View from an airplane window. View from the cockpit and airplane window

Anyone who flies frequently can buy a ticket anywhere in the cabin, even right next to the aisle. Many people do this because they plan to sleep the whole way or listen to music or do other things. But those who are flying for the first time or children should take tickets near the window. The view from an airplane window reveals our planet from a completely unexpected angle. The view from an airplane during a normal flight seems fabulous:

  • small toy landscapes reminiscent of a school map;
  • fantastic clouds from which the imagination will build fairytale castles.

Sometimes airplane flights allow you to admire sunrises and sunsets, and some are lucky enough to see a solar eclipse. We invite you to look at some photos taken from the height of the airplane.

Flying over the air clouds

Rain over the city of Phoenix in the USA

View of New York from an airplane window

Urban environmental challenges

Doha - Qatar

The job of a pilot is very prestigious, but it requires long, hard study and good nerves. From the outside it seems that the pilots are performing ordinary, simple actions. In fact, this is incredible work and a great responsibility for people. This hard work is paid not only with money, but also with moral bonuses, including the view from the cockpit most beautiful places on the planet. We, too, can feel involved in unusual flights by watching a few videos.

Airplane landing in fog

This video was filmed at the airport when the plane had to land in thick fog. It shows the landing of the aircraft. The tension increases due to the fact that the pilots can see the ground only a few tens of meters away. It's scary to drive a car in the fog, but what is it like for pilots to land an airplane?

Be sure to watch the video showing the view from the cockpit of the plane and you will understand why passengers applaud upon landing. Airports can be very busy; during the season they can receive and dispatch up to 500 flights.

Flight is a long-awaited and unusual time for people. Each tourist wants to get new sensations and impressions from air travel.

From the boards of aircraft, beautiful landscapes of cities and landings, clouds and sun are always outlined. When do the most beautiful and impressive views open? Find out in the following lines.

The most memorable sight during the flight is undoubtedly the view from the airplane window. The panoramas that open to the eyes attract and fascinate.

The scenery from the window of an airliner depends on the plane next to which the passenger is sitting, the route and the time of the flight. Night flights are some of the most boring, since during them even clouds that are lower than the aircraft are not always visible, and the wings are indicated only by small lights.

When flying at dawn and dusk, you will be able to see colorful pictures from the window. Prepare in advance to take photos, sunrise and sunset only last half an hour.

Important! If the flight takes place in the morning, and the window faces east, the sun will shine very brightly through it. The light may harm your eyes. The same phenomenon can be observed when flying in the evening if the window faces west.

Sunset from an airplane window

View from the cockpit

The most breathtaking sight you can see on an airplane is the view from the cockpit. Its main difference from the view from the window is that the liner control unit has a view of at least 180 degrees. In small aircraft the horizon is open to 360 degrees. This makes it possible to see everything that is directly ahead of the aircraft, to the left and to the right of it.

Passengers are strictly prohibited from entering the inner sanctum of any airliner. However, there are systems with which you can watch aircraft flights in real time and views from the cockpit around the world.

Based on the analysis of flight data: altitude, direction and , the application creates a virtual picture of what the pilot sees at a particular moment.

Do you want to see a plane floating among the clouds as if in the sea, then diving into it as if into a duvet? Watch this amazing view from the cockpit of an airplane in this video.

Plane landing

As the airliner descends and lands, passengers can observe unusually beautiful landscapes. For example, when approaching Turkish resort Antalya, first there are beautiful views of the mountains and lakes, then of the sea, and just before landing - of the rooftops of city blocks.

It's nice to see cities during an overnight flight. Stars and planets are clearly visible in the sky, and the city shimmers with white and yellow lights. The view from the cockpit is especially beautiful when the plane lands at night. The airfield strip resembles a piece of desert in the middle of a sea of ​​lights.

Flying on an airplane is often a pleasant experience. It symbolizes the beginning of a new stage of life, a vacation trip to warm sea or snow-capped mountain peaks.

Every traveler tries to remember or photograph panoramas seen from an airplane. A photo of the view from the airplane window will serve as a visual confirmation of the trip and as a decoration for the photo album.

Of course, I have a fair amount of sketches on the topic of air travel (I haven’t had the opportunity to travel by water yet). Accordingly, I decided to put this selection into a separate post.

In general, before I started flying airplanes, I thought that the view from the porthole window was probably the coolest. Well, you’re just traveling by train - what you see for the most part is endless trees, pillars, sometimes some buildings along the train (it’s clear that proximity to a railway does not add popularity points - therefore, more often than not, industrial zones are adjacent to railways - not some cool buildings). When you go by car the situation is of course better (and you can make a detour). In short, it seemed to me that on an airplane there should be the coolest views - I sit high, look far away (I generally love views of cities from above). In short, the first time I went on a plane, I was lucky - I sat by the window. We quickly gained altitude and I began to observe the following picture from the window:

It's fascinating, of course, but instantly boring. In addition, it hardly moves at all (as if you are not flying above the clouds - but I don’t know - above the surface of Antarctica, let’s say). Even if the wing of an airplane gets into the frame, it still seems like you’re standing:

Okay, I think. The first time I was unlucky - well, it’s just the weather - it’s not always cloudy. The next time I sat by the window - the weather promised to be normal, I think great - I’ll admire it out the window. Well, no matter how it is. Of course, there was some kind of landscape outside the window, but the interest was comparable to looking at Google Maps photographs (and photographs not of cities - that’s all right, but of all sorts of fields filling cities) - a patchwork quilt (mainly in brown and green shades), but also gets boring instantly:

In short, some disappointment began with the views from the airplane window. Of course, there was contemplation during takeoff/landing (which, by the way, I even have several posts dedicated to), but still somehow it wasn’t the same - I wanted more contemplation of the travel process (and here, as it turned out, even Railway gives a head start):

In short, I wanted to drop this topic (after all, it’s often more convenient for me to sit not by the window - but closer to the aisle - so why rush to the window), but at some point, either the mood changed, or... another was able to take a look - in short, some aerial landscapes began to emerge. Moreover, due to those elements whose presence in the frame I diligently avoided (pieces of a porthole, wings, etc.):

The same thing with the clouds, which I didn’t like so much at first. It turned out to be more interesting to look at the photos not just Google maps - but these in combination with clouds, together with the play of light, it looks more varied and interesting:

And finally, clouds, which are also very, very different, and can often look more than attractive in the frame - not just a homogeneous cloudy plain: