Check-in for domestic flights is underway. How long before departure does check-in end and start?

Online registration begins in 24 hours and ends in 45 minutes before flight departure and is available when departing from the following cities:

Anapa, Antalya, Bangkok*, Goa, Ekaterinburg, Heraklion, Kazan, Kerkyra, Kos, Larnaca, Moscow (Vnukovo airport), Nizhny Novgorod, Novosibirsk, Omsk, Pardubice, Paphos, Perm, Phuket, Rhodes, Samara, St. St. Petersburg, Simferopol, Sochi, Tyumen, Ufa, Sharjah, Eilat, Enfidha**.

* At Bangkok and Eilat airports, online check-in closes 4 hours 10 minutes before departure.
** At Enfidha Airport, online check-in closes 5 hours 10 minutes before departure and boarding passes received through online check-in must be reissued at the airport check-in counter .

If you are traveling with baggage that exceeds your carry-on baggage allowance, you must deposit your baggage at the designated DROP OFF check-in counter or at your flight's check-in counter before check-in time ends.

If your baggage exceeds the free baggage allowance in weight or size, you must pay for the excess baggage at the rates set by the airline.
Read the baggage rules and pay attention to the list of items and substances restricted/prohibited for transportation.

You can use the online check-in service for Rossiya Airlines flights numbered FV5501-5949 in the following cases:

    You do not need special services, such as accompanying a child without parents, accompanying seriously ill people on stretchers, etc.;

    You travel without animals, do not carry weapons or heavy luggage;

    You do not have additional seats in the aircraft cabin, including for luggage.

How to check in for a flight online:

1. On the official website of Rossiya Airlines, go to the online check-in service page (the “Online check-in” button) or use the service’s direct address.

2. Fill in the fields in accordance with the itinerary receipt:

  • Passenger's last name. Enter the passenger's last name as it appears on the ticket itinerary receipt. Example: RYBAKOV (when entering copied text, check that there are no hidden spaces), a double surname is also entered together without spaces, for example, ALEKSANDROVAANDREEVA.
  • Number of ticket. Enter the electronic ticket number as indicated on the itinerary receipt. Example: 1952420251055

3. Read and agree to the rules of online registration, privacy policy, terms and conditions of service and the list of major hazardous substances and items prohibited for transportation on board the aircraft.

4. To identify the passenger, click the “Search” button.

If identification is successful, the page will display flight information, passenger information and online check-in status.

The status of online registration can be displayed in two states: OPEN or CLOSED - in accordance with the activity of the service. By clicking the button, you can view information about the start and end times of check-in at the airport, as well as the start and end times of boarding the plane.

The “Passenger selected for registration” field displays the passenger whose last name was indicated during authentication;

If you have a companion(s), you can add him/her for online check-in together by clicking on the "Add Passenger" button and entering the last name and ticket number.

5. Select the last name of the passenger(s) you are registering and click the “Proceed to Online Check-in” button.

6. Click the “Select Seat” button to select seats on the aircraft cabin map.

When choosing a location, be guided by the following symbols:

Passenger's chosen seat

Blocked seats and seats already selected by other passengers

Paid seats in the “Space+ Upper Deck” category

Paid seats in the “Space+” category*

Paid seats in the “A-ZONE” and “FRONT ROWS” categories

Paid seats category "B-ZONE" (preferred seats)

Seats of category “C-ZONE” (standard seats) available for selection

Places equipped with bassinets for babies

Seats equipped with bassinets are provided to passengers with infants aged no more than 1 year and weighing no more than 11 kg. The number of seats with carrycot attachments on board is limited. Length of the cradle: 75 cm.

According to flight safety rules, we can offer a passenger with an infant under 2 years of age a limited number of seats to choose from in the aircraft cabin - the outer seats near the aisle, with the exception of some blocks of seats.

*For pre-purchased Space+ seats at emergency exits, you must check in for your flight and receive a boarding pass at the airport check-in counter.

Before completing online registration, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with the seating diagram:Boeing 747-400, Boeing 737-800.
The layout and location of seats on board the aircraft may vary due to slight differences in modifications of individual aircraft.

7. Select additional services. An insurance policy is included with your order by default.

If necessary, the passenger can click on the “SELECTED” button to remove the service from the order; after clicking, the button will change to the “SELECT” button. When you press the “SELECT” button again, a new window opens in which you can select the “Insurance” service for each passenger.

It is possible to issue a voluntary insurance policy on Rossiya Airlines flights numbered FV5501-5949 if you have an issued air ticket on the website in the section - 24 hours, but no later than 2 hours before the flight departure.

When departing from Vnukovo, you can choose Additional Meals from the “Shokoladnitsa” menu, as well as the “Congratulations on Board” service, before check-in and no later than 7 hours before flight departure. You can select additional services by pressing the "Select" button.

8. After selecting your seat and additional services, click the “Proceed to payment” button.

If you select a paid location and/or a paid service, you must enter your mobile phone number and e-mail, then go to the payment page and make a payment.

The passenger's status will change to "Registered", the selected seat will be assigned to the passenger, a boarding pass and payment receipt will be generated.

9. The boarding pass and receipt are generated in PDF format. Use the buttons:

“BOARDING PASS” - for immediate viewing and printing of the pass;

“RECEIPT” - for immediate viewing and printing of a receipt (for paid seats)

“QR CODE” - for immediate viewing and printing of the QR code.

“Send documents by e-mail” - in order to print all documents later. Please provide the email address(es) to which your boarding pass will be sent.

10. Online registration is completed.


A paper boarding pass is required to proceed to the boarding gate. If you were unable to print your boarding pass at home, you can print your boarding pass at the self-check-in kiosks at the airport or at the airport check-in counter.

How to cancel registration:

1. In order to cancel registration if a free seat was previously selected, it is necessary to go through passenger identification.

3. In the window that opens, you must confirm your intention to cancel online registration.

4. Cancellation of online registration is completed.

5. Cancellation of online registration in case of purchasing paid seats with additional comfort is not possible. Refunds for purchased services are made in accordance with the claims procedure.

In connection with the introduction of additional security measures at airports for passing security control procedures, and for international transport, also border and customs formalities
you must arrive at the departure airport in advance .

In order to ensure flight safety, the airline reserves the right to change the seats you have chosen without prior notice, as well as to refuse flight if:

    Before the end of ground check-in (40 minutes before departure), you did not have time to go through all the pre-flight procedures regulated by the airport of departure.

    You arrive at the gate after the boarding time has passed.

In the modern world, where people are always in a hurry to get somewhere, even if it is a long-awaited vacation, air transport is taking an increasingly strong position among the possible transportation options.

The principles of its operation differ significantly from travel on buses, trains or even ferries - simply purchasing a ticket and having it with you when boarding the chosen type of transport is not enough; you need to arrive at the departure point in advance and go through the mandatory check-in procedure for the flight, without which passengers will simply will not be allowed on board the aircraft, and by “in advance” we mean at least two to three hours.

But simply arriving early is not enough - you will also have to stand in line, often quite long.

Most passengers check in at the airport, where special counters and kiosks are provided for this purpose for an independent procedure, but in both cases you will most likely have to spend at least 40 minutes - an hour, not to mention the fact that a whole hour standing, especially with suitcases and bags and small children - a very dubious pleasure.

Having reached the coveted counter, the passenger receives a boarding pass with the number of the seat allocated to him in the aircraft cabin. Of course, you can ask the check-in employee for a specific place - near a window or aisle, depending on the individual preferences of the traveler, but it is not at all a fact that they will meet him halfway, and often the desired places may simply no longer be available. This is especially offensive if the passenger gets seasick and feels uncomfortable while flying in the rear of the plane, or if a family (a large group) is flying and everyone wants to sit together, and not at different ends of the cabin.

There are often cases when, during late check-in, conflict situations arise - for example, a mother and child want to sit next to each other, and, of course, they would accommodate her, but there are only two/three/four empty seats left, and all of them are at a distance of several rows from each other .

To avoid such unpleasant moments and not be nervous on the way to the airport, there is a great way to save your time and maintain peace of mind. Checking in for a flight online has advantages that allow you to avoid all the problems described above:

  • You can register from your home or office any time after registration opens, while lying on the couch, sitting with a cup of your favorite coffee, or during a break between meetings.
  • You can choose the best free seats in the cabin or purchase paid ones - for example, with increased legroom in the Space+ program Aeroflot. This is a very important bonus, since bad seats can significantly spoil the mood and impression of a flight, especially an overnight and long flight: queues will form near the rows close to the toilet, at the end of the cabin it can shake and all the sounds and smells of the kitchen will be heard.
  • There is no need to arrive at the airport several hours in advance - an hour and a half is enough, since the passenger is already on the general boarding list, or even less if there is no need to check in luggage. In this case, it is enough to arrive in such a way as to go through passport control and proceed to the boarding gate. This possibility is especially relevant when there is a possibility of being late for the plane - during connecting flights, train delays (in the case of non-resident passengers) and many other cases. Many passengers flying from Moscow and not living in the capital are often forced to wait much longer than necessary: ​​when choosing a train/bus, they will prefer not the one that arrives three to four hours before departure, but the one that provides a reserve of 7 hours -8, or even more hours, since an intermediate ideal option can be found quite rarely. The electronic procedure can successfully solve this problem.

Of course, online check-in also has some disadvantages. Among them the following can be noted:

  • When not all luxury seats have been purchased, passengers with children or those checking in among the latter can be accommodated in them without additional payment - the paying seat neighbors will, of course, be offended. But if there is no fear of taking the risk of flying in a bad place or not flying at all (no one has canceled the possibility of overbooking), then you can successfully use this life hack.
  • If you have luggage, you will still have to check it in (often at common counters), since luggage tags are of a strictly established type and you cannot print them yourself at home.

Some large air terminals, including Moscow's Domodedovo, Sheremetyevo and Vnukovo, as well as St. Petersburg's Pulkovo, are equipped with special baggage collection points (Drop Off Luggage), where you can check in and leave your suitcases for loading on board, having stuck on them all the necessary machine printed tags. In these same machines you can make an additional payment for excess. The queue there will be much shorter than at regular counters.

Note! This option is available only after completing electronic check-in for the flight!

There are also airports where there are practically no usual check-in counters, but at the same time there are many points where check-in of passengers and baggage is carried out automatically.

Additionally: in some cities, for example, Hong Kong, Vienna, Abu Dhabi, a “city check-in” is organized - suitcases can be checked in the city before arriving at the airport, but no more than a day before departure.

This is very convenient for passengers flying on night or evening flights - you can check out of the hotel and not have to choose whether to sit in the airport terminal lounge all day or leave your things in the luggage room and then return for them.

In any case, baggage must be checked in no later than check-in for the desired flight is completed.

The most common reason for not using online registration is that many people simply don’t know about it.

In any case, no matter how many disadvantages there are in the electronic procedure, there are undeniably more advantages.

Meanwhile, airline companies always encourage such a convenient option, since it significantly reduces their costs. Some even insist on it, making the usual check-in upon arrival at the airport chargeable.

Thus, Ryanair declared the online procedure mandatory, introducing quite impressive fines and surcharges (40-45 euros minimum) for conducting it at the airport.

How to check in for a flight online

To check in for a plane online, you just need to know your reservation number (assigned when purchasing a ticket) and have access to the Internet.

The electronic procedure usually begins 24 hours before departure and ends 45 minutes. - an hour, it is very simple and rarely takes more than three to five minutes.

Note! Check-in at the airport begins later, for regular flights usually 4 hours before departure.

Start times vary by terminal and airline - for example for flights departing from Terminal D Sheremetyevo, check-in at the airport opens 6 hours before departure, and some carriers allow check-in even 15 days before the flight date or even immediately after purchasing a ticket.

The reservation number can be seen in the upper right corner of the e-ticket itinerary receipt; many companies send an SMS with the code to the mobile phone number specified during registration.

Attention! When purchasing a ticket through agents, only a registration code is provided; the reservation number must be checked with them before departure!

The name of the airline operating the flight is indicated on the ticket - first you need to go to its website. Next, you need to find the “online check-in for a flight” or “online check-in” section; it can be located both on the main page and in the “for passengers” block. Many companies offer translation of their websites into several languages ​​(you can select them in the upper right corner), and if not all carriers offer Russian, there will definitely be no problems with English. In this case, you can go through the procedure intuitively, using basic knowledge, or contact an online translator.

As a rule, the registration procedure begins with familiarization with the rules of its implementation. You must confirm that you have read and agree with them by clicking “continue” and proceed to search for your reservation.

Usually, to search for a reservation, it is enough to enter its number and the last name of the passenger (or one of them, if the reservation is common to several people) in Latin letters.

At the next stage, many airlines introduce their customers to a list of items and things prohibited for transportation.

Having read and agreed, you can proceed to the stage of selecting passengers and entering their data according to the foreign passport or other document on which the ticket was taken.

After entering your personal data, you can proceed to selecting seats on the plane: in the corresponding tab there will be a layout of the cabin of the airliner that is planned for the flight. On the map of places you need to mark with a mouse click any of the places you like from those available for selection. Typically, the seats that are already reserved or blocked by the carrier (increased comfort and at emergency exits) are highlighted in gray, and the vacant ones are highlighted in white.

Attention! Airlines do not guarantee that the passenger will be given the seat that was chosen during check-in for a number of reasons: for example, the flight may be made by another board, but this does not happen often.

If several people are traveling on the same reservation, similar steps for entering data and selecting seats will need to be performed for each of them.

After clicking the “check-in” button (“complete”, “continue”), you need to print your boarding pass or save it on your computer/mobile device so you can print it later. The coupon will also be sent to the email specified during registration.

Some companies also offer other paid and free options between these main stages: choose meals, upgrade a ticket to a higher class, enter a bonus program participant number (privilege club), etc.

Additionally: To cancel registration, you must contact the representative office of the carrier company.

Mobile registration

This means registration using a mobile device. The difference between this type of check-in is that after completion, the boarding pass is displayed on the display of the mobile device. You can save it in photo format or send it to yourself by e-mail. When boarding, just show the airline staff the pass on your phone screen.

The general algorithm of actions is the same as when registering using a PC.

Note! This method is not suitable for groups of more than 9 people!

Many airlines have developed mobile applications to simplify the procedure. For frequent passengers of the same carrier, this is a very convenient option, since the passenger’s data is saved once and there is no need to re-enter it each time.

Receiving your boarding pass is the final stage of check-in.

The easiest way is to print it on your home or office printer immediately after completing the registration procedure.

If you don’t have a printer at hand, you can print at the terminal’s registration kiosks by entering your data.

If check-in was completed using a mobile device, then the boarding pass for the plane can be printed using special devices by attaching a phone display with a QR code of the ticket to their reader.

As a last resort, you can also get it at regular counters or at airport service centers (the service may be paid).

The ticket contains information about the boarding gate number, the start time of boarding the aircraft and the passenger’s seat in the cabin.

If there is no need to check in your luggage, you can take it straight to boarding, having gone through passport control and the inspection procedure.

A sample boarding pass for an airplane is shown below.

It may look slightly different depending on whether it was printed on a regular A4 printer, a check-in kiosk or handed out at a counter.

Restrictions when registering online

For all its convenience and simplicity, online registration still has a number of limitations. The procedure cannot be used in the following cases:

  • if the flight will be carried out by a minor and an escort is required;
  • if you need to get a seat of increased comfort - for example, for a person with disabilities;
  • if you plan to transport weapons, pets or luggage in a separate place in the cabin;
  • if the upcoming flight is not regular, but charter, a few companies allow you to register for them electronically, and then not always and not for all flights;
  • for codeshare flights (when the actual carrier and the airline that sold the ticket are not the same person).

Also, electronic check-in is prohibited at a number of departure airports (Tehran, Aktau and many others).

Airlines also have their own restrictions: for example, in Russia you can only check in for seats starting with number 195; in Pobeda, choosing any seat requires a fee.

Note! Each company may have its own additional restrictions, so it is better to check this information on the carrier’s website just in case.

Thus, the opportunity to independently check in for a flight is one of those pleasant bonuses that have become available in the modern age of information technology and which, without a doubt, should be used to make your flight and its anticipation as comfortable as possible: after all, why voluntarily waste time before departure on waiting, if you don’t have to do this?

Air travel must be properly planned right up to the time of arrival at the airport. You need to register for a flight, which has a certain validity period. If this is not done on time, they may not be allowed on the plane, and the air travel will be disrupted. Therefore, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with the airline’s rules in advance.

Registration procedure and types

All passengers traveling by air must arrive at the airport in advance to check in for their flight. Such rules are established by each airline company.

Registration takes place at a special counter. You can find out the counter number by looking at the Departures board at the airport. Typically, such signs hang at the entrance to the airport and stand next to the check-in counters. You need to find your flight by departure time and destination. A number will be indicated in the Check-in or Registration Desk column - look for it in the registration area.

At the counter, the security service and airline employee check the documents of passengers, as well as their tickets. Sometimes it is enough to provide only an identification document (passport) for verification. Their ticket data is in the general customer database. After such verification, air tourists are issued boarding passes. They indicate the seat number in the aircraft cabin.

If a passenger buys a ticket online, he has the opportunity to choose the most convenient seat. If you purchase a ticket directly at the airport, you can ask an airline employee to provide a more convenient seat for the flight.

As a rule, they do not refuse such a request if children, passengers with animals or disabled people are not flying on board the airliner. For such categories of passengers, comfortable seats are allocated in accordance with the airline's rules.

How to check in for a flight? There are three ways:

  • In an Aeroport. In this case, the passenger must arrive several hours before departure and contact the check-in counter. After confirming his personal data and weighing his luggage, he is issued a boarding pass.
  • From home. This is an online check-in that is available on each airline's website. Its advantage is that you do not need to go to the airport in advance. All passenger registration data and information about baggage are entered in a special field.
  • Through self-check-in terminals. They are installed at the airport. With their help, there is no need to waste time standing in line to check in for a flight. The terminals read information from the passenger's passport. The boarding pass is printed after the procedure.

The airline tourist independently chooses the method of check-in for the plane. Exceptions include passengers transporting excess baggage. For some airlines, online check-in or check-in through a self-service terminal does not include payment for additional pieces of air baggage.

Is this your first time flying by plane? Read our material for beginners ""

What to do upon arrival at the airport

To board an aircraft, a passenger must receive a boarding pass. Initially, you need to register at a special counter at the airport. This will not be required if the passenger has completed online check-in. After this, your luggage is checked. It is weighed and its dimensions are measured.

If the size and weight of air luggage deviate from the established standards, an additional fee will be charged for its transportation. Each carrier sets its size independently.

After this, the passenger receives two coupons. The first is attached to the luggage, the second remains in your hands. It is used to receive luggage after arrival. Then the air tourist must go through passport control. When traveling on international flights, you must also go through customs control. This can be done before or after check-in.

Hand luggage is also subject to inspection. She is inspected immediately before boarding. All these procedures will take a lot of time. Especially if the passenger arrived at the airport slightly late. There is a queue at the check-in counters that you must stand in order to board the flight.

Air tourists flying first or business class check in at special counters or out of line. They are also given boarding passes. They indicate the gate number to the plane and the seat in the cabin. The luggage is weighed and a tag is issued. After this, the passenger receives a receipt.

Airport check-in for domestic flights

Each air carrier sets certain time periods during which a passenger must check in for a flight. It all depends on the size of the airline. As a rule, check-in for flights with major carriers begins several hours before departure. Even if the airport staff is fully loaded, all air tourists will be able to complete the procedure on time.

Small air carriers offer passengers to check in for their flight 1-1.5 hours before departure. Therefore, if a passenger has not checked in online, it is better for him to arrive at the airport in advance.

What time does check-in for domestic flights close? It all depends on the rules established by the air carrier. As a rule, check-in ends 30-40 minutes before departure. It must be remembered that until the last passenger goes through this procedure, the plane will not take off.

Note. Check-in procedures for domestic flights are much simpler. They lack customs control. And its passage sometimes takes up to several hours. Especially if the passenger is carrying or incorrectly packaged items.

Also, when planning a trip, it is worth considering what type of aircraft will be used for the flight. Regular flights arrive and depart according to a set schedule. It is not recommended to be late for their registration. Airlines operate charter flights between them. And the registration time for them is controlled by tourist operators. They tell tourists when to arrive at the airport. Low-cost airline flights are often delayed. This doesn't mean you have to arrive at the airport in the last minutes before your flight. You still need to go through registration procedures.

  1. If a passenger is traveling with a child, he must arrive at the airport in advance. You can ask the front desk for more comfortable seats in the cabin. You can place a cradle or stroller next to them.
  2. If a tourist travels with an animal, it must also be registered. The pet must have the appropriate documents. It can only be in the aircraft cabin in a special container or cage, the doors of which are locked.
  3. If a passenger is traveling with oversized cargo, it must be registered in advance. A separate place will be allocated for it in the cargo compartment.

Any failure to comply with the established rules may result in the air tourist being removed from the flight.

Airport check-in for international flights

Passengers should ask in advance when check-in for international flights opens. The procedure for completing it is much longer than for domestic flights. Tourists additionally undergo customs control. Checking things takes a lot of time. Therefore, airlines have established that a passenger must arrive to check-in for an international flight 1.5-2 hours before departure. For some carriers this time has been increased to 3-4 hours.

Check-in for international flights ends 30-40 minutes before departure. Small companies have reduced this time to 15-20 minutes. To avoid unforeseen situations, it is better to arrive early to check in for international flights.

Online check-in

Airlines offer their customers to complete the check-in procedure without leaving home. This approach to maintenance allows you to significantly save time. You can check in online on airline websites. A special field is provided for this. You can also read on the company’s website how many minutes it takes to start and complete check-in for a flight.

Online check-in is issued for the passenger and for luggage (if its weight and size meet the established standards). It starts a day or several days before and ends 45-60 minutes before departure. In the window that opens, fill in the data and ticket number. You can print your boarding pass at home or at the self-check-in terminal upon arrival at the airport. Passengers with animals and those accompanying disabled people cannot choose this check-in method.

Do I need to check in at the airport if I have already checked in online?

Even if an air tourist has checked in for a flight through the carrier’s website, he will need to arrive at the airport in advance: 30-40 minutes before the end of check-in. Your luggage will have to be weighed and checked at a special counter: “Drop off”. It accepts bags at an expedited rate. The passenger will be issued a boarding pass and a cargo pass. After this, the luggage will be sent to the conveyor belt.

When traveling on international flights, tourists additionally undergo customs control. To avoid any problems, you need to familiarize yourself in advance with the lists of products and things that can be imported into the country of arrival. Also, do not forget about the rules for transporting things that are established by the company in the country of departure.

Note. Passport control on domestic flights is carried out before security screening. International passengers are initially screened by security.

If, after completing all the procedures, there is time left before departure, the passenger can go shopping. There are a large number of them at the airport. When purchasing products, you must keep receipts and original packaging.

Watch the check-in video

Flying on an airplane is quite exciting for many people. This is especially true for the first flight, when a person does not know what to do or where to go. In order not to rush around the entire airport in search of the required seat, it is worth studying in advance what actions will need to be taken for check-in and boarding. There are a number of requirements for passengers traveling on domestic and international flights. In the latter case, the requirements are much higher.

What is a boarding pass and where to get it

A boarding pass is a document that confirms the right to board an airplane. It can be obtained after registration. It can be completed in mode or in the airport building. If the passenger decides to register via the Internet, the coupon will be available for printing from a PC or other mobile device. Next, you will need to print it out to present it to specialists at a special counter. If the document is damaged or lost for some reason, you can print it again.

The ticket contains the following information:

  1. Flight number.
  2. Number and location of the seat in the aircraft cabin.
  3. The time when boarding begins and ends.
  4. Gate number for passengers to board the plane.

Important! Your boarding pass and passport should always be on hand so that airport security officers can make sure that you are a passenger and not a random person who decided to walk around the airport terminal.

Registration procedure

Having a plane ticket is the right to use the flight. But you can use the right, or you can not use it. That is why, in order to board an aircraft, you must pre-register and receive a boarding pass. Here's what's included:

Sometimes this whole process takes a long time. This is why it is recommended to arrive at the airport 3-4 hours before departure, despite the fact that check-in starts 2 hours before.

Important! If you are late for, you can pass it at a special counter for latecomers. But this service is relevant for those who did not have time to register and came a few minutes after the registration process was completed. If this happens after 15-20 minutes, then boarding the airliner will be denied.

If the airline's rules imply the ability to return or exchange an unused ticket for another, you should exercise this right. However, for Russia this is rarely relevant. But American airlines allow you to board the next plane that flies to the city you need, despite being late for the plane for which you bought the ticket.

How to register online

Many people register online today. It's much faster and easier. In addition, there is no need to waste time waiting at the airport. People who check in electronically often arrive at the airport an hour later than the recommended time.

To complete the procedure, you will need to go to the official website of the airline and select the required flight. It is there that you can register in a special window. Some airlines accept a photo of your boarding pass from your phone, but this is not always the case. It is worth clarifying in advance the possibility of providing a photo.

The sooner a passenger checks in, the greater his chances of getting the best seat. It usually starts a day before departure. Some operators open it 2-3 days before departure. It closes in 45 minutes.

Important features of passenger boarding

The boarding pass contains all the necessary information for passengers. To avoid problems during boarding, it is recommended to approach the desired gate 5-10 minutes in advance. You also need to make sure that the gate and landing time are correct.

Passengers will be required to present their passport and boarding pass upon boarding. And if we are talking about an international flight, then also a visa and a passport. After passing the gate, you board the plane. It is carried out by delivery by bus or through a special sleeve that connects the aircraft to the airport terminal. On board, flight attendants will help you find the right seat and tell you how to behave during takeoff, landing and the flight itself.

Time frame

Not all airports begin and end boarding at the same time. However, there are some rules that apply to all airports. Below is a table with an approximate schedule.

It all depends on passenger traffic. The larger it is, the more time is allocated for registration and boarding.

Rules of conduct at the airport for beginners

Once you arrive, there is no need to panic. If this is your first flight, then follow the information boards and various signs. If they are not enough, then you can contact airport security specialists. They will help you figure out where to go, and also tell you how to correctly read the information on the board. It is recommended to read several useful articles in advance in order to clearly develop an action plan.

Here's what to do when you get to the airport:

  1. Initially, you need to study the information on the board and find your flight in order to understand what is currently happening with it and when boarding begins.
  2. Familiarize yourself with the airport map in order to create a route in your head that you will need to follow.
  3. Before approaching the check-in counter, you should prepare all the necessary documents, which include tickets and a passport. If the whole family is going on a flight, it is better to submit all the documents at once, rather than registering for everyone separately.
  4. Passengers flying business class are served at a special counter where service takes place out of turn.

What to do when you have free time

Today, airports offer many different options for passengers to keep themselves busy. These include the following:

  1. Shopping. There are really a lot of different kiosks and shops in the airport building where you can buy various goods or just look at the assortment. Prices are usually very high, due to the almost complete lack of competition.
  2. Opportunity to relax in a cafe.
  3. Read a book, newspaper or magazine. If you don’t want to buy them, you can take them for free at special stands.
  4. Use Wi-Fi to work or just surf the Internet to “kill time.”
  5. Go to duty free.

For young mothers there is a children's room where you can change the baby's clothes and do all the necessary procedures. Typically, doctors, including pediatricians, work in airport buildings. Therefore, if you have any suspicions about your health condition, you can contact them. Medical care is provided free of charge.

Additional Information

There are no uniform baggage requirements. Therefore, you need to familiarize yourself with them in advance when buying a ticket on a specific airline. It is also worth familiarizing yourself with the requirements for boarding the aircraft in advance. The maximum weight of luggage in some companies may be 50 kilograms. The minimum weight is 20 kg.

It is prohibited to carry:

  1. Various types of gases.
  2. Explosive items and ammunition.
  3. Steel arms.
  4. Materials that can easily catch fire.
  5. Objects with a strong magnetic field.
  6. Mercury.

To prevent the transportation of prohibited substances, you must undergo inspection. It is prohibited to carry water and a number of other items in which you can easily carry prohibited items.

Pregnant women must provide a doctor's certificate confirming their ability to withstand the stress associated with flying.

Thus, in order to be in time for everything, you need to arrive in advance. Registration begins in a couple of hours, and boarding, depending on the size of the airport, takes 40-60 minutes.

Video - Checking in and boarding a plane at the airport for beginners

Video - 10 secrets about flying on an airplane

Standard check-in opens a few hours in advance and closes less than an hour before departure. Often, how long it takes to arrive at the airport to complete registration formalities directly depends on the type of registration itself, the time frame established by a particular airline or departure airport. You can check in for your flight in advance in real time or directly at the departure airport. It is best to clarify information about the beginning and end of registration directly when booking.

Many air carriers remind you that you should arrive at the airport several hours before departure in order to have time to stand in line at the counter, check in your luggage and go through pre-flight security. Agree, it is much more pleasant to wait for your plane to take off in a cafe or walk around Duty Free than to neglect the time allotted for check-in, then overpay for processing a late passenger for the flight and be nervous about the fact that you will no longer be able to fly and, in addition, will lose time and money.

Check-in for Aeroflot flights

It is worth calculating in advance how long you need to arrive at the airport in order not to miss your flight. If you are flying in economy class, it is worth arriving early as the queues at the counters are quite long. For Aeroflot economy class passengers, the standard rule applies: check-in begins 2 hours before the flight, ends 40 minutes, but there are some exceptions:

  • For Aeroflot flights flying to St. Petersburg from Sheremetyevo Airport (Terminals F, E), check-in ends 30 minutes before departure.
  • For flights flying to St. Petersburg from Sheremetyevo Airport (Terminals B, D), check-in begins 6 hours and ends 30 minutes before departure. Check-in for other flights from these terminals also starts 6 hours before, but ends 40 minutes before.
  • You can use the early check-in service at the airport counter. It opens no earlier than 12 hours before the flight, provided there is no accumulation of a large number of passengers whose flight departure is less than 6 hours away.
  • At Swiss airports, passenger check-in for Aeroflot flights ends 45 minutes before departure.
  • Exactly one hour before departure, check-in ends at the airports of Brussels, Delhi, Dubai, New York, Los Angeles, Washington, Miami, Tel Aviv, Hanoi (only for flights departing on Mondays), Beijing, Shanghai.

When checking out for a flight online or at self-check-in kiosks, the time frame shifts slightly. This type of registration starts exactly 24 hours before departure and ends 45 minutes.

Check-in for UTair flights

For all Utair airline flights, a standard rule applies: check-in for domestic flights begins 2 hours before, for international flights - 3 hours before and ends 40 minutes before. The exceptions are:

  • For domestic flights at Vnukovo, you can check in 12 hours before departure, in Kaliningrad - 6 hours, and in Surgut - 24 hours before departure.
  • Check-in at Milan airport starts 2.5 hours before departure, and at airports in cities such as Riga, Vienna, Berlin and Munich - 2 hours.

If there is a UTair self-registration kiosk at the departure airport, you can register one day before departure. Registration for a flight through kiosks is completed in 45 minutes.

A very convenient way that will save a lot of time is online registration. For Utair flights it opens 36 hours before and closes 45 minutes before departure (in Vienna and Tel Aviv - an hour before the flight). Online check-in is not available in all cities and airports.

All passengers who are late for the flight (appearing for check-in less than 40 minutes before departure) will not be allowed to board the flight.

Check-in for Ural Airlines flights

Check-in for the flight of the main carrier of the Urals starts depending on the departure airport. Check-in at Domodedovo Airport for all flights begins one day in advance. At Koltsovo, domestic flights open for check-in 3 hours before departure, and international flights open 4 hours before departure. For other airports, the rule is: check-in for domestic flights opens 1.5 hours in advance, and for international flights 3 hours in advance, although depending on the situation at the airport, the check-in opening time sometimes changes (from 1 to 4 hours).

The standard check-in time for international and domestic flights is 40 minutes before departure, but there are exceptions:

  • At Hurghada Airport, check-in closes 45 minutes before the flight.
  • In Rome and Tel Aviv - an hour before departure. Also, check-in for international flights from Bolshoye Savino Airport in Perm finishes in an hour.
  • In Beijing, Guangzhou and Dubai, check-in ends exactly one hour before the flight.

Online check-in for direct scheduled flights starts 24 hours before and ends 40 minutes before departure time, flights from airports Rome, Dubai, Tel Aviv, Beijing, Harbin, Amsterdam - in 1 hour. Online check-in for a Ural Airlines flight is not possible from all airports.

Passengers who, for one reason or another, did not fit into the given time frame and showed up for the flight after check-in was completed are unlikely to be able to fly.

Check-in time for S7 flights

According to the general rule of the S7 airline, check-in for a flight starts 2-3 hours and ends 40 minutes before departure. Exceptions:

  • Check-in for the flight at Tolmachevo Airport (Novosibirsk) starts 24 hours in advance.
  • Check-in at Domodedovo Airport begins one day before the flight.
  • The end of check-in at the airports of Beijing, Dubai and Madrid is exactly one hour before departure.

Online check-in for S7 flights begins 30 hours before departure and ends 40 minutes before departure.

Check-in for Rossiya Airlines flights

At the airport of departure at the check-in counter for Rossiya flights, registration opens 2 hours in advance and closes in 40 minutes. If your flight begins with the letter code FV, this means that the flight is operated directly by Rossiya Airlines. If your flight code begins with the letters SU, this means that Rossiya operates a flight under a single code for the Aeroflot group of companies. Check-in start times will vary depending on the flight.

  • At Vnukovo Airport: for flights with code SU, check-in is available 4 hours before departure; for flights with code FV, check-in is available one day before departure.
  • At Pulkovo Airport: for flights with code SU - check-in one day before departure, for flights with code FV - 3 hours before departure.

If you are flying from a foreign airport, you must check the check-in closing time on the airport website itself.

If there are self-check-in kiosks at the airport, you can check in for your flight one day before departure. Check-in closes 45 minutes before departure. The time frame for online registration is identical.

Check-in for Pobeda flights

At the airport counter, check-in opens 2 hours in advance and closes 40 minutes in advance. Exceptions:

  • Check-in at Vnukovo begins 4 hours before the flight.
  • Check-in for flights departing from the airports of Leipzig, Karlovy Vary, Eindhoven, Istanbul, Berlin, Milan, Genoa, Dubai and Riga ends in exactly one hour.

Time range for online check-in for Pobeda Airlines flights:

  • For flights from Moscow, online check-in opens 24 hours before and ends 40 minutes before departure.
  • You can check-in for flights from St. Petersburg 24 hours in advance, but you must be there before the check-in deadline (2 hours before departure).
  • From foreign airports, online check-in begins 24 hours before departure and ends 4 hours before departure.

Check-in for flights of other airlines

Check-in for Azur Air flights at the airport starts in 2.5 - 3 hours and ends in 40 minutes. Online registration opens exactly 24 hours in advance and ends 3 hours before.

For all domestic flights from Domodedovo, check-in for Red Wings Airlines begins one day before and ends 40 minutes before departure. Online registration also starts a day before, but ends in 3 hours.

Yamal adheres to the standard rule and opens check-in at the airport in 2 hours and closes in 40 minutes. You can register online from one day to three hours before flight departure. For Nordavia airlines, check-in for flights is identical, the only difference is the check-in time at the airport - 50 minutes before departure.

Check-in at the airport for Rusline flights starts from 1.5 to 3 hours before departure, depending on the airport and flight. You need to find out the specific time before the flight on the airline’s website or from representatives. Check-in at the airport ends in 40 minutes as a standard. Live pre-registration begins 36 hours in advance and ends 90 minutes in advance.

Yakutia Airlines has its own time range. For local flights within the region, check-in is open 2 hours in advance; for flights within Russia and the world, you can check-in 3 hours in advance. The end time is floating and is communicated to the passenger directly at the airport of departure on the online board. It is very convenient to register online. Web check-in opens 23 hours and closes 2 hours before departure.

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