What is a car on a train? SV on the train - what is it? VIP class sleeping car

Speed ​​and comfort are the most important things on long journeys. If you have chosen railway transport for yourself, then it will, of course, be inferior to aviation in terms of speed. However, it can provide more comfortable travel conditions than, for example, business class on an airplane. This does not apply to all cars, of course. Most travelers who value travel comfort choose SV. What is this? We will devote this article to answering this question. Let's look at the characteristics of such cars, services, and present photographs and reviews of the railway travelers themselves.

What is this?

SV is a sleeping car, readers will immediately decide. However, the decoding of the abbreviation is not only this. It is also historical - it takes us to pre-revolutionary Russia.

What is this? SV - “sweet carriage”. That is, a carriage for the retinue - representatives of the royal family.

In modern times, this letter combination means a sleeping car on a train. One that provides transportation of passengers in conditions of increased comfort.

What about the last characteristic? Increased comfort is the following:

Services in a sleeping car

Car SV. What is this in terms of services? The railway carrier offers the following to passengers here:

  • Safe.
  • TV.
  • The bathroom is directly in the compartment.
  • Tucked bed linen.
  • Hygiene supplies for travel.
  • Providing a variety of hot meals during the trip.

What kind of carriage is this? SV refers to 1st class carriages on Russian railways. However, this creates some confusion. After all, first class on Russian Railways also includes “Lux” (soft) cars, which are distinguished by greater comfort than SV.

Classes of service

Car SV. We figured out what it is. However, this is just a characteristic of the car. Additionally, your ticket will also contain a class of service designation. The following categories have been introduced for SV cars:

  • 1B. In other words, this is business class. Usually includes air conditioning of the compartment and a number of additional services.
  • 1E. SV carriage of the highest class, intended for VIPs.
  • 1F. This can be called both option 1B and 1E, but only those sold for some reason at a reduced cost.
  • 1U. Also a first class carriage, but with the very minimum of additional services.
  • 1L. SV type carriage, but without providing additional services to the passenger.

Let's look at each class of service in more detail.


SV - what is it? That's the name of the sleeping car increased comfort. If you want to purchase tickets for SV 1B, this will mean the following:

  • Purchasing such a ticket means that you are purchasing the entire compartment. Taking this into account, the fare is calculated.
  • The compartment will have a pleasant microclimate - the air conditioning must be working.
  • You can transport small pets in your compartment in a special container.
  • along the entire route (for example, the Russian carrier TKS CJSC offers passengers a comprehensive breakfast and dinner).
  • Mineral water and various hot drinks (coffee, tea, hot chocolate).
  • Slippers.
  • Hygienic shoe horn, paper and wet wipes, comb, shoe polish, toothbrush and toothpaste.
  • Fresh bed linen.
  • Fresh press - magazines, newspapers.

In addition, your compartment will feature the following amenities:


SV - what is it? The decoding, as you remember, is a sleeping car. We list the amenities and services that await you when purchasing a CB 1E ticket:

  • Air conditioning in every compartment.
  • Passenger protection implemented through the use of video surveillance systems.
  • Each compartment has a shower, washbasin and dry closet.
  • Each compartment (compartment) also has a TV, safe and individual sockets.
  • The price of your ticket will include the following services: hot meals, hot drinks, drinking water, traveler's travel kit (hygienic products and arsenal for shoe care), bed linen.

Such a ticket also implies the purchase of an entire compartment - for one or two passengers. You can travel to 1E, for example, on Moscow-Berlin flights, or on Strizh trains (Moscow-Nizhny Novgorod).

1E, 1L and 1U

SV on a train - what is it (photos on the train are presented in the article)? The abbreviation refers to a luxury car, for which several classes of service have been introduced. Let's look at the last of them:

  • 1F. The same set of services that we listed for 1B and 1E. The difference is one thing: in this case, the passenger does not buy the entire compartment, but only buys one seat in it.
  • 1U. The passenger also travels in a first class carriage - SV. However, the price of his ticket does not include a set of additional services (except for bed linen). He can pay for some of them separately if he wishes.
  • 1L. You may also encounter this class of service. It also involves traveling in a first class carriage, but with one drawback - there will be no personal dry toilet in your compartment. The restroom here is common to the entire carriage.

Please note that all of the above classes of service allow passengers to carry small pets in special containers.

We will also present to the reader a worthy analogue of SV, first class carriages. These are trains with carriages of the RIC layout. They boast the following: 10 double compartments (upper and lower bunks), a bathroom, armchairs, and a washbasin.

Comparison with a reserved seat carriage

You and I already know that these are seats on the SV train. Let's compare them with other types of carriages to highlight the main advantages and disadvantages.

If we compare the SV with a reserved seat (open second class carriage), then the sleeping carriage will win in almost everything:

  • Isolated personal space completely closed from other passengers.
  • Wide sleeping shelves, their comfort and softness.
  • Everything you need for traveling in your compartment - a bathroom, sockets, a compartment for luggage and outerwear, armchairs, a washbasin.
  • The ability to customize the microclimate parameters according to your own, and not according to general desires.
  • Level of service, attentive attitude of the conductors.

Second-class carriages are good only in one respect - a trip in this class will cost you about three times less than in SV. But savings are only good for short trips. Spending more than 2 days in a reserved seat is a real test.

Comparison with coupe

What is this, a SV seat on a train? Many people decide - the same coupe, but only with a set of additional services.

Not certainly in that way. A sleeping car (SV) has a number of significant advantages over a second-class closed carriage (compartment):

  • Number of passengers in your compartment. The most unexpected neighbors will travel with you in your compartment. In SV you can completely buy out a compartment for yourself and your family. If you are traveling 1U, 1E, then you will have only one travel companion (as practice shows, if other compartments are free, then the person will choose the one where he will travel alone rather than travel with a neighbor).
  • Maximum level of service, provision of food, care of guides.
  • Increased level of comfort and safety.

The coupe has only one advantage over the SV - cost. A trip in a closed second-class carriage will cost you 2 times less than in a sleeping carriage.

Comparison with "Lux"

Now let's compare the SV with the higher class cars - "Lux". Here the sleeping car will already play:

  • The "Lux" coupe is 1.5-2 times larger in area than the standard one.
  • There is a comfortable bathroom equipped with a vacuum toilet.
  • Safe.
  • Individual air conditioning system.
  • TV, video player.
  • Food and drinks (including alcohol) included in the price.
  • Fresh press.
  • Expanded hygiene kit.
  • The bar is in the carriage itself.
  • Travel companions are excluded - the coupe here is only purchased as a whole, without exceptions.

As for the cost, a trip in a "Lux" carriage will cost you 1.5-2 times more than in a SV carriage.

Hello friends! Let's deal with interesting topic— SV on the train. What is this - NE places? What class, what level of comfort, what services are provided by default and which are ordered for an additional fee.

A train ride is always romantic. But comfort plays an important role.

It is important to know, because tickets for the SV carriage are not cheap, so you need to understand what we are paying money for. If we talk about the CIS countries, then in comparison with the compartment, which is also considered to some extent comfortable, the SV is 2 times more expensive, and the Ukrainian railways They offer a price even higher at 2 and a half.

SV carriages belong to the first comfort class, capable of carrying 16 or 18 passengers plus a single compartment - workplace conductor. On international flights the carriage is equipped with 22 seats or 33. The first option assumes the presence of exclusively 2-seater compartments, the second - 3-seater compartments.

Why are the first seats on the train attractive?

The abbreviation SV is interpreted as a sleeping car. But not just a sleeping room, because you can sleep in both a compartment and a reserved seat, the only question is how?

In SV you will not only sleep in conditions of increased comfort, but also enjoy additional benefits. These include:

  1. Places- lack of upper shelves. There may be 2 or 3 places.
  2. Interior- pleasant, expensive, well-groomed.
  3. Bed dress- fresh from natural textiles.
  4. AirNewest technologies conditioning.
  5. Hygiene— improved bathroom, set hygiene supplies.
  6. Nutrition- breakfast, dinner. Lunch will be served depending on the availability of additional services.

Each passenger has his own individual space, there are comfortable chairs for sitting, ample space for clothes in the built-in wardrobes, mirrors are located on the door and on the walls.

This is what an SV carriage with a TV and a safe looks like

Valuables are hidden in a safe; you can while away your leisure time by watching TV. If you need a guide, he is called with a special button.

The SV car on the train may be different

The conditions for passengers are very attractive, especially if you plan to travel with children, the elderly, or small pets (they can also be transported to the SV). The desire to buy a ticket for the SV carriage on the train may fade only due to the cost. But smart solutions are also available here.

Maximum level of comfort - Lux

Here you are absolutely protected from random fellow travelers. Such carriages are used by management, high-ranking officials, and people with personal privileges. This category is usually called VIP persons.

Everything in the carriage is of the highest class, so the price is also high. But this is not SV! Don't be confused. This is a Suite, the most complete, comfortable Suite.

If you are a well-known politician, a popular show business star, or a major businessman, then the Suite with the following set of services is perfect for you:

  • separate bedroom;
  • increased (sometimes 2 times) compartment area;
  • minibar with alcoholic drinks;
  • plasma TV;
  • improved set of hygiene supplies;
  • comfort of the bathroom - shower and vacuum toilet.

Comfort in the Luxury carriage at the highest level

It’s very pleasant to travel in such a carriage, and as for the price, you don’t have to be a star, politician or oligarch. If you plan your trip in advance and buy tickets in advance within the maximum time allowed for this, then there is a high probability that you will be given a significant discount upon purchase.

What does compartment SV 1B mean on a TKS train?

You already know what SV is, and the abbreviation TKS means that transportation can be carried out not only by Russian Railways, but also by private Russian company— TransClassService, which has a license from the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation and is distinguished by the highest quality of services.

SV 1B from TKS is a business class carriage. In addition to basic services, there are a number of additional ones:

  1. Extended meals (you will be provided with breakfast and dinner throughout the trip).
  2. A full set of hygiene items, including slippers.
  3. Tea, coffee, chocolate, mineral water are provided free of charge.
  4. The latest press, Wi-Fi, safe (access is provided via a magnetic card).
  5. You can power your laptop or phone using an individual outlet.

Such carriages are distinguished by an increased level of safety for passengers - there is constant video surveillance and 24-hour security.

Coupe 1B in a business class carriage from TKS

Buying 1B tickets from both Russian Railways and TKS has one feature - you need to buy a whole compartment, that is, all 2 seats.

What advantages does the CB 1E coupe have?

The rule for purchasing an entire coupe also applies to this SV class. The range of services here is similar to business class; in addition, 1E compartments have VIP status and are equipped with:

  • shower and dry closet;
  • plasma TV;
  • individual sockets;
  • safe with several keys;
  • shoe care products.

These are the super conditions your train trip can take place in. And then even the longest journey will not become tiring, provided that you pay for comfort.

You too can travel in such a cool VIP carriage

How to buy CB seats on a train at a lower cost?

Comfortable conditions at a more economical price can be obtained if you choose one of the options described below:

  1. RIC is a similar offer to SV, however, it is relevant only for international trains. In terms of comfort, it corresponds to class 1B, however, the seats differ in both lower and upper locations.
  2. SV 1U - 1st class service on the train, but additional services are not included. Only bed linen is available, which is provided to each passenger regardless of seat class.
  3. SV 1L - everything is the same as in the previous case, but there is no dry closet.
  4. SV 1E - luxurious conditions of class 1E and 1B, you have the right to buy only one ticket (no need to buy all compartments).

We can say that such an offer is a kind of luck - you won’t be able to buy it in advance, but if last-minute tickets appear on a certain route (there are too many empty seats in the NE car), then they can be bought at a very attractive reduced price.

Offer of seats in the SV carriage of increased comfort at a special price


What SV means on a train is clear - comfort, convenience, pleasant time in the carriage, an almost homely atmosphere, coziness. But at an increased cost. This is logical, because quality service does not come cheap.

Still, there are options in which you can afford such a pleasant trip in all respects for more low price. What do I need to do:

  • buy a ticket in advance (there is a possibility of a discount (from 40% and above), especially if the purchase takes place 2 months before the trip (on international routes, sales open 90 days);
  • Monitor the availability of tickets in the desired direction; perhaps there will be few passengers and the carrier will have last-minute offers available to them.

And another important point - small pets can be transported in special containers in SV cars. This is a significant advantage, because sometimes there is no one to leave our little brothers with.

And I'll go to SV

That's all, friends. Have a nice trip, comfortable places and interesting travel companions! Health and good luck to everyone!

What is an SV car and what advantages does it have? This question interests many Russian Railways passengers, because each of us wants to travel in the most comfortable conditions.

What is a SV on a Russian Railways train? According to the generally accepted formulation, it is a sleeping car consisting of nine one-, two- or three-seater compartments and designed to carry 18 passengers.

Its main characteristic feature is the increased level of comfort.

The first SV cars appeared back in 1867. Their inventor is the famous American engineer J. Pullman. It was he who first introduced to the public passenger seats that could turn into comfortable sun loungers.

Before this, all seats on trains were exclusively seated and, moreover, quite hard.

What is included in the SV car? In addition to more comfortable sleeping places, SV has several important advantages:

It is worth noting interior decoration such cars - it is distinguished by its solidity and pleasant appearance.

In branded Russian Railways trains, the equipment of sleeping cars and the range of services provided may differ slightly.

Naturally, increased amenities could not but affect the cost of the trip.. In 2020, it can be compared with the price of an air ticket in economy class (for equivalent routes).

Classification of sleeping cars

All aircraft providing domestic passenger transportation are divided into several classes of service. The latter determine not only the list of services provided, but also the general layout of the car.

To understand how this or that abbreviation stands for, use this hint:


Business Class

Seats in the CB business class are provided by branded trains of the Russian passenger railway carrier ZAO TKS. Services include:
  • Air conditioning system;
  • Providing hygiene items - comb, paper and sanitary napkins, toothbrush and toothpaste, cream and shoe horn;
  • Meals along the entire route (breakfast and dinner);
  • Latest press;
  • Drinks – mineral water, tea, chocolate, coffee;
  • Bed sheets;
  • Plasma TV;
  • Slippers;
  • Wi-Fi;
  • Safe (magnetic card is used for access);
  • Individual power sockets for laptops and mobile devices.

Purchasing a ticket for a business class carriage involves purchasing the entire compartment (the ticket price is determined based on this calculation).


VIP class sleeping car

Seats in SV class 1E are provided in high speed trains"Strizh" on the routes "Moscow - Berlin" and "Moscow - Nizhny Novgorod".

The range of services includes:

  • Air conditioning system;
  • 24-hour security;
  • CCTV;
  • Travel kit of sanitary and hygiene products;
  • Dry toilet;
  • Wash basin;
  • Plasma TV;
  • Individual sockets;
  • Safe with several keys;
  • Drinks and drinking water;
  • Nutrition;
  • Bed sheets;
  • Slippers;
  • Shoe care products.

When purchasing a ticket for CB class 1E, the passenger must purchase all compartments.


Analogue class 1E or 1B with a reduced price

A ticket for such a carriage cannot be purchased in advance. This “hot offer” from Russian Railways is put on sale only in one case – when there are many free compartments left in the sleeping car on some route.

Purchasing a ticket with SV class 1E means purchasing only one passenger seat.


Class 1B comfort level, but with a minimum set of additional services

The conditions of service in 1U carriages correspond to first class, but all additional services (except bed linen) are purchased separately by the passenger.


Sleeping car without additional services

The simplest option among all sleeping cars. Provides a basic set of services (except for a dry closet). Everything else can be paid on the spot and at will.


An analogue of SV, found only on international trains. Differs in the presence of an upper and lower shelf. The comfort level corresponds to class 1B.

One more additional service, which applies to all SV classes, is the ability to transport containers with small pets.

SV vs compartment car

What is the difference between an SV carriage and a coupe? The main factor that distinguishes a 2nd class closed compartment carriage from a sleeping carriage is not only the level of comfort, but also the number of passengers.

If with one travel companion you can still find mutual language, then a noisy company of 3 people can turn the trip into an ordeal. In addition, in compartment cars there is no button to call the conductor.

How is the SV car different from the Lux car? The latter, albeit a little, still surpassed the SV classes in terms of comfort.

What is offered in the Lux:

Lux is a separate carriage with the highest comfort conditions and designed to transport a certain group of passengers (politicians, stars and other VIPs).

Outsiders are prohibited from entering such carriages, so the appearance of random fellow travelers is completely excluded.

Now you know what a SV carriage means and you will be able to choose the most comfortable conditions for yourself. Moreover, in Lately Russian Railways management actively practices a system of discounts designed to increase the number of ticket sales.

For example, now you can get a 40% discount when purchasing tickets 2 months before departure.

The SV carriage is convenient primarily due to the presence of personal space. There are only 8 compartments in the SV carriage. Each is designed for two passengers. It is especially convenient to travel together. The atmosphere throughout the trip is calm and quiet. There are divisions for men's, women's and mixed compartments.

The interior of the compartment is much cleaner and nicer than other types of carriages. Photo taken in the SV carriage branded train Tomich

SV Russian Railways car inside

Comfortable beds with soft headboards, a spacious table, mirrors on the walls and compartment doors looked quite cozy and pleasant. Things can be placed in the compartment under the bed. I was pleased to have a TV - now you can keep yourself busy with interesting programs and films on the road.

The guides are polite and the service is good. It is clear that this issue is being addressed. If the bed has not yet been made (for example, the compartment has just been vacated), the conductor will make the bed for you.

Meals in the SV carriage

A travel kit (slippers, napkins, sleep mask), newspapers, drinks and food are available. On short route(8 hours) hot meals were provided once. The menu is quite varied, everything is brought by the waiter from the dining car half an hour after ordering. The food is delicious.

There were many and different drinks.

The proposed menu in the carriage of the SV Russian Railways branded train "Tomich".

There were lampshades hanging on the ceiling and every wall. There were also small reading lamps above the beds. There were two toilets in the NE car: one at the beginning and the other at the end. The door had a toilet occupancy indicator and was locked. The toilet smelled nice and was clean.

Comparison of ticket prices to railway transport SV with the cost of travel in reserved seat and compartment cars showed that this type of travel is more expensive. The fare is almost 5 times more expensive than in reserved seat carriage and in 2 - than in the compartment.