Loiko O.T. Tourism and hotel industry

  • the building, its individual structures, communications are badly worn out and require major repairs, replacement or modernization;
  • the layout is outdated, does not meet safety standards, and does not allow full use of the premises;
  • infrastructure needs to be updated or expanded: installation of elevators, garbage chutes, security systems, installation of parking spaces, playgrounds, etc.;
  • It is planned to increase the area of ​​premises and change their functionality.


A profitable investment. The costs of reconstructing a residential building are less than the costs of demolishing and constructing an object with similar characteristics. This allows the use of higher quality materials, maximizing the level of comfort and functionality.

Possibility to save the building. Important for houses located in the city center, with architectural or historical value. Old buildings are distinguished by strong load-bearing and enclosing structures and non-standard architectural solutions. Reconstruction allows the use of such objects, updating them and improving their characteristics.

Deadlines. It will be faster to reconstruct an existing building than to demolish it and build a new one. However, it can continue to be used for its intended purpose during: this depends on the plan of its organization.

The Olympia construction company is reconstructing residential buildings. We perform:

  • house inspection, conducting surveys. Our employees will assess the condition of the building and collect technical documentation on it and the surrounding area. Such a survey determines the potential and possibilities of reconstruction, and makes it possible to draw up a list of mandatory works;
  • design. Project documentation describes the requirements for technologies, materials, equipment that will be used during reconstruction. It includes drawings, plans, materials for visualizing the object after completion of work, estimate documentation with prices for building materials, services, work organization plan, etc.;
  • preparation. Dismantling of worn-out structures, equipment, organizing the supply of the facility, supplying special equipment and tools;
  • carrying out basic work: carried out according to the project in the manner established by it;
  • delivery of the object: can be carried out in stages or after completion of all work on the site.

Work during the reconstruction of residential buildings.

Our company offers full complex services for the development of design documentation for hotels, hostels.

As part of the design, we will develop the following sections of the design documentation:

  • pre-project proposal (dramatic design)
  • sections of project documentation of stage “P” (Government Decree Russian Federation dated February 16, 2008 N 87 Moscow “On the composition of sections of design documentation and requirements for their content”
  • sections of design documentation stage "RD".

Conventionally, the design of hotels, hotels and hostels can be divided into two options:

Projects for the redevelopment (reconstruction) of premises for hotels or dormitories of existing premises

New construction projects

Projects for refurbishment (reconstruction) of premises for hotels, hotels, hostels

The main feature of such projects is the task of incorporating the Customer’s requirements and technological processes into existing premises, which most often did not previously provide for such a purpose of use.

Design in this case begins with studying the BTI plan for compliance with new requirements.

The greatest difficulty for reconstruction in such cases are panel houses of standard series. The main difficulty lies in the large number of load-bearing structures in such a building. A large number of load-bearing structures limits the possibilities for major redevelopment and, therefore, it may be difficult to fit the Customer’s requirements into the existing premises.

Monolithic and brick buildings, of course, also impose such restrictions, but to a much lesser extent. Therefore, if you are considering purchasing a building or premises for the purpose of subsequent repurposing as a hotel, then, from the point of view of possible future alterations, it is better to give preference to brick or monolithic buildings.

Projects for new construction of hotels, hotels, hostels

In the case of designing the construction of a new building, the above problems naturally do not arise and the Customer’s flight of imagination will be limited by the boundaries land plot and SNiP and SanPiN standards.

The design of new construction naturally begins with the Technical Specifications. Formally, the Technical Specifications for the design must be provided by the Customer. In practice, the design organization prepares the terms of reference for itself (naturally, taking into account the Customer’s requirements), and the Customer approves it.

To start designing, you must have at least:

  • Technical specifications for design;
  • Geo-basis indicating all encumbrances on the site;
  • Report on engineering and geological surveys;

The general design procedure is as follows:

  1. At the first stage of building design, the gene is prepared. Site plan with planting object(s)
  2. Space-planning solutions are being developed. Space-planning solutions are developed based on the Customer’s wishes, but taking into account the requirements of technological processes.
  3. A sketch of the building facade and architectural solutions are being prepared
  4. Structural solutions include calculation and design of foundations, calculation of load-bearing structures, calculation of external enclosing walls, calculation and design of roofing, calculation of particularly critical structures (large spans, elements creating increased loads on floors)
  5. Engineering and other sections are being prepared in accordance with Government Decree No. 87 of February 16, 2008 “On the composition of sections of project documentation” - at stage “P”
  6. At the Customer’s request, the “RD” stage can be developed, which is actually a task for the builders.

Features of designing hotels, hotels, hostels.

Projects of hotels, hostels, and hostels generally do not differ significantly from the design of other types of buildings, but there are certain features:

  1. More simple circuit utility networks – predominantly vertical arrangement of utilities
  2. The requirements for evacuation routes are quite simply met in connection with the corridor layout of buildings (in most cases)

Zoning of hotel premises

In a simplified form, the premises of hotels, hotels and hostels can be divided into the following zones:

  1. Living sector
  2. Food area
  3. Administrative and residential area
  4. Cultural and leisure area (swimming pool, conference rooms, etc.)

Our company is ready to offer you its services for the development of hotel projects, hotels and hostels on a full turnkey basis, including supervision during construction. Despite the fact that the company's main office is located in Moscow, We are ready to design buildings in any region of Russia and other countries.

7.1. Construction and reconstruction of a hotel building

A modern hotel is designed to create comfortable conditions for a tourist to spend the night and provide him with a number of additional services. These requirements can be fully met by a hotel building, which is created with the possibility of providing a significant number of services to its guests. The hotel building is a multifunctional structure and contains technologically sophisticated equipment.

Construction and reconstruction of a hotel building requires large investments. The investment cycle of creating a hotel includes:

Formation of an investment portfolio;
- justification for the need to create a hotel;
- engineering preparation of the construction site;
- construction and installation works, commissioning works;
- development and commissioning of the facility.

Investment projects are consistently implemented in two stages. First and the most difficult one is attracting investors who are able to invest financial resources in the construction of a hotel building. This is followed by the development of a concept for locating a hotel enterprise, identifying zones and participants for hotel construction. Identification of possible property problems (presence of residential buildings that are subject to demolition and their own land).

Opportunity to develop business and cultural centers in areas adjacent to the future hotel complex. Preparation of all documentation on land use, documents on restrictions on the sale or lease of land (presence of owners, municipal institutions).

Second phase includes the preparation of all pre-project documentation for hotels (number of floors and capacity, competitiveness, requirements for investors). This includes the preparation of urban planning feasibility studies: planning the number of storeys and hotel capacity; analysis of the economic efficiency of the hotel, development of a business plan with a preliminary assessment of the hotel’s payback period up to 7 years.

The customer of the investment must be local municipal authorities. An interested investor buys the right to lease the land with a lump sum payment of the option. If it is impossible to pay the full amount, a joint venture is created, with the city’s share corresponding to the cost of purchasing the rights to lease a land plot for a certain time. Hotel chains do not risk investing capital in financial projects, but are always looking for financing partners.

Unfortunately, in the process of preparing the construction of hotels, problems arise that need to be quickly and efficiently resolved. Let's highlight the main ones.

Problems for investment in the hotel industry are related to the fact that the legal boundaries of ownership of the hotel are not defined. hotel company. In addition, due to well-known socio-political circumstances, there is strong inertia of the Russian bureaucracy in Russia.

At the same time, despite these difficulties, the construction of hotels in Russia is carried out quite actively.

Hotels vary in their architectural designs.

Initially, the hotel building was built in the form of an array, located separately or connected with surrounding public and residential buildings. A long search for the best planning solutions led to the creation of a spatial composition specifically designed for the activities carried out in hotels. Premises for overnight stays for tourists are separated from premises associated with the provision of other services to tourists. The corresponding premises are distributed into various functional (architectural) blocks.

The basic principles taken into account when constructing hotel buildings are:

1. The building (or complex of buildings) must fit organically into the environment, preserving the features of the urban or rural landscape.
2. Natural and climatic factors should be taken into account (air temperature and humidity, precipitation, insolation, wind speed and direction, etc.).
3. Architectural, structural and planning solutions for the building should not be excessively expensive. The layout of the building must ensure its economical operation. The main efforts of designers are directed towards a rational combination of current and one-time costs.
4. When designing a building, advertising considerations play a certain role: ensuring the design of the facade, emphasizing the prestige of the hotel; setting records in a certain direction (construction of the tallest building, the most exotic building, etc.); location of window displays in hotel shopping centers, etc.
5. The layout of the building must ensure rational organization of services and appropriate comfort for residents, and meet functional requirements.
6. The building must comply with aesthetic, technical, sanitary and hygienic, environmental standards and recommendations. The possibility of reconstructing the building should be considered.
7. It is necessary to comply with the conditions for the economy of the building construction process.

When the construction of a hotel building is completed, problems arise related to its functioning in the hotel business system, arising from the basic requirements for such structures.

Number of tourists and business people visiting big cities country is constantly growing, and the hotel business is developing at a rapid pace. Tour operators talk about a shortage of hotels of all levels, so it is not surprising that services for the reconstruction of old hotel buildings are in high demand.

In addition to the reconstruction of existing hotel buildings, the practice of renovating old buildings into mini-hotels and guest houses. In any case, major repairs and reconstruction have several advantages over construction from scratch.

Economic feasibility of reconstruction

  1. Specialists from the Eskpertstroy company have calculated that the reconstruction of a building for a hotel may be 40-50% cheaper than new construction, and this is a lot of money. Exact numbers can be determined after carrying out design and survey work and assessing the condition of the soil, foundations, and load-bearing structures of the existing building.
  2. During reconstruction, the usable area of ​​the building can be significantly increased through extensions and add-ons.
  3. Another argument in favor of saving construction costs is the use of existing utility networks and connections.
  4. To obtain approval for a reconstructed facility, a significantly smaller amount of documentation is required, which significantly saves time and money for owners.
  5. And most importantly, as a result of the reconstruction of an old building into a hotel, you can profitably invest in a modern hotel located in historical center or another location attractive for business.

Specifics of building reconstruction work

Our experience shows that the design and reconstruction of obsolete buildings is much more complex than conventional construction and requires specific resources - knowledge, skills and specialists. In order to transform a building with its own unique style into a modern, comfortable hotel, architects and builders need to find a balance between the past and the future.

The development and implementation of reconstruction projects requires non-standard approaches - original ideas, engineering and architectural solutions. Preserving the aesthetics of ancient facades requires deep knowledge of modern materials. Among them you need to find ones that are compatible with the original ones.

Satisfying results

The results of the work of the Expertstroy team of specialists are modernized buildings with a unique style of their own, thoughtful redevelopment, modern levels of energy saving and comfort.

Do you have an idea to transform an old building into a new one? Call us - we know how to breathe new life into it.

Reconstruction, as well as redevelopment, involves taking into account many nuances, for example, when developing a reconstruction project that affects load-bearing walls, you must remember that the width of the hotel room must be at least 2.4 m, and the width of the hallways must be at least 1.05 m, according to SNIP standards. In addition, before creating a hotel redevelopment project, the developer discusses with the Customer the composition and functional purpose of the premises, which, according to GOST R50645-94, may include: residential, administrative, warehouse, recreation, catering, retail, medical, staff rooms, rooms for washing and drying clothes. In addition to the premises economic importance, the hotel may provide a cultural, leisure and fitness area. In premises for cultural, entertainment and leisure purposes, bars, dance floors, restaurants, swimming pools, saunas, billiards, etc. can be located. If the redevelopment of the hotel is designed to increase the status and increase the level of comfort of the establishment, then the redevelopment project can be supplemented with premises for business activities and meetings. This group of premises includes business centers, representative offices of companies, conference rooms, showrooms and exhibition halls with expositions, machinery bureaus, etc. The level of the hotel is determined not only by the luxury of the rooms, but also by the presence of certain premises that expand the scope of services of the establishment. When developing a hotel redevelopment project, special attention should be paid to the spatial structure, aimed at ensuring a clear separation of the flows of guests, service personnel and visitors to public areas. At the same time, the combination or intersection of production and economic routes with the routes of guests and visitors to public areas working for the city is excluded. If the redevelopment project provides for the inclusion of groups of public premises in the hotel, then in this case isolated entrances from the street are arranged. During the reconstruction and redevelopment of hotels, special attention is paid to arranging space for the disabled. This may include equipped rooms, entrances, elevators, and parking lots with specialized devices. A special role in the reconstruction and redevelopment of a hotel is played by the quality and level of reliability of communications. All engineering systems, be it power supply, heating, ventilation, air conditioning, water supply, sewerage, telephone network and Internet, must be carefully thought out.