Artifacts of ancient highly developed civilizations. The most reliable and inexplicable artifacts of ancient civilizations

Architectural artifacts that have survived to this day give reason to believe that many millennia ago there were developed civilizations on our planet that had been forgotten. Our review contains 10 archaeological finds, the mysteries of which still remain unsolved.

1. Ancient devices

Lens of Nimrud from the capital of Assyria.

Ancient civilizations knew much more and were more developed than scientists assumed 20 years ago. Archaeologists have discovered a number of ancient devices, from planispheres to prototype batteries. The most famous finds are the Nimrud lens and the Antikythera mechanism.

The Nimrud Lens, estimated to be approximately 3,000 years old, was discovered during excavations at the ancient Assyrian capital of Nimrud. Some experts believe that the lens was part of an ancient Babylonian telescope. This means that they had advanced knowledge of astronomy.

The famous Antikythera mechanism (200 BC) was created to calculate the movements of the sun, moon and planets. Unfortunately, people can only guess about why and how many ancient devices were created, and why ancient knowledge about them has disappeared.

2. Empire of Rama

Evidence of the ancient Indian empire of Rama.

For a long time Indian civilization was believed to have emerged only in 500 BC. However, discoveries made in the last century pushed back the origins of Indian civilization by several thousand years.

The cities of Harappa and Mohenjo-daro were discovered in the Indus Valley, which were perfectly planned even by modern standards. The Harappan culture also remains a mystery. Its roots are hidden for centuries, and the language has not yet been unraveled by scientists. There are no buildings in the city that would indicate different social classes, no temples or other places of worship. No other culture, including Egypt and Mesopotamia, had this level of urban planning.

3. Longue Caves

Longyu Caves in China, built around the 2nd century BC.

Longyu is called by the Chinese another wonder of the world. The 24 cave system was discovered completely by accident in 1992. The origin of the caves dates back to the 2nd century BC. Despite its titanic volume (to carve such caves in solid rock, about a million cubic meters of stone would have to be removed), no evidence of construction was found. The carvings covering the walls and ceilings of the caves are made in a special manner and are full of symbols. According to officially unconfirmed information, the seven discovered grottoes repeat the location of the seven stars of the Ursa Major constellation.

4. Nan-Madol


On an artificial archipelago in Micronesia near the island of Pohnpei are the ruins of the ancient prehistoric city of Nan Madol. The city is built on coral reef from basalt blocks, the weight of which reaches 50 tons. The city is crossed by many canals and underwater tunnels. Some of its streets are flooded. The scale of this structure can be compared with the Great Chinese wall or Egyptian pyramids. However, there is not a single record of who built the city and when it was built.

5. Stone Age Tunnels

Stone Age tunnels.

From Scotland to Turkey, beneath hundreds of Neolithic settlements, archaeologists have discovered evidence of a vast network underground tunnels. In Bavaria, some tunnels are up to 700 meters long. The fact that these tunnels have survived for 12,000 years is a testament to the extraordinary skill of the builders and the sheer size of the original network.

6. Puma Punku and Tiwanaku

Megalithic ruins of Puma Punku and Tiwanaku.

Puma Punku is a megalithic complex near the ancient pre-Inca city of Tiwanaku in South America. The age of the megalithic ruins is highly controversial, but archaeologists are unanimous that they are older than the pyramids. The ruins are believed to be 15,000 years old. The massive stones used in the construction were cut and fitted together so precisely that there is no doubt that the builders clearly had advanced knowledge of cutting stones, geometry, and they had the tools to do this. The city also had a functioning irrigation system, sewerage system, and hydraulic mechanisms.

7. Metal mount

Metal fastening.

Continuing the conversation about Puma Punku; It is worth noting that at this construction site, as well as at the Koricancha temple, ancient city Ollantaytambo, Yurok Rumi and in ancient Egypt A special metal fastener was used to hold the huge stones together. Archaeologists discovered that the metal was poured into grooves cut into the stones, meaning the builders had portable factories. It is unclear why this technology and other methods of megalith construction were lost.

8. The Riddle of Baalbek

Baalbek in modern Lebanon.

Archaeological excavations in Baalbek, Lebanon, have revealed some of the best-preserved Roman ruins in the world. What makes this place especially mysterious is the megalithic mound on which the Romans built their temples. The stone monoliths of this mound weigh up to 1,200 tons each and are the largest processed stone slabs in the world. Some archaeologists believe that the history of Baalbek dates back about 9,000 years.

9. Giza Plateau

The Giza Plateau is a mysterious and iconic place.

Great Pyramid in Egypt is ideal from a geometric point of view. How the ancient Egyptians achieved this is unknown. It is also interesting that the erosion of the Sphinx, as scientists have proven, occurred due to precipitation, and the desert of this area was only 7,000 - 9,000 years ago. The pyramid of Mikerinus also dates back to the predynastic period. It was also built from limestone blocks and has exactly the same signs of erosion as the Sphinx.

10. Gobekli Tepe

Temple complex Gobekli Tepe.

Dating from the end of the last ice age (12,000 years ago) temple complex in the southeastern part of Turkey has been called the most important archaeological discovery of modern times. Ancient pottery, writing, the already existing wheel and metallurgy - its construction implies a level of development far beyond the development of Paleolithic civilizations. Göbekli Tepe consists of 20 circular structures (only 4 have been excavated so far) and elaborately carved columns up to 5.5 meters high and weighing up to 15 tons each. No one can say with certainty who created this complex and where its creators got their advanced knowledge of masonry.

Science has long stated that people misrepresent their origins on Earth. It’s as if everything is obvious: there is a monkey, and ancient man. But there is just no transitional link between them.

But there are others, more Interesting Facts. Few people know that wheat, which man has grown since the era of the pyramids, does not have wild varieties in nature. It turns out that someone gave it to people.

And there is evidence of this. For example, the hexoploid wheat that exists today is a complex hybrid that has existed on the planet for about 8,000 years. Someone, with his invisible hand, crossed three varieties and got this variety, because this could not have happened spontaneously. Biologists are convinced that it was completely impossible to create speciesless selections from complex cereals thousands of years ago.

Corn is considered the oldest cultivated plant on our planet. Mexican archaeologists discovered corn pollen dating back 50,000 years during excavations. But this plant also does not have a wild ancestor in nature. Furthermore, it cannot grow without human help: a ripened cob that is not picked in a timely manner simply falls and rots.

However, scientists claim that primitive man appeared only 40,000 years ago. But who then could have grown corn long before the appearance of Homo sapiens, and artificially changed the genetic code of soybeans and other legumes millions of years ago?

Nowadays, scientists have also learned to create genetically modified organisms, but even they cannot yet cross two varieties and produce viable offspring. Nature has a secret that has not yet been revealed, and it is possible that its key is hidden in nanotechnology, which should be used in genetic engineering.

But how could anyone have known about nanotechnology thousands of years ago?

It turns out he could, and this is proven by something found in the Urals. On the Naroda River, archaeologists have discovered tens of thousands of tiny spiral-shaped artifacts. The largest of them is three centimeters in size. It was found that these artifacts consist of rather rare metals - tungsten and molybdenum. But the biggest surprise, which was confirmed by the examination, was their age. They were about 300,000 years old!

A logical question arises: who could have created these artifacts, if our most distant ancestors in those days did not walk, but ran on the Earth, covered with wool. Moreover, the ratio of the thickness of the spiral to the core is in the proportion of the “golden ratio”. To this day, it is unknown how these parts could get to Earth. However, there is a version that seems most likely: - these are parts of some technical device, because in the same place geologists discovered a large number of quartz lenses. Therefore, experts have formed a hypothesis that all the finds are elements of an antenna device. According to their theory, the find had the same properties as the so-called “smart glass” - these are touch screens of tablets and phones, car mirrors and windshields, which use filamentary heating elements that are made of tungsten with the addition of other rare earths. metals

At the same time, quartz glass is generally considered a material of the future. More recently, scientists from the University of Southampton have invented storage media that can store data in five dimensions of nanostructured quartz. A high-frequency laser is required to record data. And this is not science fiction at all, but reality.

But scientists can easily explain why only microscopic fragments remain of the ancient device: high-tech artifacts cannot be stored in the ground for a long time, they rust. It turns out that millions of years ago there were people on Earth who used computers or smartphones? It's hard to believe, but there is other evidence that the ancients knew very well high-level metallurgy.

In Delhi, near the Qutub Minar mosque there is a metal column, which was called the “pillar of Indra.” For many millennia, it has withstood precipitation and does not have a hint of rust. The column is made of atomic iron without any impurities of sulfur or carbon at the molecular level. Nowadays, such ideally pure iron can only be obtained by sputtering in space conditions, and even then only in small quantities. Presumably, the column was melted in a vacuum. Iron with a similar chemical composition was found elsewhere, although not on Earth, but in samples of lunar soil.

Another amazing and incomprehensible artifact was discovered in India - an ancient ritual caste dagger made of alloyed metal, which, by definition, should not exist on Earth. In addition, the dagger contained duralumin, which humanity began to obtain relatively recently: a little less than half a century ago. The conclusion is clear: this dagger was not made on Earth.

Indian historical documents speak of the existence of a civilization that lived on the planet millions of years ago. She had spaceships - vimanas, weapons similar to nuclear weapons, huge cities and many other factors inherent in highly developed civilizations.

Archaeologists with access to the world's most secretive artifacts say they have discovered traces of intelligent life that date back to millions of years BC. e. Back in 1862, a sensational article was published in one of the American scientific journals, which stated that human bones were discovered in a coal seam at a depth of more than 30 meters, and the age of the coal was 300 million years. Moreover, it was the skeleton of a creature identical to modern homo sapiens.

In the storerooms of modern archaeologists there are already more than a hundred artifacts that scientists cannot explain. All of them are several tens of millions of years old. At the same time, experts assure that errors are excluded. But this means that our civilization is not the first on the planet, and, according to some scientists, not even the most developed.

In the early 1970s in African state Gabon, when mining uranium ore, it was unexpectedly discovered that the content of fissile uranium-235 in the samples was significantly lower than expected. Then experts began to explore the mine, trying to find out whether this uranium had already been used by someone. And the absolutely incredible was discovered: this uranium deposit had such outlines that, taking into account the half-life of uranium, lead to the conclusion that almost 2 billion years ago there were 14 nuclear reactors in this place! All this is justified by accurate calculations by physicists.

Surprisingly, some traces of the use of nuclear technology in ancient times lie literally under our feet. These are craters whose size is tens and hundreds of meters. Scientists believe that they are traces of meteorite impacts. But many of these craters contain no traces of cosmic matter. But they contain tektites - stones melted at high temperatures. Scientists have not yet formed a consensus on their origin. Tektites are the link between the phenomenon of ancient giant craters and the so-called vitrification - a process when sand and stones melt, merging into a single glassy mass. What caused this process is unclear, because there are no funnels. Therefore, if we assume that these are not meteorites, it all comes down to a curious version: the same phenomenon, when grains of sand melted and turned into glass, occurred during testing of Trinity in New York State, which means that this is the result of a nuclear war.

The ancient ruins of Pumapungo are located in Bolivia. This is one of the most perfect ancient buildings in Latin America: stone blocks weighing 200 tons were carved in an unknown way with pinpoint precision, which is simply impossible to calculate without computer technology. Moreover, scientists were shocked: in order to place one such block on a vertical wall, you need to “turn off” gravity for a while. It turns out that ancient civilizations were able to “work” with gravity. Perfectly carved megaliths are laid in stone blocks without mortar so that not even a razor blade can pass between them.

Many scientists and researchers, who have been working on solving ancient artifacts for quite some time, are still inclined to believe in an alien trace. This version is also supported by many legends and myths of peoples, which tell that the Gods arrived from the stars. But what were they doing on Earth?

From the analysis of archaeological finds, the conclusion suggests itself that millions of years ago aliens mined minerals on Earth, conducted genetic experiments, wars and large-scale construction. Or they just once had a “roadside picnic” that lasted several thousand years.

Humanity wants to find brothers in mind, trying to penetrate further and further into space, although it may well be that the truth lies somewhere nearby.

Mysterious artifacts of ancient civilizations are located in the Nazca desert, represented by huge drawings. Amazing geoglyphs appeared in 200 BC, covering vast areas off the coast of Peru. Engraved on sandy soil, they illustrate animals and geometric shapes.

The images, also represented by lines, are very similar to landing strips. The Nazca people, who created the wonderful drawings, did not leave any records about the purpose of the large-scale images. Perhaps, due to their prehistoric era, they had not yet discovered the advantages of a written language, or something else held them back.

Not advanced enough for a written language, they nevertheless left a great mystery to future civilizations. We still wonder how such complex projects were implemented at that time.

Some theorists believe that the Nazca lines represent constellations and correlate with the location of stars. It is also assumed that the geoglyphs must have been viewed from the heavens, and some lines form runways for alien visitors to Earth.

Another thing amazes us: if the “artists” themselves did not have the opportunity to view images from the sky, then how did the Nazca peoples create absolutely symmetrical images? In the absence of records from that time, we have no plausible explanations other than the involvement of extraterrestrial technology.


The 35-centimeter-long artifact, according to legend, was discovered in the 1960s in Egypt. Unknown researcher Gregor Sporri, meeting the owner of the artifact in 1988, paid $300 to photograph the finger and conduct an x-ray. There is even an x-ray image of the finger, as well as a stamp of authenticity.

Original photo taken in 1988

However, not a single scientist studied the finger, and the person who owned the artifact left no opportunity to hear the details. This may contribute to the fact that the giant's finger is a hoax, or indicate a civilization of giants that lived on the earth before us.


As reported in the history of the artifact, Cho Pu Tei, a professor of archeology (an actual archaeologist) of Beijing, was on an expedition with his students to explore caves deep in the Himalayan mountains. Located between Tibet and China, a number of caves were clearly man-made as they consisted of tunnel systems and rooms.

There were small skeletons in the cells of the rooms, speaking of a dwarf culture. Professor Tay suggested that they are an undocumented species of mountain gorilla. The truth was that the ritual burial was very confusing.

Hundreds of disks with a diameter of 30.5 centimeters with perfect holes in the center were also found here. Researchers, having studied the paintings on the walls of the cave, came to the conclusion that the age is 12,000 years. The discs of mysterious purpose also date back to the same age.

Sent to Peking University, the Dropa disks (as they were called) were studied for 20 years. Many researchers and scientists tried to decipher the writings engraved on the disks, but they were not successful.

Professor Tsum Um Nui from Beijing examined the disks in 1958 and came to the conclusion about an unknown language that had never appeared anywhere before. The engraving itself was done to such an elaborate level that it required a magnifying glass to read. All the results of the decryptions went into the area of ​​​​the extraterrestrial origin of artifacts.

Tribal Legend: Ancient dropas descended from the clouds. Our ancestors, women and children hid in caves ten times before sunrise. When the fathers finally understood the sign language, they found out that those who came had peaceful intentions.


In 1961, a very strange artifact was discovered in the Coso Mountains, California. Looking for additions to their display, small store owners precious stones We went to collect several copies. However, they were lucky to find not just a valuable stone or a rare fossil, but a real mechanical artifact of deep antiquity.

The mysterious mechanical device looked like a modern car spark plug. Analysis and X-ray examination revealed a porcelain filling containing copper rings, a steel spring and a magnetic rod on the inside. Adding to the mystery is an unidentifiable powdery white substance inside.

After conducting research on the artifact and the marine fossils covering the surface, it turned out that the artifact “fossilized” about 500,000 years ago.

However, scientists were in no hurry to analyze the artifact. They were probably afraid to accidentally refute generally accepted theories, stating that we are not the first technologically advanced civilization. Either the planet actually existed popular place from aliens, often repaired on Earth.


In the last century, divers have been clearing ancient Greek treasures from the site of the Antikythera shipwreck, which dates back to 100 BC. Among the artifacts they found 3 parts of a mysterious device. The device had bronze triangular teeth and is believed to have been used to track the complex movements of the Moon and other planets.

The mechanism used a differential gear consisting of over 30 gears of different sizes with triangular teeth that were always counted down to prime numbers. It is believed that if all teeth are proven to be prime numbers, then they can clarify the astronomical secrets of the ancient Greeks.

The Antikythera mechanism had a knob that allowed the user to enter past and future dates and then calculate the positions of the Sun and Moon. The use of differential gears made it possible to calculate angular velocities and calculate lunar cycles.

No other artifacts discovered since this time are advanced. Instead of using a geocentric representation, the mechanism was built on heliocentric principles, which were not common at the time. It seems that the ancient Greeks managed to independently build the world's first analog computer.

Alexander Jones, a historian, deciphered some of the inscriptions and said the device used colored balls to represent the Sun, Mars and Moon. Okay, from the inscriptions we found out where the device was created, but no one said how it was made. Is it possible that the Greeks knew more about solar system and technology than we thought before?


Egypt is not a unique place for theories about ancient aliens and high technology. Small gold objects dating back to 500 AD have been discovered in Central and South America. era.

More precisely, dating is a bit of a challenge, since the items are entirely made of gold, so the date was estimated using stratigraphy. This may fool some people into thinking it's a hoax, but the artifacts date back at least 1,000 years.

The artifacts are interesting because of their amazing similarity to ordinary airplanes. Archaeologists have designated the finds as zoomorphic for their resemblance to animals. However, comparing them with birds and fish (which have similar characteristics from an animal point of view) seems to lead to the desired conclusion. In any case, such a comparison raises serious doubts.

Why do they look so much like airplanes? They have wings, stabilizing elements and landing mechanisms, which have called on researchers to recreate one of the ancient figures.

Being created to scale but accurate in proportions, this ancient artifact seems very similar to a modern fighter jet. After the reconstruction, it was documented that the plane, although not very good aerodynamically, flew wonderfully.

Modern man's knowledge of ancient cultures is very limited. But architectural artifacts that have survived to our time give reason to believe that many millennia ago there were developed civilizations on our planet that were forgotten. Our review contains 10 archaeological finds, the mysteries of which still remain unsolved.

1. Ancient devices

Ancient civilizations knew much more and were more developed than scientists assumed 20 years ago. Archaeologists have discovered a number of ancient devices, from planispheres to prototype batteries. The most famous finds are the Nimrud lens and the Antikythera mechanism.

The Nimrud Lens, estimated to be approximately 3,000 years old, was discovered during excavations at the ancient Assyrian capital of Nimrud. Some experts believe that the lens was part of an ancient Babylonian telescope. This means that they had advanced knowledge of astronomy.

The famous Antikythera mechanism (200 BC) was created to calculate the movements of the sun, moon and planets. Unfortunately, people can only guess about why and how many ancient devices were created, and why ancient knowledge about them has disappeared.

2. Empire of Rama

For a long time it was believed that Indian civilization began only in 500 BC. However, discoveries made in the last century pushed back the origins of Indian civilization by several thousand years.

The cities of Harappa and Mohenjo-daro were discovered in the Indus Valley, which were perfectly planned even by modern standards. The Harappan culture also remains a mystery. Its roots are hidden for centuries, and the language has not yet been unraveled by scientists. There are no buildings in the city that would indicate different social classes, no temples or other places of worship. No other culture, including Egypt and Mesopotamia, had this level of urban planning.

3. Longue Caves

Longyu is called by the Chinese another wonder of the world. The 24 cave system was discovered completely by accident in 1992. The origin of the caves dates back to the 2nd century BC. Despite its titanic volume (to carve such caves in solid rock, about a million cubic meters of stone would have to be removed), no evidence of construction was found. The carvings covering the walls and ceilings of the caves are made in a special manner and are full of symbols. According to officially unconfirmed information, the seven discovered grottoes repeat the location of the seven stars of the Ursa Major constellation.

4. Nan-Madol

On an artificial archipelago in Micronesia near the island of Pohnpei are the ruins of the ancient prehistoric city of Nan Madol. The city is built on a coral reef made of basalt blocks, the weight of which reaches 50 tons. The city is crossed by many canals and underwater tunnels. Some of its streets are flooded. The scale of this structure can be compared with the Great Wall of China or the Egyptian pyramids. However, there is not a single record of who built the city and when it was built.

5. Stone Age Tunnels

From Scotland to Turkey, beneath hundreds of Neolithic settlements, archaeologists have discovered evidence of a vast network of underground tunnels. In Bavaria, some tunnels are up to 700 meters long. The fact that these tunnels have survived for 12,000 years is a testament to the extraordinary skill of the builders and the sheer size of the original network.

6. Puma Punku and Tiwanaku

Puma Punku is a megalithic complex near the ancient pre-Inca city of Tiwanaku in South America. The age of the megalithic ruins is highly controversial, but archaeologists are unanimous that they are older than the pyramids. The ruins are believed to be 15,000 years old. The massive stones used in the construction were cut and fitted together so precisely that there is no doubt that the builders clearly had advanced knowledge of cutting stones, geometry, and they had the tools to do this. The city also had a functioning irrigation system, sewerage system, and hydraulic mechanisms.

7. Metal mount

Continuing the conversation about Puma Punku; It is worth noting that at this construction site, as well as at the Coricancha Temple, the ancient city of Ollantaytambo, Yurok Rumi and in ancient Egypt, special metal fastenings were used to hold together huge stones. Archaeologists discovered that the metal was poured into grooves cut into the stones, meaning the builders had portable factories. It is unclear why this technology and other methods of megalith construction were lost.

8. The Riddle of Baalbek

Archaeological excavations in Baalbek, Lebanon, have revealed some of the best-preserved Roman ruins in the world. What makes this place especially mysterious is the megalithic mound on which the Romans built their temples. The stone monoliths of this mound weigh up to 1,200 tons each and are the largest processed stone slabs in the world. Some archaeologists believe that the history of Baalbek dates back about 9,000 years.

9. Giza Plateau

The Great Pyramid of Egypt is ideal in terms of geometry. How the ancient Egyptians achieved this is unknown. It is also interesting that the erosion of the Sphinx, as scientists have proven, occurred due to precipitation, and the desert of this area was only 7,000 - 9,000 years ago. The pyramid of Mikerinus also dates back to the predynastic period. It was also built from limestone blocks and has exactly the same signs of erosion as the Sphinx.

10. Gobekli Tepe

Dating from the end of the last ice age (12,000 years ago), the temple complex in southeastern Turkey has been called the most important archaeological discovery of modern times. Ancient pottery, writing, the already existing wheel and metallurgy - its construction implies a level of development far beyond the development of Paleolithic civilizations. Göbekli Tepe consists of 20 circular structures (only 4 have been excavated so far) and elaborately carved columns up to 5.5 meters high and weighing up to 15 tons each. No one can say with certainty who created this complex and where its creators got their advanced knowledge of masonry.

History buffs will also be interested. They are a legacy from forgotten civilizations.

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Architectural artifacts that have survived to this day give reason to believe that many millennia ago there were developed civilizations on our planet that had been forgotten. Our review contains 10 archaeological finds, the mysteries of which still remain unsolved.

1. Ancient devices

Lens of Nimrud from the capital of Assyria.

Ancient civilizations knew much more and were more developed than scientists assumed 20 years ago. Archaeologists have discovered a number of ancient devices, from planispheres to prototype batteries. The most famous finds are the Nimrud lens and the Antikythera mechanism.

The Nimrud Lens, estimated to be approximately 3,000 years old, was discovered during excavations at the ancient Assyrian capital of Nimrud. Some experts believe that the lens was part of an ancient Babylonian telescope. This means that they had advanced knowledge of astronomy.

The famous Antikythera mechanism (200 BC) was created to calculate the movements of the sun, moon and planets. Unfortunately, people can only guess about why and how many ancient devices were created, and why ancient knowledge about them has disappeared.

2. Empire of Rama

Evidence of the ancient Indian empire of Rama.

For a long time it was believed that Indian civilization began only in 500 BC. However, discoveries made in the last century pushed back the origins of Indian civilization by several thousand years.

The cities of Harappa and Mohenjo-daro were discovered in the Indus Valley, which were perfectly planned even by modern standards. The Harappan culture also remains a mystery. Its roots are hidden for centuries, and the language has not yet been unraveled by scientists. There are no buildings in the city that would indicate different social classes, no temples or other places of worship. No other culture, including Egypt and Mesopotamia, had this level of urban planning.

3. Longue Caves

Longyu Caves in China, built around the 2nd century BC.

Longyu is called by the Chinese another wonder of the world. The 24 cave system was discovered completely by accident in 1992. The origin of the caves dates back to the 2nd century BC. Despite its titanic volume (to carve such caves in solid rock, about a million cubic meters of stone would have to be removed), no evidence of construction was found. The carvings covering the walls and ceilings of the caves are made in a special manner and are full of symbols. According to officially unconfirmed information, the seven discovered grottoes repeat the location of the seven stars of the Ursa Major constellation.

4. Nan-Madol


On an artificial archipelago in Micronesia near the island of Pohnpei are the ruins of the ancient prehistoric city of Nan Madol. The city is built on a coral reef made of basalt blocks, the weight of which reaches 50 tons. The city is crossed by many canals and underwater tunnels. Some of its streets are flooded. The scale of this structure can be compared with the Great Wall of China or the Egyptian pyramids. However, there is not a single record of who built the city and when it was built.

5. Stone Age Tunnels

Stone Age tunnels.

From Scotland to Turkey, beneath hundreds of Neolithic settlements, archaeologists have discovered evidence of a vast network of underground tunnels. In Bavaria, some tunnels are up to 700 meters long. The fact that these tunnels have survived for 12,000 years is a testament to the extraordinary skill of the builders and the sheer size of the original network.

6. Puma Punku and Tiwanaku

Megalithic ruins of Puma Punku and Tiwanaku.

Puma Punku is a megalithic complex near the ancient pre-Inca city of Tiwanaku in South America. The age of the megalithic ruins is highly controversial, but archaeologists are unanimous that they are older than the pyramids. The ruins are believed to be 15,000 years old. The massive stones used in the construction were cut and fitted together so precisely that there is no doubt that the builders clearly had advanced knowledge of cutting stones, geometry, and they had the tools to do it. The city also had a functioning irrigation system, sewerage system, and hydraulic mechanisms.

7. Metal mount

Metal fastening.

Continuing the conversation about Puma Punku; It is worth noting that at this construction site, as well as at the Coricancha Temple, the ancient city of Ollantaytambo, Yurok Rumi and in ancient Egypt, special metal fastenings were used to hold together huge stones. Archaeologists discovered that the metal was poured into grooves cut into the stones, meaning the builders had portable factories. It is unclear why this technology and other methods of megalith construction were lost.

8. The Riddle of Baalbek

Baalbek in modern Lebanon.

Archaeological excavations in Baalbek, Lebanon, have revealed some of the best-preserved Roman ruins in the world. What makes this place especially mysterious is the megalithic mound on which the Romans built their temples. The stone monoliths of this mound weigh up to 1,200 tons each and are the largest processed stone slabs in the world. Some archaeologists believe that the history of Baalbek dates back about 9,000 years.

9. Giza Plateau

The Giza Plateau is a mysterious and iconic place.

The Great Pyramid of Egypt is ideal in terms of geometry. How the ancient Egyptians achieved this is unknown. It is also interesting that the erosion of the Sphinx, as scientists have proven, occurred due to precipitation, and the desert of this area was only 7,000 - 9,000 years ago. The pyramid of Mikerinus also dates back to the predynastic period. It was also built from limestone blocks and has exactly the same signs of erosion as the Sphinx.

10. Gobekli Tepe

Temple complex Gobekli Tepe.

Dating from the end of the last ice age (12,000 years ago), the temple complex in southeastern Turkey has been called the most important archaeological discovery of modern times. Ancient pottery, writing, the already existing wheel and metallurgy - its construction implies a level of development far beyond the development of Paleolithic civilizations. Göbekli Tepe consists of 20 circular structures (only 4 have been excavated so far) and elaborately carved columns up to 5.5 meters high and weighing up to 15 tons each. No one can say with certainty who created this complex and where its creators got their advanced knowledge of masonry.