An interesting, incredible miracle but a fact. Unbelievable but true

The secret they tried to hide? Cargo ship SS Ourang Medan

The history of the cargo ship SS Ourang Medan began in 1947, when two American ships that were heading to Malaysia received an SOS signal. A man called for help, introducing himself as a member of the crew of the Dutch ship Orange Medan. The man shouted: “Everyone is dead and soon it will come for me.” Then a strange noise came into the transmission and the sailor said: “I’m dead”...

American ships immediately headed to the aid of the ship in distress. The bodies of all crew members were found on board the Orange Medan. On faces dead people the expression of horror was frozen, and the glassy eyes were wide open. Many died with their hands outstretched in front of them, and it was clear that they were defending themselves from something. Upon examination of the bodies, it was found that all crew members died approximately 6-8 hours ago, but despite this, their body temperature exceeded 40 degrees Celsius.

It was decided to tow the Orange Medan vessel to the port for further examination, but a few minutes later a fire started on board and members of the rescue team were forced to abandon it. Immediately after this, an explosion occurred and Orange Medan sank to the bottom.

A theory was put forward that this whole story was a hoax and that no Orange Medan existed, because. No record of this vessel was found in Lloyd's Insurance Register, which must include all ships engaged in international shipping. As a result, the whole story was recognized as a hoax. Although there are many facts proving the opposite, it is known for certain about several people who claimed that their relatives were hired on board a ship called the Orange Medan and disappeared.

In memory of the mysterious ship, only one photograph remains, taken by the wife of one of the crew members.

Zombie named Filicia

In 1907, after a short illness, which according to local Haitian beliefs is similar to the transformation of a person into a zombie, a certain Felicia Felix-Mentor died. And already in 1936, the same woman was discovered on the street, dressed, according to some sources, in rags, and according to others, she was completely naked. Despite some disagreements, all eyewitnesses claimed that the woman was covered in mud from head to toe. The lady, closing her eyes and muttering inarticulate phrases under her breath, dragged her mortal body towards the farm that once belonged to her father. In a living corpse local residents Filicia Felix-Mentor, buried 29 years ago, was recognized; the lady’s identity was also confirmed by her widowed husband.

The woman was immediately placed in a mental hospital. a hospital where, according to some sources, she lived for the rest of her life, and according to others, one fine day she simply disappeared from the felt-lined room. The report from her attending physician states: “The patient suffers from manic-depressive disorder and uncontrollable fits of laughter. The woman speaks about herself either in the third or in the first person and is constantly confused about dates and events. In moments of clarity of consciousness, she said that it was now 1906 and begged to be allowed to go home to her husband.”

Another interesting fact, according to an X-ray examination, her skeleton was in excellent condition, and this despite the fact that the real Filicia had a leg fracture in two places. Other examinations also did not reveal any anomalies, except that the woman was in excellent physical shape and was... a virgin, and several scars on her body also disappeared without a trace. “It seems that this middle-aged woman was born a few weeks ago,” the doctor who examined Filicia once said.

The mentally ill patient was recognized as a close relative of Filicia Felix-Mentor, and this despite the fact that the woman’s identity was confirmed by her husband and the fact that Filicia was the only child in the family.

Remember all

One fine morning in 1930, a four-year-old Indian girl, Shanti Deva, from Delhi, told her parents that past life her name was Ludgi and she lived in the city of Mathura with her husband. The parents wrote it off as a child's fantasy, but the little girl with enviable consistency reminded her parents of her past and each time added new details, so she once said that she had three children, two of whom died during childbirth.

Concerned about the mental state of the child, the father of the family found out that in the city of Mathura there actually lived a woman named Ludgi, who died 4 years ago. Her parents decided to fulfill Shanti's whim and took her to Mathura. Upon arrival, the girl immediately found the house where Lyudgi lived and introduced her parents to her “husband” and child, and also pointed out several details of the life of the deceased woman, which only the relatives of the deceased knew about. After such incidents, you begin to believe in crazy theories about rebirth.

The Mystery of One Photo or the Ghost of Mr. Jackson

This unusual and even slightly frightening photograph was taken in 1919. 44 years later, this photograph became widely known thanks to retired British Air Force officer Victor Goddard, who sent it to the editor of one of the newspapers. The group photo shows members of the crew of the warship Daedalus, who were under Victor's command. The red circle indicates mechanic Freddie Jackson, who died two days before the photo was taken. Victor says that the funeral ceremony took place on the very day the photographer took the photo, which is why everyone in the photo has such gloomy faces.

Damn bridge

Overtoun Bridge - normal arch bridge in Scotland, which was built back in 1859. Overtun gained fame thanks to dogs who, for several decades, end their lives by jumping from this architectural structure. The first case of dog suicide was recorded in 1951, by 1955 there were already more than 48 similar cases, in the same year it was found that mainly dogs with long muzzles jump from the bridge. For most of the animals, a jump from a 15-meter height ended in death, but some survived and, after recovery, came to the bridge again to finish what they started. Another interesting fact - dogs jump not anyhow, and not anyhow: favorite place for jumping - between the last two flights on the right side, from where our four-legged friends throw themselves upside down and nothing else.

Local residents immediately dubbed the bridge cursed and began to avoid it. In 1994, a terrible bridge took the first human life: a father who had lost his mind threw his child off it, and then followed him.

The phenomenon received international attention and the Scottish Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals sent a representative to investigate. Expert ethologist (animal behavior specialist) David Sexton found that the undergrowth under the bridge was simply infested with mice. And as you know, the smell of these animals greatly influences the behavior of dogs and cats. Sexton conducted an experiment: he spread the scent of three species of mice found on the Overtun Bridge and observed the behavior of dogs. As a result, only two dogs out of 30 showed no interest in the mouse aroma, while the rest mindlessly ran to the place where the stench was spreading. “There’s no mysticism here: dogs just follow the scent - it’s their nature,” says David Sexton.

Ghost Ship Mary Celeste

Without a doubt, the most famous ghost ship is the Mary Celeste - a merchant ship that was discovered abandoned and adrift in the waters. Atlantic Ocean in 1872. The ship was in excellent condition, the holds were filled with fresh food and goods. No traces of the crew were ever found, and the presence of 1,500 barrels of pure alcohol on board eliminates the possibility that the ship was attacked by pirates.

The Mary Celeste was launched in 1860; over the next 10 years, the ship changed its owners with enviable regularity and was eventually bought for $3,000 by Captain Benjamin Briggs. On November 7, 1872, Mary Celeste left the port of New York. On board were Captain Briggs, his daughter and wife, and a crew of 10 sailors. No one has seen them since then. It was not possible to find the ship's log on the ghost ship, and two were also missing lifeboats, which were discovered in 1873 off the coast of Spain, one contained a body wrapped in an American flag, the other contained 5 more dead people who could not be identified. There was neither a woman nor a child among the corpses.

Sealand skull

Who does such an unusual skull belong to... A prehistoric animal, an alien, or maybe one of our ancestors at a certain stage of evolution? I think that any person will ask these questions after seeing the mysterious Sealand skull.

The skull was discovered in 2007 in the Danish village of Olstikke on the island of Sealand, but despite this, the find was kept in the strictest confidence until 2010. Researchers from the Veterinarian High School in Copenhagen, who studied the skull in 2008, concluded that it most likely belonged to an unknown species of mammal with extremely advanced intelligence. Radiocarbon dating showed that its owner lived between 1200 and 1280 AD.

The Sealand skull is almost 1.5 times larger than a human skull and its most prominent part is the huge eye sockets. Scientists suggest that this creature could see well in the dark. Based on the structure of the skull, scientists determined that the creature walked on its hind legs, swam very well and was 3 meters tall. The structure of the teeth indicates that the owner of the skull was a predator. Unfortunately, the Sealand skull never revealed any more information about its owner.


Looking at this photograph from 1940, you are unlikely to notice among hundreds of people one fashionista in sunglasses, a T-shirt with an emblem on it and a portable camera. It is not clear how our contemporary found himself among the respectable inhabitants of that era and why no one pays attention to him? The photograph was taken at the opening of the Canadian Museum, where it remains to this day. Skeptics say: “Deception, Photoshop... this simply cannot be!”

But I repeat, the photograph was taken in 1940 and took pride of place among the museum exhibits in 1941, and most importantly, a time traveler was present on it all this time, so there can be no question of a fake. Despite the facts, the photograph was subjected to examinations several times, which confirmed that no editing was found in the photograph.

The Snow Queen

19-year-old Jean Hilliard was a completely ordinary girl until one incident turned her whole life upside down and made her the most unique person in the world. This happened in hometown Jean - Lengby, Minisota. A neighbor found a girl lying on the street in -25 degrees below zero. When she was taken to the hospital, the doctor was shocked by what he saw: the girl’s body literally froze. One of the nurses later said: “It was like I had my hands in a freezer when I touched that poor girl.”

The doctor said that this was an unprecedented case and there was nothing he could do, so all of Jean’s relatives and friends gathered at the hospital and began to pray. And strangely enough, it worked, because... within a month our “snow queen” had fully recovered. The icing did not cause any damage to her body and even her frostbitten limbs did not have to be amputated. Doctors called it a miracle, and local fanatics dubbed Jean a saint.

But what really happened here? Whether it was the power of prayer, a medical miracle, or a new stage in human evolution. It is known that some animals can enter suspended animation at low temperatures... perhaps Jean is one of them?

Ghost of Vem Town Hall

A photographer captured a little girl in the town hall engulfed in flames. This chilling photo was taken by Tony O'Reilly as he stood among a crowd of onlookers watching the town hall of Shopir - Wem burn down. The photo was taken in November 1995 and published at the same time.

The birth of a legend.

15 years later, a certain 77-year-old pensioner Brian Lear said that he found a girl on one of the old postcards similar to the one at Vem Town Hall. By the way, the postcard is dated 1922... do you smell the intrigue?

“I was shocked when, while sorting out my things, I found this old postcard with a picture of a ghost girl from Vem town hall,” says the pensioner. "Upon closer inspection, you can see that they are even dressed the same and it's really scary."

This photo shook all the pillars of knowledge about the supernatural and caused a real international outcry. There was even information in the newspapers that this 14-year-old girl's name was Jane Charm, she was 14 years old and it was her fault that the same town hall caught fire in 1677. The cause of the 1995 fire remains a mystery.

The photographer who took this photo, Tony O'Reilly, died in 2005, when on Halloween the kids decided to play a prank on the eccentric old man and, dressing one of the participants in the procession as the ghost girl from the photo, went to his house. Opening the door and seeing the pale girl from the photograph on the threshold demanding sweets, Mr. O'Reilly grabbed his heart and fell dead.

An examination of the photograph in 1998 showed that there was no photomontage on it.


“Today I can confidently say that the photo of the ghost of the Wem Mosque is a hoax,” says Greg Hobson, curator of photography at the National Media Museum. The technique used to take this photograph is similar to that used by mediums in the 19th century, who supposedly could capture a dead person with whom they came into contact.

And it was done like this: the mediums asked the relatives for a photograph of the deceased, which was fixed in front of the camera lens. The shooting was carried out in a dark room and as a result, the contours of the image from the photograph were partially “imprinted” on the camera lenses. When relatives came to the charlatan for advice again, he offered them to take a photograph of the deceased for a certain amount of money, which no longer presented any problem, because the new image was superimposed on the “imprint” from the lenses. This is how these incredibly life-like photographs of ghosts appeared.

Faktrum publishes a wide variety of incredible facts from around the world and from different historical eras.

1. In Norway, it is not customary to give up your seat to older people on public transport. It is believed that by doing this you emphasize your physical superiority.

2. In the States, it is not customary to pay for a woman in a restaurant. It is believed that this is how men emphasize their financial superiority.

3. In China, it is not customary to bring flowers to the lady of the house. It is believed that by this the guests emphasize that this house is so ugly that they bring decorations with them.

4. Male toplessness was banned on New Jersey beaches until 1937, on the grounds that residents "don't want to see gorillas on our beaches."

5. The first artificial Christmas trees in Germany were made from dyed goose feathers.

6. Most of Santa's reindeer have male names. But males shed their antlers at Christmas, so the sleigh is most likely pulled by females.

7. IN Ancient Rome practiced cosmetic surgery. Men got rid of scars on their backs - this was considered a shame, because otherwise one could think that a person had turned his back to the enemy during a battle.

8. There are cases when bears brought stones into traps so that when it slammed shut, they could calmly eat the bait.

9. The spear ceased to be an official weapon in the British Army in 1927.

10. Many sailors wore gold earrings to allow themselves a decent funeral in the event of an unexpected death.

11. In 1500, the last wolf was killed in England. In 1770 - in Ireland. In 1772 - in Denmark.

12. According to the laws of the British Navy, when buried at sea, the body was sewn into a bag. The last stitch had to pass through the lips of the deceased to be sure that the person really died.

Living bridges, lips growing in forests and flying ferrets. Does this happen? Unbelievable but true.

Growing lips

There is no other plant like it. Nature's Kiss is one of a kind and nothing like it is found anywhere else in the flower world. This is the sublime psychotria (Psychotria Elata) - a flower in the shape of scarlet lips.

The glossy red leaves are an ideal attraction for the plant's main pollinators, butterflies and hummingbirds, which drink the nectar and pass pollen from flower to flower. "Lips" grow in the forests of Colombia, Costa Rica, Panama and are now endangered due to deforestation.

Living leaf

2. Either a leaf or a twig. This is actually a fantastic flat-tailed gecko (Uroplatus phantasticus). Its length is about 10 cm. To enhance the already camouflage coloring, geckos sway a little, resembling a leaf swayed by the wind. In a terrarium where there is no wind, this looks more than funny.

These unique reptiles living in the forests of the island of Madagascar have no equal in their ability to imitate fallen leaves. Unsurpassed masters of camouflage!

Painted Mountains

Underground caves of Cappadocia

4. Ancients underground caves Cappadocia, in what is now Turkey, was once inhabited. Steep slopes and rooms carved into soft tuff made up a whole camouflaged, secret underground world.

Derinkuyu (Turkish Derinkuyu - “deep well”) is an ancient deep multi-tiered underground city. Together with the neighboring city of Kaymakli, this is one of the best examples of underground residential structures. The city was built in the II-I millennium BC. e, discovered in 1963 and two years later opened to tourists. Here people hid for centuries from raids by nomads, religious persecution and other dangers. Reaching a depth of about 60 m (8 tiers), in ancient times the city could shelter up to 20 thousand people along with food and livestock. Scientists believe that only 10-15% of the entire city territory has now been explored.

There were all the necessary amenities: living quarters, ventilation shafts and wells, barns and stables, kitchens and dining rooms, bakeries, presses for squeezing oil and grapes, barns and wine cellars, churches and chapels, as well as workshops where everything necessary was made. There is information that in underground city there was even a cemetery.

Butterflies 88 and 89

5. Callicores are unusual butterflies that live in Central and South America. Their wings are decorated with numbers - 88 and 89, depending on the subspecies. The natives consider meeting with her a sign of good luck.

Ingrown bicycle

6. This mysterious bicycle, embedded in a tree, is located on Vashon Island in Washington State. They say that in 1914, a young boy went to war, leaving his “two-wheeled friend” chained to a tree trunk. But this guy never came back with , and the tree had no choice but to grow along with the bicycle. Decades have passed, and the living and the nonliving have grown together.

But skeptics of the beautiful fairy tale from American blogs compare the condition of the bicycle with the climate of Vashon Island and say that in a hundred years only barely identifiable pieces of rusty metal would remain in the tree...

"Living Bridges"

7. In the area of ​​the town of Cherrapunji in northeast India, which is located at an altitude of 1,300 meters and is considered the rainiest place on Earth, bridges grow from the roots of the rubber ficus. The “construction” process lasts 10-15 years. Living bridges can reach a length of 30 meters and support the weight of more than 50 people. Read more in the article "".

8. In one of the British parks, the photographer managed to capture an amazing scene: a woodpecker flying with a weasel on its back. And although it looked funny, it was really about the woodpecker's survival. Weasels feed on small rodents and birds, and if the woodpecker had not found an opportunity to throw the predator off its back, it would have gnawed its throat.

The bird landed approximately 20 meters from the observers. Freed from the dangerous burden, the woodpecker took off and disappeared into the branches of the tree.

9. These smoking chimneys form in harsh areas with volcanic activity. In Arctic regions, steam escaping from the ground freezes, forming snow pipes around a volcanic vent. It looks very fabulous.

A snake is not a snake

10. This is a caterpillar. But at the moment of threat, she turns into a snake, skillfully imitating its appearance and movements, retracting her legs and inflating her head. Clinging to the tree with its hind legs, it raises the front part of its body and bends like a poisonous snake preparing to strike. The triangular head, fierce eyes and shiny scales all create a rather menacing appearance that often scares away potential enemies. Who would mess with such a “predator”?

Living bridges, lips growing in forests and flying ferrets. Does this happen? Unbelievable but true.

Growing lips

There is no other plant like it. Nature's Kiss is one of a kind and nothing like it is found anywhere else in the flower world. This is the sublime psychotria (Psychotria Elata) - a flower in the shape of scarlet lips.

The glossy red leaves are an ideal attraction for the plant's main pollinators, butterflies and hummingbirds, which drink the nectar and pass pollen from flower to flower. "Lips" grow in the forests of Colombia, Costa Rica, Panama and are now endangered due to deforestation.

Living leaf

2. Either a leaf or a twig. This is actually a fantastic flat-tailed gecko (Uroplatus phantasticus). Its length is about 10 cm. To enhance the already camouflage coloring, geckos sway a little, resembling a leaf swayed by the wind. In a terrarium where there is no wind, this looks more than funny.

These unique reptiles living in the forests of the island of Madagascar have no equal in their ability to imitate fallen leaves. Unsurpassed masters of camouflage!

Painted Mountains

3. Danxia landscape (Chinese for “pink clouds”) in China is a unique type of land surface characterized by red sandstones and steep cliffs created by nature. The colorful mountains in China were formed from the red sandstones and conglomerates of the Cretaceous period (the period from about 120 million years ago to about 65 million years ago). They contain many dinosaur fossils and plant remains from that period.

Underground caves of Cappadocia

4. The ancient underground caves of Cappadocia in what is now Turkey were once inhabited. Steep slopes carved into soft

The tufa premises constituted a whole disguised, secret underground world.

Derinkuyu (Turkish Derinkuyu - “deep well”) is an ancient deep multi-tiered underground city. Together with the neighboring town of Kaymakli, this is one

of the best examples of underground residential structures. The city was built in the II-I millennium BC. uh, discovered in 1963 and two years later opened to

tourists. Here people hid for centuries from raids by nomads, religious persecution and other dangers. Reaching depth

about 60 m (8 tiers), in ancient times the city could shelter up to 20 thousand people along with food and livestock. Scientists believe

that only 10-15% of the entire city territory has now been explored.

There were all the necessary amenities: living quarters, ventilation shafts and wells, barns and stables, kitchens and dining rooms, bakeries,

presses for squeezing oil and grapes, barns and wine cellars, churches and chapels, as well as workshops where everything necessary was made.

There is evidence that there was even a cemetery in the underground city.

Butterflies 88 and 89

5. Callicores are unusual butterflies that live in Central and South America. Their wings are decorated with numbers - 88 and 89, depending on the subspecies. The natives consider meeting with her a sign of good luck.

Ingrown bicycle

6. This mysterious bicycle that grew into a tree is located on Vashon Island in Washington State. They say that in 1914, a young boy went to war, leaving his “two-wheeled friend” chained to a tree trunk. But this guy never returned from the First World War, and the tree had no choice but to grow along with the bicycle. Decades have passed, and the living and the nonliving have grown together.

But skeptics of the beautiful fairy tale from American blogs compare the condition of the bicycle with the climate of Vashon Island and say that in a hundred years only barely identifiable pieces of rusty metal would remain in the tree...

"Living Bridges"

7. In the area of ​​the town of Cherrapunji in northeast India, which is located at an altitude of 1,300 meters and is considered the rainiest place on Earth, bridges grow from the roots of the rubber ficus. The “construction” process lasts 10-15 years. Living bridges can reach a length of 30 meters and support the weight of more than 50 people.

Weasel flying on a woodpecker

8. In one of the British parks, the photographer managed to capture an amazing scene: a woodpecker flying with a weasel on its back. And although it looked funny, it was really about the woodpecker's survival. Weasels feed on small rodents and birds, and if the woodpecker had not found an opportunity to throw the predator off its back, it would have gnawed its throat.

The bird landed approximately 20 meters from the observers. Freed from the dangerous burden, the woodpecker took off and disappeared into the branches of the tree.

Snow pipes

9. These smoking chimneys form in harsh areas with volcanic activity. In Arctic regions, steam escaping from the ground freezes, forming snow pipes around a volcanic vent. It looks very fabulous.

A snake is not a snake

10. This is a caterpillar. But at the moment of threat, she turns into a snake, skillfully imitating its appearance and movements, retracting her legs and inflating her head. Clinging to the tree with its hind legs, it raises the front part of its body and bends like a poisonous snake preparing to strike. The triangular head, fierce eyes and shiny scales all create a rather menacing appearance that often scares away potential enemies. Who would mess with such a “predator”?

Goats on a tree

11. What you see in these photos may seem like photoshop, but in Morocco there really are goats that can climb trees. There is little pasture in this country, and hungry animals have to “graze” on trees called Argan.

How can you offend an old lady in Norway by giving her your seat on the bus? Why is it forbidden to give flowers to the lady of the house in China? How smart are bears and when was the last wolf killed in England? This and much more is in our interesting selection. Here are collected a variety of incredible facts from all over the world and from different historical eras. Delicious food for thought ahead of the weekend.

(Total 13 photos)

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1. In Norway, it is not customary to give up your seat to older people in public transport. It is believed that by doing this you emphasize your physical superiority.

2. In the States, it is not customary to pay for a woman in a restaurant. It is believed that this is how men emphasize their financial superiority.

3. In China, it is not customary to bring flowers to the lady of the house. It is believed that by this the guests emphasize that this house is so ugly that they bring decorations with them.

4. Men's toplessness was banned on New Jersey beaches until 1937, on the grounds that residents "don't want to see gorillas on our beaches."

5. The first artificial Christmas trees in Germany were made from dyed goose feathers.

6. Most of Santa's reindeer have male names. But males shed their antlers at Christmas, so most likely the sleigh is pulled by females or castrati.

7. Before 1870, one of the common ways to have an abortion was to pull out a healthy tooth. It was believed that pain could contribute to spontaneous abortion.

8. Cosmetic surgery was practiced in ancient Rome. Men got rid of scars on their backs - this was considered a shame, because otherwise one could think that a person had turned his back to the enemy during a battle.

9. There are known cases when bears brought stones into traps so that when it slammed shut, they could calmly eat the bait.

10. The spear ceased to be an official weapon in the British Army in 1927.