Rigging a donkey with a feeder for bream. How and where to catch bream in spring? Tackle for catching bream in spring

Catching bream on a bottom with a feeder is a method that has been proven for decades. Today, gear is the most budget-friendly solution that allows a novice fisherman to count on a decent catch.

Where to fish?

Bream bites well on bottom in lakes and reservoirs with standing water. However, the tackle can also be used when fishing in rivers, using heavier feeders and viscous bait that will not be instantly washed away by the current.

What does the tackle consist of?

How to make a donka for bream? The design of the device is quite simple and consists of:

  • from the rod;
  • coils;
  • fishing lines;
  • hook;
  • feeders;
  • bite alarm.

The entire set can be purchased at any market or in a specialized tackle shop. If you really want to, a donk with a bream feeder can easily be assembled from long-abandoned fishing supplies.


To prepare the donk, you will first have to choose a reliable fishing rod. The best choice is a light and durable fiberglass spinning rod that can withstand the weight of the feeder filled with bait. A good option would be an old fishing rod or a spinning rod with a broken tip, which will keep the weight of the equipment from 40 to 100 grams.


It is recommended to give preference to inertia-free models that can accommodate more than 100 m of fishing line. It is advisable to purchase a reel with a friction brake. When fishing with a donk, most of the time the fisherman has to quietly wait for a bite. Therefore, a cheap, medium-sized model is suitable as a reel.

fishing line

There is no particular difference in thickness when fishing with a donk. A fishing line with a cross section of about 0.2-0.35 mm is sufficient. The need to fish in strong currents may force you to change the fishing line. The dependence here is obvious. The stronger the flow, the thinner the fishing line should be chosen.


Donka for bream in the summer must be placed with a feeder, which at the same time acts as a container for bait and plays the role of a sinker. It is better to give preference to products that will reliably hold the bait even in the strongest currents.

Bream can be caught on a donk in calm waters with a feeder of almost any geometry. However, to hold the gear at the bottom of a stormy river, you will need a heavy square or triangular structure.


Professionals advise choosing a fairly small hook for bream, which can be easily disguised with bait or hidden in bait. However, what is good for catching small fish is completely ineffective when hooking large ones.

To find the golden mean, just use the following recommendations:

  • If bloodworms are used as bait, the best option is hooks size 14-16.
  • It is convenient to place maggots several at a time on hooks No. 10-14.
  • To catch bream on the bottom, when pearl barley or corn is used as bait, you should take hooks ranging in size from 8 to 14.
  • For worms, products with long sharp shanks No. 6-10 are suitable.

Bite alarm

To receive timely information about bites, it is better to use a small bell or electronic device. Much depends on personal preferences and financial capabilities.


It is convenient to catch bream on a donk in reservoirs with standing water if you use several alternative tackle options:

  1. The bait is used for fishing close to the shore. A relatively short piece of fishing line is sufficient for rigging. The sinker can either be located at the end of the tackle or move freely on a rubber stopper. This type of donk is attached to a peg placed on the shore, and the bite is determined by the movement of the bell.
  2. The elastic band allows you to quickly catch significant amounts of fish if there is a good bite. A fishing line is attached to the sinker with an elastic band, on which leashes with hooks in an amount of up to 10 pieces are placed. Like the zakidushka donka, it is attached to the shore.


Why is the donka still in demand among avid anglers, despite the advent of more advanced devices? This can be explained by the obvious advantages of such gear, among which it is worth noting the possibility of fishing at an impressive distance, excellent bite control, fishing in still and stormy waters while simultaneously feeding fish.

However, there are a number of restrictions that prevent the effective use of donkeys for catching bream. First of all, it is not recommended to cast tackle in areas saturated with vegetation and snags. The device is absolutely useless when catching fish that live in mountain rivers or feed at the surface of the water.

Fishing Features

To catch bream on a donk, you will have to work a little. To begin with, bait is mixed, which is generously irrigated with water and soaked for half an hour. The depth in the selected area is measured. For this purpose, it is convenient to use special marker floats.

Starting feeding is carried out, which consists of performing a series of successive casts of a fishing rod with a feeder. As soon as the tackle touches the surface of the bottom, a sharp hook is made and the line is wound back.

After feeding, they move directly to fishing. The feeder is filled more densely with bait, the equipment is thrown in, the fishing line is tightened, a bite alarm is installed, and the rod is placed on a stand. If after 20 minutes there is complete silence, you should re-throw the gear to a new place, repeating the above sequence of actions.

Bream is a cautious fish, schooling and omnivorous. In addition to plant foods, he happily eats food of animal origin, sometimes not disdaining young fish. In most cases, bream, especially large ones, find food at the bottom of the reservoir far from the shore. Bottom tackle, taking into account the feeding preferences of this fish, seems to be one of the best options for fishing gear for catching it.

Tackle for catching bream on a donk

A donka with a feeder is very close to a feeder in terms of its purpose and equipment, especially when a fishing rod with wire rings and a spinning reel are used.

The main difference between these fishing tackles is the principle of bite signaling - the bottom has a signaling device, and the feeder has a sensitive rod tip.


A donkey rod does not have strict requirements. Usually this is a spinning fiberglass or duralumin rod with a length of 2.2 to 3.5 meters. The length depends on the desired casting distance of the bait. The rod test doesn't really matter. The main thing is that it can withstand casting a filled feeder and restrain the jerks of the fish, especially in the last stage of fishing. Rods with a test weight of 30-60 g have this ability.

In the simplest versions of bottom tackle, the rod and reel are replaced by a reel. The tackle is thrown and pulled by hand by the line.


A donkey reel must be powerful in order to withstand the constant jerking load when casting and retrieving large fish. These requirements are met by inertial, inertial-free and multiplier reels:

  • inertial type "Nevskaya" require careful handling. If you adjust the brake incorrectly and apply the brakes untimely with your finger, “beards” often appear. Do not twist the line. Suitable for rods with small rings located on low legs;
  • inertialess simpler and more versatile to use. Must be equipped with a rear friction brake. Promotes long casting. Twist the line. They require periodic “unwinding” of the gear, especially one equipped with monofilament fishing line;
  • cartoon– perfect for fishing at a distance of up to 50 meters. Do not twist the line. They transmit a careful bite well to the fingers through the fishing line. Excellent for running donkeys. They are used extremely rarely due to their cost.

The capacity of any reel on the bottom must be at least 100 m of line.

fishing line

The choice of fishing line in each specific case depends on the personal preferences of the fisherman and specific fishing conditions:

  • monofilament a fishing line of 0.2-0.4 mm should be used if the casting range does not exceed 40-50 meters. The fishing line has elongation and at long distances you cannot count on a clear hook. It dampens fish jerks well. Has memory and is prone to deformation;
  • braid with a diameter of 0.2-0.28 mm should be used for long casts - it has less sail than the same tensile strength, but thicker monofilament. The braided line registers bites well. Promotes clear hooking. When fishing on braid, the jerks of the fish should be dampened by the rod. It has no memory and can be used on bottom gear for several years.

An important factor when choosing the thickness of the fishing line is the flow speed.

The stronger the current, the stronger the sail and the thicker the line, the greater the chance that the tackle extended in an arc will not clearly transmit the bite and respond to hooking.

Donka rigging

For bottom fishing rods, both ready-made and home-made equipment is used.

Feeder equipment has become widespread due to its catchability and ease of manufacture. The main ones are:

  • parternoster;
  • asymmetrical equipment (loop);
  • blind loop;
  • symmetrical equipment (loop).

Bottom rigs using feeders and sinkers, which are most widespread:

  • with a sliding feeder (sinker). Best suited for fishing in bodies of standing water. You shouldn’t put more than one leash on such a tackle. Additional leads lead to an increase in the number of snags and overlaps;
  • with an end feeder (sinker). Best suited for fishing in the current, for long casts into deep holes. In order to avoid the loss of all the tackle and trophy, in the event of a “dead” hook, the sinker (feeder) is attached to the main fishing line with a thinner fishing line. Usually two or three hooks with different baits are placed on such gear;
  • with anti-twist. Works well both in currents and in reservoirs with standing water.

Any curved polyvinyl chloride tube of suitable diameter and neutral color can serve as an anti-twist. The point of this device is that when casting, the reel spins around the fishing line, and not with it.

The feeder on the bottom tackle performs a double function - it fixes hooks with bait in the fishing area and holds the fish in place with bait. The most commonly used feeders in bottom fishing are:

How to catch more fish?

I have been active fishing for quite some time and have found many ways to improve the bite. And here are the most effective:

  1. Bite activator. Attracts fish in cold and warm water with the help of pheromones included in the composition and stimulates its appetite. It’s a pity that Rosprirodnadzor wants to impose a ban on its sale.
  2. More sensitive gear. Reviews and instructions for other types of gear can be found on the pages of my website.
  3. Lures using pheromones.

You can get the rest of the secrets of successful fishing for free by reading our other articles on the site.

The leash is knitted from monofilament or braided fishing line:

  1. Made from braided fishing line 01.-0.2 mm.
  2. From monofilament 0.2-0.25 mm.

It is necessary to have a set of leashes of different lengths. Short ones (20-40 cm) are used for good bite. When the bite fades or is absent, it is more productive to use long ones (up to 1 m).

Hooks used for catching bream in accordance with the bait:

  • for bloodworms - No. 14-16;
  • for maggots – No. 10-14;
  • for pearl barley and corn - No. 8-14;
  • for the worm – No. 6-10.

General requirements for hooks:

  • should be as sharp as possible - often the fish are spotted on their own;
  • the size of the hooks can affect the size of the fish that will be caught. Enlarged hooks are capable of cutting off small fish from the bait;
  • You need to have ready-made leashes with hooks of different sizes, in case you have to switch to catching smaller fish.

Groundbait and bait

To catch bream, both store-bought mixtures and homemade baits, proven over the years, are used. In most cases, this bait contains peas, roasted sunflower seeds, corn, oatmeal, and steamed fish feed. Of the animal ingredients, chopped worms, bloodworms and maggots are added to complementary foods.

  1. When preparing bait for fishing in the current, it is necessary to achieve such a viscosity that for a long time, gradually washing out, it attracts fish.
  2. In stagnant water, the bait should fall out of the feeder when it comes into contact with the ground when casting.
  3. There should always be a spot of bait in the fishing area, which will keep a school of bream in one place, regardless of where the gear is located - in the water or on the shore.
  4. Clay or soil added to the bait will create an additional cloudy cloud that attracts fish. In addition, the inedible additive will not allow the bream to quickly get enough.
  5. In cold water (early spring, autumn and winter), bream prefers bait with animal components.


  • early spring - bloodworms, maggots;
  • in May the use of plant baits begins;
  • in summer - pearl barley, peas, maggots, bloodworms, worms, pasta, foam balls. Sandwiches work great where the plant bait is secured to the hook with a worm or maggot. The sandwich made from a couple of bloodworms and maggots was well recommended. The meat of aquatic mollusks is used as bait, which, together with bloodworms, constitute the main natural food of bream;
  • in autumn - bloodworms, worms, maggots.

It is necessary to adhere to the “golden” rule - what is in complementary foods is what is on the hook.

Fishing technique

The first thing a fisherman should do on a familiar body of water is to soak the bait, if it is not brought to the body of water ready-made. The second step, while the bait is maturing, is to collect the tackle. If the equipment allows, only the feeder is hung on the main line. Then proceed in the following order:

  • Loosely fill the feeder with bait and throw it into the fishing area;
  • After waiting 1-2 minutes, they jerk sharply, freeing the feeder from food. They pull out the tackle;
  • The technique is repeated 5-10 times. Precisely hitting one spot is crucial. If the bait is scattered over a wide area, then the fish will scatter in different directions;
  • further casts, when starting directly to fishing, are made to the same place. The feeder is filled more tightly than during starter feeding;
  • if fishing takes place in a reservoir with a current, all casts are made taking it into account and upstream;
  • There is no need to rush to hook a bream immediately after the guard signal. You need to take a short break and give the fish the opportunity to detect on its own. A sharp hook, especially if using braid, can tear off the weak lips of a bream;
  • When fishing, give the bream a breath of air. After this, the fish will lie on its side and practically stop resisting;
  • If you plan active, walking fishing, then you shouldn’t stay in one place for more than 30-60 minutes without getting a bite.

In cases where the angler is not familiar with the reservoir, you need to first tap the bottom landscape with a spinning step in search of holes, edges and other places where fish can stand.

The signaling device on the donk is usually a bell. If fishing using a rod, then a bell with a clamp is attached to the tip of the rod. In cases where they do without a fishing rod, a bell or other signaling device is attached to a fishing line near a reel stuck into the bank.

Electronic devices are also used as bite alarms.

Donka, the tackle is universal and budget-friendly. Allows you to successfully fish in currents and in still water, with a sinker and a feeder. The undoubted advantage of a bottom fishing rod is the ability to catch bream in windy and cloudy weather, when it moves away from the shore and hides in holes where you cannot reach it with a float rod.

Donka is a type of tackle that has a large number of adherents among fishermen. There are quite a lot of options for donk designs and, probably, every experienced fisherman makes some improvements to this tackle. One of the objects of fishing using this gear is bream. This fish, as you know, likes to stay at great depths, in holes. With the help of a donkey, it is possible to deliver bait to the habitats of bream and then remove it from its native element. One of the undoubted advantages of the donkey is the possibility of fishing in windy, inclement weather, when the bream sinks deeper and fishing with a fishing rod is not successful.

Bottom tackle for catching bream

Donka, in its classic and simplest form, consists of a fishing line, hooks, a sinker, a small rod with a reel for the fishing line, and a guard to indicate a bite. A slightly improved version of the tackle would be a donkey with a spring. The spring serves as a feeder to attract fish, and is also a sinker that holds the hooks in the right place on the bottom of the reservoir. The spring is made of thin wire up to 1 mm in diameter. Stainless steel wire is best suited for this purpose.

Bottom sinkers can have very different shapes and weights; their choice depends on the nature of the bottom, the speed of the current and other circumstances. As a rule, if the bottom is covered with a deep layer of silt, then choose round sinkers. For hard bottoms, pear-shaped weights work well. Flat ones are best used in strong currents, as they will reliably hold the bait in one place.

Usually the sinker is attached to the very end of the fishing line, while the leashes with hooks are located slightly higher - closer to the rod. The loads are secured either rigidly or made to slide along the fishing line. Sometimes they are attached to the main cord on a separate leash.

There are usually no more than three leashes on the bottom, up to 50 cm long. A larger number of leashes can lead to tangling, so 2-3 pieces are the best option.

When fishing with a donk, it is assumed that the fish will hook itself, so the choice of hooks must be approached with special attention, choosing the sharpest ones.

A bell, or the tip of a fishing rod, serves as a guard on a classic bottom.

Bait for catching bream on the bottom

Bream is usually caught using bait, which includes peas, corn, and millet porridge. You can add something strong and pleasant-smelling to the bait, for example, roasted and ground sunflower seeds.

A necessary condition for complementary feeding is its viscosity, due to which it crumbles along the bottom. To achieve the desired viscosity, oatmeal is often added to it when preparing complementary foods.

After the feeder has been abandoned, you need to let it lie on the bottom for some time, then use short sharp movements to throw the bait to the bottom and then take out the tackle. Typically, the feeder is cast twice, due to which a lot of tasty treats for the bream appear on the bottom, which helps to increase the frequency of bites.

Casting range and accuracy when catching bream on a donk

Accurate casting of the donkey plays a big role in bottom fishing. A fairly large number of bottom fishermen use a spinning rod for casting. Some people use a small stick to cast, on which they place a weight and hooks, after which they use such an “extended arm” to send the tackle over a decent distance. The casting point at which the fisherman should aim is a point located higher upstream than the place where the hooks should fall, since after casting they will certainly be carried away a little by the current. Of course, for each body of water with different flow speeds and different depths, the correction for the drift of the bait with a sinker should be different.

Due to artificial breeding, bream is quite common in our country today. It is found in quiet, deep lower reaches of rivers, where the current is slow and the water is warm, as well as in channels and creeks. It can often be caught in deep holes and flooded sand or gravel quarries, characterized by a soft bottom.

general information

This fish prefers bends and places above dams, as well as depressions or holes, always trying to stay away from the shore. In reservoirs overgrown with vegetation, it stays in the depths during the day, and in the evening moves to shallow water to the surface. Bream lives in groups, migrating during the day in search of food. As a rule, it avoids areas where the bottom is rocky.

This fish is caught mainly in the summer, although it also takes bait in the warm autumn. And in some water areas below reservoirs you can catch it even in a non-freezing winter. In very hot weather, bream practically does not bite. And in established clear and windless weather, it can be caught both early in the morning and late in the evening, but provided that the water at the depths is clean. However, many anglers are interested in bream in the spring. The reason is that it is during this period that this fish can be caught almost right next to the shore.

Spring fishing

It is at this time, according to many avid hunters, that catching this inhabitant of reservoirs is most interesting. Bream is most active in the spring, and this, accordingly, affects both the quantity and quality of the catch.

And although it is believed that it is better to catch this fish in the summer, nevertheless, many go to the reservoirs for it precisely after winter has receded, considering this time to be the most suitable for fishing. In the spring before spawning, bream gather in schools and feed intensively. This, in turn, also gives fishermen a certain advantage. But not everything is so simple: it is not always possible to boast of a great catch. Bream fishing in the spring has its own characteristics. You need to know about this in advance in order to properly prepare, because without this you can return home empty-handed.

Fishing time

You can start fishing for this fish in the spring as soon as the ice melts. The water should at least slightly return to its usual level in the reservoir. In order for fishing to be successful, experienced fishermen take into account such an indicator as the degree of water transparency. This time usually falls at the end of March or beginning of April. The bream bite improves as the water clears and its temperature increases. The closer the spawning period, the larger the size of the school and the closer the prey comes to the shore. At this time, it is important for the fisherman not to frighten the fish with rustling noises or awkward movements. Bream bites most consistently in the spring in May.

catchable places

Before starting, it feeds on worms and insect larvae at the very edge of aquatic vegetation, especially in shallow bays. If spawning occurs in rivers flowing into a reservoir, then it must be caught at their mouths. Here this fish actively feeds, and as soon as the water warms up, it goes upstream to the spawning grounds. Knowing how to catch bream on the river in the spring, you can return home with a fairly large amount of catch.

In large waterways, before spawning, this fish accumulates near dams and near pits, as well as next to oxbow lakes, where it then spawns. In some rivers, bream remain in their permanent habitats for a long time, heading to the spawning grounds at the very last moment. The spawning period, even in one reservoir or river, can last almost a month and begin only in May, depending on weather conditions.

On the donk

Properly selected gear for catching bream in the spring is the key to the success of this activity. First of all, this fish is fished for, which, according to many anglers, is the most effective. There are quite a lot of devices for this fishing method. Often, for their production, a spinning rod is used, which is converted in such a way that with its help the bait can be thrown far enough and, most importantly, in the right direction.

The diameter for the main line should be in the range from 0.3 to 0.35 millimeters, and for leashes 0.25 mm is usually enough. Hooks are used with a long shank, sizes five to seven. The donka is equipped with two or three stings. Fishing in spring is best done with red dung worms. It is advisable to feed the future fishing spot in advance. And as complementary food, experienced hunters use boiled wheat with the addition of sunflower cake or chopped worms.

The fishing distance from the shore with this type of gear for catching bream in the spring can be up to twenty meters from the shore. It is very convenient to use the donkey even in strong winds or when there is a large wave in the pond. In this case, the rod must have a length of at least three meters, and the leash must have a size of 0.14-0.16 millimeters with a length of up to fifty centimeters. The feeder should be selected depending on the speed of the flow and the composition of the complementary food.

Catching bream on a feeder

In spring, on the river, this fish swims quite close to the shore. This circumstance must be taken into account; when equipping gear for catching bream in the spring, it must have a long rod with a plug.

Considering the fairly high cost of such a feeder, many opt for a six or seven-meter telescopic version with passage rings. But it should have two features: lightness and quality.

A main line with a diameter of 0.25-0.27 millimeters with a leader thickness of 0.2 mm is wound onto a spinning reel. Sometimes a second copy is mounted above the sinker. This way, according to some anglers, it is easier to track in which horizon the bream feeds.

The hook should be made of thin wire and not very large: such that bloodworms and worms can easily attach to it. The float should be teardrop-shaped with a load capacity of one to three grams.

It is preferable to fish in spring from late April or early May. At this time, the prey, having already fattened up a little near the shore, goes to the spawning ground. And it is on the feeder that you can catch trophy specimens.


This method of spring fishing for bream from a boat, which deserves no less attention, is suitable for relatively shallow reservoirs in which there is a quiet and even current. It is preferable to select a place for fishing based on the bottom: it should be dense and sandy-clayey. When fishing with bait, feeding is mandatory. Red dung worms are used as bait, and maggots also work well.

In the spring, bream prefers peas, steamed wheat, and pearl barley as bait. The most optimal time for fishing is early morning or late evening. Most often, it is during these periods that you can count on a bite of respectable specimens.


You need to fish for bream with the following baits of animal origin: bloodworms, maggots, worms and caddis flies. If the first option is preferable in reservoirs rich in this larva, then the other baits are better suited for catching trophy specimens, especially when the water is warm enough. “Sandwiches” made from maggots with worms, bloodworms and maggots are also catchy. As the reservoir warms up and spawning time approaches - early May - some experienced fishermen fish with various vegetable baits: steamed pearl barley, peas, canned corn, bread crumbs, semolina and even pasta.

There are also artificial catchable baits. Bream also bite well on foam balls, as well as on dough balls into which a piece of thread is implanted. Then they are boiled and dried. The pellet is hooked onto a hook using a protruding piece. This bait “works” well on the river during bottom fishing.

For bottom tackle, it is mainly promising in rivers of medium and large size, although waters with standing water are also suitable, but only under conditions of strong wind or wind flow, fishing will have an advantage over conventional float fishing.

However, when fishing in the current, there is usually a choice of two options for fishing with bait. The first one is stationary fishing for this fish on a donk and the second - catching bream on a running donk, only in the latter case, instead of a garland of pellets, a feeder is used.

This is done so that when drifted by the current, the bait is equally distributed throughout the entire wide area, calmly moving from the place (point) of falling into the water to the very edge of the fairway. Because during stationary fishing, this fish is attracted by the pleasant fragrant trail emanating from the bait, which is why it hurries to gather at one point as quickly as possible.

With this type of fishing, the fisherman has the right to count on the bite of large individuals, which often lead the pack, and therefore, as a rule, are the first to fall for the bait. But in the second option, there will be better and more frequent bites, with the only difference being that the size of the resulting trophies will be much more modest.

So, suitable for stationary fishing heavy feeders(the weight of which is from 60 to 100 grams), plus nod-tops, which are designed for throwing a load (the weight starts from 2 and stops at 4 ounces). The entire tackle should be more sensitive and softer, as this will allow you to register even the most subtle touches of the bream on your bait, and this, despite the fact that it will move along the fairway. However, with such fishing The length of the leash cannot exceed 30 - 50 cm.

And here fishing bait this fish mainly consists of scarlet worms, but… larvae will do maggots or bloodworms, although sometimes, bream wants to pamper itself with steamed grains of pearl barley, lupine, peas and wheat. In addition, you need to add to the bait what you are going to fish with. So, when fishing for bream... among the attractants, hemp, bitter almonds and vanillin have a good reputation.

All in all, catching bream on a donk no less popular than any other fishing with other types of gear. After all, this gear can be fished throughout the entire season, the so-called open water, especially since using this gear, as a rule, you get large bream!

This happens for the simple reason that during the day large individuals behave extremely carefully and rarely approach the shore, therefore it is necessary to cast the bait over longer distances. This is why it is much more convenient and practical to catch this fish on a donk in bad weather conditions, namely: with a big wave or strong wind. Also, we must not forget that fishing for donka with a feeder has its own characteristics when fishing in reservoirs with standing water, and, for example, when fishing in the current.

Donk fishing in high currents

To catch bream on a donk in a large current, a spring is made from wire (stainless steel is most suitable). Its diameter is only 1 millimeter, plus a lead weight of a rectangular or square shape; in addition, in the sinker, first of all, there must be a hole for a tube, and, of course, two fasteners for locking whiskers that will prevent the feeder from being carried away by the current.

Next, using nylon threads we attach the spring to the tube, then after it we attach the weight itself, and if you correctly select the size for the hole, the weight will fit very tightly onto the tube and will not fly off it. Afterwards, to prepare the whiskers, you will need two pieces of wire (each 6 cm long), bend them, repeating the shape of the letter “P”. Insert them into the weight so that they stick out in the opposite direction, and so that the feeder under no circumstances slipped, tie a carabiner to the end of the fishing line to attach the hook (a cambric would also work well).

In addition, another option for a bream feeder can be a mesh feeder. This feeder is made of a thin nylon mesh with tiny cells, and you can also insert a thread into it on both sides for tightening. It is important to remember that catching bream on a bottom in a current usually takes place when using baits that stick well to the hook. For example: maggot, dung worm, or meat of river shells. Unlike plant baits, they are very quickly washed away by the current and leave behind only empty hooks, which the fish are unlikely to pay attention to.

These feeder options, except for bream, are excellent for fishing for crucian carp or crucian carp.

Catching bream on a donk in still water

One of the features of catching bream on a bottom in still water is the ability to place not one, but several hooks on such bottoms at once, because due to the lack of current they will not get confused with each other. The hooks can be attached well to the coils of the spring and, having removed the weight, cut off and solder the excess ends of the tube.

The spring must be filled with dense bait of suitable weight in order to cast over a long distance. So, the main fishing line will be about 0.3 - 0.4 mm thick, but do not forget to make the leashes for the hooks from a fishing line whose diameter will be 0.25 mm. In this case, it is best to make the feeder removable. Then, if you want to change the fishing point, you can change it very quickly.

It’s a good idea to know that not every bank is convenient for casting long tackle, because sometimes branches growing above the water can get in the way. Therefore, you need to take a rod no more than two meters long, since in the end this will not only not make casting very difficult, but will also help to make it, even in not very convenient places. Usually, to catch bream on a bottom, you need a fairly stiff rod, which makes it easy to cast, even with a heavy feeder. It would not be a bad idea to equip the rod with high-quality and good guides. They will prevent your line from chafing.

In addition to the rod, special attention should be paid to the reel. After all, it must have a highly reliable friction brake, plus a soft ride.

To detect bites, two options (types) of alarms are used. In the first case, this is a nod, which is placed on the tip of the rod, because due to its sensitivity it is well suited for weak bites. However, it has one small drawback: if you watch it for a long time, your eyes will become very tired.

The second option is a fifteen-centimeter tube with a bell. It is usually hooked onto a fishing line between the guide rings. Here, the main disadvantage will be poor sensitivity to bites. Basically, you will notice the beginning of a bite by a slight trembling of the rod tip, and only after that, the alarm itself will finally deign to work.

If you plan to catch bream on a bottom at night, you will have to attach glow sticks to the signaling device. In addition, you must also remember to take into account that using the right bait, you will definitely have successful fishing.

Note to anglers: equipment for beauty salons - hairdressing chair