Nenets Autonomous Okrug, Kostroma, Tver, Kirov, Nizhny Novgorod, Khanty-Mansiysk, Irkutsk, Omsk, Buryatia, Krasnoyarsk, Tomsk, Novosibirsk, Transbaikalia , Kamchatka, Magadan, Yakutia, Chukotka, Primorsk, Khabarovsk, Amur, the opening of hunting for upland game in the fall of 2016, begins on the twentieth of August, ends on the twenty-eighth of February.
  6. From the twentieth of August until the thirty-first of December, hunting for upland game is allowed in Russia.
  7. In the republics, cities and regions of Krasnoyarsk, Sakhi, Nenets Autonomous Okrug, partridge hunting is allowed from August 20, 2016 until April 2017.

Please note important information. The authorities of some regions and regions have the right to change the start and end dates of the hunting season. The reasons for such changes may be a small amount of game in reservoirs, steppes and mountains. Also abnormal weather conditions. Hunters with unvaccinated dogs, expired documents for hunting weapons and membership cards are not allowed to participate in the event.

Bear hunting dates in autumn 2016

In areas where bears live, autumn hunting in 2016 will gain momentum. You can hunt a brown bear from the first of August until the thirtieth of November. The hunt for the white-breasted Himalayan animal will also begin on August 1, 2016 and end on November 30, 2016.

Hunting dates for large ungulates in the fall of 2016

We will consider the opening dates of hunting for large-ungulate animals in the fall of 2016 by their species and groups.

  1. Hunting for wild boar, females and males will take place from November 1st to December 31st, 2016.
  2. The hunting season for wild reindeer will be carried out from the twentieth of August to the thirty-first of December 2016.
  3. Hunting for European roe deer, only for adult males, will take place from the twenty-fifth of August to the thirty-first of December.
  4. Hunting adult male moose is permitted in the fall of 2016 from September 1st to November 25th.
  5. The hunt for red deer of all age and sex groups will take place from the first of October to the thirty-first of December. For adult males from the first to the thirtieth of September.
  6. The dates for hunting sika deer of all age and sex groups will take place in the fall of 2016 from the first of October to the thirty-first of December. For adult males from the first to the thirtieth of September of a given year.
  7. From the first of September to the thirtieth of October, fallow deer hunting can be carried out. You can hunt adult males.
  8. The hunt for musk ox of all sex and age groups will begin on the first of August and end on the thirtieth of September.
  9. Autumn hunting for mouflon of all sex and age groups is permitted from October 1 to November 30, 2016.
  10. The hunt for adult saiga males will begin on September 1st and last until November 30th.
  11. Chamois of all sex and age groups can be hunted from the twentieth of September until the thirtieth of November.
  12. Hunting for Siberian mountain goats of all age and sex groups can begin on the first of September and end on the thirty-first of December.
  13. Hunting of bighorn sheep of all sex and age groups will be carried out from the first of August until the thirtieth of November.
  14. You can hunt bison and bison of all age and sex groups from September 20 to December 31, 2016.

Dates for the 2016 autumn hunt for furry animals

Are you wondering, When is the hunt opening in the fall of 2016? on furry animals? We will answer them in the description below by variety and group.

  1. The chipmunk hunt opens on the twentieth of August and ends on the thirtieth of November.
  2. It is allowed to hunt the common mole from the first of August to the first of October. For Siberian and Caucasian animals from the first of September to the thirtieth of November.
  3. The opening dates for hunting for the steppe marmot in the fall of 2016 are from the first to the thirtieth of September.
  4. You can start hunting for large and small gophers on September 20th. End on November thirtieth. Hunting for the Transbaikal and long-tailed animals begins on the first of September. Continues until December thirty-first.
  5. It is allowed to hunt the white hare from the first of October until the twenty-eighth of February.
  6. Hunting for wild rabbits begins on the first of September and ends on the thirtieth of November.
  7. It is allowed to hunt raccoons and foxes from the first of September until the thirtieth of October.
  8. The hunt for beaver and otter begins on September 20, 2016, and ends on November 30 of the same year.
  9. You can hunt Arctic fox in the fall of 2016 from the first of October to the thirtieth of November.

Autumn hunting in 2017 opens in August in most regions of Russia and is carried out mainly for waterfowl, swamp-meadow, field, steppe game, as well as upland game.

Attention hunters!

We remind you about the prohibitions and restrictions on autumn hunting 2017 in Russia. According to the Russian Federation, autumn hunting is carried out subject to the following restrictions and prohibitions.

During autumn hunting it is prohibited:

  • the use of any self-catchers when catching game birds during amateur and sport hunting;
  • the use of electronic devices that imitate the sounds made by game animals and other animals;
  • being in hunting grounds in (on) mechanical vehicles, aircraft, as well as watercraft with the engine turned on, including those that have not stopped moving by inertia after turning off the engine, with a hunting firearm uncovered or loaded or having cartridges (shells) in the magazine ( pneumatic) weapons
  • use of any lighting devices
  • the use of long-barreled hunting firearms with a rifled barrel and rifled barrels of hunting firearms combined weapons
  • the use of hunting firearms equipped with shot (buckshot) larger than five millimeters and bullets

Autumn hunting 2017 – Dates of autumn hunting

The general dates for the opening of autumn hunting in 2017 are established by Order of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Ecology of the Russian Federation dated November 16, 2010 N 512 On approval: paragraph 41. Different dates for hunting game birds. In each individual region, hunting dates may be slightly shifted according to local hunting parameters. In the table below, information on the opening dates of autumn hunting 2017 in the regions of Russia is grouped by federal districts.

Central Federal District - autumn hunting dates

List of subjects included in the district
1. Belgorod region
2. Bryansk region from August 19 (third Saturday) to December 31
3. Vladimir region from August 19 (third Saturday) to November 15 from August 19 (third Saturday) to December 31
4. Voronezh region
5. Ivanovo region from August 19 (third Saturday) to November 15 from August 19 (third Saturday) to December 31
6. from August 12 (second Saturday) to November 15 from August 19 (third Saturday) to December 31
7. Kostroma region from August 19 (third Saturday) to November 15
8. Kursk region from August 19 (third Saturday) to November 15 from August 19 (third Saturday) to December 31
9. Lipetsk region from August 19 (third Saturday) to November 15 from August 19 (third Saturday) to December 31
10. Moscow region from August 12 (second Saturday) to November 15 from August 19 (third Saturday) to December 31
11. Oryol region from August 12 (second Saturday) to November 15 from August 19 (third Saturday) to December 31
12. Ryazan region from August 19 (third Saturday) to November 15 from August 19 (third Saturday) to December 31
13. from August 19 (third Saturday) to November 15 from August 19 (third Saturday) to December 31
14. Tambov region from August 19 (third Saturday) to November 15 from August 19 (third Saturday) to December 31
15. Tver region from August 19 (third Saturday) to November 15 from August 19 (third Saturday) to February 28 (29)
16. Tula region from August 19 (third Saturday) to November 15 from August 19 (third Saturday) to December 31
17. Yaroslavl region from August 19 (third Saturday) to November 15 from August 19 (third Saturday) to December 31

Southern Federal District - autumn hunting dates

Dates of autumn hunting for waterfowl, swamp-meadow, field, steppe game Dates of autumn hunting for upland game
1. Republic of Adygea from August 19 (third Saturday) to December 31 from August 19 (third Saturday) to December 31
2. from August 19 (third Saturday) to December 31
3. Krasnodar region from August 19 (third Saturday) to December 31 from August 19 (third Saturday) to December 31
4. Astrakhan region from August 12 (second Saturday) to December 31 from August 19 (third Saturday) to December 31
5. Volgograd region from August 19 (third Saturday) to December 31 from August 19 (third Saturday) to December 31
6. Rostov region from August 19 (third Saturday) to December 31 from August 19 (third Saturday) to December 31
7. Republic of Crimea from August 19 (third Saturday) to December 31 from August 19 (third Saturday) to December 31

Northwestern Federal District - autumn hunting dates

List of subjects included in the district: Dates of autumn hunting for waterfowl, swamp-meadow, field, steppe game Dates of autumn hunting for upland game
1. Republic of Karelia from August 12 (second Saturday) to November 15 from August 19 (third Saturday) to February 28 (29)
2. from August 12 (second Saturday) to November 15 from August 19 (third Saturday) to February 28 (29)
3. Arkhangelsk region from August 19 (third Saturday) to November 15 from August 19 (third Saturday) to February 28 (29)
4. Vologda region from August 12 (second Saturday) to November 15 from August 19 (third Saturday) to February 28 (29)
5. Kaliningrad region from August 12 (second Saturday) to November 15 from August 19 (third Saturday) to February 28 (29)
6. Leningrad region from August 19 (third Saturday) to November 15 from August 19 (third Saturday) to February 28 (29)
7. Murmansk region from August 19 (third Saturday) to November 15 from August 19 (third Saturday) to February 28 (29)
8. Novgorod region from August 12 (second Saturday) to November 15 from August 19 (third Saturday) to February 28 (29)
9. Pskov region from August 12 (second Saturday) to November 15 from August 19 (third Saturday) to February 28 (29)
10. Nenets Autonomous Okrug from August 19 (third Saturday) to November 15 from August 19 (third Saturday) to February 28 (29)

Far Eastern Federal District - autumn hunting dates

List of subjects included in the district: Dates of autumn hunting for waterfowl, swamp-meadow, field, steppe game Dates of autumn hunting for upland game
1. Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) from August 12 (second Saturday) to December 31 from August 19 (third Saturday) to February 28 (29)
2. Kamchatka region from August 19 (third Saturday) to December 31 from August 19 (third Saturday) to February 28 (29)
3. Primorsky Krai from August 19 (third Saturday) to December 31 from August 19 (third Saturday) to February 28 (29)
4. Khabarovsk region from August 12 (second Saturday) to December 31 from August 19 (third Saturday) to February 28 (29)
5. Amur region from August 12 (second Saturday) to December 31 from August 19 (third Saturday) to February 28 (29)
6. Magadan region from August 19 (third Saturday) to December 31 from August 19 (third Saturday) to February 28 (29)
7. Sakhalin region from August 19 (third Saturday) to December 31 from August 19 (third Saturday) to December 31
8. Jewish Autonomous Region from August 19 (third Saturday) to December 31 from August 19 (third Saturday) to February 28 (29)
9. Chukotka Autonomous Okrug from August 19 (third Saturday) to December 31 from August 19 (third Saturday) to February 28 (29)

Siberian Federal District - autumn hunting dates

List of subjects included in the district: Dates of autumn hunting for waterfowl, swamp-meadow, field, steppe game Dates of autumn hunting for upland game
1. Altai Republic from August 19 (third Saturday) to December 31 from August 19 (third Saturday) to December 31
2. Republic of Buryatia from August 19 (third Saturday) to December 31 from August 19 (third Saturday) to February 28 (29)
3. Republic of Tyva from August 19 (third Saturday) to December 31 from August 19 (third Saturday) to December 31
4. Republic of Khakassia from August 19 (third Saturday) to December 31 from August 19 (third Saturday) to December 31
5. Altai region from August 26 (fourth Saturday) to December 31 from August 26 (fourth Saturday) to December 31
6. Transbaikal region from August 19 (third Saturday) to December 31 from August 19 (third Saturday) to February 28 (29)
7. Krasnoyarsk region from August 19 (third Saturday) to December 31 from August 19 (third Saturday) to February 28 (29)
8. Irkutsk region from August 19 (third Saturday) to December 31 from August 19 (third Saturday) to February 28 (29)
9. Kemerovo region from August 19 (third Saturday) to December 31 from August 19 (third Saturday) to December 31
10. Novosibirsk region from August 19 (third Saturday) to December 31 from August 19 (third Saturday) to February 28 (29)
11. Omsk region from August 26 (fourth Saturday) to November 15 from August 26 (fourth Saturday) to February 28 (29) (grouse, hazel grouse)
12. Tomsk region from August 26 (fourth Saturday) to November 15 from September 15 to February 28 (29)

Ural Federal District - autumn hunting dates

List of subjects included in the district: Dates of autumn hunting for waterfowl, swamp-meadow, field, steppe game Dates of autumn hunting for upland game
1. Kurgan region from August 12 (second Saturday) to December 31 from August 19 (third Saturday) to December 31
2. Sverdlovsk region from August 19 (third Saturday) to December 31 from August 19 (third Saturday) to December 31
3. Tyumen region from August 19 (third Saturday) to December 31 from August 19 (third Saturday) to December 31
4. Chelyabinsk region from August 19 (third Saturday) to December 31 from August 19 (third Saturday) to December 31
5. Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Ugra from August 19 (third Saturday) to December 31 from August 19 (third Saturday) to February 28 (29)
6. Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug from August 12 (second Saturday) to December 31 from August 19 (third Saturday) to February 28 (29)

Volga Federal District - autumn hunting dates

List of subjects included in the district: Dates of autumn hunting for waterfowl, swamp-meadow, field, steppe game Dates of autumn hunting for upland game
1. from August 19 (third Saturday) to December 31
11. Perm region from August 19 (third Saturday) to November 15 from August 19 (third Saturday) to December 31
12. Samara region from August 19 (third Saturday) to November 15 from August 19 (third Saturday) to December 31
13. Saratov region from August 19 (third Saturday) to December 31 from August 19 (third Saturday) to December 31
14. Ulyanovsk region from August 19 (third Saturday) to November 15 from August 19 (third Saturday) to December 31

North Caucasus Federal District - autumn hunting dates

List of subjects included in the district: Dates of autumn hunting for waterfowl, swamp-meadow, field, steppe game Dates of autumn hunting for upland game
1. Republic of Dagestan from August 19 (third Saturday) to December 31 from August 19 (third Saturday) to December 31
2. Republic of Ingushetia from August 12 (second Saturday) to December 31 from August 19 (third Saturday) to December 31
3. Kabardino-Balkarian Republic from August 12 (second Saturday) to December 31 from August 19 (third Saturday) to December 31
4. Karachay-Cherkess Republic from August 12 (second Saturday) to December 31 from August 19 (third Saturday) to December 31
5. Republic of North Ossetia - Alania from August 19 (third Saturday) to December 31 from August 19 (third Saturday) to December 31
6. Chechen Republic from August 12 (second Saturday) to December 31 from August 19 (third Saturday) to December 31
7. from August 12 (second Saturday) to December 31 from August 19 (third Saturday) to December 31