How long are s7 miles valid? Bonus miles under the Priority program from S7 airlines: how to accumulate and spend? What is the validity period for s7 miles?

Travel enthusiasts or those who are just deciding to join the tourist community can take advantage of the s7 priority bonus program, which provides travelers with additional bonuses. For carrying out flights, purchasing goods and services, as well as some other actions, users are awarded miles, that is, special points, which can later be used for additional options and purchases.

How to get a reward?

Accumulation is carried out in various ways. Among the main options are the following:

  • using the services of s7 Airlines or partners;
  • use of offers from partner banks;
  • participation in various events;
  • car expenses;
  • hotel accommodation and other travel expenses;
  • visiting various public institutions.

Offers a wide range of opportunities to its members. Anyone who meets the requirements and provides all the necessary personal information and passport data can become a participant.

How to speed up the accumulation process?

It is known that there are many ways to earn miles, some of them require large expenditures but provide a large bonus, while others provide only a minor reward. The main trend is that bonus points accumulate for a long time and for a short time, and therefore many program participants are wondering how to quickly accumulate s7 miles.

One way rapid accumulation s7 miles is the permanent use of a credit card from the program partner bank, . Those users who often pay for goods and services with such a card receive a certain amount of rewards, according to the terms of the miles accrual program. In addition, you can further increase the flow of bonuses by making purchases from your personal card for friends and relatives, who will return the funds.

In addition, you can speed up the process of accumulating a bonus account by purchasing goods and products in stores that are also partners of the program. Some of them are online platforms with a huge selection of products various categories, which is very convenient in solving the question of how to quickly get c7 miles.

It is important to be careful when choosing offers. All operations bring different levels of rewards, which, accordingly, affects the speed of their accumulation. Carefully studying the available offers of goods, promotions and special offers, you need to choose the most profitable and large options in order to collect more points.

How to make miles fireproof

Many users and program participants are interested in the question of how to make their miles fireproof and save accumulated bonuses. There are several options for action that will help resolve this issue.

First of all, you must make at least one flight within one calendar year. In this case, you need to fly with s7 airlines or with a partner airline, which also awards bonuses for using their transport.

When the mark reaches five thousand, the amount also becomes fireproof. However, this does not take into account welcome points, as well as those received by the user as part of various promotions and special offers. How to quickly and easily earn such an amount is described in the previous section.

It is possible to use the mile extension function, that is, make an extension at the end of the year. In this case, you can roll over no more than ten thousand units.

I want to tell you one very interesting and exciting story.

How I bought air tickets from s7.
So, let me start by saying that I previously preferred to use the services of this particular company. The service was no worse or better than others, but the fleet consisted only of European aircraft. This made me happy. When purchasing tickets online, sometimes difficulties arose, but in the past they were always resolved.
More than a year ago, I decided to join the s7-priority program and started accumulating miles. The moment came when the number of miles was enough to purchase a ticket. From this moment on, an exciting show begins.

It is impossible to find instructions, a link or any mention of the possibility of buying a ticket with miles on the website. There is a “spend miles” page containing textual information that you can spend them.
After spending 10 minutes searching, using all the search query options on the s7 website and Google, studying the faq section and finding nothing, I called the call center.
After waiting 10 minutes and explaining the situation to a specialist, I received an offer to write down the phone number of the s7 priority call center. He asked to connect me to the new call center. After waiting another ten minutes and talking about my problem, I received a question verbatim: “Have you ever been to our website?!” After some time, they finally helped me and gave me some guidance: we buy tickets for miles on the “Order an award” page.
OK. No problem. Already at this stage, suspecting something was wrong, I asked the specialist in detail about my further actions.
Gentlemen, sit back and listen :-) you won’t find this information anywhere on the Internet.
Steps on how to buy a ticket for miles from s7:
1. Go to the interface for purchasing tickets on the s7 website in the usual way
2. Find the flights you need
3. Call the call center (here it is very useful to write down the direct telephone number of the call center. :))
4. Find out whether there are tickets under the s7 priority program for the flights you need. If they are not there, it is better not to hang up :)
5. Next, go to the website in the S7 priority section on the “Order a premium” page
6. On the page, enter everything manually about the route and passenger (not tired yet? It’s all just beginning :))
7. Within 24 hours you will be sent an email containing your details and the cost of the ticket that you need to pay. Yes! You heard right :) According to experts, this is the cost of airport taxes. In my case, the amount in the letter was 1980 rubles. OK. The letter also includes a proposal to choose a payment method. There are few options: Call the service center and provide the details of your bank card, or pay the payment in the Svyaznoy salon or in the Qiwi terminal.

I decided not to tempt fate with voicing the details over the phone. This payment method caused me concern.
8. Send a letter in response with a payment option. Wait for a response with the payment ID.
9. We are trying to pay for tickets via the qiwi-wallet website. S7 --> payment for reservation. Result: System error.
10. Call technical support. We find out that payment via the qiwi online service is impossible. Only through the terminal.
11. Let's go to Svyaznoy. The Svyaznoy cashier employee is trying to process the payment. Function S7--> payment for reservation. Result: no connection with the provider. I ask the employee to read the letter. He spends a long time looking for a payment option at the cash register. The reservation ID and payment ID contain letters. All Qiwi services support the introduction of only digital identifiers. In the end, he finds an interface where he can enter the payment ID and announces the cost of the payment, 880 rubles. The system interface does not provide any more details. We compare together the cost of payment from my letter (1980 rubles) and decide that it is not worth paying.
12. I’m going to office S7. 1st Tverskaya-Yamskaya, no. 28. There are no signs or banners with the combination of the treasured S and 7 on the house.
13. I look for the office phone number on the website - they explain to me that I need to find a store selling kitchen utensils, go through the store hall to the second floor. Office s7 is one of 5 tables different airlines in a small shabby room.
14. I start communicating with an employee of the s7 company. The employee sincerely wants to help me. Her system shows that the cost of a ticket is 880 rubles. But the letter says a different amount. This confuses her, and we call the call center. The call center explains to us that the s7 company office cannot accept the payment, because this s7 company ticket is priority.
I have a strong feeling that someone doesn’t understand something. I insist on making the payment. To which an s7 employee who sincerely wants to help me explains to me that s7 airlines is a large holding company. She has a company called s7-tickets, which sells tickets, there is s7 priority, and there is also a company that transports animals. And “s7 tickets” cannot transport animals, and tickets from the company “s7 priority”. OK.
15. I’m going to the messenger to try my luck. I hope for a miracle. Alas. Attempts by Svyaznoy sellers to accept payment end in failure. Error communicating with the provider.
16. In another office of Svyaznoy the situation is repeated.
17. Last attempt - Qiwi street terminal: Pay for tickets --> Air carriers --> S7 --> Enter the phone number (the call center confirmed this payment method). Wait 3 minutes and go to the main page of the service. I make 3 attempts. All end unsuccessfully.
A curtain.

I want to believe that our wonderful airline has problems only in this process.
Results: 5 hours of wasted time, no tickets purchased.
I’m afraid to use the second payment option - dictating credit card details to someone from THIS company over the phone would be very reckless on my part.

If you have an S7 miles card, then you have the opportunity to fly on all airlines, anywhere in the world, that are part of this alliance.

S7 is the second largest airline after Aeroflot. They have a lot of domestic flights, to Europe and near Asia. I like this airline because it is based in several cities, while Aeroflot only concentrates on Moscow.

  • Part 1 - S7 Bonus Program, S7 Partners, S7 Validity Period
  • Part 2 - How to Accumulate Miles, Credit Cards
  • Part 3 - Reservation Service
  • Part 4 - Miles Calculator
  • Part 5 - Rules for transfers and stops
  • Part 6 - Searching and Booking Flights

1 - Bonus program, Partners, Validity period

Subscribe to the S7 Priority bonus program

If you do not have S7 card miles, then you must subscribe using this link S7. After this you can add your card number to awardwallet for complete control of your miles, including expiration dates.

After accumulating a certain number of miles, you have the opportunity to purchase free ticket to any point in the world where the airline and its partners fly. Also, you will have the opportunity to get an upgrade in the program (change your status), which gives you the opportunity to visit the VIP-club of airlines included in the alliance, upgrade your class level, check in your suitcases for free, etc.

When you apply for an S7 credit card, for example from Alfa-Bank or Bank of Moscow, you must enter your card miles number. Gift miles when receiving a credit card or during purchases made on bank cards will immediately go to your card miles account.

An example of how the miles card of S7 (Siberian Airlines), which is part of the OneWorld alliance, works.

On Which Airlines Can I Use S7 Priority Miles?

S7 miles can be accumulated and used to fly anywhere in the world where S7 airlines and their partners fly:


American Airlines
British Airways
Cathay Pacific
Japan Airlines
TACA Airlines
Royal Jordanian
S7 Airlines (Siberia)
US Airways
Other Partners

Emirates Airline

Expiration date of Miles S7

According to the rules and conditions of the S7 Priority program, miles accrued in the program are valid during the year in which the flight was made or the service was received, and the next 2 (two) calendar years.

To automatically extend the validity of miles for another 1 (one) year, you must:

  • Make at least 1 (one) flight annually on S7 Airlines or alliance partner airlines one world at fares eligible for miles accrual.
  • Or accumulate 5,000 bonus miles during a calendar year (welcome miles are not taken into account) by paying for purchases with a joint S7 Priority - Visa bank card.

Or you can use the mileage extension service. The cost of a minimum package of 500 miles to extend the validity period for 1 (one) calendar year is 250 rubles. To receive the service, contact the Program Service Center by phone hotline 8 800 100-77-11.

2 - How to Accumulate Miles, Bank Cards

Many people think that the only way to earn miles towards a free ticket is to only fly on one airline, but this is not true. There are other ways to earn miles, for example in other countries, the most The best way Accumulate miles through credit cards.

How to Earn S7 Miles

Open a bank card
  • Open an S7 bank card. Typically, the bank gives a bonus of 500 - 7,000 miles when opening a card and 1 mile for 40 - 60 rubles spent. Look
Don't use cash
  • We pay only by credit card. You can pay for the Internet, cell phone, gym, business trips, restaurants, car rental, hotels, groceries, etc.
Fly on business
  • Most the best option accumulation of miles if you frequently fly for business on a particular airline or its partners. To do this, you need to enter your miles card member number when you buy tickets or present it during check-in at the airport.
Help from friends and relatives
  • If you trust your friends or relatives, then you can open up on them additional card. They pay with an additional card for groceries or other expenses, then give you the money.
  • Or relatives or friends decide to buy themselves a computer, you pay with a credit card, they give you the money.
Bonus miles if you open an additional card
  • Some banks give bonus miles if you open additional card.
Open several bank cards with the same airlines.
  • Open AlfaBank S7 and Bank of Moscow S7 cards. This way you will receive bonus miles when you open each bank card, and these miles will go to one S7 account.
Gift cards
  • If you want to accumulate miles even faster, then go to any place where there are gift cards. If you are sure that you will use a gift card, then buy it for the amount you need, it could be Auchan, Letual, M Video, or some restaurant or gas station. Just be sure that you can pay off the full amount for the credit card per month.
Purchases where they offer a bonus or more miles from a partner company

S7 Airlines and its partners offer a bonus or more miles for a certain type of purchase, usually online stores or other partner companies. That is, you can get miles for a purchase from a credit card and plus from a partner’s company.

For example, S7 airline offers the following offers on its partners website:

3 - S7 Airlines Reservation Service

If you are planning to fly on partner airlines, then you should independently find free flights on certain dates and tell the S7 airline agent.

8 800 100-77-11 (calls within Russia are free) and +7 495 777-77-11. When applying, be prepared to provide the following information: S7 Priority card number, passport data or ticket number and electronic flight date.

4 - Miles Calculator

Number of miles for flights within Russia on S7

Number of miles for flights on partner airlines.

5 - Rule of transfers and stops

No stopping allowed when you stay in the city for more than 24 hours.

But you can make transfers when you stay in the city for less than 24 hours.

Tickets on Japan Airlines, American Airlines, British Airways, Qantas flights are possible both one way and round trip. On other airlines you need to purchase return tickets.

6 - Search and Book Flights

If you are planning to fly on S7 airlines, then use the S7 website.

If you are planning to fly on partner airlines, the best sites to find available seats are British Airlines.

If you need a route with transfers, then you need to look for flights individually.

  • Iberia airline flies Moscow - Madrid direct, so we are introducing these routes.
  • Flight Moscow NY does not exist directly (on the One World alliance), so we are looking for flights separately, for example Moscow-Berlin and separately Berlin-New York.

Advice, do not fly on British Airlines using S7 miles as they have high petrol fees.

Search for flights via S7

1. Enter data

2. Put a tick on Payment with Miles

Search flights through British Airlines

1.Go to the British Airlines website. Enter your username and password or register.

2.Press Executive Club Then Using Avios.

3.Press book an award ticket

4. Every flight should be searched individually.

If you want, for example, a flight Moscow - Madrid, enter the data.

There are free places. We write down all the information to call the S7 agent and report free seats on the Iberia flight. You should also ask your agent about fee prices.

If there are no flights on a certain date, then you can look at a flight with a transfer, for example, we look separately at Moscow - Berlin, then separately at Berlin - Madrid, if there are no suitable flights, then we look at other cities where there are free seats to get to Madrid.

Large banks and airlines are fighting for the attention of consumers, luring them with various carrots. From literal sweets to other freebies, they try to get you on their side, and s7 is no exception. Thus, there are special s7 miles, identical to bonus programs that are available at almost every major bank. But there are some features in their acquisition and use that can mislead an untrained user.

The company itself is a member of the international alliance “Oneworld”, and we will tell you below what this is and what advantages it brings for you. It already includes more than 15 various airlines, but, besides them, c7 also has other counterparties around the world, most of them travel agencies.

By paying for the services of the company itself or its counterparty, you receive a small percentage deduction - bonuses, which, in essence, are cashback for each transaction performed by the user. It can be combined with bonus cards and get even greater benefits, but with such credit cards It also has its drawbacks. Let's figure out what this bonus program is and how to get the maximum benefit from it.

Free air travel by s7

Allows you to get a free flight by paying the full cost of the ticket using cashback. However, this is not the only use for the accumulated funds. And there is a small nuance here, because you can only pay 99 percent of the ticket price using miles; the rest will be debited from your card.

Air ticket oneworld + Emirates

But why do you need a bonus program that will limit you to a single airline, if you can get a card from a bank, with the ability to spend bonuses as you wish?

First, mileage deductions are made at much higher rates than you'll find with C7's competitors. Secondly, bonuses can be spent on all airlines and counterparties of the Oneworld program. There are flights to more than 100 countries around the world, as well as 14 other airlines that can be used as a connecting point.

As a result, you get the opportunity to accumulate and use points all over the world and on any air travel. Thus, you can pay for air travel not only within OneWorld, but also within the Emirates program, which allows you to travel almost anywhere in the world.

Upgrade from Economy Class to Business Class

Surely, many people do not like to fly economy class for many reasons, but they have to do it because paying a few thousand extra for business class seems like a pointless waste of money. However, you can give away part of the bonuses received from flights, namely 6.5 thousand, and increase the class indicated on the ticket. This allows you to fly home on vacation and buy tickets back in comfort.

This feature of the program will be especially convenient for those who need to travel frequently at the expense of an employer who pays only for economy class.

Such a system greatly simplifies life for clients, because the ability not only to buy air tickets, but also to pay for services within the airline, allows you to literally immediately try out the program.

The higher the class of ticket you buy, the more status bonuses you will receive for its purchase. But miles are calculated as 10-15 percent of the purchase amount, and are equivalent to 1 ruble in value. That is, all your miles can be conditionally converted into rubles, and in this case, operations performed with their help will be much easier to calculate and control.

In addition, you can spend bonuses on any actions within the airline and airport, which allows you not only to pay for your food on the flight, but also to improve the conditions of the flight.

Transferring miles to a friend or charity

However, if for some reason you don’t need bonuses or the employer takes on all the expenses without any questions asked, then the miles you receive can be transferred to another card and to a friend. And for those who are concerned about the prosperity of other people and want to do a good deed, it is proposed to transfer cashback to a charitable organization, because it is still money in some sense.

You shouldn’t treat miles as something ephemeral and incomprehensible, because these are literally the same rubles as on your debit card. They are simply presented in the form of other units, through which the airline provides cashback from the amount of your spending.

Miles expire if the client is inactive for a long time, but they can always be transferred to a friend’s bonus card. And if this function is not needed, then you can simply donate the saved money to charity, thereby giving it to those for whom even a couple of hundred rubles would be a gift. All this allows the client to somehow manage the funds received so that they do not burn without purpose.

C7 itself cooperates with dozens of charitable foundations, including the Red Cross. Therefore, if you delve very deeply into the topic of charity, then in the comments to the translation you can choose what exactly the money should be used for. It is worth noting that the funds themselves are not delivered to charitable organizations, but only purchases made with them. This allows both customers and the airline itself to be sure that money will not be stolen or spent on unnecessary things.

Additional features of S7 Priority

When enough bonuses accumulate, you can either spend them in one of the partner companies. c7 cooperates, among other things, with services for booking accommodation and car rental, so free air travel is not the only thing you can count on. The bonuses themselves are of two types:

  1. Status. They influence your conditional level, and the higher it is, the best service and flight conditions will be provided to the client. Naturally, highest level also affects the percentage of bonus payments under the miles program.
  2. Miles. Cashback itself, which allows you to spend coins equivalent to 1 ruble in any airline-related services. There is only a small nuance - you cannot pay the full cost of a product or flight using bonuses, as this will prevent you from concluding a sales contract. Therefore, using miles you can only pay for 99 percent of the cost of your purchase, and the rest will need to be paid from your wallet.

Status points increase your priority as a company customer. The higher it is, the higher quality service is offered to the client. Millies can be used to extend if you have not used S7 services for a long time, or to increase it for a short period in order to experience all the delights of a full-fledged business class in one or two flights and understand whether you need it or not.