Stormcloaks - Civil War. Skyrim Walkthrough for Stormcloaks (Civil War) Message for Whiterun Bug

Questgiver: no, Hadvar or General Tullius
Conditions for receiving: No
Reward: No

You can get this task if you leave Helgen with Hadvar and go with him to Riverwood, then along the way he will offer you to join the Imperial Legion.
Or you can immediately go to Solitude and talk to General Tullius or Legate Rikke there.

So, your task is to go to the Gloomy Castle of Solitude, and find the legate Rikke there. Talk to her about joining the Imperial Legion.

Joining the Legion

Questgiver: Legate Rikke
Conditions for receiving: complete the mission "Join the Imperial Legion"
Reward: No

Liberate Fort Hragstad
Go to Fort Hragstad, which is northwest of Solitude and kill all the robbers there.

Report to Legate Rikka
Return to the Grim Castle and speak with Legate Rikke

Take an oath
Talk to General Tullius and take the oath. After you take the oath, passing on the side of the Stormcloaks will become impossible. If at this point you had an active quest "Join the Stormcloaks", then it will be canceled.

Obtain Imperial Gear from Beirand

Questgiver: General Tullius
Conditions for receiving:
Reward: imperial armor

Talk to Beirand about equipment. During the day, it can be found in the forge near the Grim Castle.

He will prompt you to select the type of armor. Choose the appropriate option.
Light: Imperial light boots, helmet, shield, bracers, armor
Medium: Imperial light boots, helmet, bracers, imperial shield, imperial studded armor
Heavy: Imperial boots, helmet, shield, bracers, armor

jagged crown

Questgiver: General Tullius
Conditions for receiving: complete the mission "Joining the Legion"
Reward: No

Talk to Legate Rikke
Talk to Rikke about the mission.

Meet Legate Rikke near Korvanjund
Travel to Korvanjund, southeast of Dawnstar, and speak with Legate Rikke there.

Find a Jagged Crown
Break into the ruins. In the ruins, you will soon find a wide corridor with a stone door:

Pick up the ebony claw that lies near the door and inspect it.

Rotate the rings on the door so that the sequence of pictures is like on a claw (fox, butterfly, dragon).

Now activate the keyhole, the door will open.
Next, you will enter a large hall with a gate. We need to find a lever. To do this, go up the side stairs and on the upper platform opposite the gate you will find a lever.

Now go to the next location. There is a draugr on the throne. Kill him and take the crown.

Take the Crown to General Tullius
Return to the Gloomy Castle and give the crown to General Tullius.

Message for Whiterun

Questgiver: General Tullius
Conditions for receiving: complete the quest "Jagged Crown"
Reward: No

Deliver a message to the Jarl of Whiterun
General Tullius will give you a letter. Travel to Dragonreach and speak with Jarl Balgruuf.

He will refuse to talk to you about this matter.
To continue this quest, complete the story quest "Before the Storm". After that, talk to Jarl Balgruuf again ......

Help Jarl Balgruuf defeat the dragon
Complete the story quests Windy Peak and Dragon in the Sky, then talk to Balgruuf about Jarl Ulfric's message.

Wait for the Jarl's answer
Wait for Balgruuf to confer with the advisors.

Take the ax to Jarl Ulfric
Balgruuf will give you his axe. Take it to Royal Palace Windhelm to Jarl Ulfric Stormcloak.

Return to Whiterun and warn the Jarl
Travel to Jarl Balgruuf in Dragonreach and warn him of the attack.

Legate Quentin Scipius is waiting for me with a report
Speak with Legate Scipius to complete the quest

Battle of Whiterun

Questgiver: Legate Quentin Scipius
Conditions for receiving: complete the mission "Message for Whiterun"
Reward: No

Legate Rikke summons me to his place
The battle for Whiterun has begun, go to the front lines and talk to Legate Rikke.

Defend the barricades
Kill all attacking Stormcloak soldiers

Report to the Jarl of Whiterun

Questgiver: No
Conditions for receiving:
Reward: opportunity to buy a house in Whiterun

This task is optional
Talk to Jarl Balgruuf, he will let you buy a house in Whiterun

Unification of Skyrim

Questgiver: No
Conditions for receiving: complete the mission "Battle of Whiterun"
Reward: coal steel sword, strong iron shield, strong iron armor

Report to General Tullius

Take back control of the White Coast
Travel to the Imperial Camp on the White Shore and speak with Legate Rikke.

Complete the tasks "Disinformation" and "Battle of Fort Dunstad" to complete the stage.

Report to General Tullius
Go to the Gloomy Castle and talk to General Tullius.

Take back control of Riften
Travel to the Imperial Camp west of Riften and speak with Legate Rikke.

Complete the tasks "Spoils of War" and "Battle of Fort Greenwall" to complete the stage.

Report to General Tullius
Go to the Gloomy Castle and talk to General Tullius.

Take back control of Winterhold
Travel to the Imperial Camp west of Winterhold and speak with Legate Rikke.

Complete the task "Fort Kastav - Rescue Comrades" to complete the stage.

Report to General Tullius
Go to the Gloomy Castle and talk to General Tullius.

Take back control of Windhelm
Travel to the Imperial Camp east of Windhelm and speak with Legate Rikke.

Complete the tasks "Battle of Fort Amol" and "Battle of Windhelm" to complete the stage.

Report to General Tullius
Speak with General Tullius to complete the quest


Questgiver: Legate Rikke
Conditions for receiving: start the quest "The Unity of Skyrim"
Reward: 400 gold

A Stormcloak messenger will pass important papers nearby. Need to catch him
Go to the tavern "Nightgate" or to Windhelm to the tavern "". Talk to the owner of the tavern.

Take the package from the messenger
The messenger will move from the Nightgate tavern to Windhelm and back, staying in the taverns for the night. Track him down, kill him and take the documents

Legate Rikke is waiting for me with enemy documents
Return to the camp to Rikka and give her the documents. She will forge them and return them to you.

Deliver the forgery to enemy commander Frockmar Torn Banner
Travel to Dawnstar and find Frockmar Torn Banner there.

Give him the fake documents and return to Rikka.

Battle of Fort Dunstad

Questgiver: Legate Rikke
Conditions for receiving: complete the mission "Disinformation"
Reward: No

Take part in the attack on Fort Dunstad
Travel to Fort Dunstad, southwest of Morthal

Capture Fort Dunstad by destroying the enemy

Military booty

Questgiver: Legate Rikke
Conditions for receiving: complete the mission "Battle of Fort Dunstad"
Reward: 400 gold

Find blackmail material
Travel to Riften in Mistveil Keep.

Make your way to Anuriel's chambers and take the incriminating letter from the chest of drawers.

Blackmail the steward (Anuriel)
Talk to Anuriel about the letter. She will tell you about the convoy with gold and weapons.

Legate Rikke is waiting for me with a report
Return to Rikka and tell about the convoy.

Meet the scouts
Find a group of scouts near watchtower Shora and talk to Hadvar

Capture a caravan
Kill all the Stormcloaks guarding the caravan.

Hadvar is waiting for me with a report

Battle of Fort Greenwall

Questgiver: Legate Rikke
Conditions for receiving: complete the mission "War booty"
Reward: No

Take part in the attack on Fort Greenwall
Go to Fort Greenwall, north of Riften

Capture Fort Ginwal by destroying the enemy
Kill all Stormcloak soldiers in the fort.

Fort Kastav - Rescue Comrades

Questgiver: Legate Rikke
Conditions for receiving: complete the mission "Battle of Fort Greenwall"
Reward: No

Meet the scouts near the fortress (Fort Kastav)
Find scouts near Helgen and talk to Ralof, he will lay out a plan of action

Sneak into the fortress.
Sneak up to the walls of the fortress and get inside through the bars.

Free the captives
Kill the Stormcloak soldiers in the prison and free the captives.

Capture the fort
Leave the dungeon and enter the fort. Kill all Stormcloak soldiers.

Hadvar is waiting for me with a report
Talk to Hadvar to complete the quest.

Battle of Fort Amol

Questgiver: Legate Rikke
Conditions for receiving: Complete the mission "Fort Kastav - Rescue Comrades"
Reward: 400 gold

Take part in the attack on Fort Amol
Go to Fort Amol, which is southeast of Windhelm

Capture Amol Fort by destroying the enemy
Kill all Stormcloak soldiers in the fort.

Battle of Windhelm

Questgiver: Legate Rikke
Conditions for receiving: complete the mission "Battle of Fort Amol"
Reward: orc sword of absorption

General Tullius summons me to his place
Meet the general at the entrance to Windhelm

Force Ulfric to surrender
Break into the royal palace. Kill Galmar Stonefist.

Execute Ulfric Stormcloak
Kill Ulfric yourself or let Tullius do it.

Legate Rikke, a middle-aged northerner, is in charge of tactics in the Imperial Legion.

The Imperial Legion is an expeditionary army fighting the rebels for the good of Tamriel, which is now ruled by the elves of the Thalmor. The legion's creed is law and order, and General Tullius, not without reason, believes that a seceding Skyrim will not benefit either the Empire or himself.

Tasks for the legion largely repeat the tasks of the Stormcloaks - only in a "mirror" form. However, there are differences in the plot. We will briefly describe the "duplicate" tasks and talk more about the discrepancies.

Joining the Imperial Legion

The leader of the bandits of Hragstad admires the map so enthusiastically that he forgot about everything in the world.

You can get a task to join the ranks of the legionnaires at the very beginning, if you select the legionnaire Hadvar when fleeing from Helgen. At the exit from the cave, he will offer the hero to go to General Tullius and enlist in the army. If you didn't get this quest, or if you chose the rebel Ralof while fleeing, just go up to any legionnaire you meet (they often roam the roads, accompanying the prisoners) and take it.

General Tullius lives in Solitude's Dark Castle. When you enter the legion headquarters, the general will argue with legate Rikke. Since communication with Tullius under Helgen was, frankly, short, he will immediately send us to the legate, and she will offer a test task. We need to clear the fortress of Hragstad from the bandits - so that the legion establishes an outpost there.

This task is much more difficult than the entrance test of the Stormcloaks. There was only one, albeit a strong monster, and here - a whole fort with a dozen bandits. Part wanders outside, part in the courtyard, part on the walls of the castle, one on the tower, and the rest - in the main and in the prison premises of the fortress. There are no special puzzles here. All enemies are indicated by arrows on the compass, so you won’t be in danger of missing the “last sectoid”.

Return to the Gloomy Castle, listen to the conversation about the Jagged Crown - legate Rikke persuades the general to send troops (including "auxilia", that is, us) to capture the crown. After the conversation, Rikke will rejoice at our success and send him to Tullius to take the oath. The solemn oath will mark the failure of the quest to join the ranks of the Stormcloaks, if you have one.

jagged crown

“And here is your panama!” - Legate Rikke hits another Storm Brother with a shield. The real Valkyrie!

This quest mirrors what the Stormcloaks give out if you choose the Rebel path. In the ancient Korvanjund cairn, the Jagged Crown was found - an important symbol of the supreme power of Skyrim, and now the first to enter the dungeon were no longer legionnaires, but rebels. General Tullius does not understand why the crown is needed, but legate Rikke convinced him that it was impossible to give such a valuable thing to Ulfric.

Before you go to Korvanjund, take a legionary set from the blacksmith Beirand - light armor, heavy or medium (it is also light, but with a heavy shield).

The place we need on the map is located north of Whiterun and east of the Lorea farm. A group of legionnaires stands in the woods near the cairn and listens to Rikke's briefing. After the conversation, the whole gang will move to the burial ground, where the Storm Brothers will meet us.

You can not fight at all - the legate of Rikke is indestructible, and the accompanying fighters are reborn. But there is nothing wrong with helping your own. Several soldiers are on duty outside, the rest are hiding inside and so far they are not waiting for us. When Rikke announces an ambush, go up a level and bring down burning lamps on the rebels standing in oil with their feet.

At the secret door, pick up the ebony claw and use the wolf-butterfly-dragon combo. In the hall with coffins, go up to the upper level and, by turning the lever, help Rikka and the legionnaires get rid of the draugrs. After that, all that remains is to remove the crown from the draugr, who sits on the throne in a relaxed pose. To do this, you need to kill him and a couple of his assistants from the sarcophagi on the sides.

Take the crown, the word of Power - and return to Tullius. You can also give the crown to Ulfric - then you will go over to his side. This is the last opportunity to switch factions.

Message for Whiterun

In Dragon's Reach, a council of war is underway, while the Stormcloaks are already approaching the walls of the city.

This task is also “mirror”, but this time it’s not Ulfric who offers us to take the ax to the Jarl of Whiterun, but vice versa - the Jarl of Whiterun asks us to take his ax to Ulfric (and is just as annoyed if you ask: “Why the ax?”). True, first, on the instructions of Tullius, you need to come with a message from the legion to the Dragon Limit and listen to how the jarl consults with those close to him.

FOR YOUR INFORMATION: the quest cannot be completed until the plot task “Dragon in the Sky” is completed - the jarl will simply refuse to accept the message.

Then we run with an ax to Ulfric, and after that the differences begin: we do not take Whiterun, but defend it. The council of war in the room above the throne room is held in company with the imperial legate. He accepts the task "Message for Whiterun" from us and issues the following - "Battle of Whiterun".

Battle of Whiterun

Hadvar can easily see the mote in the eye of his neighbor, but in his own he does not notice the arrow.

Flames are pouring from the sky on Whiterun - the city is being fired upon by catapults. Legate Rikke is waiting outside the gate. When she sees us, she will make a speech to a handful of warriors who are about to clash with another handful of warriors.

The battle of Whiterun is done according to the usual pattern, which was already described in the passage for the Stormcloaks: weak fighters on both sides, they are reborn, and dead enemies are marked on the percentage counter. When it reaches zero, we win. The only difference is that here we have a couple of side objectives: defending the barricades at the gate and defending the drawbridge if the barricades fall.

Keeping even a bridge or a gate intact is a difficult task, since there are many enemies and they are capable of demolishing flimsy "goats" in a couple of blows or shots. You can break through to the stables where the Stormcloaks are respawning and try to distract them. And you can use the bug.

One way or another, you do not have to complete side tasks, and indeed participate in the battle. When it is over, mark yourself in front of the Jarl (he will come out of the gate to make a speech) and return to Tullius, who will give us the title of quaestor.

FOR YOUR INFORMATION: the remaining quests are collected under the name "Unification of Skyrim".


"Is the Stormcloak running?" - "Everyone is running!"

Our new assignment is to take back control of the White Shore. In the White Coast camp, the hero will be met by Rikke and given another "mirror" task. Like the Stormcloaks, you need to hunt down and kill the courier. To do this, look into the Night Gate tavern or the Windhelm establishment Hearth and Candle. The bartender will tell you where to look for a courier - for money, for threats or persuasion. After that, an arrow will appear on the map, indicating our goal. Kill the courier, take the documents and deliver to Rikka.

The second part of the task is to take the documents to Dawnstar, to the commander named Frockmar Torn Banner. After the usual conversation (“why not in shape?” - “so that the enemy does not guess!”), The task will be completed. Return to Legate Rikka.

Battle of Fort Dunstad

The most peaceful place in Dunstad is the Clumsy Sabertooth Inn. Above the fireplace is the sabertooth itself.

To finally recapture the region from the Stormcloaks, you need to storm Fort Dunstad. This is not a quest, but a battle - the enemies here are weak, constantly respawning, and the percentage counter shows how much is left to chop and stab before victory.

After the battle, Tullius will make the hero a prefect and send him to the Rift.

Military booty

The target is sentry. A volley of two arrows should take him down.

Rikke will issue another "mirror" task - with blackmail. Our target is Anuriel, Jarl's ruler of Riften. She does business with the Thieves Guild, and a damning note can be found in a chest of drawers in her office. Wave a note in front of Anuriel's face, and she, having led you to the office, will tell you about a wagon with a valuable cargo. The wagon travels from Riften to Windhelm - it travels slowly and is poorly guarded. The information is very helpful.

Return to Rikka, and she will send you to meet with the scouts who have settled north of Riften, at the watchtower of Shor. At the head of the scouts - Hadvar. As in the similar task of the Storm Brothers, the wagon broke down, and we have two options: attack the guards ourselves or with the help of scouts (they will help with fire). Scouts can be persuaded to wait for the night, but there is no point in this.

The sentry wanders along a high cliff - if you accept the help of Hadvar's group, they will "remove" him from the bows.

The wagon is guarded by several Stormcloaks. If there is no desire to fight, you can run circles from them until the immortal Hadvar finishes off the last one. Don't forget to loot the chest on the cart. Talk to Hadvar and return to the legate.

FOR YOUR INFORMATION: if you completed the story quest "Endless Time" and Riften went to the Empire, this quest will not be given to you at all.

Battle of Fort Greenwall

Fort Greenwall is a powerful wall and a small courtyard.

The Battle of Fort Greenwall is another typical battle. The fort is located north of Riften. When ours win and the enemy counter is reset, return to Tullius. He will say that the legion is already at the very threshold of Ulfric, and soon the decisive battle. And we are going to Winterhold, to the secret camp.

Fort Kastav - Rescue Comrades

Everywhere they shone with torches, they searched everywhere - they did not find weapons.

The legate will give a new alignment: the captured legionnaires are languishing in Fort Kastav. Hadvar's sabotage group has taken refuge in the hills below the fort, and they will be happy to send us forward to rescue the legionaries.

Unlike the "mirror" task for the Stormcloaks, you won't have to look for a secret entrance for a long time. The hatch is right under the wall. Inside the fortress - a few sentries. The key can be stolen from them, but it will not bring much benefit, so it is better to free the captives by removing the keys from the bodies. The prisoners will return the armor, but it’s tight with weapons, so they will have to help in the battle - they won’t win much with their fists.

Find Hadwar in or near the fortress, give him an account and return to Tullius, who will make the hero a legate and issue heavy Daedric armor.

Battle of Fort Amol

Quite unexpectedly, Fort Amol, along with the legionnaires, was attacked by an ancient dragon. They finished him off only in the morning.

Our next stop is the camp at Eastmarch, from where the hero will be sent to fight for Fort Amol. This is a classic "percentage" fight - the last one in the story. After him, the legate Rikke will immediately send to Windhelm, where the final act of the drama about the struggle between the “reds” and the “blues” is about to happen.

Battle of Windhelm

"We meet again, my old enemy!"

Fire charges from Ulfric's catapults are flying from the city, but General Tullius and the soldiers are already standing in the "dead zone" at the very gates. After a short speech, the group will enter the city.

The main task is not to destroy the enemies, but to go through the whole city and get to the royal palace as quickly as possible, where the Jarl of Windhelm sat down. The main passage to the palace is littered with barricades (real this time, which cannot be penetrated by sword or arrow), so we will have to immediately turn left, go down to the cemetery, go through narrow streets under the figurines of ravens, turn right under high walls and thus be at the entrance to the palace. Enemies will respawn on our way, so if you are not confident in your abilities, stick to the main group of legionnaires.

Nothing needs to be done inside. If you wish, help Tullius and Rikka deal with Ulfric and his faithful dog Galmar. The last choice is to deal the final blow to the defeated jarl or salute the general.

In any case, the war is won, and we only have to destroy individual groups of Stormcloaks hiding in the hills if we wish!

Joining the Stormcloaks

In order to join the ranks of the Stormcloaks, you need to receive the appropriate task. If at the very beginning of the game you fled from the burning Helgen together with the rebel Ralof, then when you exited the cave, he told you about the civil war in Skyrim and offered to join the Stormcloaks. If you left Helgen with the Imperials, but decided to join the rebels, then to receive this task, it is enough to talk to any soldier of the Stormcloaks, who are easy to find in numerous rebel camps throughout Skyrim.

When you find out about the course of the civil war and the Stormcloaks, the task "Join the Stormcloaks" will appear in your diary. You need to go to Windhelm and talk to the Jarl and the leader of the rebels - Ulfric Stormcloak.

AT stepping into the ranks Stormcloaks

You must go to Serpent Stone Island and survive the battle with the ice wraith. The island is located far to the northeast of the province, among the Sea of ​​Ghosts, east of Winterhold. The island got its name in honor of the Serpent Stone located on it.

In addition to the ice ghost you need, there are no more opponents on the island, and therefore the battle with him should not be difficult. If your character is of a low level, then before going to the island it is better to stock up on potions of health and protection from the cold.

jagged crown

When returning from Serpentstone Isle, before taking the oath, you could catch Ulfric and Galmar in a furious argument over a certain crown. Galmar convinced Ulfric that the legendary symbol of power, the Jagged Crown, was not lost at all, but was in the ancient Nordic ruins of Korvanjund. If the Stormcloaks were to obtain for Ulfric an ancient crown made from the bones and fangs of a dragon, his position would be greatly strengthened in the eyes of most of the inhabitants of Skyrim.

Ulfric agreed to send a small expedition in search of an ancient artifact. You will be instructed to join her and meet with Galmar and other Stormcloak soldiers near the entrance to Korvanjund. Upon arrival, you will see how Galmar Stonefist gives the rebels a brief briefing: the soldiers of the Imperial Legion somehow learned about the plans of the rebels and were able to penetrate Korvanjund first.

Message for Whiterun

Having received the precious crown, Ulfric will thank you for the successfully completed task and give you the next assignment. You need to go to Dragon's Reach and give the Jarl of Whiterun a message from Ulfric - an axe. This is an ancient Nordic custom: if Jarl Balgruuf accepts an ax, then there will be peace, if not, it means war.

After meeting with the jarl and handing over the ax to him, you will become an eyewitness of his conversation with the advisers, at the end of which he will decide to go over to the side of the Empire and refuse to accept Ulfric's ax.


The Jarl will refuse to talk to you if the Dragon in the Sky main storyline quest is active. In this case, to continue, you will need to complete it first, and only then continue to fulfill Ulfric's order.

After receiving Balgruuf's answer, you must return to Windhelm and return the ax to Ulfric. After Ulfric learns of the refusal of the Jarl of Whiterun and consults with Galmar, he decides that the time has come to move on to drastic measures and start hostilities. The Storm Brothers must gather all their forces and spread the key phrase among the population of Skyrim: "A new day begins, and the sun rises over Whiterun" - it's time to attack the city.

Battle of Whiterun


Until this task is completed, it will be impossible to visit the "normal" peaceful Whiterun.

You will be sent to a camp near Whiterun under the command of Galmar. Upon arrival, you will see how Galmar gives an inspiring speech to the fighters, after which he will lead everyone on the attack. Your first main goal is suspension bridge. If you can break through the barricades and bring it down, the main Stormcloak force will be able to penetrate behind external walls and get into the city.

Liberation of Skyrim

This task combines several others, the common goal of which is the complete and gradual reconquest of Skyrim, possession by possession. This part of the Civil War campaign is directly related to the main story quest "The Endless Time", during which you need to conduct peace negotiations between the Stormcloaks and the Imperial Legion. Depending on your decision, the factions will exchange cities and, accordingly, take control of the new possession.

Thus, based on the results of the exchange, you will have to capture one or another area of ​​Skyrim. For example, if you have not yet completed the main plot of the game, or have not reached the peace negotiations, then the Stormcloaks control Winterhold, and the Imperial Legion controls Markarth and the entire Reach. In this case, if you are fighting on the side of the Stormcloaks, your goal will be to capture Markarth. If the exchange has taken place, then instead of the Limit, you will have to capture Winterhold.

Liberation of Falkreath

Fort Neugrad - rescue of comrades

You need to go to the secret camp of the Stormcloaks in Falkreath, which is located southeast of Riverwood. Galmar will be waiting for you there. He will entrust you with a responsible task - to free your comrades in arms from enemy captivity. They are located in Fort Neugrad, which is located south of Helgen. You must join a group of scouts near the fort.

Upon arrival, you will see that your old friend Ralof is in charge of the operation. He will offer you to sneak into the fort unnoticed and free the prisoners of war in prison. At the end of the conversation with Ralof, you will have a new additional task - to sneak into the fort unnoticed. You can fulfill this condition, or go ahead - in any case, this will not affect the passage of the task.

Releasing the Limit


This quest will only be received if the main story quest "Endless Time" has not been completed, or if Markarth is still under the control of the Imperial Legion. Otherwise, the task will be skipped.

Military booty

Ulfric will send you to a secret rebel camp in the Reach. Galmar will meet you there and give you a non-standard task: you need to get important information from Rerik - the uncle and assistant of Jarl Markarth. Galmar knows that Rerik secretly worships Talos, and this can be a great excuse for blackmail.

You need to go to Markarth and find material to intimidate Rerik. After entering the Understone Fortress and turning into the right corridor from the throne room, you will exit to the door to the quarters of the jarl's adviser. The premises are periodically patrolled by only one guard, and therefore it will be easy to break the lock and enter the room. In the chest of drawers opposite the door, you will find Rerik's Talos amulet, perfectly suited to your task. Having taken it, you must come to the throne room and show the amulet to its owner.

Such evidence will quickly intimidate the steward, and he will want to talk to you alone. Follow him back to his room and demand information about the Imperials in exchange for the amulet and your silence. After listening to you and agreeing to the proposed conditions, Rerik will report that a strategically important imperial caravan loaded with silver and weapons has set off towards Solitude. According to the steward, the content of the caravan is enough to turn the tide of the war. The wagon moves very slowly, and is guarded by a small detachment of soldiers of the Imperial Legion. Also, if you use persuasion in a conversation with the ruler, he will give you a fairly large advance in the form of gold.

Liberation of Hjaalmarch


Ulfric Stormcloak will send you to the next rebel camp northeast of Morthal. There, Galmar Stonefist will entrust you with another non-standard task. Galmar has a plan: he wants to plant fake orders on the legate of the Imperial Legion in Morthal, but first you need to get the real ones.

Your goal is to intercept the messenger on the road from Morthal to Solitude and pick up the real orders of the Imperials. Galmar will tell you that the messenger stops at two places along the way: in the Dragon Bridge settlement at the Four Shields tavern and in Rorikstead at the Frozen Fruit Inn. First you need to ask the owners of the tavern about him. The easiest option for you is to go to one of the two taverns marked with a marker on your map and convince the owner or hostess to tell about the imperial messenger (the innkeeper's "convincing" that the messenger is in danger is best). The tavern owner will inform you that the messenger has just left, but will soon return to the tavern for the night, and the messenger himself will now be marked with a marker on your map.

Liberation of the White Coast


This quest will only be received if Dawnstar was given to the Imperial Legion during the main story quest "Endless Time". Otherwise, the task will be skipped.

Battle of Fort Dunstad

Ulfric will send you back to Galmar. The Fist of Stone awaits you at the Stormcloak camp, which is located east of the ruins of Korvanjund and west of Windhelm. Upon arrival, you will receive another task to capture the fort, in which another "percentage battle" awaits you: you must destroy the soldiers of the Imperial Legion, whose number is measured in percentage, until their number drops to zero. Go to your squad near Fort Dunstad and clear the fort. After successfully completing the task, return to Ulfric with a capture report White Coast

Liberation of the Rift


This quest will only be received if Riften was given to the Imperial Legion during the main story quest "Endless Time". Otherwise, the task will be skipped.

Battle of Fort Greenwall

The beginning of this quest mirrors the opening quest of the Imperial Legion, only now you will need to talk to the rebels.

You will get your first chance to join the Stormcloaks right after Helgen, when you leave the caves with Ralof. Otherwise, you will just need to find any rebel, a conversation with which will activate the task.

Having received the assignment of the same name, go to the city of Windhelm, where the residence of the usurper Ulfric Stormcloak is located. Talk to him, and then step into the next room to meet the ruler's faithful companion - Galmar. After the conversation, you will receive the first task, during which you will need to prove yourself and do the rebels a favor.

Joining the Stormcloaks

Your target is on an island with ice ghosts. You will have to go to the right side of the city and not far away. The name of this part of the land was given for a reason - one of the Stones of Power under the sign of the Serpent is located on it.

Apart from this creature, no one else will try to prevent you from completing the quest. If you have difficulties directly with the ghost, then stock up on the appropriate tinctures that increase frost resistance.

After killing the monster, all you have to do is visit back to Galmar. Speak the Pledge of Allegiance to become an official member of the Rebels.

3 jagged crown

When you deal with the ghost and return to the palace, you will find Ulfric and Galmar arguing, who cannot resolve the issue of some kind of crown.

The leader of the Stormcloaks doubts that ancient artifact Nords still exist, but Galmar has a completely different opinion. According to him, the Jagged Crown still lies somewhere in the ruins of Korvanjund, so the rebels must get it in order to secure Ulfric's claims.

Finally, the Thunderbird gives the go-ahead to search for the artifact - go to the indicated point to start the task. On the spot, you will find that the legionnaires found out about your intentions and reached the ruins before, so get ready to fight.

Inside, the soldiers will not offer you much resistance, since you will be accompanied by Galmar. This NPC is invulnerable, so just follow him.

After the first and second halls, where you have to attack opponents head-on, Galmar will sense an ambush and ask you to explore the upper level.

Walk to the right and in a circle of the upper tier get to the next room. There on you will see enemies that can be quickly eliminated by knocking down a container of fire above a puddle of oil.

One way or another, but after the start of the battle, the rest of the comrades will come to your aid, so that the battle will become equal. Ultimately, passing the corpses of draugrs and legionnaires, you will reach the Hall of History with a locked door that can be opened with a claw key (it lies right next to the corpse near the obstacle).

Install the parts of the door in the specified order: wolf-insect-dragon, and then the path will open.

After that, you will run into another puzzle, only now it will be a hidden lever that opens the necessary door.

To find it, climb to the upper level and pass a small bridge - it is behind it that there is a lever. When the door is opened, Draugr will suddenly attack your comrades.

As a result, you will reach the final hall, where the regalia is located. The serrated crown is worn by a particularly strong draugr, which will immediately wake up as soon as you get close to it. Deal with them, search the bodies, explore the Dovakin's wall and go to Ulfric.

Keep in mind that at this stage you can still change your mind and take the crown to the opponents of the rebels - the imperials and their leader, General Tullius. After this task, it will be impossible to change sides.

With a message for Whiterun

When Ulfric Stormcloak receives the crown, he will praise you and offer you to start a new task. Its essence is as follows: it is necessary to deliver the ax to the Jarl of Whiterun, thereby deciding the fate of the city.

Whiterun is located in the center of the province of Skyrim and is the main trading artery, which makes it the tidbit in the civil war. That is why it needs to be taken over, but there is one thing - the local Jarl Balgruuf sympathizes with the Empire, so you will have to resort to cruel measures. If he refuses to accept the ax and asks for its return, then, as the ancient Nordic tradition says, there will be war.

When you deliver the package to its destination, in addition to Balgruuf, you will stumble upon his advisers. In your presence, they will arrange a meeting, after which the jarl will say the final word - he refuses your leader's proposal. Return the ax back to Ulfric to begin the next task - the conquest of Whiterun.

Battle of Whiterun

As soon as the quest appears in your journal, go to the outskirts of Whiterun and look for Galmar and the Stormcloak army there. Ulfric's adviser will make an exciting speech, after which he will order the attack to begin.

Together with your brothers in arms, head towards the walls that protect the city. It is necessary to break through the barricades and climb up, where there is a lever with which you can lower the suspension bridge and enter Whiterun.

Once in the city, you will find many legionnaires and defensive structures. The ultimate goal of the campaign is to get to the Jarl's palace and finish him off, so get ready to fight your way through. During the entire mission, you will not be able to interact with the local population and enter the houses, so move forward and do not get distracted.

After fighting your way through dozens of Imperials, you will finally reach the Dragon's Reach. In addition to Balgruuf, his advisor and the usual garrison will be inside, who will try to stop you. It is not necessary to kill everyone - it is enough to lower the Jarl's HP to a quarter, after which he will order everyone to lay down their weapons.

Whiterun has been conquered, and now a new jarl will rule in the city - Vignar Greymane, loyal to the Stormcloaks. When you inform Ulfric about the successful siege, he will promote you in rank, give you a unique cannon and offer you the next assignment.

About the liberation of Skyrim

This voluminous task is a set of conquest operations, during which you will finally subjugate the territory of Skyrim. Along the way, you can bring the main story campaign to the Endless Time quest, in which the parties will conclude a truce and exchange possessions.

That is why the goals of this task may differ for each player, since the negotiation process is quite dynamic and offers several options. What cities you will transfer to the Empire, such you will then have to win back during this mission.

The first region that you will have to reconquer after the capture of Whiterun is Falkreath. To continue the mission, visit the rebel camp indicated on the map, which is located below and to the right of Riverwood.

Galmar will inform you that the Stormcloak squad was captured by legionnaires, who then placed it in the Neugrad fortress. Comrades need to be released, so go to the marker.

On the spot you will meet Ralof, whom you know. He will rejoice at your presence and offer you options: attack the fortress in the forehead or sneak in on the sly, using the secret door on the side.

The chosen option will not affect anything: in the first case, you will simply fight in the open, and in the second, you will gain an advantage due to surprise.

To sneak to Noygard unnoticed, go to the lake and jump into it, as the hidden door is in the very center of it. Using the door, you will immediately enter the dungeon where your comrades are being held.

Cells can be opened with master keys or a key, which is located nearby by a guard. Release the prisoners, and then go outside to deal with the garrison.

Throughout the battle, you will fight alongside the liberated rebels. After the battle in the courtyard of the fort, you need to go into the central building, where there are even more opponents.

Deal with them and talk to Ralof, then return to Stormcloak and report your success. As a reward for this, you will again receive a promotion, a cannon, as well as the opportunity to purchase property in Windhelm.

Reach Capture

The next task to liberate the region in Skyrim from the power of the Empire. It will become inaccessible if you hand over Markarth to the legion after the truce is signed.

In the camp at the Reach, talk to Galmar to learn about the plan of action. The fact is that Jarl Markarth has a weak point - his uncle named Rerik, about whom there are terrible rumors.

This time you will have to play the role of a blackmailer and a thief - you need to steal evidence confirming that Rerik worships the god Talos, now banned in Skyrim.

Once in the city, make your way to the palace, which is the residence of the jarl, and then step to the right of the throne. So you can get into the personal rooms of the assistant ruler, where the desired chest is located. It is there that the Talos amulet lies, clearly speaking about Rerik's religion.

After that, it remains only to talk with Rerik in the central hall and show him the amulet. He will be seriously frightened and agree to cooperate, and then, as a sign of loyalty, will inform you about the Legion caravan with valuable supplies, which is moving to main city empire.

Moreover, if you put more pressure on the adviser and use persuasion, he will give you gold from above.

Tell Galmar about the information received, and then go to the highway, where the Stormcloaks are already waiting for you, ready for the raid. Together with them, you will capture the wagon and kill the guards. By the way, here Ralof will again help you, who will offer to attack from afar or strike openly.

When the deed is done, Ulfric's adviser will order you to capture Sungard Keep. The fort is located below and to the right of Rorikstead, and the task itself is a classic for Skyrim capture of the fortress.

You will need to kill the defenders until their strength, expressed as a percentage on the side of the screen, drops to zero. After the battle, inform Ulfric that Sungard is now yours. As a reward, the leader will raise you in rank and hand you a cannon.

Capture of Hjaalmarch

During this task, which you will receive in the camp above and to the right of Morthal, you will have to misinform the imperial headquarters, thereby violating their plans.

To complete the task, you will have to kill the messenger with the letter or simply steal documents from him. The messenger himself moves along the highway from Morthal to the capital of the Imperials, Solitude, during which two taverns can be found, in each of which the messenger decides to stop.

It doesn't matter in which tavern you find the messenger - in any case, you will have to convince the owner that the imperial soldier may soon be killed, which you want to prevent. As a result, the innkeeper will tell you about the location of the messenger, saying that he has gone away for a while, but will soon visit the establishment again.

After that, the messenger will be marked with a marker on the map, so you can immediately follow him and kill him on the way. However, be aware that the messenger moves in real time, which is why you may simply not catch up with him.

There is another option - wait for the messenger in the tavern, and then follow him and finish him away from civilization (murder in a tavern will become a crime).

When you have the documents, take them to Galmar. It turns out that Snowhawk Fortress is asking for soldiers, which the Empire would immediately provide if this information fell into the hands of the legionnaires. When Galmar corrects the information, take it to its destination in the city of Morthal, where Tadril Duliy is waiting for you.

To complete the task, you will have to complete the last assignment of Galmar - to capture the fortress of Snowhawk, which has lost support. Get to the place, start the attack and bring the number of garrison to zero percent.

You have to recapture the city of Dawnstar, which was originally under the control of the Stormcloaks. The quest will become available only if and when you turn it over to the Imperials during the Endless Time quest.

This time there are no unique missions waiting for you - only the capture of the Dunstad fortress. Listen to Galmar and go to the point where other rebels are waiting for you. Together with them, storm the fort until all its defenders fall.

You have to recapture the city of Riften, which was originally under the control of the Stormcloaks. The quest will become available then and if, when you hand it over to the Imperials during the "Endless Time" quest.

Visit Galmar's camp and receive the task. Next, go up and to the right of the city, where a squad of Stormcloaks awaits you. Besiege the fort with them and take it.

The city of Winterhold is ruled by Ulfric Stormcloak. You can give it away in the same way as the cities described above, during the Endless Time quest.

Visit the counselor at the camp near Windhelm. Your king's adviser will send you to conquer the fortress of Kastav. Together with other warriors, you will have to cut out the garrison until its number drops to zero percent.

The final task that makes up the long mission "Liberation of Skyrim". It will become available only after the capture of all cities, not counting the capital of the Imperials in Skyrim.

It is her - the city of Solitude - that you will have to win back during the next mission. This same is the forerunner - it will be necessary to recapture the fortress near Solitude, which is called Hrastgad.

Immediately go to the point where allies are waiting for you. Attack the garrison and bring its number to zero. When you report to Galmar about your success, he will send you to the main army, which has already begun the assault on Solitude.

Battle of Solitude

When you reach the outskirts of the city, you will find an army led by Ulfric Stormcloak himself. He will cheer up the warriors, and then send them and you to attack.

It will not be difficult to get behind the walls, since the city is almost unprotected from the outside. The bulk of the enemies are behind the walls, so go inside.

To complete the quest, you must kill General Tullius, who is located in the main palace. Getting there with the Thunderbird is not difficult, since he is invulnerable.

It will not be possible to get into the castle directly, since the path is blocked by a gate. Step on the side and break the first obstacle, then move forward into the residential area. From there, turn to the cemetery, from where you can also get into the castle. The local path will be blocked only by a barricade that must be broken.

In parallel, you will have to fight off opponents who will advance until you destroy the fence.

Finally, you will reach the castle itself and go inside. Together with your comrades, you have to defeat the general and his adviser. The adviser will fall, and the main target will be dying. One way or another, but she will be executed by your hand or the hand of Ulfric.

After that, together with the new king, you will leave the castle and go out to the rest of the soldiers. Ulfric Stormcloak will make a pathetic speech, and then say that he refuses to call himself king without permission. He will demand to convene the Jarls, who will have to decide the fate of Skyrim. At this point, the Stormcloaks campaign ends.


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