Zhirovichi Monastery: touch the shrine and see a miracle. The Zhirovichi Monastery is building a pilgrim's house for tourists; the St. Nicholas Church with the Miraculous Icon

The Zhirovichi Monastery is building a Pilgrim House for tourists

Last year the Holy DormitionZhirovichi Monasteryvisited by about 58 thousand pilgrims. There are 35 monks living in the monastery. Archimandrite Veniamin spoke about this while speaking at a seminar in Zhirovichi “Holy Dormition Zhirovichi Monastery and its role in the development of cultural and educational tourism in Belarus,” organized by the monastery itself, the Minsk Theological Academy and Seminary, the Ministry of Sports and Tourism and the National Tourism Agency.

The number of tourists in the Zhirovichi Monastery, apparently, will only increase. According to forecasts of the World Tourism Organization, by 2020 religious tourism will confidently become one of the most popular types of tourism.

Representatives of travel agencies participating in the seminar were interested, first of all, in the infrastructure of the monastery, in particular, the possibility of accommodating tourists and pilgrims. According to Archimandrite Veniamin, the monastery has the ability to accommodate only 27 people overnight. There is a need in a much larger number of places - people travel to Zhirovichi from Russia, Ukraine, and so on.

“In the near future we will have a Pilgrim’s House with 100 seats, which is now being built at the expense of the monastery and benefactors,”- added Archimandrite Veniamin. In the meantime, noted a representative of the Ministry of Sports and Tourism Elena Solovyova, for pilgrims and tourists who are not ready to spend the night in a monastery with minimal amenities, the most acceptable option is a hotel in Slonim, which is really nearby.

However, in the monastery itself, the problem is seen not in the number of people who want to visit the monastery, but in the failure of tourists to comply with basic rules and regulations. Everyone seems to know, for example, that men need to remove their hats when entering a church, and women need to cover their heads, but not everyone follows the rule.

“It happens that women now don’t even have skirts in their wardrobe. However, we must learn not to go to the monastery with our own rules and direct tourists and pilgrims to this. It is also important that people visiting the monastery are familiar with the rules of behavior in churches and on its territory,”- said the head of the educational and methodological department of the National Tourism Agency on this matter Marina Mastashova.

The main relic of the monastery is the Miraculous Icon of the Mother of God. The icon is small - about the size of a child's palm. The miraculous icon is depicted on granite, which, when fired, takes on the appearance of jasper with noticeable grains of ocher and limestone. This is especially noticeable in the faults that are present on the Zhirovichi icon and which were probably caused by a fire.

It is this icon that is so attractive to thousands of believers. There are still legends about her that she helps those especially suffering to recover from illnesses and misfortunes.

Her history is inextricably linked with the history of the monastery, which arose thanks to her appearance. Here it is necessary to remember the landowner from those places, Alexander Soltan. In 1470, shepherds tending their flocks went far into the forest and there, in the thicket, among the dense branches of a wild pear tree, they noticed a light, as it later turned out, emanating from a small icon. They took the miraculous image to Soltan’s estate. It was he who later built a temple in honor of the Mother of God in Zhirovichi, on the site of the appearance of the icon. Later a monastery arose here.

Soltan's estate, or rather its ruins, are now located a few kilometers from the monastery. Monk Nikolai I noticed that in spring and summer there is extraordinary beauty here: “Here in May you can admire the flowering of most European varieties of lilac. It’s just a pity that almost nothing remains of the Soltanov estate.”

Meanwhile, he told "Belarusian News" brother Agapius, after the war, although the building was destroyed, the walls were still intact.

“The estate was stolen brick by brick by local residents. Now we have put a cross near it and are protecting it as best we can. The worker Georgiy now lives in the trailer next to the estate and is guarded by her,”- says Brother Agapius. Workers are novices who live at the monastery without becoming a monk and work here.

Theoretically, anyone can live in the monastery for some time (women without special permission for no more than three days). The main thing, Brother Agapius noted, is that a person comes here without debts - moral and material: “It is important that small children are not left in the world, so that he is not obliged to pay alimony or any other payments. People live here, work and seek the meaning of life from the elders. Now there are 50 workers in the monastery.”

Worker Georgy He has been in the monastery for five years now and leads a hermit’s life. Previously, he guarded the structures at the place of water intake from the holy spring. Now, Brother Agapius laughs, it’s time to call him a goblin. Thanks to Georgy, the Soltanov estate was stopped being destroyed. This is a kind of conservation of antiquities.

The monastery lives in close proximity to the seminary. The Minsk Theological Academy is also located here, which is planned to be moved to Minsk in the future. In the meantime, 49 people are studying in three Academy courses.

The Academy building has been restored. The only reminder of the old days when it housed the Agricultural College is the strangely located fence enclosing part of the building.

Brother Agapius told his story: “When I went to study at the Theological Academy, half of the building belonged to us, and the other to the technical school. It was not easy for us to get along. Previously, when they occupied the entire educational building, their leadership carefully watched so that they did not end up on the territory of the monastery and did not end up in churches. The students did not argue with this, but they still made their way into the monastery garden to buy apples. So we had to put up a fence.”

The monastery is now glad that the times of the former confrontation between the secular and religious worlds are over. However, the old times constantly remind us of themselves. Not so long ago, in the basements of the Church of the Exaltation of the Cross, Brother Agapius said, the remains of 50 people were found. Who these people were and when they were killed is unknown. It is possible, says Brother Agapius, that this happened during the Stalinist repressions.

They know for certain what happened here, only the ancient walls of the monastery, and even the symbol of the monastery - the linden tree near the Church of Yavlenskaya.

This tree is over two hundred years old. It has witnessed many historical events. Hundreds of thousands of people prayed under the linden branches. To this day, people in the monastery eat linden honey, the pollen for which is collected from a tree that has seen more than any of the people living here.

About 58 thousand pilgrims visited. There are 35 monks living in the monastery. Archimandrite Veniamin spoke about this while speaking at a seminar in Zhirovichi “Holy Dormition Zhirovichi Monastery and its role in the development of cultural and educational tourism in Belarus,” organized by the monastery itself, the Minsk Theological Academy and Seminary, the Ministry of Sports and Tourism and the National Tourism Agency.

“Sometimes on Saturdays, up to 45 buses with tourists gather at the walls of the monastery. We can only accept eight groups at a time, provided that the excursion lasts for an hour,”- noted Archimandrite Veniamin.

The number of tourists in the Zhirovichi Monastery, apparently, will only increase. According to forecasts of the World Tourism Organization, by 2020 religious tourism will confidently become one of the most popular types of tourism.

Representatives of travel agencies participating in the seminar were interested, first of all, in the infrastructure of the monastery, in particular, the possibility of accommodating tourists and pilgrims. According to Archimandrite Veniamin, the monastery has the ability to accommodate only 27 people overnight. There is a need in a much larger number of places - people travel to Zhirovichi from Russia, Ukraine, and so on.

“In the near future we will have a Pilgrim’s House with 100 seats, which is now being built at the expense of the monastery and benefactors,”- added Archimandrite Veniamin. In the meantime, noted a representative of the Ministry of Sports and Tourism Elena Solovyova, for pilgrims and tourists who are not ready to spend the night in a monastery with minimal amenities, the most acceptable option is a hotel in Slonim, which is really nearby.

However, in the monastery itself, the problem is seen not in the number of people who want to visit the monastery, but in the failure of tourists to comply with basic rules and regulations. Everyone seems to know, for example, that men need to remove their hats when entering a church, and women need to cover their heads, but not everyone follows the rule.

“It happens that women now don’t even have skirts in their wardrobe. However, we must learn not to go to the monastery with our own rules and direct tourists and pilgrims to this. It is also important that people visiting the monastery are familiar with the rules of behavior in churches and on its territory,”- said the head of the educational and methodological department of the National Tourism Agency on this matter Marina Mastashova.

The main relic of the monastery is the Miraculous Icon of the Mother of God. The icon is small - about the size of a child's palm. The miraculous icon is depicted on granite, which, when fired, takes on the appearance of jasper with noticeable grains of ocher and limestone. This is especially noticeable in the faults that are present on the Zhirovichi icon and which were probably caused by a fire.

It is this icon that is so attractive to thousands of believers. There are still legends about her that she helps those especially suffering to recover from illnesses and misfortunes.

She is inextricably linked with the history of the monastery, which arose thanks to her appearance. Here it is necessary to remember the landowner from those places, Alexander Soltan. In 1470, shepherds tending their flocks went far into the forest and there, in the thicket, among the dense branches of a wild pear tree, they noticed a light, as it later turned out, emanating from a small icon. They took the miraculous image to Soltan’s estate. It was he who later built a temple in honor of the Mother of God in Zhirovichi, on the site of the appearance of the icon. Later a monastery arose here.

Soltan's estate, or rather its ruins, are now located a few kilometers from the monastery. Monk Nikolai I noticed that in spring and summer there is extraordinary beauty here: “Here in May you can admire the flowering of most European varieties of lilac. It’s just a pity that almost nothing remains of the Soltanov estate.”

Meanwhile, he told "Belarusian News" brother Agapius, after the war, although the building was destroyed, the walls were still intact.

“The estate was stolen brick by brick by local residents. Now we have put a cross near it and are protecting it as best we can. The worker Georgiy now lives in the trailer next to the estate and is guarded by her,”- says Brother Agapius. Workers are novices who live at the monastery without becoming a monk and work here.

Theoretically, anyone can live in the monastery for some time (women without special permission for no more than three days). The main thing, Brother Agapius noted, is that a person comes here without debts - moral and material: “It is important that small children are not left in the world, so that he is not obliged to pay alimony or any other payments. People live here, work and seek the meaning of life from the elders. Now there are 50 workers in the monastery.”

Worker Georgy He has been in the monastery for five years now and leads a hermit’s life. Previously, he guarded the structures at the place of water intake from the holy spring. Now, Brother Agapius laughs, it’s time to call him a goblin. Thanks to Georgy, the Soltanov estate was stopped being destroyed. This is a kind of conservation of antiquities.

The monastery lives in close proximity to the seminary. The Minsk Theological Academy is also located here, which is planned to be moved to Minsk in the future. In the meantime, 49 people are studying in three Academy courses.

The Academy building has been restored. The only reminder of the old days when it housed the Agricultural College is the strangely located fence enclosing part of the building.

Brother Agapius told his story: “When I went to study at the Theological Academy, half of the building belonged to us, and the other to the technical school. It was not easy for us to get along. Previously, when they occupied the entire educational building, their leadership carefully watched so that they did not end up on the territory of the monastery and did not end up in churches. The students did not argue with this, but they still made their way into the monastery garden to buy apples. So we had to put up a fence.”

The monastery is now glad that the times of the former confrontation between the secular and religious worlds are over. However, the old times constantly remind us of themselves. Not so long ago, in the basements of the Church of the Exaltation of the Cross, Brother Agapius said, the remains of 50 people were found. Who these people were and when they were killed is unknown. It is possible, says Brother Agapius, that this happened during the Stalinist repressions.

They know for certain what happened here, only the ancient walls of the monastery, and even the symbol of the monastery - the linden tree near the Church of Yavlenskaya.

This tree is over two hundred years old. It has witnessed many historical events. Hundreds of thousands of people prayed under the linden branches. To this day, people in the monastery eat linden honey, the pollen for which is collected from a tree that has seen more than any of the people living here.

On September 19 and 20, 2015, another pilgrimage trip of believers of the city of Borisov took place, organized by the Cathedral of the Resurrection of Christ.

This time, the place where the pilgrims went was the Holy Dormition Zhirovichi Monastery, famous for the presence of the Zhirovichi miraculous icon of the Mother of God, its ancient origin and the spiritual experience left by its inhabitants.

The custom of visiting holy places has existed since ancient times. The pilgrimage was a kind of special feat associated with overcoming certain travel difficulties and hardships, and the more difficult the journey, the more joyfully the pilgrim achieved the goal of his journey. And although today there are no particular difficulties with pilgrimage, people still go on pilgrimages with great enthusiasm.

The trip to the shrines of the Zhirovichi land was organized, in many respects, with the goal of uniting people (from different parishes) through joint prayer, communication, and pilgrimage works. And it is very remarkable that this happened, because parishioners of various churches both in Borisov and from nearby villages went on the trip.

An equally important aspect of this trip is its missionary significance. For this time many people who were just beginning their path to God went on a pilgrimage. And perhaps thanks to a visit to the holy monastery, the veneration of the miraculous Zhirovichi Icon of the Mother of God, many who did not believe in God before will find their way to the temple.

A big plus for the trip was that it was led by the clergyman of the Resurrection Cathedral, Priest Alexey Savko, who was not only the eldest, but also spiritually cared for the pilgrims, contributed to catechization and deepening of the faith.

Before setting off, the priest served a prayer service for the travelers, after which everyone received a blessing for the trip and were sprinkled with holy water. Throughout the pilgrimage, the priest confessed, talked with those who wished, and also answered questions of interest.

Along the way to Zhirovichi, we visited the grave of Blessed Valentina of Minsk, the Zosimo-Savvatievsky Monastery in the village of Krakotka and the temple-fortress in the village of Synkovichi.

Upon arrival at the destination, the pilgrims were accommodated in a pilgrimage house, after which everyone went to one of the holy springs, where those who wished could plunge into the font and take some water from the spring.

In the evening, the group prayed at the All-Night Vigil, and in the morning at the Divine Liturgy, which took place in the Church of Yavlenskaya, considered the most ancient building of the monastery. After the service, the pilgrims were treated to a fascinating tour of the monastery, which Father Alexey, who led the trip, happily conducted. It was told about the history and life of the monastery and about the theological seminary operating at it.

The trip was a great success. People returned home spiritually close to each other, one might say one whole family.

Priest Alexy Savko/Photo: Natalia Klimkovich.


Belarus 8.9.16

I thank PS "Pokrov", Galina Arkadyevna Kakurina for a good trip. I really liked the work of our guide, Angelina Romanovskaya: fascinating stories about the shrines of Belarus, attentive and caring attitude. We visited 3 monasteries in different parts of this country and dedicated one day to the shrines of Minsk. Unforgettable impressions, wonderful places. I also thank Georgiy Gakhovich, the director of the Kinonia house where we lived. Good conditions and food. Thank you!

Alenin Evgeniy


Alenin Evgeniy


Belaya Rus with POKROV is a great trip!

On behalf of the entire group of our parishioners, I hasten to sincerely thank the MPC “POKROV” and personally Galina Kakurina for the excellent organization of our pilgrimage to Belarus. The trip through blessed White Rus' left us all with unforgettable impressions. We managed to visit many holy places in 3 days: all of Minsk, Polotsk, Zhirovichi, Synkovichi. Each place is connected with our common history, but at the same time has something of its own. Everything is native, but also something special. Even in the architecture and interior decoration of many churches, the centuries-old history of this part of historical Rus' has left its unique imprint. Of course, I liked the country itself, which also has its own special character and charisma. Angelina, who accompanied us around Belarus for all three days, led a fascinating and very educational excursion. She told a lot of interesting things, without exaggeration, for hours - almost without taking a break, even during 2-3 hour journeys. In addition, she also successfully implemented absolutely any wishes of the group, sometimes the most unexpected. Very cozy hotel, hospitable director Georgiy, comfortable bus, polite driver. From the point of view of organization, everything was at the highest level, however, as always with POKROV. Priest Evgeny Alenin, Ryazan. August 2016

I had a long-standing dream - to visit the Holy Dormition Zhirovichi Monastery. I don’t even remember why this strange name of the city: Zhirovichi in Belarus is so stuck in my memory. Perhaps these were books about ancient monasteries or stories about miraculous icons.

But when, while planning my trip to Belarus, I saw this name on the map, I knew for sure that I would not pass by this monastery and that I definitely needed to visit there.

Have you ever heard such an unusual word: stauropegia? It is not often found in our usual vocabulary. But having visited the men's Holy Dormition Stavropegial Zhirovichi Monastery, I remembered it again.

So, stauropegy is a special status that was assigned to Orthodox laurels, cathedrals, brotherhoods, monasteries and also theological schools for special merits. Those religious associations that have this high status may not be subject to local diocesan authorities. They must obey only the patriarch himself or the synod.

Literally, “stauropegia” is translated as the erection of the cross. This literally means that in these monasteries the cross was erected directly by the patriarchs. So the monastery in Zhirovichi is subordinate only to the Patriarchal Exarch of All Belarus.

Zhirovichi - Ways to find the holy Icon

According to ancient legend, the monastery was built on the memorable place where at the end of the 15th century, not far from the Zhirovichi estate, which at that time belonged to Soltan Alexander Yuryevich, an icon of the Mother of God appeared on a stone. The shepherds were the first to notice the glow that came from the wild pear tree in the forest.

Coming closer, in the branches of the tree, the shepherds saw the icon of the Mother of God, from which this soft, bewitching light emanated. Taking the icon in their hands with reverence, the people took it and handed it over to the owner of the area. Without even listening to what the shepherds said, Soltan accepted the icon and put it in the treasury.

Just a day later there were guests in the house, and the hospitable owner wanted to show them the icon that had recently appeared in such an unexpected way.

But I didn’t find it where I had recently left it. After some time, there in the forest the shepherds again saw the same luminous stone icon. And again they took it to the landowner. This, the second time, he treated the amazing icon with great respect. And where she was revealed to people, Alexander Soltan built a wooden church in honor of the Most Holy Theotokos, revered by all.

Second discovery of the Shrine

After some time, people began to settle next to the new temple. And the icon began to show its miraculous power: it helped many people get rid of serious illnesses, others - in difficult life situations. Pilgrims from all over the world began to come and come to the temple with the healing icon.

In 1520, a strong fire turned the wooden temple into ashes, along with the shrine stored in it. For a long time, people then searched for the miraculous image on the ashes, but to no avail. After all, the icon itself is very small.

Surprisingly, the Zhirovichi Icon of the Mother of God is the smallest of all the revered icons of the Mother of God in the Christian world. With its dimensions of about 5.6 x 4.4 cm, it resembles a chest cameo.

Unfortunately, the icon was considered lost in a fire. But some time later, returning home from school, the children saw the Virgin of unearthly beauty near the burnt church. She was sitting on a stone and holding an icon in her hands, which people already considered burnt.

Afraid to come closer, the children ran home and told the adults everything. Together with the priest, the whole village came to the site of the burnt temple. There on the stone stood a lit candle, and next to it was an icon that was not damaged at all in the fire. At first, the newly acquired shrine was kept in the priest's house.

Later, in 1555, a new temple was erected, even more beautiful, in honor of this Appearance of the Mother of God, and a valuable icon was placed there. The throne in this temple was exactly the stone on which the Blessed Virgin Mary was sitting when the children saw her. At the beginning of the 16th century, a monastery was founded at the temple.

Save and increase

Over its long, centuries-old history, the Zhirovichi Monastery was part of Poland and the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth. Numerous wars, persecutions and serious illnesses had a tragic impact on the lives of the inhabitants of the Zhirovichi monastery - they took many lives.

But the help and constant intercession of the Mother of God never left the monastery, and in 1839 it nevertheless returned to Orthodoxy. During the difficult years of the First World War, all revered shrines were transported to Russia, and the Zhirovichi Icon to Moscow.

From the first days of World War II, the monastery was occupied by the Germans. After the war, this monastery was completely restored. All the shrines, and of course the miraculous icon, returned to their native land.

Now it is a famous center of Belarusian Orthodoxy and a majestic architectural complex. It consists of five active temples and adjacent buildings. There is a pond, a garden, a vegetable garden and even an apiary.

St. Yavlenskaya Church

The Yavlenskaya Church was built in the 2nd half of the 17th century; now it is the oldest building of the monastery.

What is unusual is that the church still has no electricity. The stone where the Mother of God appeared to the children was consecrated and is now the Holy Altar of the temple.

Under the floor of this small building is the tomb of Archbishop Mikhail Golubovich.

Every year on May 20, many people come here, because it is on this happy day for believers that the Appearance of the Zhirovichi Icon of the Mother of God is celebrated. A service of thanksgiving to this universally revered icon is being held in the premises of the Church of Yavlensky.

Holy Cross Church

The dominant feature of the entire ensemble is the Church of the Exaltation of the Cross. Its full name: Church of the Exaltation of the Precious and Life-Giving Cross of the Lord.

In 1716, parishioner Eleonora Golovshchina donated 8 thousand zlotys for the construction of the Church of the Passion of Christ in Zhirovichi, so that funeral services for her would be held there.

The construction of the church was completely completed in 1769. This is a calvarium temple, a place of execution, symbolizing the rite of pilgrimage to Jerusalem.

Half of the interior space of this unique temple is occupied by a staircase.

This is an exact copy of the staircase leading Jesus Christ to the unjust trial of Pontius Pilate. According to established custom, pilgrims walked along the 28 steps of the Holy Staircase, moving on their knees, while reading prayer addresses to God.

Once upon a time, a small casket containing the relics of some saints was placed on each step. But now they have all been taken out of the steps and placed in a reliquary cross. It is now located in the Main Church of the holy monastery, the Assumption Cathedral, which was built in 1613-1650.

Holy Assumption Cathedral

The main temple of the monastery was founded in 1613. The money for construction was given by the owner of Zhirovichi at that time, Ivan Meleshko, and the beautiful interior decoration of the temple was done with the personal money of Lev Sapieha, Chancellor of the State of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania.

The height of the Assumption Cathedral is 40 meters, and its length is 55. Under the building there used to be huge basements in which the brotherly tomb was located and some noble people were buried. In the 19th century, the tomb was walled up, and all the dead began to be buried in a public cemetery.

Beautiful paintings from different times have been preserved on the walls, and in the very center is the icon of the “Savior Almighty” in a precious silver frame.

Nicholas Church with the Miraculous Icon

The stone St. Nicholas Winter Church has a common entrance with the Assumption Cathedral. Small in size, with amazingly beautiful wall paintings and an original mosaic floor, it is very beautiful.

The icons “Savior”, “Our Lady”, “St. Nicholas” and others attract attention. On the high place of the altar, the image of the Trinity stands out for its beauty.

It is here that the miraculous Zhirovitsk Icon of the Mother of God is now located. It is located in a gilded icon case to the left of the altar.

Water Chapel

In the center of the monastery buildings is the Holy Water Chapel.

Here you can drink plenty of consecrated water and, if desired, take it with you. But you need to take into account that there are 2 more springs near the monastery, which are very popular among the local population and pilgrims. But this will be discussed below.


The territory of the Zhirovichi monastery for walking is quite small, but very cozy. In the center there is a beautiful green area where you can relax and enjoy amazing views of the monastery buildings and listen to the bells ringing.

The monastery refectory and bakery are open for pilgrims and guests. Here you can have a wonderful snack and take the monastery delicacies with you. Which I did with pleasure, and for several more days I remembered the wonderful cooks working in the monastery. 🙂

Most of the territory is closed to public access. Thus, you can only get to the Yavlensky and Holy Cross Churches on a guided tour or during services.

Living in Holiness

About 40 monastic brethren live in the active monastery.

On the territory of the monastery is the Minsk Theological Seminary, where students prepare to become priests, theologians and other church workers in various spiritual and secular organizations. Its opening took place in 1945.

Currently, the rehabilitation center “Anastasis”, which translates as Resurrection, is located and successfully operates on the territory of the Zhirovichi Monastery. People come here who hope to get rid of alcohol, drugs and other addictions that prevent a person from living a happy life.

In such a peaceful environment, having received professional psychological and spiritual help, they return home as completely different, renewed people.

You can become a worker at the monastery. Stay here for a while, perform prayers, work in the garden or in the garden, help in the pilgrimage refectories, work in the carpentry workshop.

The men's monastery in Zhirovichi is the center of the Belarusian Exarchate and the largest monastery in the country, the most important center of Orthodoxy and an architectural ensemble of the 17th - 18th centuries. At various times, it was visited by the President of Belarus A.G. Lukashenko, His Holiness Patriarch of Moscow and All Rus' Alexy 2 and many other famous people.

Around the monastery


Directly across the road from the Zhirovichi monastery there is a church-bell tower of the 17th-19th centuries, made in the style of monastery churches. Currently, renovation work is underway here.

Another temple in Zhirovichi is a wooden church, similar to a residential building, called St. George or Yuryevskaya Church. Not far from the monastery, on a small hill called Yuryeva Gorka, there is a cemetery. There stands the low church of St. George the Victorious.

After the war between the Poles and the Swedes, various epidemics occurred in these places. A lot of lives were claimed by a pestilence in 1710. Of the entire monastic brethren, only one hieromonk Nikolai Okunevich survived. He himself buried more than 600 people who died from this incurable disease.

It was in this cemetery that the simple wooden church of St. George the Victorious was erected. Also on this graveyard there is the grave of Hieromonk Jerome (Koval), the Zhirovichi elder, very revered by pilgrims.

Monastery Pond

Near the monastery there is a very beautiful pond. In the center there is a house for waterfowl on a small island. But no living creatures were seen nearby, except for an artificial stork located on the roof.

I wonder why waterfowl need windows and a chimney in their house? 😆

It's a pity that the weather was cloudy that day. It probably looks even more magical on a sunny day. But the view of the Holy Dormition Monastery from here is stunning in any weather.


Until 1939, there was a chapel in the Viknya tract; it was consecrated in honor of the Dormition of the Mother of God. Over time, the chapel collapsed, and now there is a healing spring on this site.

Pilgrims come here not only to drink and collect Holy water; according to custom, they also need to take a dip. A wooden bathhouse is specially equipped for this purpose.

Currently, a chapel has been erected here in honor of Equal-to-the-Apostles Prince Olga. This source is popularly called the Old.

Recently a new source was installed in Zhirovichi. There is also a chapel and a font here. The territory is equipped. Local residents and tourists come here with pleasure for spring water and to plunge into the icy water of the Holy Spring.

Visit it too! By taking part in the service you will receive spiritual cleansing, physical calm and peace from the purity and spirituality of the holy Zhirovichi monastery.

Zhirovichi Monastery - how to get there

The Holy Dormition Monastery is located in the Belarusian town of Zhirovichi, which is located between the cities of Baranovichi and Slonim.

Getting here is easy. The Zhirovichi Monastery is located 30 kilometers from the M1 Minsk-Brest highway. From there you need to turn towards the city of Slonim. A little before reaching it there will be a sign for Zhirovichi.

Address: Belarus, Grodno region, Slonim district, village Zhirovichi, st. Sobornaya, 57.

Coordinates: 53.01463, 25.34592.

I didn’t see a parking lot next to the monastery, and, in fact, I didn’t look for it. I left the car near the nearest store opposite the monastery pond.

The poster shows a diagram of the location of monastery buildings and churches. You can click on the picture to enlarge it.

I was at the Holy Dormition Zhirovichi Monastery on April 14, 2016. A leisurely inspection of the territory and the temple with the Miraculous Zhirovichi Icon took me about an hour.

Unfortunately, there is no time left to visit the springs that are located near the monastery. Well, there will be a reason to return. 🙂