How to diversify your outdoor recreation. Camping

I really love spending my holidays in nature. In the summer, whenever possible, I try to go with friends to the river bank. Enjoy the freshness of the green herbs and the brightness of the flowers, the aroma and taste of fresh and so appetizing (everything tastes better in nature!) kebab, warm up by the fire, admire the sunset and.. relax your soul.

I guess I don’t like it, I just adore outdoor recreation. If you are going to travel overnight, do not forget a tent, a warm blanket and a mattress. Be sure to take mosquito repellent with you, the absence of which can significantly spoil your pleasure from communication and unity with nature.

What to do on vacation?

You can come up with both active and passive recreation. And the other one will be an excellent option. Active games will lift your mood and appetite, and invigorate you. You will spend your time having fun and with health benefits! This could be mini-tennis, volleyball, shooting at pre-prepared targets. Passive rest will help you relax your mind and body, calm down and collect your thoughts. For example, fishing or picking mushrooms and berries. You can immediately prepare a delicious fish soup.

What should you take with you on vacation?

Everyone has their own list, but this is mine
looks something like this:

1. Products:

What should you take with you?
- this is salt, sugar, bread/bread, shish kebab or other main course, coffee/tea, cookies, fresh vegetables and fruits, canned food/stew. Definitely water. Be sure to choose the least perishable products.

2. Toilet items:

Dry and wet wipes, a toothbrush and toothpaste, and soap will definitely come in handy. You should always have a small first aid kit with you in case of a medical emergency.


If you are going on an overnight stay, take a tent, mattress, blanket, and warm clothes. If you go on vacation by car, do not forget about a folding table and chairs, a tablecloth, and disposable tableware. Comfort and convenience are never superfluous :). Mosquito repellent, coal/wood for ignition, matches, knife. Little things like this are often forgotten. A thermos and a saucepan can also work. Take the ball and fishing rods. Don't forget about the bait :)

Paradoxically, it is outdoor recreation with the whole family that can be very difficult for modern ordinary people, preoccupied with everyday needs and office work. Today, many couples, even those who have children together, spend their weekends and vacations separately, due to the peculiarities of their activity schedule. At the same time, family vacations should not be understood as banal barbecues and other holidays for the stomach, and not for the body.

A couple of days spent in nature can be included in this category, but spending them together is not always possible and not for everyone. Moreover, even those families who manage to get out of the bustling metropolis often do not know what to do with their own freedom and how to entertain themselves.

Why can't we go on vacation together?

The reasons for the inability to spend time together in nature are often not only the total employment of parents and children. In many ways, the hobbies and passions of all family members are very different in modern society. Even among the most friendly mini-teams, hobbies and habits are extremely different. So, mom often feels sick that she will need to prepare a lot of dishes in advance for the whole huge company. And the thought that there is a possibility of preparing breakfasts and lunches outside one’s home walls completely leads to a stupor.

Fathers, in turn, often encourage such active recreation, where many hours will be devoted to their favorite fishing or hunting. Children don’t even understand why such family outings are needed, or how they can have fun without friends and a computer. Grandparents are already reaching the age when evenings outside their cozy home can be comfortable. Moreover, the lack of familiar TV series and news broadcasts can cause a refusal to relax in nature.

How to organize a family vacation outside the city?

That is why, when planning family mini-vacations in nature, it is worth taking into account the interests of each member of the team in advance. Since the majority of men belong to the category of avid fishermen, it is better to choose a place where there are wide lakes. Pike, crucian carp, ruffe, and roach a few steps from the resting place will help men relax “with an appetite.” Probably, this particular activity will allow dad to get closer to his own son, for conversations with whom during the work week he often simply does not have enough time or energy.

To make outdoor recreation with the whole family comfortable and convenient for everyone, including mother, you should think about your accommodation plan in advance. Today there are many different recreation centers that offer entire spacious houses. They are immediately equipped with all the essentials: a gas or electric stove, a refrigerator and other familiar household appliances. Moreover, many bases now offer programs that involve a no-cooking system. Breakfast, lunch and dinner are already included in the price of accommodation in a rented house outside the city.

As for older family members, peace and quiet should be organized for them first of all. Excessively loud sounds and noisy entertainment are unlikely to be to their liking. That is why it is worth choosing in advance a cozy house or an entire cottage with several floors, which is not just outside the metropolis. You should choose the most picturesque places so that grandparents can take a calm walk.

Many of the older generation love to pick berries and mushrooms. They are likely to enjoy such peaceful entertainment that promotes harmony and smooth reflection. Often, the search for delicious berries or mushrooms becomes an excellent opportunity for older family members to spend time together with their grandchildren, with whom they so rarely manage to have a heart-to-heart talk or just be together during ordinary hours.

If there are young spouses in the family, for example an eldest daughter or son, who managed to get married, then they will definitely want to find time for solitude and a certain amount of romance. This criterion is also worth taking into account. In nature, they are unlikely to have the desire to fish, pick mushrooms, or look for tasty berries for a pie. Therefore, when choosing a country recreation center, it is worth paying special attention to those places where there are many lakes and there is an opportunity for two to go boating.

There will be no opportunity to arrange such a romantic evening or picnic in the city. In addition, this will be an excellent opportunity to admire sunsets, dream about the future and thoroughly relax. Perhaps for the newlyweds, who have only recently become part of a large family, such a vacation in nature will be the last in the duo, and for the next vacation they will go with a larger group, giving birth to a little princess or a future champion.

We cannot ignore the younger generation. Children who go to nature with their whole family need attention no less than they need in the city. Paradoxically, when all family members get together, it seems to them that the safety of the children is under double protection. That is why, when choosing a vacation spot, special attention should be paid to the security of facilities. It should also be noted that organizing family weekends requires the introduction of cultural components into the program.

Aimless and thoughtless pastime, even in nature, in an informal and unusual environment for most modern children, can quickly get boring. Therefore, it is optimal to choose a recreation center where it is possible to make excursions. Moreover, at some sites such entertainment can be presented in the form of hot air balloon travel. A lot of positive emotions and unforgettable impressions will be guaranteed not only for children, but also for everyone else.

Thus, a joint trip out of town with the whole family is not at all limited to banal barbecue or beer, which creates in children an incorrect understanding of relaxation. Small vacations that unite all members of a small team can be as eventful as possible, non-trivial and, to a certain extent, beneficial both from the point of view of health and moral satisfaction.

What could be better than spending a weekend away from the hustle and bustle of the city. Many of us dream of a country holiday, but keep putting it off until later.

On the website you can book a room at a recreation center located in a picturesque location. You can relax here as a couple, with children or a large group.

Types of active recreation

Going to restaurants, cinema or baths is also relaxation, but such pastime can be called passive. If you are a supporter of active recreation, then you may like:

  1. Winter holidays at a ski resort are a very popular type of holiday. Here you can ski or snowboard. If you don’t have enough free time or sufficient funds, you can go out of town to ski through the snowy forest or go sledding. Ice skating is also a popular winter activity.
  2. Tourism is not just a type of active recreation, it is an entire culture. Gatherings around the fire in the open air, songs with a guitar and spending the night in tents. Even a one-day hike will leave lasting memories for a long time.
  3. If you go on a picnic with a group, you can play various games, for example, football, volleyball or badminton.
  4. Cycling will help you get in great shape.

In addition, active types of outdoor recreation include traditional men's activities - hunting and fishing.

Benefits of active recreation

Proponents of active recreation claim that as a result they gain excellent health, their performance and resistance to stress increase.

In addition, such a pastime has other advantages:

  • physical activity during such a vacation allows you to temporarily forget about everyday worries and problems;
  • in the process you get unforgettable emotions. When you achieve certain results, you feel like a winner. As a result, self-confidence is strengthened;
  • being in the fresh air has a positive effect on human health;
  • There are types of recreation that require minimal costs. In order to go on a short-term hike you only need a little provisions and a good mood;
  • These types of recreation are suitable for people of any age.

You also get the opportunity to explore the world around you, and the photos will become a reminder of a great time.


There are bodies of water such as lakes or ponds along your hiking route and, if fishing is not prohibited there, you can take your fishing rod and gear with you in advance. Undoubtedly, what could be better than recreational activity? Fishing could be made interesting and thus you can catch your own food while being away from civilization. Isn’t catching fish with your own hands, fried over a fire, better than canned food taken from home? In addition, the absence of empty cans also protects the environment.

When traveling abroad, many people cannot feel rested without swimming in open lakes and splashing in rivers and streams. First of all, make sure that swimming is allowed in these waters. Also check that the currents are not too dangerous, and do not swim too far or too deep. Besides swimming, you can play many games in the cool, refreshing water.

Play games
Create fun activities such as treasure hunts, hide and seek, pebble throwing and quizzes. If you want to get active, organize sporting events such as baseball. There are endless choices when it comes to fun games on nature. You can also design your own versions of popular campfire games to play on site! You can also create your own game like Lost, based on adventure movies and reality shows.

The environment is made more relaxing by playing any musical instrument while sitting around a bright fire under a breathtaking canopy of starry night skies. And it doesn’t matter whether it’s a banal guitar, flute or something exotic like a banjo, take it with you on a hike and play, mixing the sound with the noise of trees, grass, stones and the sounds of water. No other experience can make you feel closer to nature than music combined with the sounds of the wild.

After a hard week of work, it’s so nice to relax and unwind. It is especially good to do this in nature. Clean air, warmth from the fire and delicious porridge from the pot can drive away any gloomy thoughts. With every minute spent in the forest or on the river bank, your mood usually improves. The main thing is to organize such a vacation correctly.


Make a list of vacationers, because the costs of holding it will depend on the number of participants in an outdoor picnic. Perhaps someone will want to travel with children, and you also need to know about this in advance in order to plan what to take with you and where to go. Agree, a picnic on the river bank with only men or among work colleagues is significantly different from a family vacation.

The next thing you should think about is how you will get to your destination, especially if you are going on vacation. Will it be public transport or will you go on vacation on bicycles (to enhance the feeling of tourist romance), a corporate bus or the personal cars of one of the vacationers. You should plan ahead for various possibilities for moving the group. When making arrangements with third-party organizations, clearly discuss the time of departure and time of return, and payment. Take the phone number of not only the head of the transportation organization, but also the driver - this will allow you to quickly navigate in the event of an unforeseen situation.

Nutrition is the third step in organizing outdoor recreation. Plan what you will eat: kebabs, sandwiches, or cook fish soup over a fire. Make an estimate for the purchase of products or divide among the participants who will bring what. If there are children in the company, keep in mind that not everyone will like fatty kebab, and provide alternative food options (pasta cooked in a pot, or some kind of porridge).

Think about what you will do during your vacation: play ball, organize competitions for the ability to light a fire and set up a tent, or simply sing songs around the fire. Bring with you the necessary props to diversify your vacation and take into account the wishes of each picnic participant. If you take your children with you, you can go fishing with them - they will be so interested in catching a fish and examining it up close, and then showing off their catch. Combine relaxation on the banks of a river or lake, where there is a beach, with a competition for the best drawing in the sand or the funniest figure made from natural materials.

If you decide to have an outdoor holiday in winter, make sure everyone is dressed warmly. Consider a program where people can get active to stay warm: sledding downhill, cross-country skiing, snowball fights, or snow soccer. And sausages on the fire and hot mulled wine will fill every cell of the body with sunshine.

Helpful advice

Be sure to take with you a first aid kit with a set of necessary products for disinfecting wounds and cuts, against poisoning, frostbite (if in winter), burns and mosquito and tick bites, for headaches, as well as bandages, bandages and cotton wool. And then your vacation will not present any unpleasant surprises, leaving only joyful memories.


  • outdoor recreation in winter

Tip 3: How to organize outdoor recreation for the whole family

With the arrival of the warm season, the whole family wants to get out into nature, breathe fresh air, and enjoy the sunshine after a dark and harsh winter. A wonderful outdoor recreation with songs around the fire, walks along a lake or river will not leave even the most avid workaholic indifferent. The only question is how to properly organize such a vacation for the whole family.


When planning a trip to nature, you need to decide on the number of participants in the event. Calculate all expenses that may go towards transportation, food, drinks, etc.

Choose a place to relax. Will it be the shore of a river or lake, or maybe you will go to a mountain gorge or forest. It is important to take into account weather conditions and preferences of relatives.

Choose the type of transport you will take. If the family is large, it is better if it is a minibus in order to deliver all picnic participants to the designated resting place on one flight.

Think about food in advance. They should not be perishable. Bring bread, sausage and cheese for sandwiches, vegetables for salads, and meat for barbecue. If you are going to relax on the lake, you can take fishing rods with you if possible. Fish soup on the fire will be a suitable dish for a family holiday. For convenience, put products in the cart and assign someone responsible for it. Don't forget about drinks. It is best if you take non-carbonated water, juice or tea with you in a thermos.

Don't forget blankets and tents (if you plan to stay overnight). To prevent the bedspreads from absorbing the moisture of the earth, lay an oilcloth under them. Take warm clothes with you. By the evening the weather may become colder or worse.

To avoid boredom, consider doing active activities during your vacation. Bring a ball, badminton, guitar. It is important to take into account the wishes and preferences of each picnic participant. If you take children with you, do not forget to keep them occupied. Take them fishing, mushroom hunting, or build a sand castle with them. Organize competitions for them (for example, fun starts), play rounders or treasure hunters.

Outdoor recreation can bring not only benefits, but also cause a lot of problems. Take mosquito repellent and sunscreen with you. This will be especially useful if you have children traveling with you. They can play too hard and get hurt or get sunburned.

Video on the topic

A trip to nature is an exciting activity. You can do it at any time of the year, but it is very important to choose the right form of clothing to make it convenient and comfortable. The suit will depend not only on the temperature, but also on how you plan to spend your time.


Shoes are very important in nature. In any season, it is important to wear something that does not restrict movement, such as sneakers or moccasins. In winter, boots without heels or platforms are suitable. It is important that the sole is stable so that you can walk on both flat and inclined surfaces. And even in summer, a closed foot is recommended to avoid damaging the skin if you step into thorns or hard bushes. Of course, you can take an easier option to the beach, but if you plan to walk through a forest or field, it is better to take care of safety.

In winter, when outdoors, wear something warm, but not restricting movement. Multi-layer options are better; if you are actively moving, you can take off some of your clothes, but if you have to stand or sit, then additional things will not hurt. Choose a down jacket, a warm sweater underneath, or even a couple of sweaters; you can simply take them with you if necessary. It would be a good idea to wear thermal underwear under your outerwear; it will prevent sweating, prevent you from freezing or experiencing discomfort due to excessive heat.

In spring and autumn, you need to take spare things with you when going outdoors. If there is slush under your feet, if it can start to rain at any minute, you need to have something to change clothes. At this time of year, it is warm during the day, which means jeans and a windbreaker will be appropriate, but at night you will have to wear a warm sweater and even woolen socks. Depending on the region, sometimes you need to take a warm scarf, gloves and even a winter jacket; for example, in the mountains it will be very useful.

Summer can be hot or it can be cool. If it’s warm outside, you can go outdoors in a T-shirt and shorts. It is worth taking a swimsuit to take a dip in the ponds if you wish. If the heat is not very hot, then breeches, jeans or a tracksuit are suitable for the trip. At the same time, you can take a windbreaker or a light jacket if the wind suddenly rises or becomes cold.

Outdoor clothing should be sporty. This will allow you to move without restrictions and there will be no feeling of discomfort. You can sit on any surface, nothing will stop you from playing some games or collecting mushrooms, berries or brushwood from the fire. Business attire is not appropriate, nor is evening wear. You can find things for a trip at any sportswear store; they have departments of things for any weather.

Are you planning to go hiking? The weather should already allow you to spend your free time somewhere in the forest with friends and family. Fresh air is always good, but you shouldn’t go on a hike unprepared. This review has collected several very practical tips on this matter, each of which will be useful.

1. Salad packaging

Instead of carrying heavy bowls, spoons and tons of plastic utensils, place salads in deep plastic glasses, cover them with lids and attach a fork to each.

2. Mosquito protection

Cut several lemons in half, stick clove seeds into them and place them around the chosen picnic spot. The smell of lemon and cloves will repel mosquitoes and prevent them from spoiling your outdoor recreation.

3. Mobile stove

It will be much more convenient to prepare small snacks and desserts on a small mobile stove, which is very easy to make from a small tin can, cardboard and wax. Simply fill an existing jar with cut cardboard and pour melted wax over it so that there are no voids or holes left between the cardboard.

4. Scotch tape or adhesive tape

When going on a picnic or hiking, be sure to take tape or adhesive tape with you. With its help, you can remove a tick, seal wounds, scratches or calluses, fix parts for a canopy and fasten small parts together. And in order not to carry a whole package of adhesive tape with you, just wrap 10-15 cm on a regular lighter and put it in your pocket.

5. More warmth

To prevent picnic participants from freezing, light a separate fire for warmth. And in order for such a fire to burn out more slowly and provide more heat, the branches need to be stacked on logs, and not on the ground, like a regular one.

6. Tourist washbasin

Having chosen a comfortable place for your future picnic, do not forget to take care of a place for washing your hands. To do this, cut the bottom off a large plastic bottle, fill it with water and hang it on a tree using rope or tape.

7. Sealed packaging

To prevent matches, lighters, paper and other tools for lighting a fire and simply valuables from becoming damp from moisture, place them in a glass jar and close the lid tightly.

8. Perfect marinade

Surprise your friends with the spicy and unusual taste of meat by preparing an original coffee marinade for it. To do this, pour 4 tablespoons of any ground coffee into a saucepan, add a liter of water, put on fire and bring to a boil. Slightly cooled coffee should be strained and salt, pepper, a little olive oil and a few finely chopped onions should be added to the drink. Pour the resulting liquid over the sliced ​​meat and leave for 12 hours.

9. Bleeding

If one of the picnic participants inadvertently cuts himself, and there is no first aid kit at hand, regular sugar, which should be poured over the damaged area, will help stop the bleeding.

10. Travel microwave

You can build an excellent camping “microwave” from an ordinary cardboard box and foil. Place it in the sun and use it to warm small portions of food and snacks.

11. Lighter

To prevent lighting a fire from becoming a problem, use special flammable materials. They can be made from pieces of woolen fabric, cotton pads and threads. All this needs to be packed into the cells of a cardboard tray for eggs, filled with melted wax and cut into separate pieces.

12. Place to relax

Despite the fact that the weather outside the window is already sunny and quite warm, the earth has not yet had time to dry out and warm up enough. Therefore, when going on a picnic, in addition to the bedding, take with you an oilcloth or a camping mat. This will protect the litter from cold, moisture and dampness.

13. Cutlery

Did you arrive at the place and realize that you didn’t take a single spoon with you? Do not despair. This cutlery can be easily cut from a plastic bottle.

14. Waterproof shoes

When going on a picnic, do not forget to take care of the comfort of your feet. It is better to pre-treat rag shoes with beeswax or a special water-repellent agent so that they do not become damp from moisture and dew. It also doesn't hurt to bring a spare pair of socks.

15. First aid kit

Even if you are not going to spend a lot of time in nature, a minimum set of medications will still not hurt. Be sure to take wound treatment, bandages and painkillers with you. It also helps to protect yourself from the sun, insects and ticks.

16. Stuffed champignons

To make your lunch satisfying and memorable, don't limit yourself to just meat. For example, prepare a delicious appetizer of champignons, the large caps of which can be stuffed with finely chopped and fried chicken, onions, cheese and vegetables, and then fried over a fire for 10 minutes.

17. Beverage protection

Make a hole for a straw in the center of a paper muffin tin and use it to keep debris and bugs out of your drink.

Video bonus:

Continuing the theme and will definitely come in handy on a hike!