Elk Island Biosphere Reserve. Losiny Ostrov: biological station, park and forest

Losiny Ostrov (Moscow, Russia) - exact location, interesting places, inhabitants, routes.

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Losiny Ostrov Park, known since ancient times, is, by the way, the only national park located within Moscow. It's hard to imagine that just a few kilometers from Garden Ring The real taiga begins, where moose, deer and wild boars live. It is not for nothing that these dense forests were chosen by Moscow sovereigns for hunting several centuries ago, and the thickets were taken under special protection.

National Park Losiny Ostrov is located on the territory of Moscow and the Moscow region. The Yauza and Pekhorka rivers originate in the park. The total area of ​​the reserve is about 116 square kilometers.

History paragraph

Losiny Ostrov has been known since ancient times; from the 15th to the 18th centuries, these regions were part of the Taininsky palace volost - the most beloved and popular hunting place among Moscow princes and tsars. John IV, known by the nickname the Terrible, hunted bears here, of which there were great numbers in these impenetrable thickets.

Even in those days, the forests of Losiny Ostrov, being royal hunting grounds, were especially protected. At the end of the 18th century, in 1799, when Losiny Ostrov was transferred to state administration, a topographical survey was carried out here, the forest was divided into blocks. In the mid-19th century, the Losinoostrovskaya forest dacha appeared, and in 1842 the first forestry was founded here, and forest management was completed by tax collectors Yegor Grimme and Nikolai Shelgunov.

Elk Island

The artificial creation of forests began in 1844, on the initiative of the forester Vasily Gershner. They grew mainly pine trees, and this process lasted almost 115 years. The result makes itself felt to this day; the plantings are still preserved, despite human impact. Thoughts about creating a reserve in these vast forests appeared at the beginning of the 20th century, but the tragic events of the beginning of the century destroyed these plans. During the Second World War, Losiny Ostrov suffered some losses - enough wood was cut down here a large number of trees. Official status national park Losiny Ostrov received it in 1983, one of the first in the country.

In Losiny Ostrov you can spend the whole day walking through these still dense groves, watching frolicking birds and animals.

Flora and fauna

Losiny Ostrov is famous for its rich flora and fauna. More than 230 species of vertebrate animals live here, including many species of birds, mammals (including, of course, moose, deer, wild boars, foxes, hares, squirrels, raccoon dogs, beavers, muskrats, hawks, white-tailed eagles and many others) More than 500 species of vascular plants, rare herbaceous plants in the Moscow region, grow in the park. There are mighty oaks, dark spruces, slender birches and fragrant lindens, and tall pines soaring into the sky. The park is divided into three zones: a specially protected zone, an area for walking and sports (open to limited visitors along strictly established routes), and a recreation area open to the public. In Losiny Ostrov you can spend the whole day walking through these still dense groves, watching frolicking birds and animals. Despite the fact that the park is located within the city, there is wonderful air here, and it is difficult to imagine that it is just a stone's throw from here to the center of the metropolis. The park is a good place to spend time in any season and in any weather. In winter, here among the snow-covered spruces and pines there are laid ski slopes, in summer and autumn you can ride a bike, exploring forest paths, or wander on foot, in spring listen to birdsong and watch the awakening of nature. In Losiny Ostrov there are nurseries, as well as museums dedicated to a variety of topics.


Losiny Island is very large, so the park has several entrances located in different areas of the city.

Entrance in the Golyanovo area. From the metro station Ulitsa Podbelskogo by trams No. 2, No. 36, No. 13 and No. 29, stop at the children's sanatorium.

Entrance at Yauza. Trams from the VDNH or Preobrazhenskaya Ploshchad metro stations. By train from Yaroslavsky station to Yauza station.

The entrance is at Red Pine Street. from VDNH metro station buses 172, 136, trolleybus 76 stop. Printing College.

Entrance from Prokhodchikov Street. From VDNH meters 76 trolleybus, stops Children's Clinic and Fedoskinskaya Street.

Federal state budgetary institution.

Losiny Ostrov National Park was organized on August 24, 1983 on the basis of the resolution of the Council of Ministers of the RSFSR “On the creation of the Losiny Ostrov State Natural National Park.” Along with Sochi National Park, it is the oldest in Russia.

The area of ​​the Losiny Ostrov National Park is 128 square meters. km, of which 30 sq. km located within Moscow. Forests occupy 83% of the park's area, swamps - 5%, and reservoirs - 2%.

Settlements on the territory of Losiny Island: the village of Mosvodokanal, Suponevo, Balashikha (Abramtsevo microdistrict), New World, Dolgoye Ledovo, Korolev (neighborhoods, Peat Enterprise, Pogonny, 12th Switch, Oboldino).

The national park has three functional zones:
- specially protected, closed to visitors, where natural complexes are preserved in their natural form. It serves as a refuge for large mammals and a nesting site for birds;
- educational excursion, open to visitors accompanied by a guide along ecological routes;
- recreational, intended for mass recreation.

The uniqueness of Losiny Ostrov is that on its territory, surrounded by a metropolis, a natural forest has been preserved, characterized by exceptional natural diversity. Part of the forests of Losiny Ostrov belongs to primary forests - a special type of ancient virgin forest that has been preserved for a long period of time and is not affected by human activity.

The main feature of the nature of Losiny Ostrov is the great diversity and mosaic distribution of plant communities on its relatively small territory.

More than 600 species of higher plants, 36 species of lichens, about 90 species of fungi, and about 150 species of algae are found on the territory of Losiny Ostrov. Species included in the Red Books of Moscow and the Moscow region are presented.

In the forest area, surrounded on all sides by cities with millions of people, about 180 species of birds, up to 40 species of mammals (including elk, wild boar, sika deer), and at least 13 species of amphibians and reptiles live or appear during migration. About 15 species of fish live in the park’s reservoirs.

The natural national park “Losiny Ostrov” is entrusted with the following tasks:
- protection of the unique natural complex of the park, preservation and restoration of the Yauzsky wetland complex, protection rare species plants and animals;
- promotion of environmental and ecological knowledge;
- creating conditions for the development of educational recreation, combining walks with observation of forest life, as well as conditions for everyday mass recreation of citizens living in close proximity to the park.

One of the world's largest nature reserves is located in the northeast of Moscow. Losinoostrovsky Park starts from Sokolniki and extends to Balashikha, Mytishchi and Shchelkovo. About 12 thousand hectares in the metropolis are allocated for the preserved nature of central Russia.

History of Losiny Ostrov Park

From the 15th century lands near Moscow were royal hunting grounds. The Russian nobility came here, and Ivan the Terrible himself loved to spend time, so the forest was taken care of and protected. The name “Losiny Ostrov” appears during the time of Alexei Mikhailovich the Quiet, who often came hunting with hounds and falcons.

At the beginning of the XIX century. “Losiny Ostrov” is recognized as a protected area, and a hundred years later it is included in the “green belt” around the capital. Losinoostrovsky Park received national status in 1983.

What is Losiny Ostrov Park?

More than 80% of the park area is devoted to forests, with almost a third located in Moscow.

About 5% of the territory is water bodies, swamps, swamps. The rest is sandy and glacial plains, meadows, and moraine hills.

Being a scientific institution, the park is divided into zones:

  1. A specially protected area where mammals live in natural conditions and birds nest. Tourists are not allowed access.
  2. Well-maintained recreational area. There are asphalt paths, benches, gazebos, picnic areas, and beaches on 2 reservoirs.
  3. Walking excursion part of the park, where environmental centers operate. In this area you can travel on foot or on horseback along marked routes.

Unique flora of the park

Losinoostrovsky Park presents the natural vegetation of the Central Russian Upland. Of particular importance is the Alekseevskaya Grove, where 40-meter tall pines grow, up to 220 years old, and Lipnyak, where the trees are 160-180 years old.

Since 1865, the Pine Mane has been preserved; there are also 250-year-old oak trees in the park. The system of reed and lowland swamps is represented by the Mytishchi floodplains and the Upper Yazuz wetland complex, rare lichens grow in the High Swamp, and orchids grow in the shallow waters of the Budaika, Ichka, and Pekhorka rivers.

Many plants that can be seen in Losinoostrovsky Park in Moscow are listed in the Red Book of Russia. In total, the protected flora includes 600 plant species.


About 40 species of mammals, 180 species of birds, 20 fish and 9 amphibians live in the protected area.

Scientists divide the inhabitants of Losiny Island into 3 groups depending on their habitat:

  • taiga;
  • European deciduous forests;
  • forest-steppe and steppe.

The pride of the reserve is the elk population, which exists freely, but at the same time is capable of self-reproduction. Losinoostrovsky Park is inhabited by sika deer, hares, squirrels, and martens. Wild boars, ferrets, stoats and muskrats found shelter. About 120 species of birds have chosen the park as a nesting site, including the eagle, partridge, kestrel, owl, and snake-eater. Many birds, such as cranes, waders, and swans, stop during their migration to wintering grounds.

Visitor centers of Losinoostrovsky Park

A popular recreational area among Muscovites, there is the Elk Station, stables, an arboretum, as well as several educational environmental centers (ECCs).

EPC employees conduct excursions along ecological trails, environmental campaigns, lectures and master classes, game programs, and celebrate national holidays.

In “Red Pine” you can visit a corner of nature and the House of Fairy Tales, where Baba Yaga is in charge.

By visiting the EPC “Tea Party in Mytishchi”, you can find out where water came to Moscow, what samovars were used, and how they drank tea. There is a monument near the environmental center architecture of the 19th century Art. - a water intake station that is still in operation.

The Tsar's Hunt Museum is located in the visitor center of the same name and introduces the traditions of Russian hunting, tells how they dressed for the hunt and organized the Tsar's departure, and navigated the area. Near the visitor center there are the remains of the hunting lodge of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich.

EPC "Abramtsevo" is located in the former ranger cordon of the 19th century.

At each visitor center you will be served delicious herbal tea, treated to bagels, horseback riding and guided along protected park paths.


In recreational areas, birthday parties and off-site marriage registrations are held, photo shoots and corporate events, promotions and banquets are held, and sports activities are held. Many Muscovites come to Losinoostrovsky Park and post photos of their vacation on various resources.

Not far from the entrances to the park next to the EPC “Tea Party in Mytishchi”, “Abramtsevo”, “Red Pine”, “Russian Life” cozy places for picnics. These are wooden houses, sheds, gazebos and tents, which have everything you need:

  • tables and benches;
  • barbecue;
  • firewood.

In ecological centers you can rent log cabins and refectories.

Horse rides

If you want to get better acquainted with the natural world in Losinoostrovsky Park, how to get deep into the protected area? There is only one answer - during a horseback riding excursion.

There are 5 equestrian clubs in the park:

  • "Yauza-1";
  • "Yauza-2";
  • "Losinka";
  • "Mytishchi";
  • "Career".

Walking routes run through the Losinoostrovsky National Park, Mytishchi and Yauzsky forest parks. During the 1-1.5 hour journey, excursionists will see animal tracks, admire the landscapes, and get acquainted with the main natural complexes. The routes are 3-5 km long; you can go horseback riding without a guide, only accompanied by an instructor.

In winter they organize sleigh rides, in summer - on a cart or tarantass.

Excursion routes around the park

There are more than 45 km of roads in Losinoostrovsky Park walking routes so that excursionists can see the diverse beauty of nature near Moscow.

The ecological trails “Such a Familiar Forest” and “Mytishchi Plavni” will lead through unique landscapes and ecosystems. During the trip, you can see not only small rodents and birds, but also meet large mammals, including the owner of the park, the moose. An excursion to the Verkhneyauz swamps allows you to learn how beavers live and walk along the dam they built.

On the route “Alekseevskaya Grove” you will get acquainted with ancient trees and search for the place where the travel palace of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich was located. And the excursion “The Path of the Vyatichi”, taking you through the preserved mounds of the 12th-13th centuries, will show the distant past of the Moscow region.

It is extremely interesting to visit the Elk Biological Station, where you can interact with elk calves and, in winter, with deer. However, please note that the tour is only available at 11 a.m. and 1 p.m., and you must pre-register. This is due to the way of life of animals.

A fascinating and educational excursion is held around the arboretum of Losinoostrovsky Park. Part of the route is laid on wooden walkways, laid at a height of 6 m above the ground. This allows you to see the forest through the eyes of its indigenous inhabitants. The guide will tell you not only about forest inhabitants, but also about foresters, whose profession is to protect forest areas.

There is an excursion dedicated to the ancient roads of the XV-XVI centuries.

Excursion programs on ecology, Moscow studies, geography, history, and natural history have been prepared for children and schoolchildren.

How to get there by public transport

Losinoostrovsky Park is easy to get to because... There are many entrances to the park; they are located in different areas of the capital.

  1. To the EPC “Tsarskaya Okhota” from the station. m. Shchelkovskaya you need to take bus No. 361, minibuses 506k, 485, 447k, 396k, 362k, 1222k and 380k to the stop. "Experimental field".
  2. To the EPC "Abramtsevo" from the station. m. Shchelkovskaya follow bus number 627 to the stop with the same name.
  3. If from Art. m. VDNKh take trolleybus No. 76, bus No. 136, 172, 244 or minibuses 76,144, 244, 344, 675 to the stop. Printing College, then you can get to “Red Pine”.
  4. You can get to the Losinaya biological station if you take the train from the Yaroslavsky station and get to the Los or Perlovskaya station, then transfer to bus No. 547 or 3. People also go to the biological station from the station. m. VDNKh on any bus that goes to the region.
  5. From Art. m. VDNKh to the visitor center "Russian Life" go to the stop "Children's Clinic" by buses 136, 172, 903 and 789.
  6. Along the Yaroslavl railway to Mytishchi station or from the station. m. VDNKh by minibus to the 4th km of the Moscow Ring Road (20th km of the Yaroslavl highway) - this is how you can get to the EPC “Tea Party in Mytishchi”.
  7. The children's center is located in Korolev; go from Yaroslavsky railway station to Bolshevo station, then take bus number 7.

How to get there by car

Getting to the national park by car is even easier. The 95th kilometer of the Moscow Ring Road bisects the park area. There are exits from the highway leading to recreational areas.

You can drive in from Shchelkovskoye Highway, the landmark is the traffic police post. The arboretum is located here.

How to get to Losinoostrovsky Park by car without getting stuck in traffic jams? In this case, it is worth leaving early in the morning along the Yaroslavl highway.

The recreational part of the park is open 24 hours a day. Ecocenters and museums are open daily, and some excursions require advance registration.

First mentions of Elk Island fall in 1406, when these lands were part of the Taininsky volost and were hunted by princes and kings. In 1799, the territory of the national park was transferred to the state treasury and the first topographic survey was made.

Losiny Island is the first national park in Russia.

Generally creation was discussed back in 1909, but then this issue could not be resolved. And in 1934, the territory of Losiny Island was included in the so-called “green belt of Moscow”. Played a very bad role in the history of the park Great Patriotic War 1941-1945. Huge areas of forests were cut down and used for the needs of the front, and in the post-war period, unauthorized seizures of land and grazing of livestock greatly harmed the environment.

In 1979, the Council of People's Deputies created on the territory of Losiny Island natural Park, and on August 24, 1983 it was transformed into Elk Island National Park- the first national park in Russia.

Today, Losiny Island has been transferred to the jurisdiction of the Mosleskhoz, which, due to its small budget, practically does not monitor it. And this has a bad effect on the nature of the park - trees become sick, stray dogs destroy wild animals, and the number of fires has increased.

Uniqueness Elk Island National Park is that this is the only park within the boundaries of a large metropolis in the world. where you can see wild animals and rare plants grow. For example, 10 km from the Kremlin you can see beavers, moose, and birds of prey.

General information, climate and topography of Losiny Ostrov National Park.

The park is a single territorial space with a total area of ​​116 km2, with forests occupying about 89%, reservoirs - 4% and swamps - 7%. According to its functions, Losiny Island can be divided into three zones:
Specially protected - 54 km2;
Area for sports and walking - 31 km2;
Recreation area - 31 km2.

It is located on the border of the Klin-Dmitrovskaya ridge and the Meshcherskaya lowland. The terrain is mainly flat, Through the territory of the national park flow rivers Yauza and Pekhorka. Considerable damage was caused to the beds of these rivers in the 1960s, when the Akulovskaya hydroelectric power station was built and peat was extracted from the swamps.

Climatic conditions are moderately continental, which is typical for of this region. Temperatures in winter drop to -10.2°C. and in summer the air warms up to +18°C. The average annual temperature is 3.8°C. The amount of precipitation that falls per year varies and ranges from 550-650 mm. Thanks to the Klinsko-Dmitrovskaya ridge, the winds mainly blow from the northwest and southwest.

Vegetation of Losiny Ostrov National Park.

As we already know, in flora The national park is dominated by forests - about 89%. Moreover, the most widespread are coniferous forests - 38%, birch forests - 42% and deciduous forests - slightly more than 16% of the total area. The dominant trees are pine, spruce, larch, birch, oak and linden.
On Elk Island Herbaceous plants became widespread. For example, in pine forests, common wolfberry, lily of the valley, peach-leaved bellflower and European swimmer grow. In deciduous forests you can see nettle-leaved bellflower, green-flowered and two-leaved lyubka, and a real nesting plant. In swamps and near reservoirs, the marsh moth, spotted palmweed, two-horned kokushnik and Fuchs have become widespread.

When talking about the flora of Losiny Ostrov National Park, one cannot ignore one remarkable object - Alekseevskaya Grove. This grove is almost more than 250 years old and a conservation regime is maintained here to protect the centuries-old pine from being cut down.

Though Losiny Island and is located in the zone of human activity, plants that would be included in the Red Book of the Russian Federation have not yet been recorded.

Fauna of Losiny Ostrov National Park.

At all times it was distinguished by a wide variety of fauna. The latest animal inventory shows about 39 species of mammals, 160 species of birds, 5 species of reptiles, 9 species of amphibians and about 15 species of fish.
Yauza River creates excellent habitat conditions for many wild animals. These places are well suited for mammals - sika deer, elk, wild boar, muskrat, mink, fox, mountain hare, squirrel. The most common reptiles are snakes, lizards, spindles and vipers, and amphibians are newts, toads and frogs. There are excellent places in the river floodplain for the spawning of many fish - crucian carp, perch, pike, roach, burbot and bream.

After analyzing bird migrations, employees identified about 100 species of birds that nest on Elk Island. Of the nesting ones Birds include the great grebe, red-necked, black-necked and little grebes, thistle, bittern, gray heron, black stork, goldeneye, lapwing, scutum, little plover and snipe. Of the predatory Breeding birds here include buzzard, honey buzzard, marsh harrier, black kite, goshawk, hobbies, common kestrel and falcon.

Negative human impacts have led to the disappearance of beavers, but over the past 10 years their numbers have been restored.

Goals and objectives.

The main areas of research are observation and collection of information on the state of forests, assessment of damage from human impact over last years and the creation of forest edges along the Moscow Ring Road.