How many minutes does it take for a long-distance train to arrive? Train tickets

Have you ever traveled on Russian Railways trains?
Have you bought train tickets?

Have you ever asked at the ticket office (or through the Russian Railways website) for a ticket for the desired date and found no seats on the train? Or discover that there are only reserved seats left near the toilet?
Prudent people buy tickets in advance - several weeks in advance. But when they discover such a situation, they usually begin to panic.

I will tell you one secret that will make your travel on Russian Railways trains more comfortable.

How do different people buy tickets?

Let's consider 3 scenarios:

1. Alarmists.
Train tickets go on sale 45 days before departure.
BUT! A very small number of tickets go on sale within 45 days. These tickets are usually some of the worst. And yet, they are all immediately snapped up by panickers who see that there are few tickets left on sale. As a result, the alarmists are happy - they grabbed the penultimate ticket in the reserved seat on the side.

2. Ordinary people.
An ordinary citizen realizes that it is time to buy a ticket a couple of weeks before the trip. He goes to the ticket office, goes to the Russian Railways website and sees that the worst seats remain: a reserved seat near the toilet or a high-price compartment. Not wanting to drive near the toilet, he buys a higher-priced coupe. And I’m happy that, although I overpaid, I will travel in comfort. Promising himself that next time he will take care of buying a ticket in advance. However, this promise will certainly be forgotten.

3. Lucky
Some lucky people remember that they need to travel in a couple of days. And some are determined right on the day of departure - for example, when the boss allows you to take a day off. They arrive at the station like a bullet and, without waiting in line, calmly buy themselves the best seat: either a good inexpensive compartment or a high-quality reserved seat in the most trump spot. Sometimes they are still surprised that such places have not been sold out before them. But they explain this to themselves by the fact that they are always lucky in life anyway.

Tickets do not go on sale immediately, but in small portions. Portions go on sale for a certain amount of time: 45, 30, 15, 10, 7, 3 and 1 days and another portion an hour before departure!

The first tickets go on sale 45 days in advance. And this, as I wrote above, is only a small part of the places and, indeed, these are the worst places.
There is no need to rush to buy them.

The largest releases of tickets on sale occur 10 days in advance and in the morning on the day of departure (or 24 hours). Then you need to buy tickets.

Plus, the release that occurs over 3 days is sometimes also large, because... It is during this period that it is decided whether to include additional cars in the train.

In general, the correct algorithm is:
- having realized in a couple of weeks that it’s time for you to buy tickets, focus on the above ticket sales periods and periodically (once a day, for example) monitor tickets on the RZD.RU website. If there are no tickets you need right now, then just WAIT QUIETLY.
- when tickets that suit you appear, buy them directly on the website.

- I knew and used the idea before, and I found the timing for the release of tickets

And one more useful link with information about how the sale of tickets for trains passing through territories belonging to different railway departments works (for example, the Moscow-Kyiv train).

Conclusion from there:
You shouldn’t buy tickets at a regular box office with a stupid cashier (which is the majority), but you need to buy tickets via the Internet or at a service center.

Many people sometimes face the question of when to buy a train ticket cheaper. During the high season (summer, holidays, school holidays) there are often no tickets for many destinations. Some passengers, due to health reasons, can only travel on the bottom bunk, and such seats are sold out first.

How to proceed and what can be done to resolve these issues?

The best solution is to buy RZD (short for “Russian Railways”) tickets as soon as they go on sale.

From December 10, 2017, ticket sales are open for 90 days. For some trains, ticket sales start at 120 , behind 60 , behind 45 or for 30 days before the train departs. Ticket sales open at the same time as at the ticket offices in the region of departure of the train.

  • on trains No. 1/2 “Red Arrow” Moscow – St. Petersburg,
  • No. 3/4 “Express” Moscow – St. Petersburg.

From April 1 and only until August 31, 2019 120 days they start selling train tickets:

  • No. 5/6 “Ocean” Khabarovsk – Vladivostok,
  • No. 101/102 “Premium” Moscow – Adler,
  • No. 747/748 “Nevsky Express” Moscow – St. Petersburg and
  • for all high-speed trains “Sapsan” Moscow – St. Petersburg.

Tickets for trains departing across Russian borders have the following start dates for ticket sales:

  • CIS and Baltic countries, Abkhazia - 45 days. But for some trains tickets are sold 60 days in advance.
  • Far abroad (train Moscow - Paris, etc.) - 60 days.
  • Ukraine and Moldova - within 30 days.

You can go to the Russian Railways website, enter the names of the cities “there”, “back” and find out whether ticket sales for the direction you have chosen are already open, read more.

If you already know the date of your trip, I suggest using a calculator and finding out when you should buy tickets for your chosen date.

1 Calculator for calculating the period of 90, 60 or 45 days before train departure

How many days in advance can you buy a train ticket in 2019? From December 10, 2017 tickets can be purchased in 90 days, for a number of trains for 120, 60 or 45 days.

To find out when ticket sales open for the date you need, select it in the calendar below. The program will tell you what date the sale will open (or is already open) on that date.

90 days 120 days 60 days 45 days

Today is included in the calculation.

Attention! The period of 90 days in the calculator is set by default (that is, the calculation is done “automatically”). If you need to calculate a period of 120, or 60 or 45 days, then

  • above in the field of the calculator located under the heading: “How many days before does the sale begin?” you should choose 120, 60 or 45 days,
  • find the desired month,
  • click on the appropriate number,
  • After this, a calculation will appear for the selected number of days: for 120, 60 or 45.

How to use the calculator?

Let's say we need to calculate the date when to buy a ticket for a train leaving on May 9, 2018. On the calendar presented above, you need to select the month May 2018, and then click on the number 9. After clicking on the date, the calculation will automatically appear:
“You chose: 05/09/2018 and payment in 90 days

Sales for the selected date begin: 02/09/2018.”

Pay attention to:

  • month,
  • departure date,
  • choice of calculation in 90 days.

To select a month and year in the calendar window, click on the right or left arrow. The arrow to the right scrolls through the months upward from the month indicated in the window, and the arrow to the left scrolls through the months downward. After the month of December there is a transition to the next year. If you keep clicking, you can get to 2018, 2019, 2020, etc.

Once the month and year have been selected, you need to select a date. To do this, click on the appropriate date in the calendar. This completes the selection of year, month and date.

Once the train departure date is selected, a message automatically appears with the date when for the selected period: 120, or 90, or 60 or 45 days You need to buy a ticket from the date you choose.

2 When to buy tickets 90 days in advance for June, July, August, September 2019?

Russian Railways train departure dateWhen to buy tickets on the Russian Railways website 90 days in advance
go June 1, 2019buy tickets March 4, 2019
go June 11, 2019buy tickets March 14, 2019
go June 16, 2019buy tickets March 19, 2019
go June 23, 2019buy tickets March 26, 2019
go June 30, 2019buy tickets April 02, 2019
go July 07, 2019buy tickets April 09, 2019
go July 14, 2019buy tickets April 16, 2019
go July 21, 2019buy tickets April 23, 2019
go July 28, 2019buy tickets April 30, 2019
go August 4, 2019buy tickets May 07, 2019
go August 10, 2019buy tickets May 13, 2019
go August 18, 2019buy tickets May 21, 2019
go September 1, 2019buy tickets June 4, 2019
go September 7, 2019buy tickets June 10, 2019

Explanations on how you can independently count 60 days before the train’s departure are given

3 Sales opening time. How to buy a ticket on the Russian Railways website on the opening day of sales

Why is it better to buy a ticket from the minute sales open?

  • It is possible to select seats, including choosing lower seats.
  • Minimum price for tickets with dynamic pricing.

Opening time for ticket sales at the Russian Railways box office and on the Russian Railways website (official information from the Russian Railways website):

Before 8 o'clock in the morning (more precisely, before the start of sales, and in different regions this time may be different, local) you should go to your personal account “My Orders” on the Russian Railways website. In order not to miss the start of sales, you should periodically refresh your browser page. To do this, almost every browser has a “Refresh Page” arrow button. In Fig. 1 “Update” button is surrounded by a green frame.

When ticket sales are opened, all trains will be available for 90 days. In your personal account “My Orders” you should select a train, carriage, seat, more details.

Rice. 1. Car layout and selection of a suitable seat

If you select a seat in the “Car Diagram” (1 in Fig. 1) and click on the “Save” button (2 in Fig. 1), then, unfortunately, this does not guarantee that you will have time to buy these seats. It happens that someone manages to pay for the seats earlier and then the payment does not go through.

The most unpleasant thing is when an error message appears when proceeding to payment or at the time of payment. This means that, alas, you are out of luck and that the bank cannot withdraw money for seats already paid for by someone who was more efficient. Alas, you need to pull yourself together and, from the very beginning, in your personal account, again make a choice and pay for tickets from those that remain by this time.

This situation does not occur often, but can occur at a time of special shortage of tickets (in the summer or before public holidays). And, unfortunately, none of the Internet users are immune from this. As the software improves, I think Russian Railways programmers will find a way to avoid this kind of incident when selling tickets online on the Russian Railways website.

4 How to see 60 or 45 days on the official website of Russian Railways

We go to the official website of Russian Railways (you can WITHOUT registering on the site) using the link:

Rice. 2. Russian Railways website: when does ticket sales begin 45 days in advance and 60 days in advance?

Having opened the Russian Railways website (I repeat, it is NOT needed on the website for this), click on the calendar opposite “There” (2 in Fig. 2). You need to make sure that the date there is today. Otherwise, you need to select the date today on the calendar.

Having selected a number, we will see the dates shaded in yellow and green. In this case, the countdown starts from the date, which is highlighted in bright blue (in Fig. 2 this is July 1). The last date, highlighted in yellow, will be the date when ticket sales begin 45 days in advance. Accordingly, the last green date means that it is on this date that ticket sales begin 60 days in advance.

  • 45 days will be on August 14, 2016. This means that on July 1 at 8 a.m. local time, ticket sales will begin on the official Russian Railways website for trains departing on August 14.
  • 60 days will be on August 29, 2016. In other words, on July 1 at 8 a.m. local time, ticket sales will begin on the Russian Railways website for trains departing on August 29 (if sales for a train open 60 days in advance and not 45 days in advance).

5 How to calculate 60 days manually

The secret of the calculation is that today must be included. To calculate 60 days, there are at least 3 ways:

If none of these methods suits you for some reason or you still have doubts, ask below in the comments, and we’ll figure it out together.

Direct calculation 60 days from the date

  • First, we manually calculate 60 days, directly starting from a certain date,
  • and then we will calculate the other way around, that is, 60 days FROM a certain date.

The easiest way is to manually calculate 60 days, having at hand a calendar with large numbers where you can poke your finger (or mouse) if necessary.

Let's calculate 60 days from August 1, 2017, that is, we will calculate: for what date will it be possible to buy tickets in 60 days if you buy them on August 1.
1, 2, …, August 31 – 31 days in total,
September 1 – 32nd day,
September 2 – 33rd day,
September 29 – 60th day.
Or in one line: 31 (days in August) + 29 (days in September) = 60 days.

Thus, in 60 days You need to buy train tickets for September 29, 2017 on August 1, 2017. on the official website of Russian Railways at the time when sales open at Russian Railways ticket offices in the region of departure of the train (For example, in Moscow and St. Petersburg this is 8 a.m.).

Reverse calculation 60 days for a date

Let's take the date when the train departs and calculate when to buy tickets 60 days in advance for this date.

Train tickets for September 3, 2017 must be purchased 60 days in advance on July 6, 2017. at 8 a.m. local time on the official website of Russian Railways (when Russian Railways ticket offices open in the region of train departure). The calculation is as follows:
3 (days in September) + 31 (days in August) + 26 (days in July: 31, 30, …, 7, 6) = 60 days

This means that on July 6, 2017, you should go to the Russian Railways website at 8 a.m. local time (or when the ticket office opens in the train departure region) and purchase tickets for September 03, 2017.

How to independently calculate 60 days before the train departs?

We count down 60 days for the train departing January 8, 2017:
1, 2, …, January 8 – eight days,
December has 31 days, so 31+8=39 days,
November 30 – 40th day,
November 29 – 41st day,
November 10 – 60 days for a train departing on January 8.

Or the same calculation of 60 days for a train departing on January 8, 2017 in one line:
8 (days in January) + 31 (days in December) + 21 (days in November: 30, 29, 10) = 60 (days)

So, 60 days in advance, tickets for a train departing January 8, 2017, should be purchased November 10, 2016 on the official website of Russian Railways at the same time as at the ticket office in the region of departure of the train. (In Moscow and St. Petersburg this is 8 o'clock in the morning.)

If the train leaves February 22, 2017, then count back 60 days:
22 (days in February) + 31 (days in January) + 7 (days in December: 31, 30, 29, 28, 27, 26, 25) = 60 days.

Thus, in 60 days tickets for February 22, 2017 should be purchased on December 25, 2016 on the official website of Russian Railways at the same time as the ticket office opens in the region of departure of the train. (For Moscow and St. Petersburg this is 8 a.m.).

Tickets 60 days in advance on February 26, 2017 it is better to buy December 29, 2016 on the official website of Russian Railways from the beginning of sales, when Russian Railways ticket offices open in the region of train departure. This calculation goes like this:
26 (days in February) + 31 (days in January) + 3 (days in December: 31, 30, 29) = 60 days.

Buy in 60 days tickets for March 7 are needed January 7, 2017 on the official website of Russian Railways that year. the moment when ticket offices open in the region of train departure. The calculation is done like this:
7 (days in March) + 28 (days in February) + 25 (days in January: 31, 30, …, 7) = 60 days.

6 How to buy 2 lower seats on the Russian Railways website

As you know, on the Russian Railways website for two people from one personal account you can simultaneously buy only one lower seat, and upper seats - without restrictions. You can’t buy two lower seats from one personal account at once, it won’t work. I DO NOT consider SV cars that only have one or two lower bunks.

The option remains when one ticket for a lower seat is purchased in one personal account “My Orders” on the Russian Railways website in one browser. And another ticket for the lower seat is purchased in another personal account, and always in a different browser.

With this approach, you can purchase 2 lower seats. But you will need:

  • two personal accounts: each passenger must have his own personal account on the Russian Railways website,
  • two browsers, for example, Mozilla and Internet Explorer, or two computers (for example, a laptop and a tablet).

You will need to select the train in the first browser (on the first computer). Then go to another browser (on another computer) and select the same train there.

Switch again to the first browser (to the first computer), select a carriage and seat on the train. Go to another browser (on another computer) and there select the same carriage and a suitable seat.

Finally, pay for the ticket in the first browser (on the first computer), go to the second browser (on the second computer) and pay for the ticket there.

7 How to distinguish the official website of Russian Railways from an intermediary website

Intermediary sites sell the same tickets that are sold on the official website of Russian Railways, but with extra charges for service. Moreover, the extra charges can be significant; these extra charges are especially noticeable when returning tickets. If on the official website of Russian Railways a commission of approximately 185 rubles is charged for the return of one ticket, then on the intermediary website the commission for a refund can be several times (!) higher.

To distinguish the official website of Russian Railways from an intermediary site, we look up and look at the address bar of our browser. If there are symbols at the beginning of the address bar: “”, then these very symbols ( are the only and sure sign that you are on the official website of Russian Railways.

Number 1 in Fig. Figure 2 shows that the address bar of the browser contains the symbols “”, therefore, we are on the right track - on the official website of Russian Railways.

If there are no symbols “” in the address bar of the browser or they are found in combination with other symbols like “”, then this is an intermediary site.
Let's start with a question about which there is no other way to describe it than a cry from the heart.

8 Where do tickets disappear before they start being sold at the Russian Railways ticket office?

Let's remember that ticket sales begin 90 days in advance:

  • at Russian Railways ticket offices (opening depends on the region of Russia) and
  • on the official website of Russian Railways (at the moment of local time when Russian Railways ticket offices open in the region of train departure).

It happens that future passengers line up at the Russian Railways ticket office early in the night, stand in line for several hours, are the first to approach the railway ticket office, but there may no longer be any tickets available. Why, where did they go?

1) There are different time zones in Russia, hence the time shift. Russian Railways ticket offices open 45 days in advance at 8 a.m. local time in each region. For example, when in the summer it is 8 o’clock in the morning in Moscow, then in Irkutsk it will be 13 o’clock, and in Samara it will be 9 o’clock.

This is one of the reasons why tickets can be sold out earlier by passengers who, for example, are traveling from afar with transfers. It’s just that on the Russian Railways website and the railway ticket office they start selling tickets earlier.

From December 11, 2016, ticket sales begin simultaneously on the Russian Railways website and at the ticket offices of the region from which the train departs.

2) The main reason why it is difficult to buy tickets is that Russian Railways tickets are now purchased 90 days in advance not at the railway ticket offices, but online on the official Russian Railways website at 8 a.m. local time. And on the website you can do this much faster than the line at the checkout.

It would seem that what could be difficult when traveling by train. You sit down and drive calmly. But, unfortunately, from time to time I notice that many people often do not know their rights and opportunities, and because of this they have inconvenience when traveling. On the other hand, having worked as a conductor for some time, I had the opportunity to look at passengers from the outside, and I understand that people do some things contrary to logic.

If necessary, read about the Russian Railways train, as well as about what you can save on and. And today we’ll talk about little tricks that, unfortunately, not everyone knows about.

11 little tricks when traveling on a Russian Railways train

1. Refund of train ticket

Purchased train tickets can be returned, this is no secret. At the same time, if you check it out earlier than 8 hours before the train departs, you will only lose the change fee (until the end of 2017 - 192.7 rubles). The later you return your ticket, the less money you will get back.

But what's interesting is that even if you missed the train, you can still return your tickets. It's possible no later than 12 hours after the train departs. The money you will get back is small, but it’s still better than zero. It may be more profitable for you to reissue a ticket for the next train (of course, you will also lose some money).

Learn more about returning train tickets to. Learn more about how much you lose if you return your train ticket.

2. Free toilet at the station

All stations have toilets. The price is written there at the entrance. But if you decide to visit it no more than two hours before the departure of your train, then you must be admitted for free. Show your ticket at the entrance and go through. It can be useful, especially considering the fact that after departure the toilets in many carriages do not open immediately.

3. For those who like to rush in at the last moment

If you made it to the train in the last minutes before departure, then you don’t have to try to get into your carriage. According to the instructions, if there are no more than 5 minutes left before the train departs, then you must be seated in any carriage on your train. True, this is provided that your ticket is printed on a double-layer orange ACS “Express” form at the ticket office or on a single-layer one at the terminal (by the way, a ticket with electronic registration can also be printed at the terminal).

There could theoretically be problems with paper printouts of e-tickets, but they shouldn’t. The guides are now looking not at them, but at their lists. It rarely happens that they do not have lists. Usually then they plant according to the printout.

Pay special attention to this rule if you board the train at stations where the stop time is 1-2 minutes. More than once I have seen a picture of some plump woman in a hurry, running to her carriage at such a station, not making it in time, and starting to scold the trains, the conductors and everything in the world. Although in fact it was her own fault for not getting into the first carriage she came across. At such a station, I would definitely take care of getting a ticket on an orange form in advance, just in case.

In general, it’s better not to be late! Remember that no one will seat you while you are moving, even if the speed of the train is still very low: the conductor may be fined or fired for this.

4. Dry toilets in adjacent carriages.

If you board the train and find that the toilets in your carriage are of the old type and are closed at the stations, do not be upset. Perhaps you will find a dry closet in the next carriage.

In accordance with sanitary standards, Russian Railways already purchases only cars with dry closets. Old carriages appear less and less often, but they still run. Nowadays you can often find a situation where both old and new cars are coupled together in the same train (the irony is that the price will be the same for them). If you are unlucky enough to get into the old one, and there is an urgent need to visit the toilet while parked, try to bypass a couple of neighboring cars. You may find a composting toilet that will solve your problem.

5. Never use a regular toilet at stations!

If you still have an old-style toilet in your carriage, with a flush to the track, then please do not use it during stops! Really, no need!

This rule was not invented just like that. It happens that the conductor did not have time or forgot to close the toilet in front of the station. In addition, at each station where the stop is 1-2 minutes, you also don’t have to run around to close these doors. For these cases, there is personal responsibility of the passenger!

At the same time, people go to the station and fitters work. They won’t be very pleased if, excuse me, “the contents of the toilet” pour on their heads. The conductor may be fined for this.

Even if it seems to you that the train has stopped in a field, there is no need to use the toilet. Perhaps this is such a station)

If you went to the toilet while still on the move, and the train suddenly arrived somewhere and stopped, then just don’t flush until the train moves on. Seriously, it would be better this way.

6. Drinking water in the carriage

You can collect water for tea in titanium; this, of course, is nothing new. At the same time, if you suddenly see that the temperature is far from 100 degrees, then remember that you may still be able to brew tea. I have experimentally found that a tea bag is brewed at a temperature of 70 degrees. It doesn't work any lower.

On the other hand, if the water temperature is very low (this happens, for example, early in the morning or immediately after departure, if the conductor forgot/did not have time to turn on the titanium), then do not be afraid that the water is not boiled. Titanium is designed in such a way that raw water cannot flow from the tap. If the temperature is low, it means it once boiled and then simply cooled down.

There is also cold water opposite the titanium, next to the service compartment. It is also boiled there and comes from titanium. But the problem is that the pipes through which it goes may be old, and it is not a fact that it will arrive of good quality. Personally, I don't drink this water.

7. How to pour boiling water correctly

When pouring boiling water into a glass, always keep the spoon in the glass and the glass itself in the glass holder. This will reduce the likelihood that the glass will break due to hot water. This happens rarely, but the possibility exists.

In addition, there is a rule in the instructions for guides, which I think will be useful for all people - if you need to carry two cup holders, then you should do it with one hand. The second hand should be free. This is in case the train suddenly brakes or turns, so that you can grab the handrail with your free hand and not scald anyone. Yes, and no more than two cup holders at a time.

8. Glass with spoon

If you have your own tea or just want water, you don’t have to buy tea from the guide. The conductor can provide a glass in a cup holder and a spoon for free. The key word is “may”. Previously, I wrote that he was obliged to do this (it was so), but it was clarified in the comments, and I checked - according to the new rules, a glass and spoon are provided if you buy tea. But the important point is that the conductors themselves do not always know about this. I interviewed several people, they were very surprised, because they, like me, were sure that everything was free. So you can ask, but whether they give it or not, it depends on your luck.

In addition, not always, but it happens that there are knives and forks in the carriages. Certainly free, but even less often there are chess. There should also be a first aid kit, although now they don’t put anything sensible in it. And also, if necessary, the train director can call doctors to see a patient while stopping at a large station.

9. Return things to where they came from.

If suddenly, you took a glass with a glass holder (spoon, fork or whatever) from the conductor and went with it to the next carriage to visit friends, then be sure to return the property exactly where you took it. If you think that you can return it in any carriage and it will return where it should be, then you are mistaken. Each conductor is responsible for the property of his own carriage and is accountable for it. Yes, perhaps he will find out from the conductor of the next carriage that he has extra items. But this will not always be revealed. What can we say about the cars located far from each other. And if there is a shortage, the conductor will have to cover the cost from his own pocket. The spoon is inexpensive, but the glass holder is already noticeable. So don't neglect this rule!

10. Complaint book on the train

I have already mentioned that, if necessary, you can ask the conductor for a complaint book. There is a book of reviews and suggestions on every train and it is kept in the staff car by the train manager. If for some reason the conductor refuses to provide you with this book, then you can walk to the headquarters car yourself (by the way, don’t forget to write about this fact too). It is located approximately in the middle of the train (ask any conductor where it is). There, contact the train manager directly. In general, you can ask to call the train chief into your carriage to resolve any conflict situations.

When filing a complaint, indicate the date, route, train and carriage number, the conductor's surname, and describe in detail the essence of the problem. Of course, conflict situations are different, and not all of them are worth being recorded in a complaint book. But nevertheless, you need to be aware of this possibility. Conductors are afraid of complaints, because because of them the conductor can be deprived of his bonus, suspended from work for a while, or even fired. Consequently, having received a complaint once for not providing a free glass with a cup holder, the next time he will be discouraged from breaking the rules.

It often happens that a passenger unreasonably demands certain things. But then the train manager will point this out to you.

In addition, you can write gratitude to the conductor in the guest book. If you liked the service, do not hesitate to ask the conductor to bring a book. They will bring it to you right away, of course)

11. Don’t fold your laundry before checking it out!

Last but important rule: never fold bed linen, before you submit it! Seriously, never, ever fold!

Some people think that if they fold their laundry in a beautiful pile, it will be more pleasant for the conductor, or that it is more convenient, more decent, etc. In fact, on the contrary, it’s more inconvenient and unpleasant!

There are two types of single train tickets: for one one-way trip and for one round-trip trip.


A one-way train ticket is valid for one trip during the date indicated on it, as well as for an hour of the next day.

According to the transportation rules, a return ticket is valid for one trip from 00:00 a.m. on the day indicated on the ticket until the end of the next day.

On JSC trains « Central PPK" and JSC « Moscow-Tver PPK" (as of 2018) the validity period of a return ticket exceeds the minimum - the ticket is valid until the end of the next day, not counting weekends and holidays.

Having bought a round-trip ticket in Moscow on Friday, you can use it to travel back on Friday, Saturday, Sunday and even on Monday.

Having bought a ticket in Moscow on Saturday, you can go back on Saturday, Sunday or Monday.

If the ticket expires en route, it is extended until the train arrives at the destination station indicated on the ticket.

Discount tickets

Preferential tickets (discounted or cash-free), as a rule, can only be purchased on the day of travel. When purchasing a ticket and en route, you must have with you all the necessary documents confirming the availability of the benefit.

Federal beneficiaries - residents of Moscow and the Moscow region, as well as regional beneficiaries of Moscow can, as a rule, issue free tickets 10 (or less) days in advance at the ticket offices of the Central and Moscow-Tver suburban passenger companies, provided they have a social card.

Regional beneficiaries of St. Petersburg and the region can also purchase a ticket on the day before the trip.

Discount tickets are issued at ticket offices, as well as at self-service terminals (not at all stations and not in all regions).

Please note: free travel does not mean ticketless. Passengers entitled to free travel are required to issue a cash-free ticket at the ticket office or in the terminal before the start of the trip. When issuing a ticket directly on the train, or at the ticket office after the end of the trip, the carrier has the right to charge a fee for issuing a travel document (usually 50 - 200 rubles), except in cases where there is no ticket office and terminal at the departure station (stopping point).

Season tickets

Like single tickets, they can be issued at ticket offices and self-service terminals.

In the Leningrad direction (Moscow-Tverskaya PPK), season tickets can also be issued through the “Suburban Ticket” mobile application.

Please note that the start date of the subscription is indicated upon purchase (default - current day) and it cannot be changed.

"Working day"

Such passes are issued for 10, 15, 20, 25 calendar days in a row and for 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 12 months. On the routes of JSC “Central PPK” in Moscow and the region, “working day” passes are issued only for 1 and 3 months.

On regular trains of JSC Central "PPK" for cases when travel in the Moscow region and Moscow (except for routes within the “old” Moscow) is carried out within one zone, or when the number of crossings of the boundaries of tariff zones (both zones belong to Moscow or the region) equals one, the subscription is not issued.

This type of subscription is valid only on weekdays.

When transferring weekends/holidays and working days, the following tickets:

    valid on weekends declared as working days,

    are not valid on working days declared as non-working days.

A subscription issued for a number of months is usually valid for travel for 30, 60, 90, 120, 150, 180, 360 calendar days, respectively.


These passes are issued for 5, 10, 15, 20, 25 days and 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 12 months.

On JSC routes « Central PPK" of Moscow and the region, subscriptions are issued only for 10 days and 1, 3, 12 months. For fast electric trains, 5-day passes are also issued.

On regular trains JSC « Central PPK" for cases when travel in the Moscow region and Moscow (with the exception of routes within the “old” Moscow) is carried out within one zone, or when the number of crossings of the boundaries of tariff zones (both zones belong to Moscow or the region) is equal to one, a subscription is issued only for 10 days.

On regular trains JSC « Central PPK" A 10-day subscription cannot be issued in areas where per-kilometer tariffs apply (for example, BMO).

This type of subscription is valid during the entire validity period indicated on the ticket, on all days of the week.

When registering at the ticket office of JSC "Central PPK" for this type of subscription for 1 month from a station not included in the zone « Greater Moscow", to the nearest Moscow main station, the passenger has the right to a free subscription on the same card. To do this, you need to ask the cashier to arrange travel through “Greater Moscow” (free of charge).

A subscription issued for a number of months is usually valid for travel for 30, 60, 90, 120, 150, 180, 360 calendar days, respectively.


Such a subscription is usually issued for only 30 days. It works by:

    weekends and holidays,

    on the day before a weekend or holiday,

    on the day after a weekend or holiday.

This type of subscription is not issued for routes within the old territory of the city of Moscow (with the exception of the Leningrad direction), on sections of JSC "Central PPK" with per-kilometer tariffs (including BMO), as well as in some other regions. A weekend pass is also not available for satellites and other fast commuter trains.

"For the number of trips"

The subscription is issued only for routes whose departure and destination stations are equipped with automatic turnstiles or other technical means of reading completed trips.

This type of subscription can be issued in all directions in Moscow and St. Petersburg; in most other regions this type of subscription is not provided.

They are issued for 10, 20, 60, 90 trips.

Passes for 10 and 20 trips must be used within 30 days, for 60 and 90 trips - within a longer period (the exact period depends on the carrier). On the routes of JSC "Central PPK" in Moscow and the region, a subscription for 90 trips is not issued, a subscription for 60 trips is valid for 120 days.

This subscription, like all others, can be pre-registered (up to 30 days). The start date of the subscription must be told to the cashier (or selected at the self-service terminal) upon purchase.

For this type of subscription, the trip must begin from the station where the turnstiles are installed (this can be any intermediate station or stopping point within the route, but with turnstiles). In this case, the card must be brought to the turnstile to “open” the trip. If this is not done, the trip will be considered ticketless and you will have to pay the full cost of the trip and the service. The exit turnstile may also not open if there is no entry mark on the card.

Exit at the destination station must be carried out no later than 4 hours after entry. Otherwise, the trip may be “closed” and when approached at the turnstile at the exit, the turnstile will not open, or another trip will be written off.

Please note that if the exit turnstile does not work, you must swipe the card again at the same turnstile, otherwise another trip may be charged.

"On dates"

This subscription can be issued for any dates chosen by the passenger - from 5 to 16 dates.

It can also be issued for even and odd dates (from 14 to 16 dates depending on the month).

All dates must be within the same calendar month.

At the training ground of JSC Central PPK, this type of subscription is issued only for corporate clients and employees of JSC Russian Railways.

"Big Moscow"

Gives the right to make an unlimited number of trips in all directions within the Greater Moscow zone for 30 days. .

Issued for 30 days, cost 1750 rubles.

This pass is not valid for travel on satellites and other fast commuter trains.

"Megapolis Plus" (only for the Kazan and Kyiv directions of Moscow)

Issued from the Kazansky and Kievsky railway stations to one of the stations located at a distance of 26-39 km from the station (Kraskovo, Malakhovka, Udelnaya, Bykovo, Ilyinskaya, Otdykh, Kratovo, Korenevo, Ovrazhki, Rodniki, Vyalki, Khripan; Lesnoy Gorodok, Tolstopaltsevo, Kokoshkino, Kryokshino, Pobeda).

Issued for 30 days, cost 2500 rubles.

Please note: due to the reduction in the cost of a monthly subscription to the Kazansky railway station from August 20, 2015, in most cases it has become unprofitable to buy this subscription to the Kazansky direction, since it is more expensive (except for Kratovo and Khripani).

“City Nearby” (only for Kazan and Kyiv directions of Moscow)

It is issued from the Kazansky and Kievsky railway stations to one of the stations located at a distance of 40-53 km from the station (42 km, Fabrichnaya, Ramenskoye, 47 km, State Farm, 41 km, Donino, 49 km, 52 km, Grigorovo; Aprelevka, Dachnaya, Alabino, Selyatino).

Issued for 30 days, cost 3500 rubles.

This pass is not valid for travel on satellites and other fast commuter trains.

Please note: due to the reduction in the cost of a monthly subscription to the Kazansky railway station from August 20, 2015, this subscription is in the Kazansky direction in most cases it has become unprofitable to buy, since it is more expensive (except for State Farm, 52 km, Grigorovo).

"My Moscow Region"

It is issued from one of the main Moscow stations (except for Leningradsky) to a station located at a distance of over 53 km and up to 200 km from the station (as a rule, only if there is direct suburban service).

Issued for 30 days, cost 4750 rubles

Please note (especially when issuing a ticket at a machine) that by default a regular monthly pass may be issued, which sometimes costs more and/or includes travel only to the main station without “Big Moscow”. To issue a ticket, you must select “Greater Moscow” from the machine.

This pass is not valid for travel on satellites and other fast commuter trains.


Gives the right to travel on the St. Petersburg Finlyandsky - Melnichny Ruchey section on all commuter trains (including Lastochka trains). Cost - “daily” for 5 consecutive days 450 rubles, “working day” for 30 calendar days in a row - 1800 rubles.


This subscription is designed for passengers in the Vitebsk direction (St. Petersburg - Oredezh section) traveling long distances (more than 60 kilometers) and purchasing season tickets at full price.

The cost of the subscription can be found on the train schedule page of the full version of the website.

The subscription can be issued not only from the Vitebsk railway station, but also from an intermediate station (stopping point), if the route distance is 60 kilometers or more.


Issued for 30 days on the route St. Petersburg Vitebsky - Tsarskoe Selo, cost - 1800 rub. “daily” and 1550 rubles “working day”.


Issued for 30 days from St. Petersburg Baltic to New/Old Peterhof stations ( cost - 2600 rub. “daily” and 2200 rubles “working day”) and Oranienbaum-1 ( cost - 3450 rub. “daily” and 2900 rubles “working day”).


Issued for 30 days from St. Petersburg Main to Kolpino station, valid on all commuter trains, including Lastochka. The cost of a daily subscription is 2150 rubles, a “working day” subscription is 1800 rubles.


Issued for 30 days from St. Petersburg Main to Tosno station, valid on all commuter trains, including Lastochka. The cost of a daily subscription is 5,000 rubles, a “working day” subscription is 4,200 rubles.

"#we're on our way"

Issued for 30 days on the routes: St. Petersburg Finlandsky - Vyborg (cost - 15,100 rubles "daily" and 12,700 rubles "working day"), Udelnaya - Vyborg (cost - 14,300 rubles "daily" and 12,000 rubles "working day") Valid on all commuter trains (including Lastochka) along the subscription route, and also on buses in the city of Vyborg on regular routes, the carrier of which is Vipline LLC:

  • No. 1/6 - bus station (precast concrete plant) - microdistrict. Northern;
  • No. 2 - st. Dekabrista Lunina - Hospitalnaya St.;
  • No. 4 - bus station - Dzhatievo village;
  • No. 5 - Onezhskaya st. (City Polyclinic);
  • No. 7 - bus station (precast concrete plant) - Tammisuo village);
  • No. 8 - bus station (precast concrete plant) - Krasny Kholm village
  • No. 9 - st. Gagarina - st. Industrial;
  • No. 10 - Leningradsky Ave. (Gas Station "Neste") - Saimaa Dachas;
  • No. 11 - Leningradsky Ave. (Gas Station "Neste") - Sady village;
  • No. 12 - Kharitonovo village - Vyborg - Kharitonovo village;
  • No. 13 - Triangular lane. - circular;
  • No. 14 - Zheleznodorozhnaya st. (bus station) - circular.

There are also a number of other special passes.

All types of season tickets (except tickets "For the number of trips") are valid for an unlimited number of trips. However, repeated passage through the turnstiles at the same station in the same direction (entry/exit) is only possible after 40 minutes.

You can enter and exit at any intermediate station (for tickets “For the number of trips”, before starting the trip, the card must be presented to the turnstile to open the trip, i.e. if there are no turnstiles, then the trip cannot begin at this station).

The passenger has the right to return all or part of the unused season ticket, subject to a fee.

On satellites and other fast commuter trains (highlighted on the website blue color) special tickets are issued (when issued at a ticket machine or ticket office, you must select the “satellite”, “fast” or “express” category) - as a rule, the cost of such tickets is higher than for a regular train. These passes are valid both on fast trains and on regular trains of the same carrier.

On aeroexpress trains(highlighted on the website red marked “Aeroexpress”), special tickets are issued at the Aeroexpress LLC ticket office or via the Internet. Passengers with benefits, in addition to documents for benefits, must present an identity document (passport).

On interregional express trains(highlighted on the website green color) the ticket is issued according to the passport with reference to a specific place, the number of seats is limited. You can buy a ticket at a specialized suburban ticket office (connected to the Express-3 automated control system), or via the Internet (including on our website in the “Railway tickets” section). The sale starts 10 days in advance (departure date minus 9 days) at 8:00.

On express trains, which are by long distance trains(highlighted on the website red color marked “distant” or “Swallow”) the ticket is issued only at long-distance ticket offices(or via the Internet, including on our website in the “Train tickets” section), the number of seats is limited. Tickets for “Swallows” St. Petersburg - Vyborg are currently issued at regular ticket offices, the number of tickets is not limited.

Please note that at some stations the issuance of tickets for interregional express trains at the ticket office stops 30 - 40 minutes before the train's departure, even if there are still empty seats. On our website, ticket processing may close 1 hour in advance (on some routes - 2 hours in advance).

Subscriptions and one-time tickets for satellites and other fast trains are also valid for regular trains of the same carrier (for all REX trains from August 19, 2015, the carrier is Central PPK JSC). Subscriptions and single tickets for regular trains for travel on fast commuter trains are not valid.

In some cases, you can apply for an additional payment to a one-time ticket for a regular train - together with the additional payment, the ticket will be valid for an express train. When making an additional payment directly on the train (this is not always possible - they may simply not be allowed on the train with a regular ticket), an additional fee will be charged (usually 100 rubles).

There is no additional payment for a regular train ticket. If you travel with such a ticket on an express train, you will have to pay the cashier-controllers the full cost of travel and a service fee (usually 100 rubles).

Transportation of animals on commuter trains

A fee is charged for the transportation of small domestic (pet) animals, dogs and birds on commuter trains.

It is allowed to transport small dogs without containers, muzzled and on a leash. Cats travel under the supervision of their owners or attendants.

Large dogs (including service dogs) can be transported with a muzzle and a leash in the train vestibule (no more than 2 dogs per carriage) - under the supervision of their owners or accompanying persons with payment of the cost of their transportation.

The cost of transporting animals on a train cannot exceed 25% of the cost of travel for an adult passenger on a similar route. As a rule, it is 25% of the fare, rounded down to the nearest whole ruble. At the same time, the cost of transporting an animal on regular electric trains and fast commuter trains of JSC Central PPK is different.

To transport animals or birds on the train, you will need veterinary documents on vaccinations. There is no charge for the transportation of guide dogs.

In the seated cars of the Lastochka electric trains of JSC FPK, as in ordinary electric trains, it is allowed to transport small pets, dogs and birds for a fee - no more than one place per issued travel document (ticket) and no more than two animals or two birds to this place.

1. What time (local or Moscow) is indicated on my ticket?

If the departure station and destination station are in Russia, Moscow time is indicated on the ticket. If the departure or destination station is located in other countries, then the ticket, as a rule, indicates the local time of a particular country. However, there are exceptions: for example, the railway station in the Kazakh city of Petropavlovsk is under the jurisdiction of Russian Railways OJSC and operates according to Moscow time.

It probably doesn’t make sense to list all the exceptions here: as a rule, the ticket indicates at what time the train departs and arrives. We also tried to take into account all such exceptions in the operation of the Yandex.Schedules service.

Formally, an average route speed for a fast train must be at least 50 kilometers per hour, and less for a passenger train. In reality, this rule is not observed. Now fast trains can be distinguished by the ticket number and “by eye” - by a smaller number of stops.

This gradation applies in the countries of the former USSR; other countries have their own principles for grading trains.

Ambulances (all year round) - 1–150;
- ambulances (seasonal and one-time service) - 151–298;
- passenger (year-round circulation) - 301–450 and 601–698;
- passenger seasonal, one-time use and children's - 451–598;
- high-speed - 701–750;
- high-speed - 751–788;
- fast, serviced by electric and diesel trains (except for high-speed and high-speed trains) - 801–898;
- service and special purposes - 901–920;
- tourist (commercial) - 921–940;
- human (freight trains with 10 or more cars for people) - 941–960;
- cargo-passenger - 961–970;
- postal and luggage - 971–998.

Regular suburban and border (regional) - 6001–6998;
- suburban ambulances with reserved seats - 7001–7098;
- suburban and urban express - 7101–7598;
- service (special purpose) - 7601–7628.

The current updated schedule for Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Armenia and Lithuania can be viewed on our service. In each of these countries, the websites of carriers and railway operators usually also have an up-to-date schedule.

This depends on the availability of passenger cars. As a rule, there are no such cars on postal and luggage trains, which means that passengers cannot travel.

Tickets and train schedules in Russia and Ukraine indicate the following types of cars:

M - VIP carriage with 1- or 2-seater compartments, equipped with bathrooms and shower. In such carriages only the entire compartment is sold;
L - SV (sleeping car), soft with double compartments, one-story and two-story;
K - compartment with four-seater compartments, one-story and two-story;
KB - compartment with compartment-buffet;
KR - compartment with radio station, one-story and two-story;
P - (PL), non-compartment with sleeping places (reserved seat);
O - non-compartment with seating (shared);
S - (Region), interregional with seating, one-story and two-story;
R - dining car, one-story and two-story;
P - postal;
B - luggage.

The fare consists of the cost of the ticket, the cost of a reserved seat and a commission fee (in some cases).

A reserved seat is a fee for “reserving” a seat on a train. There is no charge for a reserved seat on commuter trains.

Commission fees vary: for re-registration and return; for purchasing tickets a certain period before departure (in certain countries). There may also be fees (or, conversely, discounts) for booking tickets on the Internet, fees from the agency where you bought the ticket (if it is not the Russian Railways ticket office), and some others.

On the Yandex.Timetables service you can view train schedules within a number of CIS countries. At the moment, unfortunately, we do not provide schedules for other foreign countries. Train schedules in Europe can be found on the websites of the railways of the countries you are interested in, for example:
Die Bahn. Transport Germany
SBB. Transport Switzerland
SNCF. Transport France

Transport sites often not only provide information about trains, but also allow you to calculate the route as a whole, using city buses, commuter trains, and even taking into account walking. :)

In general, to the administration of the railway that owns the train you are traveling on. If your rights were violated while traveling on a Russian train, you can contact the public reception of JSC Russian Railways.

If you believe that your rights are being violated in the carriage by the conductor, contact the head of the train, and only then contact the administration of the railway where the train is formed.

In Russia and Ukraine, as a rule, tickets with transfers are not sold. Moreover, one ticket office may not sell you tickets for trains whose arrival and departure times are three hours or less apart.

In reality, cases may be different. Trains are rarely delayed by several hours, so on the Yandex.Timetables service we search for routes with transfers (with a minimum time for transfer of 1 hour), warning about the personal responsibility of the passenger for his decision. It should be remembered that there may be more than one station in a city, and the distance between them may be quite large.

In Europe, as a rule, you can buy tickets with a transfer lasting at least 5 minutes.

No, you are not allowed to bring your own bed linen on trains for hygiene reasons.

Yes, you are already insured, and information about this is indicated in one of the lines of the ticket. Additional insurance, which is offered at some cash desks, only increases the amount of insurance payments. Some exceptions are interstate trains, where there is no initial insurance.

The conductor is obliged to fulfill all reasonable requests of the passenger: at least three times a day to provide passengers with tea, coffee, confectionery, and in branded trains and “SV” cars of all categories - at the request of passengers at any time of the day; maintain the presence of hot water in the boiler and cooled water in the water cooler; remove bedding after passengers disembark, etc. According to the conductor’s instructions, in exceptional cases, with the consent of passengers, it is allowed to remove bedding no earlier than 30 minutes before passengers arrive at the railway station for disembarkation.

If you disagree with the actions of your carriage conductor, you can contact the train manager.

As a rule, this situation is most often resolved depending on the specific circumstances. Formally, in accordance with the Rules for the Transportation of Passengers, Baggage and Cargo Luggage, passengers' journeys must begin from the station indicated on the travel document (ticket). At the same time, to improve the quality of service for passengers on trains formed by the Federal Passenger Directorate, passengers are allowed to board at any station after the departure station indicated on the ticket, subject to the validity of the ticket and payment of the fare along the route.

Tickets are refunded upon presentation of passenger identification documents. When returning tickets in domestic Russian traffic, the passenger receives the following:
- if the ticket is returned up to 8 hours before the train departure - the full fare;
- when returning a ticket from 8 to 2 hours before train departure - 100% of the ticket price and 50% of the cost of a reserved seat;
- when returning a ticket from 2 hours before train departure to 12 hours after departure - 100% of the ticket price.

When returning tickets on interstate routes:
- if the ticket is returned up to 24 hours before the train departure - the full fare;
- when returning a ticket from 24 to 6 hours before train departure - 100% of the ticket price and 50% of the cost of a reserved seat;
- when returning a ticket from 6 hours before train departure to 3 hours after departure - 100% of the ticket price.

Commissions and other fees (except for insurance) paid when purchasing tickets are not refunded to the passenger. There is a fee for ticket return operations.

You can already buy a train ticket in Russia and Ukraine without leaving your home and pay for it with a bank card on the website. For most trains in Russia, you can select the “Electronic check-in” function and come to boarding only with an identification document (the number of which is indicated on the ticket), as well as an electronic ticket itinerary receipt printed on a printer (with a barcode). Such trains are indicated on our service with a special marker.

If electronic check-in for a train is not possible, you must obtain a paper ticket at the station using a printout of the electronic ticket (or its number) and a document proving your identity.

Ticket sales begin 45 days before the train departure date (for some trains - 60 days). However, it is often impossible to buy tickets for peak destinations (for example, in the summer towards the Black Sea) just a few hours after the start of sales for 45 days.

However, this does not mean that there are no tickets and there will not be any. It happens that it is impossible to buy tickets for such trains a month before departure, but you can easily buy them one day before departure. The reason is the numerous reservations that prevent ordinary passengers from accessing the bulk of the tickets.

The timing of ticket cancellations may vary; often additional carriages are attached to the train, for which ticket sales begin immediately. The only thing we can recommend is to monitor the availability of tickets for your desired destination every day.

The ticket can be reissued for a previously departing train or for another train carriage. Tickets can be reissued only if there are less than 24 hours left before the departure of the train for which the ticket is being reissued. When reissuing tickets, the travel route cannot be changed (with the exception of train departure or arrival stations).

A fee will be charged for re-issuing a ticket. In addition, if the cost of a new ticket exceeds the cost of the old one, the passenger pays the difference in price. If the cost of a new ticket is less than the cost of the old one, then the difference is returned to the passenger, but only if the ticket was purchased in Russia.

Re-issuance of travel documents for another person or for later trains is not possible.

Only tickets from Russia to Russia sold in Russia to carriages of the Russian formation are subject to restoration. A lost ticket can be restored in one of the following places: at the train departure station, at the sales station, at the destination station. An application for ticket reinstatement must be addressed to the station duty officer. The passenger must present the document for which the ticket was issued (or a police certificate if his ticket was stolen along with his passport), indicate the departure date (the main details for finding information about the ticket, except for the last name) and the travel route. The recovery process takes 1–2 hours, so you should contact us in advance. A duplicate ticket issued to a passenger cannot be returned or reissued. Once a duplicate is issued, the original ticket is also non-refundable.

From July 1, 2003, for a one-time trip by Russian citizens between the Kaliningrad region and the rest of the Russian Federation, a mechanism was introduced for registration and issuance of a special Simplified Railway Travel Document (STR).

Railway UTD is issued by railway cashiers, who simultaneously send a request to the consular department of the Embassy of the Lithuanian Republic in Moscow. A transit permit is issued while traveling on the train until the passenger crosses the border with the Republic of Lithuania. Before departure, the passenger can obtain information about whether he is allowed transit at the railway ticket offices equipped with the Express system. Registration of UPD Railway is free of charge. All of the above does not apply to citizens who have a visa of the Republic of Lithuania to cross its border.

The main document for crossing the borders of the Republic of Lithuania and issuing a railway document is a foreign passport. Such a trip is impossible with a regular Russian passport. Tickets to the Kaliningrad region and back are sold only at the box office; they cannot be issued via the Internet (but you can check the cost and availability there).

Transportation on trains of all categories of small pets, dogs and birds is allowed in excess of the established carry-on baggage allowance in all carriages (except for carriages with double compartments (SV) and luxury carriages) subject to a veterinary certificate and payment for transportation.

Small pets, dogs and birds are transported in boxes, baskets, cages, containers, which must be placed in places intended for hand luggage.

When transporting small domestic animals, dogs and birds, their owners or accompanying persons must ensure compliance with the sanitary and hygienic regime in the carriage. It is not permitted to transport wild animals as hand luggage on trains and carriages of all categories.

You can find out more about the rules for transporting animals on long-distance trains on the website of JSC Russian Railways.

Passengers have the right to carry with them free of charge one child under the age of 5 years, if he does not occupy a separate seat, as well as children aged 5 to 10 years, paying in accordance with the child ticket fare. For children over 10 years old, travel documents (tickets) are purchased as for adults. The child's age is determined on the day the trip begins.

For all children, including those under five years of age, it is necessary to obtain a ticket (in some cases free) from the railway ticket office before the start of the trip.

There are no special services provided when traveling with an organized group of children on Russian Railways trains (with the exception of special children's trains assigned at the request of the regions for the organized transportation of large groups of children to vacation spots).

Important: When traveling on a long-distance train with a child, you must have the original of his birth certificate with you (for children over 14 years old - a passport). Without the original document, a child has the right to be denied boarding the train.

The letter in the train number is an integral part of the number and allows you to distinguish between trains with the same numerical number, but following, for example, in different directions. Example: train 102A - direction Moscow-St. Petersburg, train 102M - direction Moscow-Adler, train 102C - Adler-Moscow. It may also be that trains with the same numeric number, but with different letters, go in the same direction. This means that either one or another train is coming, and they differ from each other in some way (for example, in the crews serving them).

Theoretically, in a carriage with services, maximum comfort should be created for the passenger: food, bed linen, toiletries, cleaning, possibly air conditioning - all this is included in the ticket price. Nevertheless, it is quite difficult to predict in advance what from this list will ultimately be “included” in the compartment.

If your passport is being exchanged, you can buy a ticket using any other identification document, for example, a foreign passport, military ID, or service ID. If there are no other identification documents, you should take a certificate from the police in the appropriate form stating that the passport is being exchanged. If the ticket has already been purchased using a passport that is to be changed, then you need to take a certificate from the police stating that the passport with the specified number has been surrendered.

No, such information is not provided to anyone except law enforcement agencies.

A technical stop is a stop that is included in the train schedule due to a possible technological need - for example, if a faster train needs to pass or a locomotive needs to be changed. It is not possible to buy a ticket to and from technical stops - in some cases the train may simply pass the technical stop.

In 2006, JSC Russian Railways introduced a division of compartments into “male”, “female” and “mixed” compartments in a number of trains and carriages. Tickets for men's compartments were sold only to men, and for women's compartments only to women. Mixed coupes were intended for married couples, families with children and passengers who did not seek “gender” coupes. However, during the experiment, a number of controversial issues emerged, and the scale of implementation of separate compartments was significantly reduced.

In Russia, on long-distance trains, bicycles are allowed to be carried as part of the established hand luggage allowance in disassembled and packaged form, if their size can be placed in places intended for hand luggage. You should also keep in mind that items that could damage or contaminate the carriage or the belongings of other passengers are not allowed to be carried as hand luggage.

This is a rather serious question that does not have a definitive answer. The currently valid Regulations on television, video, film and photography at public railway transport infrastructure facilities owned by JSC Russian Railways, approved by the order of JSC Russian Railways No. 1513r dated July 18, 2008, do not apply to filming , intended for personal use and carried out in passenger service areas at train stations, stations, stopping points, which do not interfere with or create inconvenience or danger for the movement of passengers. A more detailed response from the Russian Prosecutor's Office on this matter can be found here: part 1, part 2, part 3. This way you can take pictures. However, be prepared that not all security officers may be familiar with these instructions and you may be in for an unpleasant conversation. Also, be sure that you are not photographing a secret or closed object (again, stations and trains do not fall into this category).