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Menovazin is a combined local anesthetic drug, usually prescribed for neuralgia, muscle pain, joint pain and as an antipruritic agent for skin diseases.

Menovazin is available in the form of a solution and ointment ("Menovazan"), and it contains four substances:

Menthol - 2.5 g;
Novocain - 1 g;
Benzocaine - 1 g;
Ethyl alcohol - 70%.

This remedy helps with many ailments. In particular:

1. sore throat.
For a sore throat, it is advised to rub the sore throat with menovazine and wrap yourself up. For a runny nose, it is also useful to sniff menovazine, closing your nostrils one by one.

2. insomnia.
Soak a cotton swab with menovazine and wipe the back of your neck from ear to ear. This will allow you to fall asleep quickly without taking sleeping pills.

3. pain in the mammary glands.
For pain and tingling in the chest, women are advised to lubricate the sore spot with menovazine. It will quickly eliminate inflammation, which is the cause of discomfort. Attention: menovazine should not be used for cancerous tumors!

4. varicose veins.
For varicose veins, menovazine will help relieve pain, a feeling of heaviness and swelling of the legs. Apply the product using stroking circular movements from the feet upward.

5. inflammation.
If the ears are inflamed, turundas can be soaked in menovazine, and acne can be easily removed by applying a cotton swab soaked in menovazine to the acne. Menovazin is also suitable for disinfecting wounds.

6. sinusitis.
For sinusitis, menovazin helps relieve pain and swelling, although it does not fight the infection itself. It is enough to apply a small amount of the drug to the area of ​​the maxillary sinuses and do a light massage. To enhance the effect of menovazine, cover your face with gauze folded several times.

7. hemorrhoids.
This is not the most pleasant, but extremely effective remedy for hemorrhoids. Wrap your index finger in a bandage soaked in menovazine and rotate the finger in the anus. It is enough to repeat the procedure 5 times (once a day) to completely get rid of hemorrhoids.

8. herpes.
Only if a herpes has popped up on your lip, apply a cotton swab soaked in menovazine to it, or spread it with menovazine ointment.

9. inactivity.
In old age, when your legs are constantly numb and tired, it is recommended to lubricate your feet and popliteal grooves with menovazine once a day. This is a quick way to relieve suffering and restore mobility.

10. cold.
Rubbing with menovazine is an effective remedy against colds and coughs. Rub your back and chest, then wrap yourself up and go to bed. Two to three rubbings are usually enough to stop the disease and get rid of the cough.

11. radiculitis.
For radiculitis, the occipital part of the neck, spine and body area along the sciatic nerve should be lubricated with menovazine. This will bring significant relief.

12. various pains.
Menovazin is excellent for pain in the heart that radiates to the shoulder, headaches and toothaches. Lubricate the ear circumference twice a day. For migraines, it is also useful to rub menovazine on the forehead and temples.

13. salts in joints.
If salts are deposited in the joints, it is recommended to regularly rub menovazine into sore spots. This will not only relieve pain, but will also help to completely get rid of salts. Did you know about this cheap miracle remedy?

What does menovazin treat, how to use it. Pharmacological characteristics of the drug

Menovazin solution is intended for external use. It consists of several components, each of which complements and enhances the actions of each other.

Composition of menovazine:

  • Novocaine;
  • Anestezin;
  • Menthol;
  • 70% ethyl alcohol.

The solution is available in 40 ml glass bottles. Its cost does not exceed 30 rubles.

Menovazin is a budget drug of domestic production, which can be purchased at both a large pharmacy and a small pharmacy. The drug belongs to the group of local anesthetic drugs and is sold without a doctor's prescription. It has a sharp, specific odor that quickly disappears.

Properties of menovazin:

  • has a local analgesic effect due to the content of anesthetics (novocaine, anesthesin) - blocks nerve transmission from peripheral parts to the brain;
  • has a local irritant effect due to the menthol content - when applied to the skin, it has a cooling effect, reflexively eliminates discomfort and pain;
  • has a vasodilating effect at the site of application of the solution due to the content of medical alcohol - increasing the lumen of small arterial vessels improves blood flow to tissues in the application area;
  • has an anti-inflammatory effect due to menthol, ethyl alcohol and novocaine.
We have reviewed menovazine, its composition and properties, now let’s move on to the indications and contraindications of the drug.

Menovazin, what it treats and how to use it. Folk methods of using Menovazin.

The Russian population shows remarkable intelligence and ingenuity in many situations. This also affected the use of Menovazin. I would strongly like to point out that Menovazin is not a medicine that can be used to solve all health problems. This composition works very well when it is involved in complex treatment. Without successful treatment of the main factor of the disease, stabilization of the health status when using the solution will be short-lived.

  • The alcohol composition "Menovazin" began to be used in folk medicine to reduce high blood pressure. To do this, the Menovazin solution must be rubbed into the skin of the back of the head in the morning and evening.
  • The solution is used to apply compresses to sore joints. It is usually done in the evening. In this case, it is necessary to add the same amount of cold boiled water to the portion of Menovazin in order to avoid skin damage from the long-term effect of 70% ethyl alcohol. A gauze pad is moistened in the prepared solution, lightly wrung out and placed on the painful area of ​​the joint. Compress paper or plastic film is placed on top of the napkin. All this is carefully wrapped in woolen cloth and left overnight. If severe pain or other unpleasant symptoms occur during the procedure, you should stop the treatment session.
  • Many people advise that during colds, when a cough often bothers you, carefully apply the Menovazin solution to the back and upper chest. After this, put on a sweater or other woolen item and, in this form, climb under a warm blanket. It is necessary to perform 2-3 such measures and forget about the manifestations of cough.
  • "Menovazin" is popular in the treatment of throat diseases. When your throat just starts to hurt, in addition to the medications you are taking, you need to rub the painful area of ​​your neck with Menovazin and wrap it in a warm cloth overnight.
  • The properties of the components of Menovazin have found application in the treatment of incipient varicose veins of the lower extremities. Using the composition allows you to reduce the feeling of heaviness and pain in the legs, and avoid the appearance of swelling of the legs at the end of the day. Apply the composition with simple massaging movements, from the ankles up to areas not affected by the disease.
  • There are cases of using the composition for sleep disorders. Using a cotton swab, wipe the neck, from the back of the head, with the Menovazin solution. This allows you to restore normal sleep without the use of strong sleeping pills.

What does menovazine solution treat? What does Menovazin treat?

This drug has an analgesic effect on the area of ​​application. In addition, it has a calming and antipruritic effect, so it can be applied to irritated areas. Due to its alcohol content, the solution is used as an antiseptic. To understand in more detail what Menovazin is used for, a detailed study of the pharmacological action of each of its components will help. The main substances of the drug have the following effects:

  1. Menthol - has a mild anesthetic effect. This effect occurs due to the expansion of blood vessels close to the skin and irritation of nerve endings. After contact with the cover, it envelops it with a slight coolness. In addition, menthol is an excellent conductor for the other components of the drug: it enhances their effect.
  2. Procaine is an anesthetic. It blocks sodium channels. As a result, the occurrence of pain impulses is prevented.
  3. Benzocaine is also an anesthetic. It provides a long-lasting analgesic effect.

Thanks to this combination of main components, the excitability of neurons is inhibited and the conductivity of axons fades. All this provides a distracting effect. In other words, after applying the medicine to the problem area, the pain intensity becomes less pronounced. This effect lasts for a certain time.

Menovazin solution is a combination preparation of a group of local anesthetics. However, its effect is not limited to this effect. The composition contains components that help eliminate the complex symptoms of pathologies that occur against the background of strong discomfort. The price of such treatment is only 20 rubles.

What is Menovazin used for?

The available product provides quick relief for pain syndromes due to the presence of the following components:

  • benzocaine;
  • procaine;
  • menthol.

An additional component is ethyl alcohol at a concentration of 70%.

Action of menovazine

Why is medicine needed? The answer to the question becomes obvious after familiarization with the mechanism of influence of its components on the body:

  1. Procaine. Refers to anesthetics with a short active phase. Its moderate effect is due to blocking sodium channels, preventing the formation of impulses in nerve endings that have increased sensitivity.
  2. Benzocaine. Provides an analgesic effect and high-quality superficial pain relief due to long-term blockade.
  3. Menthol. It is organic in nature and promotes irritation of cold receptors and dilation of blood vessels. It is a weak analgesic, as it only enhances the effect of the first two components.

The use of Menovazine is indicated in the following situations:

  • Muscle pain - myalgia.
  • Damage to nerve structures with the development of neuralgia.
  • Joint pain – arthralgia.

A transparent liquid with a slight menthol aroma can help with skin dermatosis accompanied by itching, high blood pressure, exacerbation of radiculitis, injuries, acute respiratory infections or acute respiratory viral infections, accompanied by a runny nose, cough, inflammation of the auricle, varicose veins, and sleep disorders. Another interesting way to use an alcohol solution is to reduce discomfort during hair removal.

Instructions for use

For treatment to be beneficial, you must adhere to the following recommendations:

  1. The solution is intended exclusively for external treatments.
  2. The product is applied to the skin in the area where there is pain and rubbed well.
  3. The procedure is repeated 2-3 times a day.
  4. Sessions continue until there is a lasting improvement in the condition, but no longer than 3-4 weeks, after which they take a break for 14 days.

It is undesirable to combine the application of Menovazin with sulfonamide therapy due to the weakening of the antibacterial effect of the latter.

If even minor side effects occur, you should immediately wash the treated skin. clean water and begin the necessary symptomatic treatment.

Although the instructions for use of the solution do not specify other options for its use for an adult or child, there are recommendations for specific therapy for certain ailments:

  1. External hemorrhoids. The pharmaceutical liquid is diluted with water in a ratio of 1:3, respectively, a cotton swab is moistened with the composition and placed on the anus, excluding touching the mucous membranes. The duration of the procedure is 1 minute, after which the site is wiped with a damp cloth and a more gentle product is applied.
    Therapy is unacceptable if hemorrhoidal bleeding, fissures, or proctitis are diagnosed.
  2. Cold symptoms. As practice shows, Menovazin helps well with a runny nose and cough. It is possible to get rid of the disease in 2-3 sessions due to the warming effect of menthol, activation of local blood circulation and cough receptors. For treatment, a small amount of solution is applied to the back, chest, rubbed and covered with a warm blanket.
  3. If ear pain occurs, apply compresses to reduce the inflammatory process, warm it up and eliminate discomfort. To do this, fold gauze in several layers, forming a rectangle, and make a cut in it according to the size of the auricle. The material is first impregnated with an analgesic, then heated over steam, put on the ear and pressed well. Cellophane is placed on top and a warm scarf bandage is secured. The procedure is carried out before bedtime.
  4. Sinusitis. A compress is made for the maxillary sinuses. Gauze is moistened with 5 ml of menthol anesthetic and placed on the inflamed area for a maximum of 10 minutes. The procedure is repeated daily for a course of two weeks. To increase effectiveness, immediately after the session, rinse the nose with any composition that includes sea water.
    It is recommended to supplement the treatment with traditional rubbing. A positive result in the form of a decrease in the amount of purulent contents and easing of pain is assessed within a week. If the condition is not corrected, further use of the solution is inappropriate.
  5. Herpes on the lips. Menovazin copes well with eliminating the manifestations of a viral infection. To cauterize the rash, a cotton pad soaked in a pharmaceutical solution is placed on the affected area, repeating the treatment up to 5-6 times a day. If the disease is in its early stages, improvement occurs within one day.
  6. Bruises, contusions, sprains. For a quick recovery, cotton wool soaked in liquid is pressed onto the problem area for 1–2 minutes.
  7. Lumbar osteochondrosis. To eliminate radiculitis, apply a tampon soaked with Menovasin to the inflamed area. The duration of the session is similar to the previous case.
  8. Headaches, migraines. To quickly eliminate unpleasant symptoms, rub the area between the ears and the back of the head with an alcohol solution, and then immediately lie down on your back. According to reviews, relief occurs after a maximum of half an hour.
  9. Sleep disorders. You can cope with poor sleep by rubbing a moistened swab along the back of your neck. The positive effect is due to inhibition of the conduction of nerve impulses, blocking their subsequent development, and calming.
  10. Phlebeurysm. To eliminate swelling, pain, and a feeling of heaviness in the legs, the medicine is applied to clean, dry skin with a light massage.
  11. Epilation. The use is advisable due to the freezing effect of the drug. The bikini area is treated with particular care - to avoid a burning reaction, avoid contact with the mucous membranes.

Additionally, Menovazin can be used for injections for the purpose of disinfection. If alcohol or special wipes are not available, the injection site is treated with a solution before and after administering the medicine.


Knowing what Menovazin is used for, you cannot proceed to treatment without taking into account possible side effects and limitations.

External treatments are undesirable in the following situations:

  • If there is damage to the skin - wounds, abrasions, burns, rashes.
  • When there is inflammation of the tissues, their swelling and redness are noted.
  • During pregnancy. Expectant mothers suffering from pain in the joints and lower back are advised to take paracetamol orally instead of painkillers.

Menovazin can be used by breastfeeding women only with a doctor's permission. If the patient is a child under 12 years of age, other treatment options are considered.

As for the negative effect on concentration and psychomotor reactions, it is absent, since the analgesic is used externally.

Side effects and overdose

It is almost impossible to overdo it with the amount of solution. As reviews show, only with sufficiently long-term treatments there is a small likelihood of asthenia, dizziness, and decreased blood pressure. Similar symptoms with the addition of an allergic reaction and contact dermatitis are also described in the category of side effects. According to the guidelines, in such situations, immediate cessation of therapy and seeking medical help is required.

Price and analogues

In most cases, the main incentive to purchase a solution for external use is its low cost. The price range is 17–28 rubles per 40 ml bottle.

In the pharmacy chain you can also buy other local anesthetics, which are analogues only in the pharmacological group, but have a completely different composition. Most of them are more expensive than the described solution.

Menovazine can rightfully be called a broad-spectrum drug. The key to the success of the treatment is strict adherence to the recommendations on dosage, application features, and timing. Such therapeutic practice cannot be independent, but is extremely effective as an ambulance or additional points of the main scheme.

Video Menovazin: costs a penny, but cures 13 DISEASES!

The drug is a local anesthetic that does not penetrate the systemic bloodstream, which makes it relatively safe. It is produced in the format of an ointment and an alcohol (70%) solution, which do not differ from each other in the concentration of active substances and effectiveness. The difference in form lies only in the principle of use, as well as the drying effect of the solution (due to the alcohol base). The key components of Menovazin's composition are menthol, novocaine and benzocaine, which determine its anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect.

  • Menthol has a slight cooling and antispasmodic effect due to the dilation of blood vessels (in this case, only those close to the skin), as well as irritation of nerve endings. For the remaining components, Menovazina works as a conductor, enhancing the results of their use.
  • Novocaine and benzocaine belong to the category of anesthetics used internally and externally in all medical fields: they stop the pain impulse, working as a freeze of nerve fibers and endings, prevent movement along sodium channels, and also relieve skin reactions - itching and burning. Each of the components is considered a medium-strength pain reliever.
  • Ethyl alcohol present in the solution works as a disinfectant.
  • Per 100 ml of solution there are 1 g of novocaine and benzocaine, and 2.5 g of menthol. The latter determines the characteristic aroma of the drug.
  • A 40 g ointment (classic form) contains 25 mg of menthol, as well as 10 g of novocaine and benzocaine.

The shelf life of the Menovazin solution is 3 years; bottles are available in volumes of 25 and 50 ml; the 40 ml version is less common. The shelf life of the ointment is 2 g, the volume of the tube is 40 g.

What does Menovazine treat? Unusual ways to use Menovazin

"Menovazin" is a complex drug that doctors prescribe for neuralgia, muscle pain, joint pain and as an antipruritic agent for skin diseases. But its use is not limited to this list.

Composition and release form

This medication is available in two forms: solution and ointment for topical use.

Menovazin contains several components that determine the therapeutic effectiveness of the drug.


After contact with the skin, it penetrates deep and reaches the nerve endings, as a result of which it has a cooling effect and effectively relieves itching. Menthol also helps to dilate blood vessels, which allows other active substances to penetrate to the nerve endings and relieve pain.


A local anesthetic that prevents pain impulses from developing in nerve endings. Procaine
It has strong anesthetic properties, which dulls pain.

In combination, all three active substances irritate nerve endings. The patient first feels a slight cooling effect, this distracts from the pain, then the itching and superficial pain disappear. After some time, when procaine blocks impulses in the nerve endings, the pain disappears completely.

"Menovazin" for external use

Despite the fact that Menovazin is a medicinal drug that can be purchased at a pharmacy, it has long been a tool of traditional medicine and is used not only according to the instructions in the instructions.
The appropriateness of such treatment can be questioned, but people's reviews are overwhelmingly positive. Let's consider ways to use this drug in non-standard situations.

For sinusitis

During the cold season, the problem of a stuffy nose is more pressing than ever. Sinusitis is an inflammation of the paranasal sinuses, which appears due to repeated deep runny nose or cold.

The instructions say nothing about the treatment of sinusitis. Nevertheless, this remedy has been prescribed by otolaryngologists for many decades to relieve pain symptoms accompanying the inflammatory process.
Despite the fact that this drug is not able to cure sinusitis, it can significantly ease breathing and reduce the amount of purulent and mucous discharge.
"Menovazin" helps alleviate the symptoms of the disease and has an analgesic, antipruritic and warming effect on the maxillary sinuses.

Therefore, treatment of sinusitis with Menovazin is completely justified, but, as a rule, as part of complex therapy. To use Menovazin, it is necessary to build a structure that allows you to attach cotton wool soaked in the solution to your nose overnight. The compress should be adjacent to the nostril in the area of ​​the maxillary sinus.

Rubs for colds

Menovazin solution can be used for rubbing to treat individual cold symptoms. It is applied to the chest and back, quickly rubbing with your palms, as if rubbing the composition into the skin.
A compress is also moistened with the drug and applied to the neck area. In the same way, it is successfully used for sore throat, as well as bronchitis.

For hemorrhoids

It should be noted right away that Menovazin is not a method of treating hemorrhoids at all, but a tool that allows you to temporarily minimize painful and uncomfortable sensations.

How to use the product? First you need to lubricate a cotton swab with ointment, and then apply it to the affected area for 5-7 minutes. Immediately after the procedure, a slight burning and itching may occur in the anus, but usually these symptoms disappear quickly.
It is worth noting that introducing ointment into the anus is strictly prohibited. The product is intended for external use only. "Menovazin" for hemorrhoids should be applied to the affected area 2 times a day - morning and evening.
Numerous reviews of patients who were treated with Menovazin indicate its high analgesic properties, which is important for such an intimate problem as hemorrhoids.

How to apply the remedy for herpes

Menovazin solution is a quick and effective way to get rid of the manifestations of herpes. Moisten a cotton swab with Menovazin and wipe the area where the herpes has formed. If the herpes still does not go away, repeat this procedure several times. One bottle will last for a long time. Just keep it with you and know that you can use the medicine at any time.

For cervical osteochondrosis

It is necessary to understand that osteochondrosis can be cured only through complex treatment, which includes a physiotherapeutic part. When it comes to Menovazin, the medication is used as a local anesthetic.
It is applied to the cervical spine, which causes slight numbness and a feeling of cold. To relieve pain, you need to rub the solution into the sore spot three times a day for several weeks.

During pregnancy

With each week of pregnancy, the load on the spine, joints and muscles of the body increases. Often expectant mothers complain of pain in the back and lower back. Menovazin is great for relieving these unpleasant symptoms.

For headaches

In order to get rid of a headache, you need to apply the Menovazin solution to the temples, forehead and back of the head, after which the pain disappears.

Contraindications and side effects

Intolerance to one of the components of the product. Violation of the skin, open wounds. Breast-feeding.
"Menovazin" is a complex drug that has proven itself positively among doctors and patients. Affordable price is also a nice bonus, because many painkillers are expensive.

Menovazine tablets. Opinions of doctors and patients about the medicine

Due to its effectiveness, availability and low price, the drug is popular, which is why there are many reviews about Menovazine. Doctors speak of it as an emergency aid for sore joints, spine, injured limbs - they note its speed of action and good tolerability. For greater effectiveness, it is recommended to combine Menovazin with physiotherapeutic procedures. Doctors warn against non-compliance with the instructions for use, exceeding the recommended duration of use, or using the product for other purposes.

Menovazine solution is a combination drug for external use that has anesthetic properties. It is also used in complex therapy as an antipruritic agent. The drug relieves any pain, since the composition contains several components that block nerve impulses. What is Menovazin solution used for, and how effective is the drug?

Release form and composition of Menovazin solution

According to the annotation, MENOVASIN alcohol solution is a drug with local analgesic and irritant effects. The release form of a colorless, transparent medicine with a menthol smell is in glass bottles of 40, 50, 25 ml. In addition to the fact that the drug contains ethyl alcohol (70%), Menovazin contains three active components:

  • Procaine is an anesthetic with a short active phase;
  • Benzocaine is an anesthetic that provides a long-term blockade of nerve endings;
  • Menthol (recementhol) is a substance of organic origin that irritates the cold receptors of the skin for a weak anesthetic effect.

What is the solution used for: indications for use

According to the instructions for use, the anti-inflammatory, disinfectant Menovazine solution is used for local pain relief for:

  • muscle pain (myalgia);
  • pain due to nerve damage (neuralgia);
  • joint pain (arthralgia).

Menovazine solution helps in the treatment of diseases associated with itchy skin: various dermatoses, dermatitis, as it is an antipruritic agent. This anesthetic medicine is indispensable for pain during radiculitis, superficial bruises, arthrosis, and arthritis. The drug is also used to relieve the first pain of injuries, because the coolness of the menthol included in its composition gives quick anesthesia to the painful area.

How to use Menovazine solution: instructions

The instructions for use say that the solution is applied externally to injured skin. At home, the product is smeared onto the area over the wound or skin inflammation, then rubbed. The course of treatment with the drug is prescribed by the doctor, but on average, for maximum effectiveness, it is recommended to do the procedures at least three times a day until the patient’s condition improves. It is not advisable to use an alcohol solution for more than one month. The therapeutic course can be repeated after 14 days if necessary.

For hemorrhoids

The indications for use indicate that it is recommended to use Menovazin solution in the complex treatment of hemorrhoids and even rectal cancer. Before using the solution for these purposes, you should definitely consult with your doctor to clarify the dosage. Method of using Menovazin in solution for external hemorrhoids (cannot be used for internal hemorrhoids, otherwise alcohol will have a negative effect on the mucous membrane):

  1. Dilute with water in a ratio of 1:3;
  2. Apply to the external node with a cotton swab after bowel movements and a cool shower;
  3. Do not touch the mucous membranes;
  4. If after a minute the application site does not stop itching, you should remove the solution with a damp cloth and replace it with a more gentle analogue.

For cough and runny nose

Although Menovazin solution is not intended for the treatment of a runny nose or cough, official medicine does not deny its positive effect on these diseases. To get rid of the disease, 2-3 procedures are enough, because menthol, which is part of the drug, has warming properties, improves blood flow and acts on cough receptors. To do rubbing with menovazine, you need to apply a small amount of solution to the chest and back, then wrap yourself in a warm blanket and go to bed.

For herpes on the lips

Judging by people's reviews, Menovazin solution is a very effective drug for the occurrence of herpes on the lips. Some people were cured of the disease in just one day. To cauterize beginning or worsened herpes, you need to soak a cotton pad in the solution and treat the affected area as often as possible. If the rash has just begun, it will go away the next day with continuous application of the drug.

For ear pain

Menovazine solution has given positive results for many people with ear disease. Compresses with it quickly relieve inflammation, relieve pain, and have a warming effect. To do this, take gauze, fold it into a rectangle in several layers, and in the center make a cut the size of your ear. Soak it with Menovazine, heat it over the lid of a hot pan, put it on the sore ear and press. Place a piece of cellophane on top, put on a scarf, and leave the compress overnight.

For bruises, bruises and swelling

If your legs hurt in the joints or muscles, there are bruises, bruises or sprained ligaments, then Menovazin solution will help. To eliminate pain, wet a cotton swab with the drug and apply it to the problem area. Within a few seconds, a pleasant chill will appear, then calm, and after 1-2 minutes the injuries will stop hurting completely. Repeat the procedure before bed until complete recovery.

When epilating

The solution has a freezing effect, so it is often used for hair removal. The drug should be used with caution in the deep bikini area, since the high alcohol content dries out the skin. If Menovazin gets on the mucous membranes, an unpleasant burning reaction will occur. Before epilation, wipe the desired area with a cotton swab. The solution will give a cooling and analgesic effect.

For lumbar osteochondrosis

The drug helps with back pain, because according to its pharmacological properties, procaine (Novocaine) quickly creates an anesthetic blockade at the site of osteochondrosis. Menovazine is used both as an independent anesthetic and in combination with other drugs. A solution applied with a cotton swab to the lower back will take effect within 1-2 minutes.

For headaches

When blood pressure rises and a headache or dizziness occurs, the use of Menovazine solution will help get rid of the unpleasant sensations. The manufacturer claims that pain will go away in just one procedure. To do this, rub your head from your ears to the back of your head with an alcohol solution and lie down on your back. Within 15-30 minutes the headache will go away.

For varicose veins

According to the description of the drug, Menovazin is excellent for treating varicose veins. The solution reduces swelling of the legs, removes the feeling of pain and heaviness in the lower extremities and relieves pain in the blood vessels. To achieve this effect, the medicine must be applied to dried skin with light massaging movements. Menovazin should be quickly absorbed and relieve the feeling of discomfort.

For insomnia

If you suffer from insomnia, then soak a cotton swab in the solution, wipe the back of your neck, starting from one ear to the other. This way you can fall asleep quickly without sleeping pills and the side effect of lethargy in the morning. The product will slow down the conduction of nerve impulses, blocking their further development, and menthol will provide pleasant relaxation and calm.

For injections

In medicine, the use of Menovazin solution for injections is common. This is an ideal drug as a disinfectant, so it is used even at home if there is no alcohol or special alcohol wipes on hand. To give the injection, wipe the injection site with Menovazine, and then repeat the procedure afterwards.

Contraindications and side effects

If you do not exceed the dosage, there will be no side effects from the drug. The use of medicine for a child requires great attention, because in case of an overdose, Menovazine can cause a decrease in blood pressure and dizziness. Absolute contraindications for the use of the drug are pathologies such as anal fissures, hemorrhoidal bleeding, thrombosis, proctitis and any skin lesions (wounds, cracks, eczema).

Can Menovazine be used during pregnancy?

Menovazin can be used during pregnancy and breastfeeding, since the Menovazin solution does not penetrate into the bloodstream when applied topically. However, long-term use of it can lead to some side effects: drowsiness, general weakness of the woman. Since the period of use of Menovazin in pregnant women is short, such conditions almost never occur.

special instructions

Using an alcohol solution without monitoring the dose can lead to skin burns. The drug does not affect driving or activity dangerous species professional activity. The shelf life of Menovazin solution is 2 years at a temperature not exceeding +15 degrees. The drug is available at the pharmacy without a prescription, but if you are using the medicine for a child, it must be under the supervision of a pediatrician.


How much does Menovazine solution cost? The price in rubles fluctuates depending on the manufacturer, region of sale and the pricing policy of the outlet. The cost of the drug in pharmacies in Russia (specifically Moscow) is from 10 rubles per 40 ml (Kirovskaya pharmaceutical factory) to 15 rubles per 40 ml (Kirovskaya pharmaceutical factory). If you buy Menovazin solution in Ukraine, then locally produced drugs will cost from 4.50 to 7.00 hryvnia per 40 ml.

Analogues of the drug

  1. Anestezol (rectal suppository). Used for patients suffering from hemorrhoids. It has an astringent, anti-inflammatory, anesthetic effect.
  2. Artifrin (solution for injection). A combined agent that has a local anesthetic effect. Causes vasoconstriction, prolonging anesthesia up to 45 minutes.
  3. Amprovisol (aerosol). Has a local cooling, anesthetic, antiseptic, anti-inflammatory effect. Indicated for thermal or sunburn, dermatitis and in complex therapy of stomatitis.

Menovazin belongs to the category of combined drugs. Its effect is aimed at quickly relieving pain in the joints, muscles and spinal canal. Treatment with this remedy is symptomatic. But long-term use can lead to side symptoms.

Menozovan is considered one of the medications that is used externally. The drug exhibits an analgesic, locally irritating and distracting effect. The pharmacy sells two types of medicine: ointment and solution. The drug Menovazin contains three main components in the form of menthol, benzocaine and procaine.

Menovazan ointment

In addition to the active substance, the composition contains auxiliary components:

  • white paraffin;
  • mineral oil;
  • purified water.

By appearance resembles a homogeneous substance of a whitish hue. Has a pronounced menthol smell. Menovazine ointment is contained in aluminum tubes with a volume of 40 g.

Menovazin solution

The solution is alcohol based. Sold in dark glass bottles of 25, 40 and 50 ml. Menovazine solution is distinguished by its transparency and pronounced aroma.

Pharmacological properties

About Menovazine, the instructions for use indicate that the medication has an irritating and analgesic effect. This process is explained by the active ingredients present in the composition.

Menthol, when applied to the skin, promotes irritation of nerve endings. Thus, nearby capillaries expand and blood flow increases. While using the medicine, the patient feels cool, due to which pain and itching subside.

Procaine is a component of novocaine. Its effect is aimed at providing a local anesthetic effect. After this substance enters the skin, sodium channels are blocked. This process prevents further transmission of nerve impulses along the fibers.

Benzocaine enhances the effect of Novocaine, since these components have similar therapeutic effects.

Indications for use

Menovasin gel and solution are prescribed for severe pain in joint and muscle tissues. The drug is intended for external use only.

When using Menovazin, the following indications are taken into account:

  • pain along the nerve;
  • pain after injury, bruises and sprains;
  • itching of the skin during the development of dermatitis or after an insect bite;
  • reflex pain with a vertebral hernia;
  • formation of post-burn scars.

The solution is often used for myalgia, neuralgia and arthralgia. The ointment is excellent for restoring joints after dislocations and fractures.

Method of use

The solution is used externally only. Before applying the medicine, you should make sure there are no allergic reactions. To do this, place a small amount of the product on the inside of the elbow and wait for 15-20 minutes. If during this time no spots or rashes appear in the area of ​​application, the medication can be continued to be used.

The solution is applied in a thin layer to previously cleansed skin. Rub in with gentle massage movements for 2 minutes. Frequency of use: 2 times a day in the morning and evening. For the medicine to have a better effect, you can apply a gauze bandage over it. Treatment lasts from 2 to 4 weeks depending on the pain syndrome and type of disease.

The ointment is applied to the affected area up to 3 times a day. The duration of symptomatic therapy depends on the clinical picture and form of the disease. The daily dosage should not exceed 9 g.

Menovazine for children and pregnant women

The effectiveness and safety of the drug have not yet been fully established. Menovazine is prescribed to children and adolescents in extreme cases in the presence of serious indications.

Menovazine is contraindicated in women during pregnancy and breastfeeding. This is due to the insignificant penetration of active substances into the blood, milk and through the placenta. If contraindications are not taken into account, the risk of congenital pathologies in the child increases.


The solution and ointment cannot be used in all cases. There are several restrictions such as:

  • open wounds of the skin, scratches and bleeding cuts;
  • inflammatory skin diseases;
  • pustular rashes at the site of application;
  • increased sensitivity to the active components of the drug.

The drug is used with caution in old age.

Adverse reactions

In most cases, if all recommendations are followed, the medication is well tolerated. If the patient has a strong sensitivity to the components of the medication, then allergic reactions develop in the form of:

  • allergic type dermatitis;
  • rashes on the skin;
  • itching and swelling;
  • burning sensation in the area where the medication was applied.

Adverse symptoms do not pose a threat to the patient’s life. It goes away on its own after stopping the medication. Symptomatic therapy is not required.

No cases of overdose were identified. If the drug is used for a long time in unlimited quantities, the following may occur:

  • dizziness;
  • lethargy;
  • drowsiness;
  • lowering blood pressure.

In case of accidental ingestion, it is necessary to urgently rinse the stomach and take the sorbent. Otherwise, signs of ethanol intoxication will occur.

special instructions

If the patient adheres to a strict dosage, the active substances will not affect the functionality of the nervous system, concentration and reaction speed.

The components of the medication can weaken the therapeutic effect of antibacterial agents based on sulfonamides.


If the patient decides to purchase Menovazine, the price of this drug is low. A 40 ml solution costs from 23 to 45 rubles, depending on the manufacturer and region. The price for 40 g ointment is slightly higher and amounts to 83-87 rubles.

Cheap analogues of Menovazin

Menovazin is considered one of the available and inexpensive drugs. But if for some reason it was not possible to find a cure, you can purchase other drugs. The following analogues of Menovazine are distinguished:

  1. Menovazan. It has similar composition and indications. Costs from 17 rubles.
  2. Star balm. Contains natural essential oils. The cost starts from 81 rubles.
  3. Lidocaine. It is a good pain reliever.
  4. Diclofenac. Has a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect.

If there are more expensive analogues:

  1. Voltaren Emulgel.
  2. Iricar.

Before using medications, you should consult a doctor and make sure there are no contraindications.

Balsam Zvezdochka or Menovazin - what is the difference?

Zvezdochka balm is distinguished by its composition. The drug includes natural essential oils and other substances in the form of:

  • cinnamon oil;
  • cornflower oil;
  • clove oils;
  • eucalyptus oil;
  • peppermint oil;
  • paraffin;
  • Vaseline;
  • formic acid;
  • camphor oil;
  • crystalline menthol;
  • beeswax.

Thanks to this composition, the effect of the balm is aimed at stimulating reflex centers, improving blood flow, dilating capillaries, and providing an anesthetic, warming and anti-inflammatory effect.

This remedy helps to quickly recover from dislocations or sprains. Eliminates symptoms of arthritis and pain in the back and lower back. But, unlike Menovazin, it often causes allergic reactions. In addition to all this, it is distinguished by its high cost. Approved for use in children of different ages, women during pregnancy and breastfeeding in the absence of allergies to the constituent components.

Bom-benge or Menovazan - which is better for children?

The composition of Bom-benge ointment includes two main substances in the form of menthol and methyl salicylate. Paraffin and petroleum jelly are also added. This medicine is used externally. Thanks to the combination of components, it has a local anesthetic, analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect. Menthol irritates nerve fibers in the area of ​​application, and methyl salicylate affects the processes of microcirculation and capillary permeability, thus adversely affecting inflammatory mediators.

Virtually no restrictions. This drug, unlike Menovazin, is allowed to be used by children over 3 years of age, pregnant and lactating women. Treatment lasts no more than 10 days.

The cost is no different from Menovazin. Before making a choice between two medications, you should consult a doctor.

Iricar or Menovazin - what to choose for osteochondrosis?

Irakar belongs to the category of homeopathic remedies. The drug is much more expensive than Menovazin. The cost of ointment and cream ranges from 800 rubles. Consists of matrix tincture. Has anti-inflammatory and antipruritic effects. Iricar does not relieve the patient of pain, but acts directly on the cause of inflammation. Well eliminates itching, rashes and other manifestations of allergic reactions. It is used extremely rarely for diseases of the joints and muscles.

Menovazine is best used for painful sensations caused by dislocation, sprain or injury. Quickly relieves swelling and itching. At the same time, Iricar is much cheaper.

Menovazine is a combination drug that has an anesthetic effect. It contains three active ingredients:

  • benzocaine is an anesthetic that blocks the occurrence and, accordingly, the conduction of nerve impulses;
  • procaine is another anesthetic substance, but of a more moderate effect, with a short activity phase (no more than an hour);
  • racementhol (menthol) is a substance with a weak anesthetic effect, of organic origin, and has an irritating effect on cold receptors of the skin.

Release forms and indications for use of Menovazin

This medicine is intended exclusively for external use for pain in muscles, joints, pinched nerves (neuralgia). In addition, Menovazin can be prescribed for use in certain skin diseases accompanied by itching (dermatoses). For more convenient use, Menovazin is available in the form of an ointment and solution.

Menovazin solution

Menovazin solution is a 70% alcohol liquid with the addition of a medicinal complex. The method of using Menovazin solution is quite simple. A small amount of the drug is poured into the hand and, using rubbing movements, applied to the painful area. This method of using Menovazin is convenient to use in the presence of pain syndrome with:

  • osteochondrosis;
  • radiculitis;
  • bruises without damaging the skin, etc.

In some cases, there are improvements in headaches caused by high blood pressure. To alleviate the condition, Menovazin solution is applied to the back of the head with light massaging movements, twice a day. In addition, boils and painful pimples may be indications for the use of Menovazin solution. When treating them, the solution is applied pointwise to the affected area. Menthol has an antiseptic effect, and benzocaine and procaine relieve discomfort.

Menovazin ointment

Menovazin, available in the form of an ointment, is convenient to use for joint pain. This drug is a good idea for athletes to have in their first aid kit, as it is a good pain reliever for muscle inflammation, sprains, etc.

In addition, the use of Menovazin ointment is possible to reduce pain in the anal area. To do this, apply a thin layer of it two to three times a day to inflamed hemorrhoids or areas of swelling, in case of internal hemorrhoids. Another indication for the use of Menovazin ointment may be varicose veins. This drug will reduce the feeling of pain and heaviness in the legs, and, having a vasoconstrictor effect, will reduce swelling.

Contraindications and side effects of the drug

Since the drug Menovazin, regardless of the form of release, does not enter the bloodstream as a result of application, it has minimal contraindications. It should not be applied to open wounds (burns, cuts, ulcers, etc.). During pregnancy and lactation, before starting to use Menovazin, it is best to consult your gynecologist.

Side effects may be caused by procaine in case of individual intolerance. In addition, it is not recommended to use Menovazin solution under a bandage, because this may cause burns or dermatitis. Long-term use of the drug, more than a month, can cause low blood pressure and dizziness.

It should also be remembered that the drug Menovazin is not a drug and does not have a therapeutic effect. Its use is aimed at reducing or completely eliminating the pain symptom and, as a rule, is used in the complex treatment of the disease.