Entertainment in Phu Quoc Vietnam. Where are the must-sees and what to see in Phu Quoc, Vietnam? Ham Ninh fishing village

February 6, 2018


While preparing for our trip to Phu Quoc, we dug through a lot of information. Very often there was an opinion online that there wasn’t much to do on this island. A great place for a beach holiday and nothing more. As I wrote earlier, in Fukuoka, as always in the tourist area, they offer a lot of different ones. Everything is the same and you can visit more on your own. It’s up to you to choose how to explore the sights of Fukuoka, with a tour or on your own. You can find out prices and buy excursions around Vietnam at.

Phu Quoc Island is quite large and you won’t be able to get around it on foot. If you decide to explore the sights of Fukuoka on your own, then it is best to rent a bike. How to rent a bike in Fukuoka, how much it costs to rent a bike and what roads on the island you can read on.

Bai Sao Beach

Bai Sao Beach

In the southern part of the island is Bai Sao Beach. It is considered the most beautiful on the island. The beach is located in a small bay. The central part of the beach has an excellent sandy shore. There are many picturesque stones along the edges of the bay. This beach is somewhat reminiscent of this. Everything on the shore is landscaped, there are sun loungers with umbrellas. There are cafes around where you can either just have a snack or have a full meal. There is parking for . Finding the beach is quite simple; you need to drive along the central road to the south. And then follow the signs and turn left. We got a little lost and went around a bend. But any local can point you in the right direction without any problems.

Coconut Prison

Coconut Prison

Coconut Prison is now history, but in the past it was the most terrible place on the island. This prison was built by French colonialists, and during the Vietnam War, the Americans used it as a concentration camp where they tortured and killed thousands of people. At one time, the territory of this place occupied an area of ​​almost 40 hectares. The place is, frankly speaking, very gloomy. But it is an integral history of the Vietnamese. Now some of the barracks have been restored, various compositions have been made showing the horrors of those years.

Coconut Prison

The coconut prison is open strictly according to schedule every day except Monday from 07-30 to 11-00 and from 13-30 to 17-00. So when planning a trip it’s worth taking this into account. We were told that to visit the museum we had to buy a ticket. But in fact, entry is free for everyone. If you wish, you can leave money in the donation box at the museum entrance.

The coconut prison is located in the southern part of the island. Driving along the road, on the right side you can see a blue monument, opposite this monument there will be a coconut prison.

Monument to those killed in Coconut Prison

There is also a military school nearby. At first we decided that this was a museum; the guard at the entrance pointed us in the right direction.

Fukuoka State Nature Reserve

State Nature Reserve on Phu Quoc Island

Entrance to Fukuoka State Nature Reserve is free. They will look after the motorbike for a completely symbolic payment of 5,000 dong. At the entrance of the reserve there are many beautiful sculptures cast from concrete.

State Nature Reserve on Phu Quoc Island

But that's not what attracts us. Having passed further beyond the artificial beauty, you find yourself almost in a real forest. The walk goes up along the river flowing over large stones. At the end of the path a real waterfall appears. You can swim in the waterfall and take interesting photos.

Waterfall in the national reserve in Fukuoka

There is also a trail that allows you to climb to the top of the waterfall. Our visit to the reserve brought us great pleasure. Firstly, it’s cool on a hot day, and secondly, it’s an opportunity to splash around in fresh water.

Night market

Many people say that this is the only entertainment in Fukuoka. Which I certainly don’t agree with. The night market starts operating around five o'clock in the evening, because that's why it's night market. There are many different cafes on the market offering to taste the most unknown sea life.

Night market on Phu Quoc island

Any fish you choose is immediately grilled. Several times I came across the opinion that the night market has cheap products. I completely disagree with this, the prices are higher and sometimes much higher than in any ordinary cafe. I also didn’t particularly like the quality of the prepared dishes. The rush and the desire to attract as many clients as possible take their toll. Everything is prepared without any fuss. In general, go for a walk and look at huge boats with seafood, at aquariums with unknown fish.

It turns out that they eat this too...

Definitely have dinner there. And no more. There are a lot of places on the island where the food is much tastier and the environment is not unsanitary. This is not a joke, the market is truly anti-sanitation. In case of poisoning, you need.

The market also sells spices and various pearl products. The pearls are obviously not of the highest quality. You can buy hairpins, shoes, clothes and souvenirs.

Cafe with a view of Cambodia

Cafe overlooking the border with Cambodia

From the shore in the very north of the island you can see Cambodia. Not to say that this is a breathtaking sight; in Fukuoka, beauty is almost everywhere. But there is a certain romance in this. Having traveled by motorbike to the northern part of the island, it is very cool to stop and rest in this place. They traditionally serve fresh seafood and Vietnamese coffee with or without ice. You sit and relax, eat seafood and realize that you see not much nor less, but the neighboring country - Cambodia.

View of the border with Cambodia

Duong Dong City

Duong Duong City

We found it very interesting to simply ride around the city of Duong Dong. Along the way there were small markets with fruits.

Fruit market

Very beautiful and typical Vietnamese fishing boats. We saw Vietnamese motorcycle washes.

Motorcycle wash in Duong Dong

I had a chance to drive through incredibly narrow streets, I would even say cracks. All this is very interesting and allows you to see the real life and way of life of the Vietnamese, which are very different from our everyday life.

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In this post I will tell you about the sights of Phu Quoc (Vietnam), although there are not many of them here. People come to the island specifically for a beach holiday; there are no significant historical places here, mainly beaches, waterfalls, nature, and a few pagodas.

On the other hand, recently a lot of money has been invested in the island, the world's largest cable car has appeared, amusement parks, newly built temples... let's take it in order.

Phu Quoc attractions

Beaches of Phu Quoc Island

There are several beaches on the island and most of them are located on the western and northern coasts. The cleanliness of the beaches depends on currents and wind, sometimes it brings a lot of garbage, and then they do not look like paradise, much to the disappointment of tourists.

Duong Dong City

The main city of Fukuoka (essentially a large village) is located on the west coast 10 km from. Here you can look at the non-tourist life of local residents, several pagodas (the most famous is the Dinh Cau Temple Dinh Cau) and a colorful fish market, where it is best to come early in the morning. In the evenings, a night market opens in the center, where you can inexpensively buy seafood, souvenirs, and also eat.

Night market

The main occupation of the locals is fishing, and here you can see unusual ships on which they go to sea every day and return back with an exotic catch.

Fishing vessels

Closer to the northern part of the city there is an old airport building with a runway nearby, which is now used as a regular road (part of the runway).

Vinpearl Land Amusement Park

Perhaps the main attraction in Fukuoka is Winpearl Land. This is a huge “city” with many attractions, water slides, swimming pools, golf courses, cinemas, various shows that take place every day.

Vinpearl is a great place for a family holiday, quite popular among our tourists. Located near the resort of the same name near Bai Dai beach in the north of the island.

Working hours: 09:00 — 21:00


Vinpearl Safari Park

Another great place for the whole family to relax is the Winpearl Safari Wildlife Park. This is not just another zoo, but a real center for the conservation of rare species of animals and plants, as well as a scientific and research institute.

Here you can not only look at wild animals in their natural habitat, but also visit a petting zoo and various performances.

Working hours: 09:00 — 16:00

Price: adult - 500 thousand VND, children from 1 to 1.4 m tall - 400 thousand VND, children under 1 m - free.

You can buy tickets to Vinpearl Land and Vinpearl Safari either separately or a single ticket that will be valid in both. Such a ticket costs 900 thousand dong for adults, children from 1 to 1.4 m tall - 750 thousand dong, children under 1 m - free.

Cable car

In mid-February 2018, a cable car opened in Phu Quoc, connecting the island with the islet of Hon Thom and becoming the world's longest cable car passing over the sea. Its length is 8 km, the height of the supports reaches 180 meters, and the capacity of each cabin is up to 30 people!

You can get to the beginning of the cable car by a special free bus from the city of Duong Dong through Long Beach three times a day, or by taxi or rented transport.

Working hours: 07:30 — 17:30

Price: round trip adult - 500 thousand dong, child ticket - 350 thousand dong.

Southern Islands

South of Phu Quoc there are 15 islands of different sizes and areas: the largest is Hon Thom (Pineapple Island), Hon May Rut, Hon Mong Tay, Hon Gam Ghi are also known.

The second option is to rent a boat in the village of An Thoi; all boats, including excursion ones, depart from the local pier.

"Coconut Prison"

One of the attractions of Fukuoka is the gloomy so-called “coconut prison”. I do not recommend coming here for impressionable people or children, since Vietnamese soldiers were kept here during the Vietnam War. Inside, the barracks in which the prisoners lived, instruments of torture and similar exhibits are recreated. Anya didn’t go, and I somehow felt uneasy inside, but that’s the history of these places.

Fish sauce factory

The most famous Vietnamese delicacy is fish sauce, some of which is produced right here in Phu Quoc. Most of it is supplied to the domestic market, some is exported to Europe. USA and Asian countries. There are several such factories in Phu Quoc, but the most convenient way to visit is the one located in Duong Dong, I marked it on the map at the bottom of the post, like other attractions.

Pepper plantations

You can find pepper plantations all over Fukuoka. I was surprised to learn that Vietnam ranks first in the world in pepper exports! Moreover, Fukuoka pepper is considered to be of the highest quality, so you can’t think of a better gift or souvenir for the hostess.

At the plantations you can see how pepper is grown and processed, and you can get to them either with an organized excursion or by arriving on your own.

Cao Dai Temple

An interesting attraction of Fukuoka is the temple of the Cao Dai religion. Caodaism combines features of Buddhism, beliefs in spirits, Taoism, Catholicism and many other religions. According to one version, this teaching was created by French colonialists at the beginning of the 20th century. After all, traditional beliefs and the cult of ancestors were strong among the local population, and Catholicism was categorically not suitable for them and was perceived with hostility. French intelligence created a similar project - this is one of the versions. According to another, the spirit of Cao Dai appeared to several prominent figures in the south of Vietnam during spiritualistic seances, commanding the creation of a new religion.

Cao Dai Temple in Phu Quoc stands out for its unusual appearance and bright colors, located in Duong Dong.

Suoi Tranh waterfalls andSuoi Da Ban

There are two not very large waterfalls in Fukuoka, which originate from underground springs somewhere deep in the national park. Entrance fee is 5000 dong. The first is located north of the airport, the second is east of Duong Dong. The best time to visit them is the months from May to October (rainy season), when the waterfalls are full and you can swim in the improvised baths nearby. The rest of the time the waterfalls are very small.

Phu Quoc National Park

Tropical forests cover most of the island, and the national park occupies more than half of its area. In 2010, it was declared a biosphere reserve by UNESCO. In total, more than 50 species of animals, 300 species of birds, 500 species of plants, as well as rare marine life live here. To get to the park, it is best to book a tour; the place is popular for ecotourism and hiking.

Ho Quoc Pagoda

New building on the east coast, a little north of Bai Sao beach, but from here there is a cool view of the sea and the surrounding area. A lot of money was invested in the temple, and it turned out really large - the pagoda is considered the largest temple in the Mekong Delta.

Phu Quoc attractions on the map

Separate post with maps of the island.

In reviews about the island you can often find the statement that “there is nothing to see on Fukuoka”... This is usually written by those who spent their entire vacation in a hotel, or went on one excursion from a tour operator, which includes 50 percent of the food shops, and the other Sao Beach and Ho Quoc Pagoda account for 50 percent. Friends, yes, Phu Quoc is not yet so developed that every hundred meters there would be a transvestite show, a bar for Australians or a mini golf course, like in Pattaya. But this is not a reason to be “upset”.

People come to Phu Quoc for something else - beaches, cozy bungalows in the jungle, peace and quiet for a family or romantic getaway. And this does not mean that there is nothing to see on the island, there is very much. And every day we write about interesting places and attractions on the island, we know and love this place, so we want to correct the unfortunate ignorance of the guests. So, our short review is what to see in Fukuoka, or rather its first part.

Sights of Fukuoka: a must-see

Despite the fact that the site has a whole section with this name, which already contains more than thirty articles, we have compiled our top places in Fukuoka that you should definitely visit. The best option for this is to rent a bike. Taking a taxi around the island is expensive, and there is almost no public transport.

If you are not a fan of motorcycles, are afraid or do not want to travel around the island with children, then we recommend reading about excursions in Fukuoka, in a separate section of the site, the routes are selected so as to explore all corners of the island as fully as possible, and leave only good impressions from your vacation . But let's get back to what is worth seeing in Fukuoka. We will divide our small (in fact, the largest on the Internet) guide into several parts, and this is part one.

Most popular tourist spots:

Cable car to Hon Thom island

This place is unbeatable and we recommend it to all guests of Fukuoka. The beautiful view that opens from a height of 100 meters will fascinate anyone! And Thom Beach, which the road leads to, deserves to be the best beach on the island, although formally it does not belong to it. The cable car in Fukuoka opened in February 2018, but has already become a must-see destination for tourists.

Vinpearl Amusement Park

A real tourist magnet: a full-fledged amusement park with a water park, various attractions, fountain shows and costumed performances. Paradise for children and adults. A must visit, something to spend the whole day here!

Vinpearl Safari

This is part of Winpearl Land Park. You can buy a ticket to both parks at once, but you should not do this. You will spend half a day at the Safari: a petting zoo, feeding a giraffe, a show of African dancers and much more.

Camel at Vinpearl Safari Park

Night market in Fukuoka

A tourist center with dozens of restaurants, shops and souvenir shops. Here you can try different sea creatures or buy a string of pearls. But be careful - the prices are steep! Everything can be found much cheaper if you walk around the city itself and don’t stay in the tourist “ghetto”.

Religion: Temples and Pagodas of Fukuoka

Ho Quoc Pagoda

The largest Buddhist pagoda in the Mekong Delta. A huge complex with a total area of ​​110 hectares. A new spiritual center of Buddhism for all of southern Vietnam. Located on the east coast of the island.

Lighthouse Dinh Cau Temple

Three in one: a small rocky cape, a lighthouse at the entrance to the mouth of the Duong Dong River and a Buddhist pagoda. Located in the very center of the city and is considered the symbol of Fukuoka

Hung Co Tu Pagoda (Hưng Cổ Tự)

Pagoda of the Kin community, Chinese who left their homeland in search of a better life in the 15th century and settled throughout Southeast Asia. Hung Ko Tu Pagoda is an important cultural center for the Kinh people, who have lived in Phu Quoc for hundreds of years. It is located in the city and can be visited while walking around Godrod.

Khao Dai Phu Quoc Temple

The most mystical cult in Vietnam. The syncretic sect brought together three different religions and absorbed the spirit of the era: communication with spirits, mysterious rituals and bright clothes. It’s worth it, because among their saints are... Leo Tolstoy and Vladimir Lenin.

Trung Trac Hero Pagoda

This place is located in the north of the island, in the village of Ganzau. The pagoda is dedicated to the national hero Dinh Nguyen Trung Trac, who fought against the colonialists in the area of ​​Phu Quoc Island during the first Franco-Vietnamese war.

Fukuoka Past and Present: History of the Island

Coi Nguon Museum

A great place to learn about the history and culture of the island. Four floors of rarities and wonders. It’s a pity there are no Russian signs, but you can always order a Russian guide for the whole group and find out everything you need about the island.

Coconut Prison

Monument to the era of colonialism and civil war. A terrible monument to human cruelty, war and politics, in which the victims are always ordinary people. The place is interesting and educational, but with age restrictions. It is not recommended to go there with children.

Well, is that enough for the first time? And that’s not all, wait for the second part of our selection “What to see in Fukuoka.” It will include plantations and farms, beaches, waterfalls and something else.

Located in the south of colorful Vietnam, in the eternally warm waters of the Gulf of Thailand on the border with Cambodia. It ranks first on the list of the country's largest islands as it measures 48 km in length and just over 25 km in width.

Interesting! Because of the mountain range that occupies most of Phu Quoc, local residents gave it the poetic name “Island of 99 Mountains.”

Among experienced travelers you can often hear a comparison of this place with Thai Phuket island. There are indeed similarities between them, especially in climate and size, but Fukuoka has a less intense life, and it is also less developed and equipped.

There are no hundreds of noisy discos, international bars, brothels and dozens of shopping centers where you can cheaply buy clothes, shoes and jewelry from local manufacturers. There are also fewer cultural attractions on the Vietnamese island. But it is precisely these qualities that have made Phu Quoc one of the most attractive places for.

First of all, this region is famous, but in addition to this, you can find some attractions on the island.

Attractions and e excursions

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The reason for the imperfection of the local tourism infrastructure is that its development began only in the mid-2000s. The reason for this was unclear international status of the island. If you look at the map, you can see that it is located in territorial waters, exactly in the middle of the border between Cambodia and Vietnam.

Interesting! Therefore, for almost half a century, two states disputed the ownership of Fukuoka. Until the territorial dispute was resolved, none of the parties that claimed the site were willing to invest in its development.

The influx of tourists and the final assignment of the island to Vietnam, spurred the development of Fukuoka. Now there are several objects that you must visit during your stay on the island.

Nha Lao Cay Dua Prison or Coconut Tree Prison

During the First Indochina War from 1949 to 1950, when Vietnam was under French colonial rule, Phu Quoc Island was chosen by the authorities as the location for the organization the country's largest prison. Then this region had little in common with the current island paradise, it was a hellish place for torture and torture.

The newly opened prison was named "Coconut Prison" because prison authorities forced criminals and prisoners of war to work until exhaustion on local coconut plantations. Rarely a working day went by without the death of one of the workers.

During the Second Indochina War, as well as during the subsequent civil war in Vietnam, the prison became into US possession. During this period, its size expanded significantly, as did the scale of the atrocities that took place in its dungeons.

This prison acquired the gloomy fame of one of the places where the most brutal torture of a person.

Shock! Evidence of this are numerous objects, such as: tiny coffin-sized cells with walls and ceilings made of barbed wire, torture chambers with instruments for torturing people, pits for prisoners half filled with swamp water, as well as execution yards and mass graves. All this was preserved with the help of a memory museum that was opened on the site of the prison.

Those who are interested in the new history of the region and want to know more about the events that took place in Southeast Asia during the period of colonialism and civil wars should definitely visit the Coconut Prison with a guided tour.

Fukuoka Lighthouse

In contrast to the previous object, Fukuoka Lighthouse is a pleasant place with pastoral landscapes, which leaves the best impression. French colonists built this object on a small steep cliff.

Interesting! The lighthouse was built next to an ancient thousand-year-old temple, where, according to local fishermen’s beliefs, the good goddess Tian Hou lives, who patronizes fishermen and sailors. Local residents still come here to present a sacrificial offering to the goddess, or to pray to her for a successful catch.

The lighthouse is not only an object of pilgrimage, but also a small spontaneous place where you can buy a wide variety of seafood, including exotic ones, at cheap prices (by CIS standards). Here you can buy rare seafood delicacies that in Europe are found only in the most advanced and expensive supermarkets or fish restaurants.

ATTENTION! It is recommended to visit the lighthouse in the afternoon. At this time, local sailors return from the sea with the morning catch, and their family carries fresh seafood to a spontaneous market in order to sell it to other residents of the island or tourists. There you can buy not only fresh fish, but also fish prepared at home or in small local taverns.

Phu Quoc Fish Sauce Factory

No self-respecting Vietnamese eats food without fish sauce, which is as indispensable here as table salt in the rest of the world. It is served absolutely everywhere here: both in home cooking and... And almost everyone eats with it.

Historically, the best fish sauce in the country is made on the island of Phu Quoc, which is located in a very favorable place in terms of fishing. This seasoning is produced here in huge quantities. at a local fish sauce factory. From there it is distributed throughout the country and even exported beyond its borders: to Europe, the USA, and other Asian countries.

The factory for the production of this sauce can be found just a couple of minutes walk from the main market of the island.

Important! Moreover, you can enter its territory completely free of charge, but you will only have to pay for the services of an English-speaking guide who will take you on a tour of the most interesting places of the facility and explain the essence of the production processes inside. You can refuse the services of a guide, but in this case you will have to figure out what is happening on your own.

Inside the factory, travelers can see huge wooden barrels, in which the sauce is infused and acquires its specific taste and aroma, which are so valued in Vietnam.

Most tourists can smell the factory by the strong smell of rotten fish, even tens of meters away from it, because of this they often flatly refuse to go inside. And completely in vain!

After all, the sauce here is made using old technology, without preservatives or chemicals:

  • first, dry corals are placed in a wooden container as a filter;
  • sprinkle small fish sprinkled with salt on top;
  • the entire mixture ferments for 4 years;
  • After the fermentation process is completed, the sauce is poured into pots, adding spices that give it a specific color and spicy taste.

ATTENTION! Some airlines have banned the carriage of fish sauce on their planes because if it is accidentally uncorked, it will contaminate the entire cabin. Therefore, passengers' luggage may be carefully checked for the presence of sauce.

Pepper plantations

Large in area black pepper plantations. The attraction is not very interesting, but in order to pass the time between excursions, it is quite suitable. In addition, passage there is quite inexpensive.

Pearl farm

After all, it is grown here in huge quantities. For this purpose, several farms with swimming pools have been established in Fukuoka.

Interesting! These farms were organized in 1998 and in a couple of years of activity they turned from an ordinary local enterprise into the most visited facilities of this type on the planet.

People are attracted to opportunity free get to the farm territory to see with your own eyes how oyster shells mature in pools, how tiny grains of sand are implanted into them, which gradually turn into pearls, and also how the finished product is extracted and processed, turning into beautiful jewelry.

Important! As already noted, the cost of visiting the farm is free, but you will have to pay for the services of a guide and transportation there.

Speaking of products: here you can buy them at a lower cost than in Vietnam in general, due to the lack of store markups for additional taxes and logistics.

The cost of products made from real pearls in Fukuoka starts from $30.

National ParkPhu Quoc National Park

The main advantage of Fukuoka is this is its heavenly untouched nature, which will amaze with its appearance even a person indifferent to such beauties.

All the main natural resources are concentrated in the territory national park, which consists of relict jungles hundreds of thousands of years old and numerous mountains among them. From these mountains flow in large quantities warm waterfalls, which form small rivers and dams.

In the park you can see 930 plant species, including those listed in the Red Book. More than 150 species of animals, in particular, the famous wild dogs of Phu Quoc, which were brought here in ancient times by the first inhabitants of the island, but escaped into the jungle and became completely wild.

Suoi Tranh Waterfall

Medium sized waterfall located deep in the park. He is famous for repeatedly appearing in famous films when directors needed to demonstrate the beauty of the tropics. Once there, observers find themselves at a small and clean pool of water, which is surrounded on all sides by lush tropical vegetation, and the rocks of the waterfall are shrouded in vines.

Note! A convenient walking path made of stones leads to the waterfall.

The cost of the excursion is about 50,000 thousand VND.

Duong Dong Lake and Ho Duong Dong Reservoirs

In the very center of the park Several dams were built near the mountain range, which helped form a large reservoir fed by clean mountain rivers. These hydrological features are the main source of drinking water for the island's inhabitants.

They have also turned into a tourist attraction, since they are surrounded on all sides by relict jungle and in appearance reminiscent of a heavenly lake.

Pagodas and temples

In Fukuoka you can find small buddhist temple, which is located on the territory of the above-mentioned lighthouse. There is also a pagoda built in honor of the patron goddess of sailors.

The second pagoda and temple are located in an island village called Duong Duong. Having climbed to the territory of the temple complex, you can get to the observation deck, from which you can clearly see the entire city.

ATTENTION! There are two staircases in Duong Dong Temple: one is exclusively for men and the other is exclusively for women. Therefore, you should not be surprised by persistent requests to climb the required stairs.

Coi Nguon Museum

This private museum, located in the city center of Duong Duong, tells the story of the island's history. In the 5-story building you can find more 3000 items antiquity, archaeological finds, household items and monuments that were found throughout Fukuoka.

Interesting! The collection numbers about 5,000 thousand exhibits, and this number is constantly growing. It is worth noting that the entire collection was collected by just one person, whose family owns the local history museum.


Fans of beach and outdoor activities will also find entertainment in Fukuoka.


Active recreation on the island is mainly represented by diving, as well as tourist bases for ecotrekking (hiking with overnight stays in a national park). Also here or a bicycle to explore all the beauties of the island in person, and not as part of an excursion. For nightlife lovers there are numerous bars and nightclubs.

Beach holiday

For Fukuoka, this is not just a beautiful epithet, but a very real status. After all, since 2008, this resort has taken first place in the list of the most beautiful and environmentally friendly places for tourism on the planet.

There is no dominance of water scooters and kitesurfers, and the area is full of wild beaches, where you may not meet a single soul all day. The latter factor makes Phu Quoc a great place for fans of nudism.

With kids

You can entertain children in large amusement park "Winpearl Land" with a water park, numerous attractions and an aquarium, or leaving them in the hands of animators who are available at any hotel in Vinpearl, for example at the top Vinpearl Nha Trang Resort.

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Tips and recommendations for tourists. Sights and interesting places of Phu Quoc Island. Prices for services, excursions and pleasures. In general, everything that can be useful for those who are going to spend their vacation on the Vietnamese island in an eventful and interesting way!

When you go on vacation to the southernmost Vietnamese island, you need to use your imagination and imagine that you are going to the village to visit your grandmother. Yes Yes exactly! Because Phu Quoc is now a soulful village by the sea. And don’t be afraid of this - eco-trend is now in fashion!
Phu Quoc is good for its “non-commercialization” - the people here are sincere and welcoming. The prices are very affordable. Bye.

So, what are they? sights and interesting places on the island ? What is worth devoting time to in Fukuoka?

  • go to bus tours around the island— North or South (from 250,000),
  • commit boat trip around the South or North Islands, go fishing, diving or snorkeling(from 300,000 VND),

  • arrange a cycle track around the city or test your own endurance - get there to Da Ban waterfall(bike rental from 30,000 VND per hour, 120,000 for the whole day),

  • on one's own travel around all the beaches of the island on a motorbike(bike rental from 200,000 VND per day, not including the cost of gasoline);
  • visit as part of an excursion or on your own (by bike or bike) a fish sauce factory and a black or white pepper plantation;
  • take a walk to lighthouse, watch the sunset at the lighthouse (free),
  • fall in love with the bright colors of local temples— we counted more than 10 of them, but it’s hard to even imagine how many there actually are! (entrance is free, remember to cover your knees and shoulders, i.e. shorts and tops are not suitable for visiting temples);
  • enjoy the clear water and white sand of Bai Sao Beach in the southeast of the island (round trip about 300,000 VND);
  • visit one of the many pearl farms and please your heart by purchasing jewelry (a trip to the farm is free);
  • take a walk through the National Park, see the real jungle(admission is free, you just need to get there by taxi or bike);

  • be impressed by the color of the Town market, the one across the bridge towards the fishing village: there is fish, meat, fruits, vegetables, souvenirs, and clothes;
  • enjoy massage- wellness or treatment (from 100,000 VND - on the beach),
  • taste seafood delicacies in one of the restaurants in Duong Dong city or at the Night Market(from 50,000 VND per serving);
  • taste all possible alcoholic cocktails in local bars (from 40,000 VND per glass during Happy Hour);
  • deservedly appreciate the taste and aroma of Vietnamese(from 10,000 VND in a cafe for locals, from 25,000 VND in restaurants for tourists);
  • spend the sunset on the beach or on the terrace, relax under the splash of the waves (priceless!);
  • visit the private museum of Phu Quoc Island, learn the history of the city’s development (21,000 VND);
  • send postcards to friends and family(postcard 10,000 dong, stamp 12,500 dong);
  • arrange a photo shoot in the jungle or on the snow-white beaches of the island;
  • build a sand castle or bury yourself up to your neck in the clean sand of Long Beach;
  • in the afternoon or evening, go up to the roof of the Lighthouse hotel (located near the Night Market) and see the panorama of Duong Dong city(free, well, or the cost of any drink from the restaurant located on the roof);

  • walk around the territory of other hotels, evaluate and dream about staying in one of them next time!

Please NOTE: prices are current as of February 2014!