Where you can see the cleanest lake in the world. The cleanest bodies of water on Earth (15 photos) The deepest and most transparent lake

September 18 is World Water Quality Monitoring Day. This day is intended to remind society about the problems of water pollution throughout the world. Everyone is invited to conduct a series of simple tests to determine the water quality of local reservoirs, and publish the results on the World Water Quality Monitoring Day website. (pictured: Lake Königssee, Germany. Open sources)

In this post we remember the 3 cleanest bodies of water in the world.

1. Baikal (Russia)

And we will start with such a lake as dear to the Russian heart as Baikal. This miracle of Russia is located in the southern part of Eastern Siberia. Baikal can without a doubt be considered one of the deepest and cleanest lakes in the world! The area is 31,722 km², and the average depth is 744 m. The water here is very clear - at certain times of the year the transparency reaches 40 meters. ( photo: open sources)

2. Lake of Five Flowers (China)

Local residents say about this lake, located in Sichuan province, like this: “Nothing on earth can compare with Jiuzhaigou.” The water in the lake is so clean that you can see the trunks of fallen trees at the bottom. The water acquires its specific color, which changes depending on the time of year, thanks to mineral salts and aquatic plants. ( photo: open sources)

3. Lake Königssee (Germany)

This lake, 7.7 km long and with an area of ​​5.22 km², is located in the southeast of Bavaria and belongs to the Berchtesgaden National Park. Formed as a result of melting glaciers. Königssee is one of the three deepest lakes in Germany (average depth - 98 meters). The places themselves are a real paradise for a photographer! The surrounding mountains create stunning scenery. ( photo: open sources)

Ecology of life: Most people try to spend their holidays where it is warm, where there is no cold and snow. There is nothing more refreshing than swimming in clean, cool water, be it the sea, lake or river. Luckily for us, we live on a beautiful planet with amazing, crystal clear bodies of water. So why not take a trip to one of the places with the cleanest water?

Most people try to spend their holidays where it is warm, where there is no cold and snow. There is nothing more refreshing than swimming in clean, cool water, be it the sea, lake or river. Luckily for us, we live on a beautiful planet with amazing, crystal clear bodies of water. So why not take a trip to one of the places with the cleanest water?

Linapacan Island

The province of Palawan is home to some of the most amazing beaches not only in the Philippines but throughout the world. Palawan is made up of many small islands, one of which is Linapacan. This island has a beautiful beach with clear waters and white sand, unspoiled nature and approximately 14,000 inhabitants.

Clear sea in the Maldives

There's a reason why the Maldives has become one of the most romantic destinations in the world - its beaches. Located in the Indian Ocean, the island group offers some of the clearest waters and most colorful, diverse ecosystems on the planet. Not surprisingly, tourism is the main source of income in the Maldives. In recent years, the number of resorts has increased significantly, so everyone who wants to experience a piece of paradise will find a place for themselves here. The clear sea and many resorts in the Maldives will happily welcome all guests.

Waters of Peyto Lake

You won't find warm beaches here, as Peyto Lake is located in the Canadian Rockies - some of the most impressive in the world. Peyto Lake is fed by glacial meltwater and is located in Banff National Park, which is best visited in the summer. During the warm months, glacial mountain streams flow into Peyto, giving the lake its distinctive turquoise color. Because of its beauty, this place is especially popular among photographers and tourists.

Purity of Crater Lake

Almost all Crater lakes have clear, clear water, and the lake in Crater National Park is no exception. The lake was formed when the Mazama volcano collapsed thousands of years ago. The deepest lake in the United States, Crater Lake is also known as “the old man” because of a huge tree that has stood upright in the middle of the lake for over 100 years.

Holbox Island

Known as a party and vacation spot for Hollywood stars, Holbox Island in Mexico boasts the cleanest sea in the world (at least the locals are sure of it). Isla Holbox is located on the Yucatan Peninsula and is a popular kiteboarding destination due to its ideal conditions: shallow waters, wide seas, and suitable winds.

Sea in Cayos Cochinos

For tourists who want to avoid commercialized attractions, Cayos Cochinos in Honduras is a great holiday destination. A group of islands in the Caribbean Sea is virtually untouched by humans and has no roads. There are hiking trails that connect one beach to another. The waters here contain some of the purest marine life, making Cayos Cachinos an ideal spot for swimming and diving.

The purest waters of Rio Azul

One confirmation of how clean the water in Rio Azul is is its second name - “blue river”. The water here is so pure that you can drink it. This is because the river, located in Argentina, gets its perfectly pure water from glaciers and snow plains in the Andes. While safe to drink, the water of Rio Azul is completely clear and blue.

Colombian Playa Blanca

Playa Blanca, which means “white beach”, truly lives up to its name. This is a very clean remote beach located 45 minutes by boat from Cartagena. Here you can wander along the powdery white sand and swim in its crystal clear waters in complete privacy. You won't doubt for a second that the trip was worth it. In addition, here you can try fresh ceviche, which is sold right on the beach.

Sea in Bodrum

Türkiye is very rich in history, and the port city of Bodrum especially stands out in this regard. Once upon a time, the legendary Mausoleum at Halicarnassus was built here - one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World. Bodrum is also famous for its amazingly clear waters. Many divers say that the water is so clear that the boats seem to be floating in the air!

Italian Sardinia

A beautiful Mediterranean island off the west coast of Italy, Sardinia is known for its breathtaking beaches and stunning views of the mountains and seas. A visit to Sardinia allows you to kill two birds with one stone. You can comprehend history while viewing the ancient sights of Sardinia, or you can swim in the perfectly clear sea. The islands have remained untouched by commercial tourism and are considered the jewel of the Mediterranean.

Waters of the Verzasca River

In southern Switzerland flows the 30-kilometer mountain river Verzasca, which flows into the famous Lake Maggiore. In addition to crystal clear turquoise waters and exotic colored rocks, the river also has a very strong and dangerous current. But despite all the factors, it is a famous scuba diving spot and the valley is often used for bungee jumping.

The purest source of Pupu

The beauty of New Zealand cannot be matched by any films or photographs, even if it is The Lord of the Rings. The beauty of the country is best appreciated physically by going on a trip here. One of the most beautiful places in the country is the Pupu Spring, located on the South Island of the country. The spring is believed by Maori to have spiritual healing powers. Most likely they think so because of the absolute purity of the water and its powerful flows, releasing 14,000 liters per second!

The Beauty of Wineglass Bay

Australia's Gold Coast is known around the world for its beautiful beaches and excellent surfing conditions. But many people don't know about Wineglass Bay, located in Tasmania's Freycinet National Park. The bay has a crescent shape, white sand beaches and clear sea water. All this is complemented by a picturesque backdrop of pink and gray granite peaks. Read more about Wineglass Bay in a separate article on LifeGlobe.

Clean waters of Belo Sur Mer

On the shores of the Indian Ocean in Madagascar lies the coastal town of Belo Sur Mer. The local waters are among the cleanest in the world. 80 kilometers from the coast is the chain of the Virgin Islands, where the water is even cleaner and the beaches are completely deserted. Snorkeling is the most exciting activity of these islands, filled with amazing marine life. Here you can meet the brightest and rarest representatives of the underwater world.

Egyptian Marsa Matruh

Egypt is famous for its Red Sea, pyramids and deserts, but not many people know that it also has a Mediterranean resort with some of the clearest waters in the world. Marsa Matruh, located west of the ancient city of Alexandria, has very beautiful beaches with clear water and soft white sand. Its relatively calm sea is a result of the island's protection by a series of rock formations, making Marsa Matruh a calm and serene destination for beach lovers.

We present to your attention a selection of 10 places with the cleanest and clearest water.

1. Maldives.
The Maldives is a favorite destination for tourists from all over the world. There are a huge number of reasons for this: the sun, the sea, and the beautiful islands. The water here is so clear that while in a boat, you can see your shadow at the bottom of the sea.

2. Australia.
The water in this red stone cave is surprisingly clear. The only thing that distorts the view of the bottom is the light ripples formed by a nearby waterfall.

3. Lake of Five Colors, China.
This lake is located in the Jiuzhaigou Valley in the northern Chinese province of Sichuan. The lake of five colors is famous for its bottom, covered with a carpet of ancient trees, covered with a layer of clear water.

4. Sardinia.
Another popular place among tourists, you don’t even need to describe anything here, just look at the photo. The second largest island in the Mediterranean, Sardinia is home to some of the world's rarest species of animals and fish.

5. Crater Lake.
Located in Oregon, Crater Lake was formed by the explosion of an ancient volcano about 7 thousand years ago.

6. Piccaninnie Ponds, Australia.
These ponds are a real nature reserve located in South Australia. You can dive into the water here only after receiving special permission, but it is worth it.

7. Lake Mashu.
Officially, this is one of the most transparent lakes in the world, taking its name from the mountain of the same name, at the foot of which it is located. The transparency of the water here reaches 41.6 meters.

8. Lake Sheosar, Pakistan.
Located in the northern part of Pakistan, this natural lake is so perfect that you would think it was the work of man. Surrounded by mountains, with animals walking along its shores, Lake Sheosar is deservedly considered one of the most picturesque places on the planet.

9. Lake Peyto.
The eye-catching turquoise of Peyto Lake is the work of a local glacier.

The lakes were formed as a result of the flow of glacial and rainwater into cracks in the crust and lowlands. So why do some of them remain pure to this day, thousands of years after their formation?

Clean and deep Lake Baikal

If you ask any Russian person to name a lake, you can be sure that first of all he will remember Baikal. And it is not surprising, because this is indeed one of the most famous lakes not only in Russia, but throughout the world. There are songs and legends about Baikal, many works of art have been written, and everyone who has vacationed on its shores can tell something interesting.

Baikal is located in the very center of Asia and is surrounded on all sides by mountain slopes. Unique nature, inimitable views, clean water - this is what invariably attracts numerous tourists to these places. An inquisitive traveler will find here picturesque waterfalls, snow-capped ridges, and mirror-like calm water.

Baikal is one of the most ancient lakes formed on our planet. Its age is estimated at a couple of tens of millions of years. Scientists suggest that in the distant future this lake may become an ocean. This theory is supported by the fact that the lake is expanding by about two centimeters per year.

Due to the fact that Baikal water is surprisingly clean and saturated with oxygen, stunningly clear ice forms on the lake in winter. So, in winter on Lake Baikal it is no less interesting than in summer. By the way, despite the fact that the lake is located in a rather harsh climatic zone, the weather next to it is milder. Winters here are not so cold, and in summer you will not get tired of the sweltering heat. But the water remains quite cold - even on the surface it is +7-+9 degrees Celsius.

There is a hypothesis that Baikal does not lose its purity thanks to the smallest crustacean living in its waters. Its name is Epishura Baikal. Being a kind of natural filter, this crustacean passes all contaminated water through itself. But some scientists oppose this statement, explaining the mystery of Baikal waters by the fact that numerous mountain streams flow into the lake. The composition of Baikal water is very close to distilled water due to its low mineralization.

Baikal is also the deepest lake in Russia. .

The cleanest and most transparent lakes in Russia

But there are many other lakes in our country that are known for their cleanliness. For example, in the Chelyabinsk region alone there are more than three thousand lakes, attracting tourists and fishermen almost all year round. Most of them are located in the north and east of the region. Near many of them there are sanatoriums and recreation centers. In some reservoirs the water is mineralized, and there are others where you can find healing mud.

The highest mountain lake in the Urals, Zyuratkul, is located in one of the most environmentally friendly places in the Chelyabinsk region. It lies on the territory of the reserve, so you can’t just get there; a fee is charged for visiting these places. But the extremely clear water and amazing landscapes more than pay for all the costs.

And near the village of Turgoyak there is a lake of the same name, considered one of the cleanest in Russia. It deservedly bears the title of a natural monument and is the deepest lake in the Southern Urals. By the way, the quality of the water in it is very high and is close in quality to that of Baikal.

We can talk about Russian lakes for a very long time, because each of them deserves a separate story. The cleanest lake Nuzh-Yar in Mari El, numerous lakes in Altai and Karelia, the famous vacation spot Seliger, all this is only a small part of the immense wealth of our country.

Clear lakes in Canada

Other countries are also lucky enough to have clean and beautiful lakes. The Great Lakes system in Canada is the largest collection of fresh water in the world. Five lakes, the largest in the world, are connected by lake routes. The beginning of this system comes from Lake Superior, then Lake Huron, Michigan, and after them Erie and Ontario. The latter is the smallest, but even it is larger in area than the largest lake in Europe, Ladoga.

In the north of the country there are two more large lakes, Bolshoye Medvezhye and Nevolnichye. It is also in Canada that there is one of the most beautiful lakes, Moraine, filled with glacial water of a rich blue color. The total area of ​​lakes in Canada is approximately equal to the size of Great Britain. And this state is rightfully considered one of the largest lake countries in the world.

Canada ranks one of the first places in terms of favorable environmental conditions. Residents of the country are very attentive to the preservation of natural resources and take great care not to waste these important resources.

The cleanest lake in the world

Until recently, our famous Baikal was considered the cleanest lake in the world. But the New Zealand Blue Lake, discovered not so long ago, surpassed even this in the purity of its waters. Scientists suggest that it was formed 7,500 years ago. And since then it has kept its pristine purity. The structure of its water has remained virtually unchanged over the years.

Feeding on crystal water, the lake independently maintains this state. Scientists claim that it can remain unchanged for hundreds of years. The Blue Lake is so clear that even in the deepest place, through the thickness of the water, you can see its bottom in great detail. Due to its uniqueness, the lake received the unofficial name “God's Bath”.

Access to this lake is limited, and only once was a photographer-diver allowed to dive into its waters with permission from the New Zealand Department of Conservation. It is also sacred to the Maori tribes living in these places. Entering the lake and swimming in it is strictly prohibited.

It should be remembered that it is human activity that causes the greatest harm by polluting lakes and their coastal areas. If a person takes care of the environment, then nature will respond with gratitude. And we will be able to enjoy the beauty of the lakes and the peace that reigns on their shores for many years to come.
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Crystal clear water is one of the most impressive natural wonders. Ponds, lagoons, seas or lakes with turquoise fresh water are not uncommon on our planet. And below is a list of the cleanest bodies of water in the world.

Five Color Pond, Sichuan, China

This pond is located within the Jiuzhaigou Nature Reserve, one of the most incredible nature reserves in the world. The park's unspoiled nature - lakes and waterfalls, forests and natural wonders - makes it more than a popular destination among tourists. Five-color pond is one of the smallest and most remarkable lakes in the reserve. Despite its modest size and depth, the underwater landscapes of the pond are surprisingly rich and the water is clear. This park is beautiful at any time of the year, even in winter.

Peyto Lake, Rocky Mountains, Canada

This clear, beautiful turquoise lake is located in Banff National Park. Situated in a valley and fed by a glacier, the lake is surrounded by three high mountains - a wonderful panorama! The lake acquires its brightest color in the summer, when the reservoir is filled with streams rushing from the melting glacier. The lake is easily accessible from the Icefields Parkway, and in addition to the stunning views, the area offers hiking and kayaking.

Blue River, Greenland

The Blue River or Petermann is the largest floating glacier in the Northern Hemisphere. The river flows along the glacier that connects the Greenland ice sheet with the Arctic Ocean. This river will definitely appeal to fans of kayaking, and its harsh beauty will impress even the most experienced and seasoned tourist. The water in the river is an amazing dark aquamarine color, and it is also surprisingly clean, because there are absolutely no pollutants here. The nature of the banks of the river, which changes its course every year, is untouched; there is no infrastructure there, so it is not easy to get to the Blue River. Tours to the river are available from August, but the cold and dry winter period from December to April sees the most tourists.

Source d'Argent Bay, La Digue Islands, Seychelles

The shores of the bay offer us one of the most beautiful beaches in Seychelles - a long strip of white soft sand - and clear warm waters. Large granite boulders are scattered everywhere on this beach, creating absolutely breathtaking scenery. Despite its amazing beauty, the bay is practically unsuitable for swimming, as there are sharp corals at its bottom.

Blue Lake, South Island, New Zealand

The name of the lake in the Maori language sounds like “Rotomairewhenua”, which actually means “Blue Lake”. They say this is the cleanest lake in the world. Scientists claim that the lake’s water can be considered practically distilled. The blue-violet hue of the lake water is due to the rocks, which serve as a kind of filter for the glacial waters that pass through them. You can't swim in Blue Lake, but you can go fishing or hike in the amazingly beautiful surroundings.

Lagoons of Lencois Maranhenses National Park, Maranhão, Brazil

The national park covers a flat area covered with impressive sand dunes up to 40 meters high. During the rainy season, many lagoons form between these sandy hills with crystal clear, warm water ideal for swimming. This is a real natural phenomenon that is definitely worth seeing with your own eyes! The best time to visit the park is from July to September, as at other times you simply may not find any bodies of water.

Mediterranean Sea off the coast of Menorca, Spain

Menorca is one of the Balearic Islands with a population of less than 100 thousand people. The tiny island in the Mediterranean is often called the “Pearl of the Balearic”: there are 120 amazing beaches with crystal clear coastal waters, where you can not only swim, but also canoe, kayak and snorkel.

Crater Lake, Oregon, USA

Formed in the crater of the ancient Mazama volcano, the lake looks incredible. The maximum depth of the lake is 594 meters, and it is the deepest lake in the States. Due to several unique factors - in particular, because the lake has no tributaries - its water is considered one of the cleanest in the world. And the water in the lake is very clear: visibility is up to 20-30 meters! Moreover, in 1997, scientists registered a record for “water clarity” - 43.3 meters.

Piccaninny Ponds, Australia

Unlike the other ponds on this list, Piccaninny Ponds in South Australia's Piccaninny Nature Reserve is more of an undiscovered gem. However, if you have permission, you can go diving here. The “First Pond” of Piccaninni is 10 meters deep and has a muddy bottom, the “Abyss” pond is a sinkhole more than 100 meters deep with clear water, the visibility of which can exceed 40 meters, and the 35-meter deep “Cathedral” pond is located in a limestone grotto education.

Weddell Sea, Antarctica

This marginal sea off the coast of West Antarctica is so transparent that it “shines through” to a depth of up to 80 meters! These are indicators of distilled water.