Fishing for pike with lures in April. Pike fishing in April: Where, how and when is the best pike fishing in April

The calendar shows the first half of April. With the onset of the long-awaited spring warmth, hands are drawn to the spinning rod, and the fishing soul is longing for the pond. Taking into account aspects of the previous weather events in March and early April, and understanding that the majority of the pike should have already spawned and rested from the breeding process (as they say, “got sick”), we can with a clear conscience try to disturb the toothy one in an attempt to catch our cherished trophy.

Let's analyze the features of pike fishing on a small river during this period. First of all, the spring process of river renewal will influence the tactics of spinning fishing. The spring flood accelerates the flow of the river, which leads to a change in the topography of the bottom and bank: the current carries away trees lying in the water, washes away snags familiar from last year and brings in new ones.

Considering the regulation of a large number of small rivers by dams and hydroelectric power plants, as well as warm winters, the water level in the rivers rises slightly, and large spills are rare. In the first half of April, there is a gradual decrease in the water level and its approach to the standard level.

Thus, for comfortable shore fishing, it is advisable to replace boots with higher waders or waders. This will give us maximum comfort in movement on the muddy shore, will significantly increase access to probable pike sites and the chances of a successful cast.

The main advantage in the spring metamorphoses of the river space is the absence of aquatic vegetation: almost all the algae have rotted away and been carried away by the current, and new sprouts are still waiting for the water temperature to rise in order to again fill the coastal surface. Since pike is an ambush predator, this factor simplifies its search.

Where will the pike stand first in the spring?

The main influence on the position of pike at this time is the current. After spawning, the predator has not yet gained strength, and will not have the desire to fight the increased spring flow of the river. This means that backwaters, bays, and sections of the river with a reverse and slow flow are the first to become probable sites for pike.

The next factors are water temperature and food availability. Most of the river inhabitants will strive for warmer sections of the river (shoals, reed thickets, flooded coastal areas), therefore, the pike, like its potential prey, will leave the cold water.

What to catch?

The two main baits in this period are silicone baits and wobblers. The predator is still weak after spawning and is not ready to chase the bait. The main hunting strategy of the predator now is short throws from ambush, which means the bait must be placed as close as possible to the fish’s resting place.

Based on this, in small areas, areas without current or with low current, it is advisable to use wobblers (suspenders of minou models will be most in demand) and silicone baits unloaded or with a minimum jig weight. In deeper areas and areas with current, it is better to use jig baits. It is worth noting that during this period the color and shape of the bait will be more important for the fisherman than for the fish: the pike is hungry and is not picky about the objects of its hunt.

An example of spring pike fishing

Let's consider this tactic using the example of one of the real fishing trips, the heroes of which were the author and Her Majesty the pike in the first ten days of April.

Time, place, weather conditions:

Fishing time: April 10, first half of the day (from 6 to 12 hours);
The weather is sunny with partly cloudy weather, air temperature +8-20°C;
wind 6-8 m/s with gusts up to 15 m/s;
river - left bank tributary of the Dnieper River;
The width of the channel at the fishing site is on average about 40 m;
the current is 2-3 times faster than in summer;
the average depth of the channel is 2 m, with holes up to 4 m;
water level is 0.5 m above normal.

Bites and catches of pike occurred along reed thickets in places with a significantly slower current and in semi-pools without a current, formed by a wall of reeds. Attempts to find pike in channel and coastal ditches under the high bank were unsuccessful (due to the presence of a fast current). There were also no bites in the straightened sections of the river: in such places the pike stood not at the edge of the reeds, but directly behind them near the shore, avoiding the current and going to calm, warm water. The largest pike this time (about 2 kg) was caught in another typical stopping place, which I forgot to describe above: a successful bite took place near a steep bank at the confluence of a stream that flows from nearby forest lakes into the river bed. The depth at the shore immediately below the confluence of the stream, where the pike attacked the bait, was about 1.5 m. An edible worm-shaped vibrotail 2.9″ (7.36 cm) long on a hinged mount with a weight of 8 g was used as bait.

It should be noted that almost all the pike caught were hung with leeches. This additionally indicates the fish’s commitment to settling in places without current. Bites occurred almost throughout the entire fishing trip, the fish took it in different ways: either the entire ten-centimeter wobbler and part of the leash were swallowed, or the pike carefully sat down at the corner of its mouth on a single hook of a jig rig.

Given the increased transparency of the water, fluorocarbon was used as the leader material. I caught only the two above-mentioned baits: a 2.9″ vibrating tail on a swivel mount with a single hook and a ten-centimeter suspended minnow.

No tail, no scales for everyone!

Pike habits and its location at different times of the year vary greatly, but there is still a general rule - where there is “food”, there are predators.

Pike in April

In April the greatest pike catch can bring relatively small lakes with a depth of up to 4 meters. As a rule, they are little visited by anglers and warm up quickly. Starting from mid-April, the most active biting of the toothy predator begins in such reservoirs. On lakes literally the size of a football field, experienced fishermen manage to catch predators weighing 3-5 kg. Large pikes usually peck first, and since they really want to eat, it is dangerous for small pikes to be near them. They do not risk becoming lunch for their much larger brothers. So the spinning season can be opened in April on small bodies of water; they are not subject to large floods and it is much easier to find and catch pike there than on large rivers and lakes.
spinning tackle is very attractive to many fishermen and is the most sporting. Although it requires considerable physical effort and practical skills, it forces the fisherman to think and experiment.
Skilled spinning anglers most effectively use silicone vibrating tails on light jig heads; spinners with small weights also bring success. Grasps can occur at any time with a soft and uniform drive, with short pauses, but without sudden jerks. The best rubber colors are yellow, white and, a little less often, green. Yellow, slightly dull spoons are universal for pike. During this period, wobblers work somewhat worse than rubber and iron. And many fishermen don’t want to lose expensive baits when fishing on the shore. As the main tackle, the most suitable during this period is a medium action blank with a length of 2.7 m; such a rod can quite well dampen the jerks of a large predator even with forced fishing. To give the gear good sensitivity, 0.13 mm braid is suitable.

Pike in May

At the beginning of May, roaches begin to spawn in many reservoirs; they enter in flocks into small shallow rivers, the width of which can be only 5-10 meters. The pike rushes after its prey. There may not be very large individuals there, but catching predators up to 3 kg is quite possible. Pike begin to actively peck a week and a half after the start of roach spawning. Small rivers, due to their small size, can be fished from one bank to the other. There is no need for ultra-long casts or heavy baits. Wide oscillators work very well; having more mass than required for such places, they float longer in the water column with slow retrieves. Copies of the famous “Storlings” and “Atoms”, only made from aluminum, proved to be excellent when fishing on small rivers. With slow retrieves, they work even more attractively than their branded prototypes, and the aluminum can literally be bent at the knee, adjusting the bait to the required fishing conditions.
The first half can be considered a period of light tackle. From fighting a pike weighing 1.5-2 kg on a spinning tackle with a 5-15 medium action test and on a 0.12-0.13 mm braid, the angler gets a lot of positive emotions. Silicone baits on light heads up to 6 g also work effectively at this time.
Pike, starting from the second half of May, begins to actively catch on large and medium-sized lakes. It is more difficult to find its sites there, but the specimens taken there are much larger. Accordingly, the gear must have a margin of safety. Most often at this time, when fishing from the banks, it is necessary to forcefully catch the predator, since there may be thickets of reeds and cramps nearby. For those fishermen who are just starting to learn spinning fishing, it is not advisable to do this in May, especially on large bodies of water, where it is difficult to find pike and its bite is unstable. And torn off expensive baits can permanently discourage a beginner from fishing for predators with a spinning rod.

Pike is the most popular and desired trophy among fishermen, since it lives almost everywhere. This predator is found even in the Arctic Ocean.

The best time for fishing

Pike fishing in mid-spring has many features. The main one is spawning prey. When water bodies warm up to six degrees Celsius in April, pike go to a depth of up to one meter to begin the spawning process.

For spawning, she chooses a quiet backwater, where there is no stormy current. After laying eggs, within a week she begins to feed, starting active pecking to restore strength. It is believed that this toothy predator can be fished in any season of the year. However, there are certain time periods when pike fishing is especially attractive. In April, for example, you can catch some good specimens with a spinning rod. An excellent catch can also be obtained in the fall: from the last days of August until November.

Where to look for prey

It is better to go after pike at the very beginning of spring, when the water in the rivers rises significantly and the sun is already warming up the water well. In the central zone of our country, this period occurs at the end of April. Usually at this time the bite, starting at dawn, continues with variable results until dusk. In many reservoirs, pike fishing is best at the end of April using a spinning rod.

Quiet, cloudy spring days, when the first leaves have already appeared on the trees and bushes, are especially successful for fishing this toothy predator. In general, judging by the reviews, the best time to catch pike is in April. You can get quite a rich catch using a spinning rod with a spoon. After all, at this time, not only adults, but also one-year-old young animals fatten. At first glance, it seems that the water in the reservoir has “come to life.”

For spinning

You can fish for this desired prey at any time of the year and in any way. But, according to experienced fishermen, it is pike fishing in April with a spinning rod that can be especially exciting and a real pleasure. It is this circumstance that makes the army of spearfishing enthusiasts wait with bated breath for spring. In order to catch pike in April using a spinning rod, it is not at all necessary to buy expensive gear. It is enough to have a simple spinning rod on hand, because it is impossible not to notice the bite.

Before this toothy inhabitant of the underwater world begins the spawning period, she prowls in search of food in the reeds and reed thickets. At this time, a huge number of small fish gather here: roach, silver bream, rudd. Looking for food, this fish, moving along the coastal thicket, freezes in places where there are gaps. It is precisely in such areas that her hunting grounds are located. Therefore, fishing for pike in April using a spinning rod is especially good along the vegetation growing near the coast.


When purchasing equipment, the main attention should be paid to the reel, which must withstand such far from small fish as pike grow into in the spring. In April you can fish with a spinning rod with any bait. The most catchy ones during this period are spinner spoons. But in April, large pike are not caught on spinners using spinning rods. Fishing in the middle of spring is a pleasure: the weather is neither cold nor hot, there are no algae that interfere with fishing.


When, after a cold winter, the reservoir becomes warmer every day, the pike also becomes active. At the end of April, in some reservoirs you can catch it all day, resting only at night. Moreover, it will bite both live bait and artificial bait. When fishing with roach, silver bream or bleak, the bait should be placed in half-water or even a little deeper. Pike can be caught well in April using spinning rods in shallow coastal waters. In this case, the size of the live bait does not play a special role, but it is still better to use medium-sized fish with a length of five to ten centimeters.

Fishing Features

In the morning and in the evening, the bait should go to the bottom at an average speed, while during the day you should fish in the middle layers. When an angler manages to move the lure along the edges located parallel to the shore, we can assume that he is guaranteed a catch. After all, it is in such places that the pike lies in wait for its prey. In the spring, using a spinning rod, especially in April, in backwaters and at the confluence of small rivers, it is better to fish for this toothy predator using a “shaker”.

Zhor after spawning

The spawning time in different reservoirs is different. In central Russia, this period usually falls in the second spring month. And a week or two after the end of spawning, like any other fish that has finished spawning, the pike begins its active feeding. In the spring, on a spinning rod, especially in April, she, hungry for the hunt, rushes to any bait. Typically this period lasts two or three weeks, but in some regions it can be quite short.

Usually the post-spawning zhor coincides with the flood peak. Therefore, fattening pikes linger in the spawning areas until they are completely fattened, waiting for the water to recede. A clear sign, which many experienced fishermen know, of the beginning of the post-spawning feast is the blooming of oak leaves.

Fishing technique

As a rule, at the end of April, pike bite well on a spinning rod over the far or near edges of the holes. This happens in the following way: having sharply shifted to the side, the fishing line sinks to the bottom within a second. You should not hook at this time. First, you need to select the surplus on the reel and observe the behavior of the prey. If the pike stops and the line does not move either, this means that the bait was most likely grabbed by a small fish, which, standing in one place, swallows its prey. In this case, the hook needs to be done after ten seconds.

If, on the contrary, the line moves sharply and very quickly from the shore, then this means that a large pike has bitten. Most likely, having grabbed the bait, she did not feel anything. This time, an immediate hook is needed, and, if the tackle allows, a sharp one.


Pike fishing is excellent in April, especially with spinning rods. The procedure can give amateurs a lot of positive emotions, especially if you go fishing during the period when the post-spawning feast begins and the prey is feeding heavily.

When going to a pond, you need to remember that in the spring the bite of this toothy predator most often begins at dawn and continues with varying success until dusk. But the most important thing that every angler needs to know is that fishing restrictions are introduced during spawning. Therefore, to ensure that fishing in April does not cause trouble, you need to go to those places where the fish do not lay eggs. In addition, you need to fish from the shore and with the permitted types of gear.

Fishing for pike in the spring with a spinning rod begins immediately after the rivers and lakes are cleared of ice. The toothy predator is the first object that can be purposefully hunted from the very first days of March. Therefore, many fishermen, going to a reservoir to open the season of “liquid” water, are determined to catch this particular underwater inhabitant.

In the spring, pike can be caught using spinning rods with varying degrees of success. Fish has its own seasonal characteristics that affect its activity. In addition, each body of water has its own specifics, which leaves an imprint on the behavior and habits of the toothy beast.

In the spring, pike, like other representatives of the ichthyofauna, goes to spawn. The process of procreation significantly affects its behavior, which must certainly be taken into account before going to the reservoir. In addition, many promising places are closed for fishing, operating in many reservoirs.

Advice! Before going to a body of water, it is better to inquire in advance whether there is a ban on fishing of aquatic biological resources in the selected area, so that there are no misunderstandings with regulatory authorities later.


In the very first days after the ice cover melts, pike can be found in the deep areas of the reservoir. Here it can be located, stand near the pools and return streams, or be in snags. Then it gradually begins to shift to medium and shallow depths.

In March, pike fishing is most successful in the following characteristic places:

  • the confluence of streams, small rivers, channels and branches with the main channel;
  • coastal edges with slow currents;
  • return lines and whirlpools;
  • extended areas with medium depth and uneven bottom;
  • shallow areas with single submerged bushes and other vegetation.

In early spring, pike have short-term bursts of activity when they attack all kinds of bait. The best fishing direction during this period is jig.


Pike spawning ends at the beginning of April. For about two weeks the predator is “sick”, it is weakened and practically does not feed. Then the zhor begins, which in some reservoirs can last until the beginning of May. Many fishermen cannot catch this period due to high water and difficulties in approaching promising places and the spawning ban.

At first, the pike stays in the area of ​​its spawning grounds, lying in wait for various peaceful fish, which also begin to head to shallow waters to prolong the genus. Here the toothy beast has real freedom, thanks to a good food supply, and she takes advantage of this, restoring lost strength. As the water warms up, the predator begins to gradually disperse throughout the reservoir.

Pike in April is not so categorical and is caught not only with one type of bait. Now she confidently attacks rotating spoons, twisters and those mounted on light jig heads.


In the last month of spring, pike gradually switches to a summer feeding regime. This is due to the following factors:

  • rivers begin to return to their banks;
  • young aquatic vegetation appears;
  • many species of peaceful fish have spawned and are moving towards their summer camps.

Now the toothy one can be found on any section of a river or lake. It is located in the area of ​​some kind of ambush and from there makes rapid dashes towards unwary small fish.

Approximately by the second half of May, bursts of activity in pike begin to shift to the morning and evening hours. On cloudy, gloomy days, the predator can feed throughout the daylight hours. Also, her mobility and appetite are associated with the phase of the moon. Therefore, experienced fishermen take into account all factors before going to a pond in search of a toothy beast.

Pike fishing in May using spinning rods is carried out using various baits. Wide-bodied spoons also work well. Wobblers also show good results. Every day surface baits begin to work more effectively.


Fishing for pike in the spring can be done in different ways and methods. Based on this, you should select the appropriate gear. They should allow you to cast and carry the baits used, as well as fight large aggressive prey, effectively absorbing its jerks.

In early spring, it is enough to have a jig kit that allows you to fish holes and snags, ditches and dumps. With such gear you can fish any promising area without any problems. There are no special requirements for them, since the pike bite, although not so sharp at this time, is nevertheless always visually and tactilely recorded even with a budget fishing rod.

After spawning, the choice of gear depends on the baits used and fishing methods. When using rotating or oscillating spinners, choose a universal rod with a powerful butt and a movable tip. In this case, it is better to wind a monofilament line onto the spool, since the spinners and oscillators will twist the braid too much, which will certainly lead to beards during the next cast.

If the angler decides to fish with wobblers or topwaters, then the appropriate spinning rod is selected. . Its inextensibility and sensitivity allow it to perform jerk animation and perform various manipulations with baits.


The range of baits used at this time is large, just like at any other time of the year. The choice of a specific type depends on when to catch pike in the spring and in which specific reservoirs. Their choice is influenced by many factors that you need to try to take into account in order to choose the right key to the toothy predator.

In early spring, pike are hunted with a jig. Accordingly, suitable baits are chosen. The most common are worms and vibrotails. More often they use bright colors, which in muddy water will force the predator to pay attention to itself and provoke a bite. Also, which show their effectiveness precisely in cold water.

After spawning in the spring, they catch with the following types of bait:

Each bait has its own specifics and advantages. Therefore, you will never get tired of catching pike in the spring due to the wide variety of approaches to this process and diverse fishing conditions.

Pike fishing in April can give the angler a lot of positive emotions if you go fishing at the very period when the pike, having become ill after spawning, begins to feed heavily.

When planning to go fishing for pike in April, keep in mind that in the spring the pike bite usually begins at dawn and continues until dusk with varying success.

And remember that there are fishing restrictions during spawning season. So, to avoid causing trouble in April, fish outside the spawning areas, from the shore and with permitted gear.

Pike is a popular trophy among fishermen, since it lives almost everywhere and even in the waters of the Arctic Ocean.

Pike fishing in April has a number of features, the main one of which is pike spawning. In April, the water warms up to +6 and the pike begins to spawn, going to a depth of 0.5 - 1 m.

For spawning, pike choose quiet backwaters; stormy currents do not attract fish. After spawning, having been ill for a week for the sake of decency, the pike strives to regain strength and begins to actively peck.

In general, pike can be caught at any time of the year. However, there are certain periods when the pike bite is especially good: in the spring - pike fishing is excellent before the start of spawning and after it ends, and in the fall - pike fishing is good from about the last days of August to the beginning of November.

When to catch pike in April

It is best to start fishing for pike in early spring.- before the water in the rivers rises significantly, that is, during the period when the sun has already warmed the water well enough. As for central Russia, this period usually falls at the end of April.

Where to catch pike in April

Before the pikes begin spawning, you can observe a huge number of small fish among the reeds and reeds: silver bream, roach, rudd. Looking for food, the fish usually moves along the coastal thickets, preferring to freeze in places where there are gaps. It is in such and such places that there are pike hunting grounds. Therefore, in the spring it is very good to catch pike in April along the vegetation growing near the shore.

Zhor of pike after spawning

As soon as the ice begins to melt in reservoirs, pike spawning usually begins. However, the spawning time varies due to the fact that, relative to geographic map data, such reservoirs are not equally located everywhere. For us this usually happens around April. In the spring, a week or two after spawning, the pike begins to actively feed, usually lasting two to three weeks, but sometimes this period is quite shortened. This is precisely the period that is most suitable for fishing, since hungry pike eagerly rushes to any bait.

When does pike bite in April?

In the spring The pike bite usually starts at dawn and continues with varying success until dusk. During this favorable period for pike fishing, it is preferable to catch it in spawning areas, since usually after the eggs are laid, the pike has to visit its clutch more often - fish such as perch and roach do not hesitate to dine on fresh pike caviar, thereby heading straight to pike ambush. In addition to the places where the pike itself spawns, you can catch pike in the spawning areas of perch, crucian carp and roach - in shallow water, among the grass.

The best weather for pike fishing is in April

Especially Quiet, cloudy, warm days are good for pike fishing in April through spring. On such a day, it is best to fish with a spoon - then you certainly won’t leave without a good catch.

In lake waters, young pikes up to one kilogram, called “pencils” and “grass pikes”, received their second name for a reason - they distinguished themselves by the fact that they prefer to live near grass thickets or directly in them.

The diet of these pikes consists of small fish that live among duckweed and algae. As soon as the sun has sufficiently warmed the spring air, mainly at dawn, pikes can attack fairly large perches.

If we take into account the hunting characteristics of the “grass” pike - it usually attacks prey from above - the spoon must be driven higher, and the retrieve itself must be quite swift. Sometimes the lure doesn’t have time to plunge into the water before the pike immediately grabs it, so be always ready.

We remind you that during the spawning season there are restrictions on fishing. As a rule, fishing can only be done from the shore outside of spawning grounds, but each region has its own restrictions on gear, for example:

In the Moscow region you can only fish with a float rod with one or two hooks;
- in the Lipetsk region you can use a spinning rod, one float or bottom fishing rod with a single hook.

Be sure to check the fishing rules during the 2018 spawning ban in your region.

Fishing for pike in April using a spinning rod

You can catch fish in different ways, but fishing for pike with a spinning rod is the most exciting and gives special pleasure. In order to catch predatory fish, no special expensive gear is required. A simple spinning rod will be quite enough, because it is impossible not to notice the bite. When buying a spinning rod, it is advisable to pay attention to the reel.

Now in stores there is quite a wide selection of tackle, a wide variety of spinners, wobblers, and popplers. In shallow reservoirs, spinner spoons are very suitable baits, but small-sized pike are caught on spinners.

In the summer you can get a good catch using bait from live natural fish. But the best and most versatile option, after all, is a jig bait.

Note that pike does not belong to the schooling category, but there are happy and rather rare cases when a large number of pikes accumulate in one place in the reservoir. Such luck does not happen very often, but when it does happen, it is not soon forgotten!

Very often, pike is found in abundance in some reservoirs, but it is impossible to catch it, even if the bait is near it. Of course, many people have had this happen when a pike chased your bait to the shore, but did not dare to attack it. At such a moment, it is best to change the bait and this will play an important role. The practice of many experienced fishermen says that various types of experiments with baits give good results.

Let us note a very important point when pulling a pike: the predatory fish begins to quickly rise up. After a moment, the pike jumps out of the water and begins to shake its toothy jaw. After such numbers, it happens that the prey jumps off. In order not to encounter the pike entering the candle position when the fish is at the top, the end of the spinning rod should be immersed in the water. I think now fishing for pike with a spinning rod will be successful.

Catching pike in April with a float rod

Catching pike with a float rod is not the most effective way, but it is no less interesting and is best suited for those who are not going to bother with a spinning rod and for those who do not have a boat. I’ll tell you how to successfully fish with a bamboo rod, 3.5 meters long, with a float made of large cork, the float must be able to withstand a gudgeon, or any other small fish that acts as live bait, the float should be loaded in such a way that the live bait can hardly drag the tackle , but could move halfway through the water, luring the predator with its movements. I forgot to mention the hook - I used a double goat hook, you can also use other hooks, but if the hook is not large and strong enough, then the broken pike will be on your conscience. Now the process of catching pike with a float rod, choosing a place and time, on which the success of the fisherman sometimes depends to a greater extent than on everything else.